Riddles For The Chat Room
A seven letter word containing thousands of letters
A Mailbox
What is big and yellow and comes in the morning, to brighten mom's day?
A School Bus
I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty.
A Skull
What's black and white and red all over.
A black and white tv screen with blood on it from the guy that was just killed.
What's long, goes in your mouth, and has cum in it.
A cucumber. Come on!
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?
Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards?
There was a green house, inside the green house was a White House, inside the White House was a red house. What was inside the red house?
Seeds. The houses make up a watermelon.
What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Your Breath
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Your Name