Sociology 2

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conflict theorists feel the answer to racism lies in the implementation of assimilation


in general women may have a wage gap in some areas of the US marketplace, but there is no wage gap in American culture


social scientists believe that gender differences are due to biological differences


The original poverty threshold was based on the cost of _____.


According to the _______ perspective, assimilation is the solution to the differences between racial and ethnic groups.


Theorists from the _____ perspective argue that only the most qualified should fill the important jobs in society and be rewarded for their talent and skills.


sociological perspective that supports the concept of institutionalized heterosexuality-- set of ideas, institutions, and relationships that desire the heterosexual family as the societal norm


Wealth provides access to key social and cultural capital, which of the following does NOT apply to this access?

good health

The top 10% of earners, in 2012, took home more than _____ of the United States total personal income---the highest recorded level ever.


Poor households are likely to have _____ food prices as compared to the national average.


a women is ________ if she has exclusive emotional sexual relationships with persons of the same sex


workplace sex segregation types that were specifically mentioned in the text, lecture, and discussion

horizontal and vertical

In regards to poverty, Interactionists focus on:

how poverty is learned and public's perception of welfare and its recipients.

The gap between the richest and poorest Americans has _____ over the last two decades.


public opinion poll by gallup org. in 2010 revealed that support for gay rights in the last three decades has


Believes that race is a social construct that we learn through our social institutions


Studies that have traced people who have left welfare over a long period of time indicate _____ earning growth after leaving welfare.

no significant

In 2011 the U.S. Census released what to look at with the poverty issue according to geographic differences?

supplemental poverty measure

according to conflict and feminist perspectives, women's subordinate position in society is linked to:

their relationship to the means of production

if an individual is born a biological male, but identities as a female, then based only on this provided information, this individual is considered


Anna Leon-Guerrero reports that a lot of prejudice and discrimination practices towards homosexuals are a direct result of formal laws


As of 2002, _______ Americans were the nation's largest minority group.


_______ has come to symbolize the pursuit of individual rights and self-identification for gay and lesbian persons

"coming out"

Which of the following federal acts is dubbed "The center piece of the social welfare system?"

social security act

there has been ______ waves to the US feminist movement


In 2012, the upper ______ of Americans personal income was 22.5% of the total personal income of the entire U.S. population.


How many States in the U.S. have cut their welfare rolls 10% or more since 2007 by reducing welfare?


Approximately _____ of U.S. households were "food insecure" sometime during 2010 (17.2 million Americans).


the US feminist movement began in


the social security act was passed in


Defense of marriage act was passed in


Families that left welfare between _____ were more likely to report difficulty in paying a mortgage, rent, or utility than families leaving between _____.

1997 and 1999; 1995 and 1997.

US president signed the Mychal Judge Act that allows federal death benefits to be paid to the same-sex partners of firefighters and police officers who die in the line of duty

George W. Bush

Since the Pew Research Center first starting collecting data on economic progress, they have found (2008-2011) that most Americans feel less economic progress in their lives now than any time in the last _____ years.


Under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) welfare program, there is a federal lifetime limit of _____ of assistance, though states may put shorter limits on benefits (2012-experimental program for states).

60 months

What percentage of Americans believe that there is a strong or very strong conflict between the poor and the wealthy in our country?


on average, working women earn _______ cents for every dollar working men earn.


heterosexual marriage in the US grants approximately _________ federal benefits, ranging from the right to sue based on wrongful death of a partner , access to employment based on health benefits, and the ability to make medical decisions on behalf of a partner

8,000 direct and indirect

inaccurate concerning affirmative action

Affirmative action applies only to african-americans

marger (2008) reports that regardless of their level of technological development or complexity of their social structure, ________ society has some form of gender inequality.


All but which of the following reasons were cited for the decline in welfare caseloads?

An increase in bureaucratic paperwork required to apply for and receive welfare benefits.

Significant social welfare reform, implementing strict work requirements and time limitations, was signed into law by _____ in the _____.

Bill Clinton; Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.

US supreme court ______ overturned sodomy laws in the US and did so in ________

Has, 2003

_________ theorists focus on how the dynamics of racial and ethnic relations divides groups while maintaining a dominant group.


The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2001, released its "Child well-being in rich countries" report identifying the percentage of children that receive national funding and regulating early childhood education and care. What four countries head that list of childhood support?

Denmark, Finland, France, and Sweden.

The poverty guidelines are issued each year by the _____ and are used for determining family or individual eligibility for federal programs.

Department of health and human services

_________ is the belief that one's own group values and behaviors are not only right, but superior to others.


______ refers to the practice of prohibiting or restricting the entry or participation of groups in society. _______ refers to the physical and social separation of ethnic or racial groups. _____ refers to the removal of a group due to a direct force or intimidation.

Exclusion, segregation, expulsion

sex refers to _______ while gender refers to ________

Fixed physiological characteristics; learned social and cultural characteristics

theoretical perspective that argues gender inequality is inevitable due to biological division of labor in the household which is necessary to establish role differentiation in the family


According to the 2012 state map presented in the textbook (4th Ed.), _____ had the highest rate of poverty, while _____ had the lowest poverty rate.

Louisiana, New Hampshire

_____ used the term life chances to describe the consequences of social stratification on one's life.

Max Weber

in 2000, _____ was the first state to recognize civil unions while in 2004, ______ became the first state to legalize same - sex marriage.

Vermont, Massachusetts

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC):

Was replaced in 1996 with the PRWORA

Under Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, assistance was provided for all but which of the following?

specific relief

Put the following regions of the country in order from the highest poverty rate to the lowest poverty rate: Midwest; Northeast; South; and West.

South, West, Midwest, Northeast.

Social stratification refers to:

The ranking of individuals into social strata or groups.

Define the following terms in the order presented. ______ refers to a lack of basic necessities such as food, shelter, and income. _____refers to a situation where people are falling behind the average income or life style enjoyed by the rest of society. _____ refers to the original federal poverty measure developed by the Social Security Administration and updated each year by the U. S. Census Bureau. _____ refers to criteria used for determining family or individual eligibility for federal programs such as Head Start.

a. Absolute poverty; Relative poverty; Poverty threshold; Poverty guidelines.

_____ poverty refers to a lack of basic necessities, such as food, shelter, and income.


As household income increases, so does the likelihood of which of the following?

access to healthcare coverage

Discrimination refers to a(n) _____, while prejudice refers to a(n) _____.

act; negative attitude

All but which of the following are programs resulting from Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?


confirmation of a genetic link to sexual orientation has ____

been found through identical and fraternal twins

researchers exploring the ______ basis of sexual orientation have considered two theoretical approaches: neurohormonal theory and behavioral genetics


According to the 2012 poverty figures, _____ compose the largest group of poor individuals in the United States.


Which of the following racial/ethnic groups have the highest poverty rate proportional to their group?


Manning Marable (2000) argues that _____ is fraud because while it promotes the idea that everyone has a fair and equal chance to succeed, advantages are given to members of particular groups based on their gender, race, or social class.


According to recent research, _____ are more likely to live in poverty than Americans in any other age group.


Which of the following sociological theoretical perspectives would support the following statement? "During periods of economic crisis, the state expands welfare rolls to pacify the poor and reduce the likelihood of serious uprising. However, during economic growth and stability, the state attempts to reduce the amount of people on welfare, forcing the poor or dislocated worker back into the expanding labor force."


theories that purport our social and political structures and are created to maintain the dominance of men

conflict & feminist

social scientists reject the biological notions of race, instead favoring an approach that treats race as a


ethnicity refer to one's _______, while race refers to one's ________.

cultural traits; genetic characteristics

the reaffirmation of heterosexuality as the moral standard is the basis of what

culture wars

Which of the following dimensions of diversity is not classified as a primary characteristic according to Loden and Rosener (1991)?

educational attainment

________ refers to a system where men are dominant over women


As mentioned in the textbook reading and lecture, poverty rates vary across geographic (regional) areas because of differences in _____-specific and _____-specific characteristics.


_____ poverty refers to a situation where people are falling behind from the average income or life style enjoyed by the rest of society.


women have transitioned from a housekeeper role to a dual role of earner and caregiver, as men's involvement in domestic work:

remains low

________ is defined as the classification of individuals according to their preference for emotional - sexual relationship

sexual orientation

according to interactionist perspective, we learn about racial and ethnic categories of white, black, latino, asian, and native american through our social interactions.


beginning with the 2010 census, a same-sex couple could select between two options to indicate their relationship status: "husband and wife" or "unmarried partners"


feminist theory intersects with multiculturalism through the analysis of multiple systems of oppression, not just gender, but including categories of race, class, sexual orientation, nation of origin, language, culture, and ethnicity.


functionalists assume that not everyone in society can and should be equal


functionalists may argue that it is appropriate for men, and not women, to pursue political office because it is more practical or natural for men to be in leadership positions.


gender serves to legitimize certain activities and ways of thinking over others which ultimately grants privilege to one group over another


horizontal segregation refers to the separation of women into non-manual labor and men into manual labor sectors


in 2007, the US supreme court ruled that employees could not challenge ongoing compensation discrimination if the employer's original discriminatory act or decision occurred more than 5 years earlier


occupational sex segregation is a worldwide phenomenon


rates of mental health problems are higher among homosexual men and women due in part to the social discrimination and cultural stigmatization they experience


review of existing studies on workplace discrimination reveals that somewhere between one quarter and two thirds of GLB people report losing their jobs, or missing promotions because of their sexual orientation


Protections against public and private workplace discrimination because of one's sexual orientation exist in _______ states & approximately _________ percent of fortune 500 companies have anti discrimination policies protecting gay employees


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