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The passage of food between one region of the gut and another may be regulated by

, sphincters

Open circulatolry cons(3)

1. Because the heart causes blood to fill into body cavities, the total capacity of the system is achieved with virtually every heartbeat. That makes it difficult to increase the velocity or distribution of the blood flow should changes be required. 2.Most open circulatory systems create a low metabolic rate because there are limits to the diffusion process which cannot be change. This results in slower movements and adaptability to new environments. 3.An open circulatory system only benefits small creatures because the size limits the distance the blood must travel to each body cavity. For larger creatures, the diffusion process would be slow enough that cell starvation could occur because not enough oxygen could be processed in time.

chemical synapse steps(6)

1. NT is synthesized and stored in vesicles 2. AP invades the pre-synaptic terminal 3. depolarization opens voltage-gated Ca++ channels 4. influx of Ca++ 5. Ca++ causes vesicles to bind with pre-synaptic membrane 6. transmitter is released into synaptic cleft


1. Soft unsegmented body with: Ventral muscular foot, visceral mass, and mantle 2.Sexual Reproduction has characteristic larval forms: Trochophore and Veliger 3.Radula is a rasping structure used for feeding 4.The classes are Bivalvia(Clams/Oysters), Schaphoda(Tusk shells), Cephlapoda(Octopus/Squid), Polyplacophora(Chitons), Gastropoda(Snails), Monoplacaphoara

What features do all multicellular animals share(6)

1. They are multicellular eukaryotes 2.Animal cells do not have cell walls 3.They have an extensive extracellular matrix that includes proteins for cell adhesion and cell signaling 4. All animals are heterotrophic (obtain organic carbon from other organisms 5.All animals move under their own power at some point in their life cycle. 6. Except for sponges & placozoa, all animals have complex tissue


1. Unicellular, 2. All have simple or modified cilia 3.Pellicular alveoli place them with the Alveolates 4.Trichocysts-extrudable organelles 5.Heterotrophic-some species harbor photosynthetic endosymbionts 6.Each cell has a micro and macro nucleus

Open Circulatory system pros(3)

1. Within an open circulatory system, pressure changes do not have the same negative impacts. That makes it possible for life to exist in high-pressure environments, such as at the bottom of the ocean.. 2.An open circulatory system processes oxygen and carbon dioxide through separate systems. This reduces the amount of urgency within the system to restore balance. When both systems are working as they should, balance is achieved at virtually all times. 3.Open circulatory systems can dispel heat more efficiently, which makes it possible to live in a high temperature environment. In colder temperatures, heat can be maintained if shelter can be found.

What were the steps of the origin of life on Earth(4)

1.:The first step involved abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules from inorganic molecules in the primordial soup and atmosphere 2. These small organic molecules (amino acids) joined into macromolecules, which were then packaged into protocell 3.. Eventually, the molecules in those protocells began self replicating, and the first of these self replicating molecules was probably RNA 4. Once the protocells could begin replicating, that set the stage for DNA and diversification of life


1.Bilaterally symmetrical with a head, a tail and stereo hearts 2.Three tissue layers 3.No coelom, no circulatory system, and no hard skeleton 4.They have excretory and digestive system 5.Oxygen uptake by diffusion through epidermis 6.Centralized nervous system


1.Body wall has two layers of separated by gelatinous matrix 2. They use spicules for support 3.Water enters through pores formed by doughnut-shaped pyrocytes 4.Central cavity lined with choanocytes that create current 5.Food particles trapped in choanocytes that create current 6.Ameobocysts transport nutrients to the rest of the body.

Class:Chondrichthyes(Cartilaginous fishes)(5)

1.Cartiliganious skeleton impregnated with calcium 2.Ex are Sharks, Skates, Rays, and chimaera 3.Sharks swim through the lateral oscillation of their tails and they have no swim bladder so no buoyancy 4.Skates undulate and rays are vertical flapping of expanded pectoral fins 5.They have well developed sensory system and are overfished


1.Endoparasites with a generated chloroplast 2.Unicellular 3.Have alveoli 4.Apicoplast-degenerate plastid(of red or green algal origin) 5.Apical complex- structure involved in penetrating host cell 6.Intricate life cycles: Form spores at some point in life cycles


1.Eumetazoa 2.Diploblastic 3.Radial Symmetry 4.Polyp or medusa forms 5.Cnidocytes-They contain nematocysts used for defense or to subdue prey and it is unique to cnidarians 6.Nematocysts-They discharge in response to mechanical and chemical stimulation from prey.


1.Extension of cytoplasm 2.Extend through foramina 3.Play role in feeding and flotation

nephron structure(5)

1.Glomerulus & Bowman's capsule ultrafiltration of blood and entry of filtrate into the kidney tubule. 2.proximal convoluted tubule: secretion and reabsorption happen here via both passive and active transport. Salts, water, glucose and useful nutrients reabsorbed, toxins and drugs processed by the liver are secreted into filtrate, and Hydrogen ions also secreted into filtrate while bicarbonate ions are reabsorbed. 3 Loop of Henle countercurrent flow of filtrate and establishment of the osmotic gradient that concentrates the final urine via movement of water and ions. 4. Distal convoluted tubule: more reabsorption of ions 5. Collecting duct: additional water reabsorption from the filtrate and formation of the final urine

How do the physics of fluid flow apply to blood vessels;(4)

1.Heart is a pump and it's contraction generates mechanical force 2.Presusre is the potential energy 3.Blood flow is the kintetic energy 4.Heat loss is the frictional resistance

1Class Actinopterygii(ray-finned fishes)(5)

1.It includes all vertebrates that have a heavily calcified, bony skeleton 2.The three classes also have lungs or lung derivatives 3. In ray-finned fishes, slender bony rays support less muscular fins 4.Diverse body forms reflect different life styles 5.They are more than 27,000 species of ray finned fishes


1.It is a pseudocoelomate, meaning that the body cavity is not entirely lined up with the mesoderm 2.Bilateral Symmetry 3.Cuticle that must be molted 4.Complete digestive system 5.No respiratory or circulatory organs 6.Seperate Sexes

Closed circulatory systems pros(3)

1.It is efficient in delivering oxygen throughout an organism. 2.It provides more power in the form of pressure. 3.It has a lymphatic system that works separately.

Closed circulatory systems cons:(2)

1.It is more complex than the open circulatory system. 2.. It requires more energy for blood distribution.

Echinodermata(sea star)(6)

1.Most fossil echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical 2.Modern adult echinoderms have pentaradial symmetry 3.Larvae are bilaterally symmetrical 4.Echinoderms are fundamentally bilaterally symmetrical 5.A water vascular system(hydraulic system to control tube feed used for locomotion, also helps store water tat cools animals exposed to high tide) 6.Spines on gills and skin


1.Notochord, stiff but flexible, provides support 2.Dorsal, hollow nerve chord: in other groups nerve cord is usually solid and ventral; anterior end enlarged to form brain 3.Pharyngeal slits: Allow water to exist rather than be swallowed, used for filter feeding in some groups 4.Muscular post-anal tail: Extends beyond the anus(end of the gut), used in locomotion

Three ways body cavities can form(3)

1.Pseudocoelomate plan: During development, mesoderm lines one side of the blastocoel only. 2. Schizocoelous plan/Protostome plan: during development, bands of mesoderm surround the embryonic gut and split open to form a fully lined coelom 3. Enterocoels/Deuterostome plan: during development mesodermal pouches come off the embryonic gut and surround it, resulting in a fully lined coeloem


1.Psuedocoelomate 2.Cuticle that is not molted 3.A complete digestive system 4.Omnivores


1.Show biradial symmetry 2.Prey on zooplankton but no cnidocytes


1.Silica test 2.Reticulopda plus stiffer axopodia 3.Silliceous Oozes

Nemertea(Ribbon worms)(6)

1.Soft and unsegmented, they make lots of mucus 2.They have a complete gut 3.Circulatory system is homologous with coelom; but not true coelom 4.Effective Sensory System 5.Most reproduce sexually, with separate sexes 6.Some reproduce asexually by fragmentation and regeneration


1.Solitary or colonial 2.Heterotrophic 3.Single flagellum 4.Basket like collar circles the flagellum 5.Orgin of multicellularity in animals 6.They share genes with metazoa that code for cellular adhesion, extracellular matrix proteins and intracellular proteins

Fungi symbiotic relationships(2)

1.The black tar lichen, forms thins crusts in the high intertidal, where it is grazed by some snails 2.The fungal hyphae in mycorrhizae increase the surface area for absorbing water and minerals

Hemichordata(acorn worms)(2)

1.They have pharyngeal slits and a hollow, dorsal nerve cord, which relate them to the Chordata 2.Acron worm development and the tornaria larva are similar to those in Echinodermata


1.They have rod-shaped bones surrounded by a thick layer of muscle in their pectoral and pelvic fins 2.Three lineages survive: the coelacanths , lungfishes, and tetrapods 3.They are terrestrial vertebrates with limbs and digits

Protist - Euglenozoans(6)

1.Unicellular, 2.Some are photosynthetic and some are not 3. Mostly freshwater but some marine species 4.Use one or two flagella to move 5.Cell shape determined by pellicle 6.Photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and b

What characteristics do all living organisms share(5)

1.they are made of one or more cells 2.they can replicate/reproduce, 3.they are the product of evolution, which is ongoing, 4.they contain hereditary information (genes) and can respond to information from the environment, 5. that they require energy to stay alive and reproduce they must both acquire and use that energy

Chaetognatha(arrow worms)(5)

1.ubiquitous, tiny, marine plankton, predators, 2.Ancient group= Cambrian 3.There evolutionary origins have been debated for years 4.Show deuterostome development 5.They are grouped ecdysozoa

Name an example of respiratory systems and circulaory systems being linked

:Bohr shift= Hemoglobin returns less oxygen at lower ph due to a higher carbon dioxide concentration

Cambrian explosion

A burst of evolutionary origins when most of the major body plans of animals appeared in a relatively brief time in geologic history; recorded in the fossil record about 545 to 525 million years ago.


A group of tetrapods whose living members are the reptiles, including birds, and mammals


A special structure used by an organism to anchor itself.


A supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago.

heteromorphic alternation of generations

Alternation of generations in which the sporophyte and gametophyte generations have a different size, shape, or appearance.


An embryonic stage in animal development encompassing the formation of three layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

How do animals acquire food

Animals have a variety of ways of obtaining food from burrowing suspension and deposit feeding, grazing ect there is no one strategy used by all of them.

Explain the Arteries

Arteries have thick walls composed of three distinct layers (tunica) Veins have thin walls but typically have wider lumen (lumen size may vary depending on specific artery or vein) Capillaries are very small and will not be easily detected under the same magnification as arteries and veins

Explain blood flow

Blood flows in the same direction as the decreasing pressure gradient: arteries to capillaries to veins. The rate, or velocity, of blood flow varies inversely with the total cross-sectional area of the blood vessels. As the total cross-sectional area of the vessels increases, the velocity of flow decreases.

How do the digestive systems of carnivores and herbivores differ

Carnivores typically have only one stomach chamber and a simple digestive system. ... Herbivores have large, flat teeth that grind up plant materials. In contrast, carnivores have mostly sharp, pointed teeth that are used for tearing flesh.

Explain chambered hearts

Chambered hearts with valves and relatively thick muscular walls are less commonly found in invertebrates but do occur in some mollusks, especially cephalopods (octopus and squid).

Advantage of complete digestive systems

Complete digestive systems are better able to absorb nutrients, since each organ is separate and can specialize. It also allows for continuous intake of food, which lets animals grow bigger and develop more complex structures

Animals that feed on organic material contained within sediments are called

Deposit feeders ex.lugworm

Where must animals get their essential nutrients

Essiential nutrients must gain their essintial nutrients from other organimss

What is extracelluar digestion always linked to

Extracellular digestion in animals is always linked to the presence of a digestive cavity, which prevents the diffusion of enzymes and nutrients into the environment.

Extracellular digestion

Extracellular digestion is a process in which animals feed by secreting enzymes through the cell membrane onto the food.

Which organisms don't have a circulatory system

Flatworms, nematodes, and cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals) do not have a circulatory system and thus do not have blood. Their body cavity has no lining or fluid within it. They obtain nutrients and oxygen directly from the water that they live in

How is food processed?

Food is processed in four ways:ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination

Why are essential nutrients used

For disease prevention, growth, and good health

Gastrovascular cavithy advantages and disadvantages

Gastrovascular cavity restricts movement is a disadvantage b/c it does not allow the organism to move. It's a simple digestive system that works for simple organisms. Digestive tract advantage allows the organism to move and the disadvantage that the organism has to consume a lot of energy to digest.

Mitochondria are thought to be the descendants of certan alpha proteobacteria. They are, however, no longer able to lead independent lives because most genes originally present on their chromosome have moved to the nuclear genome. Which phenomenon accounts for the movement of these genes?

Horizontal Gene Transfer

Explain Periselstic heart

In the peristaltic heart, the sphincter prevents backflow and promotes longitudinal, forward flow while in the synchronous heart the sphincter restricts longitudinal, rearward flow and instead promotes flow into the segmental circulation

Intracellular digestion

Intracellular digestion takes place in animals without a digestive tract, in which food items are brought into the cell for digestion.

What does the evolution of specialized tssues allow for

More complex behaviors

What are the characteristics of a chordate

Notochord; Nerve cord; Gill slits

Suppose it were possible to conduct sophisticated microscopic and chemical analyses of microfossils found in 3.5 biollion-year-old stromatolites. Which of the following structures would be surprising to observe?


How have the oceans changed over Earth's history

Oceans have cooled, become more oxygenated, and have increased in depth and planet surface

What are organism that use extracellular digestion

Organisms that use extracellular digestion: annelids, crustaceans, arthropods, lichens and chordates, including vertebrates

What organisms use intracellular digestion

Organisms that use intracellular digestion: Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Ctenophora (comb jellies), and Cnidaria (coral, jellyfish, and sea anemones).


Snorkel-like root structures on some mangrove species that draw air from above the water's surface

What organism rely on intracellular digestion


Neuron structures and function

Stimulus received at dendrites , concentrated at cell body , moves as action potential along axon, and is changed to chemical signal at axon terminal, "leaving" the cell

What is the role of the RBC's and WBC's

The RBCs carry oxygen from the lungs. The WBCs help to fight infection, and platelets are parts of cells that the body uses for clotting

What is marine primary productivity

The amount of carbon fixed by photosynthesis under a square meter of seawater.

Mass extinctions

The extinction of a large number of species within a relatively short period of geological time, thought to be due to factors such as a catastrophic global event or widespread environmental change that occurs too rapidly for most species to adapt.

Where does intracellular digestion

The primary sites of intracellular digestion are organelles known as the lysosomes, which are membrane-bounded compartments containing a variety of hydrolytic enzymes.


The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces gametes, or sex cells.


The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces spores.

What do all respiratory pigments have in common?

They are proteins containing metal atoms that combine loosely and reversibly with O2

What is not true about mangroves

They have tap roots for stability in soft sediments

Which characteristic(s) is (are) shared by both cnidarians and flatworms?

a digestive system with a single opening


a gas-filled bladder in seaweeds


an invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean.


an organism who's blastopore forms the mouth (worms, arthopods, and mollusks)


animal development in which the animal's anus develops before the mouth

Considering the physics of gas exchange in the ocean, which of the following statements is true?

at the same (equilibrium) pressure the concentration of oxygen in air is greater than the concentration of oxygen in water.

The crystalline style helps to disrupt food particles mechanically and provides enzymes for their digestion extracellularly in which of the following?

bivalve mollusks

How did multicellular animals evolve from protists

colonial choanoflagellate like ancestor became modified to form a simple multicellular animal as its choanocytes

The chloroplasts of land plants and marine plants are thought to have been derived according to which evolutionary sequence involving horizontal gene transfer?

cyanobacteria --> green algae --> land & marine plants

Animals that migrate great distances would obtain the greatest energetic benefit of storing chemical energy as


The rhynchocoel is a

fluid filled cavity

Gills are rare in terrestrial animals because:

gills are delicate, moist, exposed structures that would collapse without the buoyant support of water and would dry out in air


hollow ball of cells

Which of the following are NOT considered essential nutrients?

membrane phospholipids

The movement of food through your digestive tract is caused by


What does net hypothesis represent

represents gross photosynthesis minus respiration

The first step in the enzymatic breakdown of all large, polymeric food molecules such as proteins and fats into their individual building blocks involves

the addition of H2O (hydrolysis)

Bioturbation is most commonly a consequence of:

the burrowing and feeding activities of deposit feeders

The gills of fishes are highly efficient in extracting O2 from water largely because:

the countercurrent flow of water across the gill lamellae and the blood inside the lamellae maintains a constant diffusion gradient for O2 from the water into the blood along the entire gas exchange surface

Cephalopod molluscs have three hearts: a systemic heart that pumps blood to most body tissues, and two auxiliary hearts that pump blood directly to:

the paired gills

Which of the following observations gives the most support for the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells?

the similarity in size between the cytosolic ribosomes of prokaryotes and the ribosomes found within mitochondria and chloroplasts

isomorphic alternation of generations

the sporophyte and gametophyte are morphologically similar or identical


the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.

The most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is that between having...

true tissues or no tissues.

Polychaeta (annelida)

tubeworms and sandworms; mostly marine; many setae; well developed head; sexually dimorphic; segments with parapodia

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