skeleton (combined)

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72) clavicle A) ankle bones B) collar bone C) knee cap D) shoulder blade E) thigh bone


85) The hip bone is also called the _____.

coxal bone

79) The ____ is formed by the articulation of the humerus, radius and ulna.


14) The radius A) has a disc-shaped head at its proximal end. B) has a styloid process on the medial side of its distal end. C) is the longer, stronger bone of the forearm. D) articulates with the proximal end of the humerus. E) articulates with the pisiform and hamate bones.


19) The bone distal to the scaphoid but proximal to the metacarpal of the thumb is A) trapezium. B) trapezoid. C) capitate. D) lunate. E) hamate.


2) The pectoral girdles A) do not articulate with the vertebrae. B) articulate with the ribs. C) articulate with the sternum at the acromioclavicular joint. D) are held in place primarily by ligaments. E) All of the above.


24) A young mother carries a child on her hip. The child's weight rests against her A) ilium. B) ischium. C) pubis. D) sacrum. E) B and C are correct.


30) A full urinary bladder extends into the false pelvis. Sometimes a patient's urethra is so damaged urine cannot be released from the body through that exit. In that case, a medical procedure inserts a catheter through the skin and into the bladder. A landmark for that procedure is the median of the anterior junction of the two coxal bones. The catheter is inserted above that landmark. Based on this information, what is this type of catheterization called? A) suprapubic B) infrapubic C) retropubic D) anteropubic E) symphopubic


38) The longest, strongest and heaviest bone of the human body is the A) femur B) fibula C) tibia D) calcaneus E) metatarsal


42) The fibula A) articulates with the talus. B) articulates with the femur. C) is the medial bone of the leg. D) helps the tibia bear the weight of the body. E) is seldom used as a source of bone grafts.


47) The arches of the foot A) are arrangements of bones in the foot held together by ligaments and tendons. B) are rigid and increase mechanical shock transferred to the body. C) are present at birth. D) run parallel to each other. E) run obliquely from the hallux toward the lateral malleolus.


5) The scapula A) is roughly triangular in shape. B) has a prominent spine on its anterior surface. C) has a subscapular fossa on its posterior surface. D) is thicker on its medial border. E) has a lateral border that lies about 5 cm from the vertebral column.


50) Genu valgum A) is also called knock-knee. B) is a condition in which the knees are abnormally far apart. C) is a condition in which the ankles are abnormally close together. D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


67)transfers weight of body from trunk to (lower) leg A) femur B) fibula C) patella D) tarsals E) tibia


9) Each bone surface marking of the humerus is correctly described EXCEPT: A) capitulum: rounded distal end; articulates with ulna B) olecranal fossa: posterior depression; receives olecranon of ulna C) medial and lateral epicondyles: sites of attachment for forearm muscles. D) deltoid tuberosity: roughened elevation at proximal end; site of deltoid muscle attachment E) greater tubercle: most lateral part of humerus that can be felt through the skin


Matching: Choose the answer from the column on the right that best matches the description or term on in the column on the left. 51) scapula A) pectoral girdle, posterior side B) pectoral girdle, posterior side C) upper limb, brachium D) upper limb, antebrachium E) upper limb, carpus


12) The ulna A) is the shorter of the two bones in the forearm. B) lies medial to the radius. C) has a trochlear notch at its distal end. D) has a radial notch on its medial side. E) articulates with the radius only at the radial notch.


21) A homeowner was trying to push a 7.5 cm nail into a board with only 3 strikes of the hammer. The 3rd strike missed the nail and hit his hand proximal to the knuckle under his index finger. An x-ray reveals that he broke the bone there. Which metacarpal did the hammer blow break? A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


26) What is the typical site of a bone marrow biopsy on an adult? A) anterior superior iliac spine B) iliac crest C) pubic crest D) ischial ramus E) posterior superior iliac spine


27) When you are sitting normally in a chair, upon which bones does your weight rest? A) ilia. B) ischia C) pubic bones D) sacrum. E) coccygeal.


36) In a male pelvis, A) the obturator foramen is triangular. B) the pubic arch measures less than 90 degrees. C) the pelvic inlet is oval. D) the pelvic outlet is wide. E) the pubis is narrow and thin.


41) The tibia A) is the lateral bone of the leg. B) transfers the weight of the body to the talus. C) articulates proximally with the fibula and calcaneus. D) has a large tuberosity on the distal end of its posterior side. E) is also called the thigh bone.


45) The metatarsals A) are numbered I-V, starting on the lateral side of the foot. B) the bones of the foot. C) found in three rows: proximal, middle and distal. D) distal to the phalanges. E) are very strong and seldom broken.


49) Hip fractures A) usually occur at the junction of the ischium and pubis. B) often result from osteoporosis. C) are more common in young adults. D) usually heal without treatment. E) All of the above are correct.


56) acromion process A) clavicle B) humerus C) radius D) scapula E) ulna


61) bone forming proximal part of elbow joint A) carpals B) humerus C) metacarpals D) phalanges E) radius and ulna


62) largest component of coal bone A) false pelvis B) ilium C) ischium D) pubis E) true pelvis


65) includes lateral malleolus A) femur B) fibula C) patella D) tarsals E) tibia


7) Which of the following bones are found in the upper extremity? 1. carpals 2. radius 3. humerus 4. metatarsals 5. phalanges 6. ulna A) 2, 3 and 6 but not 1, 4 or 5 B) 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 but not 4 C) 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 but not 1 D) 1, 2, 3 and 6 but not 4 or 5 E) All of the listed bones are found in the upper extremity.


8) The humerus A) is the most distal bone of the upper extremity. B) is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity. C) articulates with the lateral end of the clavicle. D) has a surgical neck but no anatomical neck. E) may be recognized by the distinct, large trochanters at its proximal end.


10) Which part of the humerus articulates with the scapula? A) glenoid fossa lesser tubercle B) capitulum C) head D) trochlea E) lesser tubercle


17 ) Which carpal is the most frequently fractured bone of the wrist? A) capitate B) lunate C) scaphoid D) trapezoid E) trapezium


20) Which of the following is NOT true of phalanges of the hand? A) They are the bones of the fingers and thumb. B) They are numbered I -V like the metacarpals. C) There are 3 phalanges in each digit. D) The proximal row articulates with the metacarpals. E) The total number of phalanges in one hand is 14.


28) All of the following are associated with the ischium EXCEPT: A) a spine B) the obturator foramen C) the greater sciatic notch D) a thick tuberosity E) a ramus


32) Seatbelts save thousands of lives every year. Sometimes the force required to keep a person inside a vehicle is so great that the coxal bones fracture. If a seatbelt is worn properly, which part of a coxal bone is most likely to be fractured? A) the ischial tuberosity B) the pubic symphysis C) the ischiopubic ramus D) the iliac crest E) the sacral promontory


34) In which of the following cases would pelvimetry probably be most helpful in determining whether or not a woman should have a Ceasarian section? A) a very tall, robust woman carrying the child of an average size and build man B) an average size and build woman carrying the child of an average size and build man C) a petite, light-framed woman carrying the child of a very tall, robust man D) an average size and build woman carrying the child of a petite man E) a very tall, robust woman carrying the child of tall, robust man


40) The patella A) is a long bone. B) develops in the tibiofemoral ligament. C) is also called the kneecap. D) is located on the posterior surface of the knee. E) limits the power of the quadriceps femoris muscle.


6) The scapula A) is commonly called the collar bone. B) is attached to the vertebrae on its medial side. C) has a glenoid fossa that articulates with the head of the humerus. D) has a spinous process that articulates with the clavicle. E) has a coracoid process that is the high point of the shoulder.


60)bone in hands A) carpals B) humerus C) metacarpals D) phalanges E) radius and ulna


71) patella A) ankle bones B) collar bone C) knee cap D) shoulder blade E) thigh bone


Matching: Choose the answer from the column on the right that best matches the description or term on in the column on the left. 54) humerus A) pectoral girdle, posterior side B) pectoral girdle, posterior side C) upper limb, brachium D) upper limb, antebrachium E) upper limb, carpus


1) The pectoral girdle A) includes the scapula. B) includes the clavicle. C) attaches the lower extremity to the trunk D) A and B are correct. E) A, B, and C are correct.


16) Which bone is NOT a carpal? A) scaphoid B) lunate C) triquetrum D) cuboid


22) The pelvic girdle A) includes the two coxal bones. B) attaches the lower extremity to the trunk. C) includes the sacrum. D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


29) The pubic bones A) consist of anterior and posterior rami. B) are inferior and lateral to the ilia. C) may be palpated near the umbilicus. D) are joined together by the pubic symphysis. E) are the largest and strongest components of the coxal bones.


33) Which of the following is true? A) The bony pelvis is divided into true and false pelves by an interosseous membrane. B) The false pelvis lies inferior to the pelvic brim. C) The true pelvis contains pelvic organs only when the urinary bladder is full. D) The pregnant uterus extends into the false pelvis. E) The pelvic axis is an imaginary line from right to left across the false pelvis.


35) Which of the following is true? A) The differences between male and female pelves are related to pregnancy and child birth. B) A woman's pelvis is usually shallower and broader than a man's. C) A woman's true pelvis has a smaller volume than a man's because it is shallower. D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


39) All of the following are true of the femur EXCEPT that: A) its proximal end articulates with the acetabulum of the coxal bone. B) its greater trochanter serves as a landmark for intramuscular injections on the thigh. C) its intercondylar fossa articulates with the tibia. D) its distal end articulates directly with the fibula. E) its patellar surface is located on the anterior side of the distal end.


44) The calcaneus A) is the strongest tarsal bone. B) is the heel bone. C) receives weight transferred by the fibula. D) A and B are correct. E) A,B,and C are correct


57) coronoid tubercle A) clavicle B) humerus C) radius D) scapula E) ulna


59) bone in fingers A) carpals B) humerus C) metacarpals D) phalanges E) radius and ulna


64) bone near bottom zipper on the fly of your pants A) false pelvis B) ilium C) ischium D) pubis E) true pelvis


66) cuboid bones A) femur B) fibula C) patella D) tarsals E) tibia


70) scapula A) ankle bones B) collar bone C) knee cap D) shoulder blade E) thigh bone


Matching: Choose the answer from the column on the right that best matches the description or term on in the column on the left. 52) radius A) pectoral girdle, posterior side B) pectoral girdle, posterior side C) upper limb, brachium D) upper limb, antebrachium E) upper limb, carpus


11) Which part of the humerus interacts with the ulna? A) coronoid fossa B) olecranal fossa C) trochlea D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


13) The styloid process of the ulna A) lies at its distal end. B) forms the bump felt on the medial side of the posterior of the wrist. C) provides attachments for the ulnar collateral ligaments. D) articulates with the triquetrum and the pisiform bone. E) All of the above are correct.


15) Where does the radius articulate with the ulna? A) through the radial head at the radial notch B) through an interosseous membrane running between the shafts of those bones C) through the ulnar head at the ulnar notch D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


18) Which of the following contribute to the carpal tunnel? A) flexor retinaculum B) concave space formed by pisiform and hamate bones C) concave space formed by scaphoid and trapezium bones D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


23) The bony pelvis A) includes the ilium, ischium and pubis. B) includes the cartilaginous pubic symphysis. C) includes the sacrum. D) supports the pelvic organs and vertebral column. E) All of the above are correct.


25) Which of the following is associated with an ilium? A) a fossa B) several spines (anterior superior, anterior inferior, posterior superior, posterior inferior) C) several lines (arcurate, posterior, inferior and anterior gluteal) D) a crest E) All of the above are associated with an ilium.


3) The clavicle A) is J-shaped. B) lies obliquely across the posterior thorax inferior to the first rib. C) attaches to the sternum at its lateral end. D) attaches to the humerus at its medial end. E) is one of the most frequently fractured bones of the body.


31) A pediatrician examining a six-week old baby girl diagnoses the child with congenital (developmental) hip dysplasia on her left side. When the parents ask the doctor to explain the diagnosis, she says that the baby's acetabulum hasn't formed properly. The parents still do not understand what is wrong with their baby. Which of the following statements would best help the parents? A) The acetabulum is formed from three bones that join together to make the hip bone. B) The acetabulum and the head, or ball, of the thigh bone (femur) form the hip joint. C) The baby's hip joint hasn't formed properly. D) An abnormality in the hip joint may prevent the baby from crawling or walking normally. E) The doctor should tell the parents each of the above statements in the order given.


37) With one exception, bones of the lower extremity follow the pattern of bones in the upper extremity. Which bone is the exception? A) femur B) fibula C) tibia D) tarsals E) patella


4) The clavicle A) attaches to the scapula via the acromioclavicular ligament. B) attaches to the sternum via the sternoclavicular ligament. C) serves as an attachment point for a ligament that joins the clavicle and sternum. D) attaches to the first rib via the costoclavicular ligament. E) All of the above are correct.


43) Which of the following is NOT a tarsal bone? A) calcaneus B) talus C) navicular D) cuboid E) capitate


46) The hallux A) is the big toe. B) has a distal and a proximal phalanx. C) is analogous to the thumb. D) A and B are correct. E) A, B and C are correct.


48) Which of the following are true of the development of the skeleton? A) The skull begins development during the first week after conception. B) The majority of the skull develops via endochondral ossification. C) The bones of the extremities develop from ectoderm. D) The bones of the extremities develop primarily via intramembranous ossification. E) The vertebrae develop from cube-like masses of mesoderm call somites.


55) trochlea A) clavicle B) humerus C) radius D) scapula E) ulna


63) contains urinary bladder, rectum, reproductive organs A) false pelvis B) ilium C) ischium D) pubis E) true pelvis


68) includes medial malleolus A) femur B) fibula C) patella D) tarsals E) tibia


69) femur A) ankle bones B) collar bone C) knee cap D) shoulder blade E) thigh bone


Matching: Choose the answer from the column on the right that best matches the description or term on in the column on the left. 53)lunate A) pectoral girdle, posterior side B) pectoral girdle, posterior side C) upper limb, brachium D) upper limb, antebrachium E) upper limb, carpus


92) The medial and lateral _____ of the femur articulate with the tibia.


87) The _____ pelvis occupies the space superior to the pelvic brim.


90) The _____ is the longest bone of the body.


94) Freddie broke her fibula during basketball practice. Dena broke her tibia during soccer practice. _____ will be able to put weight on her injured leg and return to competition most quickly.


78) The longest bone in the upper extremity is the ____.


89) A _____ is taller than it is wide, has a heart-shaped pelvic inlet, and an acute angle pubic arch.


93) When your ankles are crossed, the medial ____ of one ankle lies over the lateral (same answer) of the other ankle.


84) ____ lies proximal to the middle finger.

metacarpal III

91) The _____ of the femur separates the shaft (and trochanters) from the head.


74)The ____ (shoulder) girdle is composed of the scapula and clavicle.


73) The ____ is composed of the bones of the shoulder girdle sand upper extremities.

pectoral girdle

83) Another name for the thumb is the _____.


82) The _____ row of carpals includes the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate bone


80) The lateral bone of the antebrachium is the ____.


81) The upper extremity bones most frequently broken in a fall are the radius and the _____.


77) The posterior bone of the pectoral girdle is the ____.


86) The greater and lesser ____ notches are depressions in the ilium and ischium that allow passage of parts the longest nerve in the body to the lower extremity and hip.


76) The ____ is formed by the articulation of the humerus, clavicle and scapula.


75) The only direct, bone-bone connection between the upper extremity and the axial skeleton is the ____ joint.


95) Mark scratches the medial side of his lower leg. The bone he can palpate is the ____.


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