Sling Load Inspector Certification Course

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What are the required landing point size for landing point 5?

100m Sling Load Operations

What are the required landing point size for landing point 6?

125m Sling Load Operations long line

What are the required landing point size for landing point 7?

150m Sling Load Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Operation

What are the specifications for the 25,000lb sling set? How much can each leg carry?

25,000-POUND SLING SET Specifications: Sling leg material - nylon rope. Sling leg color - black. Diameter/Width - 1 1/4-inch. Weight - 114 pounds. Sling leg length - 12-feet. Apex fitting material - Steel. Apex spacer - Aluminum. Length adjuster - grabhook. Chain links - 84-88. Chain length - 8 feet. 6,250lbs

What are the required landing point size for landing point 1?

25m OH-6/OH-58

During a night approach, what is the slope limitation?

3 degrees

What are the required landing point size for landing point 2?

35m UH-1/H-65

What angle of approach should you plan for during the night?

4 degrees

What are the required landing point size for landing point 3?

50m UH-60/H2

What angle of approach should you plan for during the day?

6 degrees

During daytime approaches, what is the slope limitation.

7 degrees

What are the required landing point size for landing point 4?

80m CH-47/CH-53/H-3

True or False? Aircraft will be able to land in a cross wind that exceeds 9 knots or a tail wind that exceeds 5 knots.


Hand and Arm Signals Arms extended horizontally sideways, beckoning downwards, with palms turned down.

Move Downwards

Hand and Arm Signals Arms a little aside, palms facing backwards and repeatedly move upward and backward from shoulder height.

Move Forward

Hand and Arm Signals Arms extended horizontally sideways, beckoning upwards, with palms up.

Move Upwards

Hand and Arm Signals Right arm extended horizontally sideways in direction of movement and other arm swung overhead in same direction in a repeating movement.

Move to Left

Hand and Arm Signals Left arm extended horizontally sideways in direction of movement and other arm swung overhead in same direction in a repeating movement.

Move to Right

Why should soldiers conducting sling load operations consider wearing their flak jackets?

NOTE: During a sling load operation with an H-53E, all personnel should wear body armor (flak jacket) because of the amount of debris blown by the rotor wash.

What factors affect aircraft performance?

Wind Humidity Altitude Temperature Fuel

Can you put the sling eye directly on the cargo hook?


What are the two landing light formations?

Inverted Y, and the T Light formation

What is the definition of an overload?

When one of the legs break.

What are the specifications for the 10,000lb sling set? How much can each leg carry?

10,000-POUND SLING SET Specifications: Sling leg material - nylon rope. Sling leg color - olive drab. Diameter/Width - 7/8-inch. Weight - 52 pounds. Sling leg length - 12-feet. Apex fitting material - Aluminum. Apex spacer - Aluminum. Length adjuster - grabhook. Chain links - 110-115. Chain length - 8 feet. 2,500lbs

Hand and Arm Signals Raised hand, thumbs up.

Affirmative Signal

What is the definition of an obstacle?

An obstacle is anything that is 18 inches high, wide, or deep.

Hand and Arm Signals Arms extended vertically straight up, palms forward.

Assume Guidance

What is the definition of shockload?

Excessive G forces on the sling set causing undue stress.

What does the static probe man do?

He will be positioned next to the hookup men. His left arm will be around the waist of the hookup man to protect him from electrical discharge and to provide stability. He will ground the aircraft by contacting the static probe to the cargo hook.

What is the hook capacity of the CH-46? How much flight time does the CH-46 have?

Hook capacity: 10,000 pounds Flight Time: 2 hours and 20 minutes.

What is the hook capacity of the CH-47F cargo hooks? How much flight time does the CH-47F have?

Hook capacity: Center - 26,000 pounds, Forward and Aft hooks - 17,000 pounds, Tandem - 25,000 pounds. Flight time: 2 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the hook capacity for the two different versions of the UH-1? How much flight time does the UH-1 have?

Hook capacity: UH-1H - 4,000 pounds ; UH-1N - 5,000 pounds. Flight time: 2 hours and 20 minutes.

What is the hook capacity for the two types of UH-60? How much flight time do the UH-60s have?

Hook capacity: UH-60A - 8,000 pounds. UH-60L - 9,000 pounds. Flight time: 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Hand and Arm Signals Raise hands alternatively above the head in a "Rope Climbing" motion to take up slack.


Hand and Arm Signals Arms extended horizontally sideways, palms downward.


How would you know if the ground is good enough for a size 3 through 5 aircraft?

If the ground can support a 5-ton truck, size 3 through 5 helicopters can land without risk of sinking.

A sling leg is measured from what area to what area?

Inside of the eye to the inside of the other eye.

Hand and Arm Signals Arms crossed and extended downwards in front of the body.


Hand and Arm Signals Raised hand, thumbs down.

Negative Signal

Should you be allowed to inspect a load if you rig it?


If the slope limitation is exceeded, what should you do?

Notify the Aviators.

What is a PQDR? When would you fill out a PQDR?

Product Quality Deficiency Report You would fill one out when you have a broken piece of equipment.

Hand and Arm Signals Left arm extended forward horizontally, fist clenched, right hand making horizontal slicing movement below the left fist, palm downward

Release Sling Load

Hand and Arm Signals Arms crossed overhead, do not move.


What are the three elements for landing site selection and preparation?

Supported Unit Aviation Unit Receiving Unit

Hand and Arm Signals Making a circular motion with right hand overhead ending in a throwing motion in the direction of takeoff. Also means load clear, hookup good.


Why is it important to use a nylon donut/web ring or a reach pendant when attaching the load to the UH-1?

The cargo hook is stationary and using a metal apex with a heavy load would bind on the hook and shear it off.

How far apart are the fore and aft cargo hooks from the center cargo hook?

The fore and aft hooks are approximately 6.5 feet from the center hook.

How would you know if the ground is good enough for a size 1 and 2 aircraft?

The ground is firm enough for size 1 and 2 helicopters if it can support a 1 1/4-ton truck.

What does the hookup man do?

The hookup man positions himself so that the hookup can be accomplished quickly. The hookup team will be in position at the load when the helicopter arrives.The hookup men will then place the apex fitting into the aircraft cargo hook and ensure that the hook is properly closed and locked.

The hookup team consists of what positions?

The hookup team normally consists of three men; the signalman, the static wand man, and the hookup man.

Where should the signal man position himself?

The signalman positions himself upwind of the load facing the load and the aircraft approximately 20 meters in front of the load to be lifted. The signalman positions himself at the aircraft's 10 o'clock position if the aircraft emergency landing procedure is to the right or at the 2 o'clock position if the aircraft emergency landing procedure is to the left.

Who selects and prepares landing sites?

The supported or receiving unit commander, in coordination with the aviation liaison officer, if available, selects and prepares the landing sites.

During the day, how do you determine unusable LZ area from obstacles? During the night, how do you determine unusable LZ area from obstacles?

To determine the UNUSABLE, use the 10:1 ratio rule for day. To determine the UNUSABLE, use the 14:1 ratio rule for day.

True or False? Always attempt to land an aircraft into a head wind.


True or False? The signalman maintains visual contact with the pilot controlling the aircraft at all times throughout the hookup.


What are the rules of the APEX?

UH-1 needs Type26 3ft 2 Loop for both sling sets due to rigid cargo hook. H60 needs the apex for the 10k sling set, but not the 25k sling set. CH-47 needs the apex for the 10k sling set, but the 25k apex is optional.

How would you go about cleaning the sling sets?

Wash with warm soapy water making sure to get rid of any corrosion, and then air dry. Keep out of sunlight.

Hand and Arm Signals Cross arms repeatedly overhead.

Wave off - Do not land.

What are the specifications of the A-22 Cargo Bag?

Weight: 58lbs Max Capacity: 2200lbs Minimum Capacity: 500lbs Components: Sling, Cover, suspension webs(4), medium clevis, lacing cord or Type III nylon Chainlink count: 3 Primary use: palletized loads, loose cargo, ammunition Web Sequence: 1234 clockwise or counterclockwise

What is the Slope Formula?

[(Vertical Distance) x (57.3)] / (Horizontal Distance)

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