Resistance Training Equipment & Safety & Types of Exercises

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What are the 3 basic workout structures to choose from for resistance training program?

- Total body workouts - Upper/lower body split workouts - Muscle group split routines (agonist-antagonist and synergist splits such as chest + back, shoulders + legs, biceps + triceps, chest/triceps or back/biceps)

What are the disadvantages of machines?

- Very costly - Machines might not "fit" everyone properly - Some do not provide enough resistance for stronger individuals - Takes up space - Limited amount of exercises performed with one machine - Greater risk of chronic inflammation in tendons

During resistance training, intensity is the amount of ___. It depends on what factors?

- Weight lifted - Exercise order, volume (inversely), frequency, repetition (inversely), rest interval

Describe the TRX equipment used for resistance training __

Allow performance of 100s of movement specific body weight exercises, straps are freely moveable yet supportive, handles can hold hands or feet

What type of equipment can be used for resistance training?

Any piece of equipment that supplies some degree of resistance

In a training log, all prescribed workouts should include:

Every exercise performed, weights, number of reps, rest intervals, general comments

When creating a resistance training program, what are factors to consider when analyzing a client's training status?

History of lifting weights, level of conditioning (strength, power, endurance, hypertrophy) and sports participation if there is any.

Name some resistance training machines __

Leg press machines, smith machines, cable pulley machines, plate-load machines, power racks, variable resistance machines

With machines, all an individual needs to do is apply the force to ___

Overcome the resistance while not having to control or balance the weight

What are some baseline tests for muscular endurance?

Push ups, sit ups, pull ups, dips, body weight squats, YMCA bench press.

What is the formula for training volume? What is the formula for volume load? What factors can manipulate a change in these volumes?

- # of sets x reps - load lifted x # of sets & reps (ex: 3 sets, 10 reps with 200 lb = 30 x 200 = 6000) Changing number of exercises per session, reps per set, sets per exercise, and the load

How many day(s) a week should you spend doing: - total body workout ___ - total body or upper/lower body split workout ___ - compound/isolated split routine workout ___ - total body (with split designations) or compound/isolated split routine workout ___

- 1 day - 2 days - 6 days - 5 days

What is resistance training? When done correctly, resistance training improves ALL components of ___ RT programs are most effective when individualized to ___. How can this be done?

- Any training/exercise activity that opposes force of a muscular contraction with some form of resistance - Muscular fitness of strength/endurance (for overall health and fitness) and power (which is more for athletics) - the person's goals and needs. Using SMART goals and performing a needs analysis of client

What is the most basic form for resistance in exercise? Name some exercises dealing with this component ___

- Body weight - Pull up, push ups, squats, dips, crunches, sprint, plyometric, agility, calisthenics

What is the proper squat form?

- Feet are hip width apart - Focus on "sitting back" on your heels - Heels should not leave the ground - If shoulder blades are pinched together the bar will have a natural resting place on your back

What are the disadvantages of free weights?

- Greater risk of injury - Takes longer to set up - May require a spotter partner - More time required to learn proper technique

If an individuals goal is to improve muscular endurance, how do you modify the FITT recommendation? What if the goal was to improve muscular strength?

- Increase the number of reps (15 - 25) and shorten the rest intervals and have fewer sets. For 1 RM, it should be no more than 50% - Lower number of reps (1-12) at moderate-heavy supramaximal intensities (70-100% 1RM)

How does resistance training help injury prevention of the person working out?

- Increases strength of muscle - Increases joint stability - Increase CT stiffness and CSA, bone mineral density - Increase muscle balance

What are the advantages of free weights?

- Involved ECC & CON muscle actions & desired ROM - Allows for multi-directional movement - Perform exercises at maximal speeds - Allows more variation of exercise-spacing of hands/feet - Movements closer to those in athletics - Antagonist & stabilization muscles are more effectively trained - Can perform a magnitude of exercises w/ little equipment- greater selection of exercises - Lower cost & greater avaliability

What are the three muscle action types for resistance training? Muscle mass involvement consists of what two groups?

- Isometric (ISOM)- muscle is stationary while contracting - Concentric (CON)- muscle is shortening while contracting - Eccentric (ECC)- muscle is lengthening while contracting - Large muscles vs. small muscles

What are the recommendations for upper/lower body split workouts for resistance training?

- Large muscle exercises before small - Multiple joint exercises before single joint - Perform rotation of opposing exercises (avoid doing all upper body workouts together)

What are the recommendations for total body workouts for resistance training?

- Larger muscle exercises before small - Multiple joint exercises before single joint - Total body exercises before basic strength exercises - Upper & lower body body exercises (keep balance in training) - Stagger exercises targeting different muscle groups in between sets

What are the recommendations for split routines for resistance training?

- Multiple joint exercises before single joint - Higher intensity exercises before lower intensity

Repetition velocity affect ___ and depends on ___

- Neural, hypertrophic, & metabolic responses to training - Loading or intensity and fatigue

What are the advantages of machines?

- Safe & easy to use and learn - Changing resistance is easy - No spotter required - Allow to perform exercises that would be difficult with free weights

Describe dumbbell squat: What is the proper form for bench press?

- Same form as a normal squat minus the bar resting on your shoulders. The back should be straight and you should hold the dumbbells to the side next to your legs that are hip width apart. - Neck, bottom, and shoulders are in contact with the bench at all times. Feet should be in contact with the ground (except for decline bench press)

Clients level of experience for resistance training can be divided into what 4 categories? (Describe each)

1) Novice (beginner)- No or very little experience lifting weights creating a large potential window for adaptation 2) Intermediate (moderately trained)- 4 to 6 months of progressive RT experience, attained some notable increases in strength 3) Advanced- At least 1 year of consistent progressive RT, substantial level of adaptation 4) Elite strength/power individual- Ranks very high in one or more components of fitness. High skill levels

What are the FITT recommendations for resistance training for ALL adults? How long should you wait until retraining the same muscle group? For muscular fitness, adults should train each major muscle group for how many sets? reps? rest intervals?

2-3 days a week, targeting each major muscle group with AT LEAST 48 hours separating the exercise training session for the SAME muscle group - 2 to 4 sets, 8 to 12 reps, 2 to 3 minutes

What percentage of 1 RM increases strength in untrained individuals? What percentage of 1 RM produces the largest strength effects in untrained individuals?

45-50% or less 60%

List free weight equipments __

Barbells, plates, collars/clamps, olympic/shoulder/sit-up benches, squat racks, ect.

How can intensity increase with body weight exercises?

Change the grip width or stance width, change leverage, change cadence (rep speed)

What is the proper progression for resistance training?

Light to heavy, slow to fast

Under FITT recommendations, what are the two types of joint involvement for resistance training exercises? (define both)

Multi joint- affected more than one muscle group and targeting agonist & antagonist muscle groups Single joint- exercise targeting one major muscle group

When designing a resistance training program, what are variables/components should you consider to add into the training program?

Muscle actions used, intensity, volume, exercise selected & workout structure, rest intervals between sets, repetition velocity, training frequency

What are the major muscle groups?

Shoulders, Chest, Back, Core, Hips, Legs

Describe one repetition maximum (1 RM)

The greatest resistance that can be moved through a full range of motion

Rest intervals for resistance training depends on ___ Rest intervals affect ___

Training intensity, goals, fitness levels, targeted energy system utilization, muscle groups trained, equipment availability, time needed to change weights & move on to next station - Metabolic, hormonal, and cardiovascular responses to RT, performance of subsequent sets & training adaptations, acute strength and power production

Frequency depends on ____

Volume & intensity, exercise selection, level of conditioning, recovery ability, nutritional intake, training goals

How can you increase your safety when doing resistance training?

Wear proper clothes, have a spotter when needed, know proper technique, check machine status before using, don't bother anyone during a lift/exercise, have knowledge of the equipment being used, have proper warm up, exercise with full ROM, make sure clamps/clips are used w/ free-weight plates

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