Social Psychology 3325 Test I Ch 1-4

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Which of the following effects describe how moods strongly determine which information in a given situation is noticed and entered into one's memory?

mood congruence effect

Which process of social cognition refers to the information we notice?


Introspection is an effective means of understanding ourselves when the ________.

focus is on a conscious decision-making process

Frameworks for explaining various events or processes are known as ________.


Social psychologists focus their attention mainly on individuals because ________.

our actions are performed by and thoughts occur in the minds of individuals

Results of systematic research indicate that our impression of a person whom we just met is influenced by ________.

our mood

Due to the fact that we can define ourselves differently at any time, we have many selves. Can we say that one of these selves is the "true" self? Why or why not?

No, because all selves can be accurate, depending on the context and comparative dimension.

Which statement BEST describes the attribution process?

The process by which we seek to understand the causes of the behavior of others and ourselves.

Which of the following is a downside of schemas?

They can remain unchanged in the face of contradictory information.

Which of the following is an example of paralanguage?


In the United States, gender differences in self-esteem are most pronounced among ________.

White lower class people

People's personal identities, and their various social identities, require them to be different people in different contexts. This results in________.

a potentially variable but coherent self-definition

One way that schemas influence social thought is by ________.

acting as a filter to direct our attention towards some information and away from other information

Once it is activated, the status quo heuristic may have automatic effects on behavior. This can cause individuals to ________.

behave consistently with the schema without being aware of the reason for the behavior

Research evidence tends to indicate that social perception ________.

can be quite accurate, despite attributional errors

A multicultural perspective is recognized as increasingly important to research in social psychology because ________.

cultural factors such as race or ethnicity help determine self-identity

If one reflects on achievements, self-esteem ________. If one reflects on failures, self-esteem ________.

increases; decreases

An example of interchannel discrepancy during deception would be ________.

managing one's facial expressions well while not making much eye contact

One way to manage information overload is to make use of ________.

mental shortcuts, such as heuristics

Social identity theory suggests that we will ________ others who outperform us on an important task, when our group identity is salient.

move closer to the ingroup

When thinking about a bad or happy event and predicting our future level of happiness, we tend to ________.

neglect all the other factors that will contribute to our future state of mind over time

Which of the following categories is NOT one of the five categories mentioned in your text regarding factors affecting social interaction?

perceptual processes

Ingratiation involves __________, whereas self-deprecation involves __________.

praising another person or using flattering language; lowering an audience's expectations of one's abilities

The belief that we can achieve a particular goal through our own actions is known as ________.


Research has shown a positive correlation between 1) socio-economic status of the family of origin, and 2) college graduation rates. Based on this information, we can conclude that ________.

students born into wealthier families are more likely to complete college than students born into poorer families

The self-defeating pattern of attributions exhibited by many depressed individuals can successfully be treated by therapies that encourage people to ________.

take credit for successful outcomes and to avoid blaming themselves for all negative outcomes

Suppose that we might expect to experience prejudice or disapproval for some aspect of ourselves. We may downplay or subvert that aspect to the extent that ________.

we can hide it and we are willing to hide it

The fact that we can make judgments and evaluations about different aspects of the world in either a controlled, reflective way or an automatic way suggests ________.

we have two systems for evaluating the social world, but they generally work together so that it is difficult to distinguish between the two.

People often forecast that they will feel ________ when reading about a large-scale tragedy compared to a smaller tragedy. However, findings indicate that people who actually read about such tragedies ________.

worse; feel the same regardless of the size of the tragedy

People who are convicted of violence and theft-related crimes view themselves as being higher than the average community member in terms of morality, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness, and honesty. What is the cause of this?

Above average effect

Which of the following describes the modern view of social psychology?

Behavior and thought are intimately and continuously linked.

In addition to social cognition and behavioral approaches, research on ______ has helped social psychologists develop a greater understanding of how people form impressions, choose to help others, and even comply with requests.


Which type of nonverbal communication is relatively universal?

Facial expressions such as smiles and frowns

Which of the following is a benefit of automatic processing?

It allows us to deal with problems when our attention is directed elsewhere.

Which of the following is a reason why introspection can be misleading?

We don't always know or have conscious access to the reasons for our actions.

Suppose we are trying to discern whether an individual is lying based on his or her verbal and nonverbal information and cues. Which of the following statements BEST describes how well we will be able to judge whether this individual is lying?

We will probably pay more attention to her or his verbal cues and, in doing so, will have difficulty determining any deception.

When people deal with uncertainty in a situation by using something they know as a starting point and then modifying their thinking from there, they are using the ________ heuristic.

anchoring and adjustment

When I consider the extent to which this person reacts in the same way to this same stimulus on other occasions, I am basing my attribution on ________.


Recent research suggests that impression management can work against an individual if ________.

impression management techniques are overused or ineffectively used

Many times, attempts at deception are thwarted because of ________ facial expressions.


Research on self-control has demonstrated that engaging in self-regulation ________.

is like a muscle in that the more we practice self-control, the easier it becomes to self-regulate

"Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses" refers to the ________ bias.


We tend to adjust our attributions to take account for situational constraints on our own behavior ________ we take account of situational constraints on others' behavior.

to a greater extent than

The evolutionary perspective on social behavior suggests that ________.

we inherit tendencies or predispositions to behave in certain ways

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