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A patient presents with a palpable enlarged thyroid gland, dysphagia, and intermittent coughing. Sonogram demonstrated an enlarged heterogeneous gland with multiple focal nodules. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Hashimoto thyroiditis B. Graves disease C. Adenomatous goiter D. Hypoplastic thyroid gland

C. Adenomatous goiter

What releases thyroid-stimulating hormone into the bloodstream? A. Hypothalamus B. Thyroid gland C. Anterior pituitary D. Parathyroid gland

C. Anterior pituitary

Which of the following best describes sonographic appearance of an abnormal lymph node? A. Small hypoechoic mass with echogenic hilum and irregular wall B. Enlarged, hyperechoic mass with echogenic hilum and smooth wall C. Enlarged, hypoechoic mass with absence of echogenic hilum and irregular wall contour D. Small, hyperechoic mass with smooth wall

C. Enlarged, hypoechoic mass with absence of echogenic hilum and irregular wall contour

Although in most cases the sonographic appearance of the testes remains unchanged after vasectomy, what changes ca occur in approximately 40% of postvasectomy patients? A. Infection of one of both testis B. Atrophy of the scrotal sac C. Enlargement of the epididymis D. Hyperemia to one of both testis

C. Enlargement of the epididymis

Which of the following presents as a tender, palpable retroareolar mass in a male patient? A. Galactocele B. Mastitis C. Gynecomastia D. Mastoma

C. Gynecomastia

Most undescended testis occurs in which region? A. Retroperitoneum B. Lymphatics C. Inguinal canal D. Retrovescular pouch

C. Inguinal canal

What layer of the breast tissue contains the ducts and glandular tissue? A. Subcutaneous layer B. Retromammary layer C. Pectoral layer D. Mammary layer

D. Mammary layer

Where is the prostate gland located? A. Between the bladder and the pelvic floor B. Anterior to the urethra C. Anterior to the bladder D. In the retropubic space

A. Between the bladder and the pelvic floor

What is one common entity involving the prostate gland? A. Cancer B. Impotence C. Cysts D. Duplication

A. Cancer

What is the most common source of metastases to the breast from a primary cancer? A. Contralateral breast B. Lung C. Axillary lymph nodes D. Liver

A. Contralateral breast

Which of the following is a sonographic characteristic of a phyllodes tumor? A. Cystic spaces within a large, discrete, solid lesion B. Irregular border with thorough transmission C. Even internal echoes with microcalcification D. Primarily cystic with multiple septations

A. Cystic spaces within a large, discrete, solid lesion

What is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism? A. Graves disease B. Hashimoto thyroiditis C. Elevated iodine levels in the body D. Pituitary adenoma

A. Graves disease

What is the most common scrotal fluid collection? A. Hydrocele B. Pyocele C. Varicocele D. Spermatocele

A. Hydrocele

Compared to the normal testicular parenchyma, what is the predominant sonographic appearance of malignant testicular tumors? A. Hypoechoic B. Hyperechoic C. Isogenic D. Anechoic

A. Hypoechoic

Why is it important to demonstrate blood flow in the thyroid lobes A. Inflammatory disorders of the thyroid demonstrate increased vascularity. B. It allows for early detection of malignancies in the gland. C. It allows for better delineation of masses for easier fine needle aspiration (FNA) procedures. D. It allows for differentiation of thyroid gland from

A. Inflammatory disorders of the thyroid demonstrate increased vascularity.

In a transverse image of the right lobe of the thyroid gland, what is the most lateral structure typically demonstrated? A. Internal jugular vein B. Esophagus C. Carotid artery D. Longus coli muscle

A. Internal jugular vein

What pathology is most likely demonstrated on a 64 yr old man with a slightly elevated prostate-specific antigen level and the endorectal sonogram documenting an 8.9mm hypoechoic mass in the right peripheral zone? A. Malignancy B. Fibrosisi C. Prostatitis D. Benign prostatic hypertrophy

A. Malignancy

What is the function of the parathyroid glands? A. Regulation of calcium levels B. Produce thryoid-stimulating hormone C. Produce saliva D. Regulation of growth hormone

A. Regulation of calcium levels

What anatomy is included in the spermatic cord? A. Testicular artery and vein B. Ejaculatory duct C. Epididymis D. Ductus deferens

A. Testicular artery and vein

Which hormone is produced in the greatest abundance by the thyroid gland? A. Thyroxine B. Triiodothyronine C. Calcitonin D. Thyroid-stimulating hormone

A. Thyroxine

Sonographically, your patients presents with an enlarged heterogeneous thyroid gland. The patients lab work is normal, and the patient is not experiencing any symptoms besides the palpable, enlarged gland. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. multinodular goiter B. Graves disease C. Hashimoto thyroiditis D. thyrotoxicosis

A. multinodular goiter

A patient presents for evaluation of the thyroid gland with a history of Hashimotos thyroiditis, Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of this condition? A. weight loss B. cold interolerance C. menstrual irregularities D. fatigue

A. weight loss

How many parathyroid glands do most adults have? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

B. 4

What is a pyramidal lobe? A. Accessory lobe of the parotid gland B. A superior extension of the thyroid isthmus C. A remnant of the thyroglossal duct D. Third thyroid lobe

B. A superior extension of the thyroid isthmus

A breast sonogram on a lactating female demonstrated a focal fluid collection with internal echoes and enlarged lymph nodes. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Mastitis B. Breast abscess C. Gynecomastia D. Galactocele

B. Breast abscess

What thyroid disorder presents with bulging eyes, nervousness, weight loss, and hair loss? A. Hashimoto thyroiditis B. Graves disease C. Goiter D. Colloid cysts

B. Graves disease

What is the most common inflammatory disease of the thyroid? A. Graves disease B. Hashimoto thyroiditis C. Goiter D. Thyroid inferno

B. Hashimoto thyroiditis

How is arterial blood supplied to the thyroid gland? A. Internal and external carotid arteries B. Superior thyroid artery and inferior thyroid artery C. Superior thyroid artery D. Inferior thyroid artery

B. Superior thyroid artery and inferior thyroid artery

What is the most common location for epididymal cysts? A. Urethra B. Throughout the epididymis C. Spermatic cord D. Para epididymis

B. Throughout the epididymis

What dilitation of the semineferous tubules is usually seen bilaterally and is associated with epididymal cysts and spermatoceles? A. Epidermoid cysts B. Tubular ectasia of the rete testis C. Chronic hematocele D. Embryonal cell mass

B. Tubular ectasia of the rete testis

What is the most common area for a woman to get breast cancer? A. Upper inner quadrant B. Upper outer quadrant C. Lower outer quadrant D. Lower inner quadrant

B. Upper outer quadrant

Which sonographic technique is used to document a varicocele? A. Expiration B. Valsalva maneuver C. Inspiration D. Quiet respiration

B. Valsalva maneuver

What is the most common functional disorder of the thyroid? A. hyperthyroidism B. hypothyroidism C. thyrotoxicosis D. Graves disease

B. hypothyroidism

Which is the most common malignant forms of thyroid cancer? A. follicular B. papillary C. medullary D. Anaplastic

B. papillary

What is the most common congenital breast anomaly? A. Hypoplasia B. Amazia C. Polythelia D. Polymastia

C. Polythelia

Which is the alrgest accessory gland of the male reproductive system? A. Bartholins duct B. Cowper's gland C. Prostate gland D. Seminal vesicles

C. Prostate gland

Which of the following is the best indicating marker for diagnosing prostate cancer? A. Endorectal sonography B. Frequent urination C. Prostate-specific antigen D. Digital rectal examination

C. Prostate-specific antigen

What divides the scrotal pouch into two main compartments? A. Spermatic cord B. Tunica dartos C. Raphe D. Tunica vaginalis

C. Raphe

Bilaterally, which structure is positioned adjacent to the trachea? A. Longus colli muscles B. Esophagus C. Thyroid gland D. Common carotid artery

C. Thyroid gland

Which of the following is NOT a strap muscle? A. sternothyroid muscle B. sternohyoid muscle C. sternocleidomastoid muscle D. omohyoid muscle

C. sternocleidomastoid muscle

What is a ganglion cyst? A. A small cystic structure located just below the skin surface caused by an obstructed hair follicle. B. A benign fatty tumor. C. A collection of synovial fluid located posterior to the knee joint. D. A fluid-filled mass arising from the tendon found most often on the dorsal aspect of the hand or wrist.

D. A fluid-filled mass arising from the tendon found most often on the dorsal aspect of the hand or wrist.

What should sonography rule out on a 28 year old woman who presents with a tneder, swollen left breast on the sixth postpartum day? A. Fibroadenoma B. Mastitis C. Fat necrosis D. Abscess

D. Abscess

Where is the near filed located on the sonographic image that was obtained using an endorectal technique? A. Near the right lobe B. Left side C. On the lesion D. Bottom

D. Bottom

Which area is primarily affected as benign prostatic hypertrophy progresses? A. Fibromuscular stroma B. Peripheral zone C. Transitional zone D. Central zone

D. Central zone

What is the most common primary tumor to metastisize to the testis? A. Kidney B. Lung C. Colon D. Prostate

D. Prostate

What pathology is most likely demonstrated on a patient with a painfully swollen prostate gland, an elevated prostate-specific antigen level, and the endorectal sonogram documenting several irregular, hypoechoic areas in the periurethral area? A. Carcinoma B. Retention cysts C. Benign prostatic hypertrophy D. Prostatitis

D. Prostatitis

What characteristic distinguishes a benign fibroadenoma in comparison to malignant appearing masses? A. Lobulated irregular margins B. Receding nipple and skin changes C. Weak nonuniform internal echoes D. Smooth and well-defined contour

D. Smooth and well-defined contour

What is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism? A. breast or prostate cancer B. chronic renal insufficiency C. parathyroid carcinoma D. parathyroid adenoma

D. parathyroid adenoma

What do the thyroid gland hormones regulate? A. Synthesize and develop protein B. Metabolize and growth C.Serves as beta and calcium channel blockers D. Regulates insulin production

B. Metabolize and growth

Which prostate zone is most often the primary site of carcinoma? A. Central B. Peripheral C. Middle D. Transitional

B. Peripheral

What is characterisitc about the apex that explains why most prostate cancers involve the apex? A. Has a central gland weakness B. Is highly vascular C. Has the greatest portion of peripheral glandular tissue D. Has a fibromuscular stroma that is prone to

C. Has the greatest portion of peripheral glandular tissue

What is the most common benigh breast tumor? A. Fibrocystic disease B. Lipoma C. Cystic disease D. Fibroadenoma

D. Fibroadenoma

What benign, fluid filled mass is caused by obstruction of a lactiferous duct in the pregnant or lactating woman? A. Intracystic papilloma B. Sebaceous cyst C. Hemorrhagic cyst D. Galactocele

D. Galactocele

A 30-year-old female presented with puffy eyes, slight weight gain, increased cold sensitivity, elevated cholesterol, and decreased thyroxine levels. Her sonogram demonstrated a coarse textured thyroid gland with increased vascularity. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Goiter B. Graves disease C. Thryoiditis D. Hashimoto thyroiditis

D. Hashimoto thyroiditis

What is the easiest method for distinguishing the esophagus from a mass? A. Pulsed-wave Doppler will demonstrate decreased resistance in the esophageal walls and increased resistance in the lumen. B. Put color on the area, a mass will show increased vascularity. C. Have patient perform the Valsalva maneuver, esophagus will increase in size. D. Have patient swallow, saliva can be visualized passing

D. Have patient swallow, saliva can be visualized passing

If a breast mass is annotated as LT 4:00 1 C, what does this tell you about its location? A. Left breast, lower inner quadrant, close to the nipple, periareolar B. Left breast, upper outer quadrant, close to midaxillary line, periareolar C. Left breast, lower inner quadrant, periareolar, deep to pectoral muscle D. Left breast, lower outer quadrant, midway from nipple deep to the pectoral muscle

D. Left breast, lower outer quadrant, midway from nipple deep to the pectoral muscle

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