Russian Revolution

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Trotsky's role in the new society

commissar for war

Why were other countries opposed to world revolution?

communist revolutions everywhere

Who owned factories between 1917-1921?


Why did some of the politburo oppose the NEP?

it allowed capitalism

Why didn't the 1905 Russian Revolution overthrow the dynasty?

it had reached such an intensity that the overthrow of the tasrist seemed more likely than not, unorganized, publication of the duma

What scared the Bolsheviks?

mutiny of Kronstadt naval base

ended war communism

new economic policy (NEP)

Bolshevik slogans (Lenin)

peace, bread, land and all power to the Soviets

3 causes of Oct/Nov. revolution

peasants, industrial working class, tsar

Who was Nicholas II influenced by?

people around him, his wife

led to Jewish immigration


what role did Trotsky have when the Bolsheviks took over Petrograd?

president of petrograd soviet

How did the Romanov Dynasty survive the Russian Revolution of 1905?

promises of liberal reform and lack of organization

national parliament elected by the people of Russia to participate in the formulation and passing of laws

state duma

Generated horror both in Russia and around the world and also sparked what became known as the 1915

the shooting of protesting industrial workers in St. Petersburg on 'Bloody Sunday'

Why did Feb/March revolution happen?

to end Romanov Dynasty

Russian Civil War 1918-1921

Between Red and Whites, whites are anti-communists; factories owned by government; Polobaro was upset over NEP; Klaux- rich economic farmers

What sparked the 1905 Revolution?

Bloody Sunday

Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

Bolshevik leader, the investigator of the October Revolution and, until his death, the dominant figure in the new society of Russia.

Whats the differences and similarities between the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks?

Both Marxists, the Bolsheviks were extreme communist that wanted revolution to immediately start and believed in harsh discipline in order for it to start where as the Mensheviks wanted communism to gradually be spread before it was enforced because it wasnt strong enough to overthrow the Romanov Dynasty

removed Russia from WWI by giving a lot of agricultural and industrial land to Germany


Secret police of Bolsheviks


secret police of tsar


What didn't communism have?


International communist organization initiated in Moscow during March 1919


international communist organization initiated in Moscow during March 1919


Trotsky's role in the new society

Commissar for war

Goal of Bolsheviks

Cure Russia of all injustices from social class differences

Who is Rasputin?

Faith healer and spiritual teacher, he managed to convince the tsarina of his ability to ease her son's suffering, exerted political influence over tsarina (Alexandra)

Popular uprising which brought the middle class to power

Februrary Revolution

What led to full-scale revolution?

Food shortages, discontent and tsar family war problems.

Who smuggled Lenin back into Russia?

German government

Ended war communism

New economic policy (NEP)

Tsar that first implemented autocracy, nationality, and orthodoxy

Nicholas I

Who was the last Tsar? Why did he leave?

Nicholas II (1894-1917), he was forced to abdicate after the Russian Revolution.

When did Lenin announce communist government?

November 8th 1917

Document promising political reforms issued by Nicholas II

October Manifesto

What began the Russian duma?

October Manifesto

document promising political reforms issued by Nicholas II

October Manifesto

What replaced Provisional government?

October/November Revolution

Russian civil war was between

Reds and Whites

the whites are


Why is the Nov/Oct. Revolution important?

bc communism was established during it and provisional government ends

Why did the Russian Revolution of 1905 occur?

because there was a war with Japan and they embarrased them

Inner cabinet of Bolshevik government


inner cabinet of Bolshevik government


Bolsheviks newspaper meaning "truth"


Bolsheviks newspaper meaning truth


What role did Trotsky have when the Bolsheviks took over Petrograd?

President of Petrograd Soviet

a constitutional monarchist and became prime miister which was the duma's choice

Prince George Lvov

Replaced Feb/March revolution

Provisional Government

Military leader of Red Guard (Bolshevik army); leading socialist intelligent; 2 most influential revolutionary

Leon Trotsky

military leader of red guard (Bolshevik army); leading socialist intelligent; 2 most influential revolutionary

Leon Trotsky

What kind of laws did Alexander II enforce?

May laws- harsh restrictions on all Jews Pogroms- led to Jewish immigration to the U.S. and elsewhere

What scared the Bolsheviks?

Mutiny of Kronstadt Naval Base

What gets Lenin out of WWI?

Signing of Brest-Litovsk

Who opposed the NEP and why?

Some of the Politburo bc it allowed capitalism, but it restored prosperity/

When did the October Manifesto come?

after 10 months of popular unrest, strikes, violence and political debate about the future of Russia.

How did Nicholas II get involved in WWI? What did this result in?

WWI, Russia's lack of economic development and military modernization where shown.

The economic and political system that existed in Soviet Russian during the Russia Civil War

War Communism (aka Military Communism)

the economic and political system that existed in Soviet Russia during the Russian Civil War, from 1918 to 1921.

War communism (military communism)

Leads to the Feb/March revolution; who got them out what with what country/treaty; what treaty did


Nicholas II (ruled 1894-1917)


Weaknesses of the government

1. Russia had been humiliated in a war 2. A lot of religions, nationalities, and languages 3. Russia was vast 4. An out of date farming economy 5. Russia was beginning to industrialize 6. Tsar Nicholas was an autocrat 7. There was an opposition to the government form

When was the war with Japan that Nicholas IIs started? What did this cause?

1904-1905, domestic unrest at home and almost cost him his throne

What year does Lenin die?


What did Kronstadt Naval mutiny cause?

Abandon War communism and adopt NEP

What did Kronstadt Naval mutiny cause?

Abandon war communism and adopt NEP

Marked first revolution of 1917

Abandonment of tsar

What are the differences between Alexander III and Nicholas II?

Alexander III (Nicholas II father) was a dominant, overbearing and intimidating ruler, Nicholas II was short, softspoken, and reserved.

How was Alexander III and Nicholas II different? (father and son)

Alexander III was a dominant, overbearing and intimidating ruler, the young Nicholas was short, softly-spoken and reserved. Though not unintelligent, Nicholas was deeply religious, anti-Semitic, political conservative and easily influenced by those around him, particularly his wife Alexandra.

leader of provisional government

Alexander Kerensky

Who was Nicholas II's son? What was wrong with him?

Alexei, hemophilliac

Lenin's manifest/plan for Russia including slogans

April Theses (peace, bread, land; all power to the Soviets; state ownership of factories and banks)

What principle did Nicholas II want to maintain?

Autocracy he promised political reform but returned to policies of reaction and oppression

Problems facing provisional fovernment

Inflation, Hunger, Peasant anarchy, War and Bolsheviks/tsarist agitators

What did Rasputins political influence over the Tsarina lead to?

It discredited the tsarina and the monarchy, and lead to a conspiracy that took his life

When and where did Blood Sunday take place?

January 22nd, 1905 at the Czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

Who did Alexander III blame for his father's assassination?

Jews (he was antisemitic)

Rich peasants due to the selling of surplus hrain


rich peasants due to the selling of surplus grain


Leader of the Bolsheviks; instigated October Revolution


Who first put communism in place?


Who led Oct/Nov revolution?


Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?


leader of Bolsheviks, instigated october revolution


Arrested and executed for involvement in an assassination plot against Tsar Alexander III.

Lenin's older brother, Alexsandr

What is imperial expansion?

One of Nicholas IIs aims, which lead him to start war with Japan

What dynasty was Nicholas II apart of?

Romanov Dynasty

In February, what ends and what takes its place?

Romanov Dynasty ends, provisional government replaces it

August 1905, organized as an advisory body but that wasn't well received

Russian Duma

Unlike other revolutions, what revolution was spontaneous, uncoordinated and lacked a single guiding movement or objective. Instead it was a series of rebellious behaviors by several unconnected groups and classes, each with their own set of grievances.

Russian Revolution of 1905

What was the only unity in Russia?

The Romanov Dynasty

What are the strengths of the government?

The peasants loved the Tsar as their father and revered him as empowered from God, the Romanov Dynasty had ruled since 1613, the church was powerful and supported the government, government and his army were controlled by nobles and supported the government, the secret police and press censorship

Who issued the October Manifesto?

Tsar Nicholas II at the height of the 1905 Revolution

Who is Nicholas I (ruled 1825-1855)?

Younger brother of Alexander I. Ruled during the Decembrist Revolt (1825), attempted coup after Nicholas I's older brother, Constantine, decline the throne (after Alexander I died of typhus). Nicholas I's reaction set the tone for his firm rule of Russia. He was highly reactionary, principles of Autocracy, Orthodoxy, and Nationality. Feared nobles' reaction to potential reforms, such as abolishing serfdom.

marked first revolution of 1917

abandonment of tsar

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