Rock Cycle
A step in lithification; pressure due to the settling of other materials forcing sediment closer together
heat and pressure
These two forces work together to transform rocks deep inside Earth's crust.
This causes the most erosion in dry areas that get little rainfall.
intrusive igneous rock
This igneous rock formed underground as magma cools slowly. Because it cools slowly, the crystals inside the rock grow very large.
extrusive igneous rock
This igneous rock forms as erupted lava cools quickly on Earth's surface. Because it cools so quickly, these rocks have very, very tiny crystals.
This is the breaking down of rocks. It can be caused by wind, rain, ice, or gravity.
This is the process that forms igneous rock.
sedimentary rock
This rock type forms as loose materials called sediments become cemented together. Usually, these rocks have layers.
a classification of a metamorphic rock that does not have visible layers or bands
a classification of a metamorphic rock that has visible layers or bands
rock cycle
a continuous series of processes through which rock is transformed from one type to another.
a step in lithification; as heat and pressure increase the sediments can change chemically, this allows sediments to be "locked" or "glued" together into a solid rock
dark, glasslike volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava without crystallization
little pieces of weathered rock, plant remains, and animal remains
molten rock below Earth's surface
molten rock that has erupted onto Earth's surface
occurs when sediments settle on the ground or a body of water
process which turns sediment into sedimentary rock; compaction and cementation
metamorphic rock
rock that forms as heat and pressure cause changes to an existing rock
igneous rock
rock that forms as molten rock cools
the transport of fragments of rock by water, wind, ice, or gravity
regional metamorphism
when a whole region (area) of rock are put under extreme pressure and heat
contact metamorphism
when hot magma moves into a chunk of rock, heats it up, and hardens again; results in large scale mineral changes with little deformation