Silvestri Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN® Exam, 7th Edition - Renal and Urinary Medications Flashcard Set

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A client with a urinary tract infection with dysuria is given a prescription for phenazopyridine hydrochloride for symptom relief. Which should the nurse reinforce instructing the client about this medication?

Expect the urine to become reddish orange.

The nurse prepares to administer sodium polystyrene sulfonate to a client with chronic kidney disease for which laboratory abnormality?

Potassium level of 7.2 mEq/L.

Bethanechol chloride is prescribed for a client with urinary retention. Which disorder should be a contraindication to the administration of this medication?

Urinary strictures.

A sulfonamide is prescribed for a client with a urinary tract infection. During review of the client's record, the nurse notes that the client is taking warfarin sodium daily. Which prescription should the nurse anticipate for this client?

A decrease in the warfarin sodium dosage.

Phenazopyridine hydrochloride is prescribed for a client for symptomatic relief of pain resulting from a lower urinary tract infection. Which should the nurse reinforce to the client?

A reddish-orange discoloration of the urine may occur.

The nurse is caring for a client with kidney failure. The serum phosphate level is reported as 7 mg/dL. Which medication should the nurse plan to administer as prescribed to the client?

Aluminum hydroxide gel.

In reviewing the admission assessment data and primary health care provider's prescriptions for a client with peptic ulcer disease, the nurse notes that the client has a history of renal disease. Based on this data, the nurse determines that which antacid should be prescribed for this client?

Aluminum hydroxide.

Following kidney transplantation, cyclosporine is prescribed for a client. Which laboratory result would indicate an adverse effect from the use of this medication?

Blood urea nitrogen level of 25 mg/dL (8.8 mmol/L).

The nurse who is administering bethanechol chloride is monitoring for acute toxicity associated with the medication. The nurse should check the client for which sign of toxicity?


A client receiving nitrofurantoin calls the primary health care provider's office complaining of side effects related to the medication. Which side effect indicates the need to stop treatment with this medication?

Chest pain.

The client who has a cold is seen in the emergency department with an inability to void. Because the client has a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia, the nurse determines that the client should be questioned about the use of which class of medications?


A client has been prescribed allopurinol. The nurse reinforces which information concerning the administration of the medication?

Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid every day.

Propantheline bromide is prescribed for a client with bladder spasms. Which disorder, noted in the client's record, alerts the nurse to question the prescription for this medication?


A client with chronic kidney disease is receiving epoetin alfa. Which laboratory result would indicate a therapeutic effect of the medication?

Hematocrit of 32%.

A client with chronic kidney disease is receiving epoetin alfa. Which laboratory result would indicate a therapeutic effect of the medication?

Hematocrit of 33% (0.33).

The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with Parkinson's disease who is prescribed benztropine mesylate daily. The nurse reinforces instructions to both the client and the spouse regarding the side effects of this medication and the need to report which side effect if it occurs?

Inability to urinate.

The nurse is reinforcing discharge instructions to a client receiving sulfadiazine. Which should be included in the list of instructions?

Maintain a high fluid intake.

The nurse is reinforcing discharge instructions to a client receiving sulfisoxazole. Which should be included in the plan of care for instructions?

Maintain a high fluid intake.

The nurse caring for a client taking tamsulosin determines that which finding indicates the need for follow-up?

Pulse rate of 120 beats per minute.

Oxybutynin chloride is prescribed for a client with neurogenic bladder. Which sign would indicate a possible toxic effect related to this medication?


Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is prescribed for a client. The nurse should instruct the client to report which symptom if it developed during the course of this medication therapy?

Sore throat.

The nurse is reinforcing dietary instructions to a client who is currently prescribed probenecid. Which food should the nurse encourage the client to continue to eat?


Bethanechol is prescribed for the client with urinary retention, and an injectable form of bethanechol is available for use as prescribed. The nurse informs the client of the primary health care provider's prescription, knowing that the medication will be administered by which injectable route?


Bethanechol chloride is prescribed for a client. When should the nurse tell the client to take the medication?

Two hours after meals.

A urinary analgesic is prescribed for a client with a urinary tract infection. When should the nurse tell the client that it is best to take the medication?

With meals.

The nurse is preparing a subcutaneous dose of bethanechol chloride prescribed for a client with urinary retention. Before giving the dose, the nurse checks to see that which medication is available on the emergency cart?

Atropine sulfate.

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