Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Exam

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User Permissions Needed to access Community Management:

"Access Community Management" OR "Manage Communities" OR "Create and Set Up Communities" AND is a member of the community whose Community Management page they're trying to access

User Permissions Needed to customize administration settings or use Community Builder:

"Create and Set Up Communities" AND is a member of the community whose Community Management page they're trying to access

User Permissions Needed to grant high-volume portal users access to records:

"Customize Application"

Describe the Topic Catalog

The topic catalog shows the hierarchy of navigational topics you've created for the community. It's only visible after you set up navigational topics, and it's accessed from the navigation menu.

How do you access all sections of a community?

To display all sections, go to Administration Preferences and enable Show all settings in Community Management.

Override Default Pages in Your Community with Custom Pages

Use a Custom Community Home Page Use a Custom Page for Service Unavailability

Describe the Use custom Visualforce error pages, feature of Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Use custom Visualforce error pages, if you want authenticated users to see your custom branded Visualforce error pages.

What tool can be used if you need to show topics in other languages?

Use the Translation Workbench to translate navigational and featured topics, and topic descriptions, in international communities.

Who are High Volume Community (Portal) users?

Users, without Roles, whose limited external O W D sharing access is derived from the internal user's Account record ownership to which their associated Contact record is related. Account record the internal users, without Roles, having a Customer Community, High Volume Customer Portal, or Authenticated Website license. Due to absence of roles high volume portal users have no problem like performance issues associated with role hierarchy calculations. These type of users have both Customer Community (Portal) and Authenticated Website license types.

What is the default number of roles configured for Partner Community or Customer Community Plus user licenses?

The system default is one role.

User Permissions Needed to access moderation rules and criteria:

"Manage Communities" OR "Create and Set Up Communities" AND is a member of the community whose Community Management page they're trying to access

What permission is needed to create partner users?

"Manage External Users"

What permission is needed to create customer users?

"Manage External Users" OR "Edit Self-Service Users" Permission

What are the OWD access levels for the External sharing model?

1. Controlled by Parent (For contacts, you must set Controlled by Parent for both the default internal and external access. 2. Private 3. Public Read-Only 4. Public Read/Write

What's the best practice for external OWD settings?

A best practice is to always have external org-wide defaults set to private.

What is Community?

A community is a group of people with shared values, behaviors, and artifacts.

What is a share group?

A share group allows you to share records owned by Customer Community License holders with internal and external users in your community.

What is a sharing set?

A sharing set gives community users access to records that are associated with their accounts or contacts based on their user profiles.

Employee Community Plus users users can be granted record access via which sharing features?

Account Team Sharing Apex Sharing Case Team Sharing Manual Sharing Opportunity Team Sharing Role Hierarchy Sharing Rules

What objects support external org-wide defaults?

Accounts and their associated Contracts and Assets Assets Cases Contacts Opportunities Orders Custom Objects Users

What changes need to be made inside the internal org for (Napili) Template—Community Setup? (To make the Community)

Add members to your community: Configure the Guest User Profile (access using Community Management or the Community Builder): Give read and create permissions for the case object. If using Salesforce Knowledge, give guests access to your data categories

Partner Super Users with role Partner Executive Can Access Data Owned By?

All partner users and partner super users in the same role Manager and User roles below them in the hierarchy

Describe the allow Members to flag posts, comments, or files for moderation within your community. *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Allow members to flag posts, comments, or files for moderation within your community. Members may want to flag items that contain inappropriate language or sensitive information.

When creating customer users, the account that the new contact is associated with must have what?

An account owner that is assigned a role.

Customer Community Plus users can be granted record access via which sharing features?

Apex Sharing Manual Sharing Role Hierarchy Sharing Rules

Partner Community Plus users can be granted record access via which sharing features?

Apex Sharing Case Team Sharing Manual Sharing Opportunity Team Sharing Role Hierarchy Sharing Rules

Depending on the template that you select, you can use Community Builder to:

Apply a color scheme that's appropriate for your template with the color palette. Choose colors for text, borders, and button backgrounds. Upload your own company logo image to generate a custom color palette based on its main colors. Maintain your own color palettes by saving or removing them as needed. Specify font family, style, and weight. Change header and page background color, font family, font size, and font color. Use custom CSS to apply your own styles

Sharing sets can be used with these user profiles

Authenticated Website Customer Community User Customer Community Login User High Volume Customer Portal High Volume Portal Overage Authenticated Website User Overage High Volume Customer Portal User

Customer Community Plus license is best used in what scenario?

B2B communities for support and non-sales scenarios, such as eCommerce

Partner Community license is best used in what scenario?

B2B communities that need access to sales data such as partner relationship management

Customer Community license is best used in what scenario?

B2C communities with large numbers of external users

What are the Community User limits?

Communities User Limits User limits depending on the type of community. To avoid deployment problems and any degradation in service quality, we recommend that the number of users in your community not exceed the limits listed below. If you require additional users beyond these limits, contact your Salesforce account executive. If your growing community needs more users, contact your Salesforce account representative to understand how the product can scale to meet your demands. Community License Type Number of Users Partner or Customer Community Plus 1 million Customer 10 million Some community licenses, such as Customer Community Plus and Partner Community, require roles associated with an account. Role proliferation degrades performance for your org, so make sure you don't use more roles than necessary in your org. The maximum number of roles used in an org's portals or communities is 5000. This limit includes roles associated with all of the organization's customer portals, partner portals, or communities. To prevent unnecessary growth of this number, we recommend reviewing and reducing the number of roles. You can also delete unused roles. If you require more roles, please contact Salesforce Customer Support.

Name 3 Characteristics of High volume users

Contacts enabled to access a community. External users assigned to either the Customer Community, High Volume Customer Portal, or Authenticated Website licenses. Only share the records they own with Salesforce users in sharing groups.

If you're an administrator and accidentally remove yourself from a community, you can't access the Administration settings in Community Management. To add yourself back to the community or make other membership updates, use the API.

Create a .csv file with columns for networkId and parentId. For parentId, list the profileId or permissionsetId you want to add. Open Data Loader and select the Network Member Group object. Specify the location of the .csv file you created and complete the Data Loader steps.

What can External users who are delegated administrators do?

Create external users Edit external users Reset passwords for external users Deactivate existing external users

What is Community Builder?

Customize Communities with Community Builder Use templates to quickly set up a community and then customize it with your company's branding, share Salesforce records with community members, and work with them in a collaborative space that meets your needs. Available in: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience Available in: Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions User Permissions Needed To create, customize, or publish a community: Create and Set Up Communities AND View Setup and Configuration Community Builder Overview Community Builder and community templates for self-service let you create, brand, and publish a custom community that looks great on any mobile device! Choose a template to quickly start your community, and then style the pages to match your company's branding. Manage Your Community's Pages and Their Properties in Community Builder The Pages menu and Page Properties centralize all your page-related needs, from page creation to audience criteria-based page visibility and everything in between. Track Community Users with Your Google Analytics Tracking ID Add your Google Analytics™ tracking ID to track page views in your community. Enable access to your Salesforce data for deeper insights. Then, adjust your community's pages to more accurately reach your customers.

By default, each community comes with default login, password management, and self-registration pages and associated Apex controllers that drive this functionality under the hood. You can use Visualforce, Apex, or Community Builder ( Studio) to create custom branding and change the default behavior.

Customize the branding of the default login page. Customize the login experience by modifying the default login page behavior, using a custom login page, and supporting other authentication providers. Redirect users to a different URL on logout. Use custom Change Password and Forgot Password pages Set up self-registration for unlicensed guest users in your community.

Describe the Nickname Feature of Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Display nicknames instead of full names in your community. Enabling nickname display in your community allows more privacy and protects member identities. This is especially helpful in a public community where unregistered visitors can access member profiles.

Add Topics to Articles or Remove Them

Easily add multiple topics of any type to specific articles, or quickly remove them as community needs change.

Describe the Enable Chatter messages feature of Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Enable Chatter messages, which allow you to have secure private conversations with other Chatter users. To expose Chatter messages for external users, administrators must also enable the Chatter tab.

What should you consider before you grant super user access to users?

Enable Partner Super User Access in your Communities Settings before granting access to individual partner users. Partner super user access applies to cases, leads, custom objects, and opportunities only. Partner super users can access all the data owned by other users below them in the partner account hierarchy, regardless of sharing rules and even when the org-wide default setting is set to Private.

Describe the Reputation feature in Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Enable Reputation to allow community managers to set up a point system that rewards users who participate in the community. Administrators set up corresponding reputation levels that users see on their profile.

What changes need to be made inside the internal org for (Napili) Template—Community Setup?

Enable Salesforce Communities. Choose a unique URL that works for your business, because you can't change it after it's been set. Set up email templates for any communication between the community and its members (welcome email, resetting password email, and so on). Enable the Global Header for Communities for the system administrator profile and any other profiles that can access your community from the internal org. Enable any Service Cloud features you plan to use in the community, such as Salesforce Knowledge. Review profiles and add permission sets as needed. Set up Web-to-Case. If you're using Salesforce Knowledge: Review your data categories. Enable feed tracking for your Knowledge article types.

Describe the Enable Access to public Chatter content feature of Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Enable access to public Chatter content in your community so that guest users can access it without logging in. Allowing this access is a way to boost adoption and helps customers easily find information they need without having to log in, register, or contact your company directly.

Enable Knowledgeable people feature in Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Enable knowledgeable people so you can discover who's knowledgeable on topics and endorse people for their knowledge on a topic.

What are additional options for granting access to your community besides profiles and permissions sets?

Enable self-registration so that external users can register on their own Enable (Social Sign-On) authentication providers, such as Facebook, so that external users can log into the community without creating an account

Can you delete external users?

External users can't be deleted. If you no longer want an external user to have access to a community, deactivate the user.

How do Customer or Partner users navigate between multiple communities?

External users only see the community drop-down menu if they have access to more than one Active community. Also, if an external user who is only a member of one Active community is given the URL for Preview community, the user doesn't see the drop-down menu when in the Preview community.

Customer Users see the Notes & Attachments related list on accounts or contacts. (True or False)

False, Customer Users don't see the Notes & Attachments related list on accounts or contacts.

Community members can have more default access to objects than Salesforce Internal users. (True or False)

False. The default external access level must always be more restrictive or equal to the default internal access. When you're setting up your external org-wide defaults, you can't give your community member more access to an object than you do to an internal Salesforce org user.

By default Customer Community License Users can see other users info.

False. By default, these members can see only their own records, such as the Cases they file with support. They can't see anyone else's Cases in the community.

Describe Featured Topics

Featured topics highlight current, popular community conversations. Change them regularly to keep community members up-to-date and engaged.

How many roles should you set as the default for Partner Community or Customer Community Plus user licenses?

For better performance, we recommend setting this value to 1. You can then use Super User Access to grant specific users access to data owned by other users in their account.

How can you access Community Management?

From the community: In Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce communities, click Community management gear icon in the global header. In Community Builder-based communities, use the drop-down menu next to your name and click Community Management. From Setup, enter All Communities in the Quick Find box, then select All Communities and click the Manage link next to a community. From Community Builder, in the header, use the drop-down menu next to the name of your template and click Community Management.

Using profiles and permission sets, you can:

Grant or remove access for groups of users. Once you add a profile or permission set, all users assigned to that profile or permission set become members of the community. Enforce a membership policy. New users added to a profile or permission set that is already associated with a community automatically gain access.

Enable Super User Access for Your Communities

Granting super user access to external users in your community lets them access more data and records, regardless of sharing rules and organization-wide defaults. Super users can access data owned by other partner users who have the same role or a role below them. Super user access applies to cases, leads, custom objects, and opportunities only. External users have access to these objects only if you expose them using profiles or sharing and add the tabs to the community.

Customer Community license is most like what portal licenses?

High Volume Customer Portal Service Cloud Portal Authenticated Sites Portal

What is Customer Service (Napili) Template—Community Setup Checklist for branding?

High-resolution image of your company logo Color scheme (or an image to upload to automatically generate one) Image to use as a header Thumbnail images (385x385 pixels), if you're using Featured Topics

What conditions must be met to grant High-Volume Community Users access to records?

High-volume community users can access records if any of the following conditions are met: They have "Update" access on the account they belong to. They own the record. They can access a record's parent, and the organization-wide sharing setting for that record is Controlled by Parent. The organization-wide sharing setting for the object is Public Read Only or Public Read/Write.

What are the limitations of High volume portal users in Salesforce?

High-volume community users can't manually share records they own or have access to. You can't transfer cases from non-high-volume community users to high-volume community users. High-volume community users can't own accounts. You can't add case teams to cases owned by high-volume community users. You can't include high-volume community users in: Personal groups or public groups. Sharing rules. Account teams, opportunity teams, or case teams. Salesforce CRM Content libraries. These limitations also apply to records owned by high-volume community users. You can't assign high-volume community users to territories

Name 2 Ways to stop the Welcome Email from Communities from being sent

If you select this option but your organization doesn't have Active communities that the user is a member of, Salesforce doesn't send the email. If Send welcome email is disabled for your community, the user doesn't receive an email with the username and password. You must manually send the information.

What are the changes to be made in the Community Builder (Napili) Template—Community Setup?

In Community Builder: Customize your community to match your company's branding. Add standard and custom Lightning components to customize their design and content.

What permission is needed for Community Builder?

Is an extra license required to use Community Builder? Each community using a Community Builder-based template can use the Community Builder to add custom, branded pages to your community. Communities users with the "Create and Set Up Communities" permission automatically have full site administrator access to a community's Community Builder.

The following is the maximum number of navigational topics and subtopics you can have in a Customer Service (Napili) community template.

Level Maximum Number of Entries One (parent) 25 Two (subtopic) 10 Three (subtopic) 10

How many communities can you have in your Salesforce org?

Maximum Number of Communities Limit You can have up to 100 communities in your Salesforce org. Active, inactive, and preview communities, including sites, count against this limit. To see this limit in your org, from Setup enter Communities in the Quick Find box, then select All Communities. TheMaximum number of communities field displays 100.

List some items that can be customized under the administration settings of community management.

Members Tabs Branding Login & Registration Emails Pages Preferences Settings

Why are share groups needed?

Most of those capabilities (record access via a role hierarchy, criteria-based sharing rules, manual sharing, team sharing) are not available for the Customer Community License because they require a role within the Salesforce hierarchy.

Can person accounts be used as partner accounts or used to create partner users that are associated with them?

No, If your organization has person accounts, you can't use them as partner accounts or create partner users that are associated with them. You can use only business accounts as partner accounts.

Can I use the same domain name for my Sites and my Communities?

No, you can't use the same domain name. Sites and Communities must each use a unique domain name. If you're using a domain name for your site and you want to use it for your communities instead, contact Salesforce Support for assistance with renaming the domain.

Do Customer Community License users have roles?

No. so they can't take advantage of role-based sharing.

Given O W D settings, what objects cannot be included in a sharing set?

Objects with an organization-wide sharing setting of Public Read/Write by default already provides everyone record-level access, and those custom objects that don't have a lookup relationship to either the Account or Contact objects.

How do you create a Community Customer user?

On the Contact record --> click the "Manage External User" Then select Enable Customer User from the menu. Then edit the users record. Assign the Customer Community User profile

How do you troubleshoot issues or ensure that the community is configured appropriately?

On the contact detail page, click Manage External User and choose Log in As Partner User or Log in as Customer User. You must have Edit permission on Accounts to log in as a Partner User or Customer User. A new browser window opens and you are logged in to the community on behalf of the external user.

What are benefits of the Napali community template?

Point-and click-customizations with Community Builder Collaboration Autocomplete Search Self-resolution of Cases through knowledge and case creation Sharing Salesforce records, with all the security checks in place, of course Recommendations Profile-based access Topics and Topic Email notifications Gamification Rules to weed out trolls and bots

What are the community statuses?

Preview Active Inactive

What are features of Community Management?

Preview the community or access your community's settings in the Community Builder,, or Studio from the Community Management menu in the global header. In Engagement, you can view Insights reports and take action on activity in your community. In Dashboards, you can view community dashboards and reports. In Moderation, you can set up moderation rules and monitor flagged feed items. In Topics, you can manage navigational and featured topics. In Recommendations, you can set up custom recommendations to appear in your community. In Reputation, you can set up reputation levels and points. In Administration, you can customize your community properties, such as name, description, URL, status, and template. You can also update your community settings, such as members, tabs, branding, login and registration, and emails.

What are disadvantages of the Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce community template?

Requires coding capabilities Requires some knowledge of the platform

To enable Super User Access:

Select Enable Partner Super User Access.

What file settings can be configured in Admin Preferences?

Set the maximum size in MB for files uploaded to the community. Specify the types of files that can be uploaded in the community.

After set up of your Community, what next steps should you take?

Set up an internal Chatter group for feedback, and invite people to take a test drive while the community is still in preview mode. Incorporate their feedback, and then publish your community. Seed the community with some initial content: welcome posts, groups, and relevant or fun articles.

What are the changes need to be made in Community Management (Napili) Template—Community Setup?

Set up navigational topics and subtopics, and associate articles to each topic. Set up featured topics and associated images Download the latest Salesforce Communities Management from the AppExchange. Set up moderation criteria and rules. Enable and set up reputation.

Customer Community users can be granted record access via which sharing features?

Share Groups Sharing Sets

Describe the Show all settings available in Community Management *Under Administration Preferences in Community Management

Show all settings available in Community Management that are hidden by default based on how you set up your community. Enabling this setting overrides the dynamic navigation provided in Community Management

What are benefits of the Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce community template?

Some theming options available out-of-the-box for tabs Support for all sales, service, marketing, and platform features Full platform capability

Navigational Topics

Structure your community's content and help your users find what they need with navigational topics. If your organization uses data categories, community managers can link current Salesforce Knowledge articles associated with those categories to each navigational topic. (If data categories aren't enabled, administrators can add articles to each topic using the Chatter REST API.)

How is a license used in an employee community?

The Employee Apps and Community permission set license includes the same permissions provided by the Employee Apps and Community license. Use this add-on license to give employees who hold an existing Salesforce Platform or App Subscription license access to your employee community. The Employee Apps and Community license appears as Company Community in the User License related list in Setup.

How many sharing sets can be created per user per object?

The admin can set up only one sharing set per profile per object.

What is the maximum number of roles configured for Partner Community or Customer Community Plus user licenses?

The limit is three roles.

What could be a reason that you don't see different sections in your community?

The options available in Community Management are based on your community template selection, permissions, and preferences. For example, if your community does not use topics, you don't see the Topics section. .

What role does the partner user role report to?

The partner user role is a subordinate of the account owner's role. Therefore, all data for the partner user role rolls up to the partner account owner's role. If you disable a partner user, the partner user role becomes obsolete, and the data no longer rolls up to the partner account role.

To brand your community: you can define styles such as:

The range of colors that are used by the entire site, by selecting a palette swatch: A specific color, by using the relevant color picker or entering a hex value. An image, by clicking the image area and uploading an image. The font type, size, or weight, by selecting an option in the relevant drop-down list. Your changes are saved automatically and appear instantly on the page canvas.

Should you use CSS to define your own color palette?

We recommend using CSS sparingly and only when necessary, because future releases of template components might not support all CSS customizations.

When should you use Partner Community Licenses?

When community users need access to: Leads Opportunities Campaigns

When should you use Customer Community Plus Licenses?

When community users need access to: Reports and dashboards Delegated admin Content libraries Records across accounts

What does each community status mean?

When the community is Active, welcome emails are sent and the community is discoverable by members. When a community is in Preview status, only members with the login URL can view the community. If a community is Inactive, only users with the "Create and Set Up Communities" permission can access it through the Community menu, regardless of membership.

Salesforce Files Connect

With Files Connect, Salesforce users can access, share, and search external data from systems like Google Drive, SharePoint, or Box.

Salesforce Files Sync

With Salesforce Files sync, users can sync files between their devices and Salesforce.(Desktop)

Edit Community Pages and Components in Community Builder

You can add new components to your community's pages or edit the properties of existing components to customize each page to suit your needs. Custom Components Lightning Components Download Components from AppExchange

What does the Convert External User Access Wizard do?

You can use the convert external user access wizard to ensure that no records or folders owned by a user are shared with an external user.

How would you share records owned by high-volume portal users?

share group

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