sociology 4

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"proper" one on one marriage (husband/wife)

reproduction/social placement

(fatherhood) men need women to make children and vice versa-women are needed to raise family (nurturing)

transmission of skill, knowledge, values

-students learn to read, write, do arithmetic-taught by experts -about larger world -or larger society


_% of US is religious

conservative, liberal

__ highest group that go to church weekly: __ lowest group

affection/emotional support

all need to be loved/cared for by somebody-family provides that love, care, etc


among sects-belief that a holy book is the divine word of God and everything in it is to be taken literally-try to follow whatever is in the book

feminist theories

argue that inequalities exist bc of family>say perception of women is from marriage/family

principle of legitimacy

back then: kids born without father considered illegitimate-needed a legit father to act as protector/guardian/rep in society

single parent families

becoming a norm-bc divorce or pregnancy out of wedlock


belief in more than one god-hinduism believes cows/elephants sign of god-special god for each village/caste


belief in one God-single-most religious (protestant, catholic,judaism,islam)

second shift

book where sociologists came to conclusion that women have to work outside the house longer,but still works when she gets home

dual owning family

both spouses may be in labor force,but one of them may be willing to quit for the other

difficult to define

can not cover entire range of family in every society-all depends on who you ask/when/where

downward extension

children live with you

prolonged adolescence

children relieved of work roles for long periods to acquire education


church and state separate: religion not taught but evolution is (hypothesis not proven)


church/set continuum and social class effected by religion


conventional-established religious groups of particular type of religion-most mainstream group-stable membership (catholic, protestant)

secular humanism

creationism can be taught in schools

social change

criticize injustices-religion does change society (MLK Jr. used religious values to change society)

status quo

current status- religion helps to maintain inequality that can be based on class, race, gender

need for faith, churches/religions

demand for religion= supply=

serial monogamy

divorce/widow-remarry-another one on one marriage


family goes through a process

social institution

family is area of society that takes care of our basic needs-interdependence-how family is affected by and affecting other institutions

honeymoon-preschool-child-gradeschool-teenagers-child leaves home-empty nest-retirement

family life cycle stages:depends on children's age

family of procreation

family you create (wife/husband, children)

symbolic interactionism

focus on process of gender role/after do something/not doing something over and over,pick up role/job/identity (kids see this)-doing your gender


focus on this world and worldly things (science, reasoning, technology) as distinguished by church, religious affairs, and faith-become less religious- many believe in this-its incorrect (no data to support)

social cohesion

get community aspect-not just for faith


gives significance to birth, adulthood, marriage, death

baby boom

golden age of family-result of low divorce rate-early marriage, and having many kids


group of kin united by blood, marriage, or adoption who shares a common residence for some part of their life and assume reciprocal rights and obligations with regard to one another

latent functions

hidden functions


high peak in WW11-low until mid 60s-rise until 1979-becoming decreasing

nonmartial cohabitation

homo & hetero couples-living together as couples without being married-do things very similar to married couples-happens more frequently now

single mothers

increase-caused by behavior in marriage

patrilineal descent

inherit from father's family-allegieance to father' kin

matrilineal descent

inherit from mother's family


institution that deals with transmission of skill/knowledge to members


less conventional-groups that are branched out of main church-were not satisfied, start separate-can become more mainstream (jehovahs witness)

purpose of life

life was empty before religion, needed religion to fill a void


look at families all over world and found that the particular family unit is __ recognized-we could not live without family

conflict theory perspective

looks at society and struggle of inside the home-its natural and result of struggle for power

teen birth rate

lowest ever-going down-all time low-2010 lowest ever

complimentary needs

making money and having children/cleaning house-mens pay is higher, so women do house work-diviso of labor by gender


marriage for convenience/told who to marry-affection may develop later-connection between two families or survival


marriage for love

sexual regulation

married couples make contract to only make love with each other-keeps society from going out o control


marry someone inside particular group-(age, race, religion, socioeconomic status)


marry someone outside group-(family, gender)

bi-lateral descent

means that we belong to both sides of the family


members of family extending further than nuclear family (gparents, aunts, cousins etc)

group marriage

more than one man, and more the one woman-doesnt work>jealousy and developing love for just one (commune)

religious pluralism

more variety of religious organizations is available, the more likely people belong to one of them


name in the US referring to a particular religious group

economic cooperation/support

need your family to survive (kids, sick, elderly) need help of family-cant survive alone

dual career families

not so much a variation-both spouses have established careers-harder to abandon one or the other

family of orientation

nuclear family born into (mother/father, brothers, sisters)

modified extended family structure

nuclear family household is norm & deal/maintain connections with our extended family quite often- (Thanksgiving, communication via telephone, email, social media)→ household important, but what we do everyday is also important- not necessarily an extended family household, not isolated with nuclear family

manifest functions

obvious functions-good stuff of religion-univeral, every society has religion-if its universal, there must be a function


one difference in extended households


one husband and more than one wife-(usually 4)-not based on sexual/romantic attraction-based on money/convenience/business


one woman,many men-bad because number of women who can reproduce decreases-small population until extinction-poor societies-uncommon

productive for society

our members become more productive when they are educated

upward extension

parents/ grandparents live with you


people can be killed because of their religious beliefs


people learn to become obedient because of teaching

social control

people listen to the leader of the churches-things are in order-reinforce social norms-sanctions for violations


people living in same place-clear and easy to measure

exchange theory

people weight rewards and costs in social interactions-sources unequal, one will be at disadvantage, other has power>need equality or one will leave

civil rights movement, new conservatism

politics and religion resulted in 2 things


promotion based on productivity


raise kids so they can survive/function as member of society-develop mentally,physically,socially healthy>also, husband and wife make each other better

martial status and marriage rate

rates are coming down slowly-low in 50s-relatiely higher than other countries in US


relates to family system-different groups worship different totems-family inherits certain "symbol"-very common in some places-poles


religion is often time a reason for this conflict

legitimization of inequalities

rich vs. poor, white vs. black

incest taboo

sexual relations with close relatives-wrong-rule in country=marry outside family & sex

horizontal extension

siblings live with you


smallest unit-husband, wife, kids (core)-dont have to have kids-any two or more persons related in some way that share residence


social institution that deals with the area of the life people believe is sacred-consists of people's beliefs, community of believers, and rituals or ceremonies

childless marriage

some are voluntary and some involuntary


some societies place more emphasis on one bloodline over other (inheritance on membership and properly into mothers/fathers/both families)-linage not important in US (determines surname-side children belong to)

martial satisfaction

starts high, drops down over time then peaks at end-U shape


state religion-dont have one in the US-seperation of church and state-many countries do have-a uniform set of beliefs-religion goes along with govt.

communist government

state tries to control religion (christianity banned in soviet union) know religion can be as strong driving force with govt.-religion and state


steady decrease-except in 50s-pretty low now-stay same-US rate is pretty high

life course approach

suggests families pass through life cycles-series of different responsibilities and tasks-each stage requires different interaction patterns, roles, and responsibilities


talk to god-one person/ 2 persons used as a middle man between god and normal people-transfer message-usually political leader

quiet revolution

term for women who became dissatisfied and quietly, they show their dissatisfaction-2/3 divorce initiated by women-has a lot to do with inequality


term we have to be careful with-"new religion"-normally deals with one person as a single leader-normally becomes problematic-calls for new,unique,unusual lifestyle-sucked in by peer pressure (recruited) result of conformity-hard to notice how ridiculous things are from inside-jim jones jonestown

communication and age

two major factors of divorce?

new behavior/knowledge

typing, power point, web, etc


very common belief in asia, africa, central am.-everything has a spirit-have to cherish and respect it-appreciate life/spirit it has-influence spirits with rituals/behaviors

functionalist theory

view of family that talks about complimentary needs-husband may be better at some things, wife better at other things-they both need each other and make up for weaknesses- income can play role


views religion as a way to control and is based on inequality- exploitations of poor by elite-make masses follow rules and accept their conditions


within religion, people can be separated based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. based on beliefs of that religion

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