SF Exam 8 & Final

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A change in the membrane potential toward the normal resting membrane potential (after a depolarization)

Androgens to estrogens

Aromatase enzyme catalyzes the conversion of?

Tubuli recti (straight tubules)

Connect the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis. Initially lined by sertoli cells and then by simple cuboidal epithelium

Osmotic pressure

Defined as a pressure equal to the pressure required to prevent the osmotic movement between two compartments and is directly proportional to the solute concentration

Extravasation and sweating

During a prolonged exercise, the effective circulatory volume decreased due to BLANK and BLANK

thermoregulation mechnaisms

During exercise, BLANK functions to keep the core body temperature steady by increasing blood flow to the skin and sweat production

Growth and development of breast alveolar lobules but estrogen and progesterone inhibit milk production (lactopoiesis)

During pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone, PRL, GH, and glucocorticoids promote?

CYP11A1, 3beta-HSD, and CYP17

During the follicular phase, LH stimulates the theca cells to synthesize androgens from cholesterol by increasing the expression of what steroidogenic enzymes?


During the stress of surgery, the body releases stress hormones to maintain homeostasis. In panhypopituitarism patients, which is the most important hormone requiring supplementation during surgery?

Fibroelastic tunica albuginea which also binds the three cylinders together

Each cylinder in the penis is surrounded by a?

Infundibulum of the oviduct

Funnel-shaped open ended segment next to the ovary and the fimbriae

Inactive state

Glandular component is sparse, composed mostly of ducts and some glandular tissue, adipose tissue, and fibrous connective tissue (mammary glands)


Gonadotropins (LH and FSh) BLANk feedback to inhibit GnRH release from the hypothalamus

Growth factors; regulate pituitary gonadotropins secretion

Gonads produce activins and inhibin which are ? and regulate?

oocyte maturation inhibitor

Granulosa cells secrete BLANK to halt growth of the primary oocyte in the secondary/vesicular follicle

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

In pregnancy, BLANK from placenta binds to LH receptor and prevents corpus luteum from degradation

Hydrolyzed yielding energy which the cell uses to transport a solute across the membrane

In primary active transport ATP is directly BLANK

More reliance on carbohydrate metabolism

Increase in exercise intensity results in?


Infrequent menstruation

Inhibits FSH release through a feedback loop with the anterior pituitary gland

Inhibin secreted by sertoli cells functions to?

Theca interna

Inner layer of steroid producing cuboidal shaped cells that secrete androstenedione (pertaining to the ovary follicles)

Cremaster muscle

Innervated by the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, and plays a role in regulating temperature of the testis by contraction/elevation of the testis towards the superficial inguinal ring during cold temperatures


Involved in sex hormone production and release, in females corpus luteum formation and males testosterone production from testis

Granulosa lutein

Large centrally located cells derived from the granulosa that secrete progesterone and convert androgens produced by the theca lutein into estrogen

Energy stores and can promote the synthesis and release of GnRH by hypothalamus

Leptin reflects the amount of?


Round cells located adjacent to the basement membrane. Only germ cells present until puberty and they are diploid. Have two types


SNS is responsible for BLANK, which activates a spinal reflex arc that involves both smooth and skeletal muscle of the genital duct and leads to ejaculation


Sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) BLANK the release of both GnRH and gonadotropins

Collagen fiber

Side-by-side crosslinking of collagen fibrils forms

Androgen receptors and results in a change in the transcription of various genes

Testosterone (or DHT) acts by binding to BLANK

The sequence of bone resorption followed by bone formation

The term "bone remodeling" refers to

dihydrotestosterone (DHT); aromatase

Testosterone is converted to the more potent BLANK by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase and estrogens by BLANK in target tissues


The BLANK is transverse folds of the mucosa that partially separates the vagina from the vestibule

Principal piece; end piece

The BLANK piece and the BLANK piece form the flagellum

The body's energy store

The GnRH neurons are sensitive to ?

-Cervical mucous -Vaginal transudate -mucous glands from the greater and lesser vestibular glands

The Vagina is lubricated by?

Tunica albuginea; epididymis

The efferent ductules pierce the BLANK and leave the testis to empty into the BLANK


The organelle that oxidizes long-chain fatty acids and generates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the BLANK

Influx of fluid from enteral (drinking) or parenteral (intravenous infusion) routes or an efflux of fluid via kidney, skin, GI tract, etc.

What can cause a change in ECF?

Sustained high levels of estrogen, which positively feedback

What causes the LH surge in ovulation?

Flow increases to active skeletal muscles, mainly because of local vasodilator metabolites

What changes to blood flow occur during strenuous endurance exercise?

Interstitial cells of Leydig which produce testosterone

What component of the testis are endocrine glands

Seminiferous tubules which produce spermatozoa

What component of the testis are exocrine glands

The water inside the cells, comprises about two-third of the TBW, and has high levels of K+ but low levels of Na+

What is intracellular fluid (ICF)

Nurture infants postnatally through the process of lactation

What is the general function of mammary glands?

-Oogenesis (produce ova) -Produce estrogen and progesterone

What is the general function of the ovary?

Facilitate meeting of ova and spermatozoa, assisting in fertilization and transport of the fertilized product

What is the general function of the uterine tubes?

Maintain an implanted conceptus throughout the gestation period

What is the general function of the uterus?

Corpus luteum

What is the main estrogen and progesterone producer in the luteal phase?

Developing follicle

What is the main estrogen producer in the follicular phase?

Estradiol (E2)

What is the main estrogen? And has the highest potency?


What is the main progestin?


What is the most likely symptom of demyelination in motor nerves?


"cell eating" which internalizes larger particles and is often used by cells in the immune system


A change in the membrane potential from in a more negative value than the normal resting membrane potential

androstenedione into testosterone and estrone into estradiole-17beta

17beta-HSA converts? (found in both theca and granulosa cells)


A change in the membrane potential from in a more positive value than the normal resting membrane potential (towards 0 and beyond)

January 21st

A female patient has regular menstrual cycle that lasts approximately 35 days. If her last menses started on January 1st, when did the ovulation most likely occur?

Rete testis

A labyrinth of tubules in the mediastinum testis that connect the tubuli recti to the efferent ductules. Lined by simple cuboidal to low simple columnar epithelium

Hypokalemia and hyperpolarization

A patient develops a hypersecreting adenoma of the adrenal cortex and has very high levels of aldosterone. What is the most likely major effect on the patient's excitable cells?

1100 mL

A patient has the following respiratory volumes and capacities: Tidal volume = 400 mL; Inspiratory Reserve Volume = 3200 mL; Vital Capacity = 5500 mL; Total Lung Capacity = 6600 mL. What is this persons residual volume?

Her mean arterial pressure would drop by much more than half

A patient is given a drug that doubles the diameter of all the arterioles in her body. What effect would that have on her hemodynamics (assuming heart function is unaffected)?

Human placental lactogens (hPL) / human chorionic somatomammotropin (hCS)

A peptide hormone with a structure similar to those of growth hormone and prolactin with functions overlapping both hormones (both diabetogenic and lactogenic

Some solutes across the membrane

A semipermeable membrane does not allow movement of?


A type of transport that occurs due to the movement of each solute molecule due to its inherent energy

Opposite to the electrochemical gradient of the substance being transported

Active transport occur in a direction that is?


After ejaculation, sperm cells undergo further maturation aka BLANK, that allows them to be able to penetrate the zona pellucida of the egg

The rete testis is located in the mediastinum testis

All of the following is correct concerning the testis?

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)

All sex steroids are transported in the bloody by?


Also known as cell drinking, and is the nonspecific endocytosis of extracellular fluid and solutes into the cell


An abnormal absence of menstruation


An anchoring junction found at the basal surface of some epithelia where abrasion or mechanical forces would tend to separate the epithelium from the basement membrane


An endocrine hormone acts in a positive feedback loop, wherein the fetus' head stretches the uterine wall causing the release of that hormone, leading to uterine contractions and further stretching. The name of the hormone is

Cardiovascular system

An increase in ECF volume will affect the BLANK and trigger the excretion of excess volume and salt, proportionally, through the kidney

Spot desmosome (maculae adherens)

Anchoring junction that looks like spot welds on the lateral aspect of the epithelial cells. Intercellular gap is wider than the zonula adherens and has a dark bar in the middle. Strongest anchoring junction and more basally located

Pubic and axillary hair growth

Androgens are responsible for?

Primary Spermatocytes

As soon as they are formed they migrate toward the lumen and occupy the middle third of the seminiferous epithelium. They are the largest spermatogenic cell. Have a large spherical nucleus with mitotic figures.

Fatty-acid utilization

As the duration of exercise lengthens, glucose utilization decreases while BLANK increases


At equilibrium, even though there are movements of molecules the net flux equals BLANK


At rest, the main energy source of muscle is?

-seminiferous or germinal epithelium composed of sertoli cells and spermatogenic cells (modified stratified cuboidal epithelium) -basement membrane -tunica propria (peritubular tissue)

At sexual maturity each seminiferous tubule has?

Increase in O2 demand resulting in the discrepancy between the energy utilization and O2 consumption (O2 deficit)

At the beginning of an exercise, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems might not yet catch up with BLANK

Granulosa cells

BLANk cells produce both estrogens and progesterone, depending on the phase of the ovarian cycle

Excess postexercise O2 consumption (EPOC)

At the end of the exercise, O2 consumption is disproportionately higher than the level of activity


BLANK act as a negative feedback regulator to inhibit FSH from the pituitary, and inhibit folliculogenesis


BLANK always open and connect the outside to the cytoplasm

Sertoli Cells

BLANK are columnar cells that extend from the basement membrane to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. Nucleus is clear/pale and oval/oval-triangular with one or more prominent nucleoli. Spermatogenic cells are embedded in the sides and luminal surface

Collagen fibrils

BLANK are composed of overlapping and staggered tropocollagen molecules with a gap between their ends


BLANK are composed of three polypeptide chains wrapped in a triple helical configuration.

Gonads (ovaries and testes)

BLANK are endocrine glands under the control of hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis

Intermediate filaments

BLANK are rod-like proteins that are composed of a tetramer, ULF, and tight associations between them

Positive feedback loops

BLANK are useful in generating a rapid change in one direction but could be detrimental in pathological conditions (heart failure)

Androgen Binding Hormone (ABH); Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

BLANK binds to testosterone to concentrate testosterone to a level required for spermiogenesis. Promoted by BLANK

Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5)

BLANK breaks down cGMP, reducing its levels inside the smooth muscle cells, and causes vasoconstriction which leads to flaccidity of the penis


BLANK comprises endocytosis on one side of the cell and exocytosis on the opposite side, resulting in the transport of the substance through the cell, transcellular transport

Transcellular fluid compartment

BLANK consists of fluid inside epithelial-lined space in the body such as joints and body cavities and is usually negligible volume

Myoid cells

BLANK contract creating peristaltic waves to move spermatozoa/sperm and testicular fluid

Secondary active transport

BLANK couples the movement of solutes traveling along its gradient, usually Na+ to other traveling against their gradient

Plasma membrane

BLANK determines the structural and functional boundaries of the cell. Consists of phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol, proteins, and glycoproteins

Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)

BLANK from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone from the gonadotropes in the anterior pituitary


BLANK is a component of lipid rafts, involves in the formation of caveolae which are responsible for pinocytosis


BLANK is a multistep process that results in the union of two gametes to form a zygote


BLANK is a type of coat protein, binds to and causes invagination of the cell membrane into a vesicle

Plasma or Intravascular fluid

BLANK is contained within the cardiovascular system (cardiac chambers and blood vessels) and accounts for a fifth of the ECF

Oxidative phosphorylation

BLANK is crucial for prolonged activities and can sustain as long as enough oxygen is provided?

Total-body water (TBW)

BLANK is divided into compartments each of which has certain characteristics and regulations

Corpus luteum

BLANK is formed at ovulation as the granulosa and theca cells collapse together and forma seal on the surface of the ovary


BLANK is the diffusion of water, the solvent, from a higher to lower water concentration

Cortical reaction

BLANK is the hardening of the zona pellucida and preventing the penetration by other spermatozoa


BLANK is the process in which stem cells of the germinal epithelium differentiate into spermatids


BLANK is the release of substances from the vesicle to the extracellular space which can be used secrete substances produced by the cells such as enzymes or hormones, among other uses


BLANK is the strongest stimulus for PRL secretion

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

BLANK is the targeted endocytosis of specific molecules; such as cholesterol via low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor, and iron via transferrin receptor

Interstitial fluid (ISF)

BLANK lies between blood vessels and surrounds most cells in the body except blood cell. Contains approximately three quarters of the ECF

Negative feedback loops

BLANK maintain certain regulated parameters at their specific levels by sensing and responding to any changes


BLANK promote folliculogenesis

Mediated transport

BLANK relies on pathways formed by integral membrane proteins, transport solutes along its electrochemical gradient, does not require ATP, specific and saturable, competition can occur

Basal Lamina; lamina densa

BLANK results from the self-assembly of type IV collagen, laminin, entactin, and proteoglycans. The BLANK is attached to the underlying lamina reticularis by type VII collagen

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

BLANK stimulates the conversion of the ruptured follicle into a corpus luteum and also maintains the corpus luteum

Acrosomal reaction

BLANK which results in the release of acrosomal enzymes and penetration of the zona pellucida by the spermatozoon

Starvation, anorexia, strenuous exercise, and stress

BLANk can inhibit GnRH release and cause abnormal menstrual cycle in females

Theca cells

BLANk cells are the main source of androgens, which act as precursors for estrogens

Belt Desmosome (Zonula adhernes)

Band-like anchoring junction around the lateral aspect of the epithelial cells below the zona occludens. The intracellular actin filaments are attached to a membrane plaque composed of proteins with cadherins in the gap between the cells

Nissl body

Basophilic clumps of polyribosomes and RER in a neuron

Smooth muscle --> inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer, with an outer fibrous coat

Beneath the connective tissue of the seminal vesicles is?

Periurethral mucosa and submucosal layers

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) / Nodular hyperplasia is associated with what glandular layers?

Sight, smell, and taste

Bipolar neurons are important for?

Conversion of progesterone to androstenedione in the theca cells

CYP17 is required for?


Cardiac muscle held together by connective tissue. The inner portion of this layer contains specialized cardiac muscle fibers and Purkinje fibers that are part of the impulse conduction system of the heart

Simple columnar epithelium

Cell height exceeds the width, the nucleus is oval and usually at or below the midpoint of the cell. Height may vary from low to high

Simple Squamous Epithelia

Cell width is greater than the height and the nucleus is flattened. Cells have an irregular outline and the center bulges due to the nucleus

Simple cuboidal epithelia

Cell width, depth and height are approximately the same, the nucleus is spherical and centrally located. Height may vary from low to high


Changes in body fluid always occurs first in the BLANK


Channels are BLANK and alternate between open and closed states

Gap Junctions

Communicating junctions that permit the direct passage of signaling molecules from one cell to another. Present where the activity of adjacent cells must be coordinated

Dense regular elastic connective tissue

Composed of branching elastic fibers with sparse collagen fibers. The elastic fibers are arranged parallel to one another to form either sheets or fenestrated membranes

Functional layer of endometrium

Composed of simple columnar epithelium, with a connective tissue stroma with simple branched tubular endometrial glands and spiral arteries. This is the layer sloughed off during menstruation

Reticular lamina

Composed of type III collagen (reticulin) and fibronectin

Stratified columnar epithelium

Consists of lower layers of cuboidal cells with a surface layer of columnar cells

Loose connective tissue

Consists primarily of a variety of cells (fibroblasts, mast cells, adipose cells, macrophages, and plasma cells), ECM (lots of ground substance and variety of collagen and elastic fibers)

Dense regular connective tissue

Consists primarily of fibers with some ground substance and cells. The fibers are arranged in densely packed parallel bundles of collagen fibers to provide strength primarily in one direction. Rows of fibroblasts are located between the bundles of collagen fibers

Cortex of the ovary

Contains developing ovarian follicles in dense and loose connective tissue


Covers the inner surface of the heart and consists of an endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue


Covers the outer surface of the heart and is composed of a mesothelium (visceral layer of serous pericardium) and underlying connective tissue containing the blood vessels and nerves to the heart

Growth that occurs from the inner cellular layer of the perichondrium. Occurs primarily in adult cartilage. Chondroblast derived from the inner cellular layer of the perichondrium undergo mitosis and secrete matrix adding new cartilage to the surface

Describe appositional growth of cartilage

An intake of hypertonic solution (drinking sea water) will increase the plasma volume and the ECF volume. ECF osmolality is increased causing outward shift of water from the ICF shrinking the cells. Eventually ECF is increased, ICF is decreased and both compartments have increased osmolality

Describe hypertonic gain

An intake of hypotonic solution (drinking plain water) will increase the plasma volume and the ECF volume. The increase in volume also decreases ECF osmolality which causes osmotic movement of water into the cells. The end result is that both ECF and ICF have higher volume but lower osmolality

Describe hypotonic gain

During embryogenesis growth occurs on the inside of young cartilage. Chondrocytes undergo mitosis forming cell nests. As chondrocytes secrete their territorial matrix they become separated into their own lacuna

Describe interstitial growth of cartilage

A mature follicle is large and bulges on the surface of the ovary due to a surge in LH. The primary oocyte completes the first meiotic division resulting in a secondary oocyte and the first polar body. Cells of the corona radiata separate from other granulosa cells. The pressure in the liquor folliculi increases and the follicle ruptures releasing the ovulated product from the ovary

Describe ovulation (in terms of ovary)

Estrogen stimulates further growth of ducts and progesterone stimulates the growth of alveoli. At birth prolactin (PRL) stimulates milk secretion and oxytocin stimulates milk ejection

Describe pregnancy postnatal mammary development

The complete duct system develops and there is proliferation of the connective tissue stroma in response to estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, glucocorticoids, and somatotrophin

Describe puberty postnatal mammary development

The nucleus condenses, flattens and elongates. The cytoplasm is displaced posteriorly. And the mitochondria form a sheath around the flagellum

Describe the acrosome phase of spermiogenesis

-blood flows into the cavernous spaces via helicine arteries -blood drains from the cavernous spaces via veins located just beneath the tunica albuginea -normally most of the blood bypasses the cavernous spaces via arteriovenous anastomoses from the helicine arteries to the deep dorsal vein of the penis

Describe the blood flow in the penis

Formed by tight junctions between adjacent Sertoli cells. It divides the seminiferous epithelium into a basal compartment and a luminal compartment. Also protects the spermatogenic cells from immune components of the plasma.

Describe the blood-testis barrier

An acrosomal vesical binds to and spreads over the nuclear envelope of condensing nucleus forming the acrosomal cap

Describe the cap phase of spermiogenesis

-primary oocyte enlarges -follicular cells initially become cuboidal then columnar and then stratified (now granulosa cells) -glycoprotein layer forms between the primary oocyte and granulosa cells (zona pellucida) -stroma surrounding the granulosa cells differentiates into a connective tissue sheath (theca folliculi)

Describe the development of a primary follicle

-Increase in the stratification of the granulosa cells -Fluid-filled spaces (filled with liquor folliculi) form between the granulosa cells -Spaces coalesce to form a single cavity (antrum) -Growth of primary oocyte is halted by granulosa cell secretions -with formation of antrum, primary oocyte becomes enclosed in a cumulus oophorus. primary oocyte and its zona pellucida are located within the cumulus oophorus -the layer of the granulosa cells immediately outside zona pellucida is the corona radiata -granulosa cells of the corona radiata send microvilli to communicate with the microvilli of the primary oocyte

Describe the development of secondary follicle

-maturation of secondary follicles results in a single dominant follicle -has all the same features of the secondary follicle except that there is one single antrum and oocyte migrates to the edge of the ovary

Describe the development of the mature/graafian follicle

Mucosal lining composed of a functional layer (stratum functionale) and a basal layer (stratum basale). Layer that undergoes cyclic changes in the menstrual cycle

Describe the endometrium

Alveoli secrete into intralobular ducts, which flow into interlobular ducts, which flow into lactiferous ducts. Lactiferous ducts open into the nipple, which have smooth muscle for nipple erection

Describe the flow in the mammary glands

Occurs between days 5-14. The ovarian follicles are developing under the influence of FSH. Secretion of estrogen by the developing follicles causes proliferation of the uterine endometrium. Coincides with the proliferative phase of the uterus

Describe the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle

Produced early after the fertilization by the cells surrounding the embryo called syncytiotrophoblasts and then later by the chorion of placenta. It binds to LH receptors on the corpus luteum and rescues the corpus luteum from degeneration, especially in the first trimester. Later on, the placental production of estrogen and progesterone is high enough to sustain the pregnancy on its own.

Describe the function of hCG in detail

A acrosomal vesical formed from the golgi complex which contains hydrolytic enzymes. Centrioles migrate to opposite side of the vesicle and start forming the microtubular arrangement of the tail (flagellum)

Describe the golgi phase of spermiogenesis

Nucleus covered by the acrosomal cap

Describe the head of the spermatozoa

Has a star shaped lumen lined by pseudostratified epithelium with stereocilia. A lamina propria of connective tissue rich in elastic fibers, and a thick muscularis consisting of an inner longitudinal, middle circular, and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle

Describe the histological structures of the ductus deferens

Occurs just before the menstrual phase, the arteries in the basal layer of the endometrium constrict and the endometrium becomes pale and shrinks

Describe the ischemic or premenstrual phase of the uterine cycle

Occurs on days 15-28 (usually on 14 days in length), and corresponds to the secretory phase of the uterus. There will be secretion of progesterone and estrogen by the corpus luteum, which causes the secretory phase of the uterus

Describe the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle

Excess cytoplasm is removed by the sertoli cell and the mature sperm is released into the lumen

Describe the maturation phase of spermiogenesis

Occurs between days 1-5. The ischemic functional layer degenerates and along with blood and uterine fluid is discharged through the vagina

Describe the menstrual phase of the uterine cycle

The water will move toward the area with a higher total concentration of non-penetrating solutes

Describe the movement of non-penetrating solutes

Composed of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and a lamina propria with a lot of elastic fibers and small veins

Describe the mucosa layer of the vagina

Highly folded simple columnar epithelium with ciliated cells and secretory (peg) cells, with a basement membrane and lamina propria

Describe the mucosa of the oviduct

-consists of a pseudostratified to simple columnar epithelium lying over fibroelastic connective tissue -columnar cells of the epithelium secrete seminal fluid rich in fructose that is nutritive for the spermatozoa and prostaglandins

Describe the mucosa of the seminal vesicles

Poorly defined inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle

Describe the muscularis of the oviduct

Composed of two poorly defined layers of smooth muscle (inner circular and outer longitudinal) and the deep transverse perineal muscle, which forms a sphincter near the opening into the vestibule

Describe the muscularis of the vagina

Occurs on day 14 of a 28-day cycle (can vary depending on the follicular phase length). Result of a surge in LH

Describe the ovulation phase of the ovarian cycle

A parasympathetic stimulation which causes relaxation of smooth muscle in the trabeculae and helicine arteries (vasodilation), leading to increased blood flow into the cavernous spaces, arteriovenous constriction and increased blood flow in the cavernous spaces that compress the veins against the tunica albuginea blocking the outflow of the blood

Describe the penile erection

An outer fibroelastic capsule containing myoid cells on the inner cell

Describe the peritubular tissue of the seminiferous tubules

Spermatozoa undergo capacitation in the female reproductive tract, which allows sperm to pass through the corona radiata and bind to the zona pellucida. They then undergo an acrosome reaction, which enables them to penetrate the zona pellucida and come in contact with the ovulated product. Once it contacts the secondary oocyte, it undergoes a cortical reaction prevent polyspermy. The nucleus of the spermatozoa enters the secondary oocyte and forms the male pronucleus. The secondary oocyte completes the second meiotic division, which result in a mature ova with a female pronucleus and a second polar body. The male and female pronucleus fuse to form a zygote

Describe the process of fertilization

Occurs between days 6-14. Under the influence of estrogen the remaining basal layer of the endometrium rebuilds the functional layer of the endometrium

Describe the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle

Fick's first law of diffusion

Describe the relationship between the rate of diffusion to the factors affect it. Generally the concentration gradient is the main determinant of diffusion.

Viscous secretion that lubricates the urethra ejaculation and its alkalinity neutralizes the acidic environment from urine form the urethra

Describe the secretion from the bulbourethral glands and their function

Occurs between days 15-28. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, the endometrium almost double its thickness and the glands take on a sawtooth shape and are filled with fluid

Describe the secretory phase of the uterine cycle

Composed of a peritoneal covering of the oviducts (mesosalpinx) that is continuous with the broad ligament

Describe the serosa of the oviduct

Composed of compound tubuloalveolar glands surrounded by adipose and dense irregular connective tissue

Describe the structure of the mammary gland

-paired structures, about 3 cm in length and 1 cm in width -located on each side of the uterus along the lateral pelvic wall -attached to the broad ligament (visceral peritoneum) by the mesovarium -suspensory ligament attaches it to the pelvic wall -ovarium ligament attaches it to the uterus

Describe the structure of the ovary?

Has a main portion which is the body/corpus, a portion that is located above the entry of the oviduct (fundus), and a portion that projects into the vagina (cervix). The cervix has an internal and external os

Describe the structure of the uterus

Fibromuscular tube that is continuous with the cervix and opens into the vestibule

Describe the structure of the vagina

Composed of a neck, middle piece, and principal piece and a end piece. The neck connects the head to the middle piece. The middle piece is a mitochondria sheath and axoneme, and the principal piece is an axoneme

Describe the tail of the spermatozoa

Bulk Flow

Describes the movement of the whole solution (solvent and solutes) together as a result of a driving force

Mesenchymal connective tissue

Differentiate from mesoderm, and consist of mesenchymal cells ( stellate cells), ECM (ground substance with hyaluronic acid & reticular fibers)


Diffusion is a BLANK process, not requiring any external energy, and always occurs according to the molecule's electrochemical gradient

Active state

Ducts bud and form numerous alveoli, amount of fibrous connective tissue and adipose tissue decreases, increased pigmentation in the areola. After parturition milk is produced that is high in fat, sugar and protein (mammary glands)

Intercalated ducts

Ducts leading from the secretory unit lined with simple squamous epithelium

Intralobular and striated ducts

Ducts located within a lobule that are lined with simple cuboidal to low simple columnar epithelium and surrounded by little connective tissue

Lobar ducts

Ducts located within the connective tissue septa between lobes, lined by pseudostratified to stratified cuboidal to stratified columnar epithelium and, surrounded by abundant connective tissue. They connect to the main excretory duct

Interlobular ducts

Ducts within the connective tissue septa between lobules lined with tall simple columnar epithelium to pseudostratified epithelium, and surrounded by abundant connective tissue

Hematoxylin and other basic dyes (basophilic) such as methylene and toludine blue

Due to the rRNA of the ribosome they intensely stain with ?

-1-4 seminiferous tubules which produce spermatozoa -Connective tissue stroma with Leydig cells which secrete testosterone

Each lobule of the testis contains?

Coiled loop with each end opening into the tubuli recti (straight tubule)

Each seminiferous tubules is a BLANK

Fibroblasts (sheets) and smooth muscle cells (fenestrated membranes)

Elastic fibers are synthesized by?

Parasympathetic-caused vasodilation, and venous outflow restriction

Erection of the male penis occurs by

-coagulation (increase clotting factors) -bone growth (increase bone growth, decrease bone turnover, close epiphyseal plates) -fluid balance (increase salt and water retention)

Estrogens are involved in what non-reproductive effects?

-endometrial proliferation -sensitization of developing follicles to FSH and LH -sensitization of uterus to oxytocin -watery cervical mucus production -growth and differentiation of breast tissue -development of secondary sex characteristis

Estrogens are involved in what reproductive functions?

Development of male characteristics in females (virilization)

Excess androgens can cause?

Larger and prolonged EPOC

Exercise with higher intensity leads to

Corpus spongiosum

Expands distally forming the glans which covers the end of the corpora cavernosa. Contains the penile urethra

Involves invagination of the cell membrane which engulf the substance to be transported and forming a transport vesicle. The vesicle detaches from the cell membrane and moves into the cytoplasm

Explain endocytosis

LH receptor

FSH with the help of estrogen induces expression BLANK in the granulosa cells


Focuses on the movement of a specific type of molecules. This can occur within the same compartment or between two different compartments

Activin; FSH

Follicles develop under the influence of BLANK secreted by the primary oocyte and BLANK secreted by the pituitary and growth factors

Hypotonic volume increased Isotonic volume increased Hypertonic volume increased

For ECF what happens to the volume in fluid gain?

-Hypotonic osmolality decreased -Isotonic osmolality not affected -Hypertonic osmolality increased

For ECF, what happens to the osmolality in fluid gain?

Hypotonic osmolality decreased Isotonic osmolality not affected Hypertonic osmolality increased

For ICF, what happens to the osmolality in fluid gain?

Hypotonic volume increased Isotonic volume not affected Hypertonic volume decreased

For ICF, what happens to the volume in fluid gain?

Aerobic oxidation

For moderate-intensity exercise, fat is the preferred substrate for?

Reticular connective tissue

Formes the architectural framework of liver, bone marrow, lymphatic tissue, cardiovascular system, and lungs. Characterized by fibroblasts (reticular cells), type III collagen, macrophages, and ground substances. Requires silver salts to stain

Type VII collagen

Forms anchoring fibrils between the lamina densa and the lamina reticularis

Type II collagen

Found in hyaline and elastic cartilage. Consists of fine fibrils dispersed in ground substance

Type IV collagen

Found in the basal lamina of the basement membrane. Binds to laminin (adhesive glycoprotein)

Elastic cartilage

Found where structures must withstand repeated bending such as the external ear, auditory tube (eustachian tube) and epiglottis. Made up of type II collagen and elastic fibers

Proteoglycan aggregates and adhesive glycoproteins

Ground substance is composed of?

Keratinized stratified squamous

Has dead squamous cells at the surface which form a waxy protection against drying out, bacterial invasion, and friction. Dead cells on the surface have no nuclei and shed.

Pseudostratified epithelium

Has the appearance of being stratified because nuclei are observed at different levels. Consists of basal cells and columnar cells, and usually goblet cells


Highly coiled tube that lies on the superior and posterior surface of the testis. Divided into a head, body and a tail. Has a connective tissue coat and a coat of circularly arranged smooth muscle

Stimulate the neurons at a higher frequency

How can skeletal muscle achieve summation of force?

The placenta converts cholesterol into progesterone, which then in the fetal adrenal cortex converts pregnenolone into DHEAS & 16-OH DHEAS. The placenta can then use the DHEAS to synthesize estrogens, with estriol (E3) from 16-OH DHEAS

How is estrogen (estriol) synthesized between the placenta and the fetus?

The mean arterial pressure would decrease

If a supine person stands up, which of the following cardiovascular changes would be observed?

Corpus albicans

If fertilization does not occur then the corpus luteum last about 14 days and then degenerates as a BLANK

hCG; estrogen and progesterone

If fertilization occurs then the feedback of BLANK from the trophoblasts maintains the corpus luteum until the placenta can take over the secretion of BLANK and BLANK

Inversely proportional

In a closed system, the time needed to reach equilibrium is BLANK to the square of distance between two points

Erection by its vasodilatory action on penile arterioles via the release of nitric oxide (NO)

In males, the PNS acts as the main regulator of?


In osteoporosis (low bone density), which bone cell undergoes a decrease in apoptosis?

They differentiate into theca-lutein and granulosa-lutein cells. The granulosa-lutein cells will synthesize progesterone and allow access to plasma cholesterol and LH-induced increase in the expression of related steroidogenic hormones.

In the luteal phase, the theca and granulosa cells differentiate into? what is a difference between them and the follicular phase cells?


In which of the following locations would one fine a simple columnar epithelium with microvilli?

Medulla of the ovary

Is the central portion that contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics in connective tissue


Just before and during ovulation, estrogen provides positive feedback to what organ?

Type III collagen

Known as reticulin or reticular fibers. Found in reticular connective tissue and reticular lamina of the basement membrane. Synthesized during wound healing and then replaced by Type I. Stains wil silver salts

Leydig cells

LH stimulates BLANK to synthesize androgens (mainly testosterone) from cholesterol


Layer of the uterus that is considered serosa or adventitia

Transitional epithelium.

Like a stratified cuboidal epithelium but the surface cells change between squamous and cuboidal in shape

Efferent ductules.

Lined by epithelium that alternates from simple cuboidal to ciliated columnar for the absorption of fluid and ciliary action moves the sperm towards the epididymis. This gives the epithelium a scalloped appearance. Also have a smooth muscle coat to aid in the movement of sperm

Fibrinolysin (part of the prostate secretory product)

Liquefies coagulated sperm in female reproductive tract

Hyaluronic acid

Liquor folliculi is rich in?

Zonula occludens (tight junctions)

Located at the apical region of the lateral surface, and encircles the cell. Consists of a fusion of transmembrane junctional proteins (claudins & occludins) of the adjoining plasma membrane reinforced by cadherins. Do not resist mechanical stress. Defines cell polarity and controls the passage of substances between adjacent cells

Interstitial Cells of Leydig

Located in the loose connective tissue between seminiferous tubules. They are large round cells with a pale, centrally located nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and may have eosinophilic cytoplasm

Prostate Gland

Located inferior to the urinary bladder, composed of 30-50 tubuloalveolar glands that are enclosed with a capsule of dense irregular connective tissue interspersed with smooth muscle cells


Located outside the body in the scrotum, which allow for 2-3 degree below body temperature which is necessary for spermatogenesis


Located where dense connective tissue blends into hyaline cartilage, like IV discs, articular discs, and the pubic symphysis. Made up of type I collagen

Ampulla of the oviduct

Longest segment, with folds of the mucosa forming convoluted channels. Location of fertilization

By properties of transporter proteins (specificity, saturation), which changes the kinetic relationship of the transport (biphasic, saturable)

Mediated transport is affected by?


Main component is actin, which is composed of a globular monomer with G-actin polymerizing to form long double-stranded helical filaments (F-actin)

Integrins (calcium independent molecules)

Mainly for establishing a link between the internal cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. Function in cell adhesion to the basement membrane, cell movement and shape, leukocyte extravasation, cell growth, and differentiation and embryonic cell migration


Morphology and secretory function of the seminal vesicles is controlled by?

Facilitated diffusion protein that uses a downhill glucose gradient

Most cells in the body (except brain, kidneys, intestine, and red blood cells), transport glucose across their plasma membranes by a transporter using what kind of energy?

Hyaline Cartilage

Most prevalent type of cartilage, located in synovial joints, tracheal ring, bronchi, nasal septum, laryngeal and costal cartilages in adults. Consists of type II collagen

Isthmus of the oviduct

Narrow segment just outside the uterus

Isotonic; hypotonic

Normal saline solution is BLANK, while the 5% dextrose solution is BLANK

Seminal vesicles

Paired glands located posterior to the bladder and lateral to the ampulla of the vas deferens. Highly coiled tubular structures, with a mucosa convoluted to form many folds to increase secretory surface

Atresia; Atretic follicles

Once ovulation occurs those follicles not reaching maturity undergo BLANK and become BLANK which are eventually phagocytosed by macrophages

Total number of solute molecules and the presence of a semipermeable membrane

Osmosis is dependent on?

Its alkaline content neutralizes the acidic environment of the urethra and vagina

Other than fertilization, what is the function of semen?

Theca externa

Outer layer with collagen fibers and some smooth muscle (pertaining to the ovary follicles)

Tunica vaginalis (mesothelium)

Outermost covering of the testis

Efferent ductules

Outside the mediastinum the BLANK connect the rete testis to the epididymis


Oxytocin causes BLANK of the myoepithelial cells which results in milk release


Painful menstruation

Intramural of the oviduct

Segment within the wall of the uterus

Uterine tubes/oviducts/fallopian tubes

Paired tubes that extend from the uterus to the ovaries

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium at the glans it becomes stratified squamous epithelium

Penile urethra is lined with?

290 mOsm/L

Physiological levels of both the intracellular and the extracellular fluid osmolarity equal

Two chromatids prior to the first meiotic division

Primary spermatocytes replicate their DNA to 2N/46 chromosomes and 4C/92 chromatids. Each chromosomes consists of?

Primary oocytes arrested at prophase I of meiosis I, surrounded by a single layer of squamous to cuboidal cells (follicular cells)

Primordial follicles consist of?


Prior to placenta formation, what secretes hCG?


Produced by corpus luteum, placenta, and the decidua. It relaxes the uterus to prevent contraction during pregnancy and also softens and dilates the cervix and the pubic symphysis during labor


Profuse menstrual bleeding

FSH and LH

Progesterone and estrogen secreted by the corpus luteum and placenta inhibit the secretion of?

The conversion of endometrium from proliferative to secretory endometrium, the thickening of cervical mucus, and the increase in body temperature, as well as inhibits uterine contraction

Progesterone stimulates?

Type I collagen

Prominent type (90% of all collagen), found in dermis, bone, tendons, ligaments, capsules or organs, and fibrocartilage. Consists of fibrils and fibers for tensile strength

Peripheral main glands

Prostate cancer is associated with which glandular layer?


Prostatic secretion is regulated by?


Refers to the behavior of solutes movement into account


Refers to the concentration of solute in a solution which can be described as osmolarity or osmolality

-fluids and spermatozoa from seminiferous tubules -secretions from the epididymis and vas deferens -secretion from the seminal vesicles -secretions from the prostate -secretion from the bulbourethral glands -prostaglandins

Semen contains


Separation of charges on two different poles, resulting in electrical potential difference (voltage)

Theca lutein

Smaller peripherally located cells derived from the theca interna that secrete progesterone, and androstenedione

myoepithelial cells

Smooth muscle surround alveoli BLANK and ducts of the mammary glands

Sertoli cells, and transformed into a spermatozoa

Spermatids undergo spermiogenesis with the assistance of?


Stimulates the development of gametes, in females follicle growth and in males spermatogenesis

Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons

Submucosal myenteric plexuses contain


Substances not suitable for transport across the cell membrane can enter the cell by BLANK

Neural reflex arc (let-down reflex)

Suckling activates a BLANK which inhibits DA release hence increases PRL secretion

Oxytocin (OT) from their nerve endings in the posterior pituitary

Suckling also stimulates hypothalamic neurons to release?

Ejaculatory duct

The ampulla is joined by the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the BLANK which enters the prostatic urethra

Capacity to perform work

The body adapts to regular exercise by increasing ?

Maintaining blood flow to vital organs

The body prioritizes maintaining BLANK by compensatory vasoconstriction

Mucous-like secretion

The cervix does not have the same endometrial structure but does have a BLANK that changes with the uterine cycle


The cessation of menstruation, decreased estrogen levels, increased FSH and LH levels

Dense irregular connective tissue

The collagen fibers are arranged in large bundles interwoven in different directions to provide strength in various directions. Fibroblasts are scattered between the bundles of collagen fibers. There is also mast cells, macrophages, and blood vessels

Endothelial lined spaces (cavernous spaces/sinuses)

The corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosum contain erectile tissue which consist of BLANK separated by trabeculae of connective tissue that contains smooth muscle cells

-Granulosa lutein -Theca lutein

The corpus luteum consists of

Fourteen days

The degeneration of the corpus luteum to a corpus albicans normally takes about BLANK days

Intensity of exercise

The degree and duration of EPOC are also dependent on the BLANK

Membrane potential (Vm)

The difference between the charges inside and outside the cell


The difference in electrical potential between two points of interest


The endometrial glands become enlarged and very active under the influence of which of the following?


The entire secretory cell is discharged. Example sebaceous gland

Pseudostratified epithelium with stereocilia

The epididymis is lined with?

Non-keratinized stratified squamous

The epithelium of the vagina is which of the following?

-2 ovaries -2 uterine tubes (oviducts) -uterus -vagina -external genitalia -2 mammary glands

The female reproductive system is composed of?

Competing substances being transported by the same transporter

The flux in mediated transport can also be affected by?

Aromatase (CYP19) 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD)

The granulosa cells are under the influence of FSH which increases the expression and activity of?


The granulosa cells use which molecule to produce estradiol?


The height of each compartment represents its BLANK (Darrow Yannet Diagram)

Human chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

The hormone secreted by the placenta that stimulates the ovary to release large amounts of estrogen and progesterone is

Kidney to excrete water but not salt, resulting in dilute urine

The increase in ECF, like in isotonic infusion, will also trigger BLANK

Epithelial cells

The lamina lucida and lamina densa are produced by?

Fibroblasts in the connective tissue

The lamina reticularis is produced by?

Anaerobic threshold

The level of exercise that cannot be sustained by aerobic alone pass what threshold?

Corpora amylacea (prostatic concretion)

The lumen of the prostate glands build up with calcified glycoprotein masses called?

-Paired testes -Paired excurrent duct systems -Accessory sex glands -Penis

The male reproductive system is composed of?

The total number of transporter per unit area of the cell membrane (saturation)

The maximum flux through a specific transporter is limited by?

Resting membrane potential

The membrane potential of a cell in its resting (unexcited) state that stays at a steady value

-secondary oocyte -zona pellucida -corona radiata

The ovulated product consists of the

-two dorsal cylinders of erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa) -one ventral cylinder of erectile tissue (corpora spongiosum) that contain the urethra

The penis consists of

hCG, estrogens, progestins, human placental lactogen (HPL) and relaxin

The placenta acts as an endocrine gland, which produces?


The presence and growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity


The property of a medium that resists movement of electrical charges

Transitional epithelium

The prostatic urethra is lined by?


The rate of movement (flux) of electric charges past a point of interest

Type I and Type II collagen

The repair cartilage has a matrix composition of ?

Seminal vesicle

The secretion of which of the following is rich in fructose and is the major component of the ejaculate


The secretory product accumulates in the apical portion of the cell and is pinched off. Example is lactating mammary gland


The secretory product is formed and enclosed by a membrane which fuses to the cell membrane during discharge (exocytosis). Example salivary gland and pancreas

Tubuli recti (straight tubules); rete testis

The seminiferous tubules open into BLANK which in turn open into th eBLANk located in the mediastinum testis

Stratified squamous

The shape of the surface cells is squamous, there are two types

non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

The squamous surface cells have nuclei and are still living

Spermatic cord

The testis are suspended in the scrotum by?

High tensile strength and resistance to stretching, compression, twisting, and bending forces

The tight association between the tetramers and ULF provide?

Active transport

The transport of solute across cell membrane that requires energy is?

Simple columnar to pseudostratified epithelium

The tubuloalveolar glands of the prostate are lined by?

Mediastinum testis

The tunica albuginea is thickened posteriorly forming the BLANK


The width of the compartment represents its BLANK (Darrow yannet diagram)

-Ductus deferens -Testicular artery -pampiniform venous plexus -genital branch of genitofemoral nerve -ANS fibers -Lymphatic vessels

Ther spermatic cord contains?

Secondary spermatocytes

These are smaller than primary spermatocytes and they are haploid. They are difficult to identify in histological sections because they enter the second meiotic division right after they are formed. (equational division)

Bulbourethral glands

These are two glands located inferior to the connective tissue covering the urogenital diaphragm. They are tubuloalveolar glands that empty into the proximal part of the penile urethra. Lined by simple columnar epithelium

Tunica albuginea (male)

Thick capsule of dense irregular connective tissue surrounding the testis


This is a layer of the uterus that consists of very thick smooth muscle with inner longitudinal, middle circular, and outer longitudinal

Basal layer of endometrium

This is the deepest portion of the endometrium containing the bottoms of the simple branched tubular endometrial glands and spiral arteries that vascularize the endometrium

Tunica albuginea

This is the dense irregular connective tissue layer beneath the germinal epithelium of the ovary

Primordial follicles

This is the first to appear in the ovary around the 3rd fetal month. It is the smallest, and is the majority of follicles in the prepuberal ovary. In the mature ovary they are located in the cortex just below the tunica albuginea

Germinal epithelium of the ovary

This is the outer mesothelial covering of simple squamous to low cuboidal cells. It was once thought that the ova were derived from here

The permeability of the cell membrane, and describes the effective osmotic pressure of the solution

Tonicity is determined by?

Non-penetrating solutes between the inside and the outside of the cell

Tonicity of a solution can be predicted by comparing the concentration of BLANK


Transport across the cell membrane by simple diffusion has a BLANK relationship between the concentration gradient and the net flux

Transverse tubules are invaginations of the sarcolemma

What is correct concerning skeletal muscle?


Undergo the second meiotic division result in two spermatids that are haploid. They are small cells with a round dark nucleus and located at the luminal surface. Have abundant RER and mitochondria with a well developed Golgi Complex

Stratified cuboidal epithelium

Usually consists of a few layers of cuboidal cells


Vesicle fusion (and exocytosis) requires formation of a protein complex called BLANK which involves proteins such as syntaxin and synaptobrevin

Cell adhesion molecules, which are a sheet of epithelial cells that form tight attachments of similar cells to one another

What are CAM's

-Glycocalyx (fuzzy coat of carbohydrate residues) attached to transmembrane proteins -Microvilli (cylindrical membrane-bound projections of a core of actin microfilaments that are embedded in a terminal web) -Stereocilia (giant microvilli that are non-motile_ -Cilia (motile, hair-like membrane-bound projections capable of moving mucus, fluid and particles)

What are apical surface modifications?

Pyramidal cell (cerebral cortex), and Purkinje cells (cerebellar cortex)

What are examples of multipolar neurons?

Protein, sodium, mannitol

What are examples of non-penetrating solutes

Dextrose, urea

What are examples of penetrating solutes

Non-living components of the cytoplasm that do not possess metabolic activity and are not bounded by a membrane

What are inclusions?

Organelles involved with ingestion & degradation of intracellular & extracellular substances. They are membrane bound organelles of heterogenous size, and contain acid hydrolases

What are lysosomes

Composed of tubular dimers, with two tightly bound tubulin molecules (alpha and beta-tubulin), 13 parallel protofilaments

What are microtubules?

Spherical structures that have a lipid bilayer membrane enclosing a dense matrix of metabolic enzymes. Contain oxidase, which are involved in beta oxidation and alpha oxidation. The catalase will breakdown peroxide and involved in the synthesis of bile acids, cholesterol and lipids

What are peroxisomes?

Small organelles that degrade old or damaged proteins. The damaged proteins are tagged with a polypeptide called ubiquitin, which is a signal for degradation.

What are proteasomes?

-Seminal vesicles -Prostate -Bulbourethral glands

What are the accessory sex glands

-Increased maximum O2 consumption due to increased maximum CO and increased O2 extraction -Increased O2 extraction -Increased total blood volume -Increased muscle strength, glycogen storage, insulin sensitivity, lean body mass -increased anaerobic threshold -decreased resting HR

What are the effects of exercise training

-Keratins -Vimentin -Desmin -Neurofilaments -Lamins

What are the five major types of intermediate filaments

-primordial follicle -primary follicle -secondary/vesicular follicle -mature/graafian follicle

What are the four types of follicles present in the ovary during the reproductive years?

-Form blood-testis barrier -Phagocytize residual cytoplasm -Secrete androgen binding hormone and Inhibin

What are the functions of the Sertoli Cells?

Glycosylation, synthesis of lysosomes and their enzymes, and sorting of proteins and phospholipids

What are the functions of the golgi apparatus

Paraurethral glands

What are the glands that produce a alkaline secretion in the penile tissue?

-Theca interna -Theca externa

What are the layers of the theca folliculi?

ATP Phosphagen System (creatine) Glycolysis Oxidative phosphorylation Beta oxidation

What are the major muscle fuel source?

Glycogen Lipids Melanin

What are the most common inclusions?

Glands of littre

What are the mucous glands in the penile tissue?

-Efferent ductules -Epididymis -Ductus deferens

What are the paired excurrent duct systems?

-Golgi phase -Cap phase -Acrosome phase -Maturation phase

What are the phases of spermiogenesis

-infundibulum -ampulla -isthmus -intramural

What are the portions of the oviduct?

1. spermatogonia 2. primary spermatocyte 3. secondary spermatocyte 4. spermatids

What are the stages of spermatogenesis?

Microfilaments Intermediate Filaments Microtubules

What are the structure of the cytoskeleton

-Endometrium -Myometrium -Perimetrium

What are the three layers of the uterus

-Tight junctions -Anchoring Junctions -Gap or Communicating Junctions

What are the three types of cell junctions?

-Periurethral mucosal glands -Periurethral submucosal glands -Peripheral main glands

What are the tubuloalveolar gland layers of the prostate gland?

Puberty and pregnancy

What are the two phases of postnatal mammary gland development?

-Type A (Stem cell) lighter stained -Type B (progenitor cell) have a round dark nucleus, undergo mitosis and produce primary spermatocytes that undergo meiosis

What are the two types of spermatogonia

-Cadherins (establish a link between the internal cytoskeleton of a cell and the exterior of another cell) -Selectins (bind to carbohydrates attached to proteins or a lipid)

What are the types of CAM's?

Hemidesmosome Belt desmosome Spot desmosome

What are the types of anchoring junctions?

Usually high in Na+ while low in K+ levels. Can be further divided into three subcompartments

What is extracellular fluid (ECF)

-Fibroblasts -ECM (hydrophilic) --> ground substances primarily hyaluronic acid and type I and III collagen fibers

What does Warton's Jelly consist of?

-Necessary for the proliferation and differentiation of spermatogenic cells -development of secondary male sex characteristics -growth and maintenance of the accessory glands -libido

What does testosterone affect?


What enzyme is required in the granulosa cells to convert androstenedione into estrone?

Dopamin (DA) / PRL-inhibitor factor (PIF) from the hypothalamus

What inhibits PRL in men and non-pregnant women?

Maximum O2 consumption, which reflects the maximum power that the body can generated and is used as an index of the cardio-respiratory fitness

What is Vo2 Max

A visual representation of water and electrolytes in body fluid compartments

What is a Darrow Yannet diagram

A flagellum is formed by the centrioles

What is a correct statement concerning spermiogenesis?

It is a temporary endocrine organ that produces estrogen and progesterone

What is a correct statement concerning the corpus luteum?

In males and females, LH stimulates sex hormone productions

What is a correct statements about sex steroids is correct

They are 4N

What is a false statement about spermatogonia?

Excessive vomiting

What is a possible cause of metabolic alkalosis?

A parameter that is constantly being monitored by sensors and informs the controller of the current status. Examples include blood pressure, temperature, plasma glucose levels

What is a regulated parameter? Examples

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

What is a tumor marker that is used for diagnosis and follow up pertaining to the prostate

-Epithelium and Glands (epidermis & epidermal derivates such as hair, nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands), melanocytes, mammary glands, anterior pituitary, enamel of teeth, lens of eye, adrenal medulla, retina and parotid gland) -Nervous Tissue (CNS brain and spinal cord, cranial and spinal ganglia, cranial and spinal nerves, posterior pituitary and pineal gland)

What is considered ectoderm?

-Epithelial lining of Respiratory Tract (trachea, bronchi, and lungs) -Epithelial lining of GI tract, liver, and pancreas -Epithelial lining of urinary bladder and urethra -Epithelial lining of pharynx, auditory tube, and tympanic cavity -Epithelial lining of tonsils, thyroid, and parathyroids -Submandibular and sublingual glands

What is considered endoderm?

-Epithelial lining of body cavities (mesothelium) -Epithelial lining of blood vessels, heart, and lymphatic vessels (endothelium) -Adrenal cortex -Connective Tissue (embryonic CT, CT proper, Adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, blood, dentin of teeth, lymphatic tissues) -Muscle Tissue (smooth, cardiac, skeletal muscle)

What is considered mesoderm?

Spaces are forming between the granulosa cells

What is correct concerning a secondary follicle?

hCG levels in plasma and urine

What is measured in pregnancy tests?

The type and structure of each transporter dictate which substances can pass through it and when the transport can occur

What is specificity

Dense irregular CT

What is the adventitia of the vagina composed of?

Diffuse basophilic cytoplasm (Ergastoplasm

What is the appearance of RER on staining?

Secrete testosterone for a short time during fetal development for the initial development of the male reproductive tract and genitalia. They remain inactive until puberty when they are stimulated by LH to secrete testosterone

What is the function of Leydig cells?

Increases intracellular cGMP and causes smooth muscle erection. The relaxed arterioles allow blood to fill the sinusoids of corpora cavernosa

What is the function of NO in erection?

-Stimulates the contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding mammary alveoli and ducts resulting in ejection of milk from the mammary gland -Stimulates contraction of the uterine smooth muscle

What is the function of OT?

Synthesis of phospholipids, cholesterol and steroids, as well as detoxification. They are required for conversion of harmful lipid-soluble and water-insoluble substances into non-harmful water-soluble compounds for discharge by the kidney

What is the function of SER?

Functions in modulating membrane fluidity, restricts movement of phospholipids at high temperature. Major component of the cells membrane

What is the function of cholesterol in regards to the cell (general)

Prevents the degeneration of corpus luteum and maintains high progesterone levels required for maintenance of pregnancy during the first trimester

What is the function of hCG?

They are specific carrier proteins and channel proteins, and are needed to allow selective passage of molecules across the membrane

What is the function of membrane proteins

Provide structural support for neuron, act in anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of synaptic vessels and other molecules

What is the function of neurofilaments and neurotubules?

Functions as a physical barrier and involved in selective permeability

What is the function of phospholipids?

Engaged in substance degradation process (phagolysosome and autolysosome)

What is the function of secondary lysosomes?

It signals effector unit(s) to act and cause a change in the regulated parameter toward the desired value

What is the function of the controller?

A network of proteins in the cytoplasm that are for support and strength, movement, phagocytosis, cytokinesis and are either cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix bound

What is the function of the cytoskeleton

A specialized endometrium of pregnancy that secretes immunosuppressants like prostaglandins, and interleukin-2 to help protect the embryo from maternal immune response

What is the function of the decidua?

Transport sperm, and contract to propel sperm during ejaculation

What is the function of the ductus deferens?

-Absorption of fluid -Phagocytizes remnants of cytoplasm from spermatozoa -Secretes factors for maturation of spermatozoa -Reservoir for sperm

What is the function of the epididymis

Facilitate fertilization through the deposition of spermatozoa in the female genital tract

What is the function of the excurrent duct system, accessory glands and penis (general)

Oxidative phosphorylation resulting in the production of ATP. Steroidogenesis Thermogenesis Initiation of Apoptosis

What is the function of the mitochondria

-Pick up the ovulated product from the ovary and transport it to the ampullary region -Provide the necessary environment for fertilization, and the development of the zygote into a morula

What is the function of the oviducts?

Storage site for lysosomal hydrolases

What is the function of the primary lysosome?

Involved in the synthesis of proteins (membrane, secretory, and in organelles) carried out by the attachment of ribosomes.

What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Deliver DNA to the ovum

What is the function of the spermatozoa

-produce spermatozoa (spermatogenesis) -produce androgens (steroidogenesis)

What is the function of the testis (general)

From the testes passes through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord, then down the lateral pelvic wall and then posterior to the bladder where it enlarges as the ampulla

What is the path of the ductus deferens?

Provide points of anchorage for the myofibrils Provide for attachment to neighboring cells Permit extremely rapid spread of contractile stimulus from one cell to another

What is the purpose of intercalated discs?

Thin, milky, rich in citric acid, lipids, acid phosphatase, proteolytic enzymes and fibrinolysin

What is the secretory product of the prostate?

Two antiparallel coiled dimers, each monomer has a head and tail domain

What makes up a tetramer unit

8 tetramers associated laterally. Will join end to end in a tight association

What makes up a unit length filament (ULF)

Both minute ventilation and cardiac output rise

What occurs during moderate-intensity aerobic exercise?

Contraction of the internal urethral sphincter (under SNS control)

What prevents retrograde ejaculation?

Estrogens Progestins Androgens

What sex steroids does the ovary synthesize?

-O2 uptake from the lungs -O2 delivery to muscle -Extraction of O2 by muscle

What three components determine Vo2 Max?

-Fibroblasts -Smooth muscle -chondroblasts -osteoblasts -epithelial cells

What type of cells make collagen fibers?

PDE5 Inhibitor

What type of inhibitor is used in erectile dysfunction

Will increase the plasma volume and the ECF volume. The increase in volume will only affect the ECF

What would an intake of isotonic solution do to the ICF, and ECF compartments

ATP and creating phosphate pool

When exercise starts, the additional energy is first supplied by the ?

Reductional Division

When the primary spermatocytes complete the first meiotic division the result is 2 secondary spermatocytes that are haploid. This is known as?

Within the ovaries, skin, fat and adrenal glands

Where are androgens produced?

-microvilli of the intestinal and renal epithelial cells -stereocilia of hair cells from the inner ear -skeletal muscle associated w/myosin for contractile activity -beneath the cell membrane in most cells involved with cell shape changes during endocytosis, exocytosis, and locomotion -cytoplasm associated with the movement of organelles, vesicles, and granules (cytoplasmic streaming) -mitotic cells associated with myosin for cleavage of daughter cells

Where are microfilaments found?

-Lining of the body cavities (mesothelium) -Lining of blood and lymphatic vessels (endothelium) -Thin loop of Henle in the Kidney -Vestibular membrane in the cochlea -Alveoli of the lung -Bowman's capsule in renal corpuscles of the kidney

Where can you commonly find simple squamous epithelia?

Epidermis of skin

Where is Keratinized stratified squamous typically found?

Moist surfaces such as the oral cavity, esophagus, anus and vagina

Where is NK stratified squamous epithelium typically found?

-Sweat glands -Larger ducts of exocrine glands

Where is Stratified cuboidal epithelium found?

-Fibrous capsule of organs -Deep fascia -Dermis -Periosteum of bone -Perichondrium of cartilage

Where is dense irregular connective tissue commonly found?

-Tendons -Ligaments -Aponeuroses

Where is dense regular connective tissue typically found?

-Around muscles, blood vessels, nerves, organs, subcutaneous regions, beneath the epithelia of the digestive and respiratory tracts

Where is loose connective tissue commonly found?

-Trachea and bronchi of the respiratory tract -Efferent ductules, epididymis, and vas deferens of the male reproductive tract

Where is pseudostratified epithelium commonly found?

-Small ducts of exocrine glands -Thyroid gland -Germinal epithelium of the ovary -Choroid plexus of the ventricles of the brain -Kidney Tubules

Where is simple cuboidal epithelia commonly found?

-stomach -small intestine -large intestine -gallbladder -uterus

Where is simple cuboidal epithelium commonly found?

-Largest ducts of exocrine glands -Portion of the male urethra -Transition sites between stratified squamous and pseudostratified epithelia

Where is stratified columnar epithelium commonly found?

Yolk sac

Where is the ova derived from?

In the pelvic cavity and attached to the pelvic wall by visceral peritoneum (broad ligament)

Where is the uterus located?

Estrone (E1)

Which estrogen is highest in menopause

Estriol (E3)

Which estrogen is highest in pregnancy (especially the 1st-2nd trimester)


Which gastrointestinal hormone has hydrogen ions as a secretagogue, and stimulates the production of ductal bicarbonate?


Which hormone is decreased during a moderate-intensity exercise?


Which hormone prevents the death of corpus luteum?


Which hormone stimulates glycogen synthesis?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Which is the most potent male sex hormone?

Androgen-binding hormone

Which molecule helps maintaining high levels of testosterone inside the seminiferous tubules?


Which molecule in skeletal muscle binds calcium in order to trigger contraction?

Respiratory portion of nasal cavities - medial wall formed by nasal septum

Which of the following a correct match? -Respiratory portion of nasal cavities - medial wall formed by nasal septum -Olfactory epithelium - lines the superior surface of the inferior nasal conchae -Respiratory epithelium - ciliated simple columnar epithelium -vestibule - mucous secretions warm and humidify the air

Arteries have well developed tunica

Which of the following best describes the main difference between an artery and a vein?

Mesangial cells

Which of the following can be found in the renal corpuscle?

Ovulated product - includes a secondary oocyte

Which of the following is a correct match? -Fertilization - usually occurs in the fundus of the uterus -Ovulated product - includes a secondary oocyte -ovulation - results from a surge in progesterone -second polar body - produced during the first meiotic division -capacitation - reaction of the morula to the uterine endometrium

cortex of ovary - ovarian follicles in various phases of development

Which of the following is a correct match? -Germinal epithelium - outer epithelial covering of the oviduct -Primary oocytes - undergo mitosis from birth to puberty -cortex of ovary - ovarian follicles in various phases of development -tunica albuginea - loose connective tissue forming the medulla of the ovary -primary oocyte - decrease in size with follicle development

B lymphocytes - mature in bone marrow

Which of the following is a correct match? -Lymphocytes - largest percentage of white blood cells in peripheral circulation -Eosinophils - perform their function within the vascular system -Monocytes - develop from macrophages in bone marrow -B-lymphocytes - mature in bone marrow

Collagen fibers - produced by fibroblasts and osteoblasts

Which of the following is a correct match? -collagen fibers - produced by fibroblasts and osteoblasts -type II collagen fibers - predominant type -reticular fibers - only produced by smooth muscle cells -type VII collagen fibers - first collagen fibers formed during wound healing

Middle esophagus - muscularis externi has skeletal and smooth muscle

Which of the following is a correct match? -pyloric stomach - short pits and long glands -colon - plicae circularis -middle esophagus - muscularis externi has skeletal and smooth muscle -ileum - no intestinal glands

Form a luminal compartment by junctions with other Sertoli cells

Which of the following is correct concerning Sertoli cells?

Growth occurs in the matrix of the hair bulb

Which of the following is correct concerning hairs?

They are found in autonomic ganglia

Which of the following is correct concerning multipolar neurons?

Majority of cells are keratinocytes

Which of the following is correct concerning the epidermis?

The corpus spongiosum is surrounded by a fibroelastic tunica albuginea

Which of the following is correct concerning the penis?

Bone marrow

Which of the following lymphatic tissues is a site of lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation (cloning), into mature immunocompetent cells?

Can carry more than one types of glycosaminoglycan chains

Which of the following statements about proteoglycans is true?

PRL is from the anterior pituitary, but it is not a gonadotropin

Which of the following statements about the endocrine hormone prolactin (PRL) is correct?


Which parameter does the central chemoreceptor detect

Compact bone

Which portion of a long bone is composed primarily of cylindrical units called osteons or Haversian systems?

Pseudostratified columnar

Which type of epithelium lines the urethra that situated inside corpus spongiosum?

Fibroelastic connective tissue and smooth muscle

Within each layer of the prostate glands, they are embedded in?

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