Social Psychology Final

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members of collectivistic cultures are more likely to recognize more of the situational determinants of behavior than are members of individualistic cultures. As a result, members of collectivist societies are _____.

Somewhat less likely to make the fundamental attribution error

A campaign manager has advised the candidate he represents to make sure there is a "spontaneous" demonstration of support for him during the candidate's next major speech. Given that the candidate relies on his audience's peripheral processing of his emotion-laden persuasive messages, the demonstration is useful because ________.

distractions can increase the persuasiveness of a speech

Choose which correlation coefficient indicates the smallest relationship a. -.90 b. .34 c. .95 d. -.42


The relationship between how many violent TV programs children watch in their homes, and high levels of aggression, is an example of

A correlational relationship

Which message is more persuasive?

A message that incorporates a mediate level of fear and reassuring instructions on how to eliminate the anxiety

The relationship between test grades and time spent studying is an example of

A positive correlation

Two drivers on a highway are cut off by a third driver. The first driver is startled but shrugs, thinking, "That other driver was careless, but I don't think he noticed me." The second driver is furious, thinking, "That other driver deliberately tried to run me off the road." This scenario MOST clearly illustrates how

Affect influences cognition

Which of the following is an example of a stereotype?

Alex thinks that all Asians are good at math

Attempts to define apparently questionable conduct as actually in line with cultural norms

Aligning actions

Why is it easier to think of words that start with the letter K than words that have the letter K as the third letter?

Availability Heursitics

Eric knows that plane crashes are extremely rare and statistically unlikely. However, he avoids flying and instead drives everywhere, even though he knows the likelihood of being injured in a car accident is far more likely than in a plane accident. Eric is being affected by the ________ heuristic.


Even when someone shows me evidence to the contrary, I still continue to hold on to my original beliefs.

Belief preservance

_____________ describes the ability to hear your name even when distracted by another conversation and noise.

Cocktail party effect

Sally just cannot stop wondering "what if" after her boyfriend broke up with her

Counterfactual thinking

what role does evolution play in psychological processes?

Culture and biology

Renata created an experiment to observe how temperature affects social interactions. However, she did not state this purpose to participants. In fact, participants, all graduate students, were under the assumption that they were attending a campus-sponsored food and drink social gathering. Over the course of two hours, Renata drastically changed the room's temperature every 10 minutes and recorded information on how participants behaved. At the end of the two hours, Renata emerged and discussed the full nature of the experiment with the participants, including the deception she employed and why she needed to do so. At the end of the experiment, Renata employed the tactic of


We might think that a waiter who flirts with a customer does so because he likes to flirt, if we observe this waiter flirting with several different customers while we eat. This best represents the concept of ________.


A researcher wants to know whether writing an essay on a controversial topic will have an effect on the attitudes held by people. First, she administers an attitude of surveys that covers a number of topics, including electronic voting machines. She then randomly assigns subjects to write an essay either supporting or opposing electronic voting machines. One week later, she administers the same attitude survey and compares those responses to the responses from the first time the survey was administrated. In this experiment, the independent variable is the


Upon entering her cabin, Geraldine heard a rustling sound in the bedroom. She bent down and looked through the keyhole. Inside was a bear that climbed through an open window. Geraldine ran out of the cabin screaming. Her behavior was caused by _____ causes


Which strategy for reducing conflict is designed to be used to assist with deescalating conflict between two warring nations/groups?


Jack recently had a job interview that seemed to go exceedingly well by all objective standards. However, Jack noted that his interviewer seemed to be in a bad mood that day. To what extent should Jack be concerned about the latter piece of information?

He should be aware that he will likely be viewed less favorable by the interviewers than if the interviewer was in a good mood

Individuals can overestimate the rates of negative behaviors in minority groups. This is called

Illusory Correlation

Aligning your opinion with someone else's or saying good things about the person to gain favor or acceptance


Individuals who are exposed to opposing arguments and refute them, are later more resistant to persuasion. This phenomenon is called:

Inoculation theory

During a job interview, Darlene notices that the interviewee smiles constantly and nods her head in affirmation when questioned about her resume. However, the interviewee also frequently wrings her hands and avoids eye contact. The interviewee is demonstrating _____, which could be an indicator of ______.

Interchannel discrepancies; deception

Dr. Smith controlled for all extraneous variables in her study. She makes sure that the effect was caused by the independent variable which is called

Internal Variable

According to Kelley's theory, behaviors that arise because of an individuals traits, motives, or intentions are ____ caused, while those behaviors that arise because of some aspect of the social or physical environment are _____ caused.

Internally; externally

In Sherif's study at Robber's Cave, he was able to induce cooperation and reduce hostility between groups during the final week by:

Introducing superordinate goals

Next week, there will be a debate on campus. The topic of the debate will be, "Is Climate Change a Threat?" The debate will have three participants: Jim, a scientist from Harvard University; Caroline, a science writer from the Huffington Post; Ed, a conservative representative on the House Science Committee; and Janet, a science historian. Who will likely be more persuasive during the debate and why?

Jim, because his educational and professional background lend him credibility.

Controlling your appearance to be perceived a certain way (e.g., using props or claiming associates)

Managing appearance

Deborah has just spent a great deal of money on a new fur coat. When she showed it to her husband, she asked if he liked it. Without hesitation, her husband responded by saying, "Yes. It is beautiful." Before he spoke, however, a slight frown appeared on his face for less than a second. This might indicate that he is concealing his true feelings from his wife and is known as a ________.


In an experiment, researchers wanted to know whether changing the level of lighting in a factory would have an effect on the productivity of employees. In order to address this question, employees were randomly assigned to three separate identical work areas, but the lighting was set at a different level in each of the work areas. Then, employees in all three work groups began to operate machinery that produced small electrical components. The number of components produced by each group was carefully tallied at the end of each 8-hour shift. In this example, the dependent variable is the

Number of components produced

Research of adult populations has documented a negative correlation between 1) obesity and 2) participation in physically demanding leisure activities. One possible interpretation of these results is that

Obese people tend to exercise less than non-obese people

Even though I know the risks for cancer is 30% on average, I believe that I only have a 10% risk

Optimism Bias

Individuals frequently overestimate the similarity within groups. This is called:

Out-group homogeneity bias

Where does self-esteem come from?

Parent-child relationships Performance feedback Social comparisons

In a study where researchers were trying to convince participants that World War II would last two more years, participants were either given a one-sided or two-sided message. Which of the following was true?

Participants who were initially skeptical were more persuaded by two-sided messages

John always over schedules himself and cannot seem to get everything done in a day

Planning fallacy

competition can

Produce Aggression, produce advancement

Individuals may blame problems on an out-group, creating or contributing to negative feelings towards the out-group. For example, during an economic crisis in a society, individuals may blame the economiv difficulties on a minority group. This is called

Scapegoat theory

Jeremy felt really happy when his ex-wife's second marriage failed


Bill's wife informs him that they will be attending the opera. Bill has never been to the opera, but he immediately has a mental image of he and his wife sitting in an ornate theater and wearing formal eveningwear. Bill is drawing up a(n) ________.


How do we regulate our behavior?


Observing someone giving a homeless person money can make you more likely to give the homeless person money too.

Social Cognition

What do we believe?

Social Cognition

Why do we conform?

Social Influence

Sometimes I think of what my mom might do in a situation before I make my own decision

Symbolic Social Influence

Blair watches the newscast each evening, with its usual diet of fires and other accidents. She often eats at Herby's Fried Snacks, a restaurant located in a brick building, despite the fact that her eating there has resulted in bad indigestion several times. She avoids the well-respected Korean restaurant because the Korean restaurant is in a wooden building. Blair's eating habits are probably being guided by

The availability heuristic

An advertising company has been hired by the Centers for Disease Control to produce TV commercials to increase awareness of breast cancer in males. Advertising executives are considering three different commercials. The first features actual patients who describe the pain they experienced from the disease. The second focuses on medical doctors discussing early detection strategies and treatment options. The third shows grieving family members surrounding a grave. Which is likely to be more effective at changing men's behavior?

The second, focusing on specific information that will reduce fear

The phenomena where a person experiences delayed persuasion after the person forgets who communicated a message is called:

The sleeper effect

Although Sarah could afford any car she wants, she drives an aging Volkswagen. Sam, Sarah's friend, thinks that this choice says something about Sarah's personality. Sam clearly agrees with

The theory of correspondents discouting

Professor Garcia is studying how cancer patients are coping with their illness by giving them one of the following sets of instructions: they are to keep a daily diary and write about anything, keep a daily diary and, write about how they are trying to cope with their illness, or not told to keep any diary whatsoever. After following this protocol for months, Professor Garcia then measures the cancer patients' self-reported levels of depression. The independent variable in this hypothetical study is _____ and the dependent variable is ____.

The type of diary kept, if any; the self-reported level of depression

We tend to adjust our attributions to take account for situational constraints on our own behavior ________ we take account of situational constraints on others' behavior.

To a greater extent than

Juan, the head of human resources at a large company, has been instructed to make sure that about 2 percent of all newly hired managers are women in order to reduce the risk of a discrimination lawsuit. This practice represents


Tracy encounters a member of a certain political group whose views and attributes are inconsistent with her schemas about that group. Due to a strong perseverance effect, what is the MOST likely conclusion that Tracy will make?

Tracy will continue to believe that most members of that group fit her schemas

The reason for engaging in the process of attribution is to

Understand the causes of others' behavior and our own behavior

Kim is an American but spent much of her childhood in Japan. She is fluent in both English and Japanese. We might reasonably expect her response to the question "Who am I?" to differ depending on the language (Japanese or English) of the question because ________.

a particular language might activate different self-concepts for bilingual people

John is learning to play the guitar. He is in the process of mastering several new songs. From the perspective of Zajonc's drive theory of social facilitation, John should practice ________.

alone until mastery is achieved, and then perform in the presence of others

Which of the following is NOT an example of what women are more likely than men to do to appear likeable?

dress provocatively

According to the elaboration-likelihood and the heuristic-systematic models of persuasion, the two key factors that will determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information are one's ________.

capacity to process information and level of motivation

Quentin is a devout religious follower. The holy books of the religion Quentin subscribes to strongly advocate helping the poor. However, Quentin believes that the poor simply need to work harder, and he refuses to offer them any assistance. Quentin's reaction to the poor is a form of ________.

cognitive dissonance

We have a tendency to overestimate the strength and duration of our emotional reactions because of:

durability bias

Group polarization involves the tendency of ________.

group members to shift toward more extreme positions than those they initially held as a result of group discussion

Approval for a new light rail has been granted by a major city. Those on the project are excited to begin, as they have been planning the project for many years now. However, not long before the first day of work on the project, one of the team members notices a critical flaw in the business plan for the project. He can't believe no one noticed it before, as the error is so large that it puts the entire project in jeopardy. He pleads his case to the project manager and the financial committee, but everyone he speaks to is so committed to the project that they refuse to look at his evidence. He eventually quits, as he doesn't want to work for a team besieged by________.


A CEO of a Midwestern company gave a press briefing and espoused some fairly restrictive regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions and water pollution. His excellent credibility was probably due to the fact that ________.

he is CEO of a chemical company

Omri, in his professional association, serves informally as a kind of "father confessor," listening attentively to members of that group. This best reflects ________ in(of) the group.

his role

John has violated a norm in his ________ group, while Li Qing has violated one in her ________ group. We would more likely expect ________ for John, and ________ for Li Qing.

individualist; collectivist; approval; disapproval

Social cognition is a process people use to make sense of a situation through the following steps except: a. impression formation b. information elimination c. information gathering d. information filtering

information elimination

The first time I went to a fancy restaurant, I didn't know how to act so I copied the behavior of my mom who has been to fancy restaurants before.

informational social influence

Upon meeting his biology professor for the first time, James says that he has read all of the professor's books, that they were some of the best books he's ever read, and that they were a catalyst for his choosing to study biology. James is employing the tactic of ________.


Charles Cooley described the concept of forming a self-concept based on reflected appraisal from imagining how we look to other people called:

looking-glass self

Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________.

modifying either the attitude or the behavior to be more consistent with each other

According to social facilitation theories, people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be affected by the(a) ________.

presence of others

What happened on the second day of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

prisoner's rioted

Integrative agreements ________.

provide greater joint benefits than simple compromise

Assume you have a negative stereotype of fraternity/sorority members as "stuck-up." Given an IAT with photos labeled "fraternity member" or "independent," and paired with the word "bad" or "good," your responses to the fraternity member/bad combination would likely be ________ than to independent/bad combinations.


There is a three-person Editorial department at Luscious Literature, a literary journal. Tom is an editorial assistant, Kara is a senior editor, and Helen is a managing editor. The team members differ in


Jeff is tall and thin, at 6'5". He rolls his eyes every time someone asks him if he is a student athlete on the men's basketball team. Leave me alone he thinks to himself all I want to do is read and write poetry. Just because he is tall, people assume he is a basketball player. This demonstrates

representativeness heuristics

The answer to the question, "Who am I?" is:


Lilah believes she is competent in most situations to handle whatever comes up. Lilah has high ___________________________________.


Protecting one's self-image with behaviors that create a handy excuse for later failure is:


Lizzie is chronically concerned with her public image and adjusts her actions to fit the needs of the situation. This is an example of:


The act of expressing oneself in ways designed to create a favorable impression is:


One's position or rank within a group is one's ________.


Jason has been listening to a talk show concerning animal rights. This is an issue that he cares deeply about and he is very knowledgeable about the topic. Jason is most likely to be persuaded by ________.

strong, convincing arguments

Which hormone is responsible for making men less agreeable than women?


Jeremy is an actor who specializes in comedy. His friends persuade him to perform at a venue that specializes in audience-led improvisation, meaning that the audience chooses the subject matter for the actors. During the performance, Jeremy performs better than he ever has during comedic scenes, but performs more terribly than he ever has in serious dramatic scenes requiring strong emotion. Jeremy's overall performance can be explained by ________.

the drive theory of social facilitation

Norms are ___________________.

the rules within a group that indicate how its members should or should not behave

A multicultural perspective is recognized as increasingly important to research in social psychology because

A variety of cultural factors such as race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability help determine self-identity

Andrew saw a TV commercial for a new video game that he had been wanting. The game was on sale for 50% off, but the store was set to close in two hours. Andrew was 15 minutes late getting to the store and missed the sale. To ease his distress about missing the sale, Andrew reasoned that he never really had a chance to get to the store before it closed because traffic was too heavy, even though he could have taken a different, quicker route. This is an example of ________.

Affective heuristics

Imposing roles or identities on another


When people deal with uncertainty in a situation by using something they know as a starting point and then modifying their thinking from there, they are using the ________ heuristic.

Anchoring and adjustment

Which modality is the most effective when trying to persuade attitude change?


Which type of nonverbal communication is relatively universial?

Facial expressions such as smiles or frowns

"We don't smile because we are happy but rather that we feel happy because we smile" describes what concept?

Facial feedback hypothesis

One explanation for why we feel happier after engaging in impression management in which we try to come across as positive and cheerful is due to.

Facial feedback hypothesis

Sometimes the harder we try to inhibit a thought, feeling, or behavior, the less likely we are to succeed. This is called:

Ironic processes

Mike believes that men are generally better at math and engineering than are women. He also tends to think of women as being emotional and a bit "soft." Mike recently met Karen, an attractive woman who is also a civil engineer. In most other respects, Karen fits Mike's ideas about women. Rather than revise his stereotype of women, Mike probably assumed that Karen represents a(n) ________.


How were the participants in the Stanford Prison Study deindividuated?

those arrested were blindfolded those arrested were fingerprinted the guards wore sunglasses

The evolutionary perspective on social behavior suggests that

we inherit tendencies or predispositions to behave in a certain way

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