River (streams)

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A stream's volume of flow per unit of time is its _____ and is calculated by multiplying three variables measured at a given cross section of the channel.

oxbow lake

After the former mender becomes isolated from the rest of the river, the resulting ____ _____ may gradually fill with organic debris and silt or may again become part of the river when it floods.


As a stream's carrying capacity decreases, which of the following sizes of sediments will be deposited last?


As the debris moves along, it mechanically erodes the streamed further through the process of ____, with rock and sediment grinding and carving the streamed like liquid sandpaper.

Width, depth, and velocity all increase.

As the discharge of a stream increases, which of the following also happens?

suspended load

Consists of fine-grained clastic particles that are held aloft in the stream until the stream velocity slows nearly to zero.


Stream width, depth, and velocity are all responsive to discharge rates.


The flat, low lying area adjacent to a channel and subjected to recurrent flooding is a ___ ____


The glaciated shield regions of Canada and northern Europe have disrupted surface drainage patterns that are called ________ patterns.

point bar

The inner portion of a meaner experiences the slowest water velocity and this is a zone of fill that results in a _____ ____

base level

The level below which a stream cannot erode its valley is ____ ____

held aloft in the stream flow.

The suspended load of a stream consists of particles that are

capacity; competence

The total possible load a stream can transport is its ________, whereas a stream's ability to move particles of specific size is its ________.


The unconsolidated clay, silt, sand, gravel, and mineral fragments deposited by running water.


This material is then transported to new locations, where it is laid down in the process of _____

high stream velocity that results in a high stream capacity and competence. and vice versa

Types of load in a river and they relate to the capacity and competence of a river

drainage divides

Watersheds are defined by

formation of oxbow lakes

When a meander neck is cut off as two undercut banks merge, the meander becomes isolated and forms an ____ _____

a delta

When a river reaches a base level, its forward velocity rapidly decelerates as it enters a larger body of standing water and ________ is formed.

meandering stream

Where channel slope is gradual, streams develop a sinuous form, weaving ban and forth across the landscape in a ___ _____

The city is almost entirely below the level of the Mississippi, with parts actually below sea level.

Which of the following is true regarding the flooding of New Orleans in 2005?

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

Which of the following lists of processes are in the correct sequence as to their occurrence in nature?


Which of the following rock types is most affected by fluvial solution?

The maximum velocity line in a stream is

at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the deepest parts of the stream channel.

how rivers evolve and meander

forms when moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley, and the inner part of the river has less energy and deposits silt.


if the load exceeds a streams capacity, the sediment accumulates in the stream bed, building up the chemical channel through deposition.

graded stream

is one in which the channel slope has adjusted, given the discharge and channel conditions, so that stream velocity is just enough to transport the sediment load.

disolved load

of a stream is the material that travels in solution, especially the dissolved chemical compounds derived from minerals such as limestone or dolomite or from soluble salts.


processes that are related expressly to streams and rivers are termed ___


refers to the coarser materials that are moved by traction or by saltation.


the rolling or dragging of materials along the stream bed.


the science of water at and below earths surface


the way particles may bounce along in short hops and jumps.


when stream energy is high, particles move downstream in the process of ____ _____


when the longitudinal profile of a stream contains an abrupt change in gradient, such as at a waterfall or an area of rapids, the pond of interruption is a ___ ____

braided stream

with excess sediment, a stream might become a maze of interconnected channels that form a ____


A central peak, or a dome of a volcanic mountain, generally produces ________ drainage patterns.

youthful river versus old stage

A fast flowing river characterized by a deep, narrow erosion pattern forming a V shaped channel or valley. The river flows down a very shallow gradient (slope).The channel wider than it is deep with a very broad and U-shape due to extensive lateral (side-to-side) erosion. velocity is quite slow


A floodplain consists of alluvium.

undercut bank

Because the outer portion of each meandering curve is subject to the fastest water velocity, it undergoes the greatest scouring. This erosive action can form a steep ____ _____

drainage basin

Every stream has its own watershed, ranging from tiny to vast. This is known as _____

1% chance.

How likely are we to experience the 100-year flood if we just had the 100-year flood last year?

above the point bar

If you wanted to build a structure along a river-especially one that flows through unconsolidated sediments - you should build the structure ________ to maximize its lifetime.

turbulent flow

Increased velocity and a rough channel can produce a

drainage pattern

Is the arrangement of channels in an area.


Is the process by which water dislodges, dissolves, or removes weathered surface material.


Nickpoints migrate downstream.

Amazon river

Of the world's largest rivers, which has the greatest discharge?

natural levees

On either bank of some rivers, low ridges of coarse sediment known as ___ ____ are formed as byproducts of flooding.


Rivers make excellent political boundaries since they are clearly defined landform features.

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