job interview questions to ask manager about managing experience how you will be treated how you will be encouraged to grow tiktok
you were not promised today. please do not take it for granted
life is precious gift. what are you going to do to get the most out of your experience
no one taught barry how to love either
be firm in your boundaries and trust barry wants to be loving you in a way we both can manage you loving others is unrelated to the people who want to be loving you
what is manageable is getting through the day. wanting to fall asleep is the constant. waking up is just the journey back to sleep.
evening for big spiritual work where intention is set. when all there is left is what you must want to do. morning is for venting right now. mid morning is for meditation . afternoon is for practice. evening is for druid
believe in your ability to love more. that is why you are chasing god. believe in your calling to love more
love bigger
review three cards on shuffle. trust in the universe to bring what you need back to you. the universe is the holy spirit. trust in the working out of the universe
things are always in the process of working themselves out.
just do enough to get to the next step.
trust the love of goodness will keep you on the path