soc quiz (ch 1 and ch13)

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Part of the two-step flow model

Trevor Noah John Oliver Oprah Winfrey

uses and gratifications paradigm

approaches to understanding media effects that focus on how the media fulfills individuals' psychological or social needs

taste cultures

areas of culture that share similar aesthetics and standards of taste

Where does social researcher Robert Putnam suggest that people in the United States spend most of their time outside of work or school?

at home in front of the TV

Kerry Ferris

conducts research on Star Trek and soap opera fan clubs

The average American spends more than half of his or her total leisure hours doing what?

consuming media

From which of the following terms did "mass culture" originate?


Associated with Durkheim's theories

positivist sociology social bonds in society

What is the central message of postmodernism?

rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society

not associated with Durkheim's theories

social dynamics of very small groups criticism of the ideas of Auguste Comte

Robert Bellah

work has examined group values in the United States

Communication researchers who follow media ownership saw a consistent trend of _________ through the 1980s and 1990s characterized by mergers and buyouts and resulting in fewer but larger media companies in the 2000s.


A postmodernist writes an essay arguing that the "factual" history of a Native American tribe in a textbook is no more accurate than a collection of short oral stories about the tribe. The postmodernist is engaging in what type of critical analysis?


taste publics

groups of people who share similar artistic, literary, media, recreational, and intellectual interests

In 2014, Pharrell Williams gave permission to fans to create their own "cover" videos using his song "Happy." This resulted in nearly 2,000 different versions of the music video produced by fans in more than 150 different countries. The model of ______ is highlighted by the example of Pharrell Williams's hit song "Happy."

textual poaching

According to the textbook, which activity exemplifies the importance of organization over spontaneity when it comes to leisure?

Little League baseball

Identify each question as a topic in either microsociology or macrosociology.

Microsociology How do two drivers decide who goes first at a four-way stop? How does a family conversation escalate into a shouting match? Macrosociology Why do some immigrant groups assimilate faster than others? Why does the officer-enlisted relationship differ between a country's army and its navy?

Identify the true statements about the media in a democracy.

True Statement(s) The media are an instrument of the state. The media are a tool for social change. Part of the media's purpose is to supply information, educate, and entertain. False Statement(s) The media are not involved in the defense of an open, democratic system.

A news story suggests that high-profile producers in Hollywood hold enormous power over young actresses and can coerce these actresses into doing things they may not want to do. What theory best captures the viewpoint of this story?

conflict theory

Microsociology is like a wide-angle lens perspective on society, whereas macrosociology is like a zoom lens perspective on society.


popular culture

forms of cultural expression usually associated with the masses, consumer goods, and commercial products

encoding/decoding model

the theory that combines models that privilege the media producer and models that view the audience as the primary source of meaning, and where the audience actively interprets the media texts

agenda-setting theory

the theory that the media can set the public agenda by selecting certain news stories and excluding others, thus influencing what audiences think about

high culture

those forms of cultural expression usually associated with the elite or dominant classes

civil society

those organizations, institutions, and interactions outside government, family, and work that promote social bonds and the smooth functioning of society

Identify the examples of postmodernism in popular culture.

Examples hip-hop music The Grey Album by DJ Danger Mouse, which uses tracks from the Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's Black Album. copies of famous landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas Not Example(s) Liberty University, the college associated with fundamentalist Christianity

Which of the following are among the key tenets of the Chicago School in American sociology?

Key Tenet(s) of the Chicago School The self emerges from a process of interacting with other selves. Society is conceptualized as a "generalized other." Human behavior and personality are shaped by social and physical environments. Not Key Tenet(s) of the Chicago School Ethnicity is fundamentally genetic rather than cultural.

Fill in the blanks to create a true statement about practical and scientific knowledge.

The (everyday actor) approaches her social world with practical knowledge, whereas the (social analyst) approaches the world by using reasoning and questions to gain deeper insights.

Which art exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in New York broke attendance records but attracted negative reviews from art critics in 1998?

The Art of the Motorcycle

Which of the following statements about leisure are true?

True statements Sociologists suggest that in many ways, leisure provides the most "meaningful experiences" and allows people "opportunities to reveal their true selves." The term "leisure" is primarily defined in contrast to paid labor or other obligatory activities, or as the opposite of work. Leisure studies has become established as its own academic discipline within the social sciences. False Statement(s) The study of leisure is one of the oldest topics in sociology.

scientific knowledge

how much water you need to intake on a daily basis to survive the average education level of individuals whose parents graduated from college

Polysemy, or the idea that any given text may have multiple meanings, is most closely associated with which theory of media effects?

interpretive strategies

Amitai Etzioni

leading proponent of communitarianism

Which of the following is an accurate description of leisure time?

leisure time and work time are complementary activities linked by consumption

macro-micro continuum

society, culture, social institutions, social inequality, groups, roles, socialization, interaction, self

Which example is cited as primary evidence of the hypodermic needle theory or magic bullet theory?

the radio broadcast of H.G. Wells's "The War of the Worlds."

What, according to C. Wright Mills, is the function of the sociological imagination?

the sociological imagination enables us to connect our personal experience with the larger forces of history

two-step flow model

the theory that audiences get information through opinion leaders who influence their attitudes and beliefs, rather than through direct, firsthand sources

reinforcement theory

the theory that audiences seek messages in the media that reinforce their existing attitudes and beliefs, and thus are not influenced by challenging or contradictory information

fill in the blanks

(Critical Race theory) emerged out of legal scholarship in the 1970s and 1980s. This theory argues that (racism) is deeply embedded in American institutions, including our laws. A prominent sociologist who is strongly associated with this theory is (Eduardo Bonilla-Silva)

fill in blanks

(Modernism) is a paradigm that places trust in the power of science and technology to create progress, solve problems, and improve life. Conversely, (postmodernism) is a paradigm that suggests that social reality is diverse, pluralistic, and constantly in flux. Three of the most famous postmodern theorists include Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and (Michel Foucault).

Identify the types of functions Robert Merton theorized were necessary for the social cohesion of different structures.

Associated with Robert Merton's Theory of Social Cohesion latent manifest Not Associated with Robert Merton's Theory of Social Cohesion conflict collective

Some of the following thinkers are prominent figures in the positivist-functionalist tradition. Determine who these figures are, and then place them in chronological order, based on their contributions.

August Comte, Emily Durkheim, Talcott Parsons

Which social theorist introduced the idea of the sociological imagination?

C. Wright Mills

A new religious cult in the United States has been discovered that does not use any modern technology, lives in primitive conditions with no electricity or running water, and treats women as less valuable than men. Children born into this cult are forced to work sixteen-hour days beginning at the age of ten. Which of the following scenarios related to the above example are likely to lead to culture shock?

Correct Answer(s) A sociologist goes undercover and becomes a member in an effort to learn more about the cult. A child born into the cult escapes at the age of sixteen and travels to the nearest large city. Incorrect Answer(s) A man from the cult who is regularly tasked with traveling to a nearby town to collect supplies chats with the store clerk. A woman who has been in the cult for less than a year leaves to return to her family.

Identify the following as examples of helicopter parenting or free-range parenting.

Helicopter: checking in with your children via text three to four times every time they hang out with their friends scheduling a full year of organized sports for your children free-range: allowing your children to play with remote-controlled helicopters by themselves in the park allowing your children to walk to the movie theater by themselves to see a new release

Practical Knowledge

How do I register for classes? How do I cross the street safely?

Scientific Knowledge

How does a traffic light help to regulate traffic? What classes are most likely to provide me with the knowledge that employers are looking for?

Which of the following are important elements in Weberian theory?

Important Elements in Weberian Theory "verstehen" the role of the Protestant religion in transforming European economies Not Important Element(s) in Weberian Theory anomie the struggle between capitalists and the working class

Which company's prominence is an example of the commodification of leisure activities?


fill in the blanks

The (Federal Communications Commission (FCC)) has established some restrictions on media-outlet ownership by any single company in order to avoid a (monopoly) in any one market. Otherwise, one media giant might be able to own all the newspapers and TV and radio stations in a region, effectively stifling any competition and potentially providing a single voice for information where several voices serve a democracy better. Additionally, the (Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)) is involved in (antitrust) legislation, governing mergers between companies and further discouraging monopolies from forming. However, in recent years, increasing (deregulation), the reduction or removal of government restrictions on the media industry, has allowed companies to gain control of ever-larger chunks of the media market.

There are clearly distinguished boundaries between popular culture and high culture.



the customs, practices, and values expressed in a particular place by the people who interact there

Not part of the two-step flow model

Matt Damon

false statement about culture

Most cultural products contain only elements of either mass or high culture, but not both.

Identify the original principles of conflict theory.

Original Principle(s) of Conflict Theory understanding how conflict is essential for social change understanding the role of conflict at all scales of investigation—from the family to the nation Not Original Principle(s) of Conflict Theory finding ways to replace conflict with consensus showing how short periods of conflict pave the way for long-term social stability

Robert Merton called for a style of sociology that avoids extremes: it focuses on institutions, not tiny groups and not whole societies, and it holds theory and empirical observation in balance. This type of study is called _________ theory.


A certain high school student is wearing "cool" clothing and is considered "cool." What would a symbolic interactionist say about this situation?

Correct Answer(s) Coolness is a construction rather than an objective fact. The coolness of the student and the clothing are connected in a causal cycle. Incorrect Answer(s) Neither the student nor the clothing is actually cool. The student would be considered cool even without cool clothes. The student is considered cool because of the cool clothes.

Identify the major figures associated with postmodernism.

Correct Answer(s) Michel Foucault Jacques Derrida Jean Baudrillard Incorrect Answer(s) Erving Goffman

Which of the following examples illustrate the concept of taste publics?

Example(s) of Taste Publics non-Hispanic white men from rural areas who become hunters individuals with graduate degrees who often attend plays and classical music performances Not Example(s) of Taste Publics Americans who watch TV Americans who eat out at least once a week

Place the following trends and statements about leisure in order from oldest to newest.

Industrial productivity and new technologies created new opportunities for leisure among the middle and upper classes. Mass migration to the suburbs and new technologies began to encourage people to stay home. Robert Putnam called television the "800-pound gorilla of leisure time." Research found that "Americans are increasingly less likely to go out for a dose of the arts, and more likely to stay home and enjoy performances in front of their home entertainment centers." Research found that the average American was still watching five hours of TV a day

true statements about culture

There are multiple high cultures and multiple pop cultures, based on differences in taste and aesthetics. Shows such as Westworld and Game of Thrones are the subject of serious literary criticism once reserved only for high art. The boundaries between high culture and popular culture are often permeable, so the way we categorize any particular type of art or artist can change over time.

Which of the following statements about sports and role models are true?

True statements A role model is an individual who serves as an example for others to strive toward and emulate. Athletes have always been role models, but they have never been as visible as they are now. Nike used quotes from or about Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Charles Barkley to promote its products. False Statement(s) Charles Barkley embraced his position as a role model.


foreign travel with the goal of minimizing the environmental consequences of tourism as well as its possible negative effects on local cultures and economies, typically involving people from highly industrialized nations traveling to less developed countries

A media company owns radio broadcasting channels, television stations, newspaper publishers, and magazine publishers all in one region of the country. What is this an example of?

horizontal integration

A popular radio talk show host comments that mass shootings are increasing simply because people are consuming violent television shows and movies at an increasing rate and the acts portrayed in those media are increasingly more violent and graphic. Which theory is this talk show host espousing?

hypodermic needle theory

C. Wright Mills was critical of social science and worked to connect the academic side of sociology to more tangible social debates of the time. Mills was convinced that sociology had something to offer everyone, not just academics. For these reasons, what term would best exemplify C. Wright Mills?

public intellectual

A sociologist who believes that participation in spectator sports provides members with a sense of group affiliation and personal identification, supports which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interactionism

Over the past two decades, a newspaper publishing company has purchased a series of regional bookstores, a number of televisions stations in the United States, and a music publishing company. What is this an example of?


interpretive strategies

the ideas and frameworks that audience members bring to bear on a particular media text to understand its meaning

Practical knowledge

the locations of your favorite restaurants the information needed to pay your bills online

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