Set 1 MGT 300 Exam 3

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"Do my subordinates accept me as a leader?" This question reflects which of the following dimensions of situational control? A.) position power B.) influence C.) task structure D.) charisma E.) leader-member relations

Idealized influence of Transactional leadership

"we are here to do the right thing" AKA inspire trust in their followers

the question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is

"what do the others expect me to do?"

Laissez-Faire Leadership

- A "hands off" leadership style in which the leader allows the subordinates to make decisions gives them the least possible guidance.

Variable Budget

- A budget in which the allocation of resourcing fluctuates in proportion to different levels of activity during the budget period.


- A relatively static trait that is grounded in the belief that something is greater than itself.


- A sense of belonging and attachment to others


- Ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.

Vertical Communication

- Anne Submits her vacation request to her boss


- Any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message in the communication process.

Internal Business Perspective

- Approach examines areas and activities in which the firm currently excels, what it must do to excel in the future, and the process which the firm must concentrate its efforts in order to continue to satisfy customers and shareholders.

Cross-Functional Teams

- Are designed to include members from different areas within an organization.

Behavioral Approach

- Attempts to determine the actions and behaviors that effective leaders engage in when interacting with others.


- Being upbeat and expressing your willingness to work with other person to find a resolution to the problem.


- Blind unwillingness to consider alternatives and the inability to think outside the box.

Horizontal Communication

- Communication that flows within and between work units.

Functional Conflict

- Conflict that benefits the main purposes of he organization or serves its interests.


- Cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people.


- Debts or claims by suppliers and lenders against the assets of a company.

Team Comparison

- Describes the collection of jobs, personalities, views, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.

Being a Manager: Coping with Complexity

- Determining what needs to be done—planning and budgeting. - Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda—organizing and staffing. - Ensuring people do their jobs—controlling and problem solving.

Being a Leader: Coping with Change

- Determining what needs to be done—setting a direction. - Creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda—aligning people. - Ensuring people do their jobs—motivating and inspiring.

Profit Sharing

- Distribution of employees of a percentage of the company's profit.


- Distribution of savings to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity.

Informal Communication Channels

- Do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization.


- Evaluating all ideas fairly without regard to ownership.

Task Structure

- Extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood, and routine tasks.


- Feeling qualified, knowledgable and capable of competing goal or tasks

Vertical Communication

- Flows upward and downward in the organization.

Lean Six Sigma

- Focuses on problem solving and performance improvement-speed with excellence- of a well-define product.


- Formal verifications of an organizations financial and operational systems.


- Freedom and discretion to determine what you want to do and how you want to do it

Balanced Scorecard Approach

- Gives upper management a quick but thorough view of the organization via indicators such as Customer satisfaction, Internal Process, Innovation and Improvement, and financial measures.

Media Richness

- How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes.

Intergroup Conflict

- Internal conflict between work groups, teams, and departments.


- Interpreting and trying to make sense of a message.

Involved Listening

- Is Partially invested


- Is a formal financial projection that states an organizations planned activities for a given period of time in Quantitative Terms.

Financial Statement

- Is a summary of some aspects of an organizations financial status such as a balance sheet and income statement.

Strategy Map

- Is a visual representation of the four perspectives of the balance scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objects of the organization.

Active Listening

- Is fully Invested

Low-Control System

- Is one in which a leader decision can't product predictable results because he can't really influence outcomes.

Detached Listening

- Is uninterested

Fixed Budgets

- Is where resources are allocated on a single estimate of costs, also known as static budget, and that budget amount can't be adjusted over time.

Which of the following are among the implications of transformational leadership for managers?

- It can improve results for both individuals and groups - It can be used to train employees at any level - It requires ethical leadership

Passive Listening

- It's not my responsibility to listen


- Lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others.

Interaction Facilitation

- Leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relativeness.


- Leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support.

Out-Group Exchange

- Leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.

Transactional Leadership

- Leadership that focuses on clarifying employees roles, task requirements, and providing rewards or punishments based on performance.


- Letting the other person determine a resolution that will be mutually beneficial/


- Members concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks.


- Members prepare for disbandment of the group or team

Dysfunctional Conflict

- Negative Conflict that hinders the organizations performance or threatens its interests.

Continuous Improvement

- Ongoing, small, incremental improvements in all products services, functional areas and work processes of an organization.


- Outputs divided by inputs over a specific period of time equals this.

Merit Pay

- Pay for performance, basing on one's results.

Piece Rate

- Pay- for- performance plan in which an employee is paid according to how much output he produces

Socialized Power

- Power directed of helping others, as opposed to helping oneself.

Reward Power

- Power that results from managers authority to reward subordinates.

Devils Advocacy

- Process of assigning a person to the role of a critic


- Process of getting oriented and acquainted

Dialectic Method

- Process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate to better understand a proposal.

Deming Management

- Proposed ideas for making organizations more responsive, more democratic, and less wasteful.


- Reciprocal faith in others incentives and behaviors

Linguistic Style

- Refers to a persons characteristics speaking patterns.


- Resolution of conflicts, and the emergence of unity and harmony among group members.


- Self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory.

Conflict Triggers

- Sources of conflict such as differences between personalities, groups, and cultures.


- Stating your views honestly and concentrating on finding a solution to the problem.

Negative Reinforcement

- Strengthening a behavior by withdrawing something negative.

Goal Setting Theory

- Suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs.

Horizontal Communication

- Susan sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shit.

External Communication

- Tamika emails a supplier, asking for a price of a product.

Virtual Teams

- Team Consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects.


- Terminology that is specific to a particular profession.


- The cost required to produce the goods and services of an organization.


- The education, experience, and skills that individuals contribute to their organization.


- The emergence of individual personalities, roles and conflicts, within the group.

Task Significance

- The extent to which a job affects the lives of others, whether inside or outline the organization.


- The extent to which a job allows the worker to make choices about scheduling different tasks and or deciding how to perform them.

Skills Variety

- The extent to which a job requires a worker to use a wide range of different abilities and skills.

Task Identity

- The extent to which a job requires the worker perform all the tasks needed to complete the job from beginning to end.


- The extent to which workers receive clear, direct information about how well they are performing job.


- The leader establishes a vision, displays passion for it and supports its accomplishments.

Work Facilitation

- The leader plans, schedules, organizes, and coordinates work and assists employees in developing their skills.


- The leader treats subordinates as equals, and shows concern for their well-being and needs.

Situational Control

- The level of influence a leader has in his immediate work environment.

Active listening

- The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages.


- The study of the meaning of words.

McClelland's Acquired needs Theory

- Theory of motivation that asserts that achievement affiliation, and power are the major motives determining peoples behavior in the workplace.

Expectancy Theory

- Theory that asserts that motivation is the combination of how much you want something and how likely you think you are to get it.

Pay for Knowledge

- Ties employee pay to the number of job skills or academic degrees they earn


- Translating a message into understandable symbol or language for translation.

Transformational Leadership

- Try to get people to do exceptional things.

Transactional Leadership

- Try to get people to do ordinary things


- Trying to experience to other persons feelings and point of view.

Legitimate Power

- Type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position in the organization.

Positive Reinforcement

- Using rewards or positive consequences to strengthen a particular behavior.


- Using the internet and social medium to ask a group outside the organization for help of solving a problem.


- Weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not repeated.


- Weakening a behavior by presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive.

Strategic Control

- When top managers monitor performance to ensure that plans are being implemented and take necessary corrective action.

Information Overloading

- Which the receiver gets more information than necessary.


- Working on preventing Future Problems

Some strategies of effective listening include

- ask questions to make sure you understand - use nonverbal cues to demonstrate interest - focus on the speaker

According to Harvard professor John Kotter, in which of the following ways does an organization manage complexity?

- controlling and problem solving - planning and budgeting - organizing and staffing

Disadvantages of communicated via email include

- coworker connections decrease - emotions may be miscommunicated - other forms of communication decrease

The functions of eye contact include

- express emotion - monitors feedback - signals beginning and end of a conversation

Which of the following are likely characteristics of transformational leaders?

- extroverted - proactive - agreeable

Which are key behaviors for transformational leaders

- idealized influence - individual consideration - inspirational motivation - intellectual stimulation

Research demonstrates that transformational leadership yields several positive results, including:

- improved leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction - more employee identification with their leaders and their immediate work groups - measures of organizational effectiveness - higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion and work engagement


- is a managerial report that displays early to late graphics on critical information, such as sales, orders, lots, and shipments.

Management By Exception

- is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data shows a significant deviation from standards.

Fielders Contingency Leadership Model

- is determined by whether a leaders style is task oriented or relationship oriented, and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.


- is the unofficial communication system of the internal organization a network of in person and online gossip and rumors.

Global Mindset

- is your belief in your ability to influence dissimilar others in a global market.

identify the strategies for writing more effectively

- list ideas from least controversial to most controversial - start with your purpose -list your ideas from most important to least important

Disadvantages brought about by the digital age

- loss of security - lack of privacy - cell phone abuse - too many emails

Which of the following are two factors influencing transformational leaders?

- organizational culture - individual characteristics

Some strategies for writing for effectively includeL

- start with your purpose - list ideas from least controversial to most controversial - list your ideas from most important to least important

According to Phil Theibert, what are the 3 rules of an effective speech?

- tell them are you are going to say -say it -tell them what you said.

Accurate statements concerning body movements and gestures as forms of nonverbal communication:

- the gender of the communicator may impact how body movements and gestures are interpreted - closed body positions tend to be interpreted as being defensive

Based upon the text, which of the following are accurate statements concerning the desirable traits of women who excel as executives?

- women are highly collaborative - women generally use a more participate style than men

Identify the disadvantages brought about by the digital age

-Too many emails - lack of privacy -cell-phone abuse -loss of security

Identify strategies of effective listening

-ask questions to make sure you understance -focus on the speaker -use noverbal cues to demonstrate interest

Hersey-Blanchard theory (Life cycle theory)

-assumes that the leader's behavior should adapt to the situation -leadership style should reflect the maturity of the followers as measured by traits such as the ability to work independently -leaders should adjust the degree of task and relationship behavior in response to the growing maturity of their followers.

negative effect

-coercive power

Path-Goal Theory behaviors

-directive behavior -supportive behavior -participative behavior -achievement behavior

Fiedler's Contingency Model (FCM)

-each leader has a preferred leadership style, which may be people oriented or task oriented -recommends that a leader determines whether his or her preferred leadership style fits the situation.

Positive effect

-expert power -reward power

Servant Leadership characteristics

-good listener -empathetic -healing -aware -persuasive

Entrepreneurial leadership

-involves believing that one plays a very important role at a company rather than an unimportant one -visionary, problem solver, decision maker, risk taker

Servant Leadership

-involves putting other people's needs, aspirations, and interests above your own

FCM Characteristics of the leadership situation

-leader-member relations -task structure -the position power of the leader

Characteristics of the subordinates

-need for independence -readiness to assume responsibility -tolerance for ambiguity -interest in the problem to be solved -understanding of and identification with goals -knowledge and experience -expectations

Characteristics of a Successful Leader

-sense of responsibility -self-confidence -high energy level -empathy -internal locus of control -sense of humor

Accurate concerning body movements and gestures as forms of nonverbal communication?

-the gender of the communicator may impact how body movements and gestures are interpreted - closed body positions tend to be interpreted as being defensive

Characteristics of the leader

-the manager's values -level of confidence in employees -personal leaderships strengths -tolerance for ambiguity

Characteristics of the situation

-type of organization -effectiveness of the group -the problem or task -time available

Supervisors as role models

-when employees evaluate the organization, they look at the supervisor's behavior and use it as a guide for how they should act -supervisors should follow all the rules and regulations -supervisors should be ethical and impartial

Commitment likely

-when people rely on consultation, stron rational persuasion, and inspirational appeals and do not rely on pressure and coalition tactics

Identify some of the reasons cited in the text as to why women are not found in positions of corporate leadership.

-women tend to give credit to others -women lack supportive mentor -women start out at lower levels than men do

Managers rely

... heavy inspiration, ingratiation, and pressure in dealing with subordinates

kotter: companies manage complexity in three ways

1. determining what needs to be done- planning and budgeting 2. creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- organizing and staffing 3. ensuring people do their jobs- controlling and problem solving

leadership copes with change in three ways

1. determining what needs to be done- setting a direction 2. creating arrangements of people to accomplish an agenda- aligning people 3. ensuring people do their jobs- motivating and inspiring

According to Phil Theibert, what are the three rules of an effective speech?

1. tell them what you are going to say 2. say it 3. tell them what you said

Two types of informal communication channels:

1. the office grapevine 2. management by wandering around

Human Resource Area

A company institutes a policy requiring all employees involved in the workplace accident to submit to a mandatory drug test. This is an Example of a control in the __________ are

Income Statement

A firms ______ statement summarizes its financial results (revenues and expenses) over a specific period of time, such as a month, a quarter, or year.


A group established with a leader by an organization to accomplish specific goals is called an ______ group.

Charismatic Leadership

A inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders. Inspires a vision or goal

Coercive Power

A manager who tells its subordinates "do it or else pay the consequences" is demonstrating ___________ power.

- Focus on listening - Commitment to the growth of people

A servant leader would display which of the following characteristics?


A term in the middle of the _________ stage of team development experiences individual conflicts and the emergence of individual personality within your group.

The question the group is asking during the forming stage of group development is A. "Why are we here?" B. "What's next?" C. "Can we do the job properly?" D. "Why are we fighting about who does what?" E. "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?"

A. "Why are we here?"

The question the group is asking during the forming stage of group development is A. "Why are we here?" B. "What's next?" C. "Can we do the job properly?" D. "Why are we fighting about who does what?" E. "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?"

A. "Why are we here?"

From the University of Michigan and Ohio State studies, one management expert concluded that effective leaders tend to do all of the following EXCEPT which? A. Change leadership styles according to the situation B. Have supportive relationships with employees C. Use group rather than individual methods of supervision D. Set high performance goals E. Have an employee-centered leadership style

A. Change leadership styles according to the situation

Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams? A. Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations. B. When beginning with a virtual team, set the final deadline and reprimand any virtual team members who don't make the deadline. C. Because you don't have face-to-face contact, relay instructions via phone. D. Require each team member to keep their own personal record of the work that's been done as a team. E. Utilize employees on a global team around the clock.

A. Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations.

Which of the following is one of the traits of a credible leader identified by Kouzes and Posner? A. Honest B. Relationship-oriented C. Competitive D. Extroverted E. Driven

A. Honest

Which of the following is true of informal groups? A. Informal groups can advance the plans of formal groups. B. A temporary committee is an example of an informal group. C. Members of an informal group are assigned to it by the skills they possess. D. Informal groups have appointed leaders. E. Informal groups are primarily created to solve an organizational problem.

A. Informal groups can advance the plans of formal groups.

According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in which of the following ways? A. Organizing resources B. Motivating people C. Lobbying the government D. Innovating new products E. Setting a direction

A. Organizing resources

________ conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles. A. Personality B. Competitive C. Dysfunctional D. Communication E. Programmed

A. Personality

At Bremond Stafford Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse development section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group? A. Project team B. Production team C. Product team D. Action team E. Advice team

A. Project team

In which of the following conditions should constructive conflict be stimulated? A. The group seems to be apathetic. B. Managers want to achieve work objectives. C. The group is adapting to change. D. Managers are in charge of self-managed teams. E. There is a lot of internal competition.

A. The group seems to be apathetic.

In which of the following conditions should constructive conflict be stimulated? A. The group seems to be apathetic. B. Managers want to achieve work objectives. C. The group is adapting to change. D. Managers are in charge of self-managed teams. E. There is a lot of internal competition.

A. The group seems to be apathetic.

Which of the following is considered one of the most essential considerations in building a group into an effective team? A. Trust B. Promoting groupthink C. Organizational structure D. Market stability E. Size

A. Trust

Which of the following is a disadvantage of smaller groups? A. Unfair work distribution B. Autocratic leadership C. Lower morale D. Tendency to form cliques E. Tendency to take unreasonable risk

A. Unfair work distribution

Which of the following is a disadvantage of smaller groups? A. Unfair work distribution B. Autocratic leadership C. Lower morale D. Tendency to form cliques E. Tendency to take unreasonable risk

A. Unfair work distribution

Who are typical members of continuous improvement teams? A. Workers and supervisors B. Supervisors and managers C. Managers and agents representing competitors D. Managers and outside suppliers E. Customers and suppliers

A. Workers and supervisors

Who are typical members of continuous improvement teams? A. Workers and supervisors B. Supervisors and managers C. Managers and agents representing competitors D. Outside suppliers E. Customers and suppliers

A. Workers and supervisors

A wide span of management results in _______________. A. A flat organization B. Many levels of management C. A narrow organization D. A tall organization

A. a flat organization

Bethany is writing a paper for her Management class. She already has a strong A in the class, and only needs to get a C on the paper to keep her A. As she prepares the final version of the paper, she takes special care that the paper is well-written, insightful, and error-free, something that she can be proud of. Bethany is experiencing _________. A. an intrinsic reward. B. high equity. C. a belongingness need. D. a hygiene factor.

A. an intrinsic reward

Which of the following is the first step in human resource planning? A. Assessing external and internal trends B. Predicting demand C. Forecasting supply D. Comparing future demand and internal supply

A. assessing external and internal trends

In theory, delegation from manager to subordinate consists of three steps, which are ___________________. A. Assigning responsibility, granting authority, and creating accountability B. Assigning responsibility, creating a position, and creating accountability C. Creating a position, overcoming resistance, and promoting acceptance D. Creating accountability, assigning responsibility, and requiring performance

A. assigning responsibility, granting authority, and creating accountability

Rachel missed another deadline and her boss Keri is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Keri thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Rachel about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Keri is using the ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

A. avoiding

The ______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders. A. behavioral B. servant C. shared D. trait E. contingency

A. behavioral

Trey was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ______ power. A. coercive B. personalized C. referent D. reward E. expert

A. coercive

Becca asked Kevin, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of A. devil's advocacy. B. groupthink. C. the dialectic method. D. storming. E. dysfunctional conflict.

A. devil's advocacy.

Keith asked Becky, one of his team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of A. devil's advocacy. B. groupthink. C. the dialectic method. D. storming. E. dysfunctional conflict.

A. devil's advocacy.

Negative conflict is sometimes called ______ conflict. A. dysfunctional B. irregular C. destructive D. aggressive E. apathetic

A. dysfunctional

XYZ Hospital has a chief of medical services, a director of administrative services, and a director of outpatient services. XYZ has a ___________ structure. A. functional B. simple C. horizontal D. matrix

A. functional

Dave sat through the meeting feeling convinced his team was misinterpreting recent marketing research, but he didn't say anything. The team leader was a close friend. Plus, he didn't want to disrupt the team since he perceived himself to be the only one with reservations. Dave's team appears to be experiencing A. groupthink. B. storming. C. social loafing. D. norming. E. devil's advocacy.

A. groupthink.

Pam sat through the meeting feeling convinced her team was misinterpreting recent marketing research, but she didn't say anything. The team leader was a close friend. Plus, she didn't want to disrupt the team since she thought she was the only one with reservations. Pam's team appears to be experiencing A. groupthink. B. storming. C. social loafing. D. norming. E. devil's advocacy.

A. groupthink.

Jerald led a team that has just finished up a very challenging research project that will assist management in developing long-range plans. Despite the stress of the past few months, most participants seem sad it's over. Now Jerald should A. have an awards ceremony. B. emphasize unity. C. get the group disbanded quickly to free people up for new things. D. provide opportunities for people to get to know each other better now. E. ensure those members can work on similar tasks going forward.

A. have an awards ceremony.

Since hard feelings about group leadership and assignments had passed, Elena's group recently seemed to be relating much better. At the meeting tomorrow she should take advantage of this moment by A. helping the team identify group goals and values. B. encouraging members to voice disagreements. C. helping people get to know each other. D. empowering the members. E. throwing a thank-you party.

A. helping the team identify group goals and values.

Patty prefers working alone, is comfortable taking moderate risks, and feels good when accomplishing a goal. Patty probably has a _______________. A. high need for achievement. B. high need for affiliation. C. high need for power. D. low need for achievement.

A. high need for achievement

Tim leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. Tim is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked him questions he couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, Tim's situational control likely A. is low. B. is moderate. C. is high. D. is extremely high. E. cannot be determined from the information.

A. is low.

Which of the following would require continually adding new tasks and challenges as part of the job design? A. Job enlargement B. Horizontal job loading C. Job rotation D. Job enrichment

A. job enlargement

In the University of Michigan studies, leadership style is identified as A. job-centered or employee-centered. B. transactional or transformational. C. initiating structure or consideration. D. task-oriented or relationship-oriented. E. telling, selling, participating, or delegating.

A. job-centered or employee-centered.

The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are A. legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics. B. inspirational appeals, rational persuasion, and consultation. C. rational persuasion, pressure tactics, and exchange. D. rational persuasion, coalition tactics, and upward appeals. E. inspirational appeals, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.

A. legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.

Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan" is performing a ______ role. A. maintenance B. social C. coordinator D. reorientation E. task

A. maintenance

Dysfunction conflict is sometimes called ______ conflict. A. negative B. irregular C. destructive D. aggressive E. apathetic

A. negative

The stage during which a group sets guidelines about issues like attendance and punctuality is the ______ stage. A. norming B. storming C. forming D. adjourning E. performing

A. norming

Luann is conducting a performance appraisal on Bill. The form her company uses asks her to list the objectives that she and Bill agreed to last year, and indicate how well he met each objective. Luann's company is using a(n) ________ system of performance appraisal. A. objective B. BARS C. trait D. informal

A. objective

When Melinda saw Carrie stuffing her purse with expensive printer cartridges, Carrie was quick to say, "We've been friends since first grade, so I'm sure you won't say anything about this." This is an example of using a(n) A. personal appeal. B. legitimating tactic. C. pressure tactic. D. coalition tactic. E. exchange tactic.

A. personal appeal.

Jay's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, Jay has A. poor leader-member relations. B. weak position power. C. poor worker facilitation. D. low task structure. E. unsuccessful leadership adaptation.

A. poor leader-member relations.

In equity theory, employees are motivated to __________________. A. resolve feelings of injustice and see fairness in the rewards they expect for task performance. B. work harder when they have more freedom. C. correct themselves when they aren't working hard enough. D. blame others when they miss work or fail at tasks. E. work just hard enough to get what they want.

A. resolve feelings of injustice and see fairness in the rewards they expect for task performance

Members of a team develop their ______ based on the expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves. A. roles B. norms C. groupthink D. job descriptions E. social fit

A. roles

In Fiedler's contingency leadership model, ________ is the amount of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment. A. situational control B. coercive power C. readiness D. leadership style E. task structure

A. situational control

The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure is the ______ stage. A. storming B. norming C. performing D. forming E. adjourning

A. storming

In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you A. try to move to a more suitable situation. B. alter your leadership style. C. take management classes to improve your power. D. get an assistant with the preferred orientation. E. gradually change the makeup of your subordinates.

A. try to move to a more suitable situation.

Faruk is something of a cheerleader around his team. He describes the great things he knows the group can accomplish, is quick to complement the work of his staff, and is so enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Faruk is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. value-based B. path-goal clarifying C. interaction facilitation D. achievement-oriented E. relationship-oriented

A. value-based

- How much they want something - How likely they think they are to get what they want

According to Expectancy Theory, if people have choices, they will be motivated by which of the following?


According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______-oriented. A.) low; relationship B.) moderate; relationship C.) low; transformational D.) high; transformational E.) moderate; task


According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following? A.) situational control B.) organizational readiness C.) employee characteristics and environmental factors D.) position power E.) leader-member relations


According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, which of the following is characteristic of men in the workplace, compared with women? A.) generating more new ideas B.) being more collaborative C.) producing higher-quality work D.) using a more autocratic style E.) being more effective


According to the contingency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ______ situations. A.) low-control B.) uncontrolled C.) both high- and low-control D.) moderate-control E.) high-control

Integrating tactics

Acting friendly or humble or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request


Administrative oversight given to self-managed teams does not typically include _____. A.) scheduling work B.) planning C.) staffing D.) initiating change E.) monitoring performance


After Johns company introduced a free breakfast program and on site childcare, she was happy to get to work early. The free breakfast and childcare are examples of________?

Of the following, which is the best was for leaders to cope with change?

Aligning people


Allow people in different locations to hear, see and talk with one another

In assessing how much situational control he has, a manager should consider which of the following?

Amount of task structure


An _______ is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity.

Efficient Communicator

An ________ communicator transmits his message accurately in the leas amount of time.

Which of the following is most likely to be considered an action team?

An airline cockpit crew

- Situational Factors - Power and Influence - Traits, gender, and skills

An integrated model of leadership consists of which of the following in order to value leadership effectiveness?


Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited is known as ______?

Exchanging Tactics

Appeals to the person for past tasks or favors done for them or offering to trade favors

Which of the following is not a factor to help achieve team cohesiveness?

Assign a large team of 16 to 20.

Trait approaches to leadership

Attempt to identify successful leaders

When a manager is evaluated by his or her superiors, peers, and subordinates, this is known as _______________. A. Employment at will B. 360-degree feedback C. Recency error D. Halo error

B. 360-degree feedback

Which of the following is a characteristic of a continuous improvement team? A. A built-in part of any effective organizational group B. A type of advice team C. Requires assigned membership D. Emerged from self-managed team concept E. Encourages high empowerment

B. A type of advice team

Which of the following is a characteristic of a continuous improvement team? A. A built-in part of any effective organizational group. B. A type of advice team. C. Requires assigned membership. D. Emerged from self-managed team concept. E. Encourages high empowerment.

B. A type of advice team.

______ is the conflict-handling style that strives to devise solutions that benefit both parties. A. Avoiding B. Collaborating C. Compromising D. Forcing E. Accommodating

B. Collaborating

Which of the following is not a benefit of teamwork in an organization? A. Increased speed B. Decreased stress C. Reduced costs D. Improved workplace cohesiveness E. Reduced destructive internal competition

B. Decreased stress

______ have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones. A. Situational leaders B. E-leaders C. Shared leaders D. Transactional leaders E. Web-based leaders

B. E-leaders

According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following? A. Positional power B. Environmental factors C. Situational control D. Organizational readiness E. Leader-member relations

B. Environmental factors

The leadership model that suggests that leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers is the A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model. B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model. C. Leader-member exchange model. D. Fiedler's contingency model. E. House's path-goal model.

B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model.

Which of the following is characteristic of work groups with too little conflict? A. Dissatisfaction B. Indecision C. Political infighting D. Lack of teamwork E. Turnover

B. Indecision

Which of the following is characteristic of workgroups with too little conflict? A. Dissatisfaction B. Indecision C. Political infighting D. Lack of teamwork E. Turnover

B. Indecision

Which of the following is a disadvantage of larger groups? A. Less creativity and innovation B. Less commitment C. More division of labor D. Fewer resources E. Fewer cliques

B. Less commitment

Which of the following is a disadvantage of larger groups? A. Less creativity and innovation B. Less commitment C. More division of labor D. Fewer resources E. Fewer cliques

B. Less commitment

_______ is about coping with complexity and ______ is about coping with change. A. Middle management; top management B. Management; leadership C. Attitude; perception D. Leadership; management E. Perception; attitude

B. Management; leadership

Which of the following is a contingency approach to leadership? A. Michigan model B. Path-goal leadership model C. Servant leadership model D. Ohio State model E. Leader-member exchange model

B. Path-goal leadership model

______ is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. A. Groupthink B. Programmed conflict C. Social loafing D. Storming E. Dysfunctional conflict

B. Programmed conflict

______ is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings. A. Groupthink B. Programmed conflict C. Social loafing D. Storming E. Dysfunctional conflict

B. Programmed conflict

Javier, the CEO of a small travel company, treated company resources as if they were his own, and his employees even better. He cared about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Javier could best be described as which type of leader? A. Situational B. Servant C. Laissez-faire D. Shared E. Transactional

B. Servant

______ leadership is most likely to be needed when people work in teams, are involved in complex projects, or are doing knowledge work. A. Transformational B. Shared C. Transactional D. Servant E. Charismatic

B. Shared

Which of the following is not a reason to enforce norms? A. To clarify role expectations. B. To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees. C. To help the group survive. D. To emphasize the group's important values. E. To help individuals avoid embarrassing situations.

B. To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees.

________ is defined as reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors. A. Cooperation B. Trust C. Cohesiveness D. Unity E. Fairness

B. Trust

Which of the following is a behavioral leadership approach? A. Servant leadership model B. University of Michigan leadership model C. Path-goal leadership model D. Transformational leadership E. Leader-member exchange model

B. University of Michigan leadership model

Hannah is on a team with Carson, and they are often in conflict. Hannah likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Carson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their team conflict most likely stems from A. time pressure. B. a personality clash. C. communication failure. D. ambiguous jurisdictions. E. inconsistent goals.

B. a personality clash.

The conflict-handling style in which a person allows the desires of another to prevail is known as A. forcing. B. accommodating. C. avoiding. D. collaborating. E. compromising.

B. accommodating.

The conflict-handling style in which a person allows the desires of another to prevail is known as A. forcing. B. accommodating. C. avoiding. D. collaborating. E. compromising.

B. accommodating.

Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given ______ for their task domains. A. individual incentives B. administrative oversight C. reduced responsibility D. complete freedom E. no technology

B. administrative oversight

Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given ______ for their task domains. A. individual incentives B. administrative oversight C. reduced responsibility D. complete freedom E. no technology

B. administrative oversight

During the forming stage, the leader should A. establish permanent control. B. allow people to socialize. C. empower team members. D. encourage disagreement. E. work through team conflicts.

B. allow people to socialize.

An organization where power and control are kept at the top levels of management is ________________. A. Specialized B. Centralized C. Decentralized D. Departmentalized

B. centralized

The disadvantage of the ______ conflict-handling style is that it is very time consuming. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

B. collaborating

The disadvantage of the ______ conflict-handling style is that it is very time consuming. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

B. collaborating

Toyota's automobile recall problems may have been rooted in the difference between Japanese and American attitudes about A. ambiguity. B. conflict. C. advocacy. D. division of labor. E. performance.

B. conflict.

The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is A. legitimating tactics. B. consultation. C. ingratiating tactics. D. coalition tactics. E. personal appeals.

B. consultation.

A group that is created to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader is called a(n) A. dynamic group. B. formal group. C. normative group. D. informal group. E. network group.

B. formal group.

When members of a group are friendly and tight-knit but unable to disagree enough to properly appraise alternatives, they are said to be experiencing A. paradigm paralysis. B. groupthink. C. social loafing. D. the dialectic method. E. devil's advocacy.

B. groupthink.

Viviana supervises a group of customer service representatives. Viviana is respected and well-liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure all of them know how to do the job very well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Viviana has A. low task structure. B. high situational control. C. low leader-member relations. D. low position power. E. high expert power.

B. high situational control.

Stan is constantly telling off-color jokes and using profanity in front of his administrative assistant. This could be considered a(n) _______________. A. difficult atmosphere. B. hostile work environment. C. intimidating surroundings. D. quid pro quo situation.

B. hostile work environment

In all but the worst weather, Laura and four of her coworkers met each day at 12:15 to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. This is an example of a(n) A. continuous improvement team. B. informal group. C. self-managed team. D. virtual team. E. formal group.

B. informal group.

Last year, Diana's boss promised her a big bonus if she met her goals. At the end of the year, after Diana had exceeded her goals, she found her bonus was very small. In the future, Diana's _________ will probably be ___________. A. valence; low B. instrumentality; low C. expectancy; low D. expectancy; high

B. instrumentality; low

______ is the process of building into a job such motivating factors as recognition and achievement. A. MBO B. Job enrichment C. Job satisfaction D. Job enlargement E. Horizontal loading

B. job enrichment

The questionnaire used in Fiedler's model to determine leadership orientation is called the A. Myers-Briggs type inventory. B. least preferred coworker scale. C. tolerance of ambiguity questionnaire. D. Type A behavior scale. E. path-goal survey.

B. least preferred coworker scale.

The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power. A. referent B. legitimate C. reward D. coercive E. expert

B. legitimate

Which of the following would be considered a negative interpersonal trait often found in leaders? A. openness to experience B. Machiavellianism C. competitiveness D. extraversion E. conscientiousness

B. machiavellianism

The United Way, a charitable organization, is considered a ______ organization. A. for-profit B. nonprofit C. mutual-benefit D. governmental

B. nonprofit

During the ______ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge. A. storming B. norming C. performing D. forming E. adjourning

B. norming

During the ______ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge. A. storming B. norming C. performing D. forming E. adjourning

B. norming

________ conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles. For example, Sasha and Alexandra, who both work as salespeople at a local boutique, may simply not like each other. A. Competitive B. Personality C. Dysfunctional D. Communication E. Programmed

B. personality

Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? A. legitimating B. pressure C. ingratiating D. exchange E. personal appeals

B. pressure

Luis, Kennedy, and Jennifer met once a week for several months in the fall to redesign department work spaces, to be implemented when the organization moved to a new building in January. This is an example of a A. top management team. B. problem-solving team. C. cross-functional team. D. virtual team. E. continuous improvement team.

B. problem-solving team.

Emily is outgoing, warm and truly inspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Her employees seem eager to do anything she asks. Emily has ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. expert

B. referent

Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. personalized

B. referent

Jeff's workgroup is having a lot of disagreement over the direction the group should take. They are involved in the __________ stage of group development. A. forming B. storming C. norming D. performing

B. storming

Marielle points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda, and should get back to the important work at hand. She is performing a ______ role. A. relational B. task C. maintenance D. social E. production

B. task

Vanita points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda, and should get back to the important work at hand. Vanita is performing a ______ role. A. relational B. task C. maintenance D. social E. production

B. task

Amanda leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Amanda should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style. A. employee-centered B. task-oriented C. relationship-oriented D. participatory E. initiating structure

B. task-oriented

The ______ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders. A. attribute B. trait C. behavior D. quality E. contingency

B. trait

Employees at Kearns Seafood were really impressed with the new CEO, Jane. She was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Jane is a ______ leader. A. servant B. transformational C. transactional D. shared E. laissez-faire

B. transformational

Jim, a manager, uses rewards and discipline to motivate subordinates, but does this as a way of helping them reach their full potential. This is called _____________. A. contingent leadership. B. transformational leadership. C. developmental consideration. D. democratic leadership.

B. transformational leadership

Organizations may apply trait theory by A. considering the relationships among employees. B. using management development programs. C. hiring only from top-ranked business schools. D. doing a job audit. E. empowering the HR department.

B. using management development programs.

Legitimating Power

Basing a request on one's right of authority, organizational roles or policies, or expressed or implied support from superiors is known as ________?

Legitimate Compliance

Basing ones request on the level of themselves in the business

_____ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.


________ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.


Coping with Complexity versus Coping with Change:

Being a Manager: Coping with Complexity Being a Leader: Coping with Change

Which of the following are characteristics of being a leader, rather than a manager?

Being a visionary


Belief that both good and bad deeds should be repaid in kind is virtually universal

Rich medium

Best for non-routine messages.

Which of the following is an advantage of smaller groups?

Better interaction and coordination

Upward Communication

Brad sends an email to his boss, asking for permission to attend a training seminar in Houston. This is an example of _______ Communication.

Zero based and Incremental Budgeting

Budget-Planning approaches involves ________ budgeting and _______ budgeting.

Physical area

Buildings Equipment and tangible products

Of the following, which is the best way for leaders to cope with change? A. Problem-solving B. Lobbying the government C. Aligning people D. Virtual planning E. Watching current trends

C. Aligning people

Which of the following is NOT a primary consideration in building a group into an effective team? A. Cohesiveness B. Groupthink C. Autocratic structure D. Performance goals and feedback E. Size

C. Autocratic structure

______ power results from one's specialized information. A. Legitimate B. Referent C. Expert D. Reward E. Coercive

C. Expert

Which of the following is NOT advice from career coach Richard Knowdell for staying ahead in the workplace of tomorrow? A. Develop new and diverse capacities B. Anticipate, adapt to and embrace change C. Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom D. When considering a job or industry, don't rely on reputation E. Develop your communication skills

C. Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom

Which of the following is NOT positively associated with transformational leadership, according to research? A. Employee job satisfaction B. More employee identification with their immediate work groups C. Lower levels of internal competition D. Higher levels of group cohesion E. More work engagement

C. Lower levels of internal competition

Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? A. Legitimating B. Ingratiating C. Pressure D. Exchange E. Personal appeals

C. Pressure

Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of group and team development? A. Norming B. Storming C. Reforming D. Adjourning E. Performing

C. Reforming

Which of the following is not one of the stages of group and team development? A. Norming B. Storming C. Reforming D. Adjourning E. Performing

C. Reforming

Which of the following is an important aspect when creating a self-managed team? A. Lessen the authority and autonomy that is granted. B. Require participation to be outside of normal working hours. C. Use some form of team compensation. D. Allow workers to simply do their own thing. E. Require voluntary only membership.

C. Use some form of team compensation.

An airline that refuses to hire men as flight attendants, is an example of __________________. A. An indirect form of discrimination B. Affirmative action C. A direct form of discrimination D. Equal employment opportunity E. Employment at will

C. a direct form of discrimination

Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given ______ for their task domains. A. individual incentives B. reduced responsibility C. administrative oversight D. complete freedom E. no technology

C. administrative oversight

To prevent groupthink, a manager should A. reinforce how capable the group is. B. never admit errors to outsiders. C. bring in outside experts for fresh perspectives. D. encourage everyone to "get with the team." E. express high confidence in the group's previous decisions.

C. bring in outside experts for fresh perspectives.

In the performing stage of group development, members A. prepare for disbandment. B. develop close relationships. C. concentrate on solving problems. D. test the leader's policies. E. hold back to see what will happen.

C. concentrate on solving problems.

Workplace performance is maximized when A. conflict is absent. B. conflict is at a very low level. C. conflict is at a moderate level. D. conflict is at a high level. E. conflict occurs only at nonmanagerial levels.

C. conflict is at a moderate level.

A team composed of people from different departments who are pursuing a common objective is called a A. quality circle. B. problem-solving team. C. cross-functional team. D. virtual team. E. work force.

C. cross-functional team.

A ___________ organization is one in which decision making is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible. A. Delegated B. Coordinated C. Decentralized D. Departmentalized

C. decentralized

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms, share goals, and have a common identity form a ____________. A. cluster. B. self-managing work team. C. group. D. quality circle. E. collaborative unit.

C. group

The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is A. adjournment. B. uncertainty. C. group cohesiveness. D. conflict. E. empowerment.

C. group cohesiveness.

Administrative oversight given to self-managed teams does not include A. planning. B. scheduling work. C. implementing change. D. monitoring performance. E. staffing.

C. implementing change.

In the leadership-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as A. preferred coworker exchange B. servant exchange C. in-group exchange D. special exchange E. socialized exchange

C. in-group exchange

House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster A. concrete rewards. B. stress management techniques. C. intrinsic motivation. D. an external locus of control. E. personal growth in management knowledge.

C. intrinsic motivation.

Erdem manages his employees through a careful monitoring of their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. Erdem can best be described as a(n) ______ leader. A. production-oriented B. charismatic C. job-centered D. transformational E. employee-centered

C. job-centered

According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. charismatic

C. laissez-faire

Tension was thick in the room as the management team discussed changes to promotion requirements. But then Chris made a joke about Jake's white-knuckled grip on his pen, and the laughter seemed to improve the mood. Chris was acting in a ______ role. A. relational B. task C. maintenance D. social E. production

C. maintenance

According to the contingency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ______ situations. A. low control B. high control C. moderate control D. uncontrolled E. both high and low control

C. moderate control

When a manager stops nagging a subordinate, the manager is using ________________. A. positive reinforcement. B. punishment. C. negative reinforcement. D. intrinsic motivation.

C. negative reinforcement

The stage of team development during which a group sets guidelines about issues like attendance and punctuality is the ______ stage. A. forming B. storming C. norming D. adjourning E. performing

C. norming

The term "span of management" refers to the ___________________. A. Extent to which authority is delegated at the individual level B. Extent to which authority is systematically delegated to middle and lower levels of management C. Number of subordinates reporting to a particular manager D. Process of grouping jobs according to some logical pattern

C. number of subordinates reporting to a particular manager

In Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership model, when a manager encourages followers to solve problems on their own and uses shared decision making, she is using the ______ style. A. supporting B. telling C. participating D. delegating E. selling

C. participating

To achieve psychological growth, according to the self-determination theory, people need to satisfy the three innate needs: _______, autonomy, and competence. A. affiliation B. power C. relatedness D. pay E. safety

C. relatedness

Alex compliments his subordinate Joe on the great job he did on the weekly report. Alex also informs their mutual boss of Joe's great work. Alex is using ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. punishment

C. reward

Perry was part of a 15-person grounds beautification committee, and among its responsibilities were monthly parking lot cleanup and weekly patio sweeping. He was a part of the committee at his boss's request but had never actually helped with anything. This is likely an example of A. storming. B. devil's advocacy. C. social loafing. D. procrastinating E. adjourning.

C. social loafing.

Groups that make it through storming generally do so because A. they develop groupthink. B. someone wins the political battle and dominates the group. C. someone besides the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles. D. the work gets done. E. the focus generally is on social loafing.

C. someone besides the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles.

According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, men score better than women do on A. fostering communication. B. producing high-quality work. C. strategic planning. D. motivating others. E. listening to others

C. strategic planning.

Kojika supervises a customer service unit that receives stress-producing calls from unhappy customers, and turnover has been high lately. Kojika is kind and patient with the staff, and tells them she knows what they're going through since it wasn't so long ago that she took those calls. According to revised path-goal theory, Kojika is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. work facilitation B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. value-based

C. supportive

Layla works during her meeting to pull together the ideas of her committee members into a coherent whole. Layla is performing a ___________ role. A. maintenance B. relationship-oriented C. task D. social

C. task

Fiedler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is A. transactional or transformational. B. directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented. C. task-oriented or relationship-oriented. D. telling, selling, participating, or delegating. E. charismatic or non-charismatic.

C. task-oriented or relationship-oriented.

Lorenzo supervises the pool of word processors serving all the lawyers at the firm. He gets along well with his people, and has worked hard to create detailed procedures for every type of legal document the typists might encounter. Lorenzo hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style is A. transformational. B. team management. C. task-oriented. D. relationship-oriented. E. consideration.

C. task-oriented.

A _______ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves accountable. A. cross-functional team B. group C. team D. panel E. formal group

C. team

A _______ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves accountable. A. cross-functional team B. group C. team D. panel E. formal group

C. team

Individuals are said to be cooperating when A. they have reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors. B. they have a sense of togetherness and unity. C. their efforts are systematically integrated to achieve a collective objective. D. their motivation comes from a desire to please a supervisor or the seeking of a tangible reward. E. they have ceased to be competitive with one another and prefer harmony.

C. their efforts are systematically integrated to achieve a collective objective.

During the performing stage of team development, the group answers the question

Can we do the job properly?

Vanessa wants the company to offer healthier food options in the vending machines, so she circulates a petition to be signed by other employees before presenting it to management. What type of influence tactic is Vanessa using?


Which of the following is NOT considered a "soft" influence tactic?

Coalition tactics

Workers at the factory walked out in a show of solidarity when one of the colleagues was fired, and they refused to return to work until her was reinstated. What influence tactic were the workers using?

Coalition tactics

A manager who tells his subordinate, "Do it or else pay the consequences" is demonstrating

Coercive Power

______ is the conflict-handling style that both parties give up something to gain something.


In the performing stage of group development, members

Concentrate on solving problems

Exchange Influence Tactic

Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable clients portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumenting in getting chis hired, he owed him a favor. This is an example of _______?


Connor, Luke, and Mason are co-workers who met regularly after work to talk about the latest video games on the market and strategies for improving their scores on the growth. This is an example of a ________

Which of the following is NOT considered a "hard" influence tactic?


Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of..

Consultation influence tactic

Human resources area

Controls used to monitor employees including personality, and drug tests.

During the performing stage of team development, the group answers the question A. "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?" B. "Why are we here?" C. "Why are we fighting?" D. "Can we do the job properly?" E. "Who's in charge?"

D. "Can we do the job properly?"

The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is A. "How do I fit in here?" B. "What's next?" C. "How can I best perform my role?" D. "What do the others expect me to do?" E. "What's my role here?"

D. "What do the others expect me to do?"

Which of the following is an advantage of larger groups? A. Higher morale B. More effective interaction C. Greater boldness D. Able to take advantage of division of labor E. Less social loafing

D. Able to take advantage of division of labor

In assessing how much situational control he has, a manager should consider which of the following? A. Amount of socialized power B. Subordinate readiness C. Level of transformation D. Amount of task structure E. Ability of staff

D. Amount of task structure

Which of the following is most likely to be considered an action team? A. A group of scientists working on a new cancer drug. B. All workers on the night shift of a plastics manufacturing facility. C. An advisory council on teacher development for a school district. D. An airline cockpit crew. E. An information-technology improvement task force.

D. An airline cockpit crew.

When issues causing conflict are trivial, or when emotions are high and cooling off would be helpful, which conflict-handling style is preferable? A. Collaborating B. Forcing C. Accommodating D. Avoiding E. Compromising

D. Avoiding

In the situational leadership model, which of the following leadership styles is recommended for employees with the highest levels of readiness? A. Supporting B. Telling C. Participating D. Delegating E. Selling

D. Delegating

______ studies reveal that visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders generally are most effective worldwide. A. Servant leader B. E-leadership C. Contingency model D. GLOBE project E. Full-range approach

D. GLOBE project

The ______ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates. A. servant B. contingency C. Michigan D. LMX E. trait


MySpace founders Anderson and DeWolfe could best be described as which type of leaders? A. Leader-member exchange B. Situational C. Servant D. Shared E. Transactional

D. Shared

Jinhai's team was not making much progress on defining a new production process. Maria was being very uncooperative; she did not agree with the direction Jinhai was taking, so she hadn't helped with her part. This team is in what stage of group development? A. Performing B. Forming C. Adjourning D. Storming E. Norming

D. Storming

Which of the following is a characteristic of transformational leaders? A. They are better in stable situations. B. They clarify employees' roles. C. They set goals and monitor progress toward their achievement. D. They encourage people to do exceptional things. E. They provide rewards in exchange for subordinates doing the work

D. They encourage people to do exceptional things.

Nordstrom's department store chain emphasizes the great lengths to which it goes in customer service, an example of which of these reasons to enforce norms? A. To clarify role expectations. B. To help the group survive. C. To create cohesiveness. D. To emphasize the group's important values. E. To help individuals avoid embarrassing situations.

D. To emphasize the group's important values.

The model that identifies leadership behavior as either "initiating structure" or "consideration" is the ______ model. A. leader-member exchange B. path-goal leadership C. University of Michigan leadership D. University of Ohio leadership E. situational leadership

D. University of Ohio leadership

Which of the following is a tip to be a successful e-leader? A. Follow the strategy you set B. Be a transactional leader C. Minimize "off-line" time with team members D. Use global English E. Use videoconferencing as frequently as possible

D. Use global English

Which of the following is an important aspect when creating a self-managed team? A. Lessen the authority and autonomy that is granted B. Require participation to be outside of normal working hours C. Allow workers to simply do their own thing D. Use team bonuses E. Require voluntary only membership

D. Use team bonuses

Which of the following is a manifestation of excessive conflict in the workplace? A. Apathy B. Lack of creativity C. Missed deadlines D. Violence E. Indecision

D. Violence

Michael runs a research and development department. He gets a lot out of his employees by setting lofty goals and expressing his belief that each of them is capable of doing his or her part. He expects their best work. According to revised path-goal theory, Michael is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. representation & networking B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. work facilitation

D. achievement-oriented

A work team that works to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination is called a(n) A. production team. B. project team. C. development team. D. action team. E. advice team.

D. action team.

A work team that works to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination is called a(n) A. production team. B. project team. C. development team. D. action team. E. advice team.

D. action team.

When using a self-managed team, a manager should A. maintain detailed monitoring of its performance. B. create the team within whatever structure currently exists. C. offer lucrative individual bonuses. D. allow members to hire their own coworkers. E. provide elaborate retreats for team discussions.

D. allow members to hire their own coworkers.

In the Mary Kay Cosmetics Co., the best salespeople receive pink Cadillacs in special awards ceremonies. This is an example of _____________. A. a symbol. B. a value. C. a rite or ritual. D. both a symbol and a rite.

D. both a symbol and a rite

_________ is defined as clear and distinct lines of authority among all positions in an organization. A. Span of control B. Job Rotation C. Job Enrichment D. Chain of Command

D. chain of command

According to Frederick Smith, chairman and CEO of FedEx, the primary task of leadership is to A. ensure progressive control and problem solving. B. align resources within the organization. C. inspire trust among all levels of employees. D. communicate the vision and values of an organization. E. oversee the success of an organization.

D. communicate the vision and values of an organization.

All of the following are bases for departmentalization EXCEPT ____________. A. Product B. Location C. Customer D. Competition

D. competition

The theory under which people make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it is _______________. A. goal-setting theory. B. equity theory. C. reinforcement theory. D. expectancy theory. E. two-factor theory.

D. expectancy theory

_____ is the weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced. A. Positive reinforcement B. Intrinsic motivation C. Punishment D. Extinction E. Negative reinforcement

D. extinction

Malia told her team that she is moving forward with a change to the bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members. Malia is using the ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

D. forcing

Sasha told her team that she is moving forward with a change to the bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members. Sasha is using the ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

D. forcing

In Earl's department at Pencilchicken, Inc. employees get money based on how much the department has been able to save in costs. This is an example of a ____________ compensation plan. A. pay-for-performance B. pay-for-knowledge C. bonus D. gainsharing

D. gainsharing

Peer pressure, which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent, is a symptom of A. social loafing. B. norming. C. devil's advocacy. D. groupthink. E. storming.

D. groupthink.

Those activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce are called ____________. A. Recruiting B. Selection C. Employee relations D. Human resource management

D. human resource management

Leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals. A. force B. reward C. request D. influence E. compensate

D. influence

Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as A. coalition tactics. B. inspirational appeals. C. consultation. D. ingratiating tactics. E. personal appeals.

D. ingratiating tactics.

Joe, a human resources specialist for Jersey Office Supplies Co., rides along with the furniture delivery people to observe the problems they were encountering and what activities they were required to perform. Joe was performing a __________________. A. personality test. B. performance appraisal. C. BARS. D. job analysis.

D. job analysis

Goal-setting theory suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that have all of the following characteristics except _______________. A. specific. B. achievable. C. linked to an action plan. D. little or no feedback. E. challenging.

D. little or no feedback

Rayford is head of a task force consisting of his peers from other departments in the organization. Rayford has ______________. A. high leader-member relations. B. high task structure. C. high position power. D. low position power.

D. low position power

In managing virtual workers, a manager should A. give directions only by phone or in person. B. make sure the worker is keeping to a fixed schedule of hours. C. let employees work using their own expectations of how to do their jobs. D. meet regularly, face to face. E. initiate change quickly.

D. meet regularly, face to face.

In managing virtual workers, a manager should A. give directions only by phone or in person. B. make sure the worker is keeping to a fixed schedule of hours. C. let employees work using their own expectations of how to do their jobs. D. meet regularly, face to face. E. initiate change quickly.

D. meet regularly, face to face.

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, in the zone between the motivating factors and the hygiene factors, employees are ________________. A. dissatisfied. B. satisfied. C. unmotivated. D. neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. E. stagnant.

D. neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Internet hits, total sales, and budget accuracy are all examples of __________________. A. Training methods B. Predictive validation methods C. Judgmental performance appraisal criteria D. Objective performance appraisal criteria

D. objective performance appraisal criteria

_______ perspectives are theories that try to understand the thought processes by which people decide how to act. A. Needs-based B. Reinforcement C. Job design D. Process E. Cognitive

D. process

A data processing group is an example of a(n) A. routine team. B. action team. C. advice team. D. production team. E. project team.

D. production team.

In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is A. legitimating. B. ingratiation. C. coalition. D. rational persuasion. E. pressure.

D. rational persuasion.

In the situational leadership model, ______ is defined as the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task. A. referent power B. charisma C. personalized power D. readiness E. task structure

D. readiness

Melanie scheduled a special interview with Gina before Gina was hired, in which Melanie painted a picture of both the positive and negative features of the job. Mel was performing a(n) ___________________. A. structured interview. B. unstructured interview. C. performance appraisal. D. realistic job preview.

D. realistic job preview

Members of a team develop their ______ based on the expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves. A. resources B. norms C. groupthink D. roles E. social fit

D. roles

A leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. transactional leader. D. servant leader. E. situational leader.

D. servant leader.

The amount of influence a leader has in his immediate work environment is called his A. coercive power. B. leadership style. C. readiness. D. situational control. E. task structure.

D. situational control.

Ken, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. In particular, Bethany, a marketing manager, seems to resist his direction. The source of conflict in this cause may be A. time pressure. B. a personality clash. C. communication failure. D. status differences. E. ambiguous jurisdictions.

D. status differences.

A ______ role is behavior that concentrates on getting the team's work done. A. maintenance B. performance C. administrative D. task E. production

D. task

The three dimensions of situational control include leader-member relations, position power, and ________. A. level of efficiency. B. level of seniority. C. organizational culture. D. task structure. E. organizational environment.

D. task structure

One of Kurt's subordinates, Rosie, has never learned to run customized reports and is insecure about learning. Nikko doesn't know how to do it either but is eager to try and has a lot of confidence that he can figure it out. In the situational model, Kurt should use a ______ style with Rosie, and a ______ style with Nikko. A. participating; selling B. selling; telling C. selling; participating D. telling; selling E. selling, delegating

D. telling; selling

The major difference between wages and salary is ________________. A. Salaries are higher than wages B. Salaries include benefits while wages do not C. Low-level employees earn salaries while managers receive wages D. Wages are based on hours worked while salary is based on contribution to the firm

D. wages are based on hours worked while salary is based on contribution to the firm


David's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, David has _____. A.) poor leader-member relations B.) poor worker facilitation C.) low task structure D.) weak position power E.) unsuccessful leadership adaptation

Top Quality Management

Dedicated to continous quality improvement and training and customer satisfaction

In the situational leadership model, which of the following leadership styles is recommended for employees with the highest levels of readiness



Demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats

Informal Communication Channels

Develop outside of the chain of command


Deviant Programs

During the speaker's presentation, Angelina took detailed notes and tried to concentrate on the main points of the presentation. What listening style did Angela display?

Discerning style

Managerial Leadership- Headsup

Does not always have to be demonstrated from a titled employee

The chancellor of the university sent a memo to the faculty, advising them that the governor would be speaking at the university and encouraging them to attend. This is an example of ________________ communication

Downward (one way of vertically communicating)

Less expensive to do it right the first time



During the __________ stage in group and team development, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks.


During the final stage of group and team development, which is called _________, the work has been completed and members prepare for disbandment.


During which stage of group development would group cohesiveness be a factor?

_____ have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones.


______ have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones.


Which of the following is an advantage of smaller groups? A. Fewer distractions B. More formalized team leadership C. More creativity and innovation D. More division of labor E. Better interaction and coordination

E. Better interaction and coordination

Brent brought his proposal to Allison even before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Brent is using which influence tactic? A. Legitimating tactics. B. Inspirational appeals. C. Ingratiating tactics. D. Personal appeals. E. Consultation.

E. Consultation.

Which of the following is a way managers can enhance team cohesiveness? A. Isolating the group from the actions of competitors or other threats. B. Providing team members precise instructions for their tasks. C. Creating a relatively large team. D. Assigning members randomly to teams. E. Emphasizing members' common characteristics.

E. Emphasizing members' common characteristics.

______ is a "we feeling" that binds group members together. A. Maintenance B. Groupthink C. Norming D. Social loafing E. Group cohesiveness

E. Group cohesiveness

The model in which an effective leader clarifies how subordinates can achieve personal and organizational objectives and provides them support in doing so is A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model. B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model. C. Leader-member exchange model. D. Fiedler's contingency model. E. House's path-goal model.

E. House's path-goal model.

Which of the following is a source of conflict in the workplace? A. Excessive communication B. Strict job boundaries C. Too many resources D. Lack of diversity E. Inconsistent goals

E. Inconsistent goals

In the situational leadership model, as follower readiness increases from low to high, which of the following represents the order in which leaders' styles should progress? A. Telling, participating, delegating, selling B. Telling, selling, delegating, participating C. Selling, telling, delegating, participating D. Selling, participating, delegating, telling E. Telling, selling, participating, delegating

E. Telling, selling, participating, delegating

______ is the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand a proposal. A. Storming B. Positive conflict C. Devil's advocacy D. Groupthink E. The dialectic method

E. The dialectic method

______ is the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand a proposal. A. Storming B. Positive conflict C. Devil's advocacy D. Groupthink E. The dialectic method

E. The dialectic method

Travis proposed the purchase of a new Minolta copier to his boss. Amir said that he has always used and liked Xerox copiers, but when he thinks about it later he realizes he does not really feel strongly about it. Amir should adopt a(n) ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

E. accommodating

Which of the following is a good reason to evaluate the performance of employees on a regular basis? A. To validate selection instruments B. To assess the impact of training programs C. To assist decision about pay raises D. To provide feedback to employees E. All of these

E. all of these

The model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is A. Fiedler's contingency model. B. shared leadership model. C. Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership model. D. House's path-goal theory. E. charismatic leadership theory.

E. charismatic leadership theory.

According to Kotter, management and leadership are considered to be A. opposing forces. B. causal; here, management causes leadership. C. equivalent to one another. D. almost entirely unrelated. E. complementary to each other.

E. complementary to each other.

______ is the conflict-handling style in which both parties give up something to gain something. A. Avoiding B. Forcing C. Accommodating D. Collaborating E. Compromising

E. compromising

The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach. A. trait B. transformational C. circumstantial D. behavioral E. contingency

E. contingency

Trust is based on _______, which can be enhanced by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good business sense. A. cooperation B. cohesiveness C. unity D. honesty E. credibility

E. credibility

Bonita apologized to one of her subordinates for an email that upset him. She told him she may have chosen an unfortunate way of stating her idea, and that she'd be happy to talk it through with him. Bonita is A. using a personal appeal. B. initiating structure. C. practicing shared leadership. D. exercising personalized power. E. expressing consideration behavior.

E. expressing consideration behavior.

Jane organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n) A. self-managed team. B. virtual team. C. cross-functional team. D. informal group. E. formal group.

E. formal group.

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity are called a A. cluster. B. self-managing work team. C. collaborative unit. D. quality circle. E. group.

E. group.

Research shows that simplified jobs lead to all the following except _______________. A. job dissatisfaction. B. poor mental health. C. low sense of accomplishment. D. low personal growth. E. increased productivity.

E. increased productivity

In all but the worst weather, Beth and three coworkers met each day at 12:15 to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. The four co-workers are an example of a(n) _____________. A. continuous improvement team. B. formal group. C. self-managed team. D. virtual team. E. informal group.

E. informal group

________, which include acting friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request, are influence tactics. A. Coalition tactics B. Inspirational appeals C. Consultations D. Personal appeals E. Ingratiating tactics

E. ingratiating tactics

A transactional leader is most similar in focus to a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. servant leader. D. situational leader. E. manager.

E. manager.

According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______ oriented. A. low; relationship B. low; transformational C. moderate; task D. high; transformational E. moderate; relationship

E. moderate; relationship

April congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a company-wide email announcing it. Here, April is using her ______ power. A. personalized B. referent C. coercive D. expert E. reward

E. reward

The ______ stage of team development is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group. A. norming B. forming C. adjourning D. performing E. storming

E. storming

One of three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood. A. job mastery B. task identity C. position power D. job design E. task structure

E. task structure

A _______ is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. A. quality circle B. group C. panel D. collaborative unit E. team

E. team

Charismatic leadership is now considered part of ______ leadership. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. transformational

E. transformational

A(n) ______________ is susceptible to legal attack because some questions may infringe on non-job-related matters such as privacy, diversity, or disability. A. realistic job preview B. situational interview C. performance interview D. behavioral-description interview E. unstructured interview

E. unstructured interview

A team that consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects is called a(n) A. remote team. B. e-team. C. self-managed team. D. informal team. E. virtual team.

E. virtual team.

Liz is trying to lead a cross-functional team, but she is having some issues. Most members were other department managers at her level, and they saw no reason to do what she told them to. Here, Liz has A. low tolerance for ambiguity. B. high task structure. C. weak referent power. D. poor leader-member relations. E. weak position power.

E. weak position power.

Lean Medium

Effective with more routine dealings.

Which of the following is a way managers can enhance team cohesiveness?

Emphasizing members' common characteristics.

Transformational Leaders need to

Employ a code of ethics, choose the right people, performance expectations reflect employee treatment, emphasize value of diversity and reward moral conduct


Employees at Employees Credit Union were really impressed with Ryan, the new CEO. He was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Ryan is a ______ leader. A.) servant B.) transformational C.) transactional D.) laissez-faire E.) shared

Psychological Empowerment

Employees belief that they have some degree of control over their work is referred to as _________

________ is the process of translating a message into understandable symbols or language.



Enterprise Resource Planning

According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following?

Environmental factors


Erin, a department manager, is struggling trying to lead a cross-functional team. Most members are other department managers at her level, and they see no reason to do what she asks. Here, Erin has _____. A.) weak referent power B.) low tolerance for ambiguity C.) weak position power D.) poor leader-member relations E.) high task structure

Face-To-Face Communication

Even as media channels for communication have grown, _________ remains an important part of most peoples work day because it builds relationships and trust and is highly motivating.

Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable clients portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, he owed him a favor. This is an example of

Exchange influence tactic

___ power results from one's specialized information.


Individual Characteristics of Transformational Leaders

Extroverted, Agreeable, open to change

A formal group typically has no officially appointed leader, although a leader may emerge from members of the group


A maintenance crew is an example of an action team


A positive outcome of groupthink is the development of more alternative ideas


A team created to broaden the information base for managerial decisions is known as a recommendation team


A team is defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity


About 25% of Fortune 1000 companies use some form of self-managed work teams


Another name for functional conflict is productive conflict


Avoiding it is never an appropriate response to conflict


Conflict is naturally avoided when organizations are structured along functional lines


Conflict is the dramatic and often violent clash of opposing forces that lacks a simple resolution that would be satisfactory to all parties


Creating self-managed teams in the workplace has a very positive effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment


Formal communication is the essence of a team, and what differentiates it from a group


Generally speaking, the optimal team size is considered to be 12 to 15 members


Group cohesion arises during the forming stage of group development


Job modeling is a socially determined set of rules for how an individual should behave in an organization


Many groups stall in the performing stage of group development


Mutual trust and commitment are developed within a team because members are mutually accountable to a supervisor


One of the primary reasons norms are enforced is to leverage the group's power with management


Organizations with too much conflict tend to be plagued by apathy and missed deadlines


Over 20 years ago, Peter Drucker predicted that the future organization would be organized around teamwork, but that has yet to occur


Participating on virtual teams necessarily requires individuals to be available for electronic communication 24 hours a day.


Problem-solving teams consist of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace- and quality-related problems


Research finds that the majority of workplace learning occurs in formal groups


Speed of resolution is the primary benefit of using the collaborating conflict-handling style


The dialectic method is the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic to voice possible objections to a proposal


The norming stage of team development is a lengthy and painful one


The tendency of a group or team to stick together is known as cooperation


Twenty-five new employees from across the Kendall Automotive Technologies organization are attending an orientation, receiving information about company policies, and filling out various forms. These employees comprise a team


Two types of team roles are task and stability


When job boundaries are ambiguous, employees are less possessive, and conflict is likely to be minimized


When parties to a conflict have deeply rooted, opposing value systems, the most appropriate method to handle the conflict is collaboration


While individuals prefer to have measurable goals as well as feedback about their performance, this is not required for teams since goals and feedback can be generated from within


While quality is usually improved by using teamwork in an organization, productivity typically suffers because teamwork is time consuming


High Media Richness

Face to Face

T/F: In adjourning, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.


T/F: Members of a group that are asking "What's next?" are in the performing stage of team development.


T/F: The tendency of people to exert more effort when working in groups than when working alone is known as social loafing.


True or false: Women executives score lower than men on producing high-quality work


True or false: The medium is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message

False. NOT medium BUT noise

The model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is

Fiedler's contingency model

The model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is _____.

Fiedler's contingency model

Continuous Quality Improvement, Training, and Customer Satisfaction

Focus on Total Quality Improvement (TQM) is _______, ______, and __________

Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams?

Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations

Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams?

Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations.

Which of the following is not advice from career coach Richard Knowdell for staying ahead in the workplace of tomorrow?

Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom.

Formal communication Channels

Follow the chain of command and are recongized as official.

______________ communication channels are those that follow the chain of command and are recognized as official


Vertical, Horizontal, and External

Formal Communication is at three types: _________, _________, and __________

Describe the stages of group development. For each, discuss what questions the individual asks at that stage, and what the leader should do to facilitate it.

Forming: the process of getting oriented and acquainted. People ask, "Why are we here?" Leaders should help people get to know each other. Storming: individual personalities and roles emerge, and conflict begins. People ask, "Why are we fighting over who does what and who's in charge?" Leaders should encourage people to speak out with ideas and disagreements and to work through their conflicts. Norming: conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge. People ask, "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?" Leaders should emphasize unity and help the team identify goals and values. Performing: members solve problems and complete the task. People ask, "Can we do the job properly?" Leaders should empower members. Adjourning: members prepare for disbandment. People ask, "Can we help members transition out?" Leaders can help ease the transition with rituals.

The approach that suggests that leadership behaviors varies along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational leadership is refereed to as

Full-range Leadership

___ studies reveal that visionary and inspirational charimatic leaders who are good team builders generally are most effective worldwide.

GLOBE project

Lean Medium

Garret told his sales team to send their monthly sales figures to him via email rather then calling him on the phone. Garret is inciting his preference for a __________ medium.


Genji sat through the meeting feeling convinced her team was misinterpreting recent marketing research, but she didn't say anything. The team leader, Peter, was her close friend, and she didn't want to disrupt the team since Peter perceived himself as very knowledgeable. Genji's team appears to be experiencing _____. A.) social loafing B.) norming C.) storming D.) groupthink E.) devil's advocacy


Getting others to participate in a change or decision

Coalition Trade

Getting others to persaude someone with you

Coalition Tactic

Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone is an example of persuasion by _______ tactic.

______ suggests that employees can be motivated by goals that are specific and challenging but achievable.

Goal setting theory

Tell them what youre going to say, say it, tell them what you said

Good speaking

________ is a "we feeling" that binds group members together.

Group cohesiveness

Punctioned Equilibrium

Group of ten develop through ___________, or a process of alternating periods of stable functioning and dramatic change in norms, roles, and for objectives caused by an event.

What is groupthink? Why does it occur? Describe a hypothetical situation in which it seems to be occurring. What should a manager do about it?

Groupthink is a cohesive group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives. It arises when cohesion in a group becomes too high, and it causes reduction in alternative ideas and limiting of information. Some symptoms include invulnerability, inherent morality, and stereotyping of opposition; rationalization and self-censorship; and illusion of unanimity, peer pressure, and mindguards. Managers should strive to decrease it by allowing criticism and encouraging other perspectives.

- Work Encounters - Psychological States - Core Job Characteristics

Hackman's and Oldahams Job Characteristics Model is composed of 3 major elements. Identify those elements.

The leadership model that suggests that leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers is the

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model

Teleprescent technology

High-definition video conferencing that stimulate face-to-face conversation between users

Telegraph writing with white space and



Hilary knows she needs a full-time job so she can buy groceries and clothing for her three children. Which level in Maslow's Hierarchy is Hilary doing?

Which of the following is one of the traits of a credible leader identified by Kouzes and Posner?


The leadership styles of ________ originally included supportive and achievement-oriented and two others, but was more recently revised to include a total of eight styles.

House's path-goal model

The model in which an effective leader clarifies how subordinates can achieve personal and organizational objectives and provides them support in doing so is

House's path-goal model

________ is the model in which an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so.

House's path-goal model

___________ is the model in which an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so.

House's path-goal model

____________ is the model in which an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how employees can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so.

House's path-goal model

Which of the following leadership models are categorized as situational approaches to leadership?

House's path-goal model and Fiedler's contingency model

Media Richness

How well the media conveys its message

- Transactional Leadership - Initiating structure leadership

Identify forms of task oriented leadership behaviors

- Comparison - Input - Outputs

Identify three key elements in equity theory.

Low Media Richness

Impersonal writings like reports

Which of the following statements is not true about communication in the workplace?

Improving communication can save time, but not money.

- Pay - Rewards - Praise

In Equity theory, the outputs received from an organization are?


In all but the worst weather, Beth and three coworkers met each day at 12:15 to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. This is an example of a(n) _____. A.) continuous improvement team B.) informal group C.) self-managed team D.) virtual team E.) formal group


In managing virtual workers, a manager should _____. A.) let employees work using their own expectations of how to do their jobs B.) give directions only by phone or in person C.) make sure the worker is keeping to a fixed schedule of hours D.) initiate change quickly E.) meet regularly, face-to-face


In the communication process, the ________ is the person working to share the information.


In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you _____. A.) move to a more suitable situation B.) get an assistant with the preferred orientation C.) gradually change the makeup of your employees D.) try to alter employees' personalities E.) alter your leadership style


In the leader-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as a(n) ________ exchange. A.) special B.) in-group C.) servant D.) preferred coworker E.) socialized

Which of the following is a source of conflict in the workplace?

Inconsistent goals

Which of the following is characteristic of workgroups with too little conflict?


What are the 2 factors influencing transformational leaders

Individual Characteristics Organizational Culture

4 key behaviors for Transformational leaders

Individual Consideration Idealized Influence Intellectual Stimulation Inspirational Motivation

Which of the following is true of informal groups?

Informal groups can advance or undercut the plans of formal groups.


Informal groups come together for _________?

The quote "Flattery will get you everywhere" demonstrates the effectiveness of which influence tactic?

Ingratiating tactics


Interpreting and trying to make sense of the message

Decenteralized Control

Is an approach to organizational control that is characterized by informal and organic structuralization

Strategic Control- Middle line managers

Is monitoring the performance and taking corrective measures as needed


Is transmitting the message in proper symbols


It doesnt provide enough information the reciever needs or wants


Jake is confident that if he studies hard for the next test, he'll earn a high score. In terms of motivation theory, this is an example of ______?

External Communication

Jamal Calls a supplier to check on the delivery status of an order. This is an example of ________ communication.


Jamal points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda, and should get back to the important work at hand. He is performing a ______ role. A.) social B.) relational C.) maintenance D.) task E.) production


James leads a training and development team. He expects excellence, sets challenging goals, and expresses confidence that each of them is capable of doing their part to meet and exceed the goals. According to revised path-goal theory, James is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A.) interaction facilitation B.) achievement-oriented C.) work facilitation D.) supportive E.) representation and networking


James manages his employees by carefully monitoring their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. James can best be described as a ______ leader. A.) servant B.) task-oriented C.) transformational D.) charismatic E.) relationship-oriented


Jane leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. Jane is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked questions that she couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, Jane's situational control is likely _____. A.) low B.) extremely high C.) high D.) unknown E.) moderate

Extrinsic Reward

Jane's Boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the year he gives her a bonus. In terms of the model of motivation the bonus represents an _______?

________ is likely to cause a semantic barrier to communication.


Referent Power

John's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him as a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of _______?


Keri is confident that if she exceeds her sales quota for the year, she'll be promoted to regional manager. This is an example of _______?


Kim supervises a group of customer service representatives. Kim is respected and well liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure each of them knows how to do their job well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Kim has _____. A.) low task structure B.) high expert power C.) low position power D.) high situational control E.) low leader-member relations

The ______ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates.



Lamar brought his proposal to Lindsay before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this, and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Lamar is using which influence tactic? A.) inspirational appeals B.) consultation C.) legitimating tactics D.) personal appeals E.) ingratiating tactics

Sales Commission

Laura is a real estate a sales person. When she sells a house, she earns a sale ______ equal to 6% of the sales price of the house.


Laura's manager is retiring in 6 months, and Laura really wants to be promoted to get her job. In terms of expectancy theory. Laura has a high ______ in regard to her job.

Being Inspiring and setting the tone


Being innovative


_____ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different employees.

Leader-member exchange (LMX)

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is


Transactional Leadership

Leadership style that focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance,

Transformational Leaders

Leadership style that transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests,

The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called..

Legitimate Power

Five Sources of Power

Legitimate Power, Reward Power, Coercive Power, Expert Power, & Referent Power

poower that results from managers formal positions within the organization

Legitimate power

1.) Plan 2.) Do 3.) Observe 4.) Act

List the PDCA Cycle in correct order.

Evaluation Style

Listens to the message and tries to find points to analytically challenge the speaker

Management Walking Around

Literally walks around and cuts the formal communication lines

Which of the following is NOT positively associated with transformational leadership, according to research?

Lower levels of internal competition

A manager who literally wanders around her organization and talks with people across all lines of authority is doing ________.


Cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people


Which of the following would be considered a negative interpersonal trait often found in leaders?



Making express or implied promises and trading favors

Deming management

Making organizations more responsive, more democratic, and less wasteful

Malicious Software


___ is about coping with complexity and ___ is about coping with change.

Management; leadership

Executing Plans


Planning Organizing


Putting Customer first


Coercive Power

Managers authority to punish subbordinates


Manipulating information about one's job performance


Marcel supervises a group of paralegals serving the firm's lawyers. He gets along well with his employees, and has created detailed procedures for all types of legal document they encounter. Marcel hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style here is _____. A.) task-oriented B.) relationship-oriented C.) transitional D.) consideration E.) transformational

Operational Control- First line managers

Monitor performance to make sure that day-to-day goals are achieved

Strategy to write (3)

Most important to least important, Least controversial to most controversial, Negative to positive

As the director, Reggie knew that his staff would be unhappy to hear that three divisions of the company had been sold. Reggie held a staff meeting to talk to the workers affected by the sale. He told them that their jobs would still exist and this sale would mean even bigger profits for the company in the future and more job opportunities for them. How is Reggie coping with his change?

Motivating and inspiring

Self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory


Referent Power

Obtaining compliance through charisma or personal attraction


Occurs when too much communicating happens. (checking voicemails while with people can be seen as rude)


Of the following, which is the best way for leaders to cope with change? A.) aligning people B.) engaging in virtual planning C.) watching current trends D.) optimizing technology E.) lobbying the government

Charismatic leadership

Once assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders, now considered part of transformational leadership


One of the tactics for using conflict to stimulate cultural and procedural changes in an organization is to amount _________


Organizations may apply trait theory by _____. A.) using personality assessments and management development programs B.) hiring only from top-ranked business schools C. )empowering the HR department D.) doing a job audit E.) considering the relationships among employees

According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in which of the following ways?

Organizing resouces


Other organizational communications

Successful Control

Overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches, too much control, and too little employee participation are four barriers to a _____________


Paige missed another deadline and her boss, Linda, is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Linda thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Paige about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Linda is using the ______ conflict-handling style. A.) collaborating B.) forcing C.) compromising D.) accommodating E.) avoiding

_________________ occurs when people restate, in their own words, what they have heard or read.


Which of the following managers is displaying a passive leadership style?

Parul knew her staff was having problems generating reports but didn't do anything about it until the president demanded the finished report.


Pat is something of a cheerleader around his team. He shares his vision and expresses his confidence in their ability to achieve it. He is quick to compliment and acknowledge their accomplishments, and is enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Pat is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A.) achievement-oriented B.) path-goal clarifying C.) relationship-oriented D.) value-based E.) interaction facilitation

Which of the following is a contingency approach to leadership?

Path-goal leadership model

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a pressure tactic?

Paul threatens to fire you if you don't make your sales quota at the end of the month

Two core principals of TQM

People Orientation and Improvement Orientation


People tend to defer to and respect credible experts

Social Proof

People tend to follow and lead of those more like themselves


Person wanting to share information

Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request is an example of persuasion through

Personal Appeal

________ conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.


When selecting people

Personality is more important than intelligence

Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of...

Personalized Power

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a pressure tactic?

Peter threatens to fire you if you don't make your sales quota at the end of the month

PDCA Cycle

Plan do check act cycle

Socialized power

Power directed to helping others

Referent power

Power from personal attraction- Personal background, power characteristics, attitutudes

Expert Power

Power resulting from ones expertice in an area

Legitament Power

Power that results from a higher position

Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic?


Impression Management

Process by which people attempt to control or manipulate the reactions of others to images of themselves or their ideas

Informational Area

Production Schedules, Sales forecasting, Enviormental implement statements ect.

______ is designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.

Programmed conflict

At Bremond Stafford Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse development section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group?

Project team

Lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others


A sales engineer tells a potential client, "This is a state-of-the-art technology and it will streamline your inventory process." What form of persuasion is the sales engineer using?

Rational persuasion

Frank tells his manager, "After the problems we've had with our current supplier, it just makes sense to switch to a new supplier." What form of persuasion is Frank using?

Rational persuasion


Rebecca asked Gavin, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of _____. A.) the dialectic method B.) groupthink C.) dysfunctional conflict D.) storming E.) devil's advocacy

In the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of..

Referent power

Personal Appeals

Refers to freindship or loyalty when making a request

Which of the following is not one of the stages of group and team development?



Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, Responsiveness


Reluctant or insincere agreement requiring subsequent prodding to satisfy minimum requirements


Represents the use of technology to participate in several interactions


Revised path-goal theory indicates to managers that they must consider _____. A.) hiring new employees and eliminating current ones who don't fit your leadership style B.) modifying their leadership style to fit employee and task characteristics C.) stirring up the current work environment to generate competition D.) altering their approach to that of servant leadership E.) focusing on applying relationship-oriented behaviors for workplace success

At the completion of a long project, Aileen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of.....

Reward Power

Personalized Power

Richards use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of _______?

Define a self-managed team and how its activities may differ from other teams. From what type of team did it evolve?

Self-managed teams are defined as groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains. Administrative oversight involves delegated activities such as planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing. In many places, such as the Texas Instruments electronics factory in Malaysia, the continuous improvement teams have evolved into a system made up almost entirely of self-managed teams, with routine activities formerly performed by supervisors now performed by team members.

Sarah emails Joyce to let her know about a job opening. What is Sarah's role in the communication process?


Being a leader

Setting a direction, creating alignments of people,


Side ways- Coworkers

During which step in the top down reading process does the reader look for the essence of the material in a paragraph? This is similar to the survey step in the SQ3R process.

Skim for main ideas

Perry was part of a 15-person grounds beautification committee, and among its responsibilities were monthly parking lot cleanup and weekly patio sweeping. He was a part of the committee at his boss's request but had never actually helped with anything. This is likely an example of

Social loafing

Power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself

Socialized Power

Enterprise resource planning

Software systems, information systems, for integrating virtually all aspects of businesses


Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan," is performing a ______ role. A.) coordinator B.) task C.) maintenance D.) reorientation E.) social


Stalling, unproductive arguing, or outright rejection

Periodic Random Samples

Statistical process control is a statistical technique that uses ________ from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability.

Mike complains to a coworker, "the problem with female managers s that they're just way too touchy-feely and they can't make the tough decisions." This is an example of which personal barrier to effective communication?

Stereotypes and prejudices

_________, the second stage of team development, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.



Substantial agreement followed by initiative and persistence in pursuit of common goal

Full Range Leadership

Suggests that leadership varies along a full range of leadership styles from passive (lassie-faire) to transactional leadership, to transformational leadership extremes

Consultation Influence Tactic

Susan was able to get her store to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts, on the design. This is an example of ____________.

A cross-functional team is staffed with specialists pursuing a common objective


A leader should ease the transition of an adjourning group with rituals celebrating "the end" and "new beginnings."


A maintenance role consists of behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members


A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and performance goals


A work team may be self-managed, cross-functional, virtual, or even all of these at the same time


According to research, negative conflict can have positive effects on performance


Allowing criticism of ideas helps prevent groupthink


Among the benefits of teamwork is the reduction of destructive internal competition


An example of a task role is an initiator, someone who suggests new goals or ideas


Certain kinds of conflict can be beneficial for organizations


Competition is a form of conflict


Devil's advocacy is a method used to induce programmed conflict


During the performing stage, the leader of a team should allow members the empowerment they need to work on tasks


Groupthink is a cohesive group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives


In the storming stage of group development, the leader should encourage members to work through their conflicts about tasks and goals


In the workplace, informal groups can undercut the plans of formal groups


Informal groups can be highly productive, even more so than formal groups


Larger teams are more likely than small ones to have formal and autocratic leadership


Managers can stimulate cohesiveness in teams by encouraging people to have face-to-face exchanges at work


Managers of virtual workers should arrange for them to meet regularly


Members of smaller teams tend to be more highly committed and satisfied


Norms point up the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior among group or team members


People tend to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone, a tendency known as social loafing


Performance in the workplace is maximized with a moderate level of conflict


Quality circles are now known as continuous improvement teams


The conflict-handling style of compromising is appropriate when both parties to a conflict have equal power


The process of getting oriented and getting acquainted with the group is known as the forming stage of team development


The weakness of accommodating as a method for handling conflict is that it is only a temporary fix that fails to address the underlying problem


When resources are scarce, conflict is more likely


Task and maintenance

Team roles are of two types: ____________ and ___________

Women are found to be better at

Teamwork and partnering

Why does teamwork matter? What results can it achieve?

Teamwork matters because it can support the organization's mission and strategy by enhancing performance in several ways: Increased productivity Increased speed Decreased costs Improved quality Reduced destructive conflict and competition Improved workplace cohesiveness

In the situational leadership model, as follower readiness increases from low to high, which of the following represents the order in which leaders' styles should progress?

Telling, selling, participating, delegating

Full-Range Leadership

The _______ leadership approach suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a contribution of leadership styles, from passive through transactional.

Equity Theory

The ________ Theory suggests that people compare the ration of their own outcomes to inputs against the ratio of someone else's outcome to inputs.

Financial Perspective

The __________ perspective of the balanced scorecard asks the question "How do we look to our shareholders?"


The ability to influence employees to complete goals

Decentralized Control

The approach to organizational control that is characterized by informal and organic structural arrangements designed to increase employee commitment is ________ control.

Employees should attempt to eliminate job dissatisfaction before addressing job satisfaction.

The basic Lesson of Herzberg's research is that ___________?

Physical, personal, cross-cultural, nonverbal, and gender

The basic types of barriers to communication are ________, __________, ________, ___________, and _______ differences.

Accommodating is allowing the desires of the other party to prevail. As one writer describes it, "An obliging [accommodating] person neglects his or her own concern to satisfy the concern of the other party."

The dialectic method


The extend to which people will influence eachother

Explain the conflict-handling styles a manager might adopt. Give an example of each. Under what circumstances is each style appropriate?

The five styles are: 1. Avoiding—ignoring or suppressing a conflict; appropriate when a person needs to buy time in unfolding and ambiguous situations. 2. Accommodating—allowing the other person's desires to prevail; appropriate when the issue isn't important and is simple and not getting worse. 3. Forcing—ordering or otherwise using power to get people to do it your way; appropriate when quick results are essential. 4. Compromising—splitting the difference; appropriate when both sides have opposite goals and/or possess equal power. 5. Collaborating—devising solutions that benefit both parties; appropriate for complex issues plagued by misunderstanding. The student should give an example of each style.


The general consensus among researchers is that _________ represents the ability to recognize and understand another person's feelings and thoughts.

In which of the following conditions should constructive conflict be stimulated?

The group seems to be apathetic


The idea that cheating gets you ahead. Codones the unethical treatment of people to get ahead

Beaurocratic control

The idea that control is strctured with rules, regulations and formal authority to guide performance

Personalized Power

The individuals ability to direct to at helping ones self


The leadership styles of ________ originally included supportive and achievement-oriented and two others, but was more recently revised to include a total of eight styles. A.) Greenleaf's servant leadership model B.) Fiedler's contingency model C.) leader-member exchange model D.) LMX model of leadership E.) House's path-goal model

Name at least four of the major considerations when building a group into an effective team. Briefly, describe what a manager should do in each area.

The most essential considerations in building a group into an effective team are (1) cooperation, (2) trust, and (3) cohesiveness. These are followed by (4) performance goals and feedback, (5) motivation through mutual accountability, (6) size, (7) roles, (8) norms, and (9) awareness of groupthink. Cooperation: Help employees to share knowledge and learn from one another. Trust: Through enhancing your credibility by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good business sense, you can build trust in your team members. Cohesiveness: Managers can stimulate cohesiveness by encouraging people to have face-to-face exchanges at work. Performance goals and feedback: The manager should make sure that teams have and know their purpose, and it is expressed in measurable goals and feedback. Motivation through mutual accountability: The manager encourages the team to accept responsibility through actions such as allowing the team to hire its own members. Size: Managers understand the advantages and disadvantages of small and large teams, and try to build on strengths while alleviating weaknesses. Roles: The manager should facilitate other team members in determining what their roles in the group will be. Norms: Managers can stimulate cohesiveness by allowing people on work teams to pick their own teammates, allowing off-the-job social events, and urging team members to recognize and appreciate each other's contributions to the team goal. Cohesiveness is also achieved by keeping teams small, and making sure performance standards are clear and accepted. Groupthink: The manager should allow and encourage criticism and bring other perspectives into the group.

Task Structure and Work Group Dynamics

The path goal theory of leadership identified two environmental factors that cause some leadership behaviors to be more effective than others. This is _________ and ____________

The medium

The pathway in which the message sends

Reward Power

The power managers have to praise and reward employees by influencing behaviors


The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is _____. A.) adjournment B.) empowerment C.) group cohesiveness D.) conflict E.) uncertainty


The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is _____ A.) "What's next?" B.) "How do I fit in here?" C.) "What do the others expect me to do?" D.) "What's my role here?" E.) "How can I best perform my role?"


The right to perform a command

Intrinsic Reward

The satisfaction, such as feeling of accomplishment, that a person receives from performing a task is known as _____ reward.

Contingency Approach

The situational approach to leadership is also known as the ___________ approach.


The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are _____. A.) rational persuasion, pressure tactics, and exchange B.) inspirational appeals, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics C.) inspirational appeals, rational persuasion, and consultation D.) rational persuasion, coalition tactics, and upward appeals E.) legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics

People and Improvement Orientation

The two core principles of the TQM are ________ orientation and _______ orientation.

What are the four types of work teams? Describe what each does and provide an example of each.

The types of work teams are: advice, production, project, and action. Advice teams advise managers in decision making. Examples are committees, review panels, advisory councils, employee involvement groups, and quality circles. Production teams perform day-to-day operations. Examples are mining teams, flight-attendant crews, maintenance crews, assembly teams, data processing groups, and manufacturing crews. Project teams do creative problem solving. Examples are task forces, research groups, planning teams, architect teams, engineering teams, and development teams. Action teams accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination. Examples include hospital surgery teams, airline cockpit crews, mountain-climbing expeditions, police SWAT teams, and labor contract-negotiating teams.

Behavior Modification

The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior ________?

Which of the following is a characteristic of transformational leaders?

They encourage people to do exceptional things with trust, commitment, and loyalty to produce significant results and change.

Which of the following is a characteristic of transformational leaders?

They encourage people to do exceptional things.


They key to protecting yourself against online security is called ___________

Which of the following is not a reason to enforce norms?

To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees.

Nordstrom's department store chain emphasizes the great lengths to which it goes in customer service, an example of which of these reasons to enforce norms?

To emphasize the group's important values

Special Purpose Team

To meet to solve a special or one time problem

The ________________ reading strategy has these five steps: 1. rate the reason to read 2. question and predict answers 3. survey the big picture 4. skim for main ideas 5. summarize


Morgan considers Jessica an effective leader because she is intelligent, has high energy, and portrays a self-confident nature. Morgan is characterizing Jessica based on the....

Trait approach to leadership

Five Approaches to Leadership

Trait approaches, Behavioral approaches, Situational approaches, Transformational leadership approach, Leader-member exchange E-Leader, Followers


Transfer of information to one person to the next

Female leaders which leadership more



Transformational leaders have. It is a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support. Inspires a goal.

Individualized Considerations

Transformational leadership encourages their employees to grow


Transformational leadership is positively associated with all the following except _____. A.) less commitment to organizational change B.) measures of organizational effectiveness C.) measures of leadership effectiveness and employee job satisfaction D.) higher levels of intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, and work engagement E.) more employee identification with their leaders and with their immediate work groups

Intellectual Stimulation

Transformational leadership uses SWOT analysis to give employees a new sense of purpose and unition

Transformational leadership

Transforms employees to persue organizational goals over self-interests Exceptional things- Can change an organization.

Disconcerning Style

Tries to determine the SPEAKERS main message

T/F: Conflict is a perfectly normal state of affairs.


T/F: Devil's advocacy and the dialectic method are forms of programmed conflict designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.


T/F: Openness, equality, empathy, supportiveness, and positiveness are behaviors that enable you to work on disagreements and keep them from flaring into out-of-control personality conflicts.


T/F: Personality conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles.


T/F: Personality conflicts often begin with instances of workplace incivility, or employees' lack of regard for each other which, if not curtailed, can diminish job satisfaction and organizational loyalty.


T/F: Since so many people approach compromise situations with a win-lose attitude, they may be disappointed and feel cheated.


T/F: Stereotyping the opposition, rationalization, and peer pressure are symptoms of groupthink.


T/F: Teams with nine or fewer members have better interaction and morale, yet they also have fewer resources, are possibly less innovative, and may have work unevenly distributed among members.


T/F: The Abilene paradox is the tendency of people to go along with others for the sake of avoiding conflict.


Which of the following is considered one of the most essential considerations in building a group into an effective team?


________ is defined as reciprocal faith in others' intentions and behaviors.


Transactional leadership

Try to get employees to do ordinary things

Inspirational Appeals

Trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others ideas, emotions or values

Rational Persuasion

Trying to persuade someone using rationalization

Negative Reinforcement

Turning in your monthly expense repetition time so that your supervisor won't nag you is an example of ______?

Which of the following is a behavioral leadership approach?

University of Michigan leadership model

The model that identifies leadership behavior as either "initiating structure" or "consideration" is the ___ model.

University of Ohio leadership

Why aren't women on top:

Unwillingness to compete of sacrifice, Modesty (more modest than others), Lack of Mentors, Start out lower and have a likeliness to quit

Brad sends an email to his boss, asking for permission to attend a training seminar in Houston. This is an example of _______________ communication

Upward (which is one way of vertically communicating)


Upward and downward- Subordinates and bosses


Using a rich medium for routine things- Will over load employees

Pressure tactics

Using demands, threats or intimidation to gain compliance

Charlie complains to a coworker, "Chris has lied to us so many times about how he's going to try to get us a raise that I don't believe a thing he says anymore." Which personal barrier to effective communcation does this best describe?

Variations in trustworthiness and credibility

Which of the following is a manifestation of excessive conflict in the workplace?


Financial area

What are obligations of money that need to be paid, like payroll

1. Content 2. Process 3. Reinforcement 4. Job Design

What are the Top four perspectives on leading theory?

1.) Forming 2.) Storming 3.) Norming 4.) Performing 5.) Adjourning

What are the five stages of group and team development?

1.) Establish Standards 2.) Measure Performance 3.) Compare Performance to Standards 4.) Take corrective action, if necessary

What are the steps of control process from top to bottom?

1.) Unfilled Need 2.) Motivation 3.) Behaviors 4.) Rewards 5.) Feedback

What are the steps of the model of motivation?

The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is

What do the others expect me to do

The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is

What do the others expect me to do?

Fitting Jobs to People

What is the Modern Way of the designing Jobs?


When employees gossip. Unofficial communication system. "employee language" Faster than formal channels, 75% accurate, usually occurs when a threat to the organization is involved

Bureaucratic Control

When managers control employees behavior by use of rules, regulations, and formal authority they are exercising __________ control.

The Managerial Grid

When supervisors help employees see their work as meaningful, give them the resources they need to get the job done, and express appreciation for their accomplishments, the supervisors are contributing to positive results at the same time they are making employees feel satisfied.


When trust is laking between two people communicating with each other, the individual tend to become __________ rather than focus on the meaning of the message.

Efficient Communicator

When you can transmit your message at least one time

Effective Communicator

When your message is accurately understood

Middle Managers

Which level of management is typically, responsible for tactical control?

- Working Conditions - Interpersonal Relationships - Pay and Security

Which of he following would be characterized as hygiene factors in Herzberg's two-factor Theory?

- Hierarchy of Needs Theory - Acquired Needs Theory - Self-Determination Theory - Two-Factor Theory

Which of the following Theories Motivation would be characterized as Content Perspectives?

- Can meet just once or for many years - Task or problem oriented - Can meet virtually or face to face

Which of the following apply to a project team?

- Combating Groupthink - Creating new ideas - Spurring competition among employees

Which of the following are benefits of constructive Conflict?

- Remembering not every topic belongs in email - Reduce unnecessary emails that you receive - Treat all emails as confidential

Which of the following are good tips for handling communication?

- Meaningfulness of work - Knowledgable of actions results of work - Responsibility for work outcomes

Which of the following are three critical psychological states identified by the job, characteristic model?

- They exert a powerful influence on group behavior - They are typically unwritten

Which of the following are true statements about norms?

Personal Barriers, Physical Barriers, and Cross-Cultural Barriers

Which of the following are types of barriers to communication?

- Hiring temporary or contingent workers - An organized competition where teams volunteer to solve a problem by a deadline with a cash prize

Which of the following are uses of crowdsourcing that have been shown to be successful?

ISO 9000

Which of the following consists of Quality-Control Procedures Companies must install in all facets of their operations that can be audited by independent quality-control experts.

Using organizational norms to influence performance

Which of the following describes the cultural area of control?

The Characteristic Model

Which of the following identifies factors that affect the psychological states of an employee and work outcomes?

Enterprise Resource Planning Software Systems

Which of the following increases productivity by using information systems to integrate virtually all aspects of a business?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of smaller groups? A.) lower morale B.) unfair work distribution C.) tendency to form cliques D.) tendency to take unreasonable risk E.) autocratic leadership


Which of the following is a manifestation of excessive conflict in the workplace? A.) missed deadlines B.) lack of creativity C.) violence and workplace aggression D.) apathy E.) indecision

- Monitoring the use of the Conference Room

Which of the following is a physical area of control?


Which of the following is a source of intergroup conflict in the workplace? A.) too many resources B.) inconsistent goals or reward systems C.) strict job boundaries D.) excessive communication E.) lack of diversity


Which of the following is an advantage of larger groups? A.) less social loafing B.) ability to take advantage of division of labor and more resources C.) higher morale D.) greater boldness E.) more effective interaction

Leaning Backwards

Which of the following is an example of an "open" body position?

Production Schedules

Which of the following is an example of the informational area of control?


Which of the following is an important aspect when creating a self-managed team? A.) Require participation to be outside normal working hours. B.) Require voluntary-only membership. C.) Lessen the authority and autonomy that is granted. D.) Use some form of team compensation. E.) Allow workers to simply do their own thing.


Which of the following is not a benefit of teamwork in an organization? A.) reduced destructive internal competition B.) reduced costs C.) increased stress D.) increased speed E.) improved workplace cohesiveness


Which of the following is not a disadvantage of larger groups? A.) less satisfaction B.) more turnover C.) more division of labor D.) more absenteeism E.) less commitment


Which of the following is not a factor to help achieve team cohesiveness? A.) Give each member a stake in the team's success, or a "piece of the action." B.) Encourage members' interaction and cooperation. C.) Ensure performance standards are clear, and regularly update members on team goals. D.) Emphasize members' common characteristics. E.) Assign a large team of 16 to 20.


Which of the following is not a reason to enforce norms? A.) to help individuals avoid embarrassing situations B.) to create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees C.) to emphasize the group's important values D.) to clarify role expectations E.) to help the group survive


Which of the following is not an employee characteristic of relevance in path-goal theory? A.) position power B.) locus of control C.) need for achievement D.) task ability E.) experience


Which of the following is not considered a "hard" Influence tactic?

Coalition Tactic

Which of the following is not considered a "soft" Tactic


Which of the following is not considered an essential consideration in building a group into an effective team? A.) trust B.) size C.) cohesiveness D.) unanimity E.) cooperation


Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams? A.) Utilize employees on a global team around the clock. B.) Require each team member to keep his or her own personal record of the work that's been done as a team. C.) Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations. D.) Because you don't have face-to-face contact, relay instructions via phone. E.) When beginning with a virtual team, set the final deadline and reprimand any virtual team members who don't make the deadline.

Initiating Structure

Which of the following leadership behaviors would be considered task oriented and aimed at maximizing output?

It identifies Standards for Environmental Performance

Which of the following statements are accurate concerning the ISO 14000 Series?

- Equity Theory - Expectancy Theory - Goal-Setting Theory

Which of the following theories of motivation are characterized as process perspectives on motivation?

- Servant Leadership - Ethical Leadership - Empowering Leadership - Consideration Behavior

Which of the following would deb categorized as relationship oriented leaders?

Certified Public Accountants

Which of the following would deb responsible for an external audit of a firms financial accounts?


Who are typical members of continuous improvement teams? A.) managers and agents representing competitors B.) customers and suppliers C.) volunteers or workers and supervisors D.) managers and outside suppliers E.) contractors and vendors


Whom the message is intended for

The question the group is asking during the forming stage of group development is

Why are we here?

Stock Options

With ________, certain employees are given the right to buy stock at a future date for a discounted price.


Within the first stage of team development, called _________, members get oriented and acquainted with each other.

Describe the relationship between the amount of conflict and performance. With what level of conflict is performance maximized?

Work groups, departments, or organizations that experience too little conflict tend to be plagued by apathy, lack of creativity, indecision, and missed deadlines. The result is that organizational performance suffers. Excessive conflict, on the other hand, can erode organizational performance because of political infighting, dissatisfaction, lack of teamwork, and turnover. Workplace aggression and violence are manifestations of excessive conflict. Thus, it seems that a moderate level of conflict can induce creativity and initiative, thereby raising performance, as shown in the diagram below (see Figure 13.2). As might be expected, however, the idea as to what constitutes "moderate" will vary among managers.


Workplace performance is maximized when _____. A.) conflict is at a very low level B.) conflict is absent C.) conflict is at a moderate level D.) conflict occurs only at nonmanagerial levels E.) conflict is at a high level


______ have a global mind-set that recognizes that the Internet is opening new markets and recharging existing ones. A.) Situational leaders B.) Transactional leaders C.) Servant leaders D.) Shared leaders E.) E-leaders

Downward Communication

________ communication flows from a high level to a lower level in the organization, as when a manager communicates with his subordinates.

Programmed Conflict

__________ conflict is designed to elicit opinions without inciting people's personal feelings.


___________ is the means by which a communicator sends a message.

Customer Perspective Approach

___________________ on the balanced Scorecard approach focuses on the analysis of different types of customers, their level of satisfaction, and the process used to deliver products and services to customers.

laissez-faire leadership

a form of "leadership" characterized by a general failure to take responsibility for leading

Democratic leadership

a leadership style in which the leader allows subordinates to participate in decision making and problem solving

Laissez-faire leadership

a leadership style in which the leader is uninvolved and lets subordinates direct themselves.

Authoritarian leadership

a leadership style in which the leader retains a great deal of authority

A person's characteristic speaking patterns, such as the use of pacing, pausing, questions, and stories, is known as ________.

a linguistics style

Sense of responsibility

a person who is promoted to a supervisory position is given responsibility for the work of others as well as for his or her own performance.

Hannah is on a team with Carson, and they are often in conflict. Hannah likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Carson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their team conflict most likely stems from

a personality clash

Groups that make it through storming generally do so because _____.

a respected member other than the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles

For a manager, building an effective team requires work, but the payoff is _____.

a stronger, better-performing work unit

Which of the following is not an example of noise in the communication process in a typical classroom?

a student answering a professor's question


a supervisor who believes in his or her ability to get the job done will convey confidence to employeers

Which of the following is an advantage of larger groups?

ability to take advantage of division of labor and more resources

Larry proposed the purchase of a new Epson copier to his boss. Amir said that he has always used and liked Xerox copiers, but when he thinks about it later, he realizes he does not really feel strongly about the brand of copy machine used in the office. Amir should probably adopt a(n) ______ conflict-handling style when trying to resolve this matter with Larry.


The conflict-handling style in which a person allows the desires of another to prevail is known as


The conflict-handling style in which a person neglects their own concerns and allows the concerns of another to prevail is known as ________.


Travis proposed the purchase of a new Minolta copier to his boss. Amir said that he has always used and liked Xerox copiers, but when he thinks about it later he realizes he does not really feel strongly about it. Amir should adopt a(n) ______ conflict-handling style.


The conflict-handling style in which a person allows the desires of another to prevail is known as


Michael runs a research and development department. He gets a lot out of his employees by setting lofty goals and expressing his belief that each of them is capable of doing his or her part. He expects their best work. According to revised path-goal theory, Michael is using a(n) ______ leadership style.

achievement oriented

James leads a training and development team. He expects excellence, sets challenging goals, and expresses confidence that each of them is capable of doing their part to meet and exceed the goals. According to revised path-goal theory, James is using a(n) ______ leadership style.


ingratiating tactics

acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request

A work team that works to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination is called a(n)

action team

A work team that works to accomplish tasks that require people with specialized training and a high degree of coordination is called a(n) _____.

action team

The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is know as _________________ listening


the process of actively decoding and interpreting berbal messages is known as _____ listening


The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is known as ____________ ___________________

active listening

organizational culture

adaptive, flexible organizational cultures are more likely than are rigid, bureaucratic cultures to foster transformational leadership

The final stage of group and team development is known as _____.


Self-managed teams are groups of workers who have been given ______ for their task domains.

administrative oversight

Of the following, which is the best way for leaders to cope with change?

aligning people

reward power

all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates

legitimate power

all managers have, is power that results from managers' formal positions within the organization

coercive power

all managers have, results from managers' authority to punish their subordinates

When using a self-managed team, a manager should

allow members to hire their own coworkers

During the forming stage, the leader should

allow people to socialize

During the forming stage of a group or team, the leader should

allow people to socialize and become acquainted

Which of the following is most likely to be considered an action team?

an airline cockpit crew

Trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values is called _____

an inspirational appeal

Teleworking has been adopted to replace the term telecommuting because it represents the idea of working from


Which of the following is not one of the five sources of power?


Listening for amusement or pleasure is what style of listening?

appreciative style

listening for amusement or pleasure

appreciative style

behavioral leadership approaches

attempt to determine the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders

trait approaches to leadership

attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders

___ is the right to perform or command; this right comes with the supervisor's job


_______ is the right to perform or command this right comes with the supervisors job


Paige missed another deadline and her boss, Linda, is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Linda thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Paige about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Linda is using the ______ conflict-handling style.


Rachel missed another deadline and her boss Keri is very upset. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Keri thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Rachel about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Keri is using the ______ conflict-handling style.


When issues causing conflict are trivial, or when emotions are high and cooling off would be helpful, which conflict-handling style is preferable?


__________ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different employees. a) Trait b) Leader-member exchange (LMX) c) Transactional d) Servant e) Contingency

b) Leader-member exchange (LMX)

legitimating tactics

basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors

Legitimating tactics

basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors.

In order to be effective, a person employing influence tactics should do which of the following?

be subtle, be authentic, consult rather legitimate, and relay on the core

Conrad and his wife Olivia are both managers at different companies. While Conrad prefers to allow his team to make decisions and come up with the process to get something done, Olivia prefers to tell her staff how to approach a project and who should be responsible for what. Each has a unique style and both are effective. This demonstrates the ________________ leadership approach.


The ___ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.


______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders


the _______ approach to leadership attempts to determine the combination of traits skills and behaviors that effective leaders use when interacting with others


Which of the following are characteristics of being a leader, rather than a manager?

being a visionary, inspiring others, and providing emotional support

To prevent groupthink, a manager should

bring in outside experts for fresh perspectives

________ is about coping wit complexity and ______ is about coping with change. a) Perception; attitude b) Attitude; perception c) Management; leadership d) Leadership; management e0 Middle mangement; top management

c) Management; leadership


can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within a group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology


can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology.1

By setting a direction, aligning people, and being motivated and inspirational, leadership cops with _____


From the University of Michigan and Ohio State studies, one management expert concluded that effective leaders tend to do all of the following except which?

change leadership styles according to the situation


characterized by lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior, and a dearth of remorse when the psychopath's actions harm others

Kendra is the type of transformational leader who provides motivation by offering a vision that inspires and energizes her staff. Kendra is an example of a ____ leader.


A leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support is demonstrating ________________.


A leader who displays an interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support is demonstrating..


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support is known as _____


Maneka is on a team with Larson, and they are often in conflict. Maneka likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Larson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their team conflict most likely stems from _____.

clash of personality

Maneka is on a team with Larson, and they are often in conflict. Maneka likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Larson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their conflict most likely stems from

clash of personality, values, and attitudes

Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone is an example of persuasion by ______________ tactics.


Which of the following is NOT considered a "soft" influence tactic?


A manager who tells his subordinate, "do it or else pay the consequences" is demonstrating ___ power


Amber docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work for the second time in a week. Amber is demonstrating ___ power


Karl was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his poor service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ______ power.


Karl was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his poor service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ________ power.


Managers use ___ power to punish their subordinates through verbal or written reprimands, fines, or sometimes in extreme situations terminations.


Steve docks an employee's pay when he comes in late for work the second time in a week. Steve is demonstrating ______________ power.


Trey was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ___ power.


managers use _____ power to punish their subordinates through verbal or written reprimands, fines, or sometimes in extreme situations terminations


managers use _______ power to punish their subordinates through verbal or written reprimands, fines, or sometimes in extreme situations terminations


power that results from managers authority to punish subordinates

coercive power

The disadvantage of the ______ conflict-handling style is that it is very time-consuming.


A servant leader would display which of the following characteristics?

commitment to the growth of people and focus on listening

According to Frederick Smith, chairman and CEO of FedEx, the primary task of leadership is to

communicate the vision and values of an organization.

The transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as


the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as ______


the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another is known as _______________________.


According to Kotter, management and leadership are considered to be _____.

complementary to each other

According to Kotter, management and leadership are considered to be

complementary to each other.

Trying to determine the rationale of the speaker's argument is what style of listening?

comprehensive style

trying to determine the rationale of the speakers argument

comprehensive style

In the performing stage of group development, members

concentrate on solving problems

In the performing stage of group development, members _____.

concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks

In the performing stage of group development, members ________.

concentrate on solving problems and completing tasks

Which of the skills an exceptional manager needs would be most important to Target's endeavors to combat showrooming?


Toyota's automobile recall problems may have been rooted in the difference between Japanese and American attitudes about


Workplace performance is maximized when _____.

conflict is at a moderate level

_____ is leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust


_______________ is leader behavior that is focused primarily on group members' needs and desires and directed at creating mutual respect or trust.


what would be categorized as relationship oriented behaviors

consideration empowering leadership servant leadership

Teams at Whole Foods Market ultimately compete against other teams and themselves as one method to improve performance. Which of the following is a likely outcome of this competition?

constructive conflict

Lamar brought his proposal to Lindsay before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Lamar is using which influence tactic?


The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is _____.


Brent brough his proposal to Allison even before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Brent is using which influence tactic?


Getting others to participate in a decision or change is an example of using which of the following persuasion tactics?


Lamar brought his proposal to Lindsay before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Lamar is using which influence tactic?


Lamar brought his proposal to Lindsay before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this, and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Lamar is using which influence tactic?


Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on design. This is an example of the ___ influence tactic


Susan was able to get Steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design. This is an example of the __________________ influence tactic.


The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is


The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is _____


susan was able to get steve to work with her in making decisions about how the new office should look by asking him for his thoughts on the design this is an example of the _____ influence tactic


The _______________ approach to leadership asserts that a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation at hand.


The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the __ approach.


The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach.


The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ________ approach


fiedlers _______ leadership model is determined by whether a leaders style is task oriented or relationship oriented , and if that style is effective for the situation at hand


the approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach


the situational approach to leadership is also known as the ________ approach


The district manager of a national fast-food restaurant watches the sales reports for each restaurant daily to compare actual sales with projected sales goals, and then takes corrective action if needed. In which part of the management process is she participating?


Which of the management functions identified in the text is most related to the issue of showrooming as was described in the case?


what is considered an essential consideration, in building a group into an effective team

cooperation, cohesiveness, trust, and size


create and articulate that vision and plan. The table Below summarizes key characteristics of each

A team composed of people from different departments who are pursuing a common objective is called a

cross-functional team

A team composed of people from different departments who are pursuing a common objective is called a ________.

cross-functional team


cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people

As a store manager, Liandra has to play the role of negotiator, such as purchasing products at a fair price for her company. As she handles this responsibility, Liandra is playing the ____ role.


Interpreting and trying to make sense of the message is called ___________


_____ is interpreting and trying to make sense of the message


When trust is lacking between two people communicating with each other, the individuals tend to become _______________ rather than focus on the meaning of the message.


managerial leadership

defined as "the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.

When using a self-managed team, a manager should

delegate administrative oversight of work scheduling and customer interaction

what discribes attitudes preferences and expectations of the millenials

desire for flexible work arrangements work that personally fulfilling thirst for quick fixes and instant gratification

Which of the following is not a norm of the Millennial generation?

desire to accept facts and authority at face value

contingency leadership model

determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand

contingency leadership model

determines if a leader's style is (1) task-oriented or (2) relationship-oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand.

Becca asked Kevin, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of

devil's advocacy

Rebecca asked Gavin, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of

devil's advocacy

Rebecca asked Gavin, one of her team members, to purposefully think of and voice criticisms as the group discussed a popular idea to open a branch office in another state. This is an example of the use of _____.

devil's advocacy

trying to determine the speakers main message and important points

discerning style


displays a clinical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles


displays a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles.

The vice president of human resources for a national electronics retailer is meeting with employees of several stores to present information to workers that their stores are closing and how the company will help employees in the future. Here, the vice president of HR is playing a(n) _______ role.



do planning, organizing, directing, and control. Leaders inspire, encourage, and rally others to achieve great goals. Managers implement a company's vision and strategic plan.

The chancellor of university sent a memo to the faculty, advising them that governor would be speaking at the university and encouraging them to attend. This is an example of ________________ communication.


The dean at Corbin Business College disseminated a new five-year strategic plan to department chairs. This is an example of ________.

downward communication

leadership within the context of electronic technology such as e commerce and e business is known as

e - leadership

An _____________ communicator transmits his/her message accurately in the least time


An _____________ communicator transmits his/her message accurately in the least time.


Teresa, a restaurant general manager, carefully watches her restaurant costs by reusing some items that in the past were immediately thrown away. Teresa is an example of a(n) _____ manager.


a person is a _____ communicator when s/he transmits the message accurately in the least time whereas an _____ communicators intended message is accurately understood by the recipient

efficient; effective

Soft skills refer to the use of ________________ in communication


Focusing on the speaker's feelings is what style of listening?

empathic style

focusing on the speakers feelings

empathic style

leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership

emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership

emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates.

According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following?

employee characteristics and environmental factors

psychological empowerment

employees' belief that they have control over their work

_______ leadership represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment


Lee worked on a global team for an American company, and all her work had to be completed in her second language, English. Sometimes her teammates misinterpreted her meaning. This is an example of a(n) ________ barrier to communication.


Translating a message into understandable symbols or language for transmission is known as


in the communication process translating a message into understandable symbols or language is referred to as


task-oriented leadership behaviors

ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization

Which of the following would be categorized as relationship-oriented behaviors?

ethical leadership, servant leadership, empowering leadership, and consideration behavior

listening analytically while formulating challenges to the speakers points

evaluative style

Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable client's portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, he owed him a favor. This is an example of the _______________ influence tactic.


Connor wanted to help Chris with a new, potentially profitable client's portfolio. Connor reminded Chris that since he was instrumental in getting Chris hired, ho owed him a favor. This is an example of the ____ influence tactic


connor wated to help chris with a new potentially profitable clients portfolio . connor reminded chris that since he was instrumental in getting chris hired he owed him a favor. this is an example of the _______ influence tactic


According to research findings, followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of which of the following?

excitement, significance, and community

Medical knowledge possessed by doctors results in their ______ power.


Trina is the "go-to gal" when anyone in the office has problems with computers. She knows more about the system than anyone else, and no matter what the problem is, she can fix it. Trina has ______ power.


Trina is the "go-to gal" when anyone in the office has problems with the computer system. She knows more about the system than anyone else, and no matter what the problem is, she can fix it. Trina has ______________ power.


___ power results from one's specialized information or expertise


______ power results from one's specialized knowledge


______ power results from one's specialized knowledge.


power that results from ones specialized influence or expertise

expert power

Bonita apologized to one of her subordinates for an email for an email that upset him. She told him she may have chosen an unfortunate way of stating her idea, and that she'd be happy to talk it through with him. Bonita is

expressing consideration behavior

Regina apologized to Clay for an e-mail that upset him. She said she had chosen an inconsiderate way of stating her idea, and that she'd be happy to discuss it further. Regina is _____.

expressing consideration behavior

Bob sends info about his company's new product line to a potential customer. this is an example of ________ communication


Bob sends information about his company's new product line to a potential customer. This is an example of _____________ communication


Tamika emails a supplier, asking for a price on a product. Which type of formal communication is this?


tamika emails a supplier asking for a price on a product


tamika emails a supplier, asking for a price on a product (vertical, horizontal, external)


At the end of the fiscal year, Dilinger Investments releases an earnings report to clients. This is an example of communicating ________.


media richness highest first

face to face video conferencing telephone personal written media (email texts memos letters) impersonal written media

Managerial leadership is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of _____.

facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives

A possible explanation for the limited number of women holding executive leadership positions is that women typically do not aspire to be CEOs.


Authority is the extent to which a person is able to influence others so they respond to orders.


Carlos is a manager who has poor leader-member relations with his employees who perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks. He should use a task-motivated leadership style.


Fiedler's contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be determined by position power only.


Narcissism is a key positive leadership trait.


Narcissism is a view manifested in such expressions as "All people lie to get what they want" and "You have to cheat to get ahead."


Personalized power is directed at helping others.


Socialized power occurs when power is directed at helping oneself as a way of enhancing one's own selfish ends.


The primary purpose of relationship-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.


True or false: House's revised path-goal theory has been tested enough to verify its overall conclusions.


True or false: effective listening is an innate skill; it cannot be learned


True or false: writing is not important for a career in management


true or false telepresence technology is the same as traditional videoconferencing


what are personal barriers to effective communication

faulty listening skills stereotypes and prejudices oversized egos

Samantha sent an email to Joyce letting her know about a job opening. Joyce quickly responded with an email, thanking Samantha. Joyce's email is an example of _____________


Samantha sent an email to joyce, letting her know about a job opening. joyce quickly responded with an email, thanking samantha. joyce's email is an example of __________.


the expression of the receivers reaction to the senders message is known as _________


the model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is ______

fiedlers contingency model

strategies of effective listening

focus on the content of the message ask questions to make sure you understand mentally summarize the speakers remarks

servant leadership

focuses on providing increased service to others- meeting the goals of both followers and the organization- rather than to oneself

Servant leadership

focuses on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to oneself.

Task-oriented leader

focuses on the jobs to be done and the goals to be accomplished

transactional leadership

focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance

empathic style

focusing on the speaker's feelings

Leaders especially want ________ who are productive, reliable, honest, cooperative, proactive, and flexible.


leaders especially want ______ who are productive, reliable, honest, cooperative, proactive, and flexible


Malia told her team that she is moving forward with a change to the bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members. Malia is using the ______ conflict-handling style.


Sharon told her team that she is moving forward with a change to the bonus structure, despite vocal objections from several team members. Sharon is using the ______ conflict-handling style.

forcing or dominating


form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support

________________ communication channels are those that follow the chain of command and are recognized as officials.


jackson sends a memo to his staff announcing a project review meeting to be held the next day This is an example of _____ communication


A committee investigating the impacts of health care reform on the organization is an example of a(n) _____.

formal group

A group that is created to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader is called a(n)

formal group

Jane organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n)

formal group

Molly organized several teachers to discuss the school's interior painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n) ________.

formal group

the approach that suggests that leadership behaviors varies along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through trasactional to transformational leadership is referred to as ______ leadership

full range

The ____ leadership approach asserts that leadership behavior varies across a wide number of leadership styles, ranging from take-no-responsibility leadership to transformational leadership


The _______________ leadership approach suggests that leadership behaviors vary along a continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational.


The approach that suggests that leadership behaviors varies along continuum of leadership styles, from passive through transactional to transformational leadership is referred to as ___ leadership.


Donna, vice president of finance, and Bob, vice president of human resources, are

functional managers

Rena, a marketing manager, uses a sports car metaphor to explain a concept to her male counterpart in finance. She is said to be ________.


social media are internet based and mobile technologies used to _______

generate interactive dialogue with members of a network


getting others to participate in a decision or change

coalition tactics

getting others to support your effort to persuade someone

The __________ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, often a network of gossip and rumor.


The _________________ is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, often a network of gossip and rumor.


the _____ the unofficial communication system of the informal organization often a network of gossip and rumer


Gossip and rumor in an organization are part of the ________, which itself is a type of ________ communication channel.

grapevine; informal

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity are called a ________.


The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is

group cohesiveness

The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is ________.

group cohesiveness

the leader poses problems rather than solutions and encourages members to participate in decision making

group oriented decision making

Dave sat through the meeting feeling convinced his team was misinterpreting recent marketing research, but he didn't say anything. The team leader was a close friend. Plus, he didn't want to disrupt the team since he perceived himself to be the only one with reservations. Dave's team appears to be experiencing


Peer pressure, which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent, is a symptom of


Peer pressure, which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent, is a symptom of _____.


when member of a group are friendly and tight-knit, but unable to disagree enough to properly appraise alternatives, they are said to be experiencing?


Jerald led a team that has just finished up a very challenging research project that will assist management in developing long-range plans. Despite the stress of the past few months, most participants seem sad it's over. Now Jerald should

have an awards ceremony


having "a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

Trina never disagrees with what her manager asks her to do on a project even if she thinks there is a better way to do the job. Which type of follower does Trina represent?


Since hard feelings about group leadership and assignments had passed, Robin's group recently seemed to be relating much better. At the meeting tomorrow she should take advantage of this moment by _____.

helping the team identify goals and values

Since hard feelings about group leadership and assignments had passed, Elena's group recently seemed to be relating much better. At the meeting tomorrow she should take advantage of this moment by

helping the team identify group goals and values

Kim supervises a group of customer service representatives. Kim is respected and well liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure each of them knows how to do their job well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Kim has _____.

high situational control

Viviana supervises a group of customer service representatives. Viviana is respected and well-liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure all of them know how to do the job very well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Viviana has

high situational control

task oriented leadership works best in which of the following situations

high-control or low control

Alexis sends a text message to her coworker, asking her to verify the time of a meeting with a client. This is an example of _____________ communication.


Suzie sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shift. Which type of formal communication is this?


suzie sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shift (vertical, horizontal, external)


suzle sends an email to a coworker, asking if she could cover her shift


Donna, the office manager, spends a large part of her day working closely with those whom she supervises to successfully accomplish the many tasks she is responsible for. She also works well with other departments to get things done. Which type of managerial skill is Donna exhibiting?


A relatively stable trait that is grounded in the belief that something greater than the self exists is called ________________.


Leader inspires trust in followers through their consistency and persistence in the pursuit of organizational goals

idealized influence

Thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to obtain cash or make purchases. This is known as

identity theft

thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to obtain cash or make purchases. THis is known as _______ ________

identity theft

Administrative oversight given to self-managed teams does not include

implementing change

When Cisco Systems told executives they would gain or lose 30 percent of their bonuses based on how well they worked with peers, and in three years had record profits, the company

improved workplace cohesiveness

Better to do small

improvements at a time

within the LMX model of leadership _____ exchange refers to the relationship between leader and follower and is viewed as a partnership characterized by such aspects as mutual trust and a common fate

in group

In the leader-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as a(n) ________ exchange.


In the leadership-member exchange model, the relationship between leader and follower that is characterized by mutual trust, respect, and liking is known as

in-group exchange

Which of the following is a source of intergroup conflict in the workplace?

inconsistent goals or reward systems

Which of the following is not a benefit of teamwork in an organization?

increased stress

what influences transformational leaders

individual characteristics organizational culture

Which of the following are key behaviors for transformational leaders?

individual consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and intellectual stimulation

leader encourages subordinates to grow through mentoring additional responsibility and empowerment

individualized consideration

Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others are known as _______________ tactics.


Leadership is the ability to ___ employees to pursue organizational goals.


Leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals.


Leadership is the ability to ________ employees to pursue organizational goals.


leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals


______ communication channels do not follow the chain of command and develop outside the formal structure of the organization


acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or feel important before making a request is an example of what kind of influence tactic


Samantha congratulated Eric on his recent promotion and told him he was among the best and brightest employees the firm had. She then asked for his help on her projects. Which influence tactic did Samantha use?


Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as

ingratiating tactics

Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as _____.

ingratiating tactics

Which of the following is considered a "soft" tactic used to influence others?

ingratiating tactics

acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as ______

ingratiating tactics

The quote "Flattery will get you everywhere" demonstrates the effectiveness of which influence tactic?


A manager who exhibits ______ behavior will pay more attention to production costs than employee morale

initiating structure

Which of the following leadership behaviors would be considered task-oriented and aimed at maximizing output?

initiating structure

Increasing employee psychological empowerment requires four kinds of behaviors, including all of the following except _____.


President Obama's famous quote, "We are the change that we seek" BEST demonstrates which persuasion tactic?

inspirational appeal

president obamas famous quote we are the change that we seek beset demonstrates which persuasion tactic

inspirational appeal

leader shares a vision for the organization that unleashes human potential

inspirational motivation

leader enables subordinates to question the status quo seek creative solutions and accept organizational challenges as their own

intellectual stimulation

the leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relationships

interaction facilitation

House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster

intrinsic motivation

House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster _____.

intrinsic motivation through empowerment

Supportive behavior

involves recognizing that above all, followers are human beings

Particpative behavior

involves seeking input from followers about methods for improving business operations

Achievement behavior

involves setting a challenging goal for a follower to meet, and expressing confidence that the follower can meet this challenge

Directive behavior

involves telling followers what to do and how they are to do it

passive leadership

is a form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills

Passive leadership

is a form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills.


is defined as having "a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory.

Tim leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. Tim is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked him questions he couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, Tim's situational control likely

is low

Relationship-oriented leadership

is primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people.


is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.

task-oriented leadership behaviors

is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

Which of the following are among the implications of transformational leadership for managers?

it requires ethical leadership, it can improve results for both individuals and groups, and it can be used to train employees at any level

During the first staff meeting after Black joined the company, he was completely confused by his coworker's repeated references. Black experienced which barrier to communication?


Erdem manages his employees through a careful monitoring of their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. Erdem can best be described as a ___ leader.


In the University of Michigan studies, leadership style is identified as

job-centered or employee-centered


lack of concern for others, impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others

A "hands-off" leadership style in which the leader allows subordinates to make decisions and gives them the least possible guidance is known as _________________ leadership.


According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other


According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other.


according to the concept of full-range leadership, leadey rship behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other



leader behavior that is concerned with group members' needs and desires and that is directed at creating mutual respect or trust

initiating-structure leadership

leader behavior that organizes and defines- that is, "initiates the structure for"- what employees should be doing to maximize output

which leadership model examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates

leader member exchange model

according to fiedlers contingency leadership model which component is situational control is deemed as most important

leader member relations

the extent to which a leader has or lacks the support, loyalty and trust of the work group

leader member relations

______ model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different employees.

leader-member exchange (LMX)

Which leadership model examines the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates and suggests that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates?

leader-member exchange model

"Do my subordinates accept me as a leader?" This question reflects which of the following dimensions of situational control?

leader-member relations

Within situational control, the extent to which a manager has or does not have the support, loyalty, and trust of the work group is known as ______________.

leader-member relations

____ create and implement an organizations vision and strategic plan whereas ____ implement that vision and plan

leaders managers

Which of the following are implications that are offered by House's revised path-goal theory?

leaders should help employees to achieve their goals by helping to clarify the path to those goals and removing obstacles to achieving them, leaders should modify their style so as to fit the employee characteristics and situational factors in the leadership situation, and effective leaders will possess and likely use more than one style of leadership

____ create and express and organization's vision and strategic plan, whereas ____ implement that vision and plan

leaders; managers

The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is know as ________


The ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as _______________.


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals is known as ______


Natalie loves her work at the shoe production facility. She is inspired by the company because for every pair of shoes someone buys, the company gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. What type of leadership is this company providing that empowers Natalie?

leading for meaningfulness

what leadership behaviors increase employee psychological empowerment

leading for meaningfulness leading for self determination leading for competence

An example of an open body position

leaning backward

________ is the questionnaire used in Fiedler's model to determine leadership orientation.

least preferred coworker (LPC) scale

_________ is the questionnaire used in Fiedler's model to determine leadership orientation.

least preferred coworker (LPC) scale

The questionare used in Fieldler's model to determine leadership orientation is called the

least preferred coworker scale

Mycah complains to her boss about working overtime by saying "I don't see why I have to finish this project tonight" Her boss responds with "Because I'm the boss and I say so, thats why". Mycah's boss is displaying ___ power


The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ___ power.


The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power.


The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ________ power.


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _____ power


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called ______ power


The type of power that all managers have that results from their formal position within the organization is called _______________ power.


the power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power


Basing a request on one's right or authority, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors is known as ___ tactics


Basing a request on one's right or authority, organizational rules or policies, or express or implied support from superiors is known as ___________________ tactics.


Saying "This has been green-lighted at the highest level" is an example of persuasion using which influence tactic?


saying " this has been green lighted at the highest level" is an example of persuasion using which influence tactic


The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are _____.

legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics

The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are

legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.

Transformational leadership is positively associated with all the following except _____.

less commitment to organizational change

Transformational leadership is positively associated with all the following except ________.

less commitment to organizational change

Which of the following is not positively associated with transformational leadership, according to research?

less group cohesion

______________ style refers to a person's characteristic speaking patterns


_______________ style refers to a person's characteristic speaking patterns


strategies for writing more effectively

list your ideas from most important to least important start with your purpose list ideas from least controversial to most controversial

The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages, which requires full attention and processing, is known as active ________.


appreciative style

listening for amusement or pleasure

According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in all the following ways except _____.


Which of the following are employee characteristics identified in House's path-goal leadership model?

locus of control, need for achievement, need for path-goal clarity, task ability, and experience

A _____________-control situation is one in which a leader's decisions can't produce predictable results because he or she can't really influence outcomes.


Jane leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. Jane is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked questions that she couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, Jane's situational control is likely _____.


cynical view of human nature that condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people


Gregson Production is keenly aware of the need to strive daily to produce goods and services more effectively than its competitors. Therefore, Gregson's management strives to ____ in order to achieve this standard.

maintain quality and efficiency

Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan" is performing a ______ role.


Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan," is performing a ______ role.


Tension was thick in the room as the management team discussed changes to promotion requirements. But then Chris made a joke about Jake's white-knuckled grip on his pen, and the laughter seemed to improve the mood. Chris was acting in a ______ role.


Which of the following statements about leadership and management is true?

management and leadership are complementary systems of action

Which of the following managerial challenges discussed in this chapter was not something that was apparent in this case?

management for diversity - the future won't resemble the past

_______ is about coping with complexity and ______ is about coping with change.

management; leadership

A transactional leader is most similar in focus to a


Influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives is the focus of _____ leadership


the process of ______ leadership involves influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives


Management by Exception- Top Managers

managers should be informed if there is a huge deviation than expected

One of the poor decisions that has plagued Yahoo!'s financial performance was its reluctance to transition its offerings to mobile devices. This is an example of failing at which challenge to being an effective manager?

managing for competitive advantage

High energy level

many organizations expect supervisors to put in long hours willingly to handle the variety of duties that come with the job.

How well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning is called ____________

media richness

the pathway by which a message travels is known as the


In managing virtual worker, a manager should...

meet regularly

In managing virtual workers, a manager should

meet regularly, face to face

In managing virtual workers, a manager should _____.

meet regularly, face-to-face

Which of the following is not a reason why the groups of employees at Whole Foods Market stores are considered teams?

members having hiring authority based on votes

In communication, (men/women) are more likely to use I statements


According to the contigency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ___ situations.

moderate control

According to the contingency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ______ situations.


According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______ oriented

moderate; relationship

According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______-oriented

moderate; relationship

According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______-oriented.

moderate; relationship

Revised path-goal theory indicates to managers that they must consider _____.

modifying their leadership style to fit employee and task characteristics

In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you _____.

move to a more suitable situation

Mike repeatedly checks his email and sends several text messages during a presentation by the division manager. This is an example of?


The use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time is referred to as


the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time is referred to as ______


self centered perspective feelings of superiority and a drive for personal power and glory


Dysfunction conflict is sometimes called ______ conflict.


Dysfunctional conflict is sometimes called ______ conflict.


Anything that delays or obstructs any stage of the communication process is referred to, in general as ________


Anything that delays or obstructs any stage of the communication process is referred to, in general, as ___________


any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message in the communication process is known as _________


a rich medium is more effective with ______ situations

non routine

Elena approached her coworker privately after a staff meeting in which he publicly criticized her and stated calmly that she was unhappy with the way he treated her and wanted to discuss it. This is an example of _____________ communication.


Elena approached her coworker privately after a stuff meeting in which he publicly criticized her and state calmly, " I am unhappy about the way you treated me in the staff meeting, and i want to discuss it" this is an example of which type of communication?


under which of the following circumstances would rich media be most appropriate

nonroutine situation ambiguous situation

Eye contact, facial expressions, and body movements and gestures are forms of ___________ communication


Eye contact, facial expressions, and body movements and gestures are forms of _________________ communication.


_______ communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word


During the ______ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge.


During the ________ stage of team development, close relationships develop and unity and harmony emerge.


The stage during which a group sets guidelines about issues like attendance and punctuality is the ______ stage.


Although ______ are typically unwritten and seldom discussed openly, they have a powerful influence on group and organizational behavior.


Legitimate power

obtaining compliance through formal authority

Which of the following indicates how official communications should be routed?

organizational chart

Which of the following are the two factors influencing transformational leaders?

organizational culture and individual characteristics

In February, Paula, the manager of a landscaping company, is looking at the upcoming need for more workers to handle the increased customers in spring and summer. Which of the four key management processes is she using?


According to the LMX model, in an _____________-group exchange, leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.


according to the LMX model in an ______ -group exchange leaders are characterized as overseers who fail to create a sense of mutual trust respect or common fate


One of the dangers of using a rich medium for routine matters is information __________, in which the receiver gets more info than necessary.


One of the dangers of using a rich medium for routine matters is information ________________, in which the receiver gets more information than necessary.


One nurse complains to another that a doctor is a legend in his own mind because he has an MD behind his name. Which personal barrier to effective communication is the nurse describing?

oversized egos

One nurse complains to another, "Dr. james is a legend in his own mind bc he's got that MD behind his name". which personal barrier to effective communication is the nurse describing?

oversized egos

In Hersey-Blanchard's situational leadership model, when a manager encourages followers to solve problems on their own and uses shared decision making, she is using the ______ style.


a form of leadership behavior characterized by a lack of leadership skills, also called the management by exception style is known as ________ leadership


the leadership model that asserts that effective leaders make desirable rewards available to followers and increase motivation by clarifying the behaviors that will help them achieve those rewards is known as the ________ model

path goal leadership

In the ______ leadership model, a leader makes desirable rewards available in the workplace and clarifies how followers can obtain them.


Which leadership model states that successful leaders help followers by tying meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment, reducing barriers to achieving those goals, and providing subordinates with support?

path-goal leadership


people tend to do what they are personally committed to


people tend to like those who like them

Sense of humor

people with a good sense of humor are more fun to work with and work for

Referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request is an example of persuasion through ___

personal appeal

When Melinda saw Carrie stuffing her purse with expensive printer cartridges, Carrie was quick to say, "We've been friends since first grade, so I'm sure you won't say anything about this." This is an example of using a

personal appeal

When Nelson saw Betty in the stockroom stuffing her purse with expensive printer cartridges, Betty was quick to say, "We've been friends since first grade, so I'm sure you won't say anything about this." This is an example of using a(n) _____.

personal appeal

Frank asked a coworker for help on a project by saying, "I'm asking this as a friend. This is what friends do for one another. Can I count on you?" Frank is using which type of influence tactic?

personal appeals

individual characteristics

personalities of such leaders tend to be more extroverted, agreeable, proactive, and open to change than nontransformational leaders

When organizations are selecting leaders, research indicates that _____ should be considered more important than intelligence.


When organizations are selecting leaders, research indicates that ________ should be considered more important than intelligence.


Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of ___ power


Richard's use of power is directed toward helping himself, instead of using power to help others. This is an example of ________________ power.


power directed at helping yourself and enhancing your own selfish ends is known as _____ power


Power directed at helping yourself and furthering your own ends rather than those of others or the organization is called __

personalized power

The wall separating Henri from his manager made it hard to hear what his manager was saying. The wall is an example of a ____________ barrier.


The wall separating Henri from his manager made it hard to hear what his manager was saying. The wall is an example of a _______________ barrier.


Three main types of barriers to communication are:

physical personal semantic

types of barriers to communication

physical barriers semantic barriers personal barriers

what are types of barriers to communication

physical barriers semantic barriers personal barriers

Although key investors are waiting to hear the details of Mayer's turnaround plan, some are very unhappy with the company's strategic direction. If new executives were brought in to set a new direction for the organization, which of the four principal management functions would they be focusing on?


according to harvard professor john kotter in which of the following ways does an organization manage complexity

planning and budgeting organizing and staffing controlling and problem solving

Jay's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, Jay has

poor leader- member relations

David's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, David has _____.

poor leader-member relations

David's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, David has _____.

poor leader-member relatoins

Within situational control, the power to make work assignments and reward and punish is called _____________ power.


The three dimensions of situational control are leader-member relations, the task structure and _____.

position power

The three dimensions of situational control are leader-member relations, the task structure and ________.

position power

The three dimensions of situational control are leader-member relations, the task structure, and _____.

position power

Which of the following is not an employee characteristic of relevance in path-goal theory?

position power

an important element of fiedlers contingency leadership model is the degree to which a manager can assign work tasks and reward and/or punish subordinates. the element is known as :

position power

the extent to which a leader can make work assignment and reward and punich subordinate

position power

_____________ is the right to perform or command; this right comes with the supervisor's job.


referent power

power deriving from one's personal attraction

personalized power

power directed at helping oneself

socialized power

power directed at helping others

expert power

power resulting from one's specialized information or expertise


praising and doing favors for one's supervisor

Transactional leadership is a

prerecquist to effective leadership


presenting oneself as a polite and nice person

Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic?


using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic


Using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance is an example of persuasion using ____

pressure tactics

The key to protecting yourself against technological security threats is


the key to protecting yourself against technological security threats is _______


relationship-oriented leadership

primarily concerned with the leader's interactions with his or her people

People-oriented leader

primarily concerned with the well-being of the employees being managed

The right of people not to reveal information about themselves is called


the right of people not to reveal information about themselves is called _____


Luis, Kennedy, and Jennifer met once a week for several months in the fall to redesign department work spaces, to be implemented when the organization moved to a new building in January. This is an example of a

problem-solving team

participative management (PM)

process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes in the organization

The workers on the night shift at a manufacturing plant would be considered a(n) ______ team.


A data processing group is an example of a(n)

production team

A data processing group is an example of a(n) ________.

production team

a data processing group is an example of a

production team

At Allen and Thomas Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse office development in an older section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group?

project team

At Bremond Stafford Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multiuse development section of a large city that is being revitalized. What type of work team is this group?

project team

lack of concern for others impulsive behavior and lack of remorse when your actions harm others


In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is

rational persuasion

In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is _____.

rational persuasion

In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is ________.

rational persuasion

The phrase coined by Dragnet's Joe Friday -- "The facts, ma'am -- just the facts" BEST describes which persuasion tactic?

rational persuasion

The phrase coined by Dragnet's Joe Friday -- "The facts, ma'am -- just the facts' BEST describes which persuasion tactic?

rational persuasion

the phrase coined by dragnets joe friday the facts maam just the facts best describes which persuasion tactic

rational persuasion

In the situational leadership model, ______ is defined as the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task.


Which of the following is the type of follower that is the least compliant with a leader?


in the communication process, the person for whom the message is intended is the


When Men's Wearhouse fired a salesperson who wasn't sharing walk-in customer traffic, and total clothing sales volume among all salespeople increased significantly, it _____.

reduced destructive internal competition

Emily is outgoing, warm and truly inspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Her employees seem eager to do anything she asks. Emily has ___ power.


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is an example of _____________ power.


Jon's employees have a lot of personal respect and admiration for him. As a result, they are very loyal to him. This is and example of ______ power.


Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ___ power.


Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ______ power.


Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ________ power.


Trina is outgoing, warm, and truly inspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Her employees seem eager to do anything she asks. Because of her personality and not her position, Trina has ______ power.


______ power is derived from ones personal attraction


power that derived from ones personal attraction

referent power

Personal appeals

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

personal appeals

referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request

Which of the following is not one of the five stages of team development?


According to Fiedler's contingency leadership model, which two of the following are seen as leader orientations or styles?

relationship-oriented and task-oriented

When situational control is moderate, which of the following is the optimal leadership style according to Fiedler's contingency leadership model?

relationship-oriented leadership

Factors that can help participative management (PM) work include all the following except _____.

relationships foster competition and defensiveness

exchange tactics

reminding someone of past favors or offering to trade favors

empowering leadership

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others

Empowering leadership

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others.

Yahoo! made $3 billion worth of acquisition decisions that provided it with no, or negative, value. Which of the following roles are most closely aligned with these poor decisions?

resource allocator role

Anar congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a companywide e-mail announcing it. Here, Anar is using her ______ power.


April congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a company-wide email announcing it. Here, April is using her ___ power.


At the completion of a long project, Aileen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of _______________ power.


At the completion of a long project, Alleen gives her assistant a day off with pay to acknowledge all of his hard work. This is an example of ___ power.


The "power of the purse strings" - meaning that a manager can approve raises and other monetary incentives for her employees, describes ___ power


_______ power is power that results from managers authority to reward subordinates


__________, which all managers have, is power that results from managers' authority to reward their subordinates. Rewards can range from praise to pay raises, from recognition to promotions.

reward power

power that results from managers authority to reward subordinates

reward power

A(n) ________ form of media allows receivers to observe multiple cues, such as body language and tone of voice, and allows senders to get feedback.


Members of a team develop their ________ based on the expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves.


A lean medium is more effective with ___________ situations


a lean medium is more effective with _____ situations



self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

Based on the case, store teams at Whole Foods Market are what type of team?


In ______ teams, the traditional clear-cut distinction between manager and managed is blurred as nonmanagerial employees are delegated greater authority and granted increased autonomy.


The study of the meaning of words is called


The study of the meaning of words is called ________.


The study off the meaning of words is called _________________


the study of the meaning of words is _____


in the communication process the _______ is the person wanting to share information


in the communication process, the ___________ is the person wanting to share information.


Which of the following is not a consideration in building a group into an effective team?


Amy, the manager of a branch location of a large travel firm, treated company resources as if they were her own and encouraged continued development and training of her employees. She cared about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Amy could best be described as which type of leader?


Javier, the CEO of a small travel company, treated company resources as if they were his own, and his employees even better. He cared about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Javier could best be described as which type of leader?


Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has made sure his employees have health insurance and work in a positive environment. He could best be described as which type of leader?


______ leaders focus on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to themselves.


the _______ leadership approach focuses on providing increased service to others rather than to the leader


A leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a

servant leader

A leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a _____.

servant leader

a leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a ______

servant leader

according to harvard professor john kotter in which of the following ways does leadership cope with change

setting a direction aliging people motivating and inspiring

MySpace founders Anderson and DeWolfe could best be described as which type of leaders?


______ leadership is most likely to be needed when people work in teams, are involved in complex projects, or are doing knowledge work.


Research shows that followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of _____.


followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of which of the following

significance community excitement

under fiedlers model the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called _____ control


In Fiedler's contingency leadership model, the amount of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called his or her _____.

situational control

The amount of influence a leader has in his immediate work environment is called his

situational control

Under Fiedler's model, the level of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called ________________ control.

situational control

in fiedlers contingency leadership model, the amount of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called his or her ______

situational control

The behavioral approach to leadership attempts to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders and the combination of behaviors, traits, and ______ that effective leaders use when interacting with others


Women displayy ____ men display ___

social leadership, task leadership

Research indicates that women tend to display more _____, while men tend to display more ______.

social leadership; task leadership

Mobile and internet based technologies that are used to generate interactive dialog with members of a network are known as

social media

Mobile and internet-based technologies that are used to generate interactive dialog with member of a network are known as

social media

Power directed at helping others, as opposed to helping oneself, is known as ____ power


power directed at helping others is known as ____ power


Ken, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. In particular, Bethany, a marketing manager, seems to resist his direction. The source of conflict in this cause may be

status differences

Ken, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. In particular, Bethany, a senior marketing manager, seems to resist his direction and tries to influence team members to go in another direction. The source of conflict in this case may be _____.

status differences

The statement "Young men are reckless" reflects a(n) ________.


mike complains to a coworker the problem with female managers is that theyre just way too touchy feely and they cant make the tough decisions this is an example of which personal barrier to effective communication

stereotypes and prejudices

Depak's team was not making much progress on defining a new production process. Nicole was being very uncooperative. She did not agree with Depak's direction, and had not completed her tasks. This team is in what stage of group development?


The ______ stage of team development is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.


The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure is the ______ stage.


According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, men score better than women do on

strategic planning

full-range leadership

suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from passive (laissez-faire) "leadership" at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme

Path-Goal theory

suggests that the primary activities of a leader are to make desirable and achievable rewards available to organization members who attain organizational goals and to clarify the kinds of behavior that must be performed to earn those rewards


supervisors should be sensitive to the feelings of employees and higher management when settling disputes, answering questions, and understanding needs.

) Kojika supervises a customer service unit that receives stress-producing calls from unhappy customers, and turnover has been high lately. Kojika is kind and patient with the staff, and tells them she knows what they're going through since it wasn't so long ago that she took those calls. According to revised path-goal theory, Kojika is using a(n) ______ leadership style.


Judith supervises a call center department that receives stress-producing calls from unhappy customers. Turnover has increased by 33% over the last four months. Judith is understanding and patient with her staff, and tells them she knows what they're going through since it wasn't so long ago that she took those calls. According to revised path-goal theory, Judith is using a(n) ______ leadership style.


the leader treats subordinates as equals and shows concern for the well being and needs


what are the steps in the SQ3R process in the correct order

survey question read recite review

If Tom Neal, the store team leader in Glastonbury, England empowers his team to accomplish more, he is performing a _________ role.


Marcie frequently requests meetings between her team and counterparts in Portland. She often spots issues that will affect both groups and wants to work openly on coordination so there are no surprises for anyone. Marci plays a ______ role for her team.


Marielle points out during the meeting that the group has fallen a half hour behind schedule according to the agenda, and should get back to the important work at hand. She is performing a ______ role.


Leaders who focus on _____ leadership behaviors attempt to ensure that people equipment and other resources are used efficiently and effectively in order to accomplish the organizations mission

task oriented

according to fiedlers contingency leadership model which two of the following are leader orientations or styles

task oriented relationship oriented

"Do my subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks?" This question reflects the dimension of situational control called _____.

task structure

"do my subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks?" this question reflects the dimension of situational control called ______

task structure

According to Fledler, the dimension of situational control referred to as ________________ _________________ is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous, easily understood, routine tasks.

task structure

One of three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, __ is the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood.

task structure

One of three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood.

task structure

The three dimensions of situational control include leader-member relations, position power, and _____.

task structure

according to fiedler the dimension of situational control referred to as _____ _______ is the extent to which subordinates perform unambiguous easily understood routine tasks

task structure

one of the three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine , unambiguous, and easily understood

task structure

what are environmental factors identified in the path goal leadership theory

task structure work group dynamics

what are environmental factors identified in the path goal leadership theory

task structure and work group dynamics

the extnet to which tasks are routine, unambiguous and easily understood

task sturcture

Amanda leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Amanda should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style.


James manages his employees by carefully monitoring their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. James can best be described as a ______ leader.


Lorenzo supervises the pool of word processors serving all the lawyers at the firm. He gets along well with his people, and has worked hard to create detailed procedures for every type of legal document the typists might encounter. Lorenzo hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style is


Marcel supervises a group of paralegals serving the firm's lawyers. He gets along well with his employees, and has created detailed procedures for all types of legal document they encounter. Marcel hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style here is _____.


Nicole runs a "tight ship" in her department. She expects her staff to follow the rules and procedures and is hands-on in terms of making sure that the organization's goals in terms of production and productivity are met. Nicole would BEST be described as displaying ________________ behaviors.


Sammie leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Sammie should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style.


Fiedler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is _____.

task-oriented or relationship-oriented

Fiedler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is ________.

task-oriented or relationship-oriented

Fieldler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is

task-oriented or relationship-oriented

A _______ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves accountable.


A ________ is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


A collection of five employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their company, is known as a(n) _____.


Barb works for an accounting firm. she works out of her home and communicates with her boss via email and phone. Barb's job is an example of _______


Using video and audio links along with computers, wither with regular equipment or with telepresence technology, to enable people located at different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another is known as

teleconferencing aka videoconferencing

High definition video conferences that simulate face to face meeting between users through the use of multiple cameras and high-definition video screens is referred to as___________________

telepresence technology

what are other terms for telecommunicating

telework virtual office

Barb works for an accounting firm. She works out of her home and communicates with her boss via email and phone. Barb's job is an example of


the three rules of an effective speech are ______ say it, and tell them what you said.

tell them what youre going to say

One of Kurt's subordinates, Rosie, has never learned to run customized reports and is insecure about learning. Nikko doesn't know how to do it either but is eager to try and has a lot of confidence that he can figure it out. In the situational model, Kurt should use a ______ style with Rosie, and a ______ style with Nikko.

telling; selling

Which of the following is incorrect about the leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership?

the LMX focuses only on the behaviors or traits of leaders


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals

Which one of the following is one way to think about management?

the art of getting things done through people

Internal locus of control

the belief that you are the primary cause of what happens to yourself

Interaction facilitation

the leader emphasizes collaboration and teamwork and encourages close employee relationships


the leader establishes a vision, displays passion for it, and supports its accomplishment

Work facilitation

the leader plans, schedules, organizes and coordinates work and assists employees in developing their skills


the leader treats subordinates as equals, and shows concern for the well-being and needs


the management function of influencing people to act or not act in a certain way

An email, a handwritten notice, or voicemail are all examples of ____________ in the communication process.

the medium

The information that is shared in the communication process is called ___________

the message

Which of the following are four conclusions we can draw from trait theory?

the positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid, a global mind-set is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait, organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection and evaluation processes, and we cannot ignore the implications of leadership traits

Managerial Leadership

the process of influencing others about what needs to be done thorugh facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.

managerial leadership

the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives

participative management

the process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making changes in the organization.

Communication is ________.

the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another

Individuals are said to be cooperating when _____.

their efforts are systematically integrated to achieve a collective objective

Individuals are said to be cooperating when

their efforts are systematically integrated to achieve a collective objective.

individuals are said to be cooperating when....

their efforts are to achieve a collective objective

Which of the following statements is not a practical implication of the behavioral approaches to leadership?

there is one best style of leadership

Informal communication channels

they develop outside the formal structure and do not follow the chain of command. They skip management levels and cut across lines of authority. the 2 types are the grapevine and management by wandering around.

Which of the following is not a reason to enforce norms?

to create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees

Nordstrom department store chain emphasizes the great lengths to which it goes in customer service, an example of which reason to enforce norms?

to emphasize the organization's central values

situational approach (contingency approach)

to leadership, who believe that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand

what are the disadvantages brought about by the digital age

too many emails lack of privacy cell phone abuse loss of security

To create effective managers, companies should ____________________.

train them on task and relationship management

Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the __________ approach to leadership.


Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders are called the _____________ approaches to leadership.


Candidates for the management development program at GenCo Enterprises must first complete a personality assessment to determine their suitability for a leadership role. Based on this, it would appear GenCo believes in the ____ approach to leadership.


Candidates for the management development program at GenCo Enterprises must first complete a personality assessment to determine their suitability for a leadership role. Based on this, it would appear that GenCo believes in the ________________ approach to leadership.


Morgan considers Jessica and effective leader because she is intelligent, has high energy, and portrays self-confident nature. Morgan is characterizing Jessica based on the ___ approach to leadership.


The ___ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.


The ______ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.


The ________ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders


Which of the following is not a behavioral leadership approach?


_______ approaches attempt to identify distictive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders


the ______ approach to leaderships attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders


five approaches to leadership

trait, behavioral, situational, transformational, and three additional

An integrated model of leadership considers which of the following in order to create leadership effectiveness?

traits, gender, skills, situational factors, and power and influence

According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other.


Leadership that focuses on clarifying employees' roles, explaining task requirements, and providing rewards or punishments based on performance is called _____________ leadership.


leadership that focuses on clarifying employees roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance is known as ______ leadership


______ focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

transactional leadership

Charismatic leadership is now considered part of __ leadership.


Charismatic leadership is now considered part of ______ leadership.


Employees at Employees Credit Union were really impressed with Ryan, the new CEO. He was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Ryan is a ______ leader.


Employees at Kearns Seafood were really impressed with the new CEO, Jane. She was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Jane is a ______ leader.


The _____ leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self interest


The_______ leader transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interest


Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while __________ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.


Transactional leaders try to get people to do ordinary things while _________________ leaders attempt to get people to do exceptional things.


______ leadership helps employees pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


transformational leadership

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests

According to John Kotter, management is about coping with complexity.


E-Leadership is using information technology for one-to-one, one-to-many, and between group and collective interactions.


Followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of significance, community, and excitement.


Initiating structure leadership is more concerned with task accomplishment than employee satisfaction or retention.


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.


True or false: the biggest problem most people have with public speaking is controlling their nerves


true or false: management by wandering or walking aroud is the term used to describe a managers literally wandering around his or her organization and talking to people across all lines of authority


In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you

try to move to a more suitable situation

Inspirational appeals

trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

inspirational appeals

trying to build enthusiasm or confidence by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values

rational persuasion

trying to convince someone by using reason, logic, or facts

Rational persuasion

trying to convince someone with reason, logic, or facts

comprehensive style

trying to determine the rationale of the speaker's argument

Which of the following is not considered an essential consideration in building a group into an effective team?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of smaller groups?

unfair work distribution

Which of the following is a disadvantage of smaller groups?

unfair work distribution and less resources

Brad sends an email to his boss, asking for permission to attend a training seminar in Houston. This is an example of ___________ communication.


communication from an employee to her boss is an example of ______ communication


Which of the following is a tip to be a successful e-leader?

use global English

three ways in which organizations may apply trait theory

use personality and trait assessments, choose personality over intelligence, and use management development programs

what is an important aspect when creating a self-managed team?

use some form of team compensation

According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, which of the following is characteristic of men in the workplace, compared with women?

using a more autocratic style

pressure tactics

using demands, threats, or intimidation to gain compliance

Organizations may apply trait theory by

using management development programs

Organizations may apply trait theory by _____.

using personality assessments and management development programs

the leader establishes a vision displays passion for it and supports its accomplishment

value based

Faruk is something of a cheerleader around his team. He describes the great things he knows the group can accomplish, is quick to complement the work of his staff, and is so enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Faruk is using a(n) ______ leadership style


Pat is something of a cheerleader around his team. He shares his vision and expresses his confidence in their ability to achieve it. He is quick to compliment and acknowledge their accomplishments, and is enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Pat is using a(n) ______ leadership style.


A manager sends a memo to his department advising them of a new company policy. This is an example of _______________ communication


Anne submits her vacation request to her boss. Which type of formal communication is this?


anne submits her vacation request to her boss


anne submits her vacation request to her boss (vertical, horizontal, external)


communication that flows upward and downward in the organization is referred to as _______ communication


Three types of formal communication

vertical horizontal external

Of the following, which medium is the richest?


using video and audio links along with computers to enable people located at different locations to see hear and talk with one another is known as __________


A team that consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects is called a(n)

virtual team

Rita is on a team that consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on project. She is on a(n) ________.

virtual team

Which of the following is most important for the team leader to encourage during the storming stage of group and team development?

voicing of disagreements

who are typical members of continuous improvement teams?

volunteers or workers and supervisors

Management by ________________ around helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up a hierarchy


Management by _____________________ helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up hierarchy.

wandering around

Erin, a department manager, is struggling trying to lead a cross-functional team. Most members are other department managers at her level, and they see no reason to do what she asks. Here, Erin has _____.

weak position power

Liz is trying to lead a cross-functional team, but se is having some issues. Most members were other department managers at her level, and they saw no reason to do what she told them to. Here, Liz has

weak position power

The question that individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is

what do the others expect me to do?

behavioral leadership approaches

which attempt to determine the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders.

trait approaches to leadership

which attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders.

path-goal leadership model

which holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support

path-goal leadership model

which holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support.

charismatic leadership

which was assumed to be an individual inspirational and motivational characteristic of particular leaders

Based upon the text, which of the following are accurate statements concerning the desirable traits of women who excel as executives?

women are highly collaborative and women generally use a more participative style than men

what are accurate statements concerning the desirable traits of women who excel as executive

women are more collaborative women generally use a more participative style than men

the leader plans schedules organizes and coordinated work and assists employees in developing their skills

work facilitation

24 women are

working CEOs in fortune 500 companies

_______ is an essential management skill made all the more so because of the elimination of administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence


________ has become an increasingly important management skill because of the elimination of administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence.


Which of the following is not a way in which nonverbal communication is expressed?

writing a thank-you note

During the performing stage of team development, the group answers the question A. "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?" B. "Why are we here?" C. "Why are we fighting?" D. "Can we do the job properly?" E. "Who's in charge?"

D. "Can we do the job properly?"

The question individuals ask during the norming stage of group development is A. "How do I fit in here?" B. "What's next?" C. "How can I best perform my role?" D. "What do the others expect me to do?" E. "What's my role here?"

D. "What do the others expect me to do?"

When issues causing conflict are trivial, or when emotions are high and a cooling-off period would be helpful, which conflict-handling style is preferable? A. Collaborating B. Forcing C. Accommodating D. Avoiding E. Compromising

D. Avoiding

Which of the following is an advantage of larger groups? A. Higher morale B. More effective interaction C. Greater boldness D. Can take advantage of division of labor E. Less social loafing

D. Can take advantage of division of labor

Yuan's team was not making much progress on the development of a new production process. Linnea was being very uncooperative; she did not agree with the direction Yuan was taking, so she hadn't helped with her part. This team is in what stage of group development? A. Performing B. Forming C. Adjourning D. Storming E. Norming

D. Storming

Nordstrom's department store chain emphasizes the great lengths to which it goes in customer service, an example of which of these reasons to enforce norms? A. To clarify role expectations B. To help the group survive C. To create cohesiveness D. To emphasize the group's important values E. To help individuals avoid embarrassing situations

D. To emphasize the group's important values

Which of the following is a manifestation of excessive conflict in the workplace? A. Apathy B. Lack of creativity C. Missed deadlines D. Violence E. Indecision

D. Violence

When using a self-managed team, a manager should A. maintain detailed monitoring of its performance. B. create the team within whatever structure currently exists. C. offer lucrative individual bonuses. D. allow members to hire their own co-workers. E. provide elaborate retreats for team discussions.

D. allow members to hire their own co-workers.

Peer pressure which leads group members to question the loyalty of other members who express dissent is a symptom of A. social loafing. B. norming. C. devil's advocacy. D. groupthink. E. storming.

D. groupthink.

Abel, whose primary job is supervising a small production group, is not getting cooperation from all members on the cross-functional team he leads. In particular, Samantha, a marketing manager, seems to resist his direction. The source of conflict in this can be A. time pressure. B. a personality clash. C. communication failure. D. status differences. E. ambiguous jurisdictions.

D. status differences.

Which of the following is a way managers can enhance team cohesiveness? A. Giving every group member a vital role B. Providing team members precise instructions for their tasks C. Creating a relatively large team D. Assigning members randomly to teams E. Allowing off-the-job social events

E. Allowing off-the-job social events

Which of the following is an advantage of smaller groups? A. Fewer distractions B. More formalized team leadership C. More creativity and innovation D. More division of labor E. Better interaction and morale

E. Better interaction and morale

Which of the following is a source of conflict in the workplace? A. Excessive communication B. Strict job boundaries C. Too many resources D. Lack of diversity E. Inconsistent goals

E. Inconsistent goals

Megan came to her boss with a proposal for a new Minolta copier. Daniel tells her that he has always used and liked Xerox copiers, but when he thinks about it later he realizes he does not feel really strongly about it. Daniel should adopt a(n) ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

E. accommodating

Beth organized several teachers to discuss the school painting scheduled for summer. They looked at several brands, and heard a presentation by a designer who then helped them choose a color palette to recommend to school administrators. In this instance, the teachers make up a(n) A. self-managed team. B. virtual team. C. cross-functional team. D. informal group. E. formal group.

E. formal group.

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity are called a A. cluster. B. self-managing work team. C. collaborative unit. D. quality circle. E. group.

E. group.

The ______ stage of team development is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group. A. norming B. forming C. adjourning D. performing E. storming

E. storming

A team that consists of members who interact by computer network to collaborate on projects is called a(n) A. remote team. B. problem-solving team. C. self-managed team. D. informal team. E. virtual team.

E. virtual team.


Getting others to participate in planning, making decisions, and changes

Coalition tactics

Getting others to support your effort to persuade someone


Getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request; being friendly and helpful; using praise or flattery

Expert Power

Obtaining compliance through one's knowledge or information

Someone at a team meeting who says, "Let's hear from those who oppose this plan" is performing a ______ role. A. maintenance B. social C. coordinator D. reorientation E. task

A. maintenance

______ strives to devise solutions that benefit both parties. A. Avoiding B. Collaborating C. Compromising D. Forcing E. Accommodating

B. Collaborating

Administrative oversight given to self-managed teams does NOT include A. planning B. scheduling work C. implementing change D. monitoring performance E. staffing

C. implementing change

______ is a "we" feeling that binds group members together. A. Maintenance B. Groupthink C. Norming D. Social loafing E. Group cohesiveness

E. Group cohesiveness

The stage during which a group sets guidelines about issues like attendance and punctuality is the ______ stage. A. norming B. storming C. forming D. adjourning E. performing

A. norming

A data processing group is an example of a(n) A. routine team. B. action team. C. advice team. D. production team. E. project team.

D. production team.

A ______ role is behavior that concentrates on getting the team's work done. A. maintenance B. performance C. administrative D. task E. production

D. task


People want items, information, and opportunities that have limited availability

Which of the following is the best way to manage virtual teams? A. Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations. B. When beginning with a virtual team, set the final deadline and reprimand any virtual team members who don't make the deadline. C. Because you don't have face-to-face contact, relay instructions via phone. D. Require each team member to keep their own personal record of the work that's been done as a team. E. Utilize employees on a global team around the clock.

A. Focus on what is accomplished, not hours or locations.

Which of the following is true of informal groups? A. Informal groups can advance the plans of formal groups. B. A temporary committee is an example of an informal group. C. Members of an informal group are assigned to it by the skills they possess. D. Informal groups have appointed leaders. E. Informal groups are primarily created to solve an organization problem

A. Informal groups can advance the plans of formal groups.

At Berk Architects, a group of designers are developing the first drawings for a proposed multi-use development in a revitalizing section of a large city. What type of work team is this group? A. Project team B. Production team C. Product team D. Action team E. Advice team

A. Project team

Kazimir has missed another deadline and his boss Carla is furious. She will have to explain to the client again why the project is behind. Carla thinks she may say something she'll regret if she talks to Kazimir about this now, so she decides to wait awhile. Carla is using the ______ conflict-handling style. A. avoiding B. collaborating C. compromising D. forcing E. accommodating

A. avoiding

Andrea led a team that has just finished up a very challenging research project that will assist management in developing long range plans. Despite the stress of the past few months, a few people now seem sad it's over. Now Andrea should A. have an awards ceremony. B. emphasize unity. C. get the group disbanded quickly to free people up for new things. D. provide opportunities for people to get to know each other better now. E. allow members to work on similar tasks.

A. have an awards ceremony.

Since hard feelings about group leadership and assignments had passed, Phillip's group seemed to be relating much better. At the meeting tomorrow he should A. help the team identify group goals and values. B. encourage members to voice disagreements. C. help people get to know each other. D. empower the members. E. throw a party.

A. help the team identify group goals and values.

Members of a team develop their ______ based on the expectations of the team, of the organization, and of themselves. A. roles B. norms C. groupthink D. job descriptions E. social fit

A. roles

The group development stage in which individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure is the ______ stage. A. storming B. norming C. performing D. forming E. adjourning

A. storming

Building collaborative teams is aided by combining role clarity with A. task ambiguity. B. groupthink. C. flexible performance standards. D. challenges to norms. E. devil's advocacy.

A. task ambiguity.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of teamwork in an organization? A. Increased speed B. Decreased stress C. Reduced costs D. Improved workplace cohesiveness E. Reduced destructive internal competition

B. Decreased stress

Which of the following is NOT a reason to enforce norms? A. To clarify role expectations B. To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees C. To help the group survive D. To emphasize the group's important values E. To help individuals avoid embarrassing situations

B. To create a written document of behavioral guidelines for new employees

Hannah is on a team with Carson, and they are often in conflict. Hannah likes to begin her work with careful planning and she gets started immediately. Carson, on the other hand, likes trying out several ideas, and tends to be working frantically at the last minute. Their team conflict most likely stems from A. time pressure. B. a personality clash. C. communication failure. D. ambiguous jurisdictions. E. inconsistent goals.

B. a personality clash.

During the forming stage, the leader should A. establish permanent control. B. allow people to socialize. C. empower team members. D. encourage disagreement. E. work through team conflicts.

B. allow people to socialize.

A group that is created to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader is called a(n) A. dynamic group. B. formal group. C. normative group. D. informal group. E. network group.

B. formal group.

When members of a group are friendly and tight-knit but unable to disagree enough to properly appraise alternatives, they are said to be experiencing A. paradigm paralysis. B. groupthink. C. social loafing. D. the dialectic method. E. devil's advocacy.

B. groupthink.

Almost every day at 11:30, Tara and four of her coworkers met to walk the wilderness trail behind their office building. This is an example of a(n) A. continuous improvement team. B. informal group. C. self-managed team. D. virtual team. E. formal group.

B. informal group.

Carlie, Clarke and Armando met once a week for several months in the fall to decide how to reorganize their department work spaces when the organization moved to a new building in January. This is an example of a A. top management team. B. problem-solving team. C. cross-functional team. D. virtual team. E. continuous improvement team.

B. problem-solving team.

To prevent groupthink, a manager should A. reinforce how capable the group is. B. never admit errors to outsiders. C. bring in outside experts for fresh perspectives. D. encourage everyone to "get with the team." E. express high confidence in the group's previous decisions.

C. bring in outside experts for fresh perspectives.

In the performing stage of group development, members A. prepare for disbandment. B. develop close relationships. C. concentrate on solving problems. D. test the leader's policies. E. hold back to see what will happen.

C. concentrate on solving problems.

Workplace performance is maximized when A. conflict is absent. B. conflict is at a very low level. C. conflict is at a moderate level. D. conflict is at a high level. E. conflict occurs only at non-managerial levels.

C. conflict is at a moderate level.

A team composed of people from different departments who are pursuing a common objective is called a A. quality circle. B. problem-solving team. C. cross-functional team. D. virtual team. E. work force.

C. cross-functional team.

The principal by-product of the norming stage of team development is A. adjournment. B. uncertainty. C. group cohesiveness. D. conflict. E. empowerment

C. group cohesiveness.

The atmosphere in the room was tense and somewhat negative as the management team discussed changes to promotion requirements. But then Eterio made a joke about Ryan's white-knuckled grip on his pen, and the laughter seemed to improve the mood. Eterio was acting in a ______ role. A. relational B. task C. maintenance D. social E. production

C. maintenance

There were 17 people on the grounds maintenance committee, and among its responsibilities were monthly parking lot cleanup and weekly patio sweeping. Alex was a part of the committee at his boss's request, but had never actually helped with anything. This is likely an example of A. storming. B. devil's advocacy. C. social loafing. D. procrastinating. E. adjourning.

C. social loafing.

Groups that make it through storming generally do so because A. they develop groupthink. B. someone wins the political battle and dominates the group. C. someone besides the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles. D. the work gets done. E. the focus generally is on social loafing.

C. someone besides the leader challenges the group to resolve power struggles.

Coercive power

obtaining compliance through threatened or actual punishment

Reward power

obtaining compliance with promised or actual rewards

employee empowerment

sharing varying degrees of power with lower-level employees to tap their full potential

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