Science 1001

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The Latin ending for family is usually

-aceae (for plants) & -ae (for animals).

After its kind means reproduction of new kinds of living things ?


Italian is the language used to construct scientific names?


Kinds of organisms according to laws of genetics and Genesis reproduce offspring of their kind.


One of the main problems of finding a better system of taxonomy is the shortage of kinds of plants and animals to identify?


The telephone book shows relationships and is, therefore, a good example of a natural system of classification.


There are (more/fewer) kinds of plants than animals.


Plant Characteristics

Green, conductive tissue, seeds, flowers.


Grouped plants on similarities, idea of species


Groups of families.


Herbal-a book on medical classification and identification of plants.


Herbs, Shrubs, Trees; Red and Non-red Blood.


Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, trees; flowering and non-flowering plants.

A list of choices that follows in a sequence for identification is a(n)


In order, list the taxa of all living things.

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species.

Give the seven taxa in order:

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species


Largest division of plants.


Largest phylum of animals.

Explain how the scientific name is written in binomial nomenclature.

Latin, Italics, Capitalized and a noun for first word. Lower case and an adjective for second word.

Fixity of Species



Medical plant lore.

The way a plant looks is called its


How do we know that the horse and the donkey are not of the same species?

Mules can't make offspring's.

According to today's

Natural system of classification.

Animal Husbandry

New varieties of animals.

Plant Breeding

New varieties of roses.

The first word of the scientific name is underlined and capitalized, functions as a

Noun and tells the Genus.


One of the first Renaissance scientists use firsthand observations to write about plants.

A number of similar families make up an


When classifying tool has a set of different choices about the same subject, such as the leaf shape is round or the leaf shape is hearted-shaped, the choices are said to be


Binomial nomenclature

Passer domesticus


Persian doctor; Canon of Medicine.


Phylum, class, order.


Plant register; Pinax; used groupings and a form of scientific names.


Plants or Animals.

Common Name

Popular usage.

In the animal key, the scientific name for the Leopard frog is

Rana pipiens.

Name the two classes of animals according to Aristotle.

Red blood and Non-red blood.

Ways of grouping plants and animals in ancient times might be by

Red blood and non-red blood.

The separation of species due to some type of barrier to produce young for more than one generation is

Reproductive isolation


Reproductive isolation and morphology.

What was the difference between study of taxonomy in Rome and in Greece?

Rome copied others while Greece examined plants.

Animal Characteristics

Segmented digestive system, appendages.


Smallest unit of classification.

Common name


The idea that one species can rise to new kinds of species, new genera, new families, order, classes, kingdoms is known as


Organisms that can interbreed and produce offspring that can grow to produce young are of the same




Information that depends on the thoughts and feelings of the scientists rather than on actual observation is said to be



The science of classification.


The science of heredity (inheritance).


The science of heredity.

How is a scientific term written in binomial nomenclature?

The two-parts that make up the first name indicate genus and species.

A family tree shows relationships and is, therefore, a good example of a natural system of classification.


All plant cells include a structure called a cell wall.


Anyone interpreting information will be limited from being completely objective by his or her biases.


Aristotle classified animals into those with red blood and those with non-red blood.


Corn is a type of grass?


Linnaeus wrote Species Plantarum?


People have classified plants and animals for thousands of years?


Scientists began to study and observe real plants and animals during the Renaissance?


Taxonomy is a science of organizing and classifying?


Teeth patterns in animals and thorns in plants are examples of characteristics which a taxonomist might observe for keying.


The International Code of Nomenclature sets specific rules to help decide new scientific names or changes of names.


The scientific name of the leopard frog means frog-frog.


To a taxonomist a plant is the sum total of all its characteristics.



Two word, scientific names, Species Plantarum.


Why people think the way they do.

Classifying by using flower color, leaf shape, and leaf arrangement are examples of a(n)

artificial system of classification.

Groups of similar organisms within a species are called

breed or subspecies.

Taxonomy is the science of



All organisms of a kind in an area.


Ancient tools.

Name two ways plants and animals differ.

Animals move; plants don't. Plants use energy as food, animals either hunt or eat plants.

Two important developments of the Renaissance were

travel & exploring; bodies were common.


A group of organisms that are capable of reproducing more of that group.

A tool used in classification is a

A. Key.

The binomial nomenclature is credited to

A. Linnaeus.

When a species is made up of different smaller groups, each of those smaller groups is known as a

A. Variety.

One of the needs of today's taxonomy is

A. more information.

One of the Greek Taxonomists who grouped plants by size and shape was


A group of organisms which has been reclassified is

B. English sparrow.

The language used in most commonly scientific writing is

B. Latin.

Taxonomy is

B. a very old science.



Herbalists contributed

C. Medicinal uses of plants.

The name given to an organism which causes the least confusion and is the same in any language or in any country is the

C. Scientific name.

The best choice for explaining the meaning of binomial nomenclature is

C. Two-name calling.

Classification systems

C. Vary with the taxonomist.

Name two problems in developing a new and better system of classification.

Complexity for classifying. The limitations of knowledge.

Taxonomy is an organizing science used in

D. All of these. Biology, Zoology, and Botany.

Taxonomy is the science of

D. Organizing and classifying.

An example of subjective information is

D. beautiful leaves.

What were Linnaeus' contributions to taxonomy?

Developed a binomial naming system for plants.

When there are two choices for each level of the sequence for identification, that classifying tool is called a(n)

Dichotomous Key.

Classification groupings are made according to how plants and animals are

Different and how they are similar.

The second largest taxon is known as

Division (for plants) & Phylum (for animals).

The second-largest taxon is called a

Division when categorizing plants, and a Phylum when categorizing animals.

An herbalist might use an interpretation known as

Doctrine of Signatures

When information was not available for a plant, the herbalists

made up.

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