Reconstruction: Chapter 2

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How many districts was the South divided into?

5 districts

What are Carpetbaggers?

A person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction

What reason did Stevens give in this statement for granting voting rights to African Americans? A. African Americans deserved to vote after contributing their unpaid labor for centuries. B. Democrats and Republicans were in agreement on the fairness of letting all races vote. C. Republicans must offer voting rights to freedmen before Southern Democrats do. D. Black voters would help Republicans to maintain control of the Congress and Presidency.

A. African Americans deserved to vote after the contributing their unpaid labor for centuries

The cartoon on the left by Thomas Nast was published in 1874.What was the main message of this cartoon? A. Opponents of Reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freedmen. B. Different groups of Southerners were cooperating to rebuild the South after the war. C. The Ku Klux Klan and other private associations in the South were assisting the freedmen. D. The 14th Amendment protected the rights of freedmen despite the activities of the Ku Klux Klan.

A. Opponents of Reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freedmen

Which two groups most helped the freedmen during the Reconstruction Era? A. Radical Republicans and carpetbaggers B. Northern Democrats and Ku Klux Klan members C. Southern Democrats and supporters of the Black Codes D. Confederate veterans and supporters of President Andrew Johnson

A. Radical Republicans and Carpetbaggers

What is the Thirteenth Amendment?

Abolished slavery

What did the southern state have to do to be readmitted to the Union?

Accepting abolition of slavery and Ratifying the Fourteenth Amendment

Which practices were introduced in Southern states after Reconstruction to circumvent this amendment? A. African-American freedmen had more ways to participate in government in the nation's first experiment in interracial democracy. B. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens. C. White and black children in Southern states were required to attend separate, racially segregated public schools, and to use separate playgrounds. D. "Jim Crow" laws imposed racial segregation in public places, including trains, restaurants, and hotels.

B. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens

Which phrase completes the diagram on the left? A. Discriminated against African Americans B. Required racial segregation in all public places C. Provided Americans of all races with equal rights under the law D. Denied African Americans any freedom of movement or basic civil rights

B. Required racial segregation in all public places

What was an immediate effect of the changes described above, which were implemented by Congressional Reconstruction? A. The citizenship rights of African Americans were withheld. B. The balance of power in Southern state governments shifted. C. Northern and Southern whites were reconciled more quickly. D. Confederate leaders automatically regained their confiscated properties.

B. The balance of power in Southern state governments shifted

What was one impact of these issues on Republicans following the Civil War? A. They rejected the idea of creating a group of new African American voters sympathetic to their party. B.They disagreed over whether the President or Congress should set conditions for Reconstruction. C. They agreed to let Southerners govern their own affairs without federal interference. D. They refused to treat the Southern states as conquered areas.

B. They disagreed over whether the President or Congress should set conditions for Reconstruction

What impact did Radical Republicans in Congress have on Reconstruction? A. They opposed the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. B. They encouraged the freedmen to exercise their new political rights. C. They persuaded President Johnson to pardon former Confederate leaders. D. They prevented President Johnson from sending federal troops to the South.

B. They encouraged the freedmen to exercise their new political rights

How did this law influence conditions for African Americans in Florida? A. Schools for African American children received fewer resources than schools for white children. B. African American adults were permitted to attend night school to improve their literacy skills. C. African Americans were given the right to attend free public schools in Florida for the first time. D. African American parents who opposed racial segregation sent their children to private schools.

C. African Americans were given the right to attend free public schools in Florida for the first time

What was a positive long-term impact of Radical Reconstruction on the South? A. Women were given the right to vote. B. Confederate leaders never again held elected office. C. Public education systems were established for students of all races. D. The South remained divided into five districts governed by martial law.

C. Public education systems were established for students of all races

What practice did this ruling uphold?

C. Racial segregation in public places

The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Laws permitting, or even requiring, the separation of the races do not place a badge of inferiority upon one group over another. Thus, it is not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. What practice did this ruling uphold?A. Job training for freedmen B. Free public schooling for all races C. Racial segregation by Jim Crow laws. D. African American participation in politics.

C. Radical segregation by Jim Crow Laws

Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens, including formerly enslaved individuals? A. 1st Amendment B. 13th Amendment C. 14th Amendment D.15th Amendment

C. The 14th Amendment

What is the Ku Klux Klan?

Committed violent acts against African Americans and prevented them from exercising their rights

Which is the best contemporary definition of a "carpetbagger"? A. A Northern abolitionist who supported the Freedmen's Bureau B. A Northerner who came to the South after the Civil War C.A white Southerner who supported Reconstruction D. A freedman entitled to vote.

D. A freedman entitled to vote

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage? A. Freedmen achieved social and political equality in the South. B. Freedmen played an important role in local and state government. C. Freedmen achieved economic independence from their former masters. D. Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters.

D. Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former master

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?

Defined U.S citizenship and guaranteed all citizens important rights, such as equality before the law

Why did Congress rewrite The Act into The Fourteenth Amendment?

Ensure the rights of all citizens, regardless of race, were protected constitutionally

How did the Republicans get the Civil Rights Act passed?

Gather support and build coalitions

How were these districts governed?

Governed by military officials appointed by the Federal government

What was President Johnson's reaction to the " Civil Rights" Bill and the enlarged Freedmen's Bureau?

He vetoed both bills

Why did Congress impeach him?

He violated The Tenure of Office Act by removing officials without Senate approval

What is Debt Peonage?

In servitude for debts they could not repay

Explain Lincolns Ten Percent Plan

It aimed to be lenient towards the South by allowing Southern states to rejoin the Union once 10% of voters pledged allegiance to United States and agreed to abide by emancipation

What are Black Codes?

Laws based on older slave codes

Did Lincoln plan to be harsh or lenient in the South?

Lenient to the South

What is African American Migration?

Moving out of the South

List the FIVE POLITCAL, ECONOMIC, and SOCIAL hurdles the U.S had to over-come during reconstruction.

Political Turmoil, Economic Devastation, Racial Tensions, Social Inequality, and Rebuilding Infrastructure

What are Republicans?

Political part of President Lincoln during the war, Became divided over Reconstruction policies

What is the Fifteenth Amendment?

Prohibited any denial the right to vote

What did The Thirteenth Amendment call for?

Prohibiting slavery throughout the United States

Northerners became suspicious of President Andrew Johnson. List three things he did that led to suspicion.

Refused to issue a general pardon to former Confederate leaders, Began issuing thousands of individual pardons, Didn't consider African Americans to be on equal terms with whites

Who did Northern voters support in the 1866 election?

Republican Candidate

What is Jim Crow Laws?

Requiring racial segregation (separation of "white" and "colored") in public places.

What did The Tenure of Office Act do and what was Johnson's reaction to it?

The Tenure of Office Act restricted the President's ability to remove certain officials without the Senate's approval. Johnson opposed it and eventually violated it, leading to his impeachment

What is Sharecropping?

The freedmen gave a share of their crops to the landowner in exchange for use of the land

What is Suffrage?

The right to vote in political elections

How did Congress react to the Ten Percent Plan?

They rejected it

What was the purpose of The Freedmen's Bureau?

To help former slaves adjust to freedom

What was the purpose of forcing African Americans to show they had "work for a year"?

To show they had work for the year was likely to ensure economic stability and discourage dependence

What were the Black Codes based on?

Vagrancy in the South/ Slave Codes of the past

List FOUR things the Black Codes prevented African Americans from doing.

Voting, Serving on juries, Testifying in court against whites, Holding office

What are Radical Republicans?

Wanted to give African Americans their full civil rights, gained control of Congress and passed their own program for Reconstruction , dividing the South into five districts--each occupied by the Union army

What is Reconstruction?

Was the period after the Civil War

What is Nadir?

Worst period in relations between the races

Was he successfully impeached?


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