Sociology Ch. 10-15

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The top 1 percent of adults in the world hold almost half of the world's wealth. At the other end, the bottom half holds only 1 percent of the world's wealth. To be in the top 10 percent of the world's wealthiest citizens, one must hold assets worth at least a. $4 million. b. $40,000. c. $4,000. d. $1 billion.


In the Moynihan report, The Negro Family, released in 1965, it was found that 25 percent of black wives outearned their husbands, leading the report to conclude that there was a "pathological" matriarchy. One of the chief conclusions that emerged from this report was that black women a. spent too much time away from home. b.were a reminder that women in general can be powerful and successful. c. were the fundamental cause of poverty. d.needed to be more feminine in order to be successful wives.

needed to be more feminine in order to be successful wives.

Which of the following statements about changes in the achievement gap between boys and girls during the past 30 years is true? a.Achievements among girls are better in math and reading, while boys from lower class backgrounds have improved in SAT scores overall. b.Achievements among girls have improved in many ways, while among boys from lower-class backgrounds they have worsened. c.Achievements among girls are now markedly better than boys from all backgrounds in most measures of educational achievement. d.Achievements among girls are now better in athletics due to the Title IX provisions.

Achievements among girls have improved in many ways, while among boys from lower-class backgrounds they have worsened

In the United States, the infant mortality rate is highest for which of the following groups? a. Latinos b. Asians and Pacific Islanders c. African Americans d. Native Americans

African Americans

In research by sociologists Kathryn Edin and Laura Lein, what did they find that contradicts the media myth of lazy welfare mothers? :a.Most single mothers do not seek job training that would allow them to get off welfare. b.It took as long as eight years for the welfare system to process a request to move off of welfare. c.Single mothers on welfare stayed only long enough to qualify for welfare-to-work programs. d. All single mothers prefer self-reliance to welfare.

All single mothers prefer self-reliance to welfare.

Jim Crow laws were racially based efforts to limit the participation of blacks in American society through segregation. Beginning in 1890, a "separate but equal" status took effect in all public facilities in the southern states. Why might we view this as a form of domination authority? a.The long legacy of slavery led blacks to accept the authority of whites without question. b. Legislation was enacted by all-white legislators. c.The laws pertained as much to economics as they did social status. d.An implicit threat of violence against blacks who defied the system undergirded it.

An implicit threat of violence against blacks who defied the system undergirded it.

Why did the changes brought about during the Industrial Revolution lead to the erosion of kinship networks? a.As children took up work in factories, they became less responsive to parental authority. b.Industrial processes brought greater efficiency to the family, which made it easier for members of the household to move away. c.Changes in both transportation and land availability made it easier for members of the extended family to move apart. d.As industry developed, farming and subsistence lifestyles declined because migration forced a restructuring of family units as men left to work in factories.

As industry developed, farming and subsistence lifestyles declined because migration forced a restructuring of family units as men left to work in factories

Suppose you are stopped for speeding and it turns out that the police officer is a friend from high school. He recognizes you but still gives you a ticket. In the realm of legal-rational authority, rules and procedures are central. The police officer's actions reflect what important facet of legal-rational authority? a. Authority is a matter of individual discretion. b. Authority is based on a group agreement. c. Authority is attached to roles, not individuals. d.Authority depends on the willingness of the individual to comply.

Authority is attached to roles, not individuals.

How did the barter system, which was part of the economic system before the twentieth century, contribute to the development of the corporation? a.Bartering left the holders of goods vulnerable to legal problems, which helped generate interest in corporations as a way to protect individuals and assets. b.Bartering as a system was not easily scaled to large numbers of people. c.Bartering was seen as a tax dodge and was therefore eliminated, forcing those who used the system to find other ways to exchange goods. d.Bartering was only viable in small villages, but in the context of large cities, the need for a monetary system emerged, leading to new institutional types.

Bartering was only viable in small villages, but in the context of large cities, the need for a monetary system emerged, leading to new institutional types.

What have studies shown about the overall health of black and white Americans with similar incomes and education levels? a.Blacks with higher income and a higher level of education have higher rates of heart disease and high cholesterol, while whites in the same category have higher rates of hypertension and respiratory disease. b.Blacks with lower income and lower education levels have higher rates of diabetes and obesity, while whites with lower income and a lower level of education have higher rates of lung cancer and a higher incidence of stroke. c.Blacks and whites with similar incomes and levels of education levels have similar health outcomes. d.Blacks have worse health than whites, regardless of income or education level.

Blacks have worse health than whites, regardless of income or education level.

What has research revealed about the effect of divorce on children? a.Divorce has different effects on different kids, even within a single family. b. Divorce does not harm children. c. Divorce is bad for children. d. Divorce is worse for boys than girls.

Divorce has different effects on different kids, even within a single family.

In his interview with Dalton Conley, Andrew Cherlin states that the most politically and religiously conservative states in the United States have the highest levels of divorce. How does he explain this seemingly contradictory finding? a.The average age of first marriage is younger in these states, which have higher odds of ending in divorce. b.Economic struggles, not personal values, may contribute to rocky marriages, and these states are relatively poor. c.Higher fertility levels in these states are associated with increased pressure on couples, which is detrimental to marriage. d.Divorce has only recently become socially acceptable in these states, leading to a sharp rise in divorce levels.

Economic struggles, not personal values, may contribute to rocky marriages, and these states are relatively poor.

In his interview with Dalton Conley, David Grusky explains why the notion of perverse incentives is outdated. Which of the following is an example of a perverse incentive? a.An elementary school teacher gives students candy for the correct answer even though this is forbidden by the school district. b.Entry to a special honors program is based solely on grades with no review of the types of classes students have taken, so some students take easier classes the semester before applying to boost their grade point average. c.A woman builds a fence around her property so her children won't kick their balls into the neighbor's yard, but after the fence has been built, the neighbor complains about the noise of the children's balls hitting the fence. d.People were so enthusiastic about Nintendo Wii when it was first released that accidents occurred as customers stormed store entrances to purchase it on the day of its release.

Entry to a special honors program is based solely on grades with no review of the types of classes students have taken, so some students take easier classes the semester before applying to boost their grade point average

In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on Poverty." This ambitious plan led to the creation of numerous agencies, some of which persist today. These include which of the following? a. Department of Labor and Peace Corps b.Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture c.Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Minority Health d. Head Start and College Work Study

Head Start and College Work

In the United States, the social security system is designed to assist people over the age of 65. In conjunction with the thesis of the logic of industrialism, why does this identify the United States as a welfare state? a.Industry cannot provide a guarantee of citizenship rights. b.Industry does not depend on the elderly for work, so the state takes care of them. c.Industry cannot provide food and shelter for the elderly. d.Industry may opt to recruit older workers into the workplace.

Industry does not depend on the elderly for work, so the state takes care of them.

How has the timing of the transition to a free-market economy been used to partially explain the great difference in inequality and poverty between the United States and other advanced democracies? a.Institutions that could better protect the weak or disadvantaged were more fully developed in countries that transitioned to a free-market economy later than the United States. b.Countries that transitioned to a free-market economy later than the United States usually had no history of feudalism. c.Countries that transitioned to a free-market economy later than the United States usually had a more centralized form of government that could impose very high taxes on citizens. d.Institutions that could better protect the weak or disadvantaged were more fully developed in countries that transitioned to a free-market economy sooner than the United States.

Institutions that could better protect the weak or disadvantaged were more fully developed in countries that transitioned to a free-market economy later than the United States.

How did the Ford Motor Company's introduction of the family wage help construct the idea of the traditional family? a.It encouraged men to marry and have children, as the wage was not available to single men or married men without children. b.It encouraged people to have large families because the more children a family had, the higher the wages they received. c.It encouraged formerly working wives to stay at home because the family wage was higher than if both the husband and wife worked for Ford. d.It encouraged all members of the family to join the workforce at Ford Motor Company.

It encouraged men to marry and have children, as the wage was not available to single men or married men without children.

Why has the idea of the "traditional family" helped social scientists better understand black families in America? a.Its identification with family characteristics found in the preindustrial period of America has helped us understand the consequences of slavery more effectively. b.Its identification as a specific historical phenomenon that has rarely applied to black families helps us better understand the unique characteristics in a less judgmental way. c.Its identification as a universal aspect of human behavior has helped us understand the relationship between different ethnic groups more effectively. d.Its applicability to both black and Latino families has helped social scientists better understand both these groups in a less judgmental manner.

Its identification as a specific historical phenomenon that has rarely applied to black families helps us better understand the unique characteristics in a less judgmental way.

Think for a moment about the story in the text of Marlin, how his life turned out, and how he wound up where he is today. Based on all you have read about him throughout the entire chapter, which of the following seems the best explanation for his life and his story? a.Marlin's father was never in the picture, which had a negative impact on his life. b.Marlin's mother suffered from many problems herself, which led to a detrimental outcome for Marlin. c.Low income, unstable employment, and lack of resources affected Marlin's mother, which in turn affected Marlin. d.Poor nutrition, lack of medical care, and unsafe environments directly affected Marlin.

Marlin's mother suffered from many problems herself, which led to a detrimental outcome for Marlin.

Which of the following scenarios represents a common gender imbalance of domestic chores in the United States? a.Amy does most of the laundry, cleaning, and gardening; Lucas does most of the cooking and usually walks and feeds the dogs. b.Kimya is primarily responsible for the children as well as cooking and cleaning during the week; Pablo takes on all those responsibilities on the weekends. c.Marta does most of the grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry; James mows the lawn, makes chili on special occasions, and cleans the garage twice a year. d.Chandra does most of the cooking and cleaning; Shawn usually picks the kids up from school and helps them with homework.

Marta does most of the grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry; James mows the lawn, makes chili on special occasions, and cleans the garage twice a year.

As defined by __________, the state is "a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical forcewithin a given territory." a. Adam Smith b. Max Weber c. John Locke d. Thomas Hobbes

Max Weber

Which of the following is an accepted explanation for higher mortality rates among men? a.Even among men and women with similarly stressful jobs, men tend to cope by eating, smoking, and drinking, while women are more likely to exercise to deal with the stress. b.Men are less likely than women to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan. c.Men are genetically predisposed to develop forms of cancer that are more likely to lead to death. d.Men are less likely than women to see a doctor for seemingly minor illnesses or injuries that can become more serious if not treated.

Men are less likely than women to see a doctor for seemingly minor illnesses or injuries that can become more serious if not treated

The achievement gap between black and white students decreases significantly when students from similar socioeconomic background are compared. What does this tell us about the connection between race, class, and educational outcomes? a.Much of the achievement gap can be attributed to race. b.Much of the achievement gap can be attributed to class. c.Neither race nor class is a good predictor of educational outcomes. d.Race and class are equally good predictors of educational outcomes.

Much of the achievement gap can be attributed to class.

Students' socioeconomic status (SES) reflects parental level of education, employment, and assets, and is a big factor in their educational opportunity and success. What is one nonfinancial boost that parents can provide a student planning to attend college? a.Parents living in remote, rural areas are more likely to expend greater effort to get their child to school. b.Parents may invest in specialized after-school programs for their children. c.Parents often depend on existing special education programs to ensure that their child is given the same opportunities as other children. d.Parents with more education can help with a child's more challenging homework.

Parents with more education can help with a child's more challenging homework.

How has the Internet affected the doctor-patient relationship? a.Confidentiality rules make less information for patients available online. b.Patients can research their symptoms prior to meeting with a physician and may (or may not) speak more knowledgeably about their condition and possible treatments. c.Patients have less need to see physicians in person because they can research their condition and possible treatments and request treatment online. d.Patients refuse to participate in "virtual visits," which involve connecting with doctors online to ask questions.

Patients can research their symptoms prior to meeting with a physician and may (or may not) speak more knowledgeably about their condition and possible treatments.

What might be the reason why gay and lesbian couples spend twice as long doing domestic chores as their heterosexual equivalents? a.Both partners earn at similar levels in the labor market, so they act equally egalitarian at home. b.Same-sex couples do not have children in the same numbers as heterosexual couples, and therefore have more time to devote to domestic work. c.Same-sex couples see domestic work as legitimizing their households, which makes domestic work a validating activity. d.Same-sex couples with children must do twice as much to compensate for the lack of parenting skills.

Same-sex couples see domestic work as legitimizing their households, which makes domestic work a validating activity.

Family wealth means debt subtracted from salable assets. Given the prevalence of debt for those in poverty, what are the possible implications for inheritance for the children of impoverished parents? a.The debt is passed to the children, making debt heritable. b.The courts may excuse inheritors (the children) from any financial obligations incurred by the parents, meaning that poverty is not inevitably heritable. c.All assets owned by the deceased are used to pay off the debt, making the inheritance to the children of poor people low or nonexistent. d.Since people living in poverty rarely have salable assets such as a house, there is usually nothing to pass on to their children.

Since people living in poverty rarely have salable assets such as a house, there is usually nothing to pass on to their children.

Studies on student achievement have demonstrated that smaller class sizes benefit students significantly. What implications do these studies on smaller class size have? a.Smaller class sizes would mean that student achievement outcomes could be changed in spite of a lack of resources. b.Smaller class sizes meant that the original study was flawed and that the data could not be trusted. c.Smaller class sizes would mean that more resources, such as teachers, classrooms, books, and so forth, would be needed. d.Smaller class sizes would mean that fewer resources, such as teachers, classrooms, books, and so forth, would be needed.

Smaller class sizes would mean that more resources, such as teachers, classrooms, books, and so forth, would be needed.

What fundamental question about the nature of society was Adam Smith interested in that led him to reason out his ideas (as found in The Wealth of Nations) and lay the foundation for capitalism? a.Smith wondered how Marxist theory could possibly be successful. b.Smith wondered how societies could remain intact and avoid devolving into chaos. c.Smith wondered how societies could more rapidly transition to a full, free-market economy. d.Smith wondered why societies had abandoned the earlier, successful model of feudalism.

Smith wondered how societies could remain intact and avoid devolving into chaos

How does Taylorism (scientific management used to streamline mass production) resemble a bureaucracy? a.Both assembly lines and bureaucracies depend on hierarchies. b.Assembly lines and bureaucracies require workers to assume a fixed role. c.Routinization is found in assembly line work as well as bureaucracy. d.Specialization is a characteristic of both an assembly line and a bureaucracy.

Specialization is a characteristic of both an assembly line and a bureaucracy

According to William Julius Wilson, how do factors such as deindustrialization, globalization, suburbanization, and discrimination contribute to high rates of welfare-dependent, single-mother families? a.Such factors have contributed to a net shrinkage of the pool of employed, unincarcerated men, thus greatly limiting women's opportunity to find a stable life partner. b.Such factors have led to a decline in marriage rates for young men under thirty because they cannot afford to move out of their parents' house, which makes it more difficult to find a stable life partner. c.Such factors mean that low-income workers must take on two or more jobs to earn a living wage, which means that they spend all their time working and no longer participate in the community where they would be most likely to find a spouse. d.Such factors mean that many poor people travel further from their communities to find jobs, which creates tensions and stress that often destroy marriages and lead to men abandoning their families.

Such factors have contributed to a net shrinkage of the pool of employed, unincarcerated men, thus greatly limiting women's opportunity to find a stable life partner.

The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) involved a lengthy political battle between Congress and President Obama. How did the ACA represent a shift in the relationship between doctors and patients? \a. The ACA further reduced the power that doctors have. b.The ACA allowed millions of formerly uninsured people to choose any doctor they wanted. c.The ACA relied on the American Medical Association to empower doctors. d.The ACA gave health insurance companies less power and doctors more power.

The ACA further reduced the power that doctors have.

Same-sex marriage has been at the forefront of America's "culture wars" for over a decade. What progress preceded the Supreme Court's 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationally? a.The federal tax code allowed same-sex couples to file a joint return. b.A majority of Americans agreed that a heterosexual union need not define a family. c. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was struck down. d. A majority of states legalized same-sex marriage

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was struck down.

Which of the following is an example of hard power? a.The United States sent aid to victims of the 2005 tsunami in Southeast Asia. b.The New York Philharmonic Orchestra traveled to North Korea in February 2008 to perform a series of concerts and participate in workshops with North Korean musicians. c.A group of American filmmakers organized a film festival in Venezuela and offered winners the chance to study for one year in the United States. d.The United States enforced trade sanctions with North Korea.

The United States enforced trade sanctions with North Korea.

Why do many women often "bite the second shift bullet" when the threat of a divorce looms? a. The cost of childcare leads them to this decision. b.The anticipated financial cost of a divorce leads them to this decision. c. The threat of abuse forces them into this decision. d.The appeal of the "supermom" role leads them to make this choice.

The anticipated financial cost of a divorce leads them to this decision.

If success in the workplace typically requires learning on the job, why do Americans place so much emphasis on formal schooling? a.The expansion of the education system attracts people who want to remain or become members of the elite. b.The skills needed for particular jobs have increased, so people must study more in order to obtain them. c.Economic prosperity has allowed people to study more and delay entrance into the labor market. d.Employers want well-rounded employees who are versatile and can adapt to changing market conditions quickly.

The expansion of the education system attracts people who want to remain or become members of the elite.

According to the text, what is one way that wages were related to marriage in the early twentieth century? a.Married women who work have historically earned less than men or single working women. b.The family wage impelled women to stay married, even if their marriages were oppressive. c.Employers were able to use a spouse's salary as justification for withholding raises from married women. d.Due to having children, married women started their careers later than men or single women, leading to a wage gap.

The family wage impelled women to stay married, even if their marriages were oppressive.

Which of the following is a major critique of how the poverty line is calculated in the United States? a.The formula takes regional considerations into account, which creates inconsistencies. b.The formula does not reflect the fact that housing now takes up a much larger portion of family budgets. c.The formula only accounts for male earnings and not female earnings for a household. d.The formula includes income and assets, though it should only include income.

The formula does not reflect the fact that housing now takes up a much larger portion of family budgets.

Why did the negative income tax experiment lead to more women leaving their marriages? a.The guaranteed payment that people received through the program meant that many women were no longer financially dependent on a man. b.Two single people received a larger amount than a married couple, so the financial incentive motivated couples to split up to earn more money. c.People could make earnings from a low-wage job stretch further because they paid less income tax, making some women feel financially independent enough to leave their husbands. d.A larger percentage of men than women took their guaranteed payment and essentially "blew through it" quickly, so to have more control over their money, some women found it better to leave their husbands.

The guaranteed payment that people received through the program meant that many women were no longer financially dependent on a man.

In her interview with Dalton Conley, Nitsan Chorev discusses negotiating trade agreements that include both labor and the environment. Why might such negotiations impact climate change? a.The World Trade Organization (WTO) would gradually gain more credibility and power concerning the problem of how to address climate change. b.The improved wages from including labor in trade agreements worldwide would allow individuals to reduce overall consumption. c.All nations would begin to assume more responsibility for reducing emissions if trade agreements mandated this. d.The inclusion of environment in trade agreements could help bring more countries into the process of addressing climate change.

The inclusion of environment in trade agreements could help bring more countries into the process of addressing climate change.

What is the paradox of using antibiotics to fight bacterial infections? a.Antibiotics are very effective at fighting bacterial infections, but they can also trigger other illnesses in patients who use them. b.As antibiotics have become cheaper, pharmaceutical companies choose to focus on developing more profitable drugs, with an accompanying decrease in research and development for basic antibiotics. c.The increased use of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. d.As antibiotics have become more effective and available, their price has increased, making it more difficult for the people who need them most to obtain them.

The increased use of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

Height brings benefits to the tall, so we expect good things for the Dutch, who are now the tallest in the world. What is part of the reason why the United States lags behind in average height, despite the nation's general prosperity? a.Compared to Americans, Dutch people spend less money on junk food when they are rich. b.Shorter people in the United States lead unusually unhealthy lifestyles. c.The psychological stress induced in victims of the inequality present in the United States may exact a toll via stress reactions. d.Earning more money leads to poor health due to poor diet and exercise habits and excessive work among Americans.

The psychological stress induced in victims of the inequality present in the United States may exact a toll via stress reactions

Angelica, a working-class Latina student, is admitted to college due to her scholastic ability, but by the end of her sophomore year, she is in debt, so a well-meaning professor suggests she consider transferring to a cheaper school. How might this suggestion contribute to her sense of stereotype threat? :a.The question simply reinforced what Angelica already had come to learn about herself as being too poor to attend college. b.The question was based on the professor's own personal experience and not Angelica's. c.The question was premised on Angelica's ethnic identity rather than her scholastic abilities. d.The question presumed that Angelica was not smart enough to be a student at an elite university.

The question simply reinforced what Angelica already had come to learn about herself as being too poor to attend college.

Which of the following is partially responsible for the comparatively high levels of inequality found in the United States today? a.Political institutions in the United States have been able to protect the weak. b.The top-down nature of federal power makes a providing a comprehensive safety net impossible. c.There have been efforts to prevent blacks from political participation. d. A culture of state paternalism developed.

There have been efforts to prevent blacks from political participation

How did the development of licensing standards in the nineteenth century affect the medical profession? a.They made the medical profession more exclusive and gave doctors more economic power. b.They led to the emergence of more specialties and subspecialties in the field of medicine. c.They gave patients the power to hold doctors accountable for their actions through legal action. d.They led to an increase in demand for medical training as the profession became more appealing.

They made the medical profession more exclusive and gave doctors more economic power.

One of the trends in the current era of globalization is the establishment of trade agreements that a. focus on one category of goods. b. are bilateral. c. are multilateral. d. focus on jobs and not products.

are multilateral

In which of the following examples is coercion used? a.Your parents threaten to stop paying your car insurance if you get one more speeding ticket. b.An arrested drug dealer is offered a deal if she provides information on her supplier. c.After your neighbor's dog defecates on your steps for the third time in a week, you hang up a sign that says, "Please pick up after your pet." d.Your neighbor tells you that he's going to break down your door if you don't stop playing music so loudly.

Your neighbor tells you that he's going to break down your door if you don't stop playing music so loudly.

Josephine's parents divorced when she was five years old. By the time she was eight, both her parents had remarried and she had two stepsiblings on her father's side and a half-brother on her mother's side. Josephine's two new families are examples of what type of family? a. a blended family b. a kinship network c. an extended family d. a nuclear family

a blended family

Which of the following groups is most likely to have a collective action problem? a.a city trying to fight efforts by Walmart to build a new store b.a high school basketball team trying to raise money for new uniforms c.the members of a community garden fighting a city proposal that would close the garden d.the employees of an independently owned restaurant who want a wage increase

a city trying to fight efforts by Walmart to build a new store

In the United States, poverty is usually thought of as severe economic deprivation that prevents people from living with dignity. Despite decades of effort and billions of dollars, poverty in the United States continues unabated. Recent research suggests that poverty is a kind of proxy, or stand-in, for the a.underlying social disease of inequality and economic segregation. b.inability of the government to develop successful programs to halt poverty. c.failure of a capitalist market to provide food supply points in poor areas. d. failure of the tax code to fairly levy taxes on income.

a.underlying social disease of inequality and economic segregation.

Some theorists argue that there can never be an absolute definition of poverty. In fact, the text suggests that wealth actually creates poverty. In other words, poverty is a. contingent on family size. b. always relational. c. impossible to ever measure with certainty. d. based on the needs of individuals.

always relational.

According to Georg Simmel's view of monetary payment systems, which of the following people is in the best position? a. a union worker at a manufacturing plant b. a freelance journalist c. an accountant with a consulting firm d. an analyst for a federal government agency

an analyst for a federal government agency

How did social scientists in the 1960s view the strong role held by women in many African American families? an anomaly that was the result of increased job opportunities for black women after World War II a positive characteristic that ultimately would bring more balance to relationships and make African American families stronger a negative characteristic that served to emasculate black men and ultimately increase social problems in African American communities the inevitable result of years of poverty and discrimination that stripped black families of their husbands and fathers

as a negative characteristic that served to emasculate black men and ultimately increase social problems in African American communities

According to the theory of the bell curve, a theory developed by two academics, genes have a key impact on children's outcomes. This argument is an updated approach to the idea that the dominant factor in the creation and persistence of poverty is a. parenting. b. biology. c. education. d. socioeconomic status.


The text discusses two approaches to understanding why some states are more democratic than others. Moore suggests that the fate of each nation is determined by a struggle between different social classes. Acemoglu and Robinson, using game theory, suggest that citizens can induce change through the credible threat of revolution. The primary difference between these two approaches is Moore's emphasis on the a. poor. b. bourgeoisie. c. educated middle class. d. ruling elite.


In 1969, Charles Manson and his followers murdered Hollywood actress Sharon Tate and six other people. Manson's "family" was comprised primarily of women whom he had befriended during his travels. That his followers were so easily persuaded to commit violence is an example of a. absolute authority. b. traditional authority. c. legal-rational authority. d. charismatic authority.

charismatic authority

In her interview with Dalton Conley, Nitsan Chorev discusses the reasons why developing countries resist trade agreements that include labor and environmental protections. One reason is that a.labor and environmental regulations are often not valued in developing countries. many agreements, labor and environmental protections only apply to developing countries rather than all countries. labor in developing countries often is what gives them a comparative advantage. d.many leaders in developing countries claim that trade, labor, and environmental policies should be kept separate.

cheap labor in developing countries often is what gives them a comparative advantage.

The feudal system under the Tudors in England gradually removed the commons, an area formerly available to graze animals, which led to urban migrations and the wage system. This demise of the feudal system left a framework in place for one facet of our contemporary economic system, the a. social makeup of the elite. b. holding of private property. c. monarchy. d. class structure.

class structure

Which of the following is an example of a service sector job? a. installing cabinets in someone's home b. cleaning someone's home c. owning and running a bakery d. selling clothes

cleaning someone's home

Their ability to deal with bureaucracies and confidence in public social settings allow Liam's parents to be actively involved in his school's Parent Teacher Association. These traits are an example of a. credentialism. b. social capital. c. cultural capital. d. parents' desire for their children to succeed.

cultural capital.

In his interview with Dalton Conley, Mario Luis Small notes that the culture of poverty argument has been rejected empirically and theoretically due to its flaws. In its place, what does Small suggests as an explanatory tool in research about poverty? a. race b. urban poverty c. culture d. economics


Illegal work, multigenerational living arrangements, multifamily households, serial relationships in place of marriage, and swapping are part of the a. failure of government programs. b. culture of poverty. c. cycle of dependence. d. problem of unintended consequences.

culture of poverty

Unionization rates in the United States have __________ over the past 60 years, while recent studies show that __________ workers are interested in being part of a collective bargaining agreement. a. increased; fewer b. remained steady; more c. increased; even more d. declined; more

declined; more

One reason why intelligence quotient (IQ) tests correlate highly with academic performance is that the tests were a.developed to assess one kind of intelligence found in schools. b.developed to support the conclusions in The Bell Curve. c.developed to pinpoint social and economic differences. d.designed to compensate for differences in race and ethnicity.

developed to assess one kind of intelligence found in schools.

In What Money Can't Buy, sociologist Susan Mayer challenged the common assumption that poverty directly causes poor health, behavioral problems, and many other problems for children. Mayer's work clearly demonstrates how a.the welfare system encourages dependence on government handouts. b.documenting an association between two factors is different from showing causation. c.low-income neighborhoods are at the root of welfare dependence, crime, and divorce. d.many welfare recipients do not want to transition to work.

documenting an association between two factors is different from showing causation.

In the Moving to Opportunity study done as a follow-up on the Gautreax Assisted Housing Program, which of the following measures showed no improvement? a. happiness b. earnings c. truancy rates d. asthma rates


The text discusses the concept of the "second shift": the extra domestic duties that women do for the family, in addition to paid employment. Why have time-saving devices and products such as dishwashers and laundry machines not made men's housework contributions equal to women's housework? a.Technology advances have attempted to sell to men unsuccessfully, resulting in women "picking up the slack." b.Technology advances have raised the bar on levels of acceptable cleanliness, and domestic housework has long been seen as "women's work." c.Technology gains have been impressive, but the manufacturers of these products have not yet attained the level of sales that they desire. d.Technology advances have helped bring more women into the workforce, but have not made the kinds of gains hoped for.

echnology advances have raised the bar on levels of acceptable cleanliness, and domestic housework has long been seen as "women's work."

Affirmative action has been found to affect the makeup of the student body primarily at what type of U.S. colleges and universities? a. small private colleges b. community colleges c. elite institutions d. large public universities

elite institutions

In the last few decades, women's earning power has increased, yet they continue to do more domestic work than men. The text notes that when a woman's earnings surpass that of her husband's, the husband often quits doing housework. From a sociological perspective, we might attribute this to a.the fact that as their parents age, one of them must take on the responsibility of caring for them. b.changes in how employers provide benefits such as child care and time off to women. c.entrenched norms and values concerning masculinity and femininity. d.a perceived drop in the utility of the man in the household.

entrenched norms and values concerning masculinity and femininity

In the United States, the poverty line is established by a.estimating food costs based on meeting minimum nutritional requirements and assuming that the average family spends about one-third of their budget on food. b.estimating minimum food, housing, transportation, and health insurance costs for different types of families. c. looking at regional variances in income and cost of living. d.calculating the country's median income and then setting a percentage of that median income as the threshold by which poverty is measured.

estimating food costs based on meeting minimum nutritional requirements and assuming that the average family spends about one-third of their budget on food

In his interview with Dalton Conley, Matthew Desmond talks about the "Aspen effect," wherein people who work in fashionable places like Aspen, Colorado, are forced to commute long distances. But Desmond notes another factor that has a major impact: eviction. Families that cannot pay their rent must move and find a new place to live. The major challenge faced by those being evicted is that a.after moving due to eviction, the commute times become even longer. b. eviction takes a lot of money to fight in court. c. eviction forces families into bad neighborhoods. d.eviction is time-consuming and forces people to miss work.

eviction is time-consuming and forces people to miss work.

Talcott Parsons's claim that the nuclear family was necessary to modern industrial society because it fulfilled society's need for productive workers (men) and child rearers (women) is an example of a functionalist approach to sociology. The main problem with this idea is that the a.function of fulfilling a need for productive workers is not exclusively that of a single institution. b.entire idea of a productive worker in modern society is a fallacy. c.problem of how to fulfill the need for productive workers is more clearly understood as a symbolic process. d.function of fulfilling a need for productive workers is a matter of gender and not of family.

function of fulfilling a need for productive workers is not exclusively that of a single institution.

The number of high school and college graduates in the United States has significantly increased over the past century. Explaining this as a case of supply and demand in which a need for a more educated workforce encouraged more people to stay in school longer would be in line with a. conflict theory. b. Marxism. c. functionalist. d. symbolic interactionism.


Aisha is a successful television producer with two children, and is married to an attorney. She overhears a conversation at work about the dangers of bisphenol A (BPA) exposure from plastic bottles. She does some research on the Internet and contacts her family doctor with questions. Then she replaces her family's plastic cups and bottles with non-BPA products. The fact that after Aisha learned about the dangers, she could research the subject and take action to protect her family is an example of which interpretation of the theory that social position causes health outcomes? a. psychosocial interpretation b. fundamental causes interpretation c. materialist interpretation d. drift interpretation

fundamental causes interpretation

Studies show that a primary concern held by U.S. workers about unionizing is related to management hostility. In this age of technology, there's another consideration: employee monitoring. Underlying all this is the fear of a. the stress of the collective bargaining process. b. the unions themselves. c.a loss of market share and subsequent reduction in pay. d. getting fired.

getting fired

The Gautreaux Assisted Living Program in Chicago and the Moving to Opportunity study provided opportunities to explore a. the stress of moving on low-income families. b.the effects on families of living in a low-poverty versus a high-poverty neighborhood. c. regional differences in public housing programs. home ownership affects children's educational outcomes.

he effects on families of living in a low-poverty versus a high-poverty neighborhood

Paul is a father and a successful manager earning six figures. At age forty-eight, he is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Paul finds it increasingly difficult to do basic tasks such as driving, typing, and even walking. As his disease progresses, he is eventually terminated from his job, leaving him unemployed. Gradually, friends stop calling and party invitations taper off. Paul and his family have been "downgraded" in their socioeconomic status, arguably according to drift, the idea that a. one's social status determines health. b.differential access to a healthy life is the result of socioeconomic factors. c.the relationship between higher morbidity and income is spurious. d. health determines social position.

health determines social position.

The level of income inequality in the United States is a.about equal to income inequality in most other advanced democracies. b.higher than that of most other advanced democracies. c. higher than that of all other advanced democracies. d. lower than that of most other advanced democracies.

higher than that of all other advanced democracies.

The Tobachnik family has one son and two daughters. The son mows the lawn and takes out the garbage. The daughters do laundry, dust, vacuum, and clean up after meals. This distribution of the chores is an example of a.children bearing part of the burden of women's "second shift." b. the natural division of labor between boys and girls. c. how gender roles are learned at home. d.the importance of teaching children to share household management duties.

how gender roles are learned at home.

Celiac disease affects a moderate number of people worldwide. Gluten intolerance is claimed to be more widely spread and is more difficult to evaluate clinically. A recent clinical study found that even when subjects were given a strictly controlled placebo diet, they reported a worsening of the symptoms commonly reported by people complaining of gluten intolerance. This is an example of a. how a stigma can be attached to anyone. people learn the sick role and behave accordingly. c. the reactions of others to a chronic illness. d. the ease of diagnosing celiac disease.

how people learn the sick role and behave accordingly

The Milgram experiment shed light on people's a. cynicism toward authority figures in the field of science. b.inclination to obey an authority figure even when asked to do something unconscionable. c.ability to resist an authority figure when asked to do something unconscionable. d. reverence for charismatic authority figures.

inclination to obey an authority figure even when asked to do something unconscionable.

Suppose you are a freelance graphic designer, and you ask clients to pay you immediately online. One client insists on paying by check, a less immediate process. You start declining this client's projects in favor of clients who pay online. In Adam Smith's terms, your decision is based on finding an unacceptable level of __________ in the proposed exchange. a. inefficiency b. conflict c. liability d. inequality


At a store, you pay the cashier $20.00 for your $13.95 purchase. The cash register is malfunctioning, so the clerk calculates your change in his head. He gives you $5 and a nickel: a dollar short of the correct amount. You don't interpret the incident as getting deliberately shortchanged but rather as an example of the clerk's a. functional illiteracy. b. innumeracy. c. functional literacy. d. inability to cope with technology.


Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) were an early attempt to control health care costs. In this model, the provider (doctor) receives a capitation, which is a fee per person and not per treatment. The major shortcoming of this approach is that a.doctors may try to see a patient more often than necessary. b. the incentive is to avoid going to the doctor c. it still requires the patient to pay a fee. d. it may lead to undertreatment.

it may lead to undertreatment

Which of the following is an example of what sociologist Phillip Jackson called the "hidden curriculum" in schools? a.learning new expressions and clothing styles from peers b. learning how to read and write c.learning not to talk when the teacher or a classmate is talking d.learning alternative versions of accepted historical "truths"

learning not to talk when the teacher or a classmate is talking

What is rent seeking? a. manipulation to increase profits b. adding value to a company c. action taking prior to eviction d. comparing housing prices

manipulation to increase profits

Research shows that the closer in age siblings are, the more they compete for family resources, which a.positively impacts their educational outcomes, because competition motivates them. b.positively impacts their educational outcomes, because they learn to be self-reliant. c.negatively impacts their educational outcomes, because they tend to copy their siblings without developing independent reasoning. d.negatively impacts their educational outcomes, because they receive comparatively less attention.

negatively impacts their educational outcomes, because they receive comparatively less attention.

Which of the following factors played a role in the development of capitalism? a. new farming technologies b. increased centralization of capital c. an increase in the need for farmers d. a decrease in the value of land

new farming technologies

Why has the nation of Somalia offered a glaring exception to Weber's definition of a state? a.Somalia does not have a monopoly of the use of forcewithin its territory. b.No part of Somalia has democratically elected governments. c.Somalia is ruled by a collection of self-declared governments. d.Ruling factions in Somalia were not established through a revolution of the masses.

omalia does not have a monopoly of the use of forcewithin its territory.

Winona is picking up her children from day care. Her nine-hour minimum-wage shift as a temp leaves her exhausted. As she piles her two kids into the car, she loses her temper after one of them refuses to sit still for her to fasten the seatbelt. Winona's solution is to yell at the child until he does what she asks. A sociologist might say that Winona's situation is an example of the a. way wealth creates poverty. b. parenting stress hypothesis. c. absolute definition of poverty. d. worst form of child abuse.

parenting stress hypothesis.

Sorting students according to ability, also known as tracking, is controversial. In his interview with Dalton Conley, Stephen Morgan describes his work with non-Catholic students attending Catholic schools. He casts doubt on the benefits of tracking and instead suggests that a.non-Catholic students in a Catholic school are driven by ambition. b.parents in a Catholic school are more active in their participation and thus have a positive impact on student outcomes. c.parents' goals for their children may play a large part in their success. d.Catholic children are more likely to benefit from attending a Catholic school.

parents' goals for their children may play a large part in their success.

Studies show that when low-achieving students are placed in a class with mostly high-achieving students, their academic performance tends to improve. This is an example of the importance of a. peer-to-peer dynamics. b. the Pygmalion effect. c. hidden curriculum. d. ignoring tracking mandates.

peer-to-peer dynamics.

What is the "underemployment rate"? a. retired workers plus those actively looking for work b.people on long-term disability plus those actively looking for work c.people who have education beyond what they need for their present employment d.people not working full time who would like full-time work plus those actively looking for work

people not working full time who would like full-time work plus those actively looking for work

The investment firm Goldman Sachs was indirectly implicated in the events precipitating the 2008 financial crisis. Some have alleged that the firm's deep ties to the U.S. government made it possible to capitalize on gains using a. political arbitrage. b. price controls. c. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) monies. d. foreign spies.

political arbitrage

Sociologist T. H. Marshall defined three types of citizenship rights; a. social rights, political rights, and gender rights. b. political rights, social rights, and civil rights. c. civil rights, social rights, and family rights. d. civil rights, economic rights, and political rights.

political rights, social rights, and civil rights

The U.S. television show Sister Wives tells the true story of Kody Brown, a Utah man with four wives. Existing legal sanctions in the United States prohibit polygamy, including the type of polygamy that Brown practiced, which is referred to as a. polyandry. b. polygyny. c. polyamory. d. monogamy.


In the text, we read about Marlin, who was fed by food stamps, housed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and moved through the education system into prison. Marlin's life is a case study of the puzzle of whether a. poverty is the cause or the result of social problems. b. income is the primary cause of poverty. c. the poverty line is accurately measured. d.individuals provided for by so many institutions can be considered truly poor.

poverty is the cause or the result of social problems.

Having to wait after checking in for an appointment to see a doctor is evidence of the a. scarcity of doctors in the United States. b. problem of supplier-induced demand. c.individualized objectivity demonstrated by doctors. d. power and prestige of doctors in our society.

power and prestige of doctors in our society.

What factors, besides access to drug therapies, are key to fighting diseases in developing countries? a. increasing access to urban areas b. population control c. monetary support from financial institutions d. proper nutrition and clean water

proper nutrition and clean water

In her interview with Dalton Conley, Zephyr Teachout draws attention to the fact that elected officials spend a considerable amount of their time in office a. raising money for their campaigns.. b.engaging with their constituents to better understand problems they face. c.meeting with lobbyists and other special interest groups. d. enjoying leisure activities that don't benefit the public.

raising money for their campaigns

The Industrial Revolution had a dramatic effect on the division of labor between (white) men and women, changing the nature of gender roles and shifting kinship networks. This represents a major shift in the a. role of children in the family. b. realms of the public and private. c. importance of women in industry. d.increasing importance of wages as a marker of social importance.

realms of the public and private.

Suppose you believe your supervisor at work is jeopardizing a current project through incompetence, but you don't say anything because it won't improve anything and could result in you being removed from the project. This scenario is an example of which dimension of power, according to Steven Lukes's definition of the concept? a. fourth dimension b. second dimension c. first dimension d. third dimension

second dimension

Max Weber asserted that capitalism would not have arisen without the Protestant Reformation because theological insecurity and predestination a.challenged religious institutions, which then relinquished much of their economic power. b.undermined basic social tenets that had been foundations of earlier Western life. c.served, along with accounting advances, to make people see monetary fortune as a sign from God. d. led to the rise of a new class of entrepreneurs.

served, along with accounting advances, to make people see monetary fortune as a sign from God

What is one of the two strongest predictor of sibling-on-sibling violence? a. poverty b. fathers with short tempers c. single-parent households d. genetic factors

single-parent households

Researchers find that private Catholic schools are among the most successful in preparing students academically, particularly students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Several researchers attribute this to the beneficial connections made through the schools, an example of a. hidden curriculum. b. cultural capital. c. social capital. d. tracking.

social capital.

The importance of the Whitehall Study was to show that factors such as where a person lives, what a person does for a living, and how much money a person earns have a great influence on health. b.universal health care is a better predictor of positive health outcomes than socioeconomic status. networks predict health outcomes in both parents and their children. d.equal access to health care equalizes health outcomes for people of different socioeconomic backgrounds.

social factors such as where a person lives, what a person does for a living, and how much money a person earns have a great influence on health.

Following a friend's biopsy, which was benign, the doctor and the staff scheduled a few future appointments for her. Your friend tells you how difficult it was to try to stop what she called "auto-bookings." Within the medical profession, this approach to health care is common and refers to a. patient hysteria. b. continuity of care. c. managed care. d. supplier-induced demand.

supplier-induced demand.

The text recounts an example of classroom difficulties around discipline when students become rowdy and hard to manage. The teacher, Mr. Ortiz, uses classroom time to encourage students to insult one another. What kind of approach is Mr. Ortiz failing to use in this case? a. teaching methods aimed at the average student b. teaching methods tailored to a specific class c. teaching methods developed to replace tracking d.teaching methods that are supported by extensive research

teaching methods that are supported by extensive research

Leticia, a high school student who has been in remedial math classes for years, changes schools and is placed in a regular math class. Her new math teacher encourages Leticia and tells her she shows promise. In a few weeks, Leticia is surprised to find that she is doing well in the class. This scenario is an example of a. the Pygmalion effect. b. the hidden curriculum. c. using best practices. d. tracking.

the Pygmalion effect.

In his interview with Dalton Conley, Jeffrey Sachs explains that malaria has been a major cause of economic failure in Africa, but not in Asia. Morbidity is very high with malaria, thereby lowering productivity. One of the major reasons why malaria is a bigger problem in Africa than in Asia has to do with a.the failure of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to provide adequate antimalarial programs. b.the absence of a mixed animal-crop system, which makes the mosquitoes find a new target. c.the widespread corruption in African governments, which siphons money from health programs. d.the Vedic farming system, which was not able to succeed in Africa due to the prevalence of discriminatory attitudes against Hindus by African peoples.

the absence of a mixed animal-crop system, which makes the mosquitoes find a new target.

Suppose you have been invited to a big party by a good friend. When you text your friend to cancel, she issues a few veiled threats about how she might be getting too busy to hang out in the future. What is the difference between your friend's attempts to persuade you and what the text calls "domination by authority"? a. the absence of any willingness to obey on your part b. the absence of a threat of physical force from your friend c. her overt use of coercion d. her threat of physical harm

the absence of a threat of physical force from your friend

During World War II, the U.S. economy suffered. With imposed price and wage controls, employers were often not able to offer raises to employees who worked long hours at hard, sometimes hazardous, jobs. Instead, many companies began to offer free health care as a benefit. This is often cited as the origin of laws allowing individuals to deduct benefits from their taxes. b. safety monitoring in the workplace. c.laws preventing the government from imposing price controls.d. the employer-based health care system.

the employer-based health care system.

What educational issue does Kari Smith's forehead tattoo highlight? a. the boy crisis b. the reduction of class-based inequalities in schooling c.the uptick in the percentage of Americans with an undergraduate degree d. the general difficulty of paying for higher education

the general difficulty of paying for higher education

Which of the following is a professional norm for doctors? a.the level of education required to become a doctor and the high economic value of their services b. their ability to analyze medical data about patients c.the intimate but objective nature of their conversations with patients d.their social prestige and respectability within a community

the intimate but objective nature of their conversations with patients

According to Marx, capitalism is doomed to fail because of a self-made crisis of overproduction, leading to goods becoming unaffordable to workers. This in turn gives rise to socialism. The fundamental mechanism of distribution differing between these systems is a. the church. b. the market. c. the government. d. politics.

the market.

The divorce rate in the United States rose steadily since the nineteenth century. In his interview with Dalton Conley, Andrew Cherlin suggests that one of the primary reasons for this paradox of the increasing divorce rate at the same time the "love of marriage" persists is due to a. the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s. b. increased poverty in many states. c.the pervasive idea of individualism that has flourished in America since the Colonial period. d. dramatic shifts in our economy since the 1900s.

the pervasive idea of individualism that has flourished in America since the Colonial period

Studies have shown that students in private schools outperform students in public schools. In his interview with Dalton Conley, Shamus Khan talks about St. Paul's School. Khan notes that students attending essentially convert their "birthright into credentials." What important aspect of education in the United States is reflected in his comments? a. the difficulty of removing the elite from schools b.the difficulty of balancing equal opportunity with wealth c.the problem of addressing family stability in America d. the problem of addressing inequality in schools

the problem of addressing inequality in schools

According to Karl Marx, workers in a capitalist economy are alienated from the products they produce because a.the worker has a nonspecialized skill that is difficult to transfer to other jobs. b.the worker has no choice about participation in the production process itself. c.the production process is distributed among many different people. d.they have a limited part in conceptualizing those products.

the production process is distributed among many different people

Julia is the fourth of five children. When she started college, her parents told her she would have to get a job to help pay for her education. Julia's parents are an example of a. savvy responders to a failed education system. b.the inevitable response of families on the welfare system. c. poor family planning. d. the resource dilution model.

the resource dilution model.

It was not until 1967 that black-white marriage was legalized in the United States as a result of the case of Loving v. Virginia. For many people, that couple's union represented a violation of social norms because a.they were social equivalents with very different backgrounds. b.there were clear social sanctions that they chose to ignore. c.they were from very different socioeconomic backgrounds. d. they married outside their group.

they married outside their group.

According to Milton Friedman, what is a corporation's sole social responsibility? a. to ward off foreign competitors b. to increase its profits through legal means c. to protect the environment d. to create jobs

to increase its profits through legal means

What might be one of the reasons for the College Board, the organization that administers the SAT, to continue to advance the merits of the test despite the fact that studies have not found it to be a useful? create a simulation system that lets college-bound seniors know what to expect. b. to maintain the profitability of their business ensure that all high school students have a fair shake at college success. enable colleges and universities to select from the best of the best

to maintain the profitability of their business

Think about the last time you shared a holiday dinner with your family. Many holiday dishes are served year after year. What kind of authority might be displayed through these dishes and other practices at the holiday meal? a. charismatic authority b. legal-rational authority c. traditional authority d. bureaucratic authority

traditional authority

Which of the following is an example of medicalization? a. increasing requirements for medical degrees increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of diseases from overprescribing antibiotics c. viewing drug addiction as a disease that can be treated d.decreased rates of elective cesarean sections in the United States

viewing drug addiction as a disease that can be treated

In 2011, an Occupy Movement demonstration took place at the University of California at Berkeley. Demonstrators set up tents in a campus plaza and police used riot batons to force the protestors to disperse. The campus community passed a resolution condemning the police actions. Is this an example of the paradox of authority, and if so, in what way? a.yes, because the demonstrators used physical violence and lost their authority, because the demonstrators failed to usurp the police authority when they used resistance tactics, because the police used force only to apply the laws to the demonstrators d.yes, because the police department used physical force to enforce its will and lost its legitimate authority

yes, because the police department used physical force to enforce its will and lost its legitimate authority

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