soci 101 chap 8-9

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How is conflict theory similar to Talcott Parsons' structural functionalism in terms of the way they explain gender roles?

- Parsons saw men's and women's roles more as complementary than competitive - Parsons' theory tended to legitimize gender roles that associated women with the domestic sphere - point to capitalism as the source of men's and women's gender roles - rely too much on a fixed, binary male/female distinction

Talcott Parson's sex role theory

- explains the rise of the nuclear family as an ideal for raising children- nuclear family serves the interests of capitalism- from their parents, children learn the concept of a division of labor

Fundamental goals of feminism

- gain for women the same level of opportunity and respect that men get - make people aware that gender structures relationships and different positions in the social power structure

Sociological view of gender

- gender is not fixed by biological sex, but rather is a social institution- set of scripts that orders our lives and defines a person's place in society

"Individual Fixed Technique"

- not suitable for studying the impact of biological sex on other aspects of a person's life - method involves before-and-after comparisons - very limited opportunity to study people who have changed from male to female or vice versa

"hijras" in India

- often work as prostitutes - undergo voluntary castration - live communally and in voluntary poverty - reputation of being violent and untrustworthy - more like a religious caste or order

Gayle Rubin's theory of the patriarchy

- represents a structural functionalist theory of gender - argues that existing power dynamics between men and women serve a societal purpose - tautological in reasoning (uses circular reasoning: work the way they do because they work)


A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns or genetically inherited characteristics. NOTE: characteristics of race, sucha as exclusive, externally imposed, unequal.


Blending with a dominant group (changing the name or last name) Pretend to be somebody else Example: members of an oppressed attempt to disguise their group membership


Distinct ethnic and racial group coexist on equal terms and have equal social standing. (the ethnic or racial groups have low degree of assimilation. A multiculturalism in America) Salad bowl where we can see the groups Inquizitive: engaged coexistence of numerous distict racial ethnic groups

Gender: issues in the work force place

Less pay earing men 51.64 earning women 41.55. in 2016 woman make 80 per dollar that man earns -sex segregation occupation -less pay within a particular occupation

Religious Organization:

Patriarchal biases are apparent in most form of dominant religious.

How does social constructionism (West & Zimmerman) differ from structural functionalism, psychoanalytic theory, and conflict theory when it comes to gender roles?

Social constructionist is less deterministic NOTE: scripts we have are open-ended, something we can improvise

Prejudice and Discrimination

_______ is a negative attitude; _______ is a negative behavior.


a demeaning historical term for interracial marriage. literally meaning "a mixing of kinds"; it is politically and historically charged—sociologists generally prefer exogamy or out marriage.


a gender identity or performance that does not fit with cultural norms related to one's assigned sex at birth


a nearly universal system involving the subordination of feminist to masculinity

1. new racism (this is more institutionalized)

a. Persistence of negative stereotypes b. Blaming non-whites for societal problems c. Resistance to affirmative action policies

old fashioned racism (cultural like segregation, changing nature of society)

a. have essential traits that cannot be change b. some types of people are just better than others.

Personal or Individual discrimination

acts by individuals against minority groups Example: microaggression

Sexual harassment:

an illegal form of discrimination involving everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual 'barter.' all intended to make women feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, particularly on the job


an intellectual, consciousness-raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life; the underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect Examples: First wave advocate women's right to vote, Second wave 1960s-1970s push for women to have equal access to education and formal employment

Maintaining "glass ceiling"

an invisible barrier for women trying to climb the occupational ladder- women promoted to top positions are unfairly scrutinized and judged- authority is conflated with masculinity

Glass Ceilings

an invisible limit on women's climbs up the occupational ladder


as patriarchal entity -consuming advertisement. -how the media represent women, men and sexual minorities.


biological or physiological differences that distinguish male from female


characteristics that pertain to a people sharing a common culture, religion or language. Also, can be thought as a Nationality INOTE: characteristics of ethinicy: planar, voluntary, fluid and multiple


denotes a SOCIAL position of two categories based on attitudes, behaviors, and assumptions about biology

Institutional discrimination:

discrimination resulting from structural organizations, policies, and procedures of social institutions such as the government, business, schools. Example: segregation of public areas: obstacles to voting rights. Institutional discrimination still exists in some form. Snoney's failing to hire Blacks Texaco failing to promote Black leaders.


fighting back against racial/ethnic discrimination Example: members of an oppressed fight against their oppression (literally or metamorphically)


individuals whose gender identity matches his or her biological sex

The family:

it is another important site of gender relation. The word patriarchy derives from Latin pater (father)


more or less open conflict between racial and ethnic groups in society. Example: Tutsi were murdered by Hutu, mostly by machete. Make relationships under pressure live civil right movements, booming, flag burning, etc.


occurs when a person's sex or gender is the basis for judgment, discrimination, and hatred against him or her Example: Liam believes that Miley is less capable of leading a group because she is a woman. What term best describes Liam's belief about Miley Men have high-power positions in finance, law, or politics Women are good in arts and humanities.

active bigot

one who holds prejudice and discriminates. Think racist and act racist

all weather liberal

people who are neither prejudiced nor discriminatory. An example would be someone who holds no stereotypes about the various racial and ethnic groups and treats everyone the same regardless of her/his background.


physically scaping the worse oppression by moving to a new location Example: members of an oppressed group flee persecution by the dominant group

timid bigot

prejudiced but does not discriminate. Thinks certain things in private but do not act in public in what he believes.


racial and ethnic groups are kept physical and socially separate and unequal. Example: the Jim Crow from the South, separation of Black from whites in most areas of public life Inquizitive: involuntary separation of groups by legal or social means, based o race or ethnicity

fair weather liberal

someone who is not prejudiced but discriminates. An example would be someone who holds no stereotypes about the various racial and ethnic groups and treats everyone the same regardless of her/his background.


switching back and forth between one linguistic variant and another depending on the cultural context. ·complying with social expectations of the minority group in public, but not in private... Notes: How to fit in public. Code-switching is akin to the double consciousness that W.E.B Du Bois ascribe to African American who maintain two behavioral transcript - one in the house and one in front of other people) Example: members of an oppressed make an effort to behave like the dominant group

one-drop rule

the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation. The rule eliminated the possibility of "impure" whites. The only way to be white was to be completely white.


the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people

What Patridcia Hill Collins means by a "matrix of domination"?

the nature and extent of a person's oppression is a function of multiple factors, not just one.

Glass Escalator

the promotional ride men take to the top of a work organization, especially in female dominated professions


thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group.

Hegemony Masculinity:

traces by Michael Kimmel. Male hegemony defines the power relationship accepted as normal by those on the lower or receiving end. dominant and privileged, invisible, category of men

Racial and ethnic discrimination

treating people differently because of their race or ethnicity


who get elected to office. Manly businessmen, lawyers and military are elected to office - sexuality used to sustain the current political system- "compulsory heterosexuality" is enforced through a set of shared norms- sexuality isn't entirely self -selected, but is enforced through social norms that present heterosexuality of the standard arrangement - heterosexuality enforced in order to sustain an economic system in which men work in the capitalist system and women sustain their engagement in this system by doing unpaid work in the home

Second shift

women's responsibility for housework and child care. "women finish a second shift after finish their work"


· Robert Parks's 1920s universal and linear model for how immigrants assimilate: first arrive, then settle in, and achieve full assimilation in a newly homogeneous country Example: Mexicans don't speak Spanish at home. It is a Melting pot everything together Inquizitive: merging into the larger culture and sheding one's distinct identity

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