Soc 023 Exam # 3

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capital to labor ratio

(K) = the amount of capital available to each worker. A smaller population will increase(K) making them more productive. A larger population decreases(K) lowering each workers productivity and lowering economic growth.

Median age in State College


Median age in Center County


Climate change

3.5°C is the difference between the current climate and the last Ice Age.

Median age in US


Median age in PA.


Water supply

700 million people in 43 countries live in areas without adequate water supply. About 200 million experience water scarcity. 2025 this is expected to be 3 billion, 85% in Africa alone.


A decline in physical viability accompanied by a rise in vulnerability to disease.

Lexus diagram

A graph that shows the relationship between age, Period, cohort

Population pyramid

A graphic picture of the entire population by age and sex is a graph of age data vertically arranged( usually five years) age groups from the bottom( age 0) to the top( usually age 85+) males on the left females on the right.


A person who lives to 100+.

(PPP) Purchasing power party

A price which measures the number of units of country B's currency that are needed in country B to purchase the same quantity of an individual good or service as one unit of country A's currency will purchase in A.

Stable population

A stable population is one in which age-specific birth rates and mortality rates have not changed for a long time( usually about 75 years or 3-4 generations.

Age vs Period vs cohort

Age strata and the prestige and power associated with the each, are influenced by the needs of the society And by characteristics of people of each group. Period would be such as the baby boomers from 1946- 1964 A cohort is a group of individuals who have something in common, demography is usually interested in birth or age cohorts.


An age people can stop working.

Economic growth

An increase in the total amount of productivity or income in a nation.


An index designed to measure development as more than just income. Longer healthier lives, more education, better living standards. Average of three, life expectancy, education, GNI-PPP.

Patterns of health and disability with age

As we age we become more susceptible to ailments and our opportunity to become disabled increases.

Sustainable development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. Implies: equity, no irreversible impact on the environment, continuity, savings

Energy supply

Besides dwindling supplies, fossil fuels have tremendous environmental downsides and a non sustainable source of energy. Renewable energy solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass fuels, geothermal,Wave power.

Differences in the rate of population aging

Better sanitary conditions, better nutrition in developing countries is allowing for people to live longer. Some developing nations fertility has declined while others remain high.


Biological assignment what identifies as a male/female Sex is an ascribed characteristic and for the most part is a unchangeable. My baby is born it sex is determined on its genital tubercle.

Biological and social definition of sex

Biological: chromosomes males XY females XX, gonads males testes females ovaries, hormones, males androgens females estrogens internal sexual accessory organs: males prostate, vas difference females uterus, cervix External organs, males penis scrotum females clitoris, Vulva Social definition rearing, males " it's a boy" females" it's a girl" identity as a person, gender roles males masculine females feminine.

Green revolution

Combining plant genetics with pesticides, fertilizer, irrigation, crop rotation, land organization, and multiple cropping to get more food out of each acre. Reducing meat consumption, reducing storage and transportation waste.

Patterns of aging around the world

Developed nations are becoming stationary while developing countries are increasing in age through the year 2050

Environmental degradation

Damage to the lithosphere( land)( mineral resources) causing erosion, deforestation, loss of biodiversity. Damage to our hydrosphere ( oceans) the client supplier freshwater, pollution of drinking water. Damage to our atmosphere, carbon dioxide and methane are trapped in the atmosphere acid rain from burning of fossil fuel.

Coale and Hoover

Emphasize the role of human capital in determining the impact of population growth of economic development. What matters for economic development is capital to labor ratio. smaller population will lead to more productive lives. Larger population will decrease the productivity of each worker and lowering economic growth.

UN millennium development goals

Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV and malaria etc., ensure environmental stability, develop a global partnership for development.

Growth of elderly population Over time

Higher percentage of population that are economically dependent, puts pressure on public and private pension systems, rising cost of healthcare.

Stationary population

If a stable population is unchanged( i.e. birthrates and death rates are equal) (birth rate =death rate)

I=PAT Equation

Impact = population x affluence x technology


Is a general concept that includes a rise in the standard of living, improvements in health and technology, poverty reduction, and advancement of human rights and individual liberties.

Ocean as a food source

Limited capacity, fish catch has reached its peak and seafood consumption per capita is likely to decline. Unsustainable through 2050.

Median age

Median of the population is the age at which 50% of the population is older/50% of the population is younger.

Effects of population process/ age structure

Mortality: the age structure does not change the population gets a little older as mortality decline in older ages, the average age increases the dependency ratio increases Fertility: the results are about the same generally the age structure of the population is more sensitive to changes fertility than to changes in mortality. Migration: short-term Migration adds numbers to the young adult years / overall migration does not alter the shape of the age structure very much, it just increases the overall size of the population.


Occurs commonly an elderly population especially among women, term used for surviving partner.

Wear and tear theory

Over the life course our bodies take the stress and strains of constant use. Like a machine or bodies eventually wear out.

Age stratification theory

People are assigned social roles based on their age.


Population growth hinders development. Economic growth cannot keep pace with population growth creating an income gap between more and less developed countries.

Julian Simon

Population is the "ultimate resource", human creativity will solve problems as they emerge.

Esther Boserup

Population pressures stimulates technological innovations.

Sex ratio

Principal measure of sex composition used in demography defined as the number of males per 100 females a sex ratio above 100 indicates an excess of males and one below 100 indicates an excess of females.

Family planning programs

Provision of contraceptives to women and men. Assumes an unmet need for fertility regulation. Rapid spread of FP policies since the mid-1960s. Is in most developing countries subsidized by governments and international donors. Most effective where socioeconomic and cultural conditions are conducive to lower fertility.


Represents the time since birth

1984 Mexico City world population conference

Since 1974 nations realized population growth as a constraint on social and economic development. Some even instituted large-scale population control. US changes course: "development is the best contraceptive". Developing countries increase interest in family planning programs (global gag rule in place)

Population policies

Strategies and activities aimed at achieving a certain pattern of population change.

Dependency ratio around the world

Sweden 56.4, US 53.1, China 48.0, Mexico 66.1, Nigeria 93.5 ,Libya 92.4, Ethiopia 96.0, Uganda 103.9 Gaza Strip 119.0

Food supply

The UN estimates that more than 800 million people in the world have inadequate access to food. Every minute 11 children under the age of five die due to malnutrition.

1994 Cairo world population conference

The best way to ensure the family planning is used appropriately and that sustainable economic development occurs is by altering the social context in which it takes place( empowerment of women to make their own fertility choices, political empowerment and economic opportunity)

Dependency ratio

The dependency ratio is the ratio of the dependent age population ( both young persons 0-14 years old and old 65+) to the working age population people 15-64 The higher DR ratio of the more people each worker has to support the lower DR ratio the fewer the number of dependence.

Population aging

The increase in the number and proportion of older adults( 65+) in the population

Carrying capacity

The number of organisms that can be sustained indefinitely with resources, space to live, space to get rid of waste products.

Marital status and living arrangements of elderly

The proportion of individuals living alone increases with age. Women are especially more likely to experience the death of spouse and therefore more likely to live alone.

Demographic divide

The ratio of beneficiaries to those in economical active years/ more beneficiaries will be supported by fewer working people.

Age structure

There are two major ways to quantify the age structure 1) median age of population 2) dependency ratio.

Planned obsolescence

There is no evolutionary advantage to longevity as it is a characteristic that is not biologically selected. Natural selection only operates on characteristics that enhance survival prior to reproduction. I.E. after reproduction age we begin to break down until death.

old-age dependency ratio

Those 65 years and up that depend upon the population between 15 and 64 years of age

(GNI) gross national income

Total income generated in a nation. Total value of all goods and services produced in a year is commonly used measure of development.

Paul Ehrlich

We have already surpassed the Earth's capacity, for over a century we have been spending down the Earth's supply of finite resources.

Cohort replacement

When new cohorts replace older cohorts, baby boomers replaced by generation X.

Feminization of old age

Women live longer than men in most every human society.

1974 Bucharest world population conference

to understand the demography behind population growth, No world population plan drafted. politicization of population and international databases around the globe. US would like to see family planning in developing nations.

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