Rehab 2

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What is a major challenge to conducting research that compares different intervention approaches for children with hearing loss?

Finding enough families to participate

With respect to helping patients tell their story, habituation refers to:

Professionals assuming a "we've heard it all before" attitude

Which of the following is characteristic of informational counseling?

Providing information about the client's aided and unaided audibility levels

In the survey, what was the most frequent response for how often SLPs performed hearing aid listening checks with students?


Aging adults may experience greater speech perception difficulties than what would be expected based on their audiometric thresholds.


High levels of family involvement in early intervention can mitigate the negative consequences of later identification of hearing loss.


Results suggested that early-identified children with severe hearing loss outperformed late-identified children with mild hearing loss.


As of 2003, why was there little prospective research on outcomes of infants and toddlers with hearing loss?

Until around the 1990s, the average age of identification of hearing loss was approximately 2 years of age

The prevalence of hearing loss is higher in (adults/children) and (males/females).

adults ; males

What area of language development was significantly different between the screened and no-screened groups, as described by Yoshinaga-Itano?

all of the above

Which of the following comments would suggest that the patient is not yet assuming the responsibility of living with hearing loss?

"Other people are excluding me from conversations"

What are the 1-3-6 benchmarks, as described by JCIH and AAP?.

1-3-6 1-newborn hearing screening before one month 3-diagnose hearing loss before 3 months of age 6- enroll those diagnosed in early intervention by 6 months of age

Write out these acronyms: (YOU FILLED OUT) UNHS EHDI ABR OAE

1-Universal newborn hearing screening 2- Early hearing detection and intervention 3-auditory brainstem response 4-otoacoustic emissions

Which of these treatments did the authors consider to be the most aggressive?

2 hearing aids

An indicator that adults have a difficult time adjusting to their self-concept of a person with hearing loss is the fact that only about ____ of the population who would benefit from hearing aids actually obtain and use them.


With appropriate lighting and viewing angle, approximately ___ % of speech visible.


Listening effort, or the allocation of mental resources to overcome obstacles during listening activities, may be assessed via

All of the above

What is the optimal distance between speaker and receiver for speechreading?

5 feet

Around ___ of children with hearing loss are born into families with normal-hearing parents.


Looking at Figure 1 and the results section, which of the following statements summarizes the main findings?

A and B only

What is a major limitation of this study?

All of the above

Which of the following would be a contradiction for a standard-length cochlear implant?

Adult with bilateral VIII nerve tumors

Medicare guidelines for cochlear implant candidacy are more conservative than the current FDA guidelines. The Medicare guidelines will only apply to which of the following populations?

Adults 65 or older

Which of the following may be interpreted as evidence to support adult hearing screening programs?

Adults over 60 year with untreated mild hearing loss or worse score more poorly on cognitive measures

Which population was the first to be approved for use of a cochlear implant by the Food and Drug Administration?

Adults with postlingual deafness

Which device can be worn while swimming, without needing a special case?

Advanced Bionics Neptune

Which of the following points could you use to argue that audiologists should change how they classify hearing loss for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, compared to adults with hearing loss?

All of the above

Which of the following variables influence the psychological, emotional, and social development of Deaf individuals?

All of the above

What is one limitation of this study?

All participants were exposed to both the simulation and hearing loss classification conditions

Which therapeutic approach to pediatric aural habilitation strongly de-emphasizes the use of speechreading?


Decreased attendance at church or family dinners due to the challenges with listening is an example of:

Avoidance techniques

What was the primary motivation for conducting a randomized controlled trial on speechreading in this study?

Better speechreading skills may result in improved reading outcomes for children who are deaf

Adults 65 or older


How could you best compare the results from the Haggard and Primus study and the Aguila-Vinson study?

Both laypeople and SLP students underestimate the communication impact of hearing loss on children when presented with classification terms

What factor was most strongly related to comfort level with different skills?

Caseload composition

Which of the following statements about the results of the study are true?

Children who received speechreading training showed significant gains at 3 months post-training compared to the control condition on an open-set speechreading measure (i.e., The Everyday Questions test).

Which type of equipment were the SLPs least confident with troubleshootin

Cochlear Implant

You're watching an Iowa basketball game and Fran McCaffrey is arguing with the referee (without his mask on). You are able to understand most of what he is saying via speechreading, even though you can't hear him. This is an example of what factor related to speechreading?

Contextual constraints

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), how often should hearing aid checks be performed?


Deaf (capitol D) persons tend to marry other _______ and usually (but not always) would prefer to have children who also have _______.

Deaf persons, profound hearing loss

What is one possible side effect of the desire to conform to group expectations for teens who are hard of hearing?

Decreased amplification use

What is an example of a non-malleable factor?

Degree of hearing loss

Early intervention services are part of what section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

Part C

A cochlear implant bypass the _____.

Ear Drum

In the section on cognition and language, the authors describe a seminal study by Yoshinaga-Itano et al. (1998). What was the primary finding of that study?

Early-identified children with additional disabilities had language outcomes that were similar to late-identified children with no disabilities

After the cochlear implant microphone picks up the sound wave, it converts it to a(n)...

Electrical Signal

Absence of the VII nerve is a medical contraindication for a CI.


Advantages gained by early identification only occur in children who are exposed to an auditory-oral intervention approach.


Family participation in early intervention was more likely to occur when services were delivered in a clinic setting.


Generally parents reach the acceptance stage in the grief cycle by 6 months after diagnosis of the hearing loss.


In their position statement in 2000, the National Association of the Deaf acknowledged that young children with congenital hearing loss can receive significant speech perception benefits from cochlear implants.


Increasing the gain of hearing aids is a useful strategy for dealing with phonemic regression because the damage involves peripheral auditory pathways.


Private insurance rarely covers the cost of cochlear implants, because they are considered a cosmetic device.


Research suggests that full-time hearing aid use can prevent dementia in elderly adults.


Testing adults with monosyllabic word lists is the best way to get at everyday listening performance.


The majority of children in the Holte et al. study met all 1-3-6 guidelines for children who fail the newborn hearing screen.


Which of the following is NOT a stage of the grief cycle?


Who is the population of interest in this study?

Graduate students in speech-language pathology

What is an example of a life course approach in aural rehabilitation?

Hearing conservation program with college students in the School of Music

According to your text, which step in the counseling process do audiologists frequently tend to skip in audiological rehabilitation?

Helping patients take responsibility for their listening problems

Presbycusis, in its most common form is a (high/low) frequency (conductive, mixed, sensorineural) hearing loss that progresses (rapidly/gradually). Select one within each parentheses.

High, SNHL, gradually

What setting did the majority of children receive early intervention?


The Phonak Roger is a type of technology developed to....

Improve listening in background noise and reverberation

Where did the in-person therapy sessions take place?

In the child's home

What is a best-practice goal of early intervention with children with hearing loss?

Increasing family involvement in early intervention

Which statement best describes the hearing aid effect?

Individuals with hearing aids are judged as being less attractive

Children in the Fulcher et al. study who failed to attend therapy sessions or did not wear their sensory aid on a consistent basis were excluded from the data analysis. What effect does this exclusion have when determining the effects of auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) on language outcomes?

It biases the results in favor of AVT

Which of the following statements is true about the modified Goodman scale used for children?

It has a lower fence of 15 dB HL

11. Looking at the maternal education level data reported in Table 2, what generalization can you make about this particular sample of children with hearing loss?

It was an advantaged sample of children

What is one feasible option for improving collaboration between SLPs and audiologists, according to the authors?

Joint participation on students' IEP teams

What factor were the teleintervention and in person groups NOT matched on?

Length of HAT experience

Speechreading is harder when the speaker is (more/less) familiar, at a (greater/less) than 45 degree angle, and (male/female).


Hybrid implants are intended for patients with good ____ frequency hearing and poor ____ frequency hearing. Choose best options.


Which of the following situations was not included in the questionnaire of communication-related tasks (see Appendix at end of the article)?

Making friends

What did the participants do in the "control" arm of the RCT?

Math Intervention

What were the categories of hearing loss used in this study?

Mild, moderate, severe

Why did the three cochlear implant manufacturers recommend reducing presentation levels from 70 dB to 50 or 60 dB for pre-operative speech perception testing in 2011?

More people would be eligible for a cochlear implant

What was the most common reason for delays in the EDHI process?

Multiple rescreenings

An example of someone using a controlling strategy as a coping behavior would be...

None of the above

Which group is relatively protected from social and emotional difficulties related to hearing loss? Children with....

None of the above

Approximately what percentage of SLPs did not have access to an educational audiologist?

One third

Why is it especially important for parents to understand the nature and impact of hearing loss on their child's development?

Only severe degrees of hearing loss or worse can have an impact on developmental outcomes

Based on Table 2 (Home Visit Quality), what was the only variable to show a significant group difference in favor of the teleintervention model?

Parent engagement during home visit

TI group > In person group on expressive language

Parents have to take an active role in therapy

Who were the participants in this study?

Parents of children with typical hearing

What speech feature is best conveyed via speechreading?


Which of the following is NOT a finding from Holte et al.?

Severity of hearing loss affects timeliness of service delivery (e.g., confirmation of hearing loss, hearing aid fitting, entry into early intervention)

What is a limitation of using hearing loss simulations for patients with sensorineural hearing loss?

Simulations fail to capture hallmark characteristics of SNHL such as poor frequency resolution

What was a major limitation in this study?

Some of the children didn't complete all of the training sessions due to technical problems or lack of support

Current candidacy guidelines by the three FDA approved CI manufacturers have resulted in the following tests being recommended as part of the Minimum Speech Test Battery, with the exception of...

Speech in Noise test (SPIN)

Naming a topic (e.g., football teams) and having the client identify what team you're saying to them is an example of a(n):

Synthetic activity

What were the findings from the child outcome measures comparing scores for children in the teleintervention group compared to the in-person therapy group, post-intervention?

TI group > In Person group on receptive language

What were the findings from the child outcome measures comparing scores for children in the teleintervention group compared to the in-person therapy group, post-intervention?

TI group > In person group on expressive language

What were the caregiver-reported challenges and frustrations with using teleintervention?

Technological issues/connectivity

What technique allows audiologists to test the integrity of the internal device, both during and after surgery?


Why would hearing thresholds as indicated by the 4 frequency pure tone average (i.e., 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz) have little correlation with the ability to understand speech?

The 4 frequency PTA doesn't differentially weight the frequency regions that are most important for understanding speech

For service providers with low levels of specialization, what skill were they least comfortable with?

Troubleshooting hearing aids

What was a strength of this study?

The experimental design (i.e., RCT)

What was a limitation for the survey study?

The low response rate may have resulted in an unrepresentative sample of school-based SLPs.

What does it mean that the study was a "single-blind" RCT?

The researchers did not know if the children were in the experimental or control condition

What is a limitation of this study?

The study used a within-subject design (all subjects heard every hearing loss condition and presentation condition)

According to the authors, what is one reason for limited collaboration between SLPs and audiologists?

There is a limited number of educational audiologists in the US

What is one reason why children who are deaf or hard of hearing are receiving inadequate services?

There is a shortage of speech-language pathologists and early interventionists who are adequately trained to provide effective services

Which of the following makes it difficult to get families to follow up, after their child fails the newborn hearing screen?

They see their infant responding to sounds and think there isn't a problem with hearing.

Identify one limitation of the Fulcher et al. study, as stated by the authors. (YOU FILLED OUT)

This research only used middle/higher SES and ones with higher maternal education. Therefore, this is a limitation because it is not representative of lower income households or children with mothers of less education.

What might be a limitation of self-report measures?

Time Consuming

The majority of SLPs who responded to the survey reported that they were not confident in their ability to troubleshoot cochlear implants, hearing aids, and FM systems.


What is the major take-home message from this study?

Use of classification terms may cause parents to underestimate the impact of hearing loss on outcomes

What do Harrison et al. suggest as a method to increase the benefits of family involvement in early intervention?

Use of smartphones

Which of the following is an example of a homophene?


Which behavior is counterproductive when trying to enhance speechreading?

Wearing Sunglasses

Which of the following is a positive indicator of success with a cochlear implant?

Younger age at implantation

In family-centered early intervention, one of the goals is that the service provider serves as the ______ for the family during the intervention sessio


Which of the following settings is least likely to provide comprehensive aural rehabilitation services?

hearing instrument specialists

According to the text, what is the most important measure that can be obtained when assessing outcomes from hearing aid fittings?

self-report measures

The capacity to think independently, remain flexible, tolerate frustration, maintain healthy relationships with others, and have a capacity for self-direction and self-control are all examples of:

social competence

Which situation would be likely to result in the highest percent correct on a speech perception test? When the test stimuli are presented with...

steady state noise

7: The majority of families of newly identified children with hearing loss choose a listening and spoken language communication approach over sign language.


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