Reading Standards Vocabulary

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This is a book of synonyms and antonyms


This is the base of a word after all prefixes and suffixes are removed


This is the way a letter or a word sounds when spoken.


this is to get a conclusion from the facts or context; to figure out what is being implied by reading between the lines


this is to quote as an authority or as an example: to mention as support, illustration, or proof


this is when an author reveals a person in the story through his/her words, thoughts, appearance, action, or what others think or say about him/her. It is called _______ characterization.


this is whoever will be reading, listening, or watching a story, text, or drama


this refers to the feelings and associations that go beyond the dictionary definition of a word


to _______ with a text means relating what you read to what you already know about the subject


usually found in a dictionary, this tells you the meaning of a word or phrase

explicit meaning

when the definition of a word is clearly stated in the text, we say it is an _________ definition.


when you use pieces of information on a subject to base your opinion or make a discusion

Primary Source

A person, book, document, website, or record that provides information


A research _______ is any material that can be used to locate information about a given topic.


A research source is called _______ if it is located on the internet, CD, or some other place accessed by a computer or electronic device.

Base Word

A word to which affixes may be added to create a related word is call __________.


He was a great poet and playwright during the English Renaissance.


This is the contrast between appearance and reality or what is expected and what actually happens


This is the substitution of an agreeable or non-offensive phrase for one that might be unpleasant or offensive


This is writing that tells about imaginary characters and events.


this is a writer's opinion or standpoint on an issue


this is a writer's or speaker's point of view about a particular subject, and is often influenced by their beliefs or by events in their lives


this is an author's intention, reason, or drive for writing the piece


Roots, suffixes, and prefixes are called word ______.


Something widely recognized as a model or example of a type of literary work.

Parts of Speech

These are the different types into which words are grouped according to their form, function, or meaning.


This can be added to the beginning of a word to change the word's meaning


This can be added to the end of a word to change the word's meaning

Classical Literature

This includes great masterpieces of the Greek, Roman, and other ancient civilizations as well as any writing that is widely considered a model of its form.


This is a body or collection of tales belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes. It explains the actions of gods and goddesses or the cause of natural phenomena and includes supernatural elements.


This is a form of suspense or potential conflict. It can occur between characters or arise from general situations


This is a list found in the back of a book that gives definitions of unusual or hard words found in the text


This is a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.


This is a state of heightened anticipation and tension, which can arise from events in or the setting of a story


This is a traditional tale about gods, goddesses, heroes, and other characters.


This is a version of an original source which is modified for presentation in another form, such as a film, a musical, or a play.


This is a word or phrase that means the opposite of another word or phrase

Counter Argument

This is an argument that makes an opposing point to another argument; it expresses the view of a person who disagrees with your position

Print Source

This is the category of information including books, magazines, charts, graphs, diagrams, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and thesauruses.


This is the reference to a person, place, or event from history, literature, or religion with which a reader is likely to be familiar.


This is the specific part of a subject that is dealt with in a research paper, essay, or presentation

Dramatic Irony

This is when the audience or the readers know something that the characters do not know


This is word that has multiple meanings and is spelled in the same way for both meanings

literary summary

a ____________ is a synopsis of of the events, characters, and ideas in a work of literature


a theme of a passage, story, novel, poem, or drama that readers can apply to life is called a ________.


an individual's mental or moral quality


describes something that is complicated, difficult, or consists of interrelated parts


extreme exaggeration


forming a broad idea based on specific instances; inductive reasoning

figurative language

goes beyond literal meanings of words to create special effects or feelings


people or animals who take part in a literary work


separate a whole into its parts and then look more closely at those parts


the ________ idea of a passage is the idea which is dealt with and recurs throughout the passage.


the key point made in a passage is called its ________ idea.


the literal definition of a word


the main point or central idea that a writer states and then endeavors to prove

context clues

these are in the text surrounding a word and give hints for the meaning of the word

supporting evidence

these are the facts or details that back up a main idea, theme, or thesis


these are the words spoken by characters in a literary work


these are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings


these are words, phrases, or sentences that link segments of writing


this a word or phrase that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word or phrase


this is a comparison based on a similarity between things that are otherwise dissimilar.


this is a humorous word play that usually is based on several meanings of one word


this is a method of relating how two or more elements or texts are DIFFERENT


this is a phrase in common use that cannot be understood by literal or ordinary meanings


this is a piece of information that is used to support a main idea


this is a play written to be performed by actors


this is a syllable or word element that can only occur in front of or after a root or stem

word choice

this is a synonym for diction

informational text

this is a type of real-world writing that presents material that is necessary or valuable to the reader


this is an exact word-for-word meaning without exaggeration


this is an expression of an author's personal belief. it is not something that can be proved to be true or false


this is reading between the lines; it is taking something that you read and putting it together with something that you already know to make sense of what you read


this is talk or public address


this is the attitude the author takes toward the audience, the subject, or a character


this is the combination of ways that an author shows readers what a person in a literary selection is like

central argument

this is the dominant and controlling argument


this is the message, usually about life or society, that an author wishes to convey through a literary work

main idea

this is the most important idea of a reading passage or presentation


this is the notation of a source used for a paper

Author's purpose

this is the reason for creating written work


this is the restatement of a written work in one's own words that keeps the basic meaning of the original work


this is the wants, needs, or beliefs that cause a character to act or react in a particular way


this is the writer's choice of words, including the vocabulary used, the appropriateness of the words, and the vividness of the language


to restate briefly


to strengthen or prove an argument or idea by providing facts, details, examples, and other information is to ________ it


to strengthen your ideas and opinions, facts, or details is to add _______ details.

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