S & C Final

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Which of the following rep ranges is most associated with power?


An intermediate athlete may be programmed anywhere from ____ to ____ touches per session?


An appropriate rest period for someone performing a set of 3 repetitions @ 85% would be:


The SSC (Stretch Shortening Cycle) has ____ phases


Based on the NSCA guidelines, an intermediate athlete's training frequency should be limited to _____ to ____ days per week.


Which of the following rep ranges is most associated with basic strength?


Which of the following is an example of an agility test?


Which of the following rep ranges is most associated with hypertrophy?


The final position of a barbell strict press puts the shoulder in which of the following positions.

Abducted and Externally rotated

______ training requires ATP to be regenerated at a rate faster than the _______ system is capable of.

Anaerobic/ Aerobic

In untrained individuals we typically find that the force produced both both limbs contracting together is lower than the sum of the forces they produce when contracting unilaterally. What is the correct term for this phenomenon?

Biolateral deficit

Which of the following FMS might directly impact sprinting technique and ability?

Both ASLR and Trunk stability

Which of the following exercises would come first for a training day?

Box jumps

________ ________ is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in liters per minute and is determined by the quantity of blood ejected with each beat and the heart's rate of pumping?

Cardiac output

During the _______ phase of a SL RDL hip extension occurs


Which of the following is a plyometric training classification regarding initiation?


Which of the following exercises is critical to performing a clean?

Deadlift/ Front squat

_____________ is used to estimate the pressure exerted against the arterial walls when no blood is being forcefully ejected through the vessels.

Diastolic Blood pressure

A person is performing linear hurdle jumps and add an extra touch in between each jump. Which of the following initiations is this person using?

Double contact

During the _______ phase of a bench-press the shoulders performing horizontal ABduction.


During the _______ phase of a deadlift hip flexion occurs


During the ________ phase of the SSC elastic energy is stored and muscle spindles are stimulated.


_______ represents the interaction of two physical objects. ______ is a vector quantity, meaning it is both magnitude (size) and direction.


_________ __________ results in short term decrements in performance and recovery from this condition is normally achieved in a few days or weeks of rest.

Functional Overreaching

______ _______ directly correlates to our base stance (or base position) and can determine whether or not an individual is ready to perform advanced plyometrics.

Hip Hinging

Which of the following FMS screens is considered a pattern screen?

Inline lunge

During the beginning of the second pull (position 2) of a power clean; the bar is located

Just above knees

An individual scores symmetrical 1's on their ASLR screen and a 1 on their trunk stability. Which of the following plyometric exercises would you not program for this person?

Linear Long Jumps Linear Hurdle Hops Lateral Jumps NCM Vertical Jumps ALL OF THE ABOVE

One of the most commonly measured adaptations to aerobic training is an increase in _________________ associated with an increase in ___________

Maximal Oxygen Uptake/Cardiac Output

Anaerobic training elicits positive changes in the reflex (muscle spindle or stretch reflex) response of the neuromuscular system and enhances the magnitude and rate of force development via this __________ _________?

Myotatic Reflex

Which of the following plyometrics imposed the least demand (easiest) on the body/system?

Non-counter movement vertical box jump

Extreme overreaching or ___________ _________ occurs when intensification of a training stimulus continues without adequate recovery and regeneration.

Non-functional overreaching

_____________ ____________ is the prolonged maladaptation not only of the athlete but also of several biological, neurochemical, and hormonal regulation mechanisms.

Overtraining Syndrome

Which of the following is another way to represent the "power position" when referring to Olympic Lifting?

Power position

Which of the following correctives might you assign for someone with symmetrical 1's on their shoulder mobility?

Quadruped T-spine Rot

Which of the following would be an example of a compound set?

RFESS to lunges

______ _______ _______ is the development of maximal force in minimal time, typically used as an index of explosive strength.

Rate of Force development

Which of the following represents a power clean?

Receiving the bar in the front rack position above 90 degrees flexion of the hips

Which of the following represents a clean?

Receiving the bar in the front rack position below 90 degrees flexion of the hips

Which of the following represents a hang power snatch?

Receiving the bar overhead and above 90 degrees flexion of the hips

Which of the following represents a snatch?

Receiving the bar overhead and below 90 degrees flexion of the hips

Aerobic endurance training results in which of the following:

Reduced body fat Increased oxygen uptake Increased running economy All of the above

Which of the following screens incorporates the flexion clearing test after the test?


A non-counter movement (NCM) plyometric removes what physiological response from the body?


Exceptions to the size principle do exist. Under certain circumstances, an athlete is able to inhibit the lower-threshold motor units and in their place activate higher-threshhold motor units. This exception to the size principle is name _________ _________

Selective Recruitment

During the final position of a hang clean, what joint action occurs in order to receive the bar?

Shoulder Flexion

The recruitment or recruitment of motor units in an orderly manner is governed by the ________ ________ which represents the relationship between motor unit twitch force and recruitment threshold.

Size principle

_______ is a series of coupled flight and support phases, known as strides, orchestrated in an attempt to move an athletes body down the track at maximal acceleration or velocity (or both). Usually over brief distances.


Program design involves planning at several levels each with its own set of considerations: microcycles, mesocycles, and macrocycles. These processes are referred to as:

Stability Periodization Mobility NONE OF ABOVE

The quick and rapid eccentric contraction of a movement will result in the activation of the _____________?

Stretch shortening cycle

_______________ estimates the pressure exerted against the arterial walls as blood is forcefully ejected during ventricular contraction.

Systolic Blood pressure

Which of the following is an example of an agility test?


Which of the following screens incorporates the press-up clearing test after the test?


Which of the following (plyometrics) imposed the highest demand (most difficult) on the body/system?

Vertical Hop

Is program design for both anaerobic and aerobic training vital to preventing overtraining?


Sprinting can be composed of a series of sub-tasks (typically) divided into two phases. Which of the following is one of those phases?


________ are the skills and abilities needed for change of direction, velocity, or mode in response to a stimulus?


Another term to identify the phosphagen or creatine phosphate system would be?


Which of the following work to rest ratios is applicable to plyometrics?

both 1:10 and 1:5

________________ are the skills and abilities needed to explosively change velocities, direction, or modes.

change of direction

During the _______ phase of a front squat the hips and knees are performing extension.


When setting up for a clean, what distance apart should your feet be set at?

hip width

Which of the following is a common sprinting error (Table 19.1)?

hips too high of crouch position

Which of the following factors could negatively impact sprinting technique (think FMS)?


________ is defined as the relationship between the mass of an object and the velocity of movement.


_______ _______ detect rapid movement and initiate the stretch reflex?

muscle spindles

When there is an imbalance between training loads and recovery _________ can occur.


________________ is the amount of oxygen consumed by the body's tissues

oxygen uptake

Which of the following helps athletes produce force?


_________ is the planned reduction of volume of training that occurs prior to a competition.


Sprinting can be composed of a series of sub-tasks (typically) divided into two phases. Which of the following is the OTHER of those phases?

top speed

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