Science and Space Science Review

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With each pass of a comet about the Sun, its mass

is appreciably reduced

The Sun contains what percentage of the solar system`s mass?

over 99%

Of the sciences known as physics, chemistry, and biology, the most basic is


The "Big Bang" refers to the

point in time in which the known (and perhaps knowable) universe came into being.

What event will eventually move an average star off the main sequence of the H-R diagram?

running out of hydrogen, causing gravitational influx, resulting in core temperatures high enough to begin fusing helium

The core of the Moon is


The statement, "There are regions beneath Earth's crust that will always be beyond the reach of scientific investigation," is a


A pulsar is likely a

spinning neutron star.

The gold in Uncle Harry's teeth fillings originated in

stars that blew up eons ago.

If the Sun collapsed to a black hole, the time required for the Earth to orbit the collapsed Sun would

stay the same

Because a white dwarf is no longer burning fuel, it is more accurately described as being a

stellar remnant

Relativity is the

study of how space, energy, and mass are related to time

Asteroids orbit the


Comets orbit about the


We do not see stars in the daytime because

sunlight overwhelms starlight.

The elements found on Earth have much to do with


"Cosmological Redshift" refers to

the expansion of space itself

What is the reference that astronomers use to denote the luminosity of stars?

the luminosity of the Sun

Summer and winter constellations are different because

the night sky faces in opposite directions in summer and winter.

Polaris is always directly overhead at

the north pole

A black hole is

the remains of a giant collapsed star

What is the star nearest Earth?

the sun

The event horizon of a black hole is

the surface below which no matter or energy can escape.

A star's size stabilizes when

thermal pressure and gravitational attraction balance each other

Pretend you are on a morning time mission on the surface of Venus. When looking out the spacepod window you are likely to see

thick, smog-like cloudcover.

A spinning cloud of interstellar gas tends to

to flatten

Technology is an important tool of science is sometimes the fruit of science, as in medicine that cures diseases is a human endeavor can be used to elevate or to diminish the human condition


Galaxies are aggregations of stars, stellar dust, and gas. Their masses

vary greatly from one galaxy to the next.

A person who says "That`s only a theory" likely does not know that scientific theory is a

vast synthesis of well-tested hypotheses and facts

The difference between lightwaves approaching and lightwaves receding is

when approaching, lightwaves have higher frequency; when receding their frequency is lower.

The parts of Saturn's rings with the greatest rotational speed are the

inner parts

The average distance from Earth to the Sun is

1 AU

About how many tons of meteorites strike the Earth on a daily basis?

200 tons

Part complete Compared to your weight on Earth, your weight on Jupiter would be about

3 times

What is the primary component of Venus' atmosphere?


The planets do not produce their own light because they

Do not undergo nuclear reactions

Where did Saturn's rings likely come from?

Either a moon that never formed, or a moon destroyed by tidal forces

The reason that the Moon takes on a crescent shape each month has to do with the

Sun's position.

What determines if a star becomes a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole?

The principal factor is mass.

Neptune was discovered by irregularities in


How do the wind speeds of the Martian atmosphere compare with those of Earth?

about ten times more than Earth's

A truly educated person is knowledgeable about

all of the above

Which of the following involves passion, talent, and intelligence?

all of the above

Science, art, and religion do not contradict one another because

all three have different domains.

What is the cause of Jupiter's extremely high-energy radiation belts?

an enormous magnetic field that captures high energy particles

The stars Procyon and Betelgeuse both appear equally bright to Earthbound viewers. Yet Betelgeuse emits 5000 times more light than Procyon. Why do they appear to be equally bright?

because Betelgeuse is much farther than Procyon

For what reason was Pluto demoted from full planetary status in 2006?

because of objects as large or larger than Pluto in the Kuiper belt

Why do comet's tails always point away from the Sun?

because of radiation pressure

Why should one not stare at the Sun during an eclipse?

because, whether there is an eclipse or not, the Sun's intense radiation can easily damage our eyes

In a scientific experiment, a control is

both of the above

Evidence for the Big Bang

both of these

The nebula theory is based on the observation that the solar system

follows patterns indicating that it formed progressively from physical processes

The Sun tends to bloat outward by nuclear fusion, and contract due to


A major difference between pseudoscience and science is that pseudoscience

has no tests for wrongness

When the alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth produce a solar eclipse, the body between the other two is the


One of Edwin Hubble's discoveries is that the known universe is expanding. This means that

most all observable galaxies are moving away from each other.

If the Sun collapsed to become a black hole, the Earth's gravitational attraction to it would be

no different

The fact that one side of the Moon always faces Earth is evidence that while revolving about the Earth, it

rotates about its axis

Consider a huge rotating cloud of particles in space that gravitate together to form an increasingly dense ball. As the cloud shrinks in size, it

rotates faster.

Which one of these elements is normally the remnant of a supernova?


How much greater is the atmospheric pressure of Jupiter than Earth's? More than

a million times

The evolution of life probably requires the presence of

a liquid medium.

A solar system contains

a single star and planets

What element do astrobiologists consider to be the most essential for the evolution of life?


What will be the predominant element within the Sun after it has died?


What are Saturn's rings composed of?

chunks of ice and rock

The temperature of a star is evidenced by its


When a contracting hot ball of gas spins into a disk shape, it cools faster due to

increased surface area

The Earth rotates about its axis once per 24 hours, while the Moon rotates about its axis once per


Scientists repeat experimental findings in order to

none of the above

Totally during a solar eclipse is not totally dark because

of the light from the solar corona.

Which body in the solar system has the highest level of volcanic activity?


Cosmic background radiation refers to

Uniformly distributed residual radiation that resulted from the Big Bang

What is the likely cause of the 98° tilt of Uranus's axis?

a collision with a large body early in the solar system's evolution

The materials that compose most of Titan are completely different than those that compose Earth. Therefore, what were scientist surprised to see from space-probe images in a 2005 landing?

a landscape similar to Earth's

What aspect of Titan may hold clues as to what Earth was like before life arose here?

an intriguing soup of organic molecules

The carbon dioxide cycle is important to Earth because it

and the oceans are critical in moderating and regulating the Earth's temperatures.

The diurnal rotation of the stars refers to the

apparent rotation of the celestial sphere due to the rotation of the Earth.

The Solar System is like an atom in that both

are mainly empty space

An active galactic nucleus

arises from the gigantic black hole at the center of a galaxy

The "redshift" of a galaxy refers to the rate

at which is receding

Evidence of the solar wind on Earth is the

aurora borealis

The solar wind blows in a direction

away from the sun

Compared to most stellar objects, quasars are more

d. all of these

Cepheids are types of stars that regularly change how bright they are over a period of a few


As more and more mass falls into a black hole, the radius of its photon sphere


Each second, the burning Sun's mass


Most of the stars in colliding galaxies

do not make contact with one another

If a star collapses to a tenth its size, gravitation at its surface increases by

either 100 or 1000

The ecliptic

is the plane of Earth's orbit.

Is the rate of Earth's rotation increasing or decreasing?

it is decreasing

What is the determining factor in the stages a star will progress through from birth to death?

its mass

A star's color tells us

its surface temperature

The best evidence that the Sun is a newcomer in the universe is

its very existence in spite of its high burning rate. or the existence of heavy elements in its composition.

The planet closest in size to the Sun is:


Compared to the density of water, the density of Saturn is


Our local group is composed of how many galaxies?

less than 100

If one had the opportunity to walk on Triton, Neptune's largest moon, what would you observe the geysers to be spewing?

liquid nitrogen

The longest-lived stars are those of

low mass

When the Sun passes between the Moon and Earth, we have

met our end

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