Soci3501: Race & Ethnicity CH 1-10 M.C. & T/F Questions

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Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Black immigrants have a higher rate of college completion than their native-born counterparts. *B) Latino immigrants have a higher rate of college completion than their native born counterparts.* C) White native-born persons have a higher rate of college completion than their immigrant counterparts. D) Asian immigrants have a higher rate of college completion than their native born counterparts.

The term "Latino" denotes:

A) Cubans only. B) Mexicans only. C) a unified ethnic population. *D) various Spanish-language ethnic groups.*

The legal tenets of freedom, equality, and justice came primarily from _________ culture and institutions.

A) German B) English *C) French* D) Spanish

Which group is the second largest Asian ethnic population in the United States?

A) Koreans B) Chinese *C) Filipinos* D) Vietnamese

The creation of job-training centers in urban areas was made possible by:

A) The Indian Claims Commission Act of 1946. B) The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. C) The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. *D) The Relocation Act of 1956.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) The poverty rate for Asian/Pacific Islanders is below the overall poverty rate. B) The poverty rate for African Americans is above the overall poverty rate. *C) The poverty rate for Non-Hispanic Whites is above the overall poverty rate.* D) The poverty rate for Native Americans is above the overall poverty rate.

Which of the following does "ascetic Protestantism" NOT emphasize?

A) accumulation of wealth B) hard work C) discipline and efficiency *D) the pursuit of pleasure*

Which of the following groups is NOT one of Robert Merton's categorizations of the relationship between prejudice and discrimination?

A) all-weather liberals B) timid bigots C) active bigots *D) hypocritical liberals*

The myth of Asian Americans as a model minority serves:

A) as an ideological tool to demonstrate the openness of the American opportunity structure. B) to create resentment of Asian Americans by other minority groups. C) to perpetuate the perception that poverty, homelessness, and crime do not exist among Asian Americans. *D) all of the above*

Selective inclusion and ____________ are two types of discrimination that tend to operate simultaneously.

A) assimilation B) genocide *C) exclusion* D) segregation

As the size of ethnic subpopulations increases, their identifiability increases, which in turn results in increased:

A) assimilation. *B) hostility.* C) integration. D) resource shares.

Arab Americans experience informal discrimination in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

A) being subjected to ethnic slurs B) having to "explain themselves" and their Arab ancestry *C) being denied access to social services* D) being suspected of anti-American views

The metaphor of a "melting pot" is most likely to be associated with

A) biological theories. B) Marxist theories. *C) assimilation theory.* D) ecological theory.

More recent human ecology theories would argue that:

A) competition for resources often leads to collaboration between ethnic subpopulations. *B) violence between ethnic subpopulations occurs when members of subordinate ethnic subpopulations move into the housing niches of superordinate ethnic subpopulations.* C) competition would lead to the easy assimilation of ethnic subpopulations. D) large ethnic subpopulations would be integrated into major political organizations.

The Dawes Act of 1887:

A) created boarding schools for Native Americans. B) made all Native Americans citizens of the United States. *C) empowered the U.S. government to test blood levels as a means of identifying Indians.* D) provided religious freedom for Native Americans.

Unlike the first wave of Arab immigrants to the United States, the majority of those who came in the 1960s and 1970s:

A) did not intend to return to their countries of origin. B) were Muslim. C) were seeking economic and educational opportunities, not fleeing political persecution. *D) all of the above*

According to the Department of Justice, Latino youth are ________ times more likely than white youth to be the victims of gang violence.

A) eight *B) four* C) two D) six

Which of the following is NOT a right that was guaranteed by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

A) full American citizenship B) recognition of Spanish as a legitimate language C) ownership of property *D) dual citizenship with Mexico*

A system of ethnic stratification:

A) increases social rewards and opportunities for ethnic populations. B) decreases an ethnic population's visibility in society. C) makes it difficult to locate the place of ethnic populations in the social structure. *D) targets ethnic persons for prejudice and discrimination.*

Which of the following is NOT a Protestant-inspired value?

A) individualism *B) collectivism* C) material success D) hard work

Which of the following was NOT a tactic used to exclude blacks politically in the South from the 1890s to the 1960s?

A) literacy tests B) poll taxes *C) gerrymandering* D) the threat of violence

In general, boarding schools for Native Americans served to:

A) maintain Native-American culture and practices. *B) dislocate Native youths from their tribes and families.* C) promote a pluralistic society. D) promote autonomy from the Anglo-Saxon core.

In 2006, the poverty rates for Puerto Ricans were _____________ that of non-Latinos.

A) more than three times B) more than five times *C) more than twice* D) more than four times

In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that:

A) segregated facilities violated the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. B) segregated facilities violated the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution. *C) segregated facilities did not violate the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.* D) the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional.

Sending free blacks to a black state in Africa is an example of:

A) selective inclusion. B) segregation. C) integration. *D) expulsion.*

Which of the following was the primary reason that early settlers came to America?

A) to escape religious persecution B) to search for a quicker passage to India C) to reduce the European population *D) for economic reason (e.g., to exploit raw materials and create new markets)*

Puerto Ricans became citizens of the United States because of:

A) treaties between Puerto Rico and the United States. *B) the annexation of Puerto Rico by the United States in 1898.* C) direct military conquest by the United States. D) their desire for Puerto Rican statehood.

After 9-11, there was a __________ increase in hate crimes against Arabs and Muslims in the United States.

A) twofold B) fourfold C) tenfold *D) seventeen fold*

Which of the following is an example of segregation?

A) white Americans moving into the suburbs B) African Americans moving into the suburbs *C) Indian reservations* D) Asian Americans moving into gated communities

In their study of children at a daycare center, Van Ausdale and Feagin found that:

A) young children did not pay attention to race or ethnicity. *B) young children have sophisticated cognitive conceptions of race.* C) young children do not learn racism from their social environments. D) young children learn racism from reading.

For which ethnic group were median earnings highest in 2006?

*A) Asian Americans* B) white Americans C) Latinos D) African Americans

In the year 2005, ________________ was the state that was most populated by immigrants.

*A) California* B) New York C) New Jersey D) Florida

Arab Americans of __________ ancestry were most likely to be in poverty in 2000.

*A) Iraqi* B) Lebanese C) Palestinian D) Moroccan

Which is most true of the life span of African Americans?

*A) It has increased for both men and women.* B) It has increased for adolescents. C) Black female life span now equals that of white females. D) Black male life span now equals that of white males

In the 1920s and 1930s, people like Henry Ford propagated the idea that:

*A) Jews were involved in an international conspiracy to control all governments.* B) Jews are hardworking and smart. C) Jews are lazy. D) Jews have been discriminated against by people in high positions of power.

The taking of Native-American land by whites was philosophically legitimized by the principle of:

*A) Manifest Destiny.* B) Indian sovereignty. C) divine right. D) religious tolerance.

In 2002, where did the majority of legal immigrants to the U.S. come from?

*A) Mexico* B) Asia C) Africa D) Europe

The 1924 National Origins Act reinforced the legal decision in ________________ that persons of Japanese ancestry could not become naturalized citizens.

*A) Ozawa v United States (1922)* B) Korematsu v United States (1944) C) Hirabayashi v. United States (1943) D) Yasui v. United States (1943)

In general, which of the following statements is true regarding the regulations of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)?

*A) They undermined the capacity for Native-American self-governance.* B) They guaranteed Native Americans economic mobility in the U.S. society. C) They facilitated the economic development of Native-American lands. D) They helped secure political power for Native Americans.

For Irish immigrants, political machines were the means by which to:

*A) achieve upward mobility.* B) create organized crime. C) eliminate negative stereotypes. D) attain political power at the national level before 1960.

The early experiences of Mexicans in the Southwest immediately after the Mexican-American War can best be described as revolving around the process of:

*A) colonization.* B) assimilation. C) ecological competition. D) cultural pluralism.

Operation Wetback was launched by the Border Patrol in order to:

*A) combat the "wetback invasion" of undocumented aliens.* B) distinguish the remaining Chicanos who weren't deported as first-class citizens. C) protect Mexican-looking persons from unnecessary search and seizure. D) provide legal due process and the equal protection of those being deported.

Which of the following culminated in the series of riots in Liberty City and Overtown, Florida?

*A) competition between African Americans and poor Cuban Americans over resource shares such as jobs and social services* B) competition between first-wave Cuban refugees and those who came in the Mariel boatlifts C) whites competing with the first wave of Cuban refugees D) the failed Bay of Pigs invasion

The two characteristics that most set persons of Mexican-origin apart from white persons in American society are:

*A) culture and language.* B) religion and skin color. C) poverty and religion. D) hair color and religion.

Which of the following is NOT a component of institutionalized discrimination?

*A) discrimination that involves isolated acts by individuals* B) discrimination supported by the policies of an organization or social institution C) discrimination sanctioned by cultural values, beliefs, and norms D) patterns of discrimination that are pervasive and persistent

One force that may mitigate discrimination is:

*A) egalitarian values.* B) negative beliefs and stereotypes. C) identifiability of an ethnic subpopulation. D) ethnic stratification.

The Immigration Act of 1965:

*A) eliminated proportional country-specific quotas that favored those from European countries.* B) eliminated immigrations from Asia and Mexico. C) required fluency in the English language. D) eliminated immigration from Central America and Eastern Europe.

The disjuncture between general constitutional principles and state and local laws protecting property rights:

*A) enabled patterns of legally sanctioned discrimination to persist until the latter decades of this century.* B) led to the elimination of institutional discrimination in the 1930s and 1940s. C) allowed state governments to enact affirmative action programs. D) none of the above

Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which:

*A) established relocation camps for Japanese and Japanese Americans.* B) protected the property and civil rights of Japanese Americans. C) established the terms of redress and reparations paid to Japanese Americans after World War II. D) was used primarily to round up Americans and immigrants of German and Italian descent.

Theories are designed to:

*A) explain why specific events or phenomena occur.* B) describe events. C) speculate or guess about events. D) count the occurrence of an event.

The institutionalization of Anglo-Saxon culture:

*A) forced other cultures and institutional systems to adopt Anglo-Saxon practices.* B) encouraged cultural pluralism. C) was not an advantage to members of the Anglo-Saxon core. D) reduced the discrimination felt by poor ethnic subpopulations.

The perception that Asian Americans are ____________ increases their visibility in the United States and reinforces the stereotypes that are used to legitimize discrimination.

*A) foreigners* B) good Americans C) intelligent D) assimilable

By establishing agreements with Indian tribes for the extraction of resources from Indian lands, corporations:

*A) gain a low-wage labor force and a non-regulated work environment.* B) contribute to the growth and vitality of Indian tribes. C) secure a regulated work environment with respect to safety and health codes for workers. D) promote unionism on Indian reservations.

The process of splitting minority votes across several districts—and thereby diluting minority voting power—is termed:

*A) gerrymandering.* B) poll taxing. C) minority representation. D) suburbanization.

Milton Gordon's theory of assimilation argues that:

*A) immigrants have to adapt to the middle-class cultural patterns of white Anglo-Saxon culture.* B) structural assimilation is easier to achieve than cultural assimilation. C) assimilation usually occurs in a short amount of time, especially among non-white ethnics. D) non-white ethnics will never be assimilated into mainstream society.

The Anglo-Saxon core is hegemonic in American society because:

*A) it has disproportionately shaped the core cultural and institutional structures of the United States.* B) it doesn't force other cultures and institutional systems to adapt to and adopt Anglo-Saxon ways. C) it did not help white ethnic groups who adopted this core culture succeed economically. D) it did not destroy and replace Native Americans and their institutions.

The Ghost Dance groups of the 1870s are examples of:

*A) millenarian movements.* B) militant social movements. C) social movements that advocated genocide. D) lobby groups.

The Cuban refugees who came to the United States in the Mariel boatlifts were:

*A) predominantly darker skinned and poorer than earlier Cuban refugees.* B) better educated than earlier Cuban refugees. C) mostly professionals and intellectuals. D) light-skinned and from the upper classes.

Which Asian/Pacific Islander population in the U.S. has NOT been growing at a rapid rate over the last decade?

*A) the Japanese* B) the Chinese C) the Koreans D) the Filipinos

One of the lessons to be learned from the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II is that:

*A) the civil rights and liberties of ethnic minorities who are constructed as threats to society are tenuous at best.* B) Japanese Americans deserved to be interned because they did not fight hard enough against legal discrimination. C) Asian Americans were not any more discriminated against during World War II than were German- or Italian-Americans. D) The United States government and American society in general are quick to admit to their mistakes and to redress all human and civil rights violations.

Which of the following is NOT an example of segregation?

*A) the ethnic cleansing policy of the Serbians in the former Yugoslavia* B) the Black townships in South Africa C) Indian Reservations D) African Americans confined to living in the decaying cores of large cities

A factor that accounts for Asian Americans having a higher median income than whites is that:

*A) there are more wage earners in Asian-American households.* B) Asian-American families are smaller than white families. C) Asian Americans are more intelligent. D) Asian Americans are employed in upper levels of management.

Between 2000 and 2002, Asia sent the most immigrants to the United States.


Cultural assimilation guarantees a subordinate ethnic subpopulation's structural assimilation.


Ethnic stereotypes are necessary to maintaining positive images and beliefs for ethnic subpopulations.


Most Arab American children attend private schools.


Puerto Ricans are less likely to be bilingual than Mexican Americans.


Recent Asian-American immigrants are targets of hostility and discrimination because they possess low shares of valued resources.


Recent immigrants are welcomed by the majority of the American public.


As is the case with Mexican migration, the timing of Puerto Rican migration to the United States has been related to U.S. economic cycles.


Ethnic diversity accompanied by rapid shifts in the relative numbers of diverse ethnic subpopulations make ethnicity a salient and unsettling issue.


Ethnic labels are often self-fulfilling in creating and sustaining ethnicity.


Ethnic pluralism must revolve around relatively weak ethnic identification or it will become a focal point for social disintegration.


Human ecology theories stress the importance of competition for resources as the force behind ethnic conflict.


In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States for 10 years.


In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, immigration was the engine of social change.


Increasingly, all Latinos are seen as a threat because their numbers are increasing relative to those of European-American stock.


Institutionalized discrimination acts in both informal and formal contexts.


Institutionalized discrimination determines the kinds and shares of resources received by members of an ethnic subpopulation.


Negative beliefs about Jewish Americans are reinforced by the "middleman minority" positions they occupy.


Negative beliefs and stereotypes have reinforced the identifiability of African Americans.


States' rights are often invoked to sanction discriminatory practices.


Stokely Carmichael and other more militant black leaders advocated the position that acts of white violence and oppression should be met with equal force.


The arrival of Irish Catholics in the 1830s and 1860s was seen as a threat to the Anglo-Saxon core.


The earnings gap between European immigrants and native-born European American workers has exceeded parity.


The economic dependence of Native Americans in federal employment programs and social services increases their colonized status in the United States.


The first Muslims to come to the Americas were slaves from Western Africa.


The large-scale immigration of southern Italians began in the 1860s and peaked in the first decade of the twentieth century.


The majority of Arabs in the United States are Christian.


The model minority stereotype for Asian Americans is often used to indict other minorities for their lack of similar success.


The number of mosques in the United States has increased dramatically since 1950.


The success of Asian Americans will generate hostility among those who are less successful.


The suicide rate for Indian youth is 2.7 times the rates for other minorities and whites.


When discrimination is intense and long-term, and inhibits assimilation, it causes social cleavages that are among the most volatile forces of human organization.


White ethnics of European origin are more likely to be in managerial and professional occupations than are African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans.


The phrase ___________ was widely used in the Hearst press to describe the dangers posed by Asians in the early part of the twentieth century.

A) "model minority" *B) "yellow peril"* C) "sneaky foreigners" D) "yellow power"

The Immigration Act of _________ limited immigration from eastern and southern Europe.

A) 1965 *B) 1924* C) 1917 D) 1986

What percentage of the Latino immigrant population was not a high school graduate in 2003?

A) 21% B) 35% *C) 51%* D) 75%

In 2000, Latinos constituted __________ percent of the total population of Los Angeles.

A) 25 B) 60 *C) 45* D) 31

__________ of Arab Americans held postgraduate degrees in 2000.

A) 4 percent B) 9 percent C) 10 percent *D) 17 percent*

Jews in America constitute approximately ________ percent of the world's Jewish population.

A) 40 B) 15 *C) 50* D) 60

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A) African-American families were the only ethnic group to see poverty rates rise in the first years of the new century. B) The percentage of African-American families earning more than the national median family income has increased dramatically over the last decade. *C) Middle-class African Americans don't encounter discrimination in public places anymore.* D) The gap between affluent and poor African Americans is widening.

Which of the following Supreme Court decisions struck down school segregation?

A) Bakke v. The Regents of the University of California B) Plessy v. Ferguson C) Hopwood v. Texas *D) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas*

The label _______________ was used by northern Irish to separate themselves from the southern Catholic Irish in order to avoid the persecution experienced by the southern Irish.

*A) "Scots-Irish"* B) "Hibernian American" C) "Papists" D) "Protestant Northerner"

Whites' portrayals of blacks as childlike, helpless, shuffling, and fumbling is referred to as the ____________ stereotype.

*A) "black Sambo"* B) "uncivilized heathens" C) "compulsory ignorance" D) "bestial"

The median household income of Puerto Ricans in 2002 was:

*A) $31,752.* B) $16,000. C) $45,000. D) $20,000.

Estimates of the number of people of Arab ancestry living in the United States range from __________.

*A) 1.2 million to 3 million.* B) 5 million to 7.5 million. C) 10 million to 15 million. D) 17 million to 20 million.

__________ of Pacific Islanders hold a bachelor's degree or higher.

*A) 13.8 percent* B) 17.8 percent C) 24.4 percent D) 30.8 percent

Korean political exiles came to the United States as early as:

*A) 1885.* B) 1936. C) 1955. D) 1965.

By the _________, Italian Americans began to make significant progress in education.

*A) 1920s* B) 1870s C) 1980s D) 1960s

In 2000, what proportion of the Arab-American population was Muslim?

*A) 24 percent* B) 48 percent C) 66 percent D) 75 percent

As of 2006, ________ percent of all immigrants had come to the U.S. from Asian countries.

*A) 25.9* B) 51.2 C) 40.7 D) 18.1

In 2006, _________ percent of Puerto Ricans were professionals or were in managerial positions.

*A) 28.2* B) 11.9 C) 43.2 D) 17.5

In 2003, _________ percent of Americans wanted a reduction in immigration.

*A) 47* B) 65 C) 23 D) 15

The 1999 Gallup poll of blacks and whites on racial profiling by the police found that:

*A) 77 percent of African Americans believe that blacks are targeted by the police.* B) only 30 percent of white Americans believe that police profiling of blacks is widespread. C) 77 percent of white Americans don't believe that the police profile blacks. D) a clear majority of African-American men between the ages of 18 and 24 have highly positive views about the police.

At the close of the eighteenth century, approximately _____ percent of the free, non-slave population in the United States were from the British Isles.

*A) 80* B) 60 C) 4 D) 3

The highest percentage of the total Muslim population in the United States comes from which of the following ethnic groups?

*A) African American* B) South Asian C) Arab D) Turkish

Public schools in America were established with a(n):

*A) Anglo-Saxon eurocentric curriculum.* B) multicultural curriculum. C) pedagogy that stressed tolerance. D) pedagogy that stressed diversity.

Admissions officers at some of the nation's elite universities have contended that restrictive admissions policies for Asian-American applicants are important because:

*A) Asian Americans college admits would overshadow white college admits.* B) Asian American admits would overshadow Latino college admits. C) too many Asian Americans want to major in the humanities. D) Asian Americans are underrepresented at the state colleges.

The largest concentration of Arab Americans outside the Middle East is found in which metropolitan area?

*A) Detroit, Michigan* B) Los Angeles, California C) New York, New York D) Chicago, Illinois

The religious character of post-Revolutionary America was shaped by:

*A) English religious traditions.* B) collaborative relations between Protestants and non-Protestants. C) French Catholicism and constitutional principles. D) Mormonism.

The _________________________ was the immigration legislation that established amnesty for long-term undocumented residents.

*A) Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986* B) Refugee Act of 1980 C) Immigration Act of 1990 D) Immigration Act of 1965

According to your text, why is affirmative action controversial?

*A) It attacks the social production of "merit" by trying to close the gap between privileged and underprivileged in the U.S.* B) It was designed to help white women attain high positions in academia. C) It doesn't attack the unequal access to resource shares for minorities. D) It decreases the amount of resource shares for the underprivileged.

A 2000 study by Zogby found significant similarities between the way Arabs are portrayed in political cartoons and depictions of:

*A) Jews in pre-Nazi Germany* B) Blacks in the antebellum South C) Native Americans in the nineteenth century D) Latin American immigrants to the United States

The system of practices and laws used by whites in the wake of radical Reconstruction to discriminate against blacks was termed:

*A) Jim Crow.* B) Nat Turner. C) Uncle Tom. D) desegregation.

According to the projections made by the Census Bureau, which non-white ethnic subpopulation will experience the largest growth in population by the year 2045?

*A) Latinos* B) Asians/Pacific Islanders C) non-Hispanic African Americans D) non-Hispanic white Americans

Which of the following is NOT true of Cubans in the political sphere?

*A) Like other Latinos, they support the Democratic Party in the U.S.* B) They are anti-communists. C) They have been successful at securing seats on city councils and school boards. D) They are politically conservative.

In 1990, which white ethnic group in America had the highest percentage of members in managerial and professional occupations?

*A) Russians (predominantly Russian Jews)* B) French C) English D) Swedish

Which of the following best describes the legacy and cumulative effects of past discrimination?

*A) The effects of past discrimination operate as a barrier limiting access of minorities to resource shares in the present.* B) The effects of the past are no longer barriers to minorities in the present. C) Members of the majority are subjected to reverse discrimination because of the legacy of the past. D) Ethnic minorities are able to take advantage of new opportunities despite past discrimination.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

*A) The proportion of black single mothers collecting welfare has increased since 1974.* B) Black school dropout rates declined in the 1980s. C) Violent crime rates among blacks have declined. D) Among African Americans, babies born out of wedlock have increased to over 65 percent.

In general, which of the following statements is NOT true of the Middle Easterners who immigrated to the United States in the nineteenth century?

*A) They hoped to settle permanently in the United States.* B) They possessed economic resources and entrepreneurial skills. C) The majority were Christians. D) all of the above

The success of certain Irish Catholics in American politics (e.g. the Kennedy family) demonstrates that:

*A) assimilation was easier for members of white ethnic groups because of the color of their skin.* B) all ethnic subpopulations are integrated into the Anglo-Saxon core. C) the Anglo-Saxon core is no longer hegemonic. D) all ethnic subpopulations can assimilate equally into the Anglo-Saxon core.

The murder of Vincent Chin in 1982 and the inability of the U.S. judicial system to bring his murderers to justice:

*A) became a vivid symbol and a source of outrage in Asian-American communities.* B) showed how anti-Asian sentiments in Cincinnati were as strong as they were in Detroit. C) demonstrated the Cincinnati jury's awareness of the extent of anti-Asian discrimination. D) demonstrated how apathetic the Asian-American community was to this hate crime.

What is a source of Puerto Rican political disempowerment?

*A) big-city political machines paying little attention to the Puerto Rican population* B) Puerto Ricans not being U.S. citizens C) Puerto Ricans being too small in numbers D) the Young Lords usurping power from the Puerto Rican community

In what two socioeconomic positions are Jewish Americans underrepresented?

*A) lower and elite* B) middle and upper-middle C) lower and middle D) upper-middle and elite

Human ecology theories emphasize:

*A) migration patterns of ethnic subpopulations.* B) collaboration between ethnic subpopulations regarding competition for housing and jobs. C) incorporation of ethnic subpopulations into political institutions. D) passive acceptance in the pattern of resource distribution.

From Pierre van den Berghe's sociobiological perspective, the tendency of humans to form an "ethny" is ultimately created by:

*A) natural selection.* B) discrimination. C) failed assimilation. D) colonization.

In the public mind, Asian Americans are often regarded as "foreigners" because their status in U.S. society is:

*A) often associated with foreign-policy relationships between Asian countries and the United States.* B) shaped by the fact that they are highly integrated into American society. C) shaped by the fact that they are incapable of being assimilated. D) based on the fact that they are model minorities.

In general, discrimination causes members of an ethnic subpopulation to be:

*A) overrepresented in the lower and working classes. B) overrepresented in the upper classes.* C) underrepresented in the lower classes. D) overrepresented in the halls of political power.

A(n) _______________________ is a person who arrives in a host country out of fear of persecution in his or her home country.

*A) refugee* B) illegal alien C) undocumented alien D) political exile

In 2006, what was the ratio of black-to-white unemployment?

*A) roughly 2.4 to 1* B) roughly 1 to 2 C) roughly 4 to 1 D) roughly 6 to 1

The primary basis for identifying Jews as targets of discrimination is their:

*A) shared sense of community.* B) high rates of attendance at synagogues. C) distinctive facial features. D) distinctive clothing.

Changes in the ethnic composition of a society are always accompanied by:

*A) tensions between declining populations and those that are growing.* B) peace between declining populations and those that are growing. C) the development of pluralism and the equal redistribution of resources. D) assimilation of the declining populations into the those that are growing.

Which of the following legislative acts helped shift the control of higher education from the federal government to the tribes?

*A) the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (1975)* B) the Indian Reorganization Act (1934) C) the General Allotment Act (1887) D) the Indian Citizenship Act (1924)

English-only laws would violate the terms of which of the following?

*A) the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848* B) the Jones Act of 1917 C) the Gadsen Purchase of 1853 D) the Immigration Act of 1965

Which of the following conditions has/have compounded the legacy of economic discrimination?

*A) the decline in industrial union power and membership at a time when unions have become fully open to blacks* B) the progressive belief that the government should try to help solve the economic problems of African Americans C) the increase in high-paying blue-collar jobs D) jobs moving from the suburbs back to the cities

The various "English-as-the official-language" and anti-bilingual education campaigns in the U.S. Congress and in some states reflect:

*A) the fear that the Anglo-Saxon cultural core is being undermined by non-white, non-English-speaking immigrants.* B) the fact that the English language was never an important part of American culture. C) the fear that American children are not sufficiently multilingual in a multicultural world. D) the fact that there are fewer immigrants who desire to speak English today.

Discrimination is the central force in ethnic relations because:

*A) the greater the level of discrimination, the more likely a distinctive ethnic identity will develop.* B) less institutionalized discrimination would likely lead to the formation of a distinctive ethnic identity. C) high levels of discrimination practiced against an identifiable subpopulation would lead to assimilation. D) discrimination forces ethnic subpopulations to interact with the superordinate group.

Although the Irish were seen as being a different "race":

*A) they eventually became defined as "white," which allowed them to assimilate into American society.* B) they eventually became defined as "white," but were still perceived as a threat to the Anglo-Saxon core. C) they eventually became defined as neither black nor white. D) they continued to occupy high positions of power when they arrived in the U.S.

The greater the sense of ____________ experienced by superordinate ethnic populations, the greater is their __________ toward subordinate ethnic populations.

*A) threat; hostility* B) similarity; hostility C) competition; acceptance D) threat; ambivalence

What was the primary purpose of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986?

*A) to curb undocumented immigration* B) to encourage immigration from Asian countries C) to regulate the flow of refugees D) to encourage immigration from Europe

Environmental racism is defined as the process in which:

*A) toxic waste dumps are concentrated in neighborhoods inhabited by poor and relatively powerless ethnic groups.* B) environmental laws are enforced and monitored only in ethnic neighborhoods. C) police officers profile the racial composition of a neighborhood or environment to assess the likelihood of potential crime. D) ethnic minorities pollute the areas that they live in.

Which of the following might reduce future ethnic conflict and hostility that could lead to social disintegration?

*A) values and beliefs emphasizing equality* B) greater competition between ethnic minorities C) increasing the number of Anglo-Saxon Europeans through immigration policies D) increasing the number of police officers on patrol

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, Asian Americans have a higher death rate from accidents and homicides than do white Americans.


Arab Americans are less likely to vote in elections than most other ethnic subpopulations.


As African-American culture and its icons (e.g., celebrities in sports, music, movies, etc.) continue to penetrate the Anglo-Saxon core, the general population of blacks will experience less discrimination.


As the largest minority in the future, Latinos will be able to fill the middleman minority niches and positions.


Asian-American poverty rates are significantly lower than those for white ethnics.


At the end of the nineteenth century, in order to Americanize immigrants, the public schools incorporated the social and cultural realities of non-European immigrants into the curriculum.


During World War II, the U.S. government suspended German- and Italian-American civil rights and liberties at the same level that it did Japanese-Americans rights.


In 2000, the median family income of Arab Americans was lower than that of the general population.


In 2000, the median household income was lower for Asian Americans than for white Americans.


In 2005 most immigrants to the U.S. settled in Florida.


In Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum (1979), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers could not use "race" as a criterion for hiring.


In a study of Asian workers in management positions in the San Francisco area, Amado Cabezas found that Asian-American workers were at the top of the managerial tier.


In general, the first Middle Easterners to come to the United States lacked economic and educational resources.


In the split-labor market perspective, the low wages paid to ethnic subpopulations are necessary for securing better working conditions for white workers.


Iranians typically identify themselves as Arabs.


Jewish Americans are over-represented in high-level positions in the banking industry.


Korean Americans now constitute the largest Asian-American population in the U.S.


Like most middleman minorities, Jewish Americans have not been politically active in the United States.


Like other Latinos, Cuban Americans in the U.S. are overwhelmingly members or supporters of the Democratic Party.


Marginal participation in specialized economic niches is most likely when an ethnic population is large.


Native Americans are overrepresented in white-collar occupations and underrepresented in service occupations.


On balance, the various treaties with Native Americans have allowed Native Americans to keep their lands and sustain their culture.


Operation Wetback facilitated the entry of Mexicans into the United States.


Over the last decade, Native-American incomes have declined below that of African Americans.


Pacific Islanders are overrepresented in managerial and professional occupations.


People who are Muslim do not face discrimination in the United States.


Political machines prevented the upward mobility of Irish immigrants.


Poverty rates for various Asian subpopulations are practically identical.


Prejudice and discrimination are NOT important dimensions in ethnic stratification.


Puerto Ricans are NOT citizens of the United States.


Relations among ethnic groups only rarely involve relations of superordination and subordination.


Segregation is the most intense form of discrimination.


Self-segregation of an ethnic subpopulation is easiest to maintain in urban, media-dominated societies.


The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971) returned land to Indian nations in Alaska.


The Anglo-Saxon core culture lost its hegemony after numerous challenges by the Civil Rights and Third World student movements in the 1960s.


The Anglo-Saxon core has remained impervious to other cultures.


The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is staffed primarily by Native Americans.


The Chicano population is well ahead of Cubans and Puerto Ricans in educational attainment.


The English settlers who came to America were a "pure" stock; they had not been blended in with other European stocks.


The Refugee Act of 1980 eliminated country-specific quotas that had favored European countries.


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo did NOT guarantee the use of Spanish as a legitimate language in the United States.


The U.S. Census Bureau currently does NOT distinguish between Asians and Pacific Islanders.


The assimilation of white ethnics into American society serves to create positive stereotypes for non-white ethnic groups.


The availability of Federal Housing Authority (FHA) mortgages for blacks increased the movement of blacks into the suburbs.


The civil rights movement achieved total success in integrating a substantial number of African Americans into mainstream society.


The educational attainment gap between whites and blacks has increased for high school rates and decreased for college graduation rates.


The enforcement of sanctions established by the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) against employers hiring illegal immigrants is strong.


The identifiability of an ethnic subpopulation is always based on biological features.


The purpose of the Relocation Act (1956) was to move Native Americans from urban areas onto reservations.


The size of an ethnic subpopulation has little impact on the pattern of discrimination it will experience.


The term Latino denotes a unified ethnic population.


Violence was NOT a common occurrence in the post-Reconstruction era.


White ethnic populations that adopted the Anglo-Saxon core did not fare any better than African Americans, Mexican Americans, or Native Americans.


"Fish-Ins" were conducted by the American Indian Movement (AIM) to protest government interference with traditional Native-American fishing areas.


Abolitionist pressures to free slaves created a sense of threat in both the North and the South.


According to Grebler, et al. (1970), the Texas Rangers were created in 1835 as a symbol of white American control over the social progress of Mexican Americans.


According to Pierre van den Berghe and most sociobiologists, social structures are merely "survival machines" that exist to maintain the fitness of genes.


According to the Russell Sage Foundation study discussed in your text, employers still hold many negative stereotypes about African Americans.


African Americans hold less than 2 percent of all elected offices in the United States.


After enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, African Americans have made significant political gains at the state and local levels.


American ideology and cultural beliefs in equality may mitigate the ethnic tensions in the United States.


Arab Americans are more likely to have a college degree than the general population.


Arab Americans are more likely to live in multiethnic neighborhoods than other minorities.


As a biological phenomenon, race is rather trivial; however, as a sociological phenomenon, it is a very significant marker of ethnicity.


As discrimination denies people access to resources, it limits their capacity to fight back or move away from their situation.


Asian Americans are perceived by the larger society to be recent immigrants.


Asian Americans are the victims of discrimination in the college admissions process.


Asian Americans receive less "return" (i.e., income) than whites do for their level of educational achievement.


Asian Americans who have white-collar management and professional positions earn less than white Americans in similar positions.


Before the American Revolution, schooling was private and available only to affluent, mostly Anglo-Saxon, citizens, and it was based largely on the tenets and core values of English Protestantism.


Black infant mortality rates are more than twice that of whites.


Discrimination and identifiability of an ethnic subpopulation are mutually reinforcing.


Discrimination in one institutional sphere generally leads to discrimination in other spheres.


Discrimination is the process of denying others access to valued resources.


Early Italian immigrants engendered fears among Irish Americans because they were yet another disadvantaged immigrant population; this tension was aggravated by the wave of poor Catholic Polish immigrants.


English prejudice against the Irish was imported to America and intensified.


Europe-born immigrants are naturalized at higher rates than other populations.


Even today, with two hundred years of immigration, the descendants of the Anglo-Saxon core hold elite positions in disproportionate numbers.


Executive Order 9066 was not formally rescinded until 1976, by Presidential Proclamation 4417.


Formal or institutionalized discrimination against Arab Americans has been less pronounced than discrimination against African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans.


From the internal colonization perspective, the history of ethnic relations in America has resulted in internal colonies of non-whites being dominated by descendents of the original Anglo-Saxon Protestant core.


Hirabayashi v. United States (1943) was a legal challenge to the constitutionality of the Japanese relocation camps.


In 2000, 23 percent of 69 Indian communities reported active youth gangs.


In 2000, the percentage of Arab Americans living in poverty was higher than that of the general population.


In 2006, the poverty rate for Puerto Ricans was higher than for Mexican Americans.


In general, Latinas earn more than their male counterparts.


In response to rising levels of discrimination in the aftermath of 9-11, Arab Americans from different ethnic subpopulations are increasingly emphasizing their common cultural traditions.


Institutionalized discrimination exists when discriminatory acts are sanctioned by cultural values, beliefs, laws, and norms.


Italian Americans were used as strikebreakers by employers against unions heavily populated by Irish workers.


Language is a litmus test for an immigrant's right to be an American.


Muslim women who wear hijab (head coverings) often encounter discrimination in their search for employment.


Negro spirituals represented one form of protest that articulated the troubles and dissatisfaction of African slaves.


Over one-quarter of all African Americans were living in poverty as of 2006.


Pacific Islanders constitute less than one percent of the total U.S. population.


Pluralism theories arose as a reaction to assimilation theories.


Prejudice does not always translate into discrimination.


Public opinion polls in the United States have been consistent and overwhelming in their endorsement of individualistic egalitarianism.


Puerto Ricans living in the New York City area are highly segregated residentially.


Race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories or labels.


Rapid industrialization of the East and the Midwest, coupled with the expansion of agriculture and ranching in the West, created new opportunities that stimulated a massive wave of immigration.


Relative to their population size, Asian Americans are underrepresented in politics.


Roughly 40 percent of all Native Americans live on or near a reservation, and are thus segregated from the American mainstream.


Selective inclusion is a discriminatory process that also has elements of exclusion.


Systematic efforts were made to identify southern Italian immigrants as a separate "race" because of their Mediterranean skin tone, poverty, and Catholicism.


The Anglo Saxon core culture sets the terms of competition among ethnic groups—i.e., the nature of the playing field, the rules of the game, and the players allowed in the game.


The Border Patrol and the Texas Rangers were oppressive law enforcement agencies in the Chicano community.


The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) promoted the boarding school as the best vehicle for assimilating Indian youths into mainstream society.


The Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) was formed to coordinate the development of resources on reservation land.


The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was designed to overrule the "black codes" emerging in the South after the Civil War.


The Mariel boatlifts may have triggered latent white and manifest African-American resentment toward Cubans.


The Mariel boatlifts negatively altered many Americans' perceptions of Cubans.


The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 was enacted to prevent the removal of artifacts from Indian burial grounds.


The Texas Rangers were given wide latitude in their treatment of Mexicans and Mexican Americans. As a result, lynchings, firing squads, and dismemberments became commonplace.


The U.S. Census Bureau currently classifies Arab Americans as "white."


The gap between blacks and whites with high school diplomas has been closing over the last 30 years.


The greater the level of discrimination and the more it is institutionalized across many arenas, the more likely is a subpopulation to develop and retain a distinctive ethnic identity.


The image of a "casino fat cat capitalist" depicts Indians as millionaires with luxury homes and automobiles.


The success of white ethnics in assimilating into the Anglo-Saxon core is often used to condemn other ethnics for not doing the same.


There was a disjuncture in early America between constitutional principles and actual practices in local communities.


Unions provided southern Italian immigrants with upward mobility.


Unlike World War I, World War II did not cause a massive black migration to urban areas in both the North and South.


The median household income of all Arab Americans in 2000 was:

A) $38,219 B) $45,659 *C) $52,318* D) $58,204

In the year 2000, Native Americans accounted for roughly _______ percent of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees awarded in the United States.

A) 12 B) 11 *C) 1* D) 16

In 2005, _______ percent of Mexican Americans had four years or more of college education.

A) 14 *B) 8.2* C) 28.6 D) 23

By 2050, the Census Bureau estimates that Latinos will constitute ________ percent of the U.S. population.

A) 16 *B) 31* C) 12 D) 18

It was not until the ______________ that Jews gained access to higher administrative positions in the federal government.

A) 1900s B) 1920s *C) 1930s* D) 1940s

The first Arab American in the U.S. Congress was elected in:

A) 1924 *B) 1958* C) 1980 D) 2001

Between 1600 and 1850, the Native-American population dropped to about:

A) 4 million. *B) 200,000.* C) 800,000. D) 2.5 million.

In 2000, approximately __________ percent of Asian Americans had completed at least four years of college.

A) 61 B) 86 C) 28 *D) 44*

In 2002, the median household income of Cuban Americans was ________ percent of the median household income of whites.

A) 68 percent B) 70 percent *C) 77 percent* D) 45 percent

By 2050, the Census Bureau estimates that non-Latino whites will constitute about _______ percent of the U.S. population.

A) 71 B) 65 *C) 53* D) 69

Native-American income as a percentage of white income is about:

A) 80 percent. *B) 66 percent.* C) 30 percent. D) 40 percent.

Which of the following was the largest reported ancestry in the U.S. in 2005?

A) African *B) German* C) Mexican D) Irish

The internal colonialism model of ethnic relations best fits which group in the United States?

A) Asian Americans *B) Mexican Americans* C) Jewish Americans D) Arab Americans

The educational condition of the Asian-American population suggests that:

A) Asian Americans have not been victims of discrimination and prejudice. B) Asian Americans have received preferential admissions to major colleges and universities. *C) despite their successes, Asian Americans continue to experience discrimination.* D) Asian Americans are falling behind on every measure of educational attainment.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic associated with the myth of the model minority?

A) Asian and Pacific Islander Americans being hardworking B) Asian and Pacific Islander Americans being intelligent *C) Asian and Pacific Islander Americans being inscrutable* D) Asian and Pacific Islander Americans being successful despite facing tremendous discrimination.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Asian-American engineers are less likely to be in management positions than are white men with the same qualifications. B) While Asian Americans constitute a higher percentage of aerospace professionals, they constitute the lowest percentage of managers. *C) Asian Americans are over-represented in civil service positions in San Francisco relative to their percentage of the population.* D) Asian Americans in white-collar management positions earn less than white Americans in similar positions.

Which of the following was NOT part of the dynamics that led to the race riots of 1919?

A) Black laborers were used as strikebreakers to stifle the union movement. B) White laborers attacked black laborers. C) Black workers retaliated against white workers. *D) White workers were used as strikebreakers against black laborers.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Edna Bonacich's split-labor market theory?

A) Capitalists try to import cheap labor in order to undercut higher-wage labor. B) Higher-priced workers split the labor market as a fall-back option. C) Workers are fearful of lower-priced labor. *D) Competition between ethnic subpopulations would increase the cost of labor.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the housing situation of Native Americans?

A) Compared to white Americans, fewer Native-American households have complete bathrooms. B) Low incomes and high poverty rates prevent Native Americans from qualifying for conventional mortgages. *C) Sixty-seven percent of Native Americans population own their own homes.* D) Native Americans are segregated from non-Hispanic whites in metropolitan areas.

_________________ were the first non-Protestant immigrants to come to America in significant numbers.

A) Eastern Jews B) Southern Italians C) Polish *D) Southern Irish*

The first Middle Easterners to migrate to the United States came primarily from:

A) Egypt. B) The Persian Gulf region. *C) Lebanon and Syria.* D) Palestine.

In the year 2000, ____________________ was the region sending the most immigrants to the United States.

A) Europe B) Asia *C) Latin America and the Caribbean* D) Canada

Which Asian ethnic group in the United States experienced the least amount of population growth between 1980 and 2000?

A) Filipino B) Chinese C) Korean *D) Japanese*

Immigration from the Philippines was exempt from the 1917 Immigration Act and the 1924 National Origins Act because:

A) Filipinos were considered assimilated and, therefore, not a threat to the Anglo-Saxon core. *B) the Philippine Islands were a territory of the United States.* C) Spain had negotiated a deal with the United States to exempt Filipinos from the 1917 Immigration Act and the 1924 National Origins Act. D) California farm owners negotiated exemptions for Filipinos in order to import farm laborers.

Which of the following is considered an Arab country?

A) Iran B) Turkey *C) Saudi Arabia* D) all of the above

Up to the Prohibition period, which two white ethnic groups controlled most of organized crime?

A) Irish and Italian Americans B) Italians and Polish Americans *C) Irish and Jewish Americans* D) Italian and Jewish Americans

Political machines were the early paths of upward mobility for:

A) Irish immigrants. B) Jewish immigrants. C) Polish immigrants. *D) all of the above*

Which of the following is a legitimate criticism of pluralist theory?

A) It erroneously assumes that ethnic identity will disappear over time. *B) It does not explain adequately the broader social forces that cause and sustain discrimination.* C) It does not address discrimination at all. D) It argues erroneously that the symbols of ethnic identity remain constant across generations.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the civil rights movement?

A) It successfully challenged pervasive discriminatory practices. *B) It fully integrated African Americans into mainstream society.* C) It culminated in the creation of successful national organizations. D) It generated some power and initiated some degree of social change.

Which of the following is true of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

A) It suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers to the U.S. for ten years. B) It prohibited persons of Chinese ancestry already residing in the U.S. from obtaining U.S. citizenship after the effective date of the act. C) It was repealed by Congress in 1943, but was replaced by a legislative agenda that set up a quota system for Chinese immigrants. *D) all of the above*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Italian Americans in politics?

A) It was not until 1950 that an Italian American was elected to the U.S. Senate. B) In the 1940s, fewer than a dozen Italian Americans served in the U.S. House of Representatives. C) The first Italian American to be nominated for vice-president was nominated in 1984. *D) In 1950, the first Italian American was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.*

____________ are the most segregated Asian ethnic group in the U.S.

A) Japanese *B) Vietnamese* C) Chinese D) Filipinos

______________ was the first Irish-American candidate for President of the United States.

A) John F. Kennedy *B) Alfred E. Smith* C) Daniel Patrick Moynihan D) Harry Truman

Which of the following ethnic subpopulations posed less of a threat to the Anglo-Saxon core?

A) Native Americans *B) Protestant Germans* C) Jewish Americans D) Mexicans

Which Pacific Islander subpopulation had the highest rate of poverty in 1999-2000?

A) Native Hawaiian *B) Marshallese* C) Tongan D) Fijian

_____________________ are the white ethnic population with the highest percentage of repatriation back to their homeland.

A) Polish Americans B) Irish Americans *C) Italian Americans* D) Russian Jews

Which of the following statements is NOT true about prejudice?

A) Prejudice can cause discrimination. B) Discrimination can cause prejudice. C) Discrimination and prejudice reinforce each other. *D) Prejudice is not related to ethnic stratification.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Puerto Ricans?

A) Puerto Ricans have often been excluded from the skilled trade and craft unions. *B) Puerto Ricans are widely dispersed across urban and rural areas of the Southwest.* C) Puerto Ricans have been negatively affected by the loss of blue-collar jobs. D) Poverty rates for Puerto Ricans exceed those of Mexican Americans.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the notion of "race"?

A) Race is socially constructed. *B) Race is clearly determined biologically.* C) Race is an important marker of difference between groups of people. D) Perceptions of race often increase the intensity of discrimination.

The country with the largest Muslim population in the world is:

A) Saudi Arabia. B) Turkey. C) Iraq. *D) Indonesia.*

Of the ethnic populations listed below, the _______________ were the last to enter organized crime.

A) Scots B) Irish C) Jews *D) Italians*

Which of the following is NOT an example of a prominent black woman in the Civil Rights movement?

A) Septima Poinsette Clark B) Diane Nash C) Juanita Mitchell *D) Jane Addams*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the American Indian Movement (AIM)?

A) The AIM used confrontational tactics such as patrols to monitor the police. B) The AIM seized Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in 1969. C) The AIM promoted alcohol rehabilitation and school reforms. *D) The AIM represents a more conservative approach to organizing Native-American*

Which of the following is NOT true about African Americans?

A) The African-American middle class continues to increase. B) Violent crimes in black slums have decreased. *C) Black male college enrollment has increased dramatically.* D) African Americans have increased their average years of education.

In 1942, the United States established the labor contract system known as the "Bracero Program." Which of the following statements is true?

A) The U.S. Congress used the Bracero Program to increase the number of illegal immigrants. *B) The Bracero Program granted temporary visas to participating workers.* C) The Bracero Program was used to fill labor shortages in the factories of the Northeast. D) The Bracero Program was used to fill the demand for temporary visas by Mexicans.

What does scoring 100 on a residential segregation index mean?

A) There is no residential segregation. *B) There is complete residential segregation.* C) There is average residential segregation. D) There is little residential segregation.

Which of the following statements about the political affiliations of Arab Americans is true?

A) They are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans. B) They are more likely to be Republicans than Democrats. C) They are more likely to be independents than either Republicans or Democrats. *D) They are equally likely to be Republicans, Democrats, and independents.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Young Lords?

A) They provided free food programs for children, the elderly, and the poor. B) They patrolled schools for drug dealers. C) They were a militant social movement. *D) They were a mainstream group that worked for city officials to enact reforms.*

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of middleman minorities?

A) They serve as distribution links between producers of goods and those who buy them. *B) They are accepted in society because they are hard workers and possess entrepreneurial skills.* C) They have middle, or moderate, levels of resources. D) They serve as the "go-betweens" between members of elite classes and subordinate classes.

Which of the following severely limited slaves from revolting against slavery?

A) They were afraid they would be sent back to Africa. *B) They were easily identifiable in a predominantly white plantation society.* C) They knew that someday they would be free and equal to white people. D) They became used to the lifestyle provided to them by the slave owners.

Which of the following is NOT true of the first wave of Cuban refugees?

A) They were desirable in the context of Cold War politics. B) Their arrival stimulated the U.S. Congress to enact legislation to assist their resettlement in the United States. C) The majority of the early Cuban refugees were from the upper and middle classes. *D) The experiences of the first wave of Cuban refugees did not differentiate them from Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.*

Which of the following statements is NOT true about assimilation?

A) White ethnic groups such as the Protestant Irish and Germans have become largely assimilated. B) Ethnic populations that can be readily identified have greater difficulty assimilating. *C) Assimilation is the process in which the members of an ethnic group maintain their distinct culture.* D) African Americans have had a more difficult time assimilating because of their visibility.

Which of the following statements about unemployment is NOT true?

A) White immigrants have a higher unemployment rate than their native-born counterparts. *B) Black immigrants have a higher unemployment rate than their native-born counterparts.* C) Asian immigrants have a higher unemployment rate than their native-born counterparts. D) Native-born and immigrant Latinos have the same unemployment rate.

The stereotype of Asians as _________________ was reinforced when Wen Ho Lee, a research scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, was arrested for allegedly spying for communist China.

A) a model minority *B) disloyal, sneaky, and sly* C) mostly scientists and engineers D) passive, quiet, and stoic

Asian Americans perceive the "glass or bamboo ceiling" as:

A) a vehicle for increasing their social mobility. *B) a product of attitudes held by white persons.* C) a means of occupational inclusion. D) a result of the lag time it takes to become assimilated.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution:

A) abolished slavery. B) abolished the "black codes." C) abolished Jim Crow practices. *D) extended suffrage to African Americans.*

Jewish Americans are underrepresented today in which of the following professions or industries?

A) academia B) the movie industry C) the plastics industry *D) high-level positions in banking*

To this day, the "percentage of Indian blood" is an important:

A) biological marker of physical features and ethnic behavior. B) biological marker of particular health problems endemic among Native Americans. *C) bureaucratic marker that defines who qualifies for special government programs.* D) bureaucratic marker that all other ethnic groups are subjected to today.

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 attempted to increase the post-secondary education of Native Americans by:

A) building colleges on Indian lands. *B) establishing loan and scholarship programs.* C) creating boarding schools to assimilate Indian children. D) creating set-aside admission slots for Indians at local universities and colleges.

The U.S. Congress passed the Philippines Independence Act in 1934 partly in response to:

A) demands by California farm owners for more Filipino farm laborers. B) demands by Hawaiian sugar plantation owners for more Filipino workers. *C) tensions between Filipinos and white Americans on the West coast.* D) Spain's demand for independence for its former colony.

For a "minority group," which of the following phrases best describes the underlying operating forces involved?

A) discrimination by a numerically larger group against a numerically smaller group B) discrimination by one race against another *C) discrimination by members of a more powerful ethnic subpopulation against those of a less powerful subpopulation* D) discrimination by a numerically smaller ethnic group against a numerically larger group

The busing of children to achieve racial balance in public schools and affirmative action policies has:

A) eliminated negative black stereotypes. B) reduced the conflict between blacks and Irish Americans in the Northeast. C) reduced housing segregation. *D) increased white resentment of blacks.*

Which of the following is least important to Mario Barrera's split-class theory?

A) ethnic divisions within social classes B) divisions between social classes *C) divisions in the upper class* D) divisions within the working class

The descendants of Anglo-Saxons have maintained their control of the cultural climate in American society because:

A) ethnic populations do not have an interest in shaping the cultural climate. *B) they hold a disproportionate number of elite positions in American society.* C) they are more intelligent. D) they have the military power to support themselves.

Which of the following is NOT a type of discrimination?

A) expulsion B) segregation C) genocide *D) integration*

A fair criticism of assimilation theories is that they:

A) fail to consider non-white ethnics. B) fail to recognize that discrimination exists in society. *C) paint an overly benign view of ethnic relations, viewing assimilation as inexorable.* D) overemphasize class conflict in their model of ethnic relations.

Which of the following is NOT a component of what Robert Blauner called the colonization complex?

A) forced entry into a territory and its populations B) alteration or destruction of indigenous cultures *C) democratic treatment of the indigenous population* D) domination of the indigenous population by an invading population

The legacy of early British commercial capitalism evolved into a system that depended upon subordinated _______ labor.

A) free *B) ethnic* C) Native-American D) machine

Which of the following is NOT a barrier to political participation and political representation by Asian Americans?

A) gerrymandering B) lack of bilingual voting materials C) lack of Democratic and Republic party support of Asian-American candidates *D) lack of qualified political candidates*

Reservations were set up for Native Americans by the federal government to:

A) give Native Americans the opportunity to preserve their culture. B) protect Native Americans from white violence. C) give Indian tribes sovereign nation status. *D) exercise social control over Native Americans and their land.*

Which of the following characteristics is/are unique to and universal among Native Americans?

A) high cheekbones B) reddish complexion C) almond-shaped eyes *D) None of the above are unique to Native Americans.*

Which of the following is NOT a barrier blocking blacks from access to "corporate pipelines" leading to managerial and executive positions?

A) hiring at the executive level typically being conducted outside the human resources and personnel departments B) blacks and other minorities usually being hired in human resources and public relations positions C) blacks being more likely than whites to be excluded from networks and mentoring programs *D) blacks usually being excluded from human resources and public relations positions*

Which of the following might mitigate the discriminatory forces against Asian Americans?

A) increases in the aggregate number of Asians B) increases in the numbers of Asian and Pacific Islanders pursuing higher education *C) significant numbers of Asian Americans intermarrying with white Americans* D) more Asian Americans moving into middleman minority and professional niches

Which of the following characteristics is NOT part of the stereotype applied to Arabs?

A) jealous of Western affluence B) hostile to modern civilization *C) naturally talented in athletics* D) oppressive toward women

For which population of immigrants would discrimination most likely result in their occupying lower socioeconomic positions?

A) large groups of white ethnics from Eastern Europe B) groups that were small and possessed some capital and entrepreneurial skills *C) large, non-white groups without resources* D) small groups of Canadian professionals

Which of the following is NOT a factor that increases the level of threat posed by subordinate ethnic groups?

A) large population size B) entrepreneurial resources and capital C) the identifiability of the ethnic subpopulation *D) the lack of entrepreneurial and educational resources*

Which of the following is the least important to split-labor market theories?

A) maintenance of low wages B) separation of higher- and lower-wage ethnic workers C) maximization of profits *D) avoidance of competition between ethnic subpopulations*

In the future, conflict between African Americans and Latinos will most likely be over __________________ positions.

A) middleman minority B) professional and managerial *C) low- and semi-skilled* D) highly skilled technical

Which of the following further fuels hostility and resentment against Latinos?

A) more Latinos intermarrying with other ethnic groups B) Latinos being less physically identifiable than Asian- or African-Americans C) Latinos obtaining academic credentials in greater numbers *D) increasing numbers of Latinos*

Which comes first in the cycle of discrimination against immigrants by the members of the Anglo-Saxon core?

A) negative stereotyping B) discrimination C) sense of threat *D) identifiability of the immigrants*

The Immigration Act of 1924 set a quota for Italians that was:

A) over ten times higher than the quota for the British. B) five times higher than the quota for Germans. *C) ten times lower than for the British.* D) equal to that of the Germans.

The Naturalization Act of 1790 limited eligibility for U.S. citizenship to:

A) people of European ancestry. *B) "free white persons."* C) English speakers. D) Protestant Christians.

Ethnic discrimination is defined as:

A) perceiving others in negative terms. B) hating others because they belong to a different ethnic group. *C) denying less powerful ethnic subpopulations full access to valued resources.* D) refusing to interact with members of different ethnic groups.

Which of the following is NOT a basis for identifiability for ethnic subpopulations in American society?

A) physical features such as skin color and eye shape B) speaking Korean in public *C) speaking English in public* D) cultural practices that are at odds with the American mainstream

Which of the following institutions did Irish Catholics NOT use in their fight against discrimination and for upward social mobility?

A) political machines B) unions C) Catholic parochial schools *D) public schools*

Richard La Piere's study of prejudice demonstrated that:

A) prejudice always leads to discrimination. B) white Americans are not prejudiced against Asians. *C) prejudice does not always translate into discrimination.* D) 90 percent of the restaurant and hotel owners surveyed would gladly accept Chinese guests

Head Start programs were introduced as vehicles by which to:

A) provide access to cheap mortgages. B) alleviate the economic hardships of the working poor. *C) improve access to educational opportunities among poor children.* D) provide vocational training to young adults.

During the 1880s and through the first decades of the twentieth century, Japanese and Filipinos came to the United States as:

A) railroad workers. *B) agricultural and migrant farm workers.* C) educators. D) professionals.

Which of the following is the least likely response of an ethnic subpopulation to prejudice and discrimination?

A) rebellion B) passive acceptance C) assimilation *D) genocide*

Which of the following is the most important force in the relationship between ethnic subpopulations?

A) relative size of the groups B) relative cohesiveness *C) relative power* D) religious differences

Which of the following helped stimulate white flight from the cities to the suburbs?

A) restrictive covenants *B) the Federal Housing Authority's mortgage guarantee program* C) urban-renewal programs D) the Model Cities programs

Race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories that:

A) reveal or are perceived to reveal the shared historical experiences of a subpopulation of individuals. B) shape how Americans think about themselves and other people. C) consist of clusters of assumptions about the behavior, organization, and culture associated with a subpopulation of people. *D) all of the above*

Which of the following is an example of "quiet resistance"?

A) sabotage *B) work slowdown and faking illness* C) riots and revolutions D) Nat Turner's revolt in 1831

In 2000, Arab Americans were overrepresented in which sector of the workforce?

A) service *B) managerial/professional* C) sales/office D) construction/extraction/maintenance

Which of the following is least related to early capitalism in America?

A) slavery B) the killing of Native Americans C) the conquest of the Southwest *D) promoting tolerance for white Catholic*

Ethnogenesis is a term associated with which theory of ethnic relations?

A) sociobiological theory B) assimilation theory *C) pluralist theory* D) human ecology theory

In terms of the theoretical frameworks presented in Chapter 2, the situation of Native Americans is best seen as an example of:

A) split-class dynamics. *B) internal colonization* C) ecological dynamics. D) split-labor market processes.

The way in which social classes become internally partitioned is the focus of _____________ theory.

A) split-labor B) pluralist *C) split-class* D) ecological

Which of the following is NOT a stratification theory as described in the text?

A) split-labor market theories *B) pluralism theories* C) internal colonialism theories D) split-class theories

The term "ethnogenesis" refers to:

A) systematic attempts to eliminate an ethnic or religious group from a society. B) the process by which members of a dominant ethnic subpopulation deny the members of another, less powerful subpopulation access to valued resources. C) an ethnic subpopulation's attempts to understand its origins by means of historical narratives, myths, or legends. *D) the process of creating a distinctive ethnicity as a means of adapting to discrimination.*

Which of the following is NOT a practice that made school an alienating environment for Mexican-American children?

A) teachers ridiculing students who spoke English with an accent B) Mexican-American students being punished for speaking Spanish in the classroom or on the school playground C) schools imposing mainstream American culture on Mexican-American children *D) the hiring of bilingual and bicultural teachers and staff*

Which of the following was the first truly nationwide organization to represent Native Americans and to engage in active lobbying in Washington, D.C.?

A) the Bureau of Indian Affairs B) the American Indian Movement *C) the National Congress of American Indians* D) the Council of Energy Resource Tribes

Which of the following congressional acts allowed Native Americans to vote outside their tribe or tribal council?

A) the Dawes Act of 1887 *B) the Indian Citizenship Act* C) the Voting Rights Act of 1965 D) the Indian Claims Commission Act

Which of the following is NOT a Chicano or Mexican-American political organization?

A) the G.I. Forum B) the Community Service Organization C) La Raza Unida. *D) the Young Lords*

Which of the following federal acts did NOT extend federal government control over land tenure and the political governance of "Indian nations"?

A) the General Allotment Act B) the Indian Citizenship Act C) the Major Crimes Act *D) the National Origins Act*

Which legislation encouraged immigration from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia?

A) the Immigration Act of 1924 B) the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 *C) the Refugee Act of 1980* D) the Immigration Act of 1965

Which of the following events marked the initial major migration of Cubans to the United States?

A) the Mariel boatlifts *B) the overthrow of Fulgencio Bastista* C) the Bay of Pigs invasion D) the formation of Little Havana in Miami

Which of the following laws facilitated the integration of Arabs into mainstream American life?

A) the Naturalization Act of 1790 B) the 1924 Immigration Act C) the 2001 Patriot Act *D) none of the above*

Besides radical Reconstruction, which of the following was the most important governmental effort to help the poor and African Americans?

A) the New Frontier *B) the Great Society* C) the New Deal D) the Fair Deal

Which of the following is NOT part of the "ethnic complex" comprising the Anglo-Saxon core?

A) the Protestant religion and Protestant-inspired values B) "white" skin C) English cultural traditions and institutions *D) being of southern and Eastern European stock*

Which of the following is NOT a stage in Robert Park's portrayal of the assimilation process?

A) the competitive phase *B) the rebellious phase* C) the accommodative phase D) the assimilation phase

Which element in the American political system is more English than French in origin?

A) the emphasis on equality B) the emphasis on justice *C) the emphasis on decentralized power* D) the emphasis on checks and balances

The Patriot Act of 2001 led to which of the following?

A) the legalization of eavesdropping on conversations between terrorist suspects and their attorneys B) the detention without formal charge of over 1,100 individuals C) the suspension of visas for citizens from countries associated with terrorism *D) all of the above*

Racial profiling by the police is likely to result in:

A) the lives of the ethnic poor improving because there will be less crime in their neighborhoods. *B) members of particular ethnic populations being singled out for special surveillance and harassment by police officers.* C) making it easier for the ethnic poor to gain resource shares. D) an increased number of ethnic minorities working in law enforcement.

Which of the following is NOT a stereotype of Native Americans?

A) the noble savage B) the savage redman C) casino fat cat capitalists *D) Indian fast talker*

The term "sojourner orientation" refers to:

A) the nomadic character of traditional Arab culture. *B) the intention of an immigrant population to return to its country of origin.* C) the tendency of Arab Americans to enter the labor force as migrant workers. D) the willingness of an ethnic subpopulation to assimilate to the broader culture and thereby lose its distinctive character.

Which of the following was NOT a factor in causing the second wave of Irish immigration, which began in the 1830s?

A) the potato famine of the 1840s B) the long-standing British persecution of the Irish C) the encouragement of the British government as a solution to the "Irish problem" *D) the lack of Irish national identity or loyalty to their homeland*

Which of the following is NOT a part of Robert Park's theory of assimilation?

A) the process of interpenetration and fusion in which people and groups acquire the sentiments and attitudes of other groups B) incorporation of ethnic groups into a common cultural life C) the belief that ethnic immigrants can be incorporated into the mainstream *D) the belief that members of lower-class ethnic groups cannot be assimilated*

The unequal distribution of resource shares creates the context of inequality in which:

A) the salience of race and ethnicity in determining life chances decreases. *B) the salience of race and ethnicity in determining life chances increases.* C) the life chances of ethnic minorities increase. D) institutional discrimination decreases.

What is considered the greatest victory of the National Congress of American Indians?

A) the seizure of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in 1969 *B) the establishment of the Indians Claims Commission* C) the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 D) the Indian Citizenship Act

Which of the following does NOT explain the present status of blacks in American society?

A) their identifiability as targets of discrimination B) their victimization by both institutionalized and informal discrimination *C) their incompetence to compete in society* D) negative beliefs and social meanings associated with blackness in American society

One obstacle to the integration of Blacks, Native Americans, and Chicanos into the social fabric of U.S. society is:

A) their unwillingness to adopt the cultural values and practices of the Anglo-Saxon core. *B) their historical legacy as victims of the colonial experience that was part of the legacy of British capitalism.* C) their collectivist orientation preventing them from being integrated into a capitalist society. D) their inability to adopt the practices and values of the middle-class.

Despite desegregation efforts in public schools, black children still attend schools where:

A) they are the numerical minority. B) they are proportionate to their numbers in the general population. *C) they constitute the majority.* D) they are ethnically integrated.

Germans and Scandinavians were able to adapt to the Anglo-Saxon core because:

A) they spoke English. B) they were hard workers. *C) they were Protestants from northern Europe.* D) they settled in Minnesota.

Which of the following was NOT a goal of early American schools?

A) to Americanize all immigrants *B) to teach diversity and tolerance* C) to teach religious values D) to teach the virtues of capitalism

Which of the following is the goal of rebellions and revolts against superordinate ethnic groups?

A) to eliminate ethnically distinct characteristics *B) to redistribute power and to change the patterns of discrimination* C) to isolate themselves from the discriminatory practices of others D) to create narrow niches in which they can secure resources

The media's emphasis on the image of the "casino fat cat capitalist" serves:

A) to promote a favorable image of Native Americans as capitalists. B) to promote a positive assessment of Native Americans as self-sufficient people. *C) to create resentment against Native Americans.* D) to increase the non-Indian community's acceptance of Indian casinos.

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