RELS 222 Exam 1

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What is the emphasis on liturgy in the EOC?

It is what life is all about. What prayers and songs are said and sung in what days in what language. It's the one common sacrament.

Who are the anabaptists and what do they believe?

It means rebaptizer. Baptism should only be done once there is a profession of faith. They believe in complete separation of church and state. Tend to reject idea of sola scriptura to allow for more mysticism. Executed by "3rd baptism" of drowning.

What were some of Henry's marriage problems?

It was illegal to marry a brother's widow. The pope gave dispensation to allow it to happen. Catherine didn't provide a male heir. He was upset because he didn't get a son so he stated that his marriage violated catholic canon law so it wasn't a marriage in the first place. He broke with the church so the Archbishop of Canterbury could declare the marriage null and void.

What did Fritz Erbe think about baptism?

That it was only for believers NOT for babies to be born into the political structure of their country.

Edward VI and book of common prayer

first liturgy ever produced in english language. Eliminates things like mass and altar and promotes a more protestant view of Lord's supper.

What are the articles of TULIP?

1. Total depravity - bondage of the human will. 2. Unconditional election - God had elected certain people to save unconditionally. 3. Limited atonement - the cross was only effective for those who were saved 4. Irresistible grace - if God reveals himself to you, you cant resist 5. Perserverance of the Saints - you can't lose your salvation

Who was Robert Barnes?

A forerunner to the reformation in England. Agreed with translating bible into english. He escaped execution by faking his own drowning. He supported the king and wanted to sway him to protestantism. He was a Lutheran. Was executed for not being subject to the Church of England.

Who was Desiderius Erasmus?

A roman catholic priest. The prince of humanists. He is collecting original language manuscripts and put them side by side with the Latin. Erasmus and Luther are opponents on the issue of human will. Erasmus says people are free to move toward God if they choose or not. Luther says the human is not free to make whatever choice is set before it but is in bondage or enslaved to sin. God must do the miraculous work. Sola gratia.

What was the 1689 toleration act?

Allowed protestant churches to be legally tolerated even though Anglicans were the state religion. But it was no anabaptists, catholics, or atheists.

What was Luther's thunder storm experience?

Almost struck by lightning, in this moment he cried out to Saint Anne. She is the saint of miners for protection and deliverance about death and eternity.

Is Zwingli considered a Lutheran? In what ways do Luther/Zwingli agree/disagree?

Although Zwingli and Luther's theology align in many ways, Zwingli came to his conclusions apart from Luther and he is not to be considered a Lutheran. They agree on justification by faith alone, sola scriptura, the bondage of the human will. They disagree on worship: Luther thought that you can allow anything in worship service as long as scripture doesn't say you can't do it. Zwingli was opposite: he believed nothing should be done in worship unless there is an instruction in scripture to do something. They also agreed on Lord's Supper. Luther - Christ's literal body. Zwingli - more of a symbol.

What was the Catholic Counter Reformation?

An effort by the Roman Catholic church to suppress the protestantism and renew itself during the 16th and 17th centuries. It started by Pope Paul the 3rd.

Islamic Threat from the fall of Constantinople

As Constantinople falls, the Islamic threat is much closer to the walls of the church. The pope's attention was split between the church issues and the Islamic threat.

What was the lack of education influence in the CCR?

At this point, the only thing that mattered to hold an office was that you could pay for it, you didn't need a spiritual education. Zwingli was considered exceptional because he had read the entire new testament.

What were the three characteristics of the enlightenment?

Autonomy (emphasis on the self.); Reason (human reason above all else); Science (the study of nature and emergence of scientific method).

Rene Descartes and the hermeneutic of doubt

Cartesian doubt - begin with universal doubt. Doubt everything that can be doubted. Through this find what is undoubtable and build from there. "I think therefore, I am"

What were doctrinal confusions that led to the CCR? How did the protestant challenge influence the CCR?

Confusion on issues of justification and grace and disagreement on the relationship between the Pope and the council of the church. The protestant challenges forced the catholic church to define their doctrine.

John Wycliffe

Fan of translating the bible into vernacular languages. He translated the bible into English which set him apart from Roman Catholics. He was condemned as a heretic and they dug up his body and burned it. He stated that church tradition isn't enough to justify a practice, you have to find it in scripture. He also says that the scriptural arguments for the Pope being the head of everything is weak.


Followers of John Wycliff. They memorized the bible in english. They denounced many catholic ideals.

Who were the Mennonites?

Followers of Menno Simmons, amish individuals. Follow Pacifism. Christians cant take oaths.

Who was Ignatius of Loyola?

Founder of the Jesuits. He renounced worldly things and became a "spiritual knight". Fought for the catholic church. "You submit to christ by submitting to the roman catholic church"

What did Johann Von Staupitz say to Luther?

God is not angry with you, you're angry with God.

Significance of Printing Press

Hand copying can only do so much. Luther had the printing press meaning his works could become more well known in reference to Waldo and Wycliffe. Luther held record for units of material printed/distributed for 200 years after his death.

Who was John of the Cross and what was his connection to mysticism?

He was Teresa of avalon's disciple, studied in jesuit college. He talks about perfect union with God. Through passive action and purification. Passive - allow God to work through you. Active - trying hard to do well.

Who is Ulrich Zwingli?

He was the head of the reformation in Switzerland. Carried around a NT in Greek and memorized it. He was a disciple of Erasmus in terms of his humanistic studies. He came to the realization that the human soul could only find salvation in christ alone. He credits Erasmus with this. He began preaching verse by verse through the bible. His convictions were separately revealed from Luther's, they were parallelled though.

Peter Waldo

His followers were Waldensians. He founded a group that gathered together outside of the Catholic church. They met without a priest, read the bible, worshipped outside of catholic context. Believed religious life is to be had outside of Catholic Church.

What did moral laxity have to do with the CCR?

Holiness/moral uprightness wasn't necessarily always high on the priority list. Priests were supposed to be celibate. But many priests at this time had mistresses and illegitimate children. Money, wine, and women.

Deism and the natural religion

Human reason is the authority. They reject atheism but also dogmatic perspectives. God is the maker but steps back and lets go like a clockmaker.

What is humanism and ad fontes during the Renaissance?

Humanism emphasizes study and reading of original language. Going back to old sources. Studying original text. For Luther this was immensely influential. Ad Fontes - Latin for to the sources. Go back to Greek and Hebrew and compare. Do a humanistic study.

Jan Hus

Influenced by Wycliffe. He says, "The priest cannot forgive sins, only Christ can." He was against selling indulgences. Favored giving bread and wine to people, rather than just bread. He was guaranteed safe passage to the Council of Constance to defend/present his views. Everyone decided his views were heretical and they burned his body at the sake.

What does anticlericalism teach?

It is anti-clergy. Priests are seen as power hungry. Priests were more interested in getting wealth and power for themselves.

Who was the most prominent of systematic theologians?

John Calvin. He wrote institutes of christian religion. Emphasized primacy and authority of scripture. An emphasis on God's sovereignty, nothing happens outside of God's will.

What doctrinal ideas flowed out of the council of trent?

Justification is by faith, hope, and love (good works in your life after baptism). Idea of free will. Active participants in their salvation and justification by participation in good works. They also establish the official declaration of canonical books in the bible. Affirmed Latin is official language of bible, mass should be in Latin.

Who was Jan of Leiden?

King of Münster after Jan Matthys' death. Introduced polygamy into anabaptist community.

Who was Jan Matthys?

Leader of anabaptists at Münster. He received a revelation new Jerusalem would be there. He heard from God daily and heard that he would be victorious against the army opposing him. He was wrong.

Who was the father of deism?

Lord Herbert of Cherbury. He says god exists, god should be worshipped, a virtuous life is the chief way to worship god, repentance is necessary when we do evil, there are rewards and punishments for your actions

What happened at the Diet of Worms?

Luther was guaranteed safe passage but he didn't believe. Luther goes to meeting and asks if he stands by his beliefs. He stands by scripture and is taken away to a castle to write.

What are the three branches of the reformation?

Lutheran branch (Germany, martin Luther), reformed branch (ulrich zwingli, john calvin), radical branch

What happened with the greek manuscripts during the fall of Constantinople? 1453

Many scholars in Constantine had Greek manuscripts and flee and go west. They realized that the RCC wrongly translated the Latin in reference to original text.

Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther was pushing against the theology of the Catholic Church and the Pope. It wasn't just Luther.

What did nepotism have to do with the CCR?

Nepotism was favoritism. This was played out by setting younger children up with powerful positions as a good way to maintain power and prestige. Rulers were setting up their own children with access to the special offices.

What did multiplication of offices have to do with the CCR?

One person holding multiple different priesthoods/offices. For example, someone could buy the offices of being a bishop at multiple churches. The more offices you have the more influences you have.

Who were the catholic evangelicals?

People navigating between catholic and protestant. Combined by grace alone with papacy being a divinely sanctioned head of the church on earth. They were outspoken about the abuses they saw in the Catholic church. The pope commissioned them to report abuses they found in the CC but it was so "harsh" the pope believed it would bash the CC if he published it.

Papal schism

Period where there was multiple pope's for 30 years. This plants seeds of doubt about the authoritative position the Pope holds.

What was Luther's "Tower Experience"?

Realizing righteousness through faith in Romans 1.

What is the story of Zwingli's break with Rome?

Regional Bishop calls him a heretic. Zwingli produces 67 articles he defended with scripture and debates the Bishop. The first and foremost was on the issue of authority. He followed sola scriptura. Bishop refused to respond so Zwingli won. The immediate reason of the break with Rome was the issue of authority. He was pulled apart and burned.

What are the 5 sees?

Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria

Who was John Knox?

Scottish reformation main spokesman. Argued female rule contradicted natural law and God's law as revealed in scripture. He was not a man of compromise. He created the Scottish Reformed Church.

Act of Supremacy for Elizabeth I

She couldn't be supreme head of church of England because she was female but she could be supreme governor.

Who was Teresa of Avila and what was her connection to mysticism?

She was a spanish nun who would hear voices and see visions, she experienced more spiritual contemplation and mystical devotion. She was considered a doctor of the RCC.

What did simony have to do with the CCR?

Simony was paying money or buying and also selling clerical positions in the church. Good way to gain money and power if you have the money to pay for it. comes from acts 8.

What were some effects of the catholic counter reformation?

Strengthening of the standing of the papacy, definition of RC doctrine from the Council of Trent, many new religious orders and more emphasis on spirituality, mysticism is flourishing, there is a recovery of zeal for spiritual endeavors and combatting protestants and for spreading catholic teaching in newly colonized lands.

What is the act of supremacy?

The King was the head of the church of England. In this church there is an ABSOLUTE connection between church and state.

What is the Great Schism of 1054?

The dividing point between the western and eastern church over authority and the papacy.

What is the view of sanctification/atonement in EOC?

The problem is sin but it is the result of creation being disordered. Because of disorder, death has come into play. Jesus lived perfectly. By this, he brought creation back into order.

Protestant vs. Roman Catholic theology

The way of salvation of 5 solas vs. Catholic sacramentalism/ works Authority - scripture alone vs. papal authority

What is the goal of christian life in ortodoxy?

Theosis or deification. By virtue of your participation in the church you become a partaker with the energies of God and his attributes.

What was the significance of nationalism in the time of the reformation?

There's a growing sense of nationalism in this time. When Luther stands up for individuals' individual nations which makes people want to follow him more.

What is the eastern orthodox's idea about mysticism?

They are pro mysticism.

Who were the puritans?

They wanted to purify the church of England from the religious practices and make preaching the bible the center. They were Calvinist.

What was the council of trent?

Three stages. Responded to Luther and Protestants. Wanted to eliminate doctrinal divergences that separated catholics and create uniformity for the RCC.

What is the significance of universities during the Renaissance?

Universities allow people to ask questions and question tradition, these are sources of new ideas.

Was King Henry VIII a loyal roman catholic?

Yes. He didn't agree with Luther's ideas about the pope not being the only mediator. He was titled "defender of the faith". He defended the 7 catholic sacraments. Even Henry's church of England was veryyyyy catholic.

Francis Bacon

developed the scientific method - if world was created by God, it must be ordered because God is orderly. So we can organize, catalog, categorize it.

Elizabeth I and book of common prayer

left intentionally vague.

John Locke and Empiricism

mind at birth is a "blank slate," or a tabula rasa; his idea, empiricism, viewed that (a) knowledge comes from experience via the senses, and (b) science flourishes through observation and experiment. Christianity is in accord with human reason.

Did the orthodox individuals accept Lutheran theology?


Who were the Jesuits?

the Society of Jesus. Went without delay wherever the pope sent them. They must be absolutely submitted to the church. Focused on education. They were a spiritual fighting force tasked with refuting and destroying the Protestant movement.

Elizabeth I and Via Media

the middle way, allows a big enough tent of protestant expression that allows people who disagree to unite under the anglican church.

What happened in the Exsurge Domine?

the pope ordered all Luther's books to be burned. It was the Pope's response to the 95 theses.

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