Research Methods Exam 2

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Summarizing others ideas in your own words while proving a proper citation


The application of moral principles to help guide one's decisions and behavior (no clear answer)

A study finds a correlation coefficient of r =.52 and reports 95% CI [.37, .67]. The 95% CI indicates which of the following?

The correlation is unlikely to have come from a zero association population.

Which of the following statements is true of random assignment and random sampling?

Random assignment is necessary for internal validity, whereas random sampling is necessary for external validity.

Why would a researcher want to see all dots close to the line of agreement?

because it indicates that the researcher's two research assistants/raters are making similar measurements

What matters when measuring validity

both the strength and the direction of the correlation matter

interrater reliability

consistent scores are obtained no matter who measures or observes

If a person is asking whether the variables in an association claim are measured appropriately, what is being interrogated?

construct validity

What must a researcher do when using deception in an experiment?


You submit a study for approval by the institutional review board (IRB), and they tell you that written informed consent is required. Which of the following can be excluded from your informed consent document?

description of the studies hypothesis

The ethical treatment of data

do not manipulate data, report results very clear and accurate way

what is faking good

emphasizing positive characteristics

snowball sampling

recruitment of participants based on word of mouth or referrals from other participants


representing the ideas or words of others as one's own; a form of research misconduct

Fence sitting response

respondents who choose neutral response options, even if they have an opinion

Convergent Validity

scores on the measure are related to other measures of the same construct

Which of the following studies would benefit the most from a replication study?

small sample study

A sample is always __________ a population.

smaller than


that happens when someone changes the way they behave because they know they're being observed

Content validity

the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest

behavioral observation

the measurement of behavior as it occurs by someone other than the person whose behavior is being observed

In addition to the three principles derived from the Belmont Report, which of the following two principles were added in the principles put forth by the American Psychological Association?

the principle of integrity and fidelity/responsibility

File drawer problem

there is a bias toward publishing results that support the researchers hypothesis

Example of coercion

a researcher hinting to participants that their employer will be told if they do not participate

random sampling

a sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion

In which of the following studies is self-report the best data collection option?

a study examining the intensity of pain during natural childbirth


an accomplice of the experimenter

Why are convergent and discriminant validity often evaluated together?

Researchers have to look at the patterns of correlations for both types of validity.

Asking for informed consent is adhering to which belmont principle?

Respect for persons

Belmont principle 1

Respect for persons

Nuremberg Code(1947(

10 ethical principles for the protection of human research participants, #1 voluntary consent

probability sampling

A type of sampling in which every element in the population being studied has a known chance of being selected for study

stratified random sampling

A form of probability sampling; a random sampling technique in which the researcher identifies particular demographic categories of interest and then randomly selects individuals within each category.

What is not possible?

A measure is valid but not reliable.

cluster sampling

A probability sampling technique in which clusters of participants within the population of interest are selected at random, followed by data collection from all individuals in each cluster.

When the dots are close together on a scatter plot what does this represent

A strong relationship

Select the correct usage of in-text citation in APA style.

According to Gass and Varonis (1984), experienced listeners are better able to comprehend accented speech, regardless of the type of accent.

criterion validity

According to its conceptual definition, a variable should be related to a particular behavior

Establishing construct validity is most important for which of the following?

An abstract concept

When obtaining informed consent from a participant, what must the researcher do?

Any potential risks involved that could occur by participating

In considering whether research is ethical, which of the following are balanced against each other?

Risk to participants versus value of the knowledge gained.

Belmont principle 2

Beneficence: Do not harm participants

Belmont Report(1979)

Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research, report of the national commission for the protection of human subjects of biomedical and behavioral research.

Different levels of IRB review

Exempt, expedited, full review

When interrogating the construct validity of an association claim, which of the following statements is true?

How each variable was measured must be considered.

A local committee that reviews research that is conducted on animals is known as


face validity

Measures whether a test looks like it tests what it is supposed to test.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Participants were not treated respectfully, were harmed, and were targeted as a disadvantage social group

what is true about probability sampling

It is the best way to obtain a representative sample.

The ethical presentation of findings

Misrepresenting Data Through Words, Overstating the Data, Misrepresenting the Data through Figures, File Drawer Problem, Plagiarism, Paraphrasing.

Why are techniques like cluster sampling and multistage sampling just as externally valid as simple random sampling?

They all contain random sampling

In addition to being ethical violations, why are data falsification and fabrication problematic?

They impede scientific process

How do reverse-worded items address the issue of shortcuts in surveys?

They slow down readers, making them answer more carefully.

If a sample is biased, then it is ________ the population of interest.


test-retest reliability

a method for determining the reliability of a test by comparing a test taker's scores on the same test taken on separate occasions

double negative

a question or statement that contains two negatives, which can muddy the meaning of the question

What types of claims can be made from observational data

frequency data


giving false information - have to debrief and give opportunity for questions

Belmont principle 3

justice: fairness when deciding who to use as study participants and what role they will play in the study.

In Milgram's (1963) experiments on obedience to authority, participants were led to believe that they were shocking a "learner" in another room each time the learner made an error. What was the main risk to participants in Milgram's study?

psychological distress


use of force to get someone to obey

In which of the following cases might a small effect still be important?

when it is aggregated over many situations

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