religion final ch 9

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

10. What are some of the qualities of a 'modest' person?

'A modest person dresses, speaks, and acts in a manner that supports and encourages purity and chastity and not in a manner that would tempt or encourage sinful sexual behavior' (USCCA, 520).'

20. What are some of the factors a married couple needs to consider when planning a family?

A married couple needs to consider the health of each spouse and the family's economic and social situation.

8. In the context of an intimate relationship, what it abstinence?

Abstinence is refraining from sexual intercourse and other inappropriate expressions of intimacy until one marries.

23. How is adoption an act of love?

Adoption is an act of love on the part of birth parents who recognize their inability to provide a good home, and by adoptive parents who receive the child as their own.

24. What is an annulment and what does it grant to a divorced Catholic person?

Annulment is the process by which the Church dissolves a marriage, declaring it 'null and void'. Once the Church grants an annulment, the man and the woman are free to remarry in the Church.

7. How does celibacy differ from chastity?

Celibacy is the state or condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven in order to give themselves entirely to God and to the service of his people.

6. What are the behaviors fostered in us by living the virtue of chastity?

Developing and practicing the virtue of chastity fosters in us the appropriate attitudes and behavior that enable us to honor and respect our own dignity and the dignity of other people as sexual persons. Chastity fosters 'the integration of sexuality within the person' (CCC, no. 2395) and nurtures a deep 'inner unity' between our 'bodily and spiritual being' (CCC, no. 2337).

1. Define human sexuality and the role it plays in our lives.

Human sexuality is the God-given gift of being a man or a woman. Our sexuality is integral to our human nature and to the divine plan for creation.

18. Describe indissolubility and fidelity as two of the aspects of a valid sacramental marriage.

Indissolubility: Marriage lasts until the death of one of the spouses. Fidelity: Marriage is a partnership that excludes other sexual partners.

17. How does the Catechism of the Catholic Church describe marriage as more that just a civil contract?

Marriage in the divine plan is a covenant; it is much more that a civil and legally binding contract. It is an 'intimate communion of life and love' (CCC, no. 1660).

11. How does modesty protect the intimacy of men and women?

Modesty protects both men and women from being used as objects of pleasure, as if they were only 'things'—mere objects used by another to fulfill their desire for sexual pleasure.

21. How does Natural Family Planning enable a couple to plan a pregnancy?

Natural Family Planning makes use of the natural alternation of fertile and infertile days in the woman's cycle to achieve or avoid pregnancy.

4. To which aspects of our humanity does our sexuality extend?

Our sexuality exceeds our physical attributes and includes the totality of our sexual emotions, feelings and desires.

3. What are the teachings of Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body?

Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, as it is known, teaches about the goodness and sacredness of the human body and its role in our expressing and sharing our truest and most intimate self.

15. How does pornography offend against chastity?

Pornography is sexually explicit material that offends against chastity because it perverts the sexual act and sexual intimacy for display to third parties for base erotic pleasure or profit.

16. How does prostitution go against the dignity of the human person?

Prostitution goes against the dignity of the human person because it reduces the person to an instrument of erotic pleasure and an object for monetary profit.

9. Why is self-mastery more difficult to accomplish during adolescence?

Self-mastery, or self-control, can be a difficult thing to accomplish particularly during adolescence as changing bodies and hormones ignite powerful feelings

19. By sharing in the totality of conjugal love, what type of unity does the couple experience?

Sharing in the totality of conjugal love aims at a deeply personal unity, the unity that, beyond union in one flesh, leads to forming one heart and soul.

2. What is revealed about the marriage partnership in the Book of Genesis?

The Book of Genesis reveals the marriage partnership as the foundational human relationship that God willed for human beings. It is central to the divine plan for the creation of new human life.

22. Why does the Catholic Church teach that artificial insemination and fertilization are morally unacceptable?

The Catholic Church teaches that these medical methods are morally unacceptable because they are contrary to the generative purpose of marriage.

12. What are the qualities of the relationship a chaste person enters?

The chaste person strives to enter and live in loving relationships that are free, faithful and life giving.

25. Under what circumstances did Louis and Zelie Martin become parents for the first time?

The first child of Louis and Zelie Martin was a five-year-old boy whose widowed father could not cope with raising eleven children.

26. What was the vocation of the five surviving children of Louis and Zelie Martin?

The five surviving girls of Louis and Zelie Martin all became nuns.

5. What are the two aspects of the ultimate relationship between a man and a woman which are part of God's creative power?

The ultimate relationship between a man and a woman is ordered to be both nuptial (matrimonial) and generative (procreative). It is to be love-giving and life-giving.

13. What are behaviors that lead to the sin of lust?

We commit the sin of lust when we knowingly and freely give in to the temptation and desire to seek sexual pleasures inordinately, or in ways that are contrary to the moral order that God created

14. How can we distinguish between love and lust?

When we need to distinguish between love and lust, we should remember that true love is free, total, faithful and fruitful.

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