Sampling the Certification Exam

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A prescription has a sig that instructs the patient to "place ii gtts OD b.i.d." Where will the patient use this medication?

in the right eye

A medication is available in a 250 mg/5 mL concentration. How many milliliters contain 750 mg?

15 mL

If a 100-count bottle of alprazolam 1 mg costs the pharmacy $23.87, how much would 75 tablets cost the pharmacy?


A patient needs to pay 20% of the cost of his medications. If his medications are $12.79 and $81.24, how much will he pay?


Which of the following decimal values represents the fraction 1∕5?


How many grams of medication are in 200 g of a 1% ointment?

2 g

How many tablets should be dispensed for a furosemide 40 mg prescription with a quantity of XXI?


Which of the following has an underlined digit in the tenths place?


A prescription for cefaclor 250 mg capsules contains the following sig: "1 capsule t.i.d. for 14 days." How many capsules should be dispensed?


How many days will a prescription with a sig of "take 1 cap q.d. h.s." last if 45 capsules are dispensed?

45 days

A solution that is 1:20 is also the concentration:


Sterile water is purchased in containers of 1,000 mL. How many 125 mL containers could be poured out of the large container?


A medication label reads 300 mg/5 mL. How many milligrams of medication are in 15 mL?

900 mg

A prescription that has a sig of "2 caps po t.i.d. ac" will be dispensed with which patient instructions?

Take 2 capsules by mouth three times daily before meals.

A prescription that is written with a sig of "2 tablets stat" should be dispensed


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