SA week 3 and 4

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

The extensor digitorum creates movement at which fingers?


How many of the 9 muscles that act on the thumb are located at the thenar eminance?


Flexor digitorum and FDP each have ______________ thin tendons which pass through which anatomical structure?

4, carpal tunnel

how many muscles act upon the thumb


The distal tendons of which three muscles create the "anatomical snuffbox"?


which forearm muscles comprise the "wad of three"

ECRL, ECRB, brachioradialis

which extensor muscle can be palpated along the shaft of the ulna?


the pisiform acts as an attachment site for which muscle


what muscle runs between the pisiform and the medial epicondyle?


The lumbricals sprout from the sides of the tendons at which muscle?


anatomically speaking, the proper name for the knuckle joint is what?


which cation can you ask your partner to perform at the wrist to distinguish the brachioradialis and the ECR?


Which muscle is located between the pisiform and the base of the fifth finger?

abducter digit minimi

the head of the radius is stabilized by which ligament?


during pronation and supination, which ligament stabilizes the proximal end of the radius against the ulna?

annular ligatment

palpating medial to the distal tendon of which muscle can help you locate the pronator teres.

biceps brachii

The brachial artery can be located on the medial side of the arm between which two muscles?

biceps, triceps

The thin sheet of fascia extending from the distal biceps brachii tendon is called the?

bicipital aponeurosis

Which muscle is a strong elbow flexor located deep to the biceps brachii?


which muscle runs the length of the forearm but does not cross the wrist joint?


which two carpals are located between Lister's tubercle and the base of the third metacarpal and are best palpated on the dorsal surface?

capitate, lunate

the styloid processes of the radius and ulna serve as important jumping off points for locating which group of bones?


The ligamentous arch that protects the rotator cuff tendons and subacromial bursa from direct trauma is formed by the

coracoacromial ligament

between which two bony landmarks can the coracoclavicular ligament be located?

coracoid process, clavicle

As you follow the bicpes brachii belly proximally, it becomes deep to which muscle?

deltoid (anterior fibers)

to bring the coracoacromial ligament closer to the surface,_________the arm.


What action could you ask your partner to perform to fell the contraction of the long head of the triceps?

extend his elbow, against your resistance

How can you position the arm to bring the subacromial bursa forward.

extend the shoulder

When palpating the forearm, the muscle bellies of the _____________________ group will fell smaller and more sinewy than the __________________ group.

extensor, flexor

With the forearm in anatomical position, the _______________________________ group is located on the posterior/lateral side of the forearm, while the ____________________________ group is located on the anterior/medial side.

extensor, flexor

to access the supinator, you must palpate deep to which muscle group?


looking at is name, what information can you gather about this muscle-flexor carpi radialis?

flexes, carpals, radial side

the carpals are located distal to which topographical feature on the palmar side?

flexor crease

the eight carpals are located just distal to which topographical landmark

flexor crease

the transverse fibers of the ________________________ and carpal bones for the carpal tunnel.

flexor retinaculum

which band of connective tissue forms the "roof" of the carapl tunnel

flexor retinaculum

the carpal tunnel is a passageway for many ___________________ and the ____________________ nerve.

flexor tendons, median

the pronator quadratus is deep to the _____________________ tendons and is accessible only on the quadratus ____________________ portion

flexor, lateral

the brachioradialis creates a helpful dividing line between which two muscle groups?

flexors, extensors

a hook-shaped protuberance is the distinct landmark used to isolate which carpal?


Listers tubercle is directly across-perhaps an inch away-from which bony landmark?

head of ulna

which superficial, bony knob is visible along the posterior, medial side of the wrist?

head of ulna

which four carpals serve as attachment sites for the flexor retinaculum?

hook of hamate, trqpezium (tubercle), pisiform, scaphoid (tubercle)

the elbow is comprised of two joints?

humeroulnar, humeroradial

What should you do if your partner feels a sharp, shooting sensation down her arm while you are palpating in the axilla ?

immediately release and adjust your position posteriorly

which bony landmark serves as an attachment site for the tendons of the wrist and finger extensors?

lateral epicondyle

How can you position the shoulder to bring the belly of the coracobrachialis to a superficial position?

laterally rotate and abduct the shoulder to 45 degrees

Which head of biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove?

long head

The palmar interossei are difficult to access because they are deep to the ______________________________ muscles and situated between the _____________________________ bones.

lumbrical, metacarpal

which structure pads the space between the olecranon process and the skin of the elbow?

olecranon bursa

To outline the distal tendon of the triceps brachii, which bony landmark do you want to locate?

olecranon process

between which two bony landmarks is the ulnar nerve particularly accessible and superficial?

olecranon process, medial epicondyle

Which muscle is responsible for creating opposition of the thumb?

opponens pollicis

which span of connective tissue is a continuation of the antebrachial fascia into the palm of the hand.

palmar aponeurosis

what are the four sides of the carpals that can be palpated?

palmar, dorsal, radial, ulnar

Pinching the fingers together highlights the tendon of which muscle at the wrist?

palmaris longus

What are the three superficial muscles in the flexor group?

palmaris longus, FCR, FCU

To locate the belly of the coracobrachialis, from which muscle would you slide off and into the axilla?

pectoralis major

In anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which two muscles?

pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

which carpal can be felt on the ulnar/palmar side of the hand, just distal to the flexor crease?


which two movements occur when the radius pivots back and forth around the ulna?

pronation, supination

The _____________________________ muscle is an antagonist to both the biceps brachii and the supinator.

pronator teres

which artery is often used when taking a pulse at the wrist?


which two structures reinforce the elbow joint by spanning from their respective epicondyles to the bones of the forearm?

radial collateral, ulnar collateral

which carpal can be located just distal to the styloid process of the radius and felt upon adduction of the wrist ?


which carpal forms the floor of the "anatomical snuffbox"?


The brachioradialis and the _____________________ clearly divide the forearm flexors from the extensors.

shaft of ulna

which bony landmark of the radius serves as the attachment site of the brachioradialis?

styloid process

The long head of hte triceps weaves between which two muscles before attaching at the infraglenoid tubercle?

teres major and minor

The ________________ eminance is located at the thumb's base, while the _____________________ eminance is located along the ulnar side of the palm.

thenar, hypothenar

which bone articulates with the first metacarpal and is the source of the thumbs unique movements?


the olecranon process serves as an attachment site for which muscle?

tricpes brachii

Which carpal can best be palpated by asking your partner to abduct and adduct her wrist as you palpate just distal to the styloid process of the ulna


Can you name an everyday action in which the biceps ability to supinate the forearm would come in handy?

turning a doorknob

the palpable edge of which bone runs the length of the forearm?


which two structures pass through the tunnel of Guyon?

ulnar nerve, ulnar artery

Although the flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis are deep to the other forearm flexors, they can be accessed along the medial side of which bony landmark?

ulnar shaft

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