
Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

other dissolved in water = _____%


potassium dissolved in water =___%


calcium dissolved in water = ___%


dry regions between ____ and ____ degrees north/south make salinity go down


average salinity of the ocean it about _____ % or ____ %0

3.5, 35

sulfur dissolved in water = ____ %


sodium dissolved in water = _____ %


chlorine dissolved in water = ____ %


magnesium dissolved in water = _____ %


what percentage of global precipitation occurs over the oceans?


what percentage of global evaporation occurs over the oceans?


in the 1870's who systematically measured salinity, temperature, and water density in the world oceans?

HMS challenger

what area is the saltiest anywhere in the open ocean? what is the place analogous to?

Patch across the North Atlantic. Deserts on land

what are the two most important variables of seawater? They influence the density of water and in turn deep ocean circulation.

Salinity and temperature

how do you calculate salinity

by comparing mass of dissolved salt in a given mass of water to the mass of dissolved salt in 1000g of water of the salinity.

what drives ocean circulation deep below the surface

changes in seawater density

what are the primary sources of dissolved substances in the ocean?

chemical weathering of rocks, and volcanic eruptions

three processes that decrease salinity

continuous input of fresh water from rivers precipitation of rain and snow melting of ice

what is the key to transporting heat in the ocean and maintaining Earth's climate


removing large amounts of fresh water from sea water


what two processes make salinity go UP

evaporation, freezing ice


first satellite instrument specifically built to study the salt content of ocean surface waters

when seawater _____, salts do not become part of the ice


formation of sea ice

freezing ice

lower sea surface temperatures are found in ___-latitude regions



in the center of ocean basins because they are away from mouths of rivers, which input fresh water

Salts brought to the ocean from _____or _____ of earth

land, interior

the ocean's surface water temperature varies with the amount of solar radiation received, which is primarily a function of _____


_____ and ______ ____ influence temperature of water masses

latitude water depth

higher sea surface temperatures are found in ____-latitude regions


is salinity at high latitude or low? why?

low, lower evaporation rates and the melting of ice that dilutes seawater

oceanographers usually recognize a three-layered structure in most parts of the open ocean: a shallow surface _____ zone, a ______ zone, and a _____ zone

mixed transition deep

what has NASA'S aquarius instrument been doing since June 2011

orbiting earth and measuring changes in salinity

four ways in which fresh water is naturally added to seawater are decreasing its salinity are:

precipitation runoff from land icebergs melting sea ice melting

what are the processes that make salinity go DOWN

precipitation sea ice and icebergs melting runofff from land

the layer of the ocean water between about 300 meters and 1000 meters where this is a rapid change of density


the total amount of solid material dissolved in water


what are the two main factors that influence density of seawater

salinity temperature

surface salinity is polar regions varies seasonally due to the formation and melting of ____ ____

sea ice

most of the salt is______ _____

sodium chloride

what are the two factors that influence the temperature of water masses

solar radiation received= due to latitude, and water depth

where else are high concentrations of salinity found? why?

subtropical regions because high rates of evaporation and in landlocked seas in arid regions

temperature decreases rapidly with depth because of the _____ (inability to penetrate for high temperatures at down surface


what drives currents in the upper layers of the ocean?

surface winds

three processes that have served to make the ocean salty

the weathering of rocks evaporation of ocean water formation of sea ice

the layer of the ocean water between about 200 and 1000 meters where there is a rapid change of temperature with depth. This creates a vertical bar to many types of marine life


what is another name for "the global conveyor belt"?

thermohaline circulation

what can we directly monitor by tracking ocean surface salinity

variations in water cycle

salinity varies depending on the amount of _____ in the solution


where is salinity low?

where precipitation is greater than evaporation, mainly in coastal or equatorial regions

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