Social Psychology test

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If a man who is a heavy smoker is given an electric shock every time he takes a puff on a cigarette, which of the following behavior modification techniques is being used?

aversive conditioning

The common tendency to assume the beliefs, values, attitudes, or actions of one's own group are superior to those of others is called


Painkilling substances produced by the brain are known as


The frustration-aggression hypotheses says that aggression is


According to cognitive dissonance theory, human beings are motivated to

reduce tensions produced by inconsistent thoughts

Which of the following factors is an important predictor of attraction? I. proximity II. mere exposure III. physical attractiveness

I, II, and III

The process by which one evaluates the causes of other people's behavior is called


Which of the following studies in the field of social psychology met with the greatest criticism about the ethical issues involved?

Stanley Milgram's studies on obedience

An individual bystander is most likely to help an injured person under which of the following circumstances?

When the bystander is the only other person present

A stereotype is defined as which of the following?

a generalization about a social group

Which of the following is the best example social (impairment) inhibition?

a person who is a poor bowler begins to bowl even worse when several friends are watching

Solomon Asch's findings on conformity might best be used to explain why

adolescents follow fads in dress and hairstyle

Which of the following is an example of social facilitation?

an athlete performs better in games before a large crowd than she does in practice

The just-world hypothesis would best explain which of the following?

blaming the victim

A group of students perceived a stationary point of light in a dark room as a moving object. When asked later how far the light moved, their responses increased in similarity as they heard each other's estimates. This outcome was demonstrative of


Because the most popular students in the high school tend to wear a particular brand of athletic shoe, a new student buys a pair of the shoes of the same brand. Such behavior demonstrates which of the following social psychological concepts?


Which of the following concepts was advanced by social psychologists to help explain why people who are part of a crowd sometimes commit aggressive, antisocial acts they would not commit if they were alone?


Which of the following explains the behavior of normally law abiding people who act destructively when they are part of a crowd?


In certain situations, the larger the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that one of them will help someone in trouble. The result is explained by

diffusion of responsibility

The failure of bystanders to give victims of automobile accidents needed assistance is sometimes explained as an instance of

diffusion of responsibility

On Monday, Tanya asked her teachers to postpone Tuesday's test until Friday. After her teacher flatly refused, Tanya asked her teacher to push back the test one day, to Wednesday. Tanya is using the compliance known as


According to the graph below, the greatest degree of attitude change is likely to be produced by which of the following forms of advertising?

easy messages on television and difficult messages in the newspaper

The view that human emotions are universal has been supported by studies of

facial expressions

Jessie and her friend are driving in rush-hour highway traffic when a car suddenly cuts in front of them in order to reach an unmarked exit ramp. Jessie's passenger points out that the circumstances may have required the driver to do so, while Jessie loudly criticizes the personal qualities of the other driver. Jessie's response is best explained by

fundamental attribution error

Sigmund Freud believed that dream analysis was a useful device for

gaining insight into unconscious motives

When members of a group of tend to agree on an issue become more extreme in their opinion after the issue has been discussed, which of the following has taken place?

group polarization

According to attribution theory, Pablo is most likely to attribute his high score on the exam to

his intelligence

Which of the following is true of Solomon Asch's experiments on conformity?

if the confederates' judgments were not unanimous, the degree of conformity by experimental subjects decreased

Social facilitation theory focuses on situations in which the presence of others causes an individual's performance to


Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee motivation are all studied in which of the following psychological disciplines?

industrial-organizational psychology

George sat next to Kiki in biology class every day. They often worked together on assignments. By the end of the semester, George became quite fond of Kiki. Which social psychological term best explains George's attraction to Kiki?

mere-exposure effect

Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural studies on attributional tendencies?

people in individualistic cultures are more likely to commit it (FAE) than people in collectivists cultures

Rosenthal & Jacobson's "Pygmalion in the Classroom" study showed that

people's expectations can influence the behavior of others

The tendency of people to look toward others for cues about the appropriate way to behave when confronted by an emergency is known as

pluralistic ignorance

Elena is presented with a list of 20 numbers. When asked to recall this list, she remembers more numbers from the beginning than from the end of the list. This phenomenon demonstrates which of the following types of effect?


According to Albert Bandura, people who believe that their control efforts will be successful and that they are in control of events have a high level of


A teacher who is mistakenly informed that a student is learning disabled begins to treat that student differently from others. The teacher does not call on the student in class or help her with challenging material. The student's grades gradually decline. This result is an example of

self-fulfulling prophecy

Ashley began her banking career as a teller, but she was quickly promoted to increasingly more responsible managerial positions. Despite the fact that she has very limited experience to justify her promotions, she believes that she has been successful because she is very talented. Which of the following explanations is Ashley using to justify her success?

self-serving bias

Marc performs poorly on a psychology exam and explains his failure by saying. "That test was so hard no one could pass it." This explanation illustrates

self-serving bias

When Stanley Milgram asked psychiatrists to predict how far participants would go in administering shocks in his original demonstrations of obedience to authority, the psychiatrists

significantly underestimated the level

Research findings in the area of interpersonal attraction indicate that individuals are most likely to be attracted to others who are

similar to them in attitudes in values

According to the theory of fundamental attribution error, when explaining the failures of others we usually underestimate the significance of

situational factors

In Phillip Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiment, young men were assigned roles as either guards or prisoners. The results showed that

situations can exert powerful effects on morality and identity

Jim is better at computer games when his friends are watching than when he plays alone. Researchers would explain Jim's behavior using which of the following theories?

social facilitation

Marissa is a good racquetball player whose performance seems to improve as the crowd watching her gets larger. Her change in performance is an example of

social facilitation

A club president discovers that contributions of club members drop when the total contributions of all members is published rather than the contributions of individuals. This drop can be explained by the phenomenon of

social loafing

Which of the following regularities in behavior can most likely be accounted for by the existence of a group norm?

students tend to use less profanity with adults than they do with peers

In Milgram's study, the dependent variable was

the highest level of shock supposedly administered

The term polarization refers to the tendency for

the prevailing opinion within a group to become more extreme after discussion

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