socio final

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2010, women earned ____ % of graduate degrees


Amy and Raymond live together in an intimate relationship without legal or religious sanctioning. this arrangement is known by sociologist as:

belief that spirits are present in the natural world' Totemism and Shamanism

Animism is the _______; examples of it are _____________


Buddhists adhere a certain principles to lead moral lives


Christianity is considered a(n) ___________ religion


Durkheim felt that one of the major functions of religion was that it perpetuates:

adherence to ethical principles in order to live a moral life; Taoism and Buddhism

Ethicalism is the ________; examples of it are _____________

marrying someone who diverges a great deal from our age, race, social class, and religion is often met with overt or subtle disapproval from others

In much of the Western world, the choice of a marriage partner tends to be influenced by age, education, class, race, and religion. which of the following explains this tendency?

religion pacifies people with promises of rewards in the afterlife; therefore, they do not challenge the subjugating, exploitative social conditions in this life

Karl Marx referred to religion as the opium of the mass. By this, he meant which of the following statements?


The second-largest religion in the world and in the US

functionally illiterate

William, a 17 year old high school student, chooses products in the grocery store by looking at the pictures on the label of the goods on the shelves because he cannot read many of the words. William would be considered:


a family consisting of a mother, a father, and their biological children is known as a _______ family

social interaction; collective realities

according to Durkheim, religion is created by _________, and religious expressions represent _________

decrease black and hispanic admission acceptance rates by one-half of two thirds

according to Espenshade and Chung (2005), eliminating affirmative action programs would do which of the following?

$0.77 c

according to data in chapter 12, US women earn about how much for every dollar earned by US men?

provides a good testing ground for marriage and curtails divorce

according to the text's discussion, cohabitation:

believe that the Bible should be taken literally, evangelicals do not

according to the textbook, difference between Evangelical Protestants and Fundamentalist Christians is that fundamentalists:


according to your text, approximately ___ percent of the nation's population 16 years and older is functionally illiterate

more religious

as people age, they become:

the processes through which academic, social and cultural ideas and tools - both general and specific - are developed

broadly defined, education is:


calvinists believed that their souls were selected for salvation before birth. this is known as:

blended family

cole's parents divorced when he was 6, but now both of them are remarried. he has 2 stepsisters on his mother's side and a new stepbrother on his father's side. these families are examples of which of the following type of family?

social sciences, law, and humanities; natural, physical, and engineering sciences

college faculty members in the _______ are much more likely to belong to church and express religious commitment than are faculty in the ____________

girls and boys score about the same in national math tests

contrary to popular belief:

social class-based skills and resources that people inherit and can use to their advantage

cultural capital refers to:

a set of shared stories, beliefs, and practices about sacred things that guide beliefs and behaviors

defined broadly, religion is:


formal or informal rules that require a person to marry outside of the group he or she belongs to are called:


grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who live together in a multigenerational household are considered a(n) ____________ family


in some rural areas of Asia, women can have several husbands at one time. this practice is known as:

the traditional family is universal cross-culturally

in terms of cross-culturally family forms, which of the following statements is true?

she felt that if she had only worked harder she would have been able to get by

journalist barbara ethrenreich traveled around the country to study firsthand what is was like to get by working low-wage jobs. all of the following are true about her experiences EXCEPT:

human capital

knowledge and skills that make someone more productive and bankable are known as:

facing ostracism from within one's tightly knit community

marriages that cross racial and ethnic lines have become more common in the US, although most US marriages are still racially and ethnically endogamous. what factors might. discourage exogamy?

part of everyday life

objects and behaviors that are profane are:

how gender roles are learned at home

on most weekends you can find the Smith, who have one son and two daughter, doing their assigned chores around the house. Typically, the son mows the lawn and helps his dad with automobile maintenance, while the girls help clean the house and prepare the meals. this distribution of chores reflects:

to socialize them to become civilized americans

one of the major reasons native americans were placed in boarding schools for 60 years was:

tend to have jobs that require them to be obedient and they want their children to learn this

one of the major reasons that lower-status parents use more directives and teach their children to be obedient than inquisitive is that they:

a social institution that strategies students based on the characteristics of their backgrounds even though it is intended to provide equal opportunity

paradox of the American education system is that education is:

growing acceptance of exogamy

recent trends in marriages between ppl from different races or ethnic group indicate a:

the symbolic meaning created from the collective investment of community

sacred things can include books, building, days, and places. from a sociological standpoint, the sacredness comes from:

the transformation of a society away form religion and toward a separation of religious and social institutions such as politics, and economy, and the family

secularization is:

the collection of relationships that can facilitate the actions and behaviors of others

social capital is:

cult of domesticity

sociologist Arlie Hochschild (1980) has found that many women who would traditionally be expected to take care of the home and children also try to have a career. she calls this the:


sociologist barbara risman calls families in which both men and women genuinely share the paid and unpaid labor equally ________ families


some people may have several spouses over their lifetimes, but in the United States they are legally allowed only one at a time. this legal institution is known as:


some societies allow a person to have several spouses at the same time in an arrangement known as:

it separated work and home and created new roles for men and women

structural changes brought on by the industrial revolution had major consequences for families. one of the primary mechanisms that explains these consequences?

second shift

the domestic duties that still fall disproportionately on working women's shoulders are labeled by Hochschild (1989) as the:


the trend in industrial nations toward a separation btwn church and state, a belief in rationality and science, and the movement away from religiosity and spiritual belief is known as:

worship of god or gods, Hinduism and Islam

theism is the _______; examples of it include ___________..


there have been a greater number of _________ presidents of the US than of any other denomination of Christianity

short, frank church services that last 50 minutes or less

to what does the so-called drive-through church refer?

their parents are better able to obtain help for them, as in SAT prep courses and extra tutoring if they are doing poorly in school

what might be a reason that upper-status students score higher on SATs?

Brown vs. Board of Education

what was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of american schools?

the cult of domesticity

what was the notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibilities and child rearing is known as:

if a parent has confidence in social settings, he or she may be better able to advocate for children in front of the social board or at parent-teacher meetings

which embodied cultural capital that parents have may work with institutional cultural capital. which of the following illustrates this?


which nation practices a rigid adherence to endogamy?

husbands and wives were partners, not only in making a home but also in making a living

which of the following characterized the preindustrial family?

a religious body that coexists with its surroundings with little tension

which of the following defines a church?

an increase in real wages

which of the following factors contributed to the development of the ideal of the traditional family (male breadwinner and female homemaker) in post-world war II America?

students have been in small classes are less likely to have discipline problems when they are subsequently placed in regular-sized classes

which of the following is NOT a finding of research examining the effects of class size on educational achievement?

determining which religions possess and profess absolute truths

which of the following is NOT a way that sociologists study religion?

tracking benefits children with less advantaged backgrounds, but only if their parents can advocate on their behalf to get them into college-preparatory tracks

which of the following is NOT an argument AGAINST tracking in schools?

systems of tracking socialized students to the inequalities they will encounter in american society

which of the following is NOT an argument in support of tracking schools?

schools are the one place where all children, despite their family background, can move up in the year

which of the following is NOT an argument that would be made by a conflict theorist?

religion can justify unequal and unfair differences between groups in society

which of the following is a negative social function of religion?

they are on the rise in the US and worldwide

which of the following is true regarding single-parent families in the US and worldwide?

a tendency among teens to participate in multiple congregations in order to explore the market

which of the following reflects the growing trend of buy and return activity, or religious shopping, in reference to faith?

the traditional family was unique to a particular time in history (1950s) and can really be viewed as an aberration

which of the following statements most accurately describes the notion of traditional family (stay-at-home mom and working father) in U.S. history?

the proportion of women who choose not have children is on the rise

which of the following trends is true in the western world today?


which of the following was NOT a social resource of black church communities that Dr. Martin Luther King, Js., was able to draw upon?

how are religious beliefs patterned by social forces?

which question is a sociologist of religion most likely to ask?

when social class characteristics are controlled for, test score gaps btwn black and white students shrink, black students have a higher high school graduation rate, and black students are less likely to be held back a grade

with regard to research on the effects of race and social class on education outcomes, which of the following is true?

the leisure gap

working wives generally get less leisure time than their husbands. this is known as:

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