Sentence Workshop Quiz Answers (All 3)

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Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. an interrogative pronoun WHO are you? WHOM are you?

Who are you?

No one is expressing their opinion.


My singing the song was because Brittany was ill.

explanation structure


masculine, feminine, or neuter

The papers are on the desk that I corrected.


A symphony is where many kinds of instruments play a long piece of classical music.

Definition structure

It is important for US choir members to take individual responsibility for learning our parts.

It is the object of the preposition for.

I would not want to be Jane or him.

Jane or He

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. none as an indefinite singular pronoun NONE of the sugar is left. None of the stars is shining.

None of the sugar is left.

For indefinite pronouns number (singular or plural) is determined by the _______.



clarifies or renames a noun

By calling every hour, my mother received Jamie's call.

dangling construction



If anyone accepts his challenge he will be sorry.


They say we will not be able to afford to own houses in a few years.


Nominative Case

used as subject

Identify the sentence in which the capitalized pronoun is used correctly. US boys should do the cooking so the girls will know we can. Between you and I, I wonder if we are going to succeed. All of us- Josh, Luke, you, and ME- should give her a surprise birthday party.

All of us- Josh, Luke, you, and ME- should give her a surprise birthday party.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. an indefinite pronoun as an antecedent of a possessive pronoun EVERYONE forgot their book. EVERYONE forgot his book.

Everyone forgot his book.

In the sentence I brought Jane herself to the party, herself is used as a reflexive pronoun.


In the sentence, I took the books, the direct object can be replaced with an absolute possessive pronoun.


You, they, and it are reciprocal pronouns.


If you ask Amelia and HER to help plan the picnic, it's sure to be an enjoyable time for you and ME.

Her is the direct object of the action verb ask. Me is the object of the preposition for.

Identify the sentence in which the capitalized pronoun is used correctly. She can direct the choir as well as HIM. It was I who answered the telephone. The principal objected to the families' accusing Bob and HE behind their backs.

It was I who answered the telephone.

Four boys--Bob, Pete, Joe, and him--were selected for the job.

Joe and he

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. that as a demonstrative pronoun John wants THAT record. John wants the record THAT was in the box.

John wants that record.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. most as an indefinite singular pronoun MOST of the salt is gone, too. Most of the stars is hidden.

Most of the salt is gone, too.

Identify the sentence in which the capitalized pronoun is used correctly. John and I enjoy reading as much as HIM. That must either be her brother or SHE at the door now. US teens passes out books during a summer beach literacy project.

That must either be her or SHE at the door now.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. a third person reflexive pronoun The class treated THEMSELVES to a pizza party. The class treats ITSELF to a pizza party.

The class treat themselves to a pizza party.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. that as a relative pronoun THAT green dress is the one I want. The green dress is the one THAT I want.

The green dress is the one that I want.

You honored Grace and ME when you and SHE invited us out to dinner.

The vern honored takes the objective case me. The pronoun she is the subject of the verb invited.

Them boys were going to school.

Those boys

In the sentence I gave Ellen and Jane the card, the word Jane can be replaced with the objective pronoun her.


In the sentence Neither Bruce nor his parents enjoyed the concert, his parents can be replaced with the nominative pronoun they.


The demonstrative pronouns this and that are misused when they are not supplied with a specific antecedent or with a specific noun to modify.


The indefinite pronoun everyone is singular.


The sentence You handed the test results to Joan can be made into the question To whom did you hand the test results?


Who can be either singular or plural depending on its antecedent.


We boys, Bonnie, and her are writing a play for the program.

We boys, Bonnie, and she

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. second person reflexive plural pronoun When did we buy ourselves a new car? When did you buy yourselves a new car?

When did you buy yourselves a new car?

How can you determine whether to use who or whom in a relative clause?

Who is used as a subject. Whom is used as an object.

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly. whom as an interrogative pronoun WHOM did you forget to call? WHOM is your friend?

Whom did you forget to call?

Neither of we boys was going to the ball game.



clarifies or renames a noun

A dog bit the jogger who was running around the block.


None of us wanted him and her to leave.

correct as it is

The coach chose us girls and him to attend the track meet.

correct as it is

They assigned the solo parts to Ellen and her themselves.

correct as it is

Two of the best singers were he and she.

correct as it is

To enter college, an admission exam must be passed.

dangling construction

When an old woman, the boy visited Mrs. Jones in the nursing home.

dangling construction

Sliding down the hill, my arm was broken.

dangling contruction

A catalyst is where a chemical begins the reaction but does not participate in it.

definition structure


determined by function

Dangling Construction

does not clearly modify the word for which it was intended

The reason we are early is because my watch is fast.

explanation structure

My reluctance to join your group is because I do not know your activities.

explanation strucutre

Split Infinitive

occurs when an adverb or other word is placed between to and the verb

After school we planned to do homework and swimming.

parallel structure

The children asked about the electric train and how to use it.

parallel structure

Jane was not only beautiful but was known as a humble person.

parallell structure

Demonstrative Pronoun

points out which person or thing is being discussed

The traffic pattern on the new road is slowed down by too many traffic lights and left turns. It has to be improved.


Absolute Possessive Pronoun

represents possessor and possessed

Ellen, Jan, HER, AND ME finished the test early.

she, and I

Possessive Case

shows ownership

Possessive Adjective

shows possession by modifying a noun or pronoun

Indefinite Pronoun Examples

some, none, and all.

Reciprocal Pronoun

the class of pronouns made up of two word pronouns.

Personal Pronoun

the class of pronouns that changes for for nominative, objective, and possessive cases/

Indefinite Pronoun

the class of pronouns that does not need a specific antecedent.

Relative Pronoun

the class of pronouns that usually introduces an adjective clause.

Demonstrative Pronoun

the class of pronouns used as an adjective to out which person or thing is being discussed.

Intensive Pronoun

the class of pronouns used for emphasis.

Interrogative Pronoun

the class of pronouns used to ask questions.

Reflexive Pronoun

the class of pronouns which turns the action back on the subject.

Beatrice can expect her aunt and uncle and I to help her move.


Poor Parallel Structure

uses dissimilar grammatical constructions

Awkward for Explanation Construction

uses is when or is where

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