SES 280 Exam 2

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High ankle sprains

6 to 8 week rehab, boot or cast is best to treat what type of ankle sprians?


A change of ________ can result from a stress fracture

anterior tibiofibular ligament

A high ankle sprain is damage to what ligament

an internal injury

Abdominal pain, dizziness, fainting, purple skin, swelling, tightness, and head ache are all signs of what

MCL and LCl sprains

Acute and direct contact foot fixed are the MOI of

surgical possibilities

Alerting muscle attachments, shaping and smoothing surfaces, drilling, and elevation tibial tubercle are all __________ of chondromalacia


An injury to the _______ is a result of a direct blow or infectious mono

trunk flexibility

Basic conditioning should emphasize what of the trunk?


Blood blisters have a high risk of what?

spondyloysis and spondylolistesis

Bracing, occasionally bed rest, stabilization are ways to treat How do you treat spondyloysis and spondylolistesis


Cleaning socks, trimming calluses, and proper fitting of footware are all ways to prevent ________

spleen injury

Conservative 1 week hospitalization, surgery which requires three months of rehab are ways to treat a what

myositis ossficans

Conservatively, compress, ultrasound, possibly surgery are ways to treat

shin splints

Decreased activity, achilles stretching, arch taping, strengthen muscles are ways to treat

Osgood schlatters disease

Decreasing activity, increase flexibility, referring to MD and antinflammitories are all treatments of what?

total loss of function

Dislocation of the patella results in what?

blow to the sloar plexus

Help the athlete overcome apprehension, use short inspirations and long expirations, calm the athlete, and question for internal injuries are ways to treat

plantar fasciitis

High arches, excessive pronation are causes of

makes the joint more stable

Hip flexibility does what by increasing the hips rom


History of blow, signs of shock, abdominal rigidity, nausea, vomiting are signs of an injury to th e______

a hernia

History of direct blow in the area, pain and prolonged discomfort, superficial protrusion with pain increasing with coughing are signs of


How do you treat a hernia

Ice and elevation

How do you treat compartment syndrome?

cut straight across

How do you treat ingrown toe nails


How many ligaments does the knee have

achilles tendonitis

I.C.E, ultrasound, and night splints are ways to treat this injury on the back of the foot

plantar fasciitis

Ice massage, decreased activity, night splint, correct cause, time are ways to treat?

Plantar fasciitis

Ices, phonophoresis, iontophoresis, ultra sound, heat, exercise, bracing, transverse friction massage are ways to treat this foot injury

stress, and postures

In the lumbar spine one should avoid ________ and _________ that can cause injury


In the lumbar spine one should correct ____________ abnormalities. One should establish a corrective program based on the athlete

Stress fractures

Increasing mileage too fast, improper foot mechanics, improper foot wear, and running on hard surfaces are the MOI of what

knee injuries

Keeping the knee strong and flexible, avoiding stress, wearing supportive shoes, do not wear high heeled shoes are ways to avoid

costochondral separation

Localized pain, pain with movement, difficulty with breathing, point tenderness and possible deformity are the signs of

Abdominal injuries

Mechanism and onset of symptoms, medical history, tenderness, breathing pattern, grading of abdomen, referred pain, rebound tenderness, shock, nausea, vomiting, increased pulse, decreased BP are all symptoms of what?


Mild to server pain in lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, low grade fever are sings of

Anterior talofibular ligament

Most inversion injuries result in a sprain of what ligament

spinal injuries

Muscle strengthening and range of motion are two ways to prevent

hyperflexion, hyperextension, and rotational forces

Muscles of the neck resist ________, _______, and ________


Must have a ________ ROM to prevent injury which can be improved through stretching


One should always use correct __________ techniques to avoid injury

Osgood schlatter disease

Overuse, and running/jumping activities are the MOI of what

quad contusions

PRICE, NSAID'S , analgesiscs, crutches, continuous use of ice are treatments of

Trochanteric bursitis

PRICE, NSAID'S, analgesics, ROM and PRE, biomechanics, and injections are ways to treat what

Hamstring strains

PRICE, NSAID'S, analgesics, compression wrap with crutches are treatments for?

stress fracture

Pain localized to one area, and persisting pain are signs of

Herniated disc

Pain reducing modalities, reducing protrusion of disk, surgery may be required are treatments of?

Chondromalacia Patella

Pain with walking, running stairs, possible recurrent swelling, and pain at the inferior border of the patella are all signs of what

subluxation of the patella

Pain, swelling, restricted ROM, and palpable differences occur during what injury to the patella

a rib

Painful breathing and point tenderness are signs of a fracture to what?

turf toe

Point tenderness first MTP and decreased ROM are signs of


Prior to the impact the athlete should brace themselves by doing what to the neck

Acl sprains

RICE and Surgery reconstruction are the two treatments of

rib fractures

RICE, NSAID'S, rest and decrease in activity are treatments of this injury in the thoracic cage


RICE, NSAID's, isometrics, and orthotics to correct dysfunction are conservative treatments for this softening injury

MCL and LCL sprains

Referring to MD, Rice, MRI for third degree and rehab are treatments for what.

PCL sprains

Rehab, no surgery, bracing are treatments of

Stress to medial restraints

Repetitive sublaxtion of the patella will lead to what?

costochondral separation

Rest and immoblization are treatments for what thoracic injury


Some athletes my be ________ to patella subluxation and dislocation

Blow to the solar plexus

Stops in respiration, anoxia, generally transitory are signs of


Swelling and softening of cartilage, fissure of softened cartilage, and deformation of cartilage surface are the three stages of?


T/F lateral ankle sprains occur due to eversion


T/F medial ankle sprains occur due to inversion


The _______ pull the patella out of alignment in a subluxation or dislocation


The adductors, quads, hamstrings, pes anserine group, gastronemiu, and the IT band are muscles of the


The anterior compartment muscles perform what motion

Lower Right

The appendix is in what abdominal quadrant

Lower left

The intestines are in what abdominal quadrant

Upper right

The liver is in what abdominal quadrant


The most important muscle group following a pcl injury are


The patella usually dislocates in what direction


There are how many phases to the pain indication patellar tendinitis

Hamstring strains

There are several theories of this injury's MOI . They include the hamstring and the quad contracting together, a change in role from hip extender to knee flexor, and fatigue, posture, leg length difference, lack of flexibility and strength imbalances

Posterior compartments

These compartments are responsible for for plantar flexion and foot inversion


These hip muscles cross the knee joint posteriorly. All except for the head of the biceps crosses the hip

Cruciate ligaments

These ligaments are pair of ligaments in the knee that cross each other and connect the femur to the tibia.


These muscles insert in a common tendon of the proximal patella

Axial loading

This a sudden, excessive compression which drives the weight of the body against the head.


This cruciate ligament works to keep the tibia from sliding backwards


This cruciate ligament works to keep the tibia from sliding forward

osgood schlatter disease

This disease is characterized by repetitive traction on the tibial tuberosity mostly in younger athletes

avulsion fracture

This fracture occurs where a tendon of ligament attaches to bone. Its when a tendon or ligament pulls off a piece of the bone

Grade 2

This grade of hamstring strain is characterized by a partial tear identified by a sharp snap

Grade 1

This grade of hamstring strain is characterized by soreness during movement

Pes Anserine

This includes the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus

Costochondral separation

This injury is a result of a direct blow to the anterolateral aspect of the rib cage

quad strain

This injury is caused by a sudden stretch when the athlete falls on bent knee or experiences sudden contraction. It is associated with weakened or over constricted muscle

Trochanteric Bursitis

This injury is the inflammation at the site where the gluteus medius inserts or the IT-band passes over the trochanter

Herniated disk

This injury of the spinal column is caused by abnormal stresses and degeneration due to use

Quad contusions

This injury to the leg is caused by being constantly exposed to traumatic blunt blows, it results from sever impact and the extent of force plays a role

Stress Fracture

This injury usually occurs to the Tibia and 2nd, 3rd and 3th Metatarsals.

Hip pointer

This is a contusion of the iliac creast or abdominal musculature resulting from a direct blow


This is a degeneration of a joint;s articualr surface, leading to softening


This is a fibrocartilagenous disk that functions to stabilize the knee joint by making the condyles fit together better

Long arch strain

This is a flattened or depressed longitudinal arch

Jones fracture

This is a fracture of the 5th metatarsal. It usually occurs due to jumping and sever inversion, or avulsion of peroneus brevis

Commotio Cordis

This is a heart contusion and is caused by blunt trauma to chest resulting in cardiac arrest


This is a lateral curve in the back


This is a posterior curve in the thoracic spine and is commonly known as hunch back


This is a rapid rate of ventilation due to anxiety induced stress or asthma. There is decreased amount of carbon dioxide relative to oxygen

turf toe

This is a sprain to the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint. It is caused by great force on the big toe causing it to be forced in hyperextension


This is a stress fracture to one pars interartiularis due to repetitive extension


This is an anterior cure and occurs in the cervical and lumbar spines

Tensor fascia latea

This is another name for the iliotibial band


This is blood or pain during urination

Syndesmotic sprain

This is caused by dorsiflexion with rotation motion and is another name for high ankle sprains

blow to solar plexus

This is characterized by a transitory paralysis of the diaphragm due to a direct blow to the stomach

Shin splints

This is inflammation of muscle or periostitis in the low leg. It is due to overuse, activity on hard surface, improper shoes, anatomic abnormalities, and improper techniques

Achilles Tendonitis

This is inflammation of the achilles tendon due to overuse. This can be affected by foot biomechanics, shoes, training surfaces


This is inflammation of the appendix. It is a result of blockage, or lymph swelling.


This is inflammation of the periosteum

plantar fasciitis

This is inflammation of the plantar fascia due to traumatic or repeated stress

posterior talofibular ligament

This is one of the three ligaments that make up the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle. It is the one on the back of the ankle

calcaneofibular ligament

This is one of the three ligaments that make up the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle. It is the one on the side of ankle and runs to the calcaneous

anterior talofibular ligament

This is one of the three ligaments that make up the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle. It is the one on the top front of ankle

referred pain

This is pain other than at the site of trauma

Kher's sign

This is referred pain to the left shouldered and is an indication of a splenic injury

Iliotibial band friction syndrome

This is runners knee it is an overuse injury that is due to malalignment and structral asymmetries of the foot and lower leg. Its due to the friction that is created as the knee flexes ad extends

ACL sprain

This is sprain occurs due to acute force causing anterior displacement of tibia, hyperextension, cuts and pivots.

Myositis Ossificans

This is the formation of ectopic bone due to the gradual deposit of calcium. It may result from improper thigh contusion treatment

patellar bursitis

This is the inflammation of the patellar bursa at the front of the knee

Plantar Fasciitis

This is the inflammation of the plantar fascia

Nucleus puplosus

This is the inner portion of the a vertebral disk


This is the largest sesamoid bone and it increases the leverage of the quads

Deltoid ligament

This is the ligament on the medial side of the ankle


This is the longest and strongest bone in the body


This is the non weigh bearing bone of the lower leg


This is the normal side to side motion of the foot as you walk. You foot slightly rolls inward

annulus fibrosus

This is the outer portion of a vertebral disk

McBurnys point

This is the point over the right side of the abdomen where one looks for pain as a sign of appedicitis


This is the protrusion of abdominal viscera through portion of abdominal wall

Kidney Contusion

This is the result of an external force, and can be seen by signs of shock, nausea, vomiting ect. There is referred pain from the costovertebral angle posteriorly radiating forward around the trunk


This is the slipping of one vertebrae above or below another and is often associated with a spondylolysis

Chondromalacia Patella

This is the softening and deterioration of the articular cartilage of the patella and is often associated with abnormal tracking

Pes planus

This is the term for flat foot

Pes cavus

This is the term for high arches

well straight leg raise test

This is the test for sciatica

plantar fascia

This is the thick white band of fibrous tissue and support the foot against downward forces

core stabilization

This is used to maintain neutral position and can be used to increase lumbopelvic-hip stability. This helps the athlete maintain the spine and pelvis in an acceptable mechanical position

infrapatellar bursitis

This is when the bursa under the patella become inflamed. Symptoms are similar to jumpers knee and exhibit tenderness on front of patella

compartment syndrome

This is when the circulation and function within a compartment becomes compromised due to increased pressure. This is typically due to a deep contusion, overuse or hypertrophy`


This is when the pleural cavity becomes filled with air which negatively pressurizes the cavity causing a lung to collapse


This is when there is blood in the pleural cavity it causes tearing or puncturing of the lungs or pleural tissue. The athlete will be coughing up blood, breathing will be painful, dypsnea, and signs of shock

Medial Collateral ligament

This ligament is on the inside and connects the femur to the tibia

Lateral Collateral Ligament

This ligament is on the outside and connects the femur to the fibula composed of three ligaments

Anterior cruciate ligament

This ligament prevents anterior translation of the tibia

Posterior cruciate ligament

This ligament prevents posterior translation of the tibia

Lateral collateral ligament

This ligament prevents varus stress you would use the varus stress test on this collateral ligament

Medial collateral Ligament

This ligament protects from valgus stress

Meniscal Lesions

This meniscal injury is due to a compression and twist. It is when the knee is moving in a flexed or extended position and then twists

Medial Meniscus

This menisci is more commonly injured because of its ligamentous attachments and its decreased mobility

Patellar Tendonitis

This occurs in jumping or kicking. It places tremendous strain and stress on the patellar or quad tendons. It comes from sudden or repetitive extension.

Rib Fracture

This occurs to a rib when a blow occurs to the rib cage

Subluxation or dislocation

This occurs to the patella when there is deceleration with simultaneous cutting in the opposite direction


This organ is in the upper left abdominal quadrant


This refers to the degeneration of the vertebrae due to congenital weakness on one of the pars

PCL sprain

This sprain occurs due to acute posterior displacement of the the tibial by landing of flexed knee

MCL sprain

This sprain occurs from valgus stress and opens up the medial aspect of the knee

LCL sprain

This sprain occurs from varus stress and opens up on lateral aspect of the knee

Avulsion fracture

This type of fracture is sometimes caused by inversion injuries

Parrot beak and bucket handle

What are the two types of meniscal tears

Improper healing leading to early closing of growth plates

What are two complications that can occur with osgood schlatters disease

bandage for a blister

What is a friction bandage

turf toe

What is a sprain to the first MTP joint

shin splints

What is medial tibial stress syndrome

Tibialis anterior, Extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallcucis longus

What muscles are in the anterior compartment

Tbialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

What muscles are in the deep posterior compartment

Peroneus longus, peroneus brevis

What muscles are in the lateral compartment

Soleus, gastrocnemius

What muscles are in the superficial posterior compartment

foot evertors

What type of muscles are found in the lateral compartment

The deltoid ligament is stronger on the medial side

Why are there more a lateral than medial ankle sprains?

Due to its position in the fibular notch

Why is the ACL more vulnerable than that the PCL?

stress fractures

X-ray, bone scan, and resting 6 weeks are treatments of ?

food or water

You should never give someone __________ or ____________ if you suspect an abdominal injury

ankle sprains

achilles stretches, toe raises, towel curls, proprioception work,, strengthening, functional progession, and protecting when returning to activity are all rehab options for


decrease rate of co2 loss, slow respiration rate and alter respiration techniques, and breath into a bag are ways to treat?


difficulty getting air, panic state, gasping, and wheezing are signs of


friction bandage, donut pad, drain fluid are ways to treat

Turf toe

ice, rest, stell insole, and x-ray are treatments of?

Osgood schlatter disease

pain and tenderness at the insertion, inflammation, and enlargement of the tibial tubercleare all signs of what?

Plantar fasciitis

pain in the morning, point is tender from calcaneous to metatarsal heads, and increased pain after activity are signs of?


the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically as a result of illness, poison, or injury.

Grade 3

this grade of hamstring strain is characterized by rupturing of tendinous or muscular tissue

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