Social psych test 3 review

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A person who is high in the characteristic of other-oriented empathy would be most likely to make which of the following statements?

"we have a moral obligation to help others when they are in need"

At what age do people appear to be the most aggressive?

1 to 3 years

Estimates suggest that if the wars of the 20thcentury had killed the same proportion of the total population as ancient tribal wars did, then the death toll from those conflicts would have exceeded ________ people.

2 billion

Which of the following is the best historical example of how cooperation?

Construction of the "Chunnel" that connects France and England.

People who have a high social dominance orientation (SDO) are likely to agree with which of the following statements?

Hierarchies are natural, some groups are simply better than others.

The "Dark Triad of Personality," a clustering of personality traits that are associated with aggression, include narcissism, psychopathy, and ________.


Which of the following statements is true of Asch's research on conformity in groups?

Participants conformed with the group norm on about a one-third of the total trials.

In which of the following situations is pluralistic ignorance being demonstrated?

Several people walk by a man who is laying motionless on the sidewalk but nobody helps. Some assume he is homeless and asleep. None recognize that he is in a diabetic coma.

In Stanley Milgram's research examining obedience, the participant was able to discontinue the experiment only after what took place?

The participant stated that he/she did not want to continue participating 4 consecutive times.

Which of the following is true of Milgram's (1963, 1965, 1974) research on obedience to authority?

With each increment of shock voltage, fewer participants obeyed, but about 65% still administered 450 volts (the highest level).

Most researchers define ________ as any behavior intended to harm another person who does not want to be harmed.


The desire to help a partner without an expectation of reward, even if such actions bring potential cost to the helper, is called ________.


Having conscious beliefs, feelings, and behaviors of hostility toward outgroup members that you are perfectly willing to admit reflects what type of bias?

blatant bias

If you are participating in the prisoner's dilemma, which scenario would lead to the best outcome for you?

both you and your partner cooperate

Which term, when applied to aggression, refers to the idea that acting aggressively or viewing such behaviors can purge angry feelings and impulses into harmless channels?


While reading a magazine Juan notices an advertisement for tennis shoes. Juan is very interested in reading about the materials the shoes are made out of and logically concludes the tennis shoes would be a good purchase. Juan was likely in which persuasion route?


According to the stereotype content model, what would be a person's most likely response to a person who is perceived as being low in warmth and low in competence?


A decision-making process that compares how much time and effort would be invested in providing assistance to the perceived rewards or outcomes of that action is called a(n) _________.

cost-benefit analysis

The perception of what most people do in a given situation is called a(n) __________ norm.


The stereotype content model suggests that when we interact with homeless people we feel what type of emotional prejudice?


Carl is at a movie where the main character has to endure the death of her husband. During the funeral scene, Carl cries a bit as he feels the pain of the widow's loss. This ability to understand and relate to another person's emotional experience is called ________.


The peripheral route to persuasion takes advantage "trigger features" that activate sequential behavior in animals and humans. What is this sequence of behavior called?

fixed action patterns (FAPs)

Which of the following is defined as engaging acts that typically involve situations in which one person is in need and another provides the necessary assistance to eliminate the other's need?


Which model of helping explains prosocial behaviors as having an egoistic or selfish motivation?

negative state relief

Persuasion is most effective when individuals are:

not feeling that their freedom to make a choice is threatened

When he gets to work one morning, Emile notices that his colleague Romero and their supervisor Lisa are having an animated conversation. He immediately assumes that there is a problem and that they are arguing, but later finds out that they were sharing interesting stories from their weekends. Emile's assumption demonstrates the hostile ________ bias.


Sometimes a person looks to others to determine whether help needs to be offered in an ambiguous situation. When this person incorrectly concludes that no help is necessary, this is called ________ ignorance.


Engaging in actions that benefit another person is called ________behavior.


Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


16-year-old high school student Gregory thinks of himself as a member of the "musical clique" at school and feels that the musicians are the best group of students. He thinks poorly of athletes and spends most of his time with peers who share similar interest. This is an example of __________ theory.


Which of the following is one suggestion for increasing the effectiveness of aggression-reducing interventions?

target as many aggression triggers as possible and deal with them all simultaneously

Which word would be the best synonym for "empathy?"


Which of the following is a traditional female gender role that might impact one's tendency to offer specific types of assistance?

women are compassionate

Which historical event led directly to Milgram's research on obedience?

German citizens' willingness to go along with Nazi leaders during the Holocaust

When she is feeling very angry at her boss, Lucia comes home and spends an hour punching the punching bag she has hung in the basement. Catharsis theory predicts that this will reduce her anger and aggressive feelings. Does research support this notion?

No. The research suggests that Lucia will become even angrier.

__________ influence refers to conformity that results from a desire to act in a manner that is clearly socially approved such as speaking softly in libraries.


Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding blatant biases?

People who openly hate one group of people also tend to hate others.

Physically attractive people experience many benefits in life. Particularly, more physically attractive people have an easier time persuading others. Which characteristic is an example of why this occurs?

Physically attractive people are perceived as having higher moral character.

Walking down the street, Areanna is approached by a police officer. The police officer encourages Areanna to be a Good Samaritan and put money in a parking meter that's about to expire on a stranger's car. What factors might lead Areanna to obey this police officer's order and help pay for the parking meter?

She views the police officer as an authority figure.

Carol and Martin are participating in the Prisoner's Dilemma, where each is promised a certain amount of money for either cooperating or defecting. If Carol and Martin are married and their goal is to win the highest possible combined total of money, what should they each do?

They should both cooperate.

Eriqa's neighbor, Peter, has a flood that ruins his apartment. Eriqa invites him to wait in her home for the clean-up professionals to arrive. When they don't come, Eriqa tells Peter that he can stay in her guest room overnight even though she was looking forward to a night on her own. She does not ask for or expect anything in return. Eriqa is demonstrating ________.


The tendency to overestimate the amount of violence that occurs in the world based on the ease with which you can call a recent example of violence to mind is called the _________ heuristic.


The phenomenon in which people intervene to help others in need even if the other is a complete stranger and the intervention puts the helper in danger is called ________ intervention.


Chukwudi believes that atheists cannot be trusted. As a result, he refuses to hire anyone who does not regularly attend church. Chukwudi's action is an example of __________.


Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can at least go to the movies by himself. Oscar's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what persuasion trick?


"In order to want to help other people, you must first imagine yourself in their situation and feel their pain." This statement summarizes the ________ model of prosocial behavior.


Nora has decided to visit the new community recreation center for a swim. As she enters the change room she notices both of the two other people present put their shoes into a locker. Before she walks out to the pool she does the same. What concept helps explain her actions?

informational influence

Showing favoritism for helping one's own blood relatives is called ________.

kin selection

In a situation where a thief needs to be confronted by a bystander, why might a man be more likely to intervene than a woman?

men tend to have more upper body strength than women and thus may be less likely to be injured when confronting the thief

Jeremiah knows that his roommate Hank has a financial problem, but he really does not want to pay Hank's rent this month. He does so, however, so that he won't feel guilty and sad for declining to offer help. Jeremiah's decision to pay Hank's rent is based on the ________ model.

negative state relief

Is there a difference between the likelihood that men or women will provide help when it is needed?

no, the general levels of helpfulness are pretty much equivalent between the sexes.

Asch's study on conformity, where participants had to make line-judgments, can be best explained by what concept?

normative influence

Hammond has just started working at a new job stacking items at the supermarket. He notices that most of his colleagues do stretching exercises before they begin their shift. Hammond assumes that this is a workplace regulation and also begins to do the stretching exercises. Which of the following concepts explains Hammond's behavior?

normative influence

A social category or group with which an individual does not personally identify is called a(n) ________.


During a political debate, one candidate continually avoids questions about the details of his policies. Instead, he focuses on pointing out problems that he know worry people and reassures them with a warm smile that they will be "in good hands" if he is elected. This candidate is using the ________ route to persuasion in trying to garner votes.


Which of the following emotional prejudices might a person be most likely to experience in response to another person who is high in warmth but low in competence?


The principle that people will make logical decisions based on maximizing their own gains and benefits is called

rational self-interest.

It is a natural and adaptive social process to classify people into groups. However, because we inhabit one of these groups, we tend to favor our ingroup. What concept explains this tendency to put people, including yourself, into groups?

self-categorization theory

Mordechai lives in a neighborhood where nearly every home is owned by other orthodox Jewish families. He is very upset when he finds out that a house on his block has been purchased by a family who is Catholic. He feels that Jewish families are better than others, and does not want this family to live on his block. Mordechai is demonstrating a ________ orientation.

social dominance

The Dean of the Education department at a major college is awarded a $250,000 grant. He is allowed to pay himself out of that grant, and can also use the money for his department's improvement. A study of how much he gives himself and how much he uses for other purposes would be studying the Dean's ________.

social value orientation

Elsa purchased concert tickets about two months ago. Today is the concert but it's raining out, meaning Elsa would have to purchase an umbrella and rain boots if she still wants to go. Why is Elsa still likely to be persuaded to attend the concert?

sunk costs

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding violence throughout history?

the level of violence in the world has decreased over time, even over the last decades

Which of the following has not been a focus of research into when people help others?

the physical distance between the bystander and the emergency

Specific, sometimes minute, aspects of a situation that activate fixed action patterns are called __________ features.


Yolanda is hosting a jewelry party during which her friends will come to her home and (hopefully) buy jewelry that she recommends. In this situation, there are many different ways in which perceptions of trustworthiness are being manipulated. Which of the following best describes why Yolanda might be successful in selling jewelry?

word of mouth

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