respiratory system

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lobulus pulmonis how many acinus? in lungs also?

Each lobulus pulmonis contains about 50 acinus. Each lung has about 300 - 350 million alveoli

margins of lungs

Each lung has two margins: 1. margo inferior is thin and sharp, it separates facies costalis et facies mediastinalis from facies diaphragmatica at the base of the lung, 2. margo anterior also is thin and sharp, the anterior margin of the right lung is almost vertical, but the anterior margin of the left lung has a notch - incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri, which is limited below by lingula pulmonis

basis and apex of lungs

Each lung is conical in shape with apex pulmonis and basis pulmonis. Basis pulmonis is broad concave and rests upon the convex surface of the diaphragm. Apex pulmonis is rounded and extends upward into the root of the neck.

the larynx function

voice box, the air passage and production of the sound

lig. cricothyroideum medianum

between cartilago cricoidea and cartilago thyroidea

lig. cricotracheale

between cartilago cricoidea and trachea.

membrana thyrohyoidea

between os hyoideum and cartilago thyroidea

Holotopia of lungs

cavea thoracis (on both sides of the mediastinum).

Tunica mucosa of larynx

ciliar mucous membrane. Themucous membrane contains glandulae laryngeales and noduli lymphoidei laryngis.

Aditus laryngis is bordered by

epiglottis (red), plicae aryepiglotticae (blue), incisura interarytenoidea (green).

Cavitas infraglottica

extends from plicaevocales to the next organ - trachea. There is conus elasticus below the mucous membrane incavitas infraglottica

Syntopia of the lungs facies costalis and facies diaphragmatica

on facies costalis are present depressions of the ribs - sulci costales; facies diaphragmatica is smooth;

Syntopia of the lungs facies mediastinalis left lung

on facies mediastinalis of the left lung there aredepressions: 1.impressio cardiaca 2.sulcus aortae, 3.sulcus v. brachiocephalicae.

radix nasi formed by

ossa nasalia processus frontalis maxillae toward apex it made of cartilage

Holotopia of trachea

regio colli, mediastinum superius

Holotopia larynx

regio colli.

Cavitas nasi is connected with (sinus)?

sinus paranasales: 1.sinus frontalis, 2.sinus maxillaris, 3.sinus sphenoidalis, 4.cellullae ethmoidales.


space in the thoracic cavity between two pleural cavities

Fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri

starts on the linea axillaris media at the level of the 4th rib, runs horizontally to the sternum. It separates lobus superior from lobus medius

Fissura obliqua

starts on the posterior part of the lung at the level of the 3rd thoracic vertebra, then runs downward and forward over facies costalis and reaches the connection of osseous and cartilage parts of the 6th rib. The inferior lobe lies below that fissure

plica vocalis red

the fold of mucous membrane that covers leg vocale. The fold is concerned in the production of the sound. M. vocalis (blue) lies parallel to the ligament in the vocal fold. The narrow triangular fissure between both plicae vocales is rima glottidis (green) s. vocali. At each side there is a pouch - ventriculus laryngis (black) which acts as the resonator.

Muscles of the larynx

the striated muscular tissue 1. muscles which act on the entrance of the larynx (to open and to close it); 2. muscles which act on rima glottidis (to expand and to narrow it); 3. muscles which act on the vocal cords: a) stretch the vocal cords b) weaken the vocal cords

facies of the lungs

1 facies costalis is smooth, convex and projected to the innersurfaces of the ribs; 2. facies diaphragmatica is projected to the diaphragm; 3. facies interlobares - numerous surfaces between the lobesfacies costalis 4. facies mediastinalis is projected to the mediastinum. There is hilum pulmonis on the medial surface. Bronchus principalis, a. pulmonalis, vv. pulmonales, nerves, lymph vessels pass through hilum pulmonis, forming radix pulmonis

Juncturae laryngis 2 types

1. Discountinuous connections 2. Continuous connections

The laryngeal wall has 4 layers?

1. Tunica mucosa 2. Tela submucosa 3. cartilagines and muscles. 4. tunica adventitia

paired cartilages of the larynx

1. arytenoid, 2. corniculate, 3. cuneiform

Rima glottidis parts

1. pars intermembranacea - between plicae vocales, 2. pars intercartilaginea - between medial surfacesof the arytenoid cartilages.

functional division of nasal cavity

1. pars olfactoria - it contains glandulae nasales and the olfactory receptors, 2. pars respiratoria - it also contains glandulae nasales and in tela submucosa there are plexus cavernosus conchae. The plexus gives off heat to the inhalated air.

two parts of nose septum

1. pars ossea (posterior part) 2. pars cartilaginea (anterior part), which is composed by cartilago septi nasi.

2 portions of pleura

1. pleura visceralis s. pleura pulmonalis - it covers the surface of the lung and goes into the fissures between the lobes; 2 pleura parietalis

Nasus consist of

1. radix nasi, 2. dorsum nasi, 3. apex nasi. There are alae nasi on both sides, which border nostrils - nares.

recessus of cavities pleuralis

1. recessus costodiaphragmaticus 2. recessus costomediastinalis 3. recessus vertebromediastinalis 4. recessus phrenicomediastinalis

Cavitas nasi function

1. sense of smell 2.resonation 3. cleaning, 4. moistening 5. warming functions.

Continuous connections of larynx

1. synchondrosis between cartilago corniculata et cartilago arytenoidea. 2. syndesmoses a) membrana thyrohyoidea b) lig. cricothyroideum medianum c) lig. cricotracheale

single cartilages of the larynx

1. thyroid, 2. cricoid, 3. epiglottis

nasal cavity connections

1. with environment by nostrils 2. with pharynx by choanae

Syntopia of the lungs facies mediastinalis of the right lung

1.impressio cardiaca blue 2.impressio v. azygos, green 3.impressio oesophageale, violet 4. impressio v. cavae inferioris, red 5.sulcus a. subclaviae, 6.sulcus v. brachiocephalicae; yellow

The mediastinum may be divided into

1.mediastinum superius, 2.mediastinum inferius - it may be subdivided into: -mediastinum anterius, -mediastinum medium, -mediastinum posterius Mediastinum superius is separated from mediastinum inferius by the plane which passes from angulus sterni to the 4th thoracic vertebra

Structure of bronchial tree (arbors)

After entering the lungs the bronchi divide into branches and form the bronchial tree - arbor bronchialis and then alvelor tree - arbor alveolaris

Sceletotopia of the lungs

Apex pulmonis lies behind lateral muscles of the neck 1 - 3 cm above clavicula, posteriorly it corresponds to procesus spinosus of the 7th cervical vertebra

arbor brochialis

Arbor bronchialis starts whith bronchus principalis dexter et sinister. They divide into bronchi lobares: (right-3, left-2). Bronchi lobares divide into bronchi segmentales (10) -> bronchi intersegmentales (lobulares). Bronchi intersegmentales divide 6 - 12 times untill they reach diameter 0,5-1 mm. Then they are called - bronchioli terminales. Then arbor bronchialis continues into arbor alveolaris

cupula pleurae

At the apex pulmonis pleura parietalis arches overthe lung as

vestibulum nasi description

It is separated from the nasal cavity by a curved elevation - limen nasi. Vestibulum nasi is covered by the skin, it contains small hair. Below limen nasi cavitas nasi is lined by tunica mucosa with cilia. They move opposite the direction of the inspirated air stream. Below the mucous membrane is tela submucosa.

continuation from visteral to parietal pleura

Pleura visceralis continues into pleura parietalis at the radix pulmonis forming lig. pulmonale. It extends in the frontal plane between medialsurface of the lung and pars mediastinalis pleuraeparietalis.

position of bronchus, arteries and veins in segments

The artery and bronchus segmentalis are located at the center of the segment, the branches of the veins - at the connective tissue surrounding the segment.

borders of the pleura

The borders of the pleura are similar to the borders of the lungs, exception is the lower border of the pleura which is on 1 - 2 ribs below that of the lung.

walls of bronchi

The constitution of the wall of the bronchi is like the trachea. It consists of the mucosa, submucosa, smooth muscle cells and cartilages (tunica fibromusculocartilaginea). By the division of the bronchi the cartilages gradually disappear, smooth muscular tissue and connective tissue are left in the wall of arbor alveolaris parts

lower margin of membrana qudrangularis

The lower margin of membrana qudrangularis is also free, thickened and forms lig. vestibulare. That ligament runs in a sagittal direction between inner surface of the thyroid angle and cartilago arytenoidea.


The lungs are covered by the closed pleural cavities formed by serous membrane

glands and ciliated epithelium location in bronchi

The mucous membrane of arbor bronchialis is covered by ciliated epithelium. Glandulae bronchiales are present in the submucosa, they produce the mucus. In arbor alveolaris there are no cilia, the alveoli are lined by single-layered epithelium, the wall contains many capillaries and elastic fibers.

posterior part of trachea

The posterior free ends of cartilages are connected by connective tissue and smooth muscular tissue - m. trachealis. Therefore the posterior wall of the trachea is called paries membranaceus.

lobes of the lungs

The right lung is divided into three lobes: lobus superior, lobus medius, lobus inferior. The left lung is divided into two lobes: lobus superior, lobus inferior. Lungs are divided into lobesby deep clefts. Fissura obliqua is present on both lungs, fissura horizontalis pulmonis dextri - only on the right lung.

trachea consist of

The trachea consists of 16 - 20 horseshoe shaped cartilages - cartilagines tracheales. They are connected by ligamenta anularia

walls of trachea + description of each

The trachea is lined by tunica mucosa. It contains noduli lymphoidei tracheales and glandulae tracheales, which produce the mucus. Below the mucosa lies tela submucosa. The trachea is covered by connective tissue - tunica adventitia.

end of trachea

The trachea terminates by bifurcatio tracheae, where it is divided into two bronchi. At the place of division there is a small roller - carina tracheae, for separation the air stream in two during inspiration.

Conus elasticus

The upper margin of conus elasticus is free, thickened and forms vocal cord - lig. vocale. The vocal cord is stretched in sagittal plane betweenthe inner surface of the thyroid angle and vocalprocessus of the arytenoid cartilage.

segmenta bronchopulmonalia N in each lung + description

There are 10 segments in the right lung. In the left lung there are 9 segments. The segment has a conical shape, its base is projected to the external surface of the lung, but the apex - to hilum pulmonis.

cavitas pleuralis

There is cavitas pleuralis between pleura visceralis and pleura parietalis. It is filled with a few milliliters of serous fluid, which decreases the friction between both pleurae during respiration.

bronchus principalis dexter et sinister where do they locate skeleton

They start from trachea at the level of the 4th-5th thoracic vertebra.

Discountinuous connections of larynx

art. cricothyroidea art. cricoarytenoidea Both joints are combined joints which act together

pleura parietalis topographically divided into

a) pars costalis - lines the inner surfaces of the ribs and intercostal spaces, b) pars diaphragmatica - covers the superior surface of the diaphragm, c) pars mediastinalis is localized in a sagittal position and runs from the sternum to the vertebral column

The mediastinum is bordered by

anteriorly - sternum, posteriorly - pars thoracica columnae vertebralis, laterally - pars mediastinalis pleurae parietalis, inferiorly - diaphragma

Syntopia larynx

anteriorly - the straight muscles, fascia colli, subcutis, cutis, posteriorly - pars laryngea pharyngis, laterally - blood vessels and nerves, lobi glandulae thyroideae.

description of the sinus

are lined by the ciliated mucous membrane

Arytenoid Cartilages (paired)

are situated at the upper margin of the plate of cricoid cartilage. Each is pyramidal in shape, and has three surfaces, a base and an apex. The base has two processes: processus muscularis - projected backward and laterally, processus vocalis - projected horizontally forward. Have corniculate cartilages on top of them.

The corniculate cartilages

are two small conical nodules, they lie on the tops of the arytenoid cartilages.

cuneiform cartilages

are two small elongated pieces, placed in the posterior parts of the aryepiglottic folds of mucous membrane

Cavitas laryngis (description, cavities)

extends from the laryngeal entrance to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage where it continues into the trachea. The cavitas laryngis has hour-glass shape. There are three portions in the laryngeal cavity: 1. vestibulum laryngis, 2. glottis, 3. cavitas infraglottica

Tela submucosa of larynx

formed by membrana fibroelastica between cartilages of the larynx and mucous membrane covering them. There could be distinguished two parts: membrana qudrangularis - upper part, conus elasticus - lower part.

Sceletotopia larynx

from the 4th-5th cervical vertebra to the 6th-7th cervical vertebra

Sceletotopia of trachea

from the 6th-7th cervical vertebra to the 4th-5th thoracic vertebra.

Cavitas nasi (parts)

has two parts divided by septum nasi

The segments of the right lung

in lobus superior 1. segmentum apicale, 2. segmentum posterius, 3. segmentum anterius in lobus medius: 4. segmentum laterale, 5. segmentum mediale; in lobus inferior: 6. segmentum superius, 7. segmentum basale mediale (cardiacum), 8. segmentum basale anterius, 9. segmentum basale laterale, 10. segmentum basale posterius

The segments of the left lung

in lobus superior: 1. segmentum apicoposterius, 2. segmentum anterius, 3. segmentum lingulare superius, 4. segmentum lingulare inferius; in lobus inferior: 5. segmentum superius, 6. segmentum basale mediale (cardiacum), 7. segmentum basale anterius, 8. segmentum basale laterale, 9. segmentum basale posterius.

Syntopia of trachea

in regio colli: anteriorly - the straight muscles, fascia colli, subcutis, cutis, isthmus glandulae thyroideae, laterally - bloodvessels and nerves, lobi glandulae thyroideae, in mediastinum superius: anteriorly - thymus, laterally - pars mediastianalis pleurae parietalis, posteriorly - oesophagus


is a leaf-shaped and projected obliquely upward behind the thyroid cartilage in front of the entrance into the larynx

The acinus

is a smallest unit of the lung where are branched bronchioli respiratorii. The parenchyma of the lung composes arbor bronchialis, arbor alveolaris, blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue.

Trachea (windpipe) characteristics

is a tube, extending downward from the larynx. It is 9 - 15 cm long, with diameter 2-2,5 cm in the frontal plane


is between plicae vestibulares and plicae vocales

connection of mediastinum

is connected through apertura thoracis superior with neck region.

art. cricoarytenoidea

is formed between articular surfaces of cartilago cricoidea and cartilago arytenoidea. The movements occur around the vertical axis. At the result of these movements rima vocalis s. glottidis expands or narrows.

art. cricothyroidea

is formed between articular surfaces of cartilago cricoidea and cartilago thyroidea. In that joint occur movements around the frontal axis. The thyroid cartilage bends forward and returns in initial position. At the result of these movements lig. vocale becomes stretched or relaxed

The cricoid cartilage

is ring-shaped and consists of two parts: 1. posterior plate 2. narrow anterior arch.

Bronchus principalis sinister description + characteristics

is smaller in calibre, but about twice as long as the right one (5 cm), below the bifurcation it turns more sideways. It is divided into two bronchi lobares.

Membrana qudrangularis

is stretched between cartilago thyroidea, epiglottis and cartilago arytenoidea. The upper margin takes part in formation of plica aryepiglottica which borders the laryngeal entrance - aditus laryngis.

The thyroid cartilage

is the largest of the larynx. It consists of two plates the anterior margins of which are fused with each other at an acute angle in the middle line of the neck, forming a subcutaneous projection - prominentia laryngea. This prominence is larger in the male than in the female. The plates of the thyroid cartilage are irregularly qudrilateral in shape and their posterior angles are prolongated into processes.

Arbor alveolaris description

is the terminal part for the smallest functional unit - the acinus. It isformed by division of bronchiolus terminalis into bronchiolus respiratorius I, II, III (primar, secundar, tertiar bronchiols). Each tertiar bronchiolus respiratorius is divided into two ductuli alveolares which terminate with the respiratory sacs - sacculi alveolares. In thewalls of arbor alveolaris are alveoli for gas exchangelobulus pulmonis

Vestibulum laryngis

is the upper part and it extends from the entrance of the larynx - aditus laryngis to plicae vestibulares

recessus phrenicomediastinalis

is unpaired, lies in the sagittal plane on the left side between pars diphragmatica and pars mediastinalis

recessus vertebromediastinalis

it is in front of the vertebral column vertically between pars costalis and pars mediastinalis;

recessus costodiaphragmaticus

it is in horizontal plane between pars costalis and pars diaphragmatica and has a horseshoe shape;

recessus costomediastinalis

it lies behind the sternum in the vertical plane between pars costalis and pars mediastinalis;

Each segment consists

lobuli pulmonales

muscles which stretch the vocal cords

m. cricothyroideus. This muscle extends between the arch of the cricoid cartilage and the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage and acts on art. cricothyroidea. The thyroid cartilage bends forward, the distance between the thyroid cartilage and arytenoid cartilage enlarges and lig. vocalebecomes stretched;

Skeleton of the external nose is covered by

m. nasalis and the skin.

muscles which weaken the vocal cords

m. vocalis. It arises from the posterior surface of the thyroid cartilage and runs within the vocal fold to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage. It relaxes lig. vocale, as it pulls the thyroid cartilage backward.

membrana quadrangularis (where does lie)

which lies below the mucous membrane in vestibulum laryngis. The mucous membranecovers lig. vestibulare and forms plica vestibularis (red). There is a narrow fissure between both plicae vestibulares - rima vestibuli (green) .

Bronchus principalis dexter description + characteristics

wider, shorter!!, and continues the course of the trachea. It is about 2,5 cm long and enters the lung nearly opposite the 5th thoracic vertebra. It is divided into three bronchi lobares

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