Soc 100 Final Study Guide

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Legal or social practice of separating people based on race or ethnicity. Extreme case is Jim Crow in the south, to strictly enforce segregation of blacks and whites in most areas of public and legal life because of the Plessy versus Ferguson ruling of separate but equal. This is effectively legalized unequal facilities for blacks. Discrimination and segregation are linked especially in education. School segregation almost always entails fewer educational resources and lower quality for minority students. -today at most US schools are only marginally less segregated than they were in the mid 1960s in LA there was double segregation by both threes and income. School segregation is invariably linked to poverty which is perpetuated by residential segregation which is a result of racial disparities.

structural theories

Less interested in individuals and their identities, concerns itself with how racism is built into laws, Systems, and institutions. Why has inequality remained? It looks at the gaps between blacks and whites in the areas of life expectancy, marriage, income, wealth , poverty , homeownership. - emphasis on the system not the people - inequality created through the system - call attention to history, laws, and organization


Living together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanctioning -this is also arising trend -of people currently cohabitating, 58% Will marry, 19% will break up, 23% will continue to cohabitate -some people are avoiding divorce -some people think that this is living in sin, very conservative people with family values that point to higher divorce rates for those who cohabitate before they get married

the marriage paradox

Love marriage and is very important, holding a lot of cultural value, but it's declining -people thing crazy about the money on it fight about who's allowed to do it so why is it dropping


- there is a disproportionate amount of people of color affected by the prison system. The prison system is massive and reproduces racial inequality. - institutional racism in the movies, Little representation of minority groups in flattering ways

mythical love

-a culturally deal that is impossible to attain, it's our shared cultural ideal The four things that this requires -unambiguous, Love at first sight -unique, this love is special -proven, you can overcome any obstacle -permanent, this love is forever

radicalized sciences

-classification schemes of race -phrenology (bumps on skull) -physiogamy (correlation of outside features to inner virtues) -social darwinism all this basically just to prove whites are better

the history of sexuality

-for the ancient greeks, homosexual relationships were expected and patterned on an active-passive (read: top and bottom) distinction, active=older, higher status. passive= young. shameful for an older man to be penetrated by a younger man. POWER RELATIONSHIP -young boys in Papua New Guinnean trad. culture initiated into manhood by daily rituals fellatio on older boys and men, their semen makes the younger boys men -homosexuality where scarce resources -ENORMOUS VARIATION IN HOW HUMANS HAVE SEX AND WHAT IT MEANS TO THEM, mouth to mouth kissing is super weird in nonwestern cultures

black feminism

-if gender is a performance, then it is more than just a set of neutral scripts we follow. Our actions are influenced by structure forces that we might not be aware of, such as class or race privilege. -early liberal feminism was largely about white mc women, put all women in the same boat, erased all differences and just put everyone into the category of woman -not all women are oppressed equally -"matrix of domination", women isnt a stable category or identity, it means something different depending on who you are -intersectionality of gender, race, class, ability, etc -MAKING UNIVERSAL COMPARISONS OF MEN TO WOMEN MISSES NUANCES AND IMPLICITLY EXCLUDES MARGINALIZED PEOPLE FROM THE DISCUSSION

Early modern families in the United States

-in the preindustrial family each family was basically's own mini economy responsible for its own production and consumption, done in the home. -there will surplus wealth -families lives near kin and could help and support each other by using kinship networks, they had a reciprocal exchange of food clothes and childcare. -there're more lateral than vertical ties within family -it was a non-cash economy so they used the barter system and there was minimal division of labor -children didn't have a nurturing childhood, motherhood was not a full-time occupation

family trends

-more women not having kids -more unmarried couples raising kids -more LGBT families having kids -more working single mothers

(Barbie girls vs. sea monsters) the culture of gender

-pop culture serves as a symbolic resource for creating categorical differences. -barbie isn't just hegemonic, people filter meanings through her, she means different things to different people -public celebration of girl power -childrens toys- dangerous? boys police gender boundaries around other boys who play with barbie

Families in the industrial era

-public space and private life switched Home and work became separated -men left home for production and wage working factories -families were not mini economies anymore, they only consumed. Women, who remained in the private space, made decisions regarding consumption -the notion that women's work was just for the private sphere came in this time, such as attending the home and raising children. this is unpaid work and it depends on the man's wages. Extra money went to the woman for running the home and shopping. This creates gender inequality, Women spend money but men make it, making money is more valuable -gender division of labor arose in the house-Women exclusively in charge of rearing children and maintaining the house -Family mobility meant separation from kinship networks, favoring vertical relationships rather than horizontal, ties between cousins this weakened -Women find that just as their kids leave home their parents need help -decreasing fertility increasing life expectancy


-socially constructed -umbrela term, flexible, now includes formerly nonwhite groups -white people have advantage/privilege -we dont have to think about race -awareness of whiteness is on the rise goal is to call attention to privilege


-the suffering of the migrant worker seem normal, though for different and sometimes contradictory reasons -people are okay with the condition of migrant workers because they assume that was what's normal for them (the camps are acceptable because they're in better condition than their house in Mexico) -this is aided by the segregation of farm aids. White teenagers are not supposed to hang out with Mexican workers. It fosters the idea that ethnic labor hierarchies are normal.


-they're equating the roles of people on the farm to people who do them because their bodies are somehow physically made for it. They're making it seem like it's natural for them. \ -based on perceptions of difference in bodies over ethnic lines, the body deserves its relative social position based on its natural characteristics

coming of age

-today there is an extended adolescence -the yardsticks of adulthood, like owning a home, getting a job, and finishing school are nowhere in sight. -growing up today is very different than in the past, in the past there is less anxiety about the transition from childhood to adulthood, people married with kids way younger. -today, the traditional markers of adulthood are delayed, disordered, or entirely abandoned -growing up now is a lot less of. clear cut path, it is a winding journey. people are more likely to stay at home longer, stay in school longer, switch jobs, and have kids later. -21st century coming of age means learning to make your own decisions and choices independently.

history of marriage

1. Institutional marriage- preindustrial, colonial. The home is the center of everything. There isn't really much dating or public spaces for young people to meet. You find someone you can set up a home with. Family matchmaking is how mate selection takes place. Marrying for status. 2. companionate marriage-looking for a partner in love, friendship, someone to complete you, a complimentary part. With the advent of schools people can meet outside the home. People Mary who is closer than still. It was heterosexual people married younger than they do today. Common during the post war period. Dating. Men and women are different but complementary. People we're working outside the home so there's a clear distinction between homemaker and breadwinner 3. Soulmate model- marriage is an agreement between two equals. This comes with the rise of duall learners. Control over reproduction with the birth control pill. Marrying later. Looking for more than just a companion looking for a Soul mate.

3 definitions of family

1. biological- the family you are genetically related to, you have something tying you to them even if you dont like them 2. legal- people who you are related to by birth, marriage, or adoption. largely set by the sa=tate, can raise issues. matters for purpose of allocating resources 3. emotional- people you feel emotional ties to but you are not biologically related to. this is VOLUNTARY but it lacks rights.

foucult's sexual ethics

1. what about sexuality is of concern 2. how should it be regulated 3. what ethical/ emotional work must people do to conform 4. what is the ideal form of being

scientific racism

19th century theories of race that characterized a period of feverish investigation into origins, explanation, and classification of race -sought to scientifically explain differences from the norm (white anglo Saxon)

race in the US

91% of white Americans' close friends are white there is the concept that real Americans are white and all other Americans need to be quantified.

Families after World War II

By the 1950s the nuclear family was idealized but only attainable for the middle to upper class families. Many men didn't make enough money to warrant a stay-at-home mom -Katie is increased in the 50s making this ideal more attainable but many nonwhite and not upper-class people were excluded from it -some atypical trends- before the 1950s divorce it actually been rising family size had been declining. this reversed after the war, young marraige ages

cult of domesticity

Came about as a the splitting of public and private life. It is the notion that True womanhood centers on domestic responsibility and childrearing -ideas to support women's true nature is her role as a housewife -it is believed that there are innate emotional qualities that make women better suited for home life. It is necessary for the survival of Society, we have to ensure that the home is safe while men struggle in capitalism, they have to create an emotional shelter for men in the private life


Marriage to someone outside of one's social group -this is possible in much of the Western world -it's mostly culturally acceptable -people transgress social, class, and racial groups total exogamy Is altogether very rare


Marriage to someone with in your fu*king social group To some extent we all practice this. Tendency to hook up with similar people because it makes for easier relations if you and your partner share social groups -an extreme example is the caste system

the "chore wars"

Gender and housework, there is a lingering cult of domesticity, how's work and childcare following mom's shoulders just proportionately even when they work. When I get back from the office they started second shift. -even in it to career household parens are likely to spend their time at home differently. Women do more housework daily, and men get more sleep in leisure time which can bring resentment. -division of labor in the home means who does how much and who does what -when men do housework is called helping when women do it they're just supposed to -men have more control over when they help out women have a fixed routine, mentioned do more of what they want, Women get the undesirable jobs. -time-saving devices of actually increased the time that women spend on housework because standards of cleanliness have risen


One perceives themselves and others according to their social location -pesticide signs only in English, Mexican people think that they can endure pesticides -class position internalized through ethnic pride, it ironically AIDS naturalization and contributes to structures of oppression


People idealized monogamous marriage is an American culture, but idolizing marriages is helping to delay the age of first marriage. We value marriage very much, we have the highest divorce rate of comparable western countries. The drive to marry but also divorcing is rooted in the collective past we share -for states of higher divorce rates, Financial concerns hurt marriage, people question the utility of marriage -there are varying impact on children of divorced parents, all aspects of the kids future can be impacted by divorce

flat broke with children

Single mothers and poverty go hand-in-hand this is a bigger issue to nonwhite families than white families -there is a shrinking welfare state and a bigger gap between the rich and the poor -trade off between working children, -aren't lazy hard-working people have a desire to get out of poverty. But they have no freedom of choice between working and welfare. Get is not easy to move from being dependent to being self-sufficient. There is limited employment for single mothers and work rarely has its benefits. -there's a large gap between earnings and expenses and low wage jobs. You're take care transportation childcare Rense if you get fewer dollars for food stamps. It's nearly impossible to save, the real corporate of the trap of dependency. Leaving welfare increases women's expenses - It's hard to get a job with a living wage -Women are getting married for financial support, single moms end up staying in poverty or looking for elicit alternatives to get by -they might sacrifice responsible parent Hood because of no adequate government childcare being a responsible worker does not necessarily mean being a responsible mom

kinship networks

Strings of relationships between people related by blood and co-residence/ marriage


Systematically prevented people in poor neighborhoods, who were predominantly black, from getting home loans. This relegated them to what is essentially the ghetto, creating racially based housing segregation. This has compounding advantages for white people, there is an influx of new wealth in the areas that they live in, which brings in new businesses and therefore drives up property values. -for most people, the home is the most valuable thing they own and the center of their wealth. Schools are funded by property taxes, so therefore education is affected by redlining

family leave

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is a United States labor law requiring covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. it is not required to have paid leave and the amount of time is short. lower income people and POC are less likely to get paid maternity leave which sucks because they need it most.

housing segregation

The black ghetto was manufactured by White's through set of deliberate conscious practices. Boundary setting black neighborhoods were policed by White's, first with the threat of violence, then with neighborhood associations which institutionalize housing discrimination. When a black family moved into a neighborhood that was predominantly white the weights often adopted the strategy of flight and set a fight and this process of racial turnover you'll that the same result, black isolation. Even today when a black family moves into a white neighborhood the property values decline slightly.

a feminists's "rethinking of the family"

The family the the primary unit of socialization and it is structured by larger social forces wait wait policy and gender inequality so it is also a site for the reproduction of these relations. Basically gender equality starts in the family -having working versus staying home mom really impact sons and daughters -Women are preparing meals, this is how we learned men and women are different. In marriage the bride is given away what distinguishes the head of the family is power. Family equals a battleground for power. How family members money is spent is different, women's money is used for luxury items the men's money is used for stable household items.

nuclear family

The idealized model of the male breadwinner, a female homemaker and they're dependent children. This emerged as the dominant, normative, and mythical model for domestic life. It came about in the 1950s, so it's not really as traditional as we think it is. Its existence does not represent a natural timeless, or universal approach to family arrangements. -familial form consisting of a mother, a father, and their children. Parsons believes that this was a functional necessity in modern industrial society because it was the most compatible with fulfilling societies needs for productive workers and child nurturers -also known as traditional family -there's a problem here, function lead is not sufficient cause for the development of institution, especially when other kinds of institutions can perform the function just as well.

racial formation

The process by which social, economic, and political forces determine the content/Importance of racial categories by which they are in turn shaped by racial meaning -races fluid it is constantly being constructed categories changed based on who we meet and what images we have access to -race is not the same thing is class, ethnicity, nationality. They overlap but are fundamentally different. -Race: the imaginary line between people that have real consequences -it's not something that the individual decides it's a societal thing

Subtle revolution

The reorganization of work and home Women's participation workforce increased infertility decreased Rising divorce rates

Culture of segregation

The residential segregation in flicks poverty through this. If you live in a ghetto that's extremely isolated from the outside world you have no access to family restaurants no mainstream banks and no grocery stores that sell fresh vegetables. You're only surrounded by the ills that accompany poverty such as poor health joblessness L fair educational failings etc. The socials become normative, you slide into the very behaviors that reproduce the decline of your neighborhood.

gay and lesbian couples

This arrangement is on the rise. Successful in producing well-adjusted and successful offspring. Same-sex marriages were previously faced with opposition. People that were against it so that the goal of marriage is procreation and those who are gay cannot have biological children so there is no value in this. They're more equitable with their time divide because they see having a functional household as something to legitimate their relationship. Housework is equal.

utilitarian love

This is less talked about, it's not in movies or books. Love is practical and rational. Dedication is based on shared understanding. Love takes work. Making pros and cons list. It takes effort to do things right

blended families

Two family units are integrated, remarriage is an example after divorce or death As divorce is becoming more common so is the blended family are children adaptable enough for this to be okay

the census

We can observe the ever-changing nature of race here as well as in science textbook definitions of race. Racial categories and the census change across time. What racial categories are acknowledged? How do you know which one you fit into? -1960 was the first year that you could identify yourself and your race, it wasn't just a census taker -2000 was the first year if you could select your own race using the other box -in 2020 middle eastern and north African will be a new racial category This demonstrates the People's racial identity can change overtime. People are allowed to identify in new ways. -not every country includes race on their census

Second shift

Women's responsibility for house work and childcare everything from cooking dinner two doing laundry to bathing children. Even if they've made gains in the public realm they've not made gains at home

symbolic violence

a concept from Bordieu , helpful for understanding how inequalities have gone unquestioned. "account for the tacit, almost unconscious modes of cultural/social domination occurring within the everyday social habits maintained over conscious subjects." The normalization and internalization of social asymmetry. It makes the world seem natural. It is done through perception not logic it is not conscious.


a consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle in life. the underlying belief is that men and women should be accorded equal opportunities and respect. -as gender structures social relations, it dies so on unequal ground -it is less interested in erasing differences, prefers to uncover power stakes behind socially constructed differences


a group of people who share a set of characteristics. typically but not always physical ones, and are said to share a common bloodline -the 'myth of race' means it is largely a social construct, a set of stories we tell ourselves to organize a reality for the world which makes sense to us. when we tell the stories enough, we start to make it real (the creation of separate marriage and reproducing communities) -externally imposed, involuntary, hierarchical, exclusive, unequal, about power conflicts, means of legitimizing exclusion and harassment


a line of thought that explains social phenomenon in terms of natural ones. its hallmarks are fixity, lack of history, absolutism, and biological determinism (a line of thought which explains social behavior in terms of who you are in the natural world). ex- of you are born with male parts you're essentially and absolutely male and you will only like females -people try to maintain boundaries

symbolic ethnicity

a nationality, not in the sense of carrying the rights and duties of citizenship but of identifying with past or future nationality. Something not constrained but easily expressed with no risk of stigma and all the pleasures of feeling like an individual -it is a matter of choice, common in MC Americans -rising #s of NA because more people are claiming their NA heritage because it brings out peoples uniqueness -underscores white MC privilege, people who can pick and choose their identities and freely choose their ethnic background -surge in ethnic pride -voluntary for whites, AA don't have that option, for them it becomes radicalized and a marker if your otherness


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of femininity to masculinity

sexual cultures

a set of beliefs, values, and practices surrounding sex and sexuality


a social position, the set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories. -what people do with the physical materials of sex -one set of stories we tell each other and believe to get by in the world -we use it to make distinctions and to separate groups -gender is a social institution, it is a social construct deeply rooted in seemingly natural/inevitable processes of everyday life. it is built into major organizations in society like economy, ideology, politics, and family. -gender is ultimately about power struggles and how daily life is organized forming a gender identity beins from the time you are a fetus and you get names. through socialization the child gets a gendered identity that reproduces values suited to that gender

old racism

active bigotry, 1. humans are separable into distinct types, 2. they have essential traits that cannot be changed, some types of people are better than others. these claims are frowned upon so they aren't made.

Rubin's sex/gender system

all societies participate in this in some form. biological sex is transformed through kinship into asymmetrical gender statuses. Because of incest taboo, women who belong to their father must leave the family and find another man to belong to. -women treated like property for trade between families headed by men -THIS IS NOT NATURAL, it is the result of human interactions -women have a univeral association with the private sphere, associated with domestic life and having less value.


an explanation of why certain ethnic ties persisted even after groups attained certain levels of assimilation. the strength if ethnic ties because they are fixed and deeply felt or primordial tied to ones homeland culture -ethnicity is fixed -it isn't rooted in bio, but it is rooted in some intractable source that must be CULTURE

sexual harassment

an illegal form of discrimination involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual "barter"- all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job -it can occur in many settings and relationships, on street and at work -sex. harass. is the chief way men resist gender equality in the workplace -most commonly, it takes the form of "hostile environments" in which women feel unsafe, excluded, mocked -women paid less than men

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women climb up the occupation ladder it is the result of the cultural continuation of authority to masculinity -most people believe that men and women are in the jobs they are best suited for

(Barbie girls vs. sea monsters) the structure of gender

at the organizational level, sex segregation, makes it harder to see similarities -coaches- mostly dads, "team mom", makes the food organizations tend to reflect and recreate a hierarchical ordering of gender

7 types of assimilation

cultural, structural, marital, identification, attitude reception, behavioral reception. and civic assimilation these theories if assimilation could not explain people not shedding their ethnic ties easily, ethnic identification persisted even after groups attained certain levels of cultural assimilation -acceptance varies systematically

glass escalator

even in female dominated jobs like nursing or social work, masculine power and privilege are maintained. When token men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to the top (accelerated promotion)

social constructions of sex

example with intersex children: those born with reproductive anatomy which doesn't fit into the idea of male or female by normative definitions. they are often given sex realignment surgery to make them conform with normative ideas of sex. a binary sex system (what we have) gives us order but also limits our ability to see differences, we are socially uncomfortable with differences

doing gender

gender is performative, which is different from performed based on Hoffman's dramaturgical theory, you do gender with 1. gender identity 2. gender expression 3. biological/anatomical sex It produces a series of effects, the ways we do things, what we wear gender is a phenomenon being produces and reproduced over and over again. we lern gender through things like bulling and institutional policing of gender (sit like a girl!), we learn about it and then we perform it in social context gender is a RECURRING (you do it everyday) ACCOMPLISHMENT (it takes work) DONE IN INTERACTION (you perform it, people identify you) ex--male fighting


harmful or negative ats (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category without regard to their individual merit -one who holds prejudice and discriminates is an active bigot. -A fair weather liberal discriminates but does not hold the prejudices, stance in favor of racial equality, but they still discriminate perhaps without knowing it, ex white flight for fear of declining property value not because they actually want to keep blacks out of good neighborhoods, things with embedded racist reasons but aren't racially motivated -one who does neither is an all weather liberal.


in working class young adults, there is a lot f this, especially in the form of ECONOMIC INSECURITY. there is also a fear of commitment, distrust of institutions, which makes achieving markers of adulthood way more difficult. insecurity about financial things like the balance of income vs. utility payments can slip into the home

institutional racism

institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups ex--sentencing laws for dealing and consuming cocaine, made the sentencing way more harsh for crack, but this disproportionately hurt the lower income families who were predominantly nonwhite ex--hiring patterns of companies, employers may look outside just applications at their references and social networks to find people through informal ties ex--cultural bias in testing, driving black students scores down because of stereotype's impact on performance

counting sexualities

largest LGBT group: bisexuals! 2% of total pop L+G together- 1.7% T- 0.6% 5% of population identifies as LGBT how do we define what counts? 3 things to consider 1. behavior 2. attraction- women more likely to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. 1/3 of ppl have had same sex attraction/encounters 3. identity- more women ID as LGBT than men these are INDEPENDENT, one can change but not all of them do (the travestii identify as men, not women, but they are cross dressing prostitutes who have gay sex)

straight line assimilation

linear model for how immigrants assimilate fully into a newly homogenous country (immigrants arrive, settle in, mimic behavior of people already there)


occurs when persons sex or gender is the basis for judgement, discrimination, and hatred against him or her -common in academia, women outnumber men still in traditionally feminine fields, men more common in the "hard sciences', higher salaries in STEM depts than in humanities girls tend to have lower self esteem than boys -"deceptive distinctions", ones that arise. because of the particular roles individuals occupy (jobs make distinctions, more male scientists who think in abstract ways, more fem teachers who are more rations)

(Barbie girls vs. sea monsters) the performance of gender

on the interactional level, kids do gender, theories of performativity -the girls perform a feminine display for each other -the boys perform chant -they acted in a way that made them seem like 2 opposing groups


one's ethnic quality or affiliation. it is voluntary, self defined, fluid and multiple. and based on cultural differences rather than only physical ones -you can have more than one

distrust and isolation

people, particularly working class young adults, have grown up with a distrust for institutions and other individuals, they fear deception and betrayal. they distrust institutions because the interactions are difficult to understand and very bureaucratic. they think that they can only trust themselves and have to do everything on their own. For working class youths, growing up means not trusting anyone but yourself. when the insecurity about all this impacts people, it often scares them; they don't see the point in being responsible for a romantic partner who may just let them down, they stay single cuz of fear. this leads to isolation.

identity projects

peoples understandings about who they are and what is meaningful to them good- organizing, allows for shared experiences bad-categories based on broad differences

race as a frame

race and ethnicity is a way people see people in the world race as a cult/cognitive frame ca go against their stated values you make sense of people by applying cognitive frames we get symbolic meanings from them


refers to desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior, not strictly natural. how we have sex, with who, and when. -a social construction, shaped by social factors, what is normal is contested, no essentially right way to do it, so much variation -"compulsory heterosexuality" in the US -sexuality as a power institution, serves as a way to enforce male dominated capitalist system in which women unpaid domestic work supports males -heterosexuality as a norm is integral to sustaining women's social subordination

standpoint theory

social location and personal history shape how we view and study the world -most of the view we get is from those ar the top -understand someone else experience to understand their standpoint


the belief that members of separate races possess different and unequal traits coupled with the power to restrict freedoms based on these differences characterized by 3 beliefs 1. humans can be divided into distinct bloodlines/physical groups 2. these groups are linked to distinct cultures/intelligence/behaviors, etc 3. certain groups are superior the groups and races have been categorized differently over time, no fixed concept of race


the belief that ones own culture/group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of ones own , this yielded the scientific studies of otherness we see

normal family ideology

the belief that there is a normal family and we know what it looks like. it Is based off of a shared understanding of what we all think family should look like. -heterosexual, married, 2.5 kids, suburbs, middle class, what you strive for in the game of life having kids is really important to our cultural idea of family, heterosexual couples are more likely to b seen as a family -diversity of family forms is obscured by the normal family ideology


the biological differences (behavioral consequences of hormones, relative physical strength, brain structure, chromosomes, external genitals) that distinguish males from females

gender inequality in the classroom

the classroom is a gender training ground, children here learn how to act properly gendered, they also learn about gender inequalities -girls interrupted by boys, bullied out of class, different teacher expectations - boys and girls go to the same schools but get diff edus -representations of gender inequalities in text books, boys are active outside and girls are indoors, passive, and dependent -some improvement of women roles but men still have nothing to do with childrearing or anything

hegemonic masculinity

the condition in which men are dominant and privileged and this dominance is invisible -their power is so complete that it goes unnoticed by the women who are dominated, the norm against which other men will be judged -the image of a man we have- white, young, urban , het, cis, father, married. this wasnt always the case, it varies across time and place.


the definition of whiteness shifts based on who is desirable as white (excluded irish for a while


the formation of new racial identities by drawing on ideological boundaries of differences around a formerly unnoticed group of people -ex--because of terrorist anxiety, we are afraid of brown ppl wearing head scarves -racialization of muslims based on false assumptions , stereotypes based on appearance. once radicalized, groups face many social consequences -misapplying them too- sikhs, not muslims, wear head scarves

mythical norm

the idea that our identity is defined in terms if social groups/interactions. the "norm' is white, thi, male, young, able-bodied, etc. where the power is people define their identity based on being outside of that. it is not something we were born with, it has been created through social interactions

changing opinions

the increase in people coming out as gay/ identifying as LGBT is driven by changing opinions toward same sex marriage. the shift toward greater acceptance is one of the most important changes in public opinion in a very short amount of time. there is more room for people to ID differently change in public support -----> change in identity


the movement to protect and preserve indigenous land and culture from the allegedly dangerous and polluting effects of new immigrants

the new racism

the new racial hegemony comes with "race neutral" rhetoric and relies more on culture/nationality to explain differences between whites and non whites than their immutable physical traits. -"laissez-faire racism" -replaces biology with culture and presumes that there is something fixed, immutable, and inferior about nonwhite culture -kinder, gentler, antiblank ideology is characterized by negative stereotyping -tendency to blame nonwhites for their own problems, resistance to affirmative action policy -the formal stance of equality has brought about subtler forms of prejudice and discrimination . when the state proclaims racial equality, white privilege goes unnoticed *colorblind racism erases experience*


the one drop rule, even a little black blood makes a person all black, spurred the creation of fiercely protected racial boundaries and the laws forbidding this. It is the technical term for interracial marriage, created a cleavage between black and white societies

sexual orientation

the pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to others in relation to ones own gender identity -we way overestimate the number of lgbt people in the US. the number IS increasing tho


the presence ad engaged coexistence of numerous distinct groups in one society -a low degree of assimilation exist -a culturally pluralistic society has one large sociocultural framework with a diversity of cultures functioning within it -society in which minorities live separately but equally (America with no substantial stratification, oppression, or domination)


the study of overlapping or intersecting social identities and the related systems oppression, domination, and discrimination -it shows how social cat such as race, class, sex orient, etc are connected/ interconnected in many ways -identities are multiple and discrimination can happen at their intersection -ex--glass escalator only true for white men

work and home

the subtle revolution- the shift in who takes care of what at home, birth rate decreasing women workers increasing the division of housework, paid work, and child care changing. today, both mothers and fathers spend more time on child care, reflecting the importance of spending time with children increasing. -everyone spends less time on housework ow -housework is the work to maintain a home, it includes cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and it is different from care work, which is the work performed face to face with the intention of bettering someone -there is a backlash against the subtle revolution

continued inequality

there is still compulsory heterosexuality- the idea that heterosexuality is assumed and enforced by society, it is viewed as the natural inclination or obligation by both sexes -there is the assumption that to have a family you have to be heterosexual -a disproportionate amount 40% of the homeless youth are LGBT

implicit bias

thought process that happens without you meaning for it to, our background frames shape how we view the world, it is not the same thing as racism, it is normal. it is shaped by cultural images and family education! ex- doctors prescribe fewer painkillers to black people ex-- based on perceived gender and name, people decide how to respond to emails, mostly answer white men you have to be aware of it because the more aware of it you are the more likely you are to combat it


thoughts and feelings about a racial or entice group, which lead to often negative preconceived notions and judgements about the group -one who holds prejudice and discriminates is an active bigot. -one who only holds a prejudice is a timid bigot., they dont actually go through with hateful action -one who does neither is an all weather liberal.

the lifecourse

transitions people go through. developmental moments which are socially defined, like childhood and even death. they look different depending on where you live and what resources you have access to. pathways through a sequence of culturally defined age graded roles and social transitions enacted over time childhood-tween-teen-emerging adult (new)-adult- midlife- oldie


used the idea of distant origins, means "well born", a pseudo science that postulates that controlling the fertility of populations could influence the heritable traits passed on from generation to generation -called upon the notion of natural selection -everything-disease, criminality, intelligence, could be passed down through bloodlines and could be bred out of the population

one sex model

what we had from ancient greeks to mid 18th century, male and female just inverses of the same body, women still less than men, but less emphasis on difference men and women became popularly different when the 2 sex model came about, female orgasm deemed unnecessary

feminization of jobs

when too many women go into formerly male dominated jobs, they become feminized and then its all women and they make less and have less prestige (ex--PR, Realestate, pharmacy) -when jobs lose attractiveness to male candidates, the (white) women get them

the American dream

young adults are relinquishing the hope of the American dream add the markers of adulthood that accompany it, like owning a home, having a job, and having a family.

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