Scripture Semester 2 Final Exam Review

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Why are 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus called Pastoral Letters

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are called "Pastoral Letters" because a large amount of information found in Timothy and Titus relate to "leadership, ministry, and family life."

Why are 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus sometimes called Pastoral Letters

1 and 2 Timothy are sometimes called Pastoral Letters because contextually, they regard topics of leadership, ministry, and family life.

How does 2 Timothy view Paul's imprisonment and death

2 Timothy views Paul's imprisonment and death as something that would be considered "dishonorable."

What was a problem the authors of the Gospels had with dating narrative events

A problem the authors of the Gospels had with dating narrative events was due to two calendars that dated various things. The Roman Empire's calendar and the Julian Calendar caused this problem.

Define apologetic.

Apologetic is a term describing a branch of theology that refers to proving and/or defending the truths of the Church.

How did Barnabas help Paul get start in his ministry

Barnabas, being a truly good and courageous man, took a risk, placing Saul under his wing.

What are some characteristics of bishops described in 1 Timothy (and also Titus)

Bishops in 1 Timothy and also Titus would be described as "self-controlled," "blameless," and "hospitable."

What evidence in writing style indicates that Paul did not write the Letter to the Ephesians

Evidence in writing style that indicates that Paul did not write the Letter to the Ephesians us the lack of punctuation and poor writing style, which did not make sense because of his education and previous writing style.

How many letters have been attributed to St. Paul

Fourteen of twenty-one letters of the New Testament have been attributed to St. Paul.

Explain what it means in Colossians to say that Christ is in the very image of God

In Colossians, to say that Christ is in the very image of God means that in order to get a physical imagine of God, simply look at Jesus.

What are some criteria used to date the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

In order to date the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, historians include that they were written later than the Gospel of Mark and the books being referenced by saints such as St. Ignatius of Loyola. Therefore, with this information, historians believe the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were written between 85-90 AD.

Why is it more likely that the Gospel of Mark was written before the Gospel of Matthew

It is more likely that the Gospel of Mark was written before the Gospel of Matthew because the Gospel of Mark is short and appears to have left out information that is found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Using evidence from Matthew and Luke's Gospels, why is it possible that Jesus was not born later than 4 BC

It is possible Jesus was not born later than 4 BC because Matthew and Luke both include that Jesus was born while Herod the Great was still alive, who died in 4 BC. Therefore, with this information, it makes sense that Jesus couldn't have been born any later than 4 BC.

Why does it make sense that Paul wrote the Letter to the Romans in Greek

It makes sense that Paul wrote the Letter to the Romans in Greek because most educated Romans like Paul spoke Greek.

Why might the narration in Acts have changed from the third person to first person speech

It may suggest that the author was an eyewitness to the events recounted in Paul's life.

Why did 2 Thessalonians shift to cover apocalyptic concerns over eschatological issues

It shifted to cover apocalyptic concerns over eschatological issues as a result of the absence of Paul in Pauline communities.

How did Matthew emphasize the divinity of Jesus

Matthew emphasized the divinity of Jesus by first comparing Jesus to Moses, but then making known Jesus is much more powerful than Moses.

Whom did Matthew write his Gospel for

Matthew wrote for "Jewish Christians" and individuals who dealt with Jewish matters.

How does Matthew's description of Jesus' disciples differ from Mark's description

Matthew's description of Jesus' disciples differ from Mark's description in that Mark's book the disciples are described as having no faith and little understanding of their Christian duties, while in Matthew's book they are described as having a little amount of faith, while also understanding more of what they are required to do as disciples.

What was the issue related to the disciples ceasing work detailed in 2 Thessalonians

Most people believed that Jesus was coming any day so they stopped working.

Why did Paul leave Titus to minister in Crete

Paul left Titus to minister in Crete because Paul wanted to "appoint presbyters in every town."

Why might have Paul used scribes in composing his letters

Paul might have used scribes in composing his letters because the use of scribes was common during his time and he might have paid others to write for him because he possibly had poor vision.

What did Paul do while he was imprisoned

Paul saved the crew on the boat he was imprisoned in while being transported to Rome.

What did Paul teach about the end of the world

Paul taught about the end of the world and the return of Jesus is imminent and that sinners should repent in order to be salvaged before the end.

How did Paul answer the concern of Christians that they were eating meat sacrificed to pagan gods

Paul told them that the meat was okay to eat because the idol gods were fake.

What concerned Paul about missionaries with Jewish roots who may have founded the Roman church

Paul was concerned about missionaries with Jewish roots who may have founded the Roman church because he believed that these missionaries were possibly directing the Gentiles in Rome to keep the Jewish Law.

How are Paul's letters arranged in the New Testament cannon

Paul's letters are arranged in the New Testament from the longest letters to shortest letters.

What was Paul's response to the issue of slavery in the Letter to Philemon

Paul's response to the issue of slavery in the Letter to Philemon was that there is no distinction between a slave and his or her owner and that they are all the Lord's people.

Who was Philemon

Philemon was a wealthy friend and supporter of Paul, who has a book in the Bible titled after his name because he is an individual Paul wrote to from Rome.

Why do scholars think that the Letter to the Philippians may combine more than one letter

Scholars think that the Letter to the Philippians may have combined more than one letter because there is a mixture of various topics in Philippians, including verse 3:1a, which sounds like Paul is concluding his letter, and verse 3:1b which suggests Paul had written a previous letter.

What were idolatrous and scandalous issues that spilled over from the Agape to the Eucharist in the Corinthian church

Selfishness to the poor, drunkenness among the rich, and proper dress of women were idolatrous and scandalous issues that spilled over from the Agape to the Eucharist in the Corinthian church.

Who were Silvanus and Timothy

Silvanus and Timothy were traveling companions that shared in what they ministered and wrote.

What are some main topics addressed in 2 Corinthians

Some main topics addressed in 2 Corinthians are Paul's relationship and ministry with the Corinthians, repentance, appeal for the collection for church, and the defense of ministry.

What are some proofs that Luke and Acts share the same author

Some proofs that Luke and Acts share the same author are the style, language, and organization of two books and that they both were addressed to the same person named Theophilus.

What is the "Q" source

The "Q" source and/or the "Quelle Source" is the written source that both Luke and Matthew must have similarly used in their books.

What was the earliest letter written by Paul

The First Letter to the Thessalonians was most-likely the earliest letter written by Paul.

What are some themes and events in the early Church that are similar to those in the life and ministry of Jesus

The Gospel of Luke parallels Jesus beginning his public ministry after his baptism with forty days in the desert by detailing forty days of appearances to the Apostles. Also, between there is parallels between the two books found in stories such as "healed of the lame and resuscitated the dead (Acts 3:1-11; 9:32-43), "preached the Good News" (Acts 3:12-26), "opposed the religious leadership of the Temple (Acts 4:1-31), etc.

How did the Letter to the Galatians counter the message of the Judaizers

The Letter to the Galatians countered the message of the Judaizers by addressing the charges of his opponents in two ways: defending his ministry as an Apostle and defending his teaching about faith and its correlation to Salvation.

What does the Letter to the Romans teach about the Paschal Mystery

The Letter to the Romans teaches about the Paschal Mystery in that the sacrificial act of Christ's Paschal Mystery has brought us: "justification, peace with God, the gift of the Holy Spirit, reconciliation with God, Salvation from the wrath of God, hope of a share in God's eternal glory," and "God's superabundant love poured out on us."

What are the Synoptic Gospels

The Synoptic Gospels are the Books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and are referred to as "Syntopic" because they share a similarity in the way they describe events in the Bible, in contrast to the Book of John.

How was the date of composition of Mark's Gospel connected to the destruction of the Temple

The date of composition of Mark's Gospel was connected to the destruction of the Temple through Jesus's teaching, specifically the ones documented in Mark 13:2-4 regarding the stones of the Temple of Jerusalem would be torn down.

What evidence is there that the author of 1 Timothy was speaking to the culture of the day not in God's name, when addressing women being silent in regards to preaching the Gospel,

The evidence in 1 Timothy that the author was speaking to the culture of his time and not in God's name is that what he was saying was contradicting messages that Paul had written down about women's involvement in prayer and how they would actually instructed to proclaim the Good News by one of God's angels.

What are the five sermons in the Gospel of Matthew thought to parallel

The five sermons in the Gospel of Matthew are thought to parallel the five books of Moses.

What are the four main sections of Paul's letters

The four main sections of Paul's letters are the Opening Address, Thanksgiving, Body of the Letter, and Final Salutations.

What happened to the letter of Paul to the Corinthians referred to in 1 Corinthians 5:11

The letter of Paul to the Corinthians referred to in 1 Corinthians 5:11 was lost.

How did the original intention for describing the rapture differ from how it is often interpreted today

The original intention for describing the rapture was in order to reassure and calm fears of the Thessalonians.

What was the pattern of blessing used in the Letter to the Ephesians that parallels the prayers of ancient Judaism

The pattern of blessing used in the Letter to the Ephesians that parallels the prayers of ancient Judaism is the opening hymn chapter 1:1-14, which blesses God.

How does the topic of the "end of the world" help to clarify authorship of Paul's letters

The topic of the "end of the world" helps clarify the authorship of Paul's letters in that he attributes the topic to Salvation and the importance of "casting off sin" and repenting before the "end of the world."

What are two great mysteries spelled out in the Kenotic Hymn of Philippians

The two great mysteries spelled out in the Kenotic Hymn of Philippians are "self-giving affirmation and humility leads to exaltation."

Describe the unique nature of Corinth.

The unique nature of Corinth was that the church consisted of a variety of social classes including very wealthy people and vain individuals.

Who were the "God fearers" and "God worshippers" in Acts

These were terms used by Luke and Josephus (Ant 14.110) to describe Gentiles who had found Judaism attractive, admiring it for its monotheism, moral life, sense of historicity, and the fidelity of God for his people.

What are three similarities in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke

They have the same subject matter, a similar order, and use the same vocabulary.

How did Paul call on his Roman citizenship

This detail of his life—that Paul was a citizen of Rome—is never mentioned in any of his letters. But it surfaces again (Acts 22:22-29) and will be the reason he is eventually sent to Rome.

How do Christians share in the merits of Christ's Death

Through the sacrament of Baptism, symbolic of death, and resurrection.

What are two key issues addressed in 1 Thessalonians

Two key issues in 1 Thessalonians is the encouragement of the Thessalonians to remain holy and avoid sexual immorality and the second was assuring them that Christians who have died with Christ will eventually rise and live with Jesus forever.

What was the decision of the early Church regarding the admission of the Gentiles

With the mission to the Gentiles confirmed, Christianity was set to complete the work set for it by Jesus before he ascended to proclaim "repentance for the forgiveness of sins" to every people.

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