Restorative Arts Week 4
A clean cut into tissue or skin.
A single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose.
Interrupted suture (bridge stitch)
A temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper position of tissues
Superior boundary of the mouth
Base of the Nose
The Columna Nasi
Covers the Septum at the base of the nose and separates the nostrils - a tiny superficial position between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the nosec
External shape; a mold for casting; produce a certain shape; to constitute existing elements
Forehead eminence above the root of the nose
Straight dorsum form nose
Greek; most common type - anterior ridge exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip; four possible variations: long, short, high tip, low tip
Concave dorsum form nose
Infantine; aka Pug and snub, retrousee - depressed type; extends from the Root to the lower part of the Bridge
Inferior boundary of the mouth
Junction of the lower integumentary lip and chin (labiomental sulcus)
Large, centrally located concave shell, creating a deep part of the outer ear - middle 1/3 of ear - margins created by upper border of lobe and the anterior margin of the antihelix (inner rim), and the anterior branch of the crura of the antihelix - C shape
Intertragic Notch
Lies in the front upper margin of the lobe(between the Tragus and the Antitragus) - relatively deep and located immediately below the ear passage
Lateral boundary of the mouth
Nasolabial Folds
External Auditory Meatus
Opening of the ear passage; Keystone to accurate location of the ear - Directly above the ear passage, lies the Zygomatic Arch which divides the ear into equal halves
Convex dorsum form nose
Roman; One with a hump in its linear form - sometimes called a hook or aquiline nose - convexity may be continuous from the root to the tip
Mass of the Ear
The anterior border slants obliquely duplicating the inclination of the nasal bone section of the nose - greatest width is approximately 2/3 length - narrows inferiorly; Attaches to the face at Tragus and the anterior part of the Helix
Hard palate
The anterior portion of the roof of the mouth
The anterior ridge of the nose - root, bridge, protruding lobe, tip
Surface planes
The central and two lateral surface planes of eachIntegumentary lip and mucous membrane - Bilaterally repeat the horseshoe curvature of the underlying structures
The dominant feature of the face; Accurate delineation of size and form essential; dimensions indicated by nasal bones and margins of the nasal cavity - Dorsum, Wings, Arch of the Wing, Sides, Columna Nasi, Nasal Sulcus, Anterior Nares, Glabella
The elongated shallow depression between the inner and outer rims at the posterior portion of the ear - shallowest of all the fossae
Vertical Lines
The fine linear tracings running vertically on the mucous membrane - Put makeup on vertically especially on males
Incisor teeth
The four teeth located anteriorly from the midline on each jaw, used for cutting.
Labial Sulci
The furrows of age,extending vertically on the Mucous Membranes and the Integumentary Lips - Prominent in long time smokers and denture wearers who don't wear them later in life
Arch of the Wing
The inferior margin of the wing which forms a concave arc (superiorly); Inside edge of the nares
Labiomental Sulcus
The juncture of the lower Integumentary Lip and the top of the chin - May exhibit a furrow
The lateral lobes of the nose which lie between the Protruding Lobe and the Cheeks (or Nasal Sulcus)
The lateral walls of the nose between the Wings and the Bridge
Weather Line
The line of color differences on eachMucous Membrane which is exposed (dry) part forms with the internal (moistened) part in normal contact - Not visible when the lips are closed
Angulus Oris Eminence
The oblique eminence,caused by muscles at each end of the line of closure - Begins on the Upper Integumentary Lip, medial to the corner; (Little bump just outside the line of closure seen when smiling) - A small amount of Feature Builder will brighten the look and remove a "grimace.''
The shallow vertical groove on the midline of the Upper Integumentary Lip between the Columna Nasi and the Upper Mucous Membrane; (formed above the O.O. muscle - looks like an irregular parenthesis)
Lower Integumentary lip
The skin part of the lip receding inferiorly from the attached (color) margin of the lower Mucous Membrane to the top and side of the chin
Upper Integumentary lip
The skin part of the lip,extending superiorly and laterally from the attached (color) margin of the mucous membrane; (From the base of the nose,out to the Nasolabial fold,and to the Line of Closure)
Line of closure
The slit formed by contact of the free margins of the Upper and Lower Mucous Membranes - Has the form of a classic hunting bow
Nasal Sulcus
The small angular area between the Wing and the cheek - The small angular area between the Wing of the Nose and the cheek (Nasolabial Fold)
The small eminence on the upper margin of the lobe - Lies slightly inferior and posterior to the Tragus(opposite the Tragus)
Angulus Oris Sulcus
The small groove in the Angulus Oris Eminence at its juncture with the end of the Line of Closure
Medial lobe
The tiny, dipping fullness on the midline of the Upper Mucous Membrane; Most anterior part of the mouth
Anterior Nares
The two openings of the nostrils in the base of the nose
The vertical restraining fold of mucous membrane on the midline of the inside of each lip connecting the lip with the gum.
Mucous membranes
The visible reddish portions of the lips - 1/3 superior to 2/3 inferior
a clear syrup-like liquid which evaporates, leaving a contractile, white film; a liquid sealer.
a crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations
a nasal profile form in which the dorsum exhibits a straight line from the root to the tip; a straight nasal profile.
Intertragic notch
a notch or opening between the tragus and the antitragus of the ear
Intermediate hue
a pigmentary hue produced by mixing, in equal quantities, a primary hue with its adjacent secondary hue on the color wheel.
frontal eminence
a rounded prominences on the median line and a little inferior to the center of the frontal bone
Hidden stitch (intradermal suture)
a type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis
an elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface
an elongated prominence adjoining a surface
Bilateral view
an inferior or superior viewpoint which permits the comparison of the two sides or halves of an object or facial feature
First degree burn
an injury caused by heat which produces redness of the skin
Foramen Magnum
an opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes from the brain.
anterior; the anterior view of the face or features
broken bone
curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex. aquiline nose
dehydration; the process of being rendered free from moisture
Inner canthus
eminence at the medial corner of the closed eyelids
flushed with red, when describing a complexion; not as vivid as ruddy
forms the lower third of the ear's length - anterior portion is attached to the cheek except for a small segmenta the lower part
giving or casting light
Intensity (Chroma)
how powerful a color is (saturation)
large, vertical cartilage which divides the Nasal Cavity into a left and right chamber
Mastoid Process (location to ear)
lies below-and-behind (inferior-and posterior) the ear passage where it is hidden from view by the lobe of the ear
Mandibular Fossa (location to ear)
lies directly anterior to the ear passage
The ear (pinna)
mostly cartilaginous; very little change - External Auditory Meatus, Concha, Helix, Antihelix (crura, tri fossa), Scapha, Lobe, Tragus, Antitragus, Intertragic Notch
outer rim of the ear - ? shape - Commences in the Concha,moves forward and then upward, bends around the top of the ear and descends to become the rear border; terminates at the top of the lobe - can be lobeless
red pigment; the protein coloring matter of the red blood corpuscles which serve to convey O2 to the tissues forming oxyhemoglobin
Hunting bow
shaped as a bent wood weapon with a central belly; resembling a "cupid" bow; the five arcs in the line of the lip closure resemble the design of the classic hunting bow
The Nasal spine of the Maxilla
sharp spur which projects from the inferior margin of the nasal cavity at the medial line
slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique
small, wedge-like prominence which protrudes from the cheek and protects the ear passage - Inferior end attaches to the lobe, but the superior end lies a short distance from the helix
The Mouth
subject to more posturing problems than any other feature and is usually the most looked at - usually asymmetrical - normal repose: the upper and lower teeth are slightly parted and the mucous membranes make gentle contact - parts: Mucous membranes, Medial lobe, Line of closure, Weather Line, Upper Integumentary lip, Nasal Sulcus, Philtrum, Lower Integumentary lip, Labiomental Sulcus, Surface Planes, Angulus Oris Eminence, Angulus Oris Sulcus, Vertical Lines, Labial Sulci
Integumentary lips
superiorly, the skin portion of the upper lip from the attached margin of the upper mucous membrane to the base of the nose; and inferiorly, the skin portion of the lower lip from the attached margin of the lower mucous membrane to the labiomental sulcus.
Superior and inferior lateral cartilages
support the covering tissues of the lower "half'' of the nose
the 2 branches of the inner rim at the upper part of the ear recede relatively deep from the greatest projection of the Antihelix at the central part of the ear
Frontal bone
the anterior third of the cranium, forming the forehead and the anterior portion of the roof of the skull
Frontal process of the maxilla
the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw.
the complexion cosmetic in ornamental cosmetology
Root (dorsum)
the concave dip below the forehead (Glabella)
Bridge (dorsum)
the dome over the upper part of the Nasal Cavity and formed by the Nasal Bones
Fluorescent Light
the illumination produced by a tubular electric discharge lamp; the fluorescence of phosphors coating the inside of a tube.
Incandescent light
the illumination resulting from the glowing of a heated filament
Hypodermic tissue building
the injection of special creams or liquids into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle to restore natural contour.
the inner rim of the ear; Commences at the top of the lobe and curves slightly forward as it rises to the upper part of the ear - upper portion broadens and bifurcates into crura and triangular fossa - thickest of 2 rims - Distance from the superior margin of the concha tot he top of the ear is 1/3 the ear length
Hypodermic injection
the insertion of chemicals directly into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle
the nose of the Asian race is intermediate between the other two classifications
the nose of the black race has minimum projection at the bridge andis broad and short
the nose of the white (Caucasian) race is prominent at the bridge and long
Crus of the Helix
the origin of the helix which is flattened in the concha - creates the beginning of the outer rim; located medial wall of the concha - lies upon the Zygomatic Arch and may be used to measure the half-way mark of the length of the ear
the part of the face above the eyes
Tip (dorsum)
the point of greatest projection of the nose
Funeral lighting
the quality and quantity of illumination used for presentation of casketed remains
Triangular fossa
the shallow 3 sided depression between the two branches of the inner rim (Crura) of the antihelix
the shape of a plane figure determined by its outline, such as rounded, oval, square, etc.
Protruding Lobe (dorsum)
the spherical area forming the inferior part of the dorsum and adjoining the Wings and the Columna Nasi; it includes the tip
Interciliary sulci
the vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; "acquired" facial markings.
Fourth Degree Burn
total evacuation (absence) of tissue
internal decapitation
trauma that occurs when the skull base separates from the spine
turned in the opposite direction or folded inward