SAF-126 Exam 3 study guide

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What does a HazCom plan include?

-Maintain a list of hazardous chemicals currently on site. -Ensure all hazardous chemicals have proper labeling -Maintain SDSs -Conduct employee training -Include a written hazard communication plan

What are some indicators of ergonomics problems?

-Reliance on incentive-pay systems that motivate people to work faster than is safe. -High overtime and increased work rate. -Manual materials-handling and other repetitive tasks. -Work requiring awkward postures. -High amount of hand force required for tasks -Mechanical stress -Raised elbows, bent wrists, and hands -Grasping or pinching objects -Exposure to extreme temperatures -Use of vibrating tools

Why do robots require safe guards?

Computer programming may make operation reversal virtually impossible, and control systems using "priority interrupt" should be implemented.

When was OSHA created?

December 29th, 1970

What types of hazards are presented by hazardous chemicals?

Flammability, compressed gas, corrosive irritants, carcinogens, or the ability to have a toxic effect on human organs.

Where do most ergonomic problems come from?

Forceful or repetitive work activities, mechanical stress, temperature, lighting, or because workers are required to assume awkward postures over a period of time.

What are the four categories of industries regulated by OSHA

General Industry, Maritime, Construction, and Agricultural

What is UEL?

Highest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapor in air capable of producing a flash of fire in presence of an ignition source (arc, flame, heat).

Where does OSHA require safe guarding?

If the hazard cannot be engineered out, OSHA requires safeguarding.

What is the general duty clause and how is it used?

It requires employers to "furnish a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards which are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees." The Clause is used by OSHA inspectors to cite employers when hazards are identified that are not covered by other regulations.

Which branch of the government does OSHA fall under?


Do all OSHA standards require a written plan?

No, supervisors must determine if regulations governing their workplace require written documentation.

What are some benefits of a properly designed workstation for employees?

Preventing lower back and leg problems, maximize information obtained, and permit rapid non-stressful workplace operation.

How important is leg room when designing for ergonomics?

Proper leg room prevents workers from having to move or lean unnaturally which could cause knee and lower back problems over time.

Which is more efficient? Safe guards purchased with the equipment or safe guards purchased after and separate from the equipment and why?

Safeguards purchased with the equipment are more efficient. OSHA recommends that permanent safeguards be used over temporary ones.

Can employees resist safeguards and if so, why?

Safeguards should only be resisted when the safeguard itself is hazardous..

What information can be found on a SDS?

The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical

Who is required to have access to SDS?

The chemical manufacturer, the importer, the employer, the distributor, and employees.

What is vapor density?

The density of a particular gas or vapor relative to that of hydrogen at the same pressure and temperature.

What is LEL?

The lowest concentration (percentage) of a gas or a vapor in air capable of producing a flash of fire in presence of an ignition source.

What are the requirements for maintaining SDS?

The standard requires that an employer maintain copies of the required SDS for each hazardous chemical in the workplace. They must be readily accessible to employees during each workshift when workers are in their job areas.

What is specific gravity?

The weight of a material compared to the weight of an equal volume of water.

Which part of the body does carpal tunnel syndrome most affect?

The wrist

Can turnover rate be an indication of ergonomic problems? Why?

Yes, high turnover rate can indicate that employees are unhappy with their working conditions and this should be monitored by an employer.

Can states have their own regulatory plans or regulations?

Yes, the regulations must be approved by OSHA.

Is it required that SD be in English?

Yes, the standard requires the SDS to be in English.

Is it allowable for SDS to be in another language other than English

Yes, the supervisor is often responsible for making sure that all employees understand the SDS information regardless of their ability to read English.

Can state regulations be more stringent than OSHA?

Yes, they cannot be less stringent than OSHA's regulations.

What is bio mechanics?

explains human body characteristics in mechanical terms. This allows us to describe the amount of force produced when a muscle works to move an object of a specific weight.

What is the OSHA form 300?

used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and to note the extent and severity of each case.

What is Antropometrics?

studies provide information that can be used to design workspaces to match body dimensions.

What is the definition of ergonomics?

the study of how people interact with their work; how to create a good match between employees and the workstations and the tools with which they work.

What is the web address for OSHA where you can find regulations posted

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