Sc1ence Part 1

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SCIENCE GLOSSARY $400: It's the chemical substance that carries genetic information that determines form & functioning of all living things


SCIENCE FICTION $2000: Genly Ai is an emissary to the planet Winter in Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Left Hand of" this


BASIC SCIENCE $800: 8 years before "The Origin of Species" was published, this British naturalist wrote a paper on barnacles


"D" IN SCIENCE $1600: With a diameter averaging about 7 miles, it's the smaller of Mars' 2 moons


$1200: In February 2010 the Times reported on the decoding of the genomes of 5 South Africans, including this Bantu clergyman

Desmond Tutu

"D" IN SCIENCE $1200: Sharks first inhabited the waters during this period of the Paleozoic era named for an English county


EVERYDAY SCIENCE $800: His second law, force equals mass times acceleration, is demonstrated when you push a child on a swing


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY $400: This science & math titan moved to 35 St. Martin's Street in London in 1710, 44 years after his "Annus Mirabilis"


MATH & SCIENCE $400: His experiments in the mid-1660s showed that the colors produced by a prism were due to different refraction rates


SCIENCE BRIEFS $600: Conceived around 1686, "G" is known as this man's constant


SCIENCE $2000: () Using a centuries-old experiment, pour water into a cup, to specifically illustrate Newtonian law

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

$200: An astronomical viewing facility, or Henry Fountain's column in Tuesday's Science Times


ACADEMIC DEGREES $400: A dentist may have a D.M.D., Doctor of Dental Medicine, or a D.D.S., Doctor of Dental this

Surgery (Science accepted)

SPACE SCIENCE $1600: The Space Age began in 1957 when Russia launched this satellite


TEXTBOOKS $1600: For a laugh, try Montgomery & Runger's "Applied" this science of data analysis "and Probability for Engineers"


SCIENCE $1,400 (Daily Double): Pauling found an "alpha" type of this spiral in proteins; Watson & Crick found a "double" one in DNA

a helix

SCIENCE STUFF $1600: () A banana will ripen quicker in a bag, because the ethylene gas produced by the fruit cannot escape; ethylene gas is one of these growth regulators, Greek for "set in motion"

a hormone

SCIENCE STUFF $1600: In this type of bomb, 2 atoms of deuterium collide to produce a helium atom & extra neutrons

a hydrogen bomb (or a fusion bomb)

SCIENCE CLASS $2000: Named for a physicist, it's the amount of work done when 1 amp passes through 1 ohm of resistance for 1 second

a joule

SCIENCE $400: A hemodialyzer is a medical device known as an artificial this organ

a kidney

SCIENCE-Y 3-LETTER WORDS $400: It's short for the room or building where experiments are done

a lab

SCIENCE CLASS $400: The Faraday effect shows how this type of field can rotate the vibration plane of a beam of polarized light

a magnetic field

SCIENCE $2,021 (Daily Double): We went underground to learn that this unit is equal to about 6.022 x 1023 molecules of a given substance

a mole

WEIRD SCIENCE $1000: () Oops--our salt and pepper got mixed together; if I take a plastic spoon & rub it on wool, it picks up electrons & gets this kind of electrostatic charge, attracting the lighter pepper flakes

a negative charge

SCIENCE CENTER $1200: Your cells are eukaryotic, from the Greek for "nut", meaning they have a true one of these

a nucleus

SCIENCE CLASS $1600: A litmus test can help you set things on this scale devised by S.P.L. Sorensen

a pH scale

SCIENCE AT THE EXPLORATORIUM $2000: () Spinning the tank of water creates this geometric curve, because less force is needed to hold the center down than the edges

a parabola

SCIENCE AT THE EXPLORATORIUM $800: () Though it looks simple enough, its motion turns out not to be predictable, so it's called the chaotic type of this device

a pendulum

LIFE SCIENCE $2000: This 5-letter word for a virus that infects a bacterial cell is sometimes prefixed by "bacterio"

a phage

$400: A researcher has shown that this feared Amazon fish may gather in packs for safety, not to hunt

a piranha

WHAT'S THE "PLAN"? $400: The Adler in Chicago is one of these buildings for space science education

a planetarium

"P" IN SCIENCE $4,600 (Daily Double): () The balloon doesn't break because it's made up of this type of substance, from the Greek for "many parts"; the needle merely separates the large molecules

a polymer

"P" IN SCIENCE $1600: The antielectron predicated by Paul Dirac in 1928 was found by Carl Anderson in 1932 & named this

a positron

BASIC SCIENCE $600: It's the 5-letter term for the transparent solid that disperses light into a spectrum

a prism

SCIENCE $1600: () When you press the nozzle of an aerosol can, the contents are pushed out by pressurized gas; the gas is called one of these, a general term for chemicals that create thrust

a propellant

GENERAL SCIENCE $1200: A block & tackle uses 2 or more of this simple machine to reduce the amount of effort needed to lift a load

a pulley

SCIENCE $800: This one of the simple machines is made by using a wheel & a rope

a pulley

$800: () In the first of several Nobel Prizes won at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the high rate of new particle production was traced to a new kind of particle, the charm type of this

a quark

SOCIAL SCIENCE $200: This violent, large-scale public protest gives its name to the "gear" worn by policemen dealing with it

a riot

WEIRD SCIENCE $800: Known for its ability to float, pumice is a porous type of this

a rock

SCIENCE $800: The largest tree, the General Sherman in California, is this type, also called a Sierra Redwood

a sequoia

FROM THE LATIN $1200: It's from the Latin for "talking to oneself"; an example is heard "I'll have grounds more relative than this. The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King"

a soliloquy

$2000: () NY Blue is an 18-rack supercomputer at Brookhaven that processes in terms of this speed--one trillion floating operations per second

a teraflop

THE SCIENCE BUG $1600: Fossil beetles near the South Pole suggest that the Antarctic was once this type of flat area, cold but with life

a tundra

"A" IN SCIENCE $2000: Sediments laid down by streams during flooding form this type of plain

alluvial plain

THE SCIENCE BUG $3,000 (Daily Double): Ants sacrificing individual good for the group is what zoologists call this -ism, from the Latin for "other"


"A" IN SCIENCE $400: The 8 essential types of these acids cannot be produced by the human body & must be obtained from food

amino acids

"A" IN SCIENCE $800: Revive yourself & give the name of this compound of nitrogen & hydrogen that has been used for refrigeration


SCIENCE $1200: The Haber process uses nitrogen & hydrogen to synthetically produce this pungent gas


AN "A" IN SCIENCE $4,000 (Daily Double): The name of this class of vertebrates comes from a word meaning "living a double life"


SCIENCE $200: The opposite of a base, it turns blue litmus red

an acid

"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $400: Pollen is a common--achoo!--example of one of these & there must--achoo!--be one in the studio

an allergen

THAT'S LIFE SCIENCE $800: One of the parasitic types of this one-celled creature is seen

an amoeba

SCIENCE CROSSWORD CLUES "E" $1200: Negative particle (8)

an electron

"A" IN SCIENCE $400: This deficiency of hemoglobin is often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells


LIFE SCIENCE $2000: The 2 main types of vascular seed plants are gymnosperms & these, 80% of known green plants


SCIENCE FACT $2000: This name applies to any of the proteins produced by B cells as a primary immune defense


"A" IN SCIENCE $1600: The production of antibodies is stimulated by the presence of these, like viruses, toxins & bacteria


SCIENCE $1600: Boric acid, a weak acid, is used as this bacteria-killing infection-preventing type of substance


"A" IN SCIENCE $1000: This inert gas is atomic number 18; you should "naut" search any further


THE SCIENCE OF LIQUOR $800: Germany's Purity Law of 1516 states that German beer must contain only water, hops & this germinated grain


THE SCIENCE BLUES $800: "Fundamental" 4-letter term for a substance that reacts with acids to form salts & can turn litmus paper blue


SCIENCE TERMS $800: Alkalis are strong these, which turn litmus paper from red to blue


FUN WITH SCIENCE $200: If you make a house for these flying mammals, mount it at least 15 feet above the ground to attract them


SCIENCE STUFF $400: 2 for the price of one: caves full of these leathery-winged mammals often contain cockroaches, too


INSIDE ALEX TREBEK $600: This can be a large drinking vessel or a small lipped one used for science experiments


$400: calls these insects "the angels of agriculture"


THE SCIENCE BUG $400: Karl von Frisch won a Nobel Prize for work on animal behavior patterns, largely using the "dance' of this insect


SCIENCE STUFF $1200: Perennial plants live for many years; just change the first syllable to get this term for plants that live only 2 years


SCIENCE $200: This medal metal is usually an alloy of tin & copper


SCIENCE $2000: (.) Carbon, one of the most common elements, has been discovered in 60-atom configurations called , named for an architect

buckyballs (fullerenes)

SCIENCE $800: () An egg sinks in tap water, but in saltwater, the egg gains this, defined as the upward force of a liquid on an object less dense than itself


9-LETTER WORDS $800: A branch of science, or a sympathetic rapport between 2 people


I OWE YOU AN "OLOGY" $600: The science of determining dates & the sequence of events, it's also a list of those events by date


"C" IN SCIENCE $400: No kidding, the name of this type of wispy cloud is from the Latin for "curl"


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2006 $600: Scientists in Australia hope to resurrect the extinct Tasmanian tiger by using genetic fragments & this method


WE BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE $800: It's the most abundant fossil fuel produced in the United States


THE SCIENCE BLUES $400: Tritanopia is the medical term for this when it affects the ability to discern blue


COLORFUL SCIENCE $2000: 2 colors called this aren't praising each other, they're directly opposite each other on a color wheel


& THE AWARD GOES TO... $800: The Turing Award for contributions to this field was first given to Alan Perlis for his compiler construction

computer science

SCIENCE $800: Electrically speaking, it's the opposite of resistivity


SCIENCE & NATURE $600: This physics term refers to the study of the effects of extremely low temperatures


OUR NEW COMPUTER OVERLORDS $600: In 1998 Deep Crack, designed for this science from the Greek for "hidden writing", broke the standard U.S. data cipher


FROM THE GREEK $800: From Greek for "steward", it's been defined as "the dismal science"


IT'S ALL SCIENCEY & STUFF $1600: This 6-letter itchy skin condition comes from the Greek for "to boil"


SCIENCE $800: As opposed to what arthropods have, vertebrates have this internal framework


"E" IN SCIENCE $1200: It's defined as the capacity or power to do work


SCIENCE FACT $1200: The toy seen is demonstrating the conservation of momentum & of this, formulated by Helmholtz in 1847


SCIENCE $1200: William Jennings Bryan called this theory a "program of infidelity masquerading under the name of science"


THE SCIENCE BUG $1200: Researchers are basing robots' sensors on these compound organs on flies


SCIENCE $2000: Don't blame me--the most common cause of earthquakes is movement along these lines

fault lines

PLANT SCIENCE $1200: () Spruce needles are green all around, & in you can see they're square; with two light, lengthwise strips on the are from this 3-letter tree


SCIENCE $1200: Cilia later! These long hairlike extensions help bacteria move by means of a whipping motion


BASIC SCIENCE $1600: Heavily promoted by Wal-Mart, they work by electrifying a mix of argon gas & mercury vapor

fluorescent lights

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $600: Newton's second law is expressed as the equation F=ma, where F stands for this, m is mass & a is acceleration


THE SCIENCE OF LIQUOR $400: In cryoextraction, this is done to grapes to produce the most concentrated juice in pressing


ANAGRAMS OF COLORS $1200: A category or class of artistic endeavor, like science fiction

genre (an anagram of green)

SCIENCE CENTER $3,000 (Daily Double): 10-letter term for the structure of the universe as explained by Ptolemy of Alexandria


SCIENCE $1200: About 65% of iron in humans is in the form of this, which transports molecular oxygen from the lungs through the body


SCIENCE TERMS $800: Factor VIII is missing in the A type of this hereditary coagulation disorder


SCIENCE $400: Jaundice can be a symptom of this liver disease, type A, B or C


SCIENCE HISTORY $800: Nutbrain Soviet scientists adopted the discredited 19th C, theory of Lamarck that said acquired traits could be this

hereditary (passed on to your offspring)

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $400: Around 1820 it was demonstrated that this element was effective in treating goiter


METALS $800: () When you hold over a magnet, it spikes and marks the lines of the magnetic field because ferrofluid contains nanoparticles of metallic element, symbol Fe


SCIENCE $400: Of copper, iron or aluminum, the one that would be most attracted to a magnet


FICTION SCIENCE $800: When the audience knows something that one of the characters doesn't, it's dramatic this, isn't it?


SCIENCE "K"LASS $1000: Macrocystis, this type of seaweed, can be 200 feet long


SCIENCE "K"LASS $400: Just add 273.15 to your Celsius reading to get this


SCIENCE "K"LASS $200: Almost exactly equal to the mass of 1,000 cubic centimeters of water, it's a base unit in the metric system


EVERYDAY SCIENCE $2000: () At rest, a Slinky has potential energy, which is converted to this type of energy as it makes its descent


SCIENCE BRIEFS $400: "K" can stand for kelvin or for this type of energy, from the Greek for "to move"


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $400: The lumen, a unit of this, is the amount emitted from a source one candela strong


SCIENCE "L"IST $400: Alpha Centauri is 4.35 of these away from us

light years

WEIRD SCIENCE $600: The return stroke for this weather event takes about 100 microseconds & its temperature is around 50,000 degrees


SCIENCE & NATURE $2,500 (Daily Double): () Particle accelerators come in 2 types, circular, and this one here at Stanford, in which particles approach the speed of light, as they zip along a 2 mile track


TO "L" WITH SCIENCE $800: Any of a hydrophobic group of organic compounds, including fats & oils


SCIENCE CLASS $2000: Lava & igneous rock are formed from this hot liquid rock material found under the earth's crust


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: This force that attracts or repels other objects at a distance is caused by electric charges in motion


$400: () A detector identifies each particle produced in the accelerator, computing its charge & this measurement that Einstein related to energy


SCIENCE $1600: By definition, it's what a carnivore eats


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1600: In 1911 Heike Onnes first observed superconductivity when he cooled this slippery element to -452 degrees Fahrenheit


MAKES SENSE $200: Things that fell from the skies in Aristotelian times were known as these, from which a science later took its name


LIFE SCIENCE $1200: In the Batesian type of this, aka imitation, an organism evolves to look like a more noxious one so it's left alone


LIFE SCIENCE $1,100 (Daily Double): Myogenic means related to this type of tissue: the heart's myogenic beating continues even without nerve impulses

muscle tissue

LIFE SCIENCE $800: In HIV these genetic changes that alter the organism happen so fast, a single AIDS drug is unworkable


2-WORD SCIENCE RESPONSES $800: This type of fossil fuel is primarily methane

natural gas

SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): In testing out gases by smelling them (not a good idea) Humphry Davy found in 1800 that this one made him feel giddy

nitrous oxide (or laughing gas)

SCIENCE $1600: 6 elements once known as inert gases are now known by this aristocratic name

noble gases

SCIENCE ADJECTIVES $800: Because they're most active after dark, opossums are described by this adjective


PHYSICS, BRAIN SURGERY & ROCKET SCIENCE $1200: This branch of physics focuses on radioactivity; this type of family has a mother, father & children


SCIENCE ADJECTIVES $400: "Atomic" & this word describing the central region of an atom are both found before "power" & "fission"


WOMEN IN SCIENCE $400: In 1939 physicist Lise Meitner & her nephew Otto Frisch coined this term referring to the splitting of an atom's nucleus

nuclear fission

SCIENCE A TO Z $800: "N": Whitefly eggs first develop into these, from the Greek for "bride"


WEIRD SCIENCE $400: These cephalopods not only have 8 appendages, but 3 hearts


SCIENCE $2000: This unit of pressure is equal to about 14.7 pounds per square inch or 1 bar

one atmosphere

SCIENCE $600: This branch of study is for the birds... actually, it's of the birds


FUN WITH SCIENCE $1000: () Put celery in red-colored water, & after 24 hours, the leaves turn because of this process by which plants absorb fluids, from the Greek for "push" or "thrust"


"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): The atmosphere around the Dead Sea should make you feel good; it has more of this than anywhere else on Earth


SCIENCE STUFF $2000: Einstein's Nobel Prize was for work on this effect in which light absorption leads to electron emission

photoelectric effect

GENERAL SCIENCE $2000: Diatoms are among the most numerous of these plantlike plankton that drift with the ocean currents


SCIENCE STUFF $1600: Iridium, osmium, rhodium, palladium & ruthenium are members of this precious metal's "group"


GENERAL SCIENCE $400: In palynology scientists study the past distribution of seed plants by looking at grains of this


CIRCUS SCIENCE $2000: () At the start of the trick, the trapeze artist has maximized her P.E., this; at , she wants to maximize it again so she's not moving

potential energy

SCIENCE CLASS $2000: These 2-syllable fragments of clay vessels found at archaeological digs help us learn about a culture


"P" IN SCIENCE $400: This order of mammals is divided into prosimians & anthropoids


"P" IN SCIENCE $1200: This stage of complete metamorphosis occurs immediately after the larval stage


SCIENCE IS GOLDEN $2,000 (Daily Double): Citrine is a yellow variety of this mineral


SCIENCE $600: The 10th to 12th of these body parts that form a "cage" articulate with single vertebrae


IT'S ALL SCIENCEY & STUFF $400: In 1992 scientists found these at the edge not of a pond but of the universe, from primordial fluctuations


GENERAL SCIENCE $400: Geologists called stratigraphers are involved with determining the earth's age & history by looking at layers of these


-OLOGIES $600: It's the science & application of X-rays

roentgenology (or radiology)

SCIENCE & NATURE $200: Mesquite can send these down 60 feet to reach moisture


SCIENCE FAIR $5,000 (Daily Double): The name of this one of the 3 main types of rocks comes from the Latin for "to settle"


SCIENCE $400: A whole lot of shakin' goes on in this science that deals almost exclusively with earthquakes


SOCIAL SCIENCE $400: Mick sang, "gimme" this, a place where homeless people can get something to eat & spend the night


THAT'S LIFE SCIENCE $400: Able to "sleep" in dried eggs for years, the ever-popular sea monkeys are actually a brine type of this


SOME SCIENCE, SOME NATURE $1200: Asphyxia, or a temporary suspension of breathing that affects some adults during sleep

sleep apnea

LIFE SCIENCES $1200: In humans this collection of nerves extends from the base of the skull to the second lumbar vertebra

spinal cord

BASIC SCIENCE $800: In old science, it's a type of "generation" of life from nonliving matter; it's also a type of "combustion"


MATH & SCIENCE $800: Often occurring in oily rags or hay, it's the self-burning of materials due to chemical changes

spontaneous combustion

SCIENCE $800: () Iodine reacts with this carbohydrate in food; if it's present, the iodine turns a


2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $600: This can build up after a good hair brushing, & when you remove a wool hat, it can make your hair stand on end

static electricity

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: () Run a comb through your hair & hold it --the water is drawn to the comb because of this accumulation of electrical charge

static electricity

U.N. OBSERVANCES $800: Can't wait for Oct. 20, World Day for this science of collecting & arranging numerical facts & data


SCIENCE GRAB BAG $1,400 (Daily Double): With a category 5 hurricane, you can expect one of these alliterative consequences 18 feet above normal tide

storm surge

SCIENCE $1200: () In bending an elastic solid, stress is the force causing deformation & this is the 6-letter term for


$800: () With a little bit of help from me, the pack rehabilitates unstable dogs by showing them by example how to be calm & this, the opposite of dominant or assertive in behavioral science


$3,000 (Daily Double): Scholars can't read a 10-word column found in Guatemala but know it means these people had writing in 2300 B.C.

the Mayans

SCIENCE & NATURE $2,000 (Daily Double): Dinosaurs died out in this geological era that means "middle life"

the Mesozoic era

SCIENCE $400: Into the 20th Century it was thought the universe was one big galaxy--this one

the Milky Way

SCIENCE $400: In November 2009 science news, a NASA probe found water here, & not a little bit, either

the Moon

SCIENCE $800: In a month, this object ranges from about 225,000 miles to 252,000 miles from the Earth

the Moon

WHAT A GODDESS $800: Hesiod mentioned the names of these 9 sister goddesses, patrons of particular arts & sciences

the Muses

SCIENCE FACTION $1600: The NAS, or this, consists of about 2,000 U.S. scientists elected for life for their research achievements

the National Academy of Sciences

GOVT. ABBR. $200: It promotes technical research & education programs: the NSF

the National Science Foundation

GENERAL SCIENCE $1600: In the U.S. the "stately" time divisions in the Carboniferous Period are called the Mississippian & this

the Pennsylvanian

$2000: Preserved to accompany humans into the afterlife, were popular in this Egyptian period named for a Greek

the Ptolemaic Period

SCIENCE $800: A dry Sirocco is a warm wind that carries particles of sand from this African desert across the Mediterranean

the Sahara

MATH & SCIENCE $1200: The photosphere, the visible surface of this, is actually the innermost layer of its atmosphere

the Sun

$1600: Found in the family vault still wearing his boots, mummified German Baron von Holz died during this early 17th c. war

the Thirty Years' War

TOUGH SCIENCE $1200: This virus, named for an African geographical feature, came to the U.S. in 1999

the West Nile Virus

SCIENCE $2000: Predicted in 1928, the first known antiparticle was the anti-this, also called the positron

the antielectron

SCIENCE EN ESPAÑOL $400: Eje is this imaginary line about which the Earth rotates

the axis

SCIENCE CENTER $400: The part of a pear with the seeds

the core

FICTION SCIENCE $600: It's the fancy Frenchified name for the resolution of a story's plot following the climax

the denouement

2-WORD SCIENCE RESPONSES $1000: () Condensation won't necessarily appear on a glass filled with water, but with ice added, a reaches this point, & the condensation forms

the dew point

SCIENCE FAIR $400: The duodenum, jejunum & ileum are 3 parts of this

the small intestine

$200: () Pain tolerance is how much you can ; this architectural term refers to your first sense of discomfort


SCIENCE "T"ALK $2000: It's what the "t" stands for in tRNA


SCIENCE "T"ALK $1600: The name of this element is from the Swedish for "heavy" & "stone"


$1600: At age 100, the internal organs of these shelled reptiles look just like those of teenage ones


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $2000: Speed can be expressed with a number; this vector, combining speed & direction, often needs an arrow


SCIENCE CLASS $800: Scientists believe that, like humans, many dinosaurs were endothermic, which means this


SCIENCE CLASS $1600: () A doorknob acts as a force multiplier, with a larger knob turning a smaller attached shaft--an example of this simple machine

wheel and axle

A BUNCH OF STUFF $400: () Milk is a colloid, meaning a liquid with solid particles spread throughout; using vinegar, you can the solids, called curd, from the liquid, which is called this


SCIENCE $1600: With cups that rotate horizontally, an anemometer measures the speed of this, anemos in Greek


BLACK HOLES $1600: In science fiction stories, black holes are often gateways to these vermiform travel tubes


SCIENCE $400: () In 1883, Carlsberg developed , a special strain of this to ferment the sugars in beer


GENERAL SCIENCE $800: Using spectrometry, you'll find that helium produces a bright line of this color


SCIENCE $800: Lignin, a substance in wood, changes when exposed to oxygen; that makes white paper turn this color as it ages


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: All 5 elements of the salt-producing halogen group end in these 3 letters (one element purifies drinking water)


SCIENCE CLASS $1200: According to string theory, our universe has at least this many dimensions, but 6 are "curled up" & hard to see


SCIENCE $2000: It's the largest number in the Fibonacci sequence that's also a day in a month


SCIENCE $800: Polarized lenses are one method used in these items that make some movie theater experiences more exciting

3-D movies

OCEANOGRAPHY $1,500 (Daily Double): William & Mary's marine science school has an Estuarine Research Reserve on this biggest U.S. estuary

Chesapeake Bay

SCIENCE $1200: Vauquelin found Beryllium in 1798, the year after he found this, symbol Cr


19th CENTURY SCIENCE $1000: The first skeletons of this early human were discovered in a French cave in 1868


MEN OF SCIENCE $800: Albert Hoffman, who died aged 102 in 2008, was best known for synthesizing this 3-letter hallucinogen


$1200: Glen Canyon, inundated by the formation of this man-made Utah lake, is becoming visible again as the lake dries up

Lake Powell

SCIENCE $1000: In 1758 this Swedish biologist introduced binomial nomenclature


SCIENCE $1200: In 1729 this Swede wrote "Praeludia Sponsaliorum Plantarum", which described the sexual processes of plants


MOVIE TITLE SONGS $1600: 1985: Oingo Boingo

"Weird Science"

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $1200: During the depression, this marine biologist & ecologist wrote radio scripts for the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries

Rachel Carson

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $1200: This marine biologist's 1951 book "The Sea Around Us" spent 86 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list

Rachel Carson

"D" IN SCIENCE $400: It's the more common name for solid CO2

dry ice

"D" IN SCIENCE $800: Gold leads all metals in this property, the ability to be drawn into wires without breaking


SCIENCE IS GOLDEN $800: Aquila chrysaetos is the golden type of this majestic bird of prey


SCIENCE-Y 3-LETTER WORDS $800: It's the flowing back of the tide as the water returns to the sea


"E" IN SCIENCE $1600: Marine invertebrates like starfish & sand dollars are this type of animal, from the Latin for "urchin skin"


"F"RIENDS OF SCIENCE $1200: During WWI this Brit debated the use of antiseptics on wound infections, finding they did more harm than good

(Alexander) Fleming

WE BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE $400: Authorities generally agree that this founding father created such electrical terms as battery & armature

(Benjamin) Franklin

SCIENCE GUYS $400: His grandfather Erasmus argued in favor of evolution 60 years before he took up the cause himself

(Charles) Darwin

"F"RIENDS OF SCIENCE $400: Before sending this ape expert to Africa in 1966, Louis Leakey asked her to get a pre-emptive appendectomy

(Dian) Fossey

BORN & DIED: SCIENCE EDITION $3,000 (Daily Double): Born in Siberia in 1834, we obey his periodic law, died in 1907 in St. Petersburg

(Dmitri) Mendeleev

TOUGH SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): The first director of the radiation lab at Berkeley, his name will live forevermore on an element

(Ernest Orlando) Lawrence

MEN OF SCIENCE $2000: According to his law, electric current is equal to the ratio of the voltage to the resistance

(Georg) Ohm

DON'T YOU THINK? $1,800 (Daily Double): In 1637 this French "Father of Modern Philosophy" was seeking "truth in the sciences"

(René) Descartes

THE SCIENCE LAB $400: While he invented spectroscopy with Gustav Kirchhoff, he didn't invent the burner that's named fot him

(Robert) Bunsen

SCIENCE GUYS $800: He became president of the Royal Society in 1703 & was reelected annually until his death in 1727

(Sir Isaac) Newton

SCIENCE GUYS $1600: We're certain that in the 1920s, this "principled" German physicist developed the principle of matrix mechanics

(Wener) Heisenberg

SCIENCE GUYS $400: () To develop U.S. rockets like the Redstone, many German scientists were brought to America after World War II, including chief designer of the Saturn V

(Wernher) von Braun

SCIENCE $400: () The marshmallow in the bottle will expand when I suck on the straw because this property inside the bottle will decrease

(air) pressure

SCIENCE FICTION $600: This 1969 novella by Harlan Ellison tells the story of Blood, a telepathic canine who teaches his master to read

A Boy and His Dog

REAL MEN OF SCIENCE $1200: Galileo used a supernova in 1604 to disprove this ancient Greek's theory that the universe never changes


"A" IN SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): ( ) Focused ultrasound waves are propelling the water here at Ol' Miss's cutting edge NCPA -- National Center for Physical these


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $400: The unit equal to 10 decibels is named for this inventor whose early career included teaching the deaf

Alexander Graham Bell

"A" IN SCIENCE $2000: Probably the most common & best known carnivore of the late Jurassic period, it had a 3-foot-long skull


"A" SCIENCE CATEGORY $1600: In the 1920s Edwin Hubble determined that this galaxy was in fact a separate galaxy from the Milky Way


"A" SCIENCE CATEGORY $1200: (Kelly of the Clue Crew stands behind a table) The experiment showing that two objects weighing the same displace different amounts of water because they have different densities was developed by this mathematician


POLITICAL SCIENCE $800: "Every community is established with a view to some good", says this ancient man's "Politics"


A BEAUTIFUL MIND $2000: () Communication satellites orbit in a belt 22,300 miles above the Earth; the belt is named for science fiction writer who proposed geostationary orbits in 1945

Arthur C. Clarke

SCIENCE FICTION $800: In 1997 he ended his "Odyssey" series with "3001: The Final Odyssey"

Arthur Clarke

THIS JUST IN $400: Calling all stargazers: 2009 is the International Year of this science


SCIENCE FACTION $2000: It's the first "A" in the IAEA, to which almost 150 nations belong


SCIENCE FACTION $400: ANZAAS is these 2 countries' Association for the Advancement of Science

Australia & New Zealand

SCIENCE FICTION FILMS $800: () You may not recognize me out of character, but one of my greatest acting experiences was playing Neytiri's mother, Moat, in this blockbuster


MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE $400: In 1905 the Germans swept the Nobel science prizes; this aspirin maker won the chemistry prize


RADCLIFFE GRADS $800: A 1973 degree in political science was just the beginning for this first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan

Benazir Bhutto

BILL $200: He's TV's "Science Guy"

Bill Nye

COMMENCEMENT SPEECHES $800: This science guy told the Harvey Mudd class of '08 that rumors were harder to start before the Internet

Bill Nye

CINEMA OF "BLOOD" $800: Leonardo DiCaprio's African jewel smuggler gains a conscience in this film

Blood Diamond

PAPERS $1000: This city's newspapers include The Globe & The Christian Science Monitor


$400: This drug known for wrinkle removal has also been found to relieve effects of cerebral palsy & migraines


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $800: On this Swedish astronomer's scale, zero represents the ice point & 100 is the steam point


SCIENCE CLASS $400: The difference between the freezing & boiling points of water is 100 on the Kelvin scale & this scale


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2007 $600: Inventions of the Year included a special glove to help a person perform this life-saving procedure correctly


QUITE THE CAST OF TV CHARACTERS $400: Gil Grissom & Raymond Langston both went after the bad guys (with science!) on this show


"C" IN SCIENCE $1600: The earliest period of the Paleozoic Era, it extends from about 542 to 488 million years ago


THE SCIENCE OF AUTUMN $1200: The migratory formation of the waterfowl named for this nation gives the trailing birds easier flying

Canada (Canadian geese accepted)

SCIENCE FICTION $600: In 1932 Philip Wylie & Edwin Balmer collaborated on the novel "When Worlds" do this


$1600: () It took 6 years to build the SLC, Stanford Linear this, to make particles into each other at high energy


REAL MEN OF SCIENCE $1600: With his book & TV show named this, Carl Sagan popularized astronomy for bil--thousands, at least


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $3,000 (Daily Double): Nobel, Lise Meitner & this man are the 3 non-Nobel Prize-winning scientists who have chemical elements named for them

Dmitri Mendeleev

SCIENCE $200: He was in Shanghai in 1921 when he found out he had won a Nobel Prize for Physics


SCIENCE GUYS $200: Born in Germany in 1879, he fled to America in 1932 & became a U.S. citizen in 1940


SCIENCE GUYS $400: At a 1944 auction a copy of his paper on the special theory of relativity brought a $6.5-mil. pledge in war bonds


WHAT'S ON TV? $1000: They always call in science-loving biophysicist Jacob Hood at the last possible moment on this show

Eleventh Hour

"F"RIENDS OF SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): Born in Danzig in 1686, he improved on a Galileo invention by using mercury instead of a gas


SCIENCE FICTION $200: The central character in this 1953 novel by Ray Bradbury is third-generation fireman Guy Montag

Fahrenheit 451

SCIENCE GUYS $800: In the 1930s Charles A. Lindbergh helped secure financial backing for this man's rocket experiments


SCIENCE & NATURE $400: In the U.S., alligators & crocodiles co-exist only at the southern tip of this state


SCIENCE FICTION $800: He wrote 5 sequels to "Dune", including "Dune Messiah" & "Children of Dune"

Frank Herbert

AMERICAN ARCHITECTS $800: (Kelly of the Clue Crew delivers the clue) He did some early work on buildings as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the 1880s, assisting the construction supervisor of Science Hall

Frank Lloyd Wright

SOME SCIENCE, SOME NATURE $1600: It was clocked at more than 80,000 mph making an earthly pass at us in April 1986 (Sorry, but we're not that easy!)

Halley's Comet

HARK, WHO SAID THAT? $800: "The play's the thing, wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king"


SCIENCE GUYS $1000: His uncertainty principle says a particle's position & momentum can't be known simultaneously


REAL MEN OF SCIENCE $2000: Introduced in 1856, process, using blasts of air to remove impurities, made the mass production of steel possible

Henry Bessemer

SCIENCE BRIEFS $1,000 (Daily Double): This symbol for the element mercury is downright Wellsian


$800: Veronica Orlovits is part of a group of mummies found in a forgotten church crypt in Pest county in this country


SCIENCE CENTER $1600: In "Journey to the Center of the Earth", this "great fish lizard" kills a Plesiosaurus in savage combat


SCIENCE FICTION FILMS $400: Although its title is a holiday, this 1996 Will Smith film went into general release one day before that holiday

Independence Day

SCIENCE FICTION $1,200 (Daily Double): Credited with formulating the "Three Laws of Robotics", he said the idea came from his editor John Campbell

Isaac Asimov

SCIENCE GRAB BAG $400: Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus are called this type of planet, after a Roman god


SCIENCE FICTION $400: Published in 1904, "Master of the World" was this French author's last novel published in his lifetime

Jules Verne

BASIC SCIENCE $800 (Daily Double): At last count, this planet in our solar system had 63 known moons


REAL MEN OF SCIENCE $800: 373.15 is the boiling point of water on the scale named for this Scottish scientist


COSMOPOLITAN $800: Sudan University of Science & Technology, including the Institute of Laser, is in this capital


IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE $400: In 1912 he opened his eponymous clothing & shoe store in Freeport, Maine

L. L. Bean

SCIENCE & NATURE $1000: In 2009 a new hominid skeleton dubbed Ardi was aged at 4.4 million years, predating this other "girly" find by 1 mil. years


MEN OF SCIENCE $1600: In the 1700s this Italian discovered that electricity could make a dead frog's muscles contract

Luigi Galvani

2-WORD SCIENCE RESPONSES $200: When an aircraft achieves this speed based on an Austrian's name, you'll hear a boom

Mach 1

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $200: In 1877 American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered Deimos & Phobos, 2 tiny moons of this planet


GENERAL SCIENCE $400: In 1869 this Austrian monk published a paper on hawkweed: the experiments didn't work as well as the ones with peas


THE SCIENCE LAB $1000: Through his experiments with pea plants, he discovered the basic principles of heredity


$200: () The above the New York City Stock Exchange entrance is titled "Integrity Protecting the Works of Man"; presiding over images of industry, science & agriculture, the figure of wears the winged hat representing & associated with this Roman god of commerce


SCIENCE & NATURE $800: In 1991 radar images hinted that there was ice at the north pole of this inner planet


I AM LEGEND $2000: In Roman myth, she's the goddess of wisdom & of the arts & sciences


WRITING FOR TV $1000: Before writing for "AFV" & "Freaks and Geeks", J. Elvis Weinstein was the original voice of Tom Servo on this cult classic

Mystery Science Theater

$2000: This series featured 2 robots & one human making sarcastic comments while watching B movies

Mystery Science Theater 3000

TV ROBOTS $1000: Crow T. Robot was a B-movie commentator on this cult TV show

Mystery Science Theater 3000

SCIENCE A TO Z $1600: "M": Named for a 19th century French doctor, it's a disease of the inner ear causing vertigo

Ménière's disease

MUSEUMS $2000: The national Underground Railroad freedom center & the Great Lakes science center are in this state


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: In the 19th century a unit of conductance was named the "mho" in tribute to this man who studied current flow


"PAR" FOR THE COURSE $2000: This 16th century Swiss alchemist opined that "medicine is not only a science; it is also an art"


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $4,000 (Daily Double): A triangle, a theorem, a law & a computer language are named for this Frenchman


19th CENTURY SCIENCE $600: In 1881 he immunized farm animals from anthrax in Pouilly-le-Fort, on the outskirts of Paris


BORN & DIED: SCIENCE EDITION $400: Russian-born Sept. 1849, must love dogs, his name rings a bell, died Feb. 27, 1936


SCIENCE CLASS $1200: The geologic period named for this coal-producing U.S. state is also called the Late Carboniferous Epoch


$400: One of the world's oldest mummies, the Detmold Child was mummified in this high S. Amer. country 3,000 years before Tut


BORN & DIED: SCIENCE EDITION $800: Born May 15, 1859 in Paris, physics was his main (radio)activity, died April 19, 1906

Pierre Curie

FICTION SCIENCE $2000: No one knows who planted this fossilized "man" in an English dig, setting the study of evolution back decades

Piltdown Man

ABBREVIATED MAGAZINES $800: For science, technology, automotive & more: PM

Popular Mechanics

MAG-NIFICENT $800: Bell, Edison & Pasteur wrote for this mag, founded in 1872, that also devoted early attention to evolution theory

Popular Science

STUPID ANSWERS $400: This magazine has been a popular source of science & technology news since its inception in 1872

Popular Science

MONKEY BUSINESS $1600: Macaca mulatta is better known as this monkey that's helped in medical science, especially blood grouping


SCIENCE FICTION $1000: He won 6 Hugo Awards for his fiction, including "Starship Troopers" & "Stranger in a Strange Land"

Robert Heinlein

SCHOOLS OF ROCK $600: "Science for the benefit of humanity" is the motto of the NYC school named for & founded by this man in 1901


SCIENCE CLASS $1600: The centaur/archer of this constellation is said to be Chiron


FAMOUS WOMEN $3,000 (Daily Double): This first American woman in space heads a company geared to girls who are interested in science & math

Sally Ride

MEN OF SCIENCE $2000: The first mention of this scientist's theoretical cat was in 1935's "The Present Situation in Quantum Physics"


DARTH VADER, D.D.S. $600: Vader jokes that D.D.S. is "Dictator of the Dark Side" as well as "Doctor of Dental" this

Science (or Surgery)

ORGANIZATIONS & AWARDS $1200: The Hugo Awards are presented annually by members of the WSFS, the World this Society

Science Fiction

RELIGIONS $200: This religion was created by a man who wrote Westerns, horror & science fiction stories


GOING DOWNTOWN $800: At Nordstrom's flagship store, I'll buy shoes so I can walk the Pacific Science Center in this city


THE SCIENCE OF AUTUMN $2000: Different from astronomical autumn, meteorological autumn begins on the first of this month, as did WWII


CHECK THE NEWSPAPER $1000: In April 2009 this daily from the First Church of Christ, Scientist replaced its daily print edition with its website

The Christian Science Monitor

JOURNALISTS $1200: Jill Carroll, a journalist for this paper founded by a religion, was kidnapped but released in Iraq

The Christian Science Monitor

SCIENCE FACTION $800: This newspaper, the CSM, was established in 1908

The Christian Science Monitor

SCIENCE FICTION $800: The 1932 film "Island of Lost Souls" was based on this 1896 novel by H.G. Wells

The Island of Dr. Moreau

SCIENCE FICTION $1000: This Ray Bradbury collection of linked short stories includes "The Earth Men" & "The Moon Be Still As Bright"

The Martian Chronicles

SCIENCE FICTION $200: In "The Time Ships", Stephen Baxter's sequel to this H.G. Wells novel, the hero travels to 802,701 A.D. to rescue Weena

The Time Machine

GENERAL SCIENCE $1200: This Saturnian moon is the only one in the solar system known to have clouds


SCIENCE $1600: Slow-motion video shows this bug evading a swat in 250 milliseconds; for 240 of those, it's repositioning itself to jump

a fly

BORN & DIED: SCIENCE EDITION $1200: Jolted to life in Como, Italy Feb. 18, 1745, generated a lot of static, his electricity went out March 5, 1827


SCIENCE FICTION $1200: This "Candide" author's 1752 work "Micromegas" was an early story of visitors from other planets


$2000: 28 years after its 1977 launch, it passed through a sort of space sound barrier called the termination shock


$800: A Times headline said Beelzebufo ampinga, at 10 pounds the largest of these ever, "hopped with dinosaurs"

a frog

SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): () The keys weigh much more than the paper clips and fall to the ground, but a pencil acts as this support, pulling the clips sideways, where gravity & friction stop the keys' descent

a fulcrum

LITERARY LONDON $600: () In this pioneering science fiction novel about an attack on London the protagonist finds Regent's Canal a spongy mass of dark red vegetation

War of the Worlds

SCIENCE FICTION $400: This 1898 novel is divided into 2 parts: "The Coming of the Martians" & "The Earth Under the Martians"

War of the Worlds

NEW -OLOGIES $400: "Green Coca-Cola Bottles" (1962) & other pieces of pop art are part of this science


BASIC SCIENCE $200: This basic unit of heredity acts by directing the production of RNA

a gene

SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): () It's a term for a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. We've turned a into one by making it light up the bulb

a generator

SCIENCE $1200: This type of "cell" sounds like it causes disease, but it refers to a gamete, such as an egg cell

a germ cell

DOCTOR WHOM? $600: This 20th century president was the first to hold a doctorate; his degree was in political science


"Y"? $400: Anderson Cooper graduated with a bachelor's degree in political science from this university in 1989


EARTH SCIENCE $400: () The caldera of a supervolcano that last erupted 640,000 years ago covers much of the 2.2 million acres of national park

Yellowstone National Park

"C" IN SCIENCE $800: It's another name for a canine tooth

a cuspid

SCIENCE TERMS $1200: () You'd expect the paper to fly up when extreme pressure is applied, but instead... the wood breaks; air couldn't flow in quickly enough between the paper, the wood, & the table, so a partial this 6-letter term was formed

a vacuum

IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE $200: This electronically recorded graphic representation is unique to each individual speaker

a voice print

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $2000: () I'm creating a small version of , a mass of fluid in a swirling motion; whirlpools, tornadoes & sunspots are bigger versions

a vortex

BASIC SCIENCE $4,000 (Daily Double): () Symbolized lambda, the total distance covered by one complete cycle of oscillation from peak to peak or trough to trough is called this

a wavelength

THE SCIENCE BUG $800: Charles Ellington tethered a moth to this type of tunnel to divine the mechanics of insect flight

a wind tunnel

"D" IN SCIENCE $1600: Named for a German mathematician, it's a process for eliminating or neutralizing a magnetic field


SCIENCE $200: ( ) The heat from the lamp causes the snake to dance, as hot air is less this five-letter term than cold air and therefore rises and spins the snake


SPORTS SCIENCE $800: (Jimmy of the clue crew gives the clue from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute in Barrington, IL) High performance liquid chromatography can be used to separate sucrose into its monosaccharide components of fructose and this sugar that's a primary fuel for muscle cells


"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $2000: () The stegosaurus had a walnut-sized brain, so the enlarged area in the spinal cord was thought to be a second brain; it probably stored this polysaccharide, an energy reserve


SCIENCE & NATURE $800: Platinum, atomic number 78, is worth more than this other metal, atomic number 79


THE SCIENCE BLUES $1600: The blue stain on the streptococci seen tells you they're this-positive


SCI. ABBREV. $400: In computer science, GUI is this kind of user interface


BASIC SCIENCE $1000: At the Earth's surface, this force produces acceleration of about 32 feet per second per second


SHAKESPEARE ON LOVE $800: "Love is too young to know what conscience is" begins No. 151 of these

his sonnets

SCIENCE $1000: Shock researcher Walter Cannon coined this word for an organism's ability to maintain internal equilibrium


20th CENTURY SCIENCE $800: Vincent du Vigneaud synthesized 2 of these: vasopressin & oxytocin


BASIC SCIENCE $200: In North America, these tiny birds are the main birds that pollinate flowers


FARM AID $400: It's not a gal's intent on; this 9-letter word refers to the science of raising animals


THE H WITH U $2,400 (Daily Double): The science of raising crops or food animals, matrimonially speaking


SCIENCE $2000: pH, the measure of acidity, stands for "potential of" this most abundant element


SCIENCE $400: Every second, fusion reactions in the Sun convert about 600 million tons of this element into helium


SPACE SCIENCE $2000: () To evaluate materials like , projectiles are fired at speeds up to 16,000 miles per hour using this simple gas, compressed


SCIENCE CLASS $2000: () Drop a paper clip into water, it sinks; drop it onto a paper towel, & because of the attraction of molecules of the same substance, called cohesion, this condition is created that seems to form a skin, allowing it to

surface tension

SCIENCE AT THE EXPLORATORIUM $1600: () Mirrors are a good way to demonstrate this visual effect, correspondence in size & shape


SCIENCE "T"ALK $400: Hydras paralyze their prey with poison from stingers on these body parts


SCIENCE FICTION FILMS $1200: A 1965 student film evolved into his first feature film as a director, 1971's "THX-1138"

(George) Lucas

SCIENCE FAIR $1600: () The results of experiments breeding pea plants, shown here, led to man's law of segregation, a fundamental law of heredity

(Gregor) Mendel

EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $800: Leave the driving to this German scientist who lent his name to a unit of frequency equal to 1 cycle per second

(Heinrich) Hertz

SCIENCE FICTION $800: After almost 300 books, he finally reached the N.Y. Times bestseller list in 1982 with "Foundation's Edge"

(Isaac) Asimov

THE SCIENCE LAB $1,400 (Daily Double): In 1935 the Russian government built him a new lab to continue his work on conditioned reflexes

(Ivan) Pavlov

EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $400: This Scottish engineer coined the term "horsepower", & a unit of power is named for him

(James) Watt

SCIENCE GUYS $2000: This German's first law states that every planet follows an elliptical path around the sun

(Johannes) Kepler

AUTHORS $800: After years of writing science fiction, he found his niche with historical novels such as "North and South"

(John) Jakes

SCIENCE GUYS $400: Among the first to receive his polio vaccine in 1952 was this man himself, along with his wife & 3 sons

(Jonas) Salk

THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $800: The father of this "father of antiseptic surgery" was one of the first to describe red blood cells

(Joseph) Lister

FATHERLY NICKNAMES $400: This French novelist who predicted space travel in his stories has been called the "father of science fiction"

(Jules) Verne

SCIENCE GUYS $2,000 (Daily Double): "General Chemistry", a 1947 textbook by this Peace & Chemistry Nobel winner, is still a useful introduction

(Linus) Pauling

SCIENCE & NATURE $2,000 (Daily Double): The absolute temperature scale with its lowest point being zero is named for this scientist who introduced it

(Lord) Kelvin

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): He was teaching at the University of Lille when he began his studies of fermentation

(Louis) Pasteur

NATIONAL INVENTORS HALL OF FAME $2000: This French chemist inducted in 1978 "was the founder of microbiological sciences"

(Louis) Pasteur

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $800: Returning from Samoa in 1926, she met fellow anthropologist Reo Fortune aboard ship; they married in 1928

(Margaret) Mead

SCIENCE GUYS $600: He published his quantum theory in 1900 while a professor of physics in Berlin

(Max) Planck

ACADEMIA NUTS $600: In 1991 this Democratic ex-presidential candidate became a professor of political science at Northeastern

(Michael) Dukakis

BORN & DIED: SCIENCE EDITION $1600: Great Dane born Oct. 7, 1885, built atomic models, died Nov. 18, 1962

(Niels) Bohr

MEN OF SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): An institute of physical sciences at the University of Copenhagen is named for this physicist

(Niels) Bohr

SCIENCE GUYS $1200: In 1920, he was named director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen

(Niels) Bohr

SCIENCE BRIEFS $1000: The unit of magnetic flux density, abbreviated "T", is named for this scientist

(Nikola) Tesla

SCIENCE FICTION $200: In Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island", this reclusive captain dies & is buried at sea in his submarine

Captain Nemo

C.S., I $400: This astronomer & science writer from Cornell helped select the Mars landing sites for the Viking probes

Carl Sagan

SPACE SCIENCE $800: There are billions & billions of ways to know this "Contact" man was a professor of astronomy & space sicence at Cornell

Carl Sagan

IT'S ALL SCIENCEY & STUFF $2000: 5 of the brightest stars in this constellation form a large, irregular "W"; the honoree might have liked a "C"


MEN OF SCIENCE $400: In 1986 Dr. Alec Jeffreys became the first scientist to use this to identify suspected criminals


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $1200: The principle that sound seems higher in pitch as it apporaches & lower as it recedes is called this man's effect


"D" IN SCIENCE $400: Children with this genetic disease have 3 no. 21 chromosomes instead of the usual 2

Down syndrome

SCIENCE FICTION $400: Kevin J. Anderson & Brian (not Frank) Herbert continue with spice in 2007's "Sandworms of" this planet


$400: () Work done at , which is run by this Cabinet department, has produced six Nobel Prizes, including one for work on solar neutrinos


"F"RIENDS OF SCIENCE $1600: "Vous etes invité a venir voir tourner la terre" was how this "swinger" extolled his 1851 experiment


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $200: The axial rotation of the Earth seems to shift the plane of motion of this scientist's pendulum


SCIENCE $800: In 1633 the Church condemned him to house arrest for astronomical heresy


SCIENCE GUYS $1200: In 1610 he made the amazing discovery of 4 objects circling Jupiter; he dubbed them "Medicean stars"


SCIENCE GUYS $800: This astronomer was born in Pisa, Italy February 15, 1564


WHOSE BOOK TITLE? $2,400 (Daily Double): Dava Sobel's "Historical Memoir of Science, Faith and Love", "____'s Daughter"


SCIENCE GUYS $2000: This professor of anatomy at the Univ. of Bologna discovered that electricity can cause frogs' legs to twitch


IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE $600: Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, was a native of this city


AUTHORS $1200: On his 1950 death, this man who looked into the future was called "The Wintry Conscience of a Generation"

George Orwell

SCIENCE GUYS $1,600 (Daily Double): Born a slave in Missouri, this scientist received a B.S. in Agriculture from Iowa State in 1894

George Washington Carver

SCIENCE & NATURE $2000: In 1766 this English chemist discovered the properties of hydrogen, which he called "inflammable air"

Henry Cavendish

SCIENCE FICTION $400: His 1964 collection "The Rest of the Robots" included "The Caves of Steel" & "The Naked Sun"

Isaac Asimov

SCIENCE $800: Termed "The Last Sorcerer" in a recent biography, in 1705 he became the first scientist to be knighted for his work

Isaac Newton

SCIENCE CLASS $1200: As a visiting scientist to this Caltech lab, Carl Sagan contributed to the first missions to Venus

JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $2000: The unit of magnetic flux abbreviated Mx was named for this physicist

James Clerk Maxwell

MEN OF SCIENCE $1600: The flask that this British scientist invented in the 1890s was a predecessor of the Thermos

James Dewar

SCIENCE GUYS $3,000 (Daily Double): In 1855 Napoleon III "swung" a deal arranging for his appointment as physicist at the Paris Observatory

Jean Foucault

TIME FOR CLASS $400: Science: "Rover" around & discover that a "year" on this planet lasts 687 days


FAMOUS LASS WORDS $1600: Explaining Christian Science, she wrote, "Disease is an experience of... mind. It is fear made manifest"

Mary Baker Eddy

IT HAPPENED IN '08 $600: 1908: She founds the Christian Science Monitor

Mary Baker Eddy

THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY $1200: Her 1875 book would ultimately be named "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"

Mary Baker Eddy

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $1600: In the 1950s she studied Tanzanian rock paintings that formed the basis of her later book "Africa's Vanishing Art"

Mary Leakey

SCIENCE GUYS $1600: Until his death in 1907, this chemist headed the Weights & Measures Bureau in St. Petersburg, Russia


SCIENCE CLASS $800: Geysers of what is probably nitrogen rise as high as 5 miles on Triton, this planet's largest moon


TOURING USA $1000: The development of nuclear energy is featured at Los Alamos' Bradbury Science Museum in this state; no lead vest is required

New Mexico

EDUCATION $400: Although best known for his 1828 dictionary, he wrote textbooks on science, grammar & history

Noah Webster

MEN OF SCIENCE $800: Tragically, in 1864, his nitroglycerin factory blew up, killing several people, including his younger brother Emil


SCIENCE GUYS $1600: In 1943 he chose Los Alamos as the site for the Manhattan project lab; he'd gone to a boarding school nearby


WE BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE $2000: From 1947 to 1952 he was chairman of the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission


"F"RIENDS OF SCIENCE $2000: This bongo-playing Manhattan Project physicist told how Challenger's O-rings failed in 1986

Richard Feynman

MEN OF SCIENCE $400: On a scale of 1 to 10, his "Earthquakes" article for the 15th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica was a 10


"D" IN SCIENCE $800: This chemist discovered several elements, including magnesium, & also invented a miner's safety lamp

Sir Humphrey Davy

SPACE-Y MUSIC $2000: A jazz musician whose costumes combined Ancient Egypt & science fiction: ____ Ra


SCIENCE FICTION $1600: Edgar Rice Burroughs placed the land of Pellucidar at the Earth's core & sent this title guy there once


NEWSPAPERS $400: This newspaper was started at the urging of Mary Baker Eddy as a response to the sensationalism of the popular press

The Christian Science Monitor

$3,000 (Daily Double): The Dot Earth blog had an interview with the maker of this documentary about dolphin slaughter that just won an Oscar

The Cove

SCIENCE FICTION FILMS $2000: Lock Martin, a 7'7" doorman at Grauman's Chinese Theater, was cast as the robot Gort in this 1951 sci-fi film

The Day The Earth Stood Still

SCIENCE FICTION FILMS $1600: Alan Young, who co-starred in the 1960 version of this film based on an H.G. Wells book, had a bit role in the 2002 remake

The Time Machine

SCIENCE FICTION $1000: Max Brooks left us wanting more braaaains with "World War Z", an oral history of the war versus them


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2007 $1000: No. 1 on the bottom-10 list of the worst jobs in science was this type of diver who swims in sewage & toxic waste

a HAZMAT diver

FICTION SCIENCE $1000: It was Hitchcock's term for a plot element (like stolen microfilm) whose sole purpose is to advance the story

a MacGuffin

REAL MEN OF SCIENCE $400: These small glass or plastic dishes used to culture microorganisms are named for a German bacteriologist

a Petri dish

THE SCIENCE LAB $600: This piece of lab equipment used to develop plate cultures was named for a 1920s German bacteriologist

a Petri dish

SCIENCE & NATURE $600: Despite the fierce appearance of plated beast, scientists believe it to have been an herbivore

a Stegosaurus

SCIENCE $1600: A depiction of this dinosaur of the Cretaceous period is

a Triceratops

SCIENCE CLASS $800: () We've rubbed the pigment of a radish on these cards; turns the pigment orange, indicating that it's an acid; turns it blue, indicating that it's this

a base

WE GOT THE "BEA" $2000: Glass vessel used in science experiments

a beaker

THAT'S LIFE SCIENCE $1600: Able to reach a length of 6.5", the South American longhorn variety of this insect is one of the world's largest

a beetle

THE SCIENCE BLUES $1200: See a lot of hot young stars--not at the Oscars but in the blue type of one of these, seen by the Hubble telescope

a blue galaxy

IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE $1000: Usually sold without the bone, this beef cut is taken from the breast section under the first 5 ribs

a brisket

PLANT SCIENCE $400: The night-blooming cereus, a climbing type of this desert plant, blooms for only one night

a cactus

SCIENCE & NATURE $400: () The oil in the peanut is almost 100 percent fat, which burns & produces energy, a process that's measured by this unit

a calorie

"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $800: A pesticide called HCB has been classified by the EPA as one of these

a carcinogen

PAINTINGS $800: This creature toys with a bird in William Holman Hunt's painting of seduction "The Awakening Conscience"

a cat

EVERYDAY SCIENCE $400: () Once dominoes start to fall, they continue without further outside influence--an example of this self-sustaining sequence

a chain reaction

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: An excess of neutrons usually causes fission; fission emits neutrons, causing fission... hence this reaction

a chain reaction

SCIENCE EN ESPAÑOL $2000: Compuesto is one of these substances that's composed of 2 or more chemical elements

a compound

MUSICAL WORDS $800: () Electricity will only light the fluorescent bulb to where I put my hand, because like copper or an orchestra leader, my body is acting as this

a conductor

"C" IN SCIENCE $2,500 (Daily Double): Originally, this unit of measure was the amount of radioactivity given off by one gram of radium

a curie

"C" IN SCIENCE $1600: This type of particle accelerator utilizes a spiraling path

a cyclotron

SCIENCE HISTORY $200: In 1797 Smithson Tennant showed that charcoal has the same composition as this gem

a diamond

"D" IN SCIENCE $800: A direct current generator, or a person with lots of energy

a dynamo

SCIENCE $1000: () An insect's compound eye can detect 300 flashes of light per second compared to a human's 50, using thousands of known as these, as in a diamond

a facet

LIFE SCIENCE $400: A nematode is a roundworm; a planarian's shape gives it this name

a flatworm

SCIENCE AT THE EXPLORATORIUM $400: () The Exploratorium simulates these features seen in Yellowstone; the eruption comes when the water at the bottom is vaporized

a geyser

SOME SCIENCE, SOME NATURE $2000: The Hawaiian species of this is also known as the nene

a goose

MEASURING DEVICES $1200: () Marked with intervals for measuring volume, these devices are called this academic type of

a graduated cylinder

FICTION SCIENCE $400: Chekhov said a story shouldn't include unnecessary stuff--if one of these appears, it better go off

a gun

SCIENCE STUFF $400: A recent discovery reveals that the oldest mammals, large & small, average about 1.5 billion of these per lifetime

a heartbeat

CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE $1200: In 2006 a pulse of this type of beam sent a message a record 15 million miles to the MESSENGER spacecraft

a laser beam

ALL ABOUT ANIMALS $1200: () Though it has the name of an often fierce big cat, is a menace to clams but not to people

a leopard shark

SCIENCE GLOSSARY $800: From the French for "to raise", it's an embankment designed to prohibit the overflow of water

a levee

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: A pair of pliers is an example of this type of simple machine

a lever

SCIENCE $800: In 2006, Israeli scientists claimed to have created the "ball" type of this stormy phenomenon using a microwave oven

a lightning storm

TO "L" WITH SCIENCE $400: A tree branch, or a solar flare seen at the edge of the sun

a limb

BASIC SCIENCE $400: () At sea level, at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 cubic centimeter of air, the size of a sugar cube, contains of these, from the Latin for "little mass"

a molecule

SCIENCE TERMS $400: O2 is a diatomic one of these units of a pure substance; H2O is polyatomic

a molecule

LIFE SCIENCE $800: In colenterates like jellyfish, the cavity called the coelenteron has an opening called this--don't get too complex

a mouth

SCIENCE $600: In 1996 (seems late) researchers announced a new one of these body parts, the spheno-mandibularis

a muscle

"RED" SCIENCE $800: An erythrocyte

a red blood cell

"RED" SCIENCE $1600: A small, dim star; Proxima Centauri is one

a red dwarf

"RED" SCIENCE $1200: This salad ingredient, capsicum annuum grossum, has been allowed to ripen on the vine

a red pepper

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $800: Ada Yonath won a Nobel Prize "for studies of" this organelle, site of protein synthesis, from which RNA gets its name

a ribosome

LIFE SCIENCE $1600: Rhizo- refers to this part of a plant; the rhizosphere is the soil around it

a root

GENERAL SCIENCE $1600: This 4-letter neutral compound is produced by the reaction of an acid & a base

a salt

20th CENTURY CHINA $400: On April 24, 1970 China launched its first of these, an important achievement for Chinese science

a satellite

GENERAL SCIENCE $400: In this type of simple machine, a version of the inclined plane, rotational force is translated into linear force

a screw

SCIENCE IS A BREEZE $400: A flow of air from ocean to land, often producing clouds; or a drink of vodka, grapefruit & cranberry

a sea breeze

SCIENCE $1200: () The iron wire heats up as electricity flows through it; if you shorten the wire, it melts a result of electrical condition, an excess flow of charge

a short circuit

2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $200: The "SS" in ISS: Skylab & Russia's Salyut were early ones

a space station

SCIENCE CLASS $1600: Gustav Kirchhoff & Robert Bunsen used this prismed "scope" to see the bands of colored light each element produced

a spectroscope

SCIENCE $3,000 (Daily Double): Fructose is a monosaccharide, a simple one of these

a sugar

THAT'S "SUPER"! $800: It's what Freud called the conscience or moral part of the personality

a superego

SCIENCE & NATURE $800: () The molecular structure of salt allows it to dissolve in water; the pepper will only disperse, creating this type of mixture, from the Latin for "hung up"

a suspension

SCIENCE IS A BREEZE $800: When a migrating bird has this helping it along, it'll fly higher, where the effect is strongest

a tail wind

SCIENCE & NATURE $400: It's the frog-like term for a poisonous mushroom

a toadstool

$400: A November 2006 issue reported a higher risk of recurrent strep throat in kids who haven't had this operation

a tonsillectomy

SCIENCE TERMS $400: Nutation is the bobbing motion of a spinning rigid body; this toy is the classic example

a top

FICTION SCIENCE $1600: In 2001 Hendrik Schön claimed to have created a molecule-sized one of these semiconductors-- bad Hendrik!

a transistor

"V" LOVE SCIENCE $400: It's space that's entirely void of matter

a vacuum

AN "A" IN SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): This marine snail has a genus name, it's H-A-L-I-O-T-I-S


2-WORD SCIENCE RESPONSES $400: -273 Celsius

absolute zero

SCIENCE $400: The third law of thermodynamics implies that a system can never be brought to this temperature point

absolute zero

SCIENCE GLOSSARY $400: This is the definitive term for the lowest theoretical temperature, -273 degrees Celcius

absolute zero

SCIENCE STUFF $400: Superconductivity occurs at temperatures near the point known as this

absolute zero

"A" IN SCIENCE $1200: () If you put a flame up to a balloon it will pop, but if you put water inside the balloon and hold it over a flame it will not pop, because the water does this

absorb (the heat)

THE SCIENCE OF SOUND $1600: In concert hall acoustics, it's the opposite of reflection; the Sabin is a unit of it


HODGEPODGE $800: () You might think styrofoam peanuts are hard to get rid of, but they can be dissolved using , the same one found in nail polish remover


"A" IN SCIENCE $400: ( ) After five minutes in lemon juice, the because the lemon's this works chemically to remove the oxide


SCIENCE $200: This type of rain forms when nitrogen oxides & sulfur dioxide react within growing droplets

acid rain

"A" SCIENCE CATEGORY $800: It's what the "A" stands for in AIDS


"A" SCIENCE CATEGORY $12,000 (Daily Double): These are just small masses of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx


"A" IN SCIENCE $600: The formula for this hormone is C9H13NO3; can you feel it speeding up your heartbeat?


SCIENCE $3,000 (Daily Double): Also known as epinephrine, this hormone is secreted in response to stress, like fear or injury


AN "A" IN SCIENCE $400: This branch of science deals with forces exerted by air on both flying & wind-blown bodies


WORDS WITH ALL 5 VOWELS $200: The science of flight


OFF TO GRAD SCHOOL $800: Subjects in this grad field include food science & plant breeding; maybe you'll run the Cabinet dept. of it


SCIENCE $400: () When the glass is pushed into the water, molecules of don't escape, but are pressed together and act as a shield between the water and the paper, keeping it dry


BASIC SCIENCE $400: () In a force-and-movement experiment, the reason the water doesn't fall out of the cup is because pushing up against the card is greater than the weight of the water

air pressure

"A" IN SCIENCE $200: This term for a plant or animal with a marked deficiency of pigmentation comes from the Latin for "white"


AN "A" IN SCIENCE $1600: It's the fancy way of saying the white of an egg


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2007 $200: One day soon we may go even greener with fuel made from these green goopy simple aquatic organisms


"A" IN SCIENCE $3,000 (Daily Double): This adjective means "having a pH factor of more than 7"


"A" IN SCIENCE $1600: Either dominant or recessive, they can be different forms of the same gene


SCIENCE STUFF $1200: () Inside vending machines, magnets pick up steel slugs, but U.S. coins go right in, because they're minted from non-magnetic mixed metals, known as these


THE SCIENCE LAB $200: () When lit, the filament becomes a magnet; using another magnet, we can see it move, showing this type of electricity that reverses directions & continuously switches the filament's magnetic poles

alternating current

AN "A" IN SCIENCE $2000: The name of these air cells in the lungs comes from the Latin for "cavity"


"A" IN SCIENCE $400: Glycine is the simplest one of these, the essential building blocks of all proteins

amino acid

"A" IN SCIENCE $1600: The name of this one-celled protozoan comes from the Greek for "change"


SCIENCE EN ESPAÑOL $1600: One of these small earthquakes that follows a larger one is un replica

an aftershock

POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2006 $800: () With gesture recognition software and a webcam, you can play one of these and actually yourself jam

an air guitar

EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $2000: () Named for a Swedish physicist & symbolized here, this tiny unit of measure is one ten-billionth of a meter--that's 254 million

an angstrom

SCIENCE & NATURE $600: Crabs & cockroaches belong to this phylum, from the Greek for "jointed feet"

an arthropod

TEENAGE DREAM $400: On NASA's website, Sally Ride says study math & science if you dream of becoming one of these, like she did

an astronaut

SCIENCE HISTORY $400: Using the ultramicroscope, Jean Perrin estimated the size of this as one hundred millionth of a centimerer

an atom

AN "A" IN SCIENCE $800: This appendage of a neuron transmits impulses away from the cell body

an axon

SCIENCE $2,500 (Daily Double): It's a substance that conducts current; sodium & potassium are 2 of the ones Gatorade restores to your body

an electrolyte

SCIENCE $1600: () You can take a , coil wire around it, connect it to a battery, and turn it into this attractive 13-letter item

an electromagnet

SCIENCE CLASS $800: In 1897 physicist J.J. Thomson discovered the first subatomic particle, which was later called this

an electron

SCIENCE CROSSWORD CLUES "E" $800: Simple substance, my dear Watson (7)

an element

SCIENCE TERMS $200: Atomic weight is one stat for each of these, a substance that can't be decomposed to a simpler substance

an element

LIFE SCIENCE $2000: () The reaction that makes human skin tan & the reaction that turns a are catalyzed by the same one of these, called tyrosinase

an enzyme

SCIENCE CROSSWORD CLUES "E" $3,000 (Daily Double): A catalyzing protein, like amylase (6)

an enzyme

SCIENCE-Y 3-LETTER WORDS $2000: These 2 similarly spelled words mean a span of time longer than an era & an electrically charged atom

an eon & an ion

SCIENCE CROSSWORD CLUES "E" $400: An outbreak of disease (8)

an epidemic

$800: This type of injection associated with women giving birth can also deliver steroids for back & neck pain

an epidural

SCIENCE CROSSWORD CLUES "E" $2000: A real piece of work (3)

an erg

SPORTS SCIENCE $1600: (Sarah of the clue crew gives the clue from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute in Barrington, IL) The resistance changes along with the terrain on the screen as cyclists use this type of electronic device that evaluates their performance literally a "work measure"

an ergometer

CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE $800: () Infrasonics detects and interprets we can't hear, like those produced by this kind of event; infrasonics would have helped the Pompeiians

an eruption

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $800: By 1880 both Edison & British physicist Joseph Wilson Swan had applied for patents on this type of electric lamp

an incandescent light bulb

SCIENCE $1600: Part of a corkscrew is this type of simple machine reworked into a spiral form

an inclined plane (ramp later ruled acceptable)

2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $400: (Sarah of the Clue Crew shows parallel lines on the monitor.) These two lines are identical in length, but when opposing arrowheads are added, the bottom line appears to be longer in a classic example of this type of eye trick

an optical illusion

$1000: () Tests with help evaluate this type of drug from the Greek for "painlessness"; the Human Pain Laboratory needs volunteers if you're interested


"A" IN SCIENCE $2000: This type of "shock" is usually a severe allergic reaction, as to a bee sting


POLITICAL SCIENCE $1000: In 1921 the black flag flew at the funeral of Peter Kropotkin, philosopher of this government-negating ideology


SCIENCE STUFF $1600: From the Greek for "dissection", this science deals with the structure of the human body


AN "A" IN SCIENCE $1600: In zoology this adjective means "hermaphroditic"


CIRCUS SCIENCE $1200: () It's time to throw the next club when the previous club reaches this point, also an astronomy term for the greatest distance from Earth


KEN BURNS DOCUMENTARIES $600: () In films like "The Civil War", the use of archival & is what I call "emotional" this science, because it unearths the heart of our national experience


"A" IN SCIENCE $5,000 (Daily Double): Metabolic imbalances can cause this, an electrical disturbance that alters the heartbeat


AN "A" IN SCIENCE $1200: Aneurysms can happen in the Circle of Willis, a network of these at the base of the brain


GENERAL SCIENCE $800: Unusual names borne by these celestial objects include 3834 Zappafrank & 10221 Kubrick


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2007 $400: NASA is studying the possibility of a manned mission to one of these hurtling objects; it could help with deflection plans


THE MUSES $800: Urania, the muse of this science, is sometimes shown wearing a cloak embroidered with stars


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1600: In alpha decay a radioactive atom emits 2 protons, making it a new element as this figure drops by 2

atomic number

SCIENCE $800: A cubic inch of material contains a million billion billion of these, each with protons & neutrons in its nucleus


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $1200: In 1990 IBM scientists created the first structure made by moving individual ones of these on a surface


LIFE SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): In a fish's 2-chambered heart, it's the chamber that receives blood from the veins


"A" IN SCIENCE $800: () Charged particles from the Sun that become trapped in the Earth's magnetic field & interact with gases in the upper atmosphere cause this phenomenon

aurora borealis

AN "A" IN SCIENCE $2000: () North on the horizon connects to an imaginary circle that passes through a star via this arc


COMPOUNDS IN ACTION $600: () To make cake batter rise, you need to create a chemical reaction by combining an acid like with this alkaline compound--

baking soda

"B.C." $200: In computer science, ones & zeroes are key to this

binary code

"BIO" SCIENCE $800: 2 men at the U. of Washington's Department of this won the 1992 Nobel Prize for studying cell protein regulation


"BIO" SCIENCE $1600: If you doubt the need for a pink-eared antgrubber & a hollow-tailed antgrubber, you aren't recognizing the value of this


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $3,000 (Daily Double): The quality of richness of variety of life forms, both plant & animal, in a given environment


"BIO" SCIENCE $2000: Biblical-sounding term for the principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms


I'LL HAVE A B_L_T $400: A specialist in the science of life; on "Seinfeld", George claimed to be a marine one


-OLOGIES $1200: Cellular & developmental are major branches of this life science


"BIO" SCIENCE $1200: () The three main areas studied at the Nike Sport Research Lab are physiology, sensory perception & this, defined as the way forces act on the body


"BIO" SCIENCE $400: The $6 Million Man could tell you that this word lost the "electro" from its middle


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2006 $400: Vision's of TV's Steve Austin & Jaime Sommers: the first brain-controlled hand of this type was unveiled


SCIENCE EN ESPAÑOL $1200: In space not even light can escape one of these, agujero negro

black holes

SCIENCE $1200: Ossification, the formation of this, begins in the embryo at the end of the second month


SCIENCE & NATURE $400: Phytology is another name for this, the study of plants


SCIENCE CLASS $1200: () A raisin in soda sinks because it's denser, & it because CO2 pockets make it more this, from the Spanish for "float"


SCIENCE $1600: () When acetic acid in vinegar reacts with CaCO3, this compound in the eggshell, bubbles of CO2 form in the vinegar & dissolve the shell, leaving just the membrane

calcium carbonate

IN THE DICTIONARY $2000: () These 2 words, 1 derived from the other, refer to the instrument I'm using & the I'm taking

calipers & caliber (calipers & calibration accepted)

SCIENCE $1000: ( ) Though the top book appears to be suspended in air, more than half the weight of the stack rests on the table - the principle is used to build this type of bridge

cantilever bridge

SCIENCE $400: An enzyme in saliva called ptyalin converts these into maltose, a sugar

carbohydrates (or starches)

BASIC SCIENCE $1600: Graphite is a soft form of this element


FOOD SCIENCE $400: () Toasting is actually a chemical reaction where this element, from the Latin for "charcoal", is released from the starch & sugar during the heating process


LIFE SCIENCES $400: Organic chemistry focuses specifically on this element's compounds & their reactions


FUN WITH SCIENCE $800: Add 4 tbsp, vinegar & 3 tbsp. baking soda to a glass of water & this gas will make raisins bounce in it

carbon dioxide

SCIENCE $600: () By mixing baking soda, a chemical base, with the acid in the lime juice, this gas is produced, resulting in a bubbly liquid

carbon dioxide

SCIENCE FACT $400: As seen on the Internet, dropping Mentos into diet soda releases this gas out of suspension, creating a geyser

carbon dioxide

EARTH SCIENCE $1200: () Used to date artifacts because it has a half-life of 5,730 years, isotope has 6 protons and 8 neutrons in its nucleus


LIFE SCIENCES $800: If you're a steak & veggies creature, you're an omnivore, a combination of these other 2 basic "-vores"

carnivore and herbivore

PLANT SCIENCE $1600: In the autumn many tree leaves turn yellow or orange because of this 8-letter pigment


IT AIN'T ROCKET SCIENCE $800: () Usually done early in the game, it's the chess move seen here & can't be done if you've previously moved your king


$2,500 (Daily Double): () At one end of the accelerator, particles are fired out of a that uses this type of negative electrode, just like the ray on your TV set


SCIENCE ADJECTIVES $2000: Sarcasm aside, this word from the Greek for "burning" describes a substance that causes corrosion


CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE $400: A hot biomedical topic is apoptosis, the programmed "suicide" of these biological units


19th CENTURY SCIENCE $800: Developed in the 1860s & '70s, this first synthetic plastic would soon be used to make toiletries, dentures & film


CIRCUS SCIENCE $400: () Moving the parasol in the air helps the wire walker keep the point known by this three-word term directly over the wire

center of gravity

SCIENCE $400: The Celsius temperature scale is also called this, meaning "divided into one hundred parts"


"C" IN SCIENCE $800: () The quarter inside the balloon continues in a circular motion, because the balloon is imposing this inward force, from the Latin for "seek the center"


"C" IN SCIENCE $1200: () When I swing a bucket of water, it doesn't spill, because of this force that pulls it in the center and keeps it from following its path of inertia

centripetal force

MATH & SCIENCE $2000: The name of this force that can compel an object to move in a circular path is from the Latin for "seek the center"

centripetal force

"C" IN SCIENCE $2000: The name of this class of mollusks comes from Greek words meaning "head foot"


SCIENCE IS GOLDEN $1200: Symbol Cs, this element has a golden hue but is named from the Latin for "sky blue"


BASIC SCIENCE $800: The name of this green pigment found in plants is partly from the Greek for "green"


SCIENCE $400: This green pigment is required for photosynthesis


THE SCIENCE OF AUTUMN $400: To change color, leaves slow down & stop production of this green pigment


POLYSYLLABIC VOCABULARY $2000: () Draw on chalk & put it in to see the of marker color; it's a demonstration of this range of lab techniques that separate & analyze, from the Greek for "color" & "writing"


SCIENCE $600: These were first seen in human cells in 1882; the exact number, 46, was determined in 1956


SCIENCE CLASS $800: Geneticists know that human beings typically have 23 pairs of these; fruit flies have only 4 pairs


SCIENCE NEWS $1200: These DNA-bearing structures have caps called telomeres; learn to lengthen those & we'll all live forever


SCIENCE $1,200 (Daily Double): From the Latin for "about a day", these body rhythms govern cycles of wakefulness & sleep

circadian rhythms

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $200: Names for types of these, including cirrus & nimbus were coined in 1803 by British meteorologist Luke Howard


SCIENCE & NATURE $800: This element, symbol Co, was once popular for making invisible ink


"C" IN SCIENCE $4,000 (Daily Double): () The two streams of water form one, because water molecules are so attracted to each other that when they come near, they stick together, a uniting action known as this


FICTION SCIENCE $400: In 1989 Fleischmann & Pons claimed they'd found a "cold" way to start this process--nope

cold fusion

THE JIMMY CARTER LIBRARY & MUSEUM $2000: () I'm in a replica of the Oval Office, from which on July 15, 1979, Carter gave a on the American mood, warning of a crisis of this


SCIENCE ADJECTIVES $1600: A medical condition that was present at birth is described by this 10-letter adjective


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $2000: () Nuclear fusion in the sun's produces energy that eventually flows to the photosphere - first, by and then by heat currents using process, also used in a type of oven


COLORFUL SCIENCE $1200: This reddish metal is a main ingredient of both brass & bronze


SCIENCE $800: () Using a cupcake & straw, we're approximating 1 of these 2-word scientific readings used in undersea & underground prospecting

core sampling

WORDS IN SCIENCE $1200: Hydrogen molecules are formed by this type of bond in which 2 atoms share a pair of electrons


SCIENCE STUFF $1200: The "coconut" type of this crustacean uses its big pincers to open coconuts, its principal food


"C" IN SCIENCE $400: The sandhill type of this tall wading bird breeds from Alaska to Hudson Bay


19th CENTURY SCIENCE $1000: Georg Grotefend bet some drinking companions that he could decipher this wedge-shaped system of writing, & did in 1802


SCIENCE $2000: () To test deep water structures the wave tank generates waves, wind, and this water flow,from the Latin for running


20th CENTURY SCIENCE $2000: () We were just getting used to dark matter being 90% of the universe when in 1998 we were hit with this discovery, which is making the universe expand much faster than anyone had expected

dark energy

WHO'S RUNNING THIS OPERATION? $200: At Penn, the head of the College of Arts & Sciences has this title, with several associate ones scurrying around


"D" IN SCIENCE $1200: The mountain ash & honey locust trees share this quality, as becomes evident in autumn


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $1600: () Colored water, cooking oil & colored alcohol can be layered because each liquid has a different this, defined as mass divided by volume


"D" IN SCIENCE $400: To remove poisonous substances, or to purge an addict's body of harmful substances

detox (or detoxification)

"D" IN SCIENCE $2000: About 1 hydrogen atom in 6,500 is this isotope


SCIENCE $600: ( ) Normally, an ice cube floats; because it's made of heavy water, or D2O; the D standing for this isotope


SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): It's the form of glucose that rotates a plane of polarized light clockwise


"D" IN SCIENCE $2000: () A grungy type of earth used as industrial filler is named for these beautiful symmetrical algae from which it's made


"D" IN SCIENCE $2000: () When you add food coloring to water, the motions of the dye's molecules causes it to , eventually filling the glass evenly through a process called this

diffusion (dilution accepted)

"D" IN SCIENCE $1600: The Flintstones' pet could tell you that these parts of plankton are named in part for appendages called flagella


SCIENCE STUFF $1200: () These razor-thin TV screens of the future are made with OLED technology--organic light-emitting this, which allows the current to pass in only one direction


LIFE SCIENCE $800: A haploid nucleus contains 1 of each type of chromosome; this is the term for a nucleus with 2 of each


"D" IN SCIENCE $400: A 1761 work by the great anatomist Morgagni has records of 640 of these procedures


SCIENCE $2000: () In Newton's law, "F" is the attractive force, "G" is the gravitational constant, "m" is the masses of two bodies, & "d" stands for this


SPACE SCIENCE $1200: () NASA's Forward Reaction Control System tests the engines used for process that joins the shuttle with the space station


"D" IN SCIENCE $1200: Ah, well, it's the area of light winds & calms in equatorial regions--how depressing


-OLOGIES $1200: It's the science dealing with the relationship between organisms & their environment


SCIENCE FACTION $1200: The "S" in UNESCO is for "scientific"; this is what the "E" is for & remember, it's an adjective, not a noun


FOOD SCIENCE $400: At 144 degrees ovotransferrin in these common food items denatures & they then begin to set


FUN WITH SCIENCE $400: In an annual contest in Oatman, Arizona, folks try to fry these on the sidewalk with solar power


SCIENCE $1600: () We breathe thanks to this process: electricity from the solar panels splits water into hydrogen & oxygen


SPORTS SCIENCE $2000: (Jimmy of the clue crew gives the clue from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute in Barrington, IL) The environmental chamber controls humidity and temperature to examine an athlete's sweating response and excretion of these which are basically minerals that help your cells carry impulses


$1200: () In the 2-mile long linear accelerator, an pushes these particles along, kind of like surfers


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: () Chemical reactions of the paper clip's iron & the copper wire in the acid of the lemon juice draw elementary particles from one wire to the other


SCIENCE TERMS $1600: The Schottky effect is a type of increase in the discharge of these subatomic particles from a heated surface


"E" IN SCIENCE $400: Term for a substance that can't be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means


FICTION SCIENCE $800: A Berkeley physicist claimed he'd discovered no. 118 of these--nope again


CIRCUS SCIENCE $1600: Between its show & a conservation center, Ringling Bros. has the W. Hem.'s largest sustainable pop. of the Asian this


"E" IN SCIENCE $2000: Chemical formula C10H15NO, it's used to treat asthma


"E" IN SCIENCE $800: Abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes this seizure-inducing neurological disorder


SCIENCE $800: Newton's Third Law of Motion is usually quoted as "For every action there is" this 3-word type of "reaction"

equal and opposite

THE SCIENCE OF AUTUMN $800: Because the Earth orbits faster when it's closer to the sun, the vernal & autumnal these are not exactly 1/2 year apart


FROM THE GREEK $1600: () To make jobs easier & safer, trucks on the assembly line are raised or lowered on these accordion lifts, which are called skillets; it's an example of this science of practical human engineering; it comes from the Greek word which means "work"


SCIENCE $1600: C2H5, it's found before "alcohol" & is a homophone of a female first name


SCIENCE $800: () The flame appears to be underwater, but actually the water is cooling the candle's outer layer, preventing the wax from burning, because it can't do this, from the Latin for "to disperse to vapor"


POPULAR SCIENCE $1200: () An internal pressure imbalance forces liquid up to the duck's head, making it tip over for another drink; it's caused by this process that cools the wet head but not the dry tail


THE SCIENCE OF LIQUOR $3,000 (Daily Double): After 15 years of aging, 30% of an original quantity of bourbon (the "angels' share") has been lost to this process


THE SCIENCE OF LIQUOR $1200: Zymurgy is the chemistry branch that deals with this process in which sugar is converted into alcohol


SCIENCE TERMS $600: Rhyming term for the response by animals when they encounter a threat

fight or flight

PLANT SCIENCE $800: Transplanted from the Mediterranean to California, the Adriatic type of this fruit is the prime choice for bars & pastes


SAVE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESS! $600: [email protected] contacts this type of "scientist" defined as using science in the service of law enforcement

forensic scientist

EVERYDAY SCIENCE $1600: Blisters can be caused by this resistance to motion between surfaces, from the Latin for "to rub"


POPULAR SCIENCE $400: () The silkiness of the tablecloth & the smoothness of the table & plate combine to reduce this force to a minimum--don't try this at home


TOUGH SCIENCE $400: Astronomers classify these clusters of stars as elliptical, lenticular, irregular or spiral


EPONYMOUS SCIENCE $1600: An electric current measuring device developed by Andre Ampere was named this after an Italian anatomist


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $1600: 2 of these sexual reproductive cells, from the Greek for "marriage", join to create a zygote


SCIENCE CLASS $400: From the Flemish pronunciation of "chaos". Jan van Helmont coined this term for air that wasn't air


CROSSWORD CLUES "G" $2,500 (Daily Double): The science of good eating (10)


WORD ORIGINS $1200: This word for the art & science of good eating goes back to Greek for "belly"


SCIENCE $400: Around 1910 Thomas Morgan found that these hereditary units are located on chromosomes within cells


SCIENCE CLASS $400: In a human being, each cell has about 25,000 of these basic units of heredity


SOCIAL SCIENCE $600: An area that goes upscale, driving out low-income folks & maybe some character, is undergoing this


GENERAL SCIENCE $2000: This branch of medicine is devoted to the care & diseases of the elderly


SCIENCE $2000: () What goes up stays up when the force of air moving up from the hair dryer equals this force pulling down on the ping-pong ball


SCIENCE $200: () A ball of clay inside the can is enough to reposition the can's natural center of this, so the can rolls uphill


SCIENCE $400: Isaac Newton published his first mathematical formulation for this fundamental force in 1687


SCIENCE $400: It's the weakest of the 4 basic forces, but it's strong enough to keep the moon orbiting the Earth


SCIENCE $400: You have "receptors" in your ears for this fundamental force, & they get upset when you're weightless


WEIRD SCIENCE $200: () The reason why astronauts are taller in space is due to a lessening of this force; the vertebrae separate slightly, allowing for a height increase of 2 inches or more


COLORFUL SCIENCE $400: A likely problem at traffic signals, the defect called deuteranopia usually causes confusion of red & this color


SCIENCE & NATURE $800: It's the color of malachite, a mineral from which copper is obtained


SCIENCE $1000: () Because it's water-soluble, form of calcium sulfate is rarely found in sand, but here in New Mexico's Tularosa Basin, there are no rivers to carry it away, so it forms the famed white sand


SCIENCE $2000: In 2007 Intel announced a new faster chip design replacing silicon with this element, symbol Hf


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $1200: The time it takes for 50% of a given amount of a radioactive element to decay


"GEN"ERAL SCIENCE $1600: This type of headlight that uses a trace of bromine or iodine vapor is the standard in auto manufacture


SCIENCE $800: Echocardiography can tell you whether this doublespeak heart issue is caused by an abnormal valve

heart murmur

BASIC SCIENCE $400: () Both LCD TVs & mood rings use liquid crystals, however, the crystals in LCDs reflect color by using electricity & use this type of energy


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $400: Combustion is an example of an exothermic reaction, one in which this is released


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: Phosphorescence is defined as giving off light with little or none of this


SCIENCE $1200: The second law of thermodynamics says that this will of its own accord only move to a colder object


WORDS IN SCIENCE $800: In astronomy, Ptolemy's geocentric model gave way to the Copernican one described by this adjective


SCIENCE A TO Z $4,000 (Daily Double): "H": It's the tendency of an organism to bend toward or away from sunlight


SCIENCE $400: This inert gas alters your voice because sound travels more than twice as fast in it as in air


SCIENCE CLASS $5,000 (Daily Double): Of the 6 noble gases on the periodic table, it is the lightest


SCIENCE STUFF $800: () The Macy's Parade balloons are inflated with a mix of air & this gas; they used to be released after the parade but that was stopped for safety reasons


LIFE SCIENCE $4,000 (Daily Double): Transporting this protein is the main job of your body's erythrocytes


SCIENCE $5,000 (Daily Double): Sugars, alcohols & starches are all formed by different combos of these 3 elements

hydrogen, carbon & oxygen

GEOLOGY $800 (Daily Double): This 9-letter geologic science is the study of the movement & distribution of all the Earth's waters


WORDS IN SCIENCE $2000: () Because the structure of oil doesn't allow certain bonds, it's called this type of molecule, from words meaning "fear of water"


FROM THE GREEK $1200: Meaning "to put under", it's an assumption or proposition put forth in science that can then be tested


CROSSWORD CLUES "I" $1200: "Fishy" science (11)


WOMEN IN SCIENCE $2000: Rosa Smith Eigenmann, discoverer of the blind goby, was the first important woman in this -ology


GENERAL SCIENCE $1200: Of the 3 main classes of rock, this one is further divided into plutonic & volcanic types


SCIENCE STUFF $3,400 (Daily Double): This type of rock that develops from magma can be divided into 2 groups: extrusive & intrusive

igneous rock

SCIENCE $800: One meter equals 39.37 of these


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $4,600 (Daily Double): () Stop an egg while it's spinning, & it will start again, because the liquid inside is still moving, exhibiting this property, a resistance to change in motion


SCIENCE TERMS $400: Heavier objects have more this, the tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion


GENERAL SCIENCE $8,000 (Daily Double): The IRAS telescope, which revealed 5 new comets, made its observations in this part of the light spectrum


THE SCIENCE OF SOUND $2000: Using the same prefixes as for light, the sonic spectrum goes from ultrasound to waves that are too low in frequency to hear; the mics being used here can pick them up


WOMEN IN SCIENCE $1600: In August 1969, after 34 years, Dorothy Hodgkin identified the atomic structure of this pancreatic hormone


POLITICAL SCIENCE $200: Schwarzenegger's first inaugural address pledged his governorship "to your" these, "not to special" these


SCIENCE "K"LASS $1,000 (Daily Double): This noble gas used in high-speed photography lamps takes its name from the Greek for "hidden"


SCIENCE "L"IST $1200: This 11th letter of the Greek alphabet is used to symbolize wavelengths


THE SCIENCE OF SOUND $400: The Defense Department funds the NCPA's work in using sound imaging to detect the tens of millions of these buried worldwide

land mines

TO "L" WITH SCIENCE $1600: Less-invasive surgeries use endoscopes, arthroscopes or these other fiber-optic scopes


SCIENCE "L"IST $2000: Types of these devices include diode, solid state & gas


SCIENCE $1000: When boiling water, energy absorbed that escapes as vapor is this type of heat, from Latin latere, "to hide"

latent energy

SCIENCE NEWS $400: Rocks on 4 continents were formed by the flow of this from an eruption that tore apart Pangaea


SCIENCE NEWS $800: Science magazine says these rodents' boom-&-bust population cycles are due to predators, not mass suicide


10-LETTER WORDS $1200: () Pyrolytic graphite repels either pole of a magnet, so when you suspend a magnet between 2 plates of the graphite, the magnet does what a magician would call this 10-letter trick


THE SCIENCE OF AUTUMN $1600: () World Series sluggers try to get backspin on the ball making it go farther, because the air moves faster over the upper surface providing this elevating force on the underside


SCIENCE $200: It's what the "L" stands for in "laser"


SCIENCE & NATURE $1200: 17th century Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens developed the wave theory of this


SCIENCE HISTORY $600: Michael Faraday named oxygen as a "permanent gas" he couldn't turn into this state; Mike, just make it a lot colder


MEN OF SCIENCE $1200: Rocket pioneer Robert Goddard discovered the best liquid fuel was a combination of gasoline and this, aka LOx

liquid oxygen

THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $1600: In the 1780s Gaspard Monge was the first to do this to a substance that's normally a gas, sulfur dioxide

liquify it

SCIENCE "L"IST $800: The major source of this treatment for bipolar disorder is mined in North Carolina


BASIC SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): The name of this organ that stores fat may come from a word that means "fat"


PHYSICS, BRAIN SURGERY & ROCKET SCIENCE $1600: As you know, Dr., the frontal this in the brain is key to emotion & reason; stay away from the one on the ear this time


TO "L" WITH SCIENCE $2000: 5-letter term for a center of activity, or the position of a gene on a chromosome


TO "L" WITH SCIENCE $1200: () When you activate a light stick, the chemicals will then react to produce this type of cold light


SPACE SCIENCE $400: () In the '60s, this machine was used to simulate the liftoff of the ; "LM" being short for this

lunar module

SCIENCE-Y 3-LETTER WORDS $1600: This unit of illumination shares its name with an old brand of soap & detergent


TOUGH SCIENCE $800: This element, symbol Mg, occurs naturally in such minerals as dolomite & brucite


2-WORD SCIENCE RESPONSES $600: Abbreviated MN, it's what a working compass needle is always pointing to in our hemisphere

magnetic north

GENERAL SCIENCE $800: All existing species of these have placentas except marsupials & monotremes


GENERAL SCIENCE $200: Technically, the measure of a body's inertia is known as this property of matter


SCIENCE & NATURE $1600: In science a big M can mean mach, & a little m this, as in Einstein's most famous equation


5 DEGREES $200: MS, from Cal Tech

master of science

GETTING TESTY $400: The A.C.T. college entrance exam includes a set of 4 multiple-choice tests covering English, science, reading & this


SCIENCE BRIEFS $200: An MMR vaccine stands for these 3 things it treats

measles, mumps, & rubella

SCIENCE $2000: This unit represents the explosive power of 2 billion pounds of TNT


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2006 $1000: Want a safe and long-lasting tan? It may be possible with an implant that triggers production of this skin pigment


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1600: In 1911 a physicist first observed superconductivity when he found no resistance in this slippery element at 4.2 kelvin


LIFE SCIENCES $1600: () Physical activity increases both body temperature & this process in which food is converted to protein, carbs & fat & then used for energy


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: Most of the elements on the periodic table are these, including the 6 alkali ones


SCIENCE $800: Of the 3 basic rock types, the type that was once one form but has changed to another due to heat & pressure


EARTH SCIENCE $800: This class of rock is made by changes in heat, pressure or shearing to pre-existing rocks

metamorphic rock

BIOLOGY GLOSSARY $800: () After a butterfly goes through four life stages, from egg to larva to pupa, & finally, to , it's said to have undergone complete this, Greek for "transformation"


THE LIFE OF THE SEA $400: () Some crabs go through this shell-shedding process all their lives, but the has a terminal one, after which it can't grow


THE SCIENCE BLUES $2000: A mysterious material with the formula Mo5O14, made of oxygen & this metal, gives solutions a blue tint


GENERAL SCIENCE $1200: () When I torque a spinning bike wheel, an equal and opposite torque causes me to rotate also, an illustration of the conservation of angular this


SCIENCE $1200: Darwin defined it as "preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations"

natural selection

SCIENCE & NATURE $1000: In 1955 physicists Owen Chamberlain & Emilio Segre discovered the antiproton, which has this kind of charge


SCIENCE $3,200 (Daily Double): The name of this noble gas is from the Greek for "new"


THE "N-H-L" $800: It's the branch of science that specializes in the kidney


LIFE SCIENCE $400: Ganglia, gorups of cell bodies of these nerve cells, are outside the vertebrate central nervous system


SCIENCE $400: In the nervous system, calcium ions crossing the gap between these cause a release of acetylcholine


POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2006 $200: Science "disproved the obvious" & showed that not all kids love Santa, & actually you can "teach an old dog" these

new tricks

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1200: Glycerin reacts with sulfuric acid & this acid, HNO3, to form an explosive

nitric acid

$200: () Molecular gastronomy uses science to be creative, efficient, & delicious, as in ice cream made instantly using the liquid form of this element; faster freezing means more smaller ice crystals & smoother ice cream


$800: A 2004 conference on ways to detect when a country is making these included ideas like robot spy butterflies

nuclear weapons

LIFE SCIENCE $1200: In nat. selection, a ref froggus trebekus has .5 relative fitness if it produces 1/2 as many of these as a pink one


SCIENCE TERMS $1000: If it's not transparent, or even translucent, but quite impenetrable to light, it's this


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $2000: The transfer of a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration through a membrane


SCIENCE $800: The name of this disorder in which the bones become porous comes from the Greek for "bone" & "passage"


FUN WITH SCIENCE $600: () When exposed to air, a cut turns brown & copper turns because of a chemical process called this


BASIC SCIENCE $400: Nitrogen makes up around 78% of the atmosphere; this gas, only about 20%


CIRCUS SCIENCE $800: A fire-eater makes sure the flame is out before opening his mouth--otherwise a rush of this will revive it


IT'S ALL SCIENCEY & STUFF $2,000 (Daily Double): This element accounts for about 47% of the Earth's crust


SCIENCE $1200: () The candle in the small jar will because it has the least amount of this to burn


SPORTS SCIENCE $1200: (Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute in Barrington, IL.) The concentration of these two expired gases determined by a metabolic chart tells athletes how many carbs as opposed to fat they're burning; burning a higher percentage of fat increases endurance

oxygen & carbon dioxide

SCIENCE TERMS $200: This measure of acidity & alkalinity tends to range between 0 & 14


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $2000: Mr. Beatty knows that this is the apparent displacement of an object caused by an altered observation point


DUKE UNIVERSITY $600: Got ESP? Then you know in the '20s J.B. Rhine began his famous studies at Duke in this science that researches ESP

parapsychology (paranormal psychology accepted)

SCIENCE $1000: In astronomy, this unit of measure is abbreviated pc


SOCIAL SCIENCE $800: In society it's denying one's identity to be accepted by another group; in sports it's done by Jay Cutler


$1600: No, that's fine. Of course you're right. Science Times says "hostile cooperation" is part of this behavior pattern


PLANT SCIENCE $2000: () When a wetland becomes covered with plant material, the lack of oxygen hinders decay, so that over time a layer of partially decayed matter is formed, called this


FOOD SCIENCE $800: This fruit-based carbohydrate is what gels jams & jellies


SCIENCE $400: The word rubber comes from the discovery that the stuff could be used to rub out marks made with this


"P" IN SCIENCE $800: Today, most commercial varieties of this antibiotic are produced by the mold P. chrysogenum


MATH & SCIENCE $1600: () You know percent, but how about this similar term that indicates parts in 1,000

per mil

SCIENCE A TO Z $400: Cape ivy is this type of herbaceous plant that lives for more than 2 years


LIFE SCIENCES $2000: Alimentary, my dear! waves of contractions moving swallowed food through the esophagus are called this


SCIENCE TERMS $800: When a tree's tissues are replaced by quartz, you get this type of wood, also a synonym for "frightened"


SCIENCE CLASS $800: During this plant process, carbon dioxide & water combine with light energy to create oxygen & glucose


THAT'S LIFE SCIENCE $1200: A variety of Atlantic sea slug eats algae, retains some of it & can then undergo this plant process


"I"s IN THE PRIZE $800: The only Nobel Prize that has 2 names is this "or medicine"


SCIENCE CLASS $1200: The wedge is an adaptation of the simple machine called the inclined this


$3,000 (Daily Double): () The etcher used in the Center for Functional Nanomaterials' clean room uses this highly ionized state of matter to work on tiny circuits


WORDS IN SCIENCE $1,300 (Daily Double): A common word for polymers; in physics, it means material that can be deformed & keep its new shape


EARTH SCIENCE $2000: () South America & Africa fit together like puzzle pieces; this theory says they were connected 200 million years ago & have been moving away from each other up to 4 inches a year

plate tectonics

SCIENCE $2,000 (Daily Double): In geologic theory, the Earth's outer shell has about 12 big these, moving around tectonically


FICTION SCIENCE $200: 2-word literary term for when a character gets his just deserts in an especially appropriate way

poetic justice

POLITICAL SCIENCE $400: Anthony Downs' theory of these groups has them habitually moving toward the middle to win elections

political parties

SCIENCE IS A BREEZE $200: Breezes often transfer these tiny grains from male flower parts to female seed cones


SCIENCE STUFF $400: You're seeing produced by a lily (ah-choo!)


FOOD SCIENCE $600: When heated, the moisture turns to steam & explodes the shell, turning this snack inside out


FOOD SCIENCE $1600: Careful when eating bagels with these seeds on them--you could test positive for heroin!

poppy seeds

SCIENCE ADJECTIVES $1200: () Pumice, which floats on water because of little air pockets is described as this, meaning "full of holes" and derives from the Greek for "passage"


WE BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE $1600: "To protect taste" Diet Coke adds some "K" to the mix: this element


SCIENCE $1200: () A potato gun demonstrates Boyle's Law using a simple tube & a stick; pushing the stick reduces the volume of air and increases this 8-letter term, making the potato go ballistic


FOOD SCIENCE $2000: Activia says its yogurt is creamy & full of this type of culture that boosts health


WORDS IN SCIENCE $400: The opposite of antibiotic, it's a term for healthful bacteria in yogurt


$2000: has a handy primer on the PSA blood test done on older gents, PSA standing for this

prostate-specific antigen

SPORTS SCIENCE $400: (Sarah of the clue crew gives the clue from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute in Barrington, IL) Strength training breaks down muscle fibers but the rebuilding process requires this, made of amino acids, it's a key part of Gatorade's recovery drinks for after your workout


CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE $2,600 (Daily Double): This particles studied by astroparticle physics are the only ones in the nuclei of hyrdogen atoms


SCIENCE $1600: () Rubbing a balloon builds up electrons that then attract this type of particle in a , from the Greek for "first"


SCIENCE $800: Mass number is defined as the number of neutrons & these particles in an atom's nucleus


SCIENCE FAIR $2000: These organs of locomotion, from the Greek for "false feet", also enable amoebas to surround & take in food


BASIC SCIENCE $2000: Ha!--Fooled you, it's really this mineral


SCIENCE NEWS $2000: Using a single atom to represent one "qubit" is part of the new world called this type of computing


GENERAL SCIENCE $1000: The proton consists of 2 types of this elementary particle: 2 up & 1 down


SCIENCE & NATURE $1600: Heat travels by 3 main methods: conduction, convection & this


SCIENCE $400: They're also called erythrocytes

red blood cells

"RED" SCIENCE $2000: Due to the Doppler effect, it's an increase in the wavelength of radiation emitted by a moving celestial body

red shift

"RED" SCIENCE $400: Found in warm coastal waters, it's an explosion of fish-killing, toxin-secreting dinoflagellates

red tide

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $2000: Despite the name, a substance gains electrons in this process, which puts the "red" in redox


PHYSICS, BRAIN SURGERY & ROCKET SCIENCE $400: Einstein published the special theory of this in 1905; the general theory of it was announced in 1915


POLITICAL SCIENCE $600: The thrust of secularism in the 16th & 17th centuries was to separate politics from this


SCIENCE HISTORY $1000: The unit of this in electricity is named for Georg Ohm; it's also what ohm ran into when he published his ideas


SCIENCE CENTER $800: In astronomy the barycenter is the center of mass of 2 bodies, usually one doing this in relation to the other

revolving around (or orbiting)

GENERAL SCIENCE $2000: Plants having these underground stems, from the Greek for "root", include irises, bamboo & wild ginger


SCIENCE $2000: This metal's name is from the Greek for "rose"; it forms salts that give rose-colored solutions


$2000: This second fiddle among nucleic acids may be linked to types of leukemia & mental retardation

ribonucleic acid (RNA)

SCIENCE & NATURE $400: Trees company for those who study dendrochronology using to determine the tree's age and history


SCIENCE $400: Black spot is a serious fungal disease that affects these flowers; rugosas have good resistance


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $800: This bacterium found in eggs & poultry that causes food poisoning is named for an American pathologist


FOOD SCIENCE $200: To combat hypothyroidism, iodine was first added in the 1920s to this common seasoning


SCIENCE $800: Some minerals can readily be identified by taste; halite has this type of taste


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1200: Thin slabs of itacolumite, a rare kind of this "grainy" rock, can actually be bent or squeezed out of shape


$1200: Royal mummies like were placed inside these stone items, whose name is from the Greek for flesh-eating


NOVELS $1200: "Ralph 124C 41+" is a novel by Hugo Gernsback, known as a "father of" this futuristic genre

science fiction

GENERAL SCIENCE $1600: Types of seismic waves include L, P & S, which stand for love, primary & this


ECO SUAVE $400: () Hydrophobic sand doesn't absorb water because it's been treated with a compound of this element, Si; the sand does cling to oil, however, making it useful in cleaning up oil spills


SCIENCE $800 (Daily Double): During an epidemic of this disease in 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the power of vaccines & used it to save lives


CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE $1600: Invasion biology studies species like the brown tree this reptile, which wiped out 9 of Guam's 11 native bird species


SCIENCE $2000: () A chemical reaction between food coloring and bleach, which contains chemical, NaClO3, turns the color liquid into a colorless compound

sodium chlorate

SCIENCE $1200: () Like a jet plane traveling faster than mach 1, a whip makes a cracking noise because it's traveling faster than the speed of this


SCIENCE $400: At sea level at 70 degrees this travels 1,129 feet per second; it speeds up over 1 foot per sec. for each rising degree


SCIENCE $400: () Because of the tilt of the Earth's axis both in summer & winter, solar panels in the United States facing this direction receive the most sun


THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $400: Botanist John Ray made Linnaeus' work possible by establishing this unit of taxonomy, from the Latin for "form"


GENERAL SCIENCE $2000: It's the "specific" ratio between the density of pure water & that of another substance; for gold, it's 19.3

specific gravity

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1200: A prism rearranges white light into the visible one of these


SCIENCE & NATURE $1200: The Bessemer process, developed in the 1850s, was a cheap way to convert pig iron to this


FICTION SCIENCE $1200: Korea's Woo-Suk Hwang faked a 2004 breakthrough in getting these mighty medical things from cloned embryos

stem cells

SCIENCE GRAB BAG $200: These cells from human embryos can grow into any type of tissue & may someday cure diabetes & Alzheimer's

stem cells

POPULAR SCIENCE BEST OF 2007 $800: Some neurological disorders are being treated with elec. impulses in a procedure called DBS, or deep brain this


SCIENCE TERMS $2000: () Glucose & fructose are monosaccharides; by removing a molecule of water, the two join to form this disaccharide, also known as table sugar


SCIENCE & NATURE $1200: () The Babcock test, invented here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, uses this potent non-potable, H2SO4, to dissolve everything in milk except the fat, so the fat content can be measured

sulfuric acid

2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $800: It occurs around June 21 when the sun is at its northernmost position

summer solstice

SCIENCE $1200: (.) Because of the intense magnetic fields that block heat from the core, solar phenomena can be thousands of degrees cooler than the surrounding surface


$1600: () Cooled magnets at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facilitate this super phenomenon; current shows no resistance, & gold ions travel at nearly light speed


SCIENCE GRAB BAG $600: A material called URhGe can be manipulated into being this, lacking electrical resistance


THE SCIENCE OF LIQUOR $1600: Jameson Irish Whiskey gains its golden hue thanks partly to this acid that also helps give leather its color

tannic acid

COMPOUNDS IN ACTION $200: () When hydrogen sulfide in the air reacts with silver, it creates a called silver sulfide, better known by this one word


DEAF & BLIND $1600: () Blind students learn hands-on about animals with help from science, which is Greek for "arrangement of skin"


BIOLOGY $2000: One of the subdivisions of biology is this science dealing with the naming & classification of organisms


SCIENCE IS A BREEZE $600: Along with pressure & elevation, breezes are mainly caused by differences in this between adjacent areas


SCIENCE & NATURE $2000: Mosquitoes of this genus are the only ones that carry malaria

the Anopheles mosquito

SUPERHERO NAMES THROUGH PICTURES $1000: We take you to science class for a of this DC Comics hero

the Atom

SCIENCE IS A BREEZE $1000: This scale includes light breeze (4-6 knots) & strong breeze (22-27 knots)

the Beaufort scale

SCIENCE STUFF $2000: () When the tube spins, high pressure pushes air through it to the lower pressure end, producing sound & demonstrating this principle named for a Swiss mathematician

the Bernoulli principle

$800: () Conditions milliseconds after this event are replicated on a microscopic scale by creating a superhot fireball in this 3-D camera

the Big Bang

GENERAL SCIENCE $400: This alliterative event happened 14 billion years ago

the Big Bang

SCIENCE $400: The universe's background radiation is thought to be left over from this primordial event

the Big Bang

FAIRIES $800: She appoints Jiminy Cricket Pinocchio's official conscience

the Blue Fairy

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1000: () Molecules continually bombard a particle suspended in liquid, causing this random motion of the particle named for an English scientist

the Brownian movement

SCIENCE $2000: This division separates Saturn's rings & is named for the man who spotted them in 1675

the Cassini division

SCIENCE IS GOLDEN $2000: Golden algae date back to this period that followed the Jurassic about 145 million years ago

the Cretaceous period

SCIENCE & NATURE $400: The ARS, an agency of this U.S. government department, is looking to develop better bio-insecticides

the Department of Agriculture

THE PHILADELPHIA STORY $1000: This institute established in 1824 is Philadelphia's Museum of Science & Technology

the Franklin Institute

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: This principle says it's impossible to measure a particle's position & momentum at the same time

the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

SCIENCE & NATURE $800: The biggest bear ever, an 11-foot 1,800-pounder, became extinct around the time this age ended 12,000 years ago

the Ice Age

GOD BLESS YOU $1600: The creator god Vairacocha of these people of Peru traveled the world teaching man all the arts & sciences

the Incas (Incans accepted)

PHILOSOPHIC BEFORE & AFTER $1600: Pirate flag that symbolizes a 13th c. English scholar who was jailed when his talk of science was deemed heretical

the Jolly Roger Bacon

PHYSICS, BRAIN SURGERY & ROCKET SCIENCE $800: Rockets produce 7 million pounds of thrust during takeoff of this vehicle, the space transportation system

the Shuttle

2-WORD SCIENCE TERMS $1,600 (Daily Double): Easily seen below the equator, the constellation Crux is popularly known by this name

the Southern Cross

HISTORIC U.S. BUILDINGS $400: A centerpiece of the 1962 World's Fair, this tower had science-fiction art & a German TV tower as inspirations

the Space Needle

SCIENCE & NATURE $200: In June 1991 weightlessness experiments were conducted on about 2,500 jellyfish aboard this

the Space Shuttle

SCIENCE CLASS $400: This "Age" is divided into the Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, & the Neolithic

the Stone Age

WOMEN IN SCIENCE $400: In 1905 biologist Nettie Stevens showed that these 2 chromosomes determine a person's sex

the X and Y chromosomes

SCIENCE GLOSSARY $3,000 (Daily Double): It sounds like it's sorry, but this term refers to the orbital point where a celestial body is farthest from the Earth

the apogee

THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE $2000: Poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a treatise on this scientific instrument later replaced by the sextant

the astrolabe

AN "A" IN SCIENCE $400: This nearly transparent 3-syllable envelope of gases surrounding the Earth is about 78% nitrogen

the atmosphere

SCIENCE $1600: Changes in the tropospheric layer of this are what gives us weather

the atmosphere

"A" IN SCIENCE $1200: () Vaulters can use hollow poles to save weight because this center line of is neutral, taking little or no stress

the axis

YOUR NEW CLASS SCHEDULE $1000: Science: Discover animal anatomy, starting with Ursidae, this animal family

the bear family

WHAT'S "BLACK" & "WHITE"? $800: Thanks to a group of science students, in 2006 this largest mammal of Alabama became the state's official mammal

the black bear

CHAMPAGNE $400: A book on the science of champagne says lipstick can ruin the fun: fats in it make these stretch & break

the bubbles

SCIENCE $2000: () Veterinarians refer to this area of an animal's body as the posterior or this region, from the Latin for "the tail"

the caudal region

BASIC SCIENCE $1000: () The tack in a ping-pong ball shifts this 3-word directional term from the middle to the side, affecting its roll

the center of gravity

SCIENCE CLASS $2,000 (Daily Double): This rocky, outermost layer of the earth is only 5 miles thick under the oceans, 25 miles under the continents

the crust

"D" IN SCIENCE $2000: The atomic mass unit is also called this, after a 19th century British scientist

the dalton

"D" IN SCIENCE $800: ( This particular exercise strengthens & tones this large muscle that covers the shoulder

the deltoid

"D" IN SCIENCE $1600: Coulomb's law says the force between 2 charges is inversely proportional to the square of this

the distance between them

SCIENCE $400: (.) The hypocenter is where an earthquake originates. The point on the surface, vertically above the hypocenter, is known as

the epicenter

SCIENCE GLOSSARY $2000: The lowest temp. where vapor & oxygen form a combustible mixture is this point; bring in a flame & whoosh!

the flash point

SCIENCE A TO Z $2000: It's an opening in a bone; the spinal cord enters the spinal column through the magnum one

the foramen

EVERYDAY SCIENCE $1200: () Crutches are an example of a simple lever; the tip of the crutch acts as this point on whcih a lever turns

the fulcrum

SOCIAL SCIENCE $1000: 2-word term for the world as a single small community linked by mass media

the global village

SCIENCE EN ESPAÑOL $800: This "colorful" atmospheric heating phenomenon is efecto invernadero

the greenhouse effect

SCIENCE STUFF $2000: () Many people are concerned about the long-term consequences of this effect that traps energy from the sun

the greenhouse effect

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $5,000 (Daily Double): () For 5 out of 10 carbon-11 atoms to decay into boron-11, it takes 20 minutes, which is this measure for the carbon-11 isotope

the half-life

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $800: Types of these fast-moving air currents found in the troposphere include polar & subtropical

the jet stream

SCIENCE AT THE EXPLORATORIUM $1200: () Pressure from both sides on this vital piece is what holds up a catenary arch

the keystone

SCIENCE $200: Each of these organs contains about 1 million nephrons, which filter blood

the kidneys

SCIENCE "K"LASS $800: A substance to start a fire, or the point that's the lowest temperature at which something will autoignite

the kindling point

BRUSH UP YOUR SHAKESPEARE $1000: "The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of" this person

the king

SCIENCE "L"IST $1600: You deserve to be crowned if you know that sassafras, avocado & cinnamon are all part of this family

the laurel family

BASIC SCIENCE $1200: Newton's first law, about bodies at rest & in motion, is also called the law of this

the law of inertia

SCIENCE $2000: Below the atmosphere is this "sphere", from the Greek for "stone"

the lithosphere

SCIENCE NEWS $1600: In 2000 Rezulin followed Trovan & Druact as drugs withdrawn from sale for damaging this organ

the liver

EARTH SCIENCE $1600: The Mohorovicic discontinuity separates the Earth's crust from this

the mantle

$800: This 8-letter particle named for its lack of charge is being studied by beaming it 450 miles in .0025 seconds

the neutrino

SCIENCE CLASS $400: 99.95% of the mass of an atom is in this part

the nucleus

LIFE SCIENCE $400: Botanically, it's the part of the flowering plant that holds the seeds, so it includes acorns

the nut (or the fruit)

20th CENTURY SCIENCE $400: Sivapithecus, once thought to be our ancestor, turned out to be the ancestor of this Sumatran ape

the orangutan

ALL ABOUT ANTARCTICA $200: () The 1959 Antarctic Treaty opened the continent to science & made possible such findings as this hole in the atmosphere in the 1980s

the ozone

20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1600: John Northrop joined this generation when he found that this digestive enzyme is a protein

the pepsin generation

20th CENTURY SCIENCE $1200: In 1937 Carlo Perrier & Emilio Segre filled in no. 43 on this table, the first entry to be artificially produced

the periodic table

SCIENCE $2000: Dimitri Mendeleyev made modern chemistry possible when he set this grouping of the elements

the periodic table

THE LIFE OF THE SEA $1200: () The bones of the blue whale's flipper compare to those of the human hand. Ulna, carples, and , like your finger bones

the phalanges

SCIENCE CLASS $2000: () Descartes called gland "the seat of the rational soul", & it's named for its pinecone-shaped appearance

the pineal gland

SCIENCE TERMS $600: Basketball players learn not to move this foot, the term for the axle around which a wheel turns

the pivot

SCIENCE STUFF $800: The Delta 32 genetic mutation prevents HIV; it's been found in the DNA of those who didn't get this Medieval scourge

the plague

SCIENCE TERMS $1000: This life stage in the development of an insect occurs between the larva & the imago

the pupa

SOME SCIENCE, SOME NATURE $400: Gaze high at California's 2 state trees: the giant sequoia & the coast this

the redwood

$600: () Dr. Martin Angst's lab at Stanford discovered a biological indicator of condition--an agonizing pain from the longest nerve in the body

the sciatic

PHYSICAL SCIENCE $2000: When the Earth's magnetosphere interacts with this flow of charged particles from the sun, auroras are produced

the solar wind

COLORFUL SCIENCE $800: A prism breaks sunlight into the visible part of this, containing all the colors of the rainbow

the spectrum

SCIENCE $400: The fishlike amphioxus has a structure called a notochord which in humans develops into this column

the spinal column

SCIENCE $2000: The fundamental forces are electromagnetism, gravity & these 2 "opposite" nuclear forces

the strong & the weak

WE BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE $1200: Usually seen daily by most people, it produces 3.83 x 1026 watts of power in the form of light

the sun

SCIENCE & NATURE $200: This part of the glass snake breaks off to help it escape when grabbed

the tail

SCIENCE "T"ALK $6,000 (Daily Double): It's the second of the 3 main sections of an arthropod's body

the thorax

19th CENTURY SCIENCE $1,000 (Daily Double): Physician Robert Graves described exophthalmic goiter, a condition now named for him, which affects this gland

the thyroid

TOUGH SCIENCE $2000: Most weather occurs in this lowest level of the atmosphere, which extends to an altitude of 6 to 10 miles

the troposphere

SCIENCE IS GOLDEN $400: Native to the icy headwaters of the Kern River, California's state fish is the golden this

the trout

THAT'S LIFE SCIENCE $5,000 (Daily Double): () A bird's wing is composed of similar to our arm; & like us, birds have two bones between their elbow & wrist with these names

the ulna & the radius

SCIENCE FACT $800: New studies say it's around 13.7 billion years old (give or take a few million years)

the universe

"V" LOVE SCIENCE $1600: The tricuspid valves help separate the atria from these heart cavities

the ventricles

"V" LOVE SCIENCE $2000: () The butterfly tastes bad to predators, so as a form of defense, palatable but smaller butterfly mimics the monarch's coloration and pattern

the viceroy

"V" LOVE SCIENCE $800: This unit of electric potential is equivalent to one Joule per coulomb

the volt

THE LIVING PLANET $2000: The April 2009 issue of Science magazine reported that cows were the first livestock animal to have this "mapped"

their genome

SCIENCE GLOSSARY $800: () Types of pain studied here at Stanford's Human Pain Laboratory include chemical, electrical & type produced by the application of heat


SCIENCE $800: The 2nd law of this covers equal distribution of resources; thus cream in coffee blends evenly even when not stirred


GENERAL SCIENCE $600: () The polymer here has a melting point of only 140 degrees Fahrenheit, so it can be shaped & molded by hand; it's this kind of material, from the Greek for "heat formed"


GO BALLISTIC! $400: Ballistics, the science of projectiles, comes from the Greek "ballein", to do this to something


SCIENCE $1200: In parts of the Caribbean, these are on a diurnal cycle: one high, one low a day, that's it


THE SCIENCE OF SOUND $800: "Wood" you like to name this, the quality of voiced speech sound that lets the ear identify it


SCIENCE-Y 3-LETTER WORDS $1200: Sn is the chemical symbol for this


"D" IN SCIENCE $1200: () The melting of ice doesn't raise the level of water because ice does to a volume of water equivalent to its own volume when it melts

to displace

THE BIG 10-LETTER WORDS $2,000 (Daily Double): The report's back from the lab; it's the science dealing with the detection of poisons


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1600: A chemistry theory says reactions include this intermediate state, from the Latin for "going across"


SCIENCE FACT $1600: This dense element's name is from the Swedish for "heavy stone"; most of Europe calls it wolfram


THE SCIENCE OF SOUND $1200: To reduce jet engine noise, scientists study type of air movement; it's also what your pilot might say you're about to hit, so buckle up


SCIENCE "T"ALK $1200: () There are two basic types of flow--laminar, which is smooth & regular, & more common one with swirls & eddies


GENERAL SCIENCE $800: In 1674 this Dutchman, using microscopes that he made, became the first to describe red blood cells

van Leeuwenhoek

SCIENCE $1200: Like you, dicotyledonous plants have a network of these, but theirs carry food & water


POPULAR SCIENCE $800: () The familiar crack of a bat comes only when it's struck at the spot where this is at a minimum; if contact comes elsewhere, you get more of a thud


FOOD SCIENCE $1,200 (Daily Double): From the French for "sour wine", this liquid will go bad over time, so it should be stored in a cool, dark place


FOOD SCIENCE $1200: You can kill nasty things in wooden cutting boards with the acidity in the white type of this--Heinz wants you to know


SCIENCE GLOSSARY $1200: Interferons are proteins produced to interfere with the spread of these non-bacterial infectious agents


"V" LOVE SCIENCE $1200: Molasses is higher in this property, the resistance to flow, than water


SCIENCE $600: Edward Doisy won a 1943 Nobel Prize for synthesizing this hemorrhage-inhibiting vitamin;

vitamin K

SCIENCE $800: As it's caused by a lack of niacin, pellagra is termed this type of deficiency disease

vitamin deficiency

SCIENCE FAIR $800: Ohm's law, V = IR, states that potential difference equals current times resistance; the V is short for this

voltage (volts accepted)

GENERAL SCIENCE $800: A hydrate contains this compound weakly bound in its crystals


PHYSICAL SCIENCE $1200: Hydroscopic substances have a tendency to absorb this from the atmosphere

water (or moisture)

IT'S ALL SCIENCEY & STUFF $1200: () Sugar cubes dissolve faster in hot water than in cold, because when water is heated, these move faster & further apart, making room for more sugar ones

water molecules

COLORFUL SCIENCE $2,400 (Daily Double): In violet, this distance is a short 3,800 to 4,500 angstroms


D-DAY $400: The decision to go on June 6 was due to James Stagg, chief adviser to Eisenhower on this atmospheric science


FOOD SCIENCE $800: 1 serving of this from Stonyfield contains 5 billion units of Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria


SOME SCIENCE, SOME NATURE $800: One tip at says that leaving this at home twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions over 1,500 lbs. per year

your car

SCIENCE GRAB BAG $1000: We're not faking--alphabetically, it's last among the elements on the Periodic Table


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