Sociology Exam 2, Interaction, Deviance and Global Inequality Chapters-4,6,8

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give examples of a response cry

"Excuse me" "ow" "I'm ok"

Where are the vast majority of emerging economies found?


Food production in the world doubled between 1965 and 1999, and yet malnutrition and starvation persist. One reason for this continues to be the case is that

the food production itself is not evenly distributed worldwide

describe several ways in which individual communicate their emotions to one another

we use facial expressions to convey emotions ex: simile when engaged in pleasure activities, raise eyebrows in surprise when smelling and unfamiliar smells, frowned when we don't like something and many more gestures=people nod in some cultures and in other cultures shake their head to mean no, a straightened forefinger placed in the center of the check and rotated=praise in Italy all three can be used to joke, show irony or indicate skepticism genuine facial expression only last for five seconds simile=deceit, surprise=deliberate sarcasm


when and where events occur

Sociological studies of crime often ignore which population


global commodity chains

worldwide networks of labor and production processes that extend from raw materials to the final consumer

Is face-to-face interaction or co-presence an important aspect of human action? why or why not

yes, it is. It provides richer information about how other people think and feel and their sincerity.

Modernization Theory

A version of market-oriented development theory that argues that low-income societies develop economically only if they give up their traditional ways and adopt modern economic institutions, technologies, and cultural values that emphasize savings and productive investment.

Fill in the blanks about dependency theories: dependency theories focus on exploitative relations between nations. More advance industrial countries are defined as ________, in world economy. Low-income largely agricultural countries comprimes a global economic ________. Dependicay theories are grounded in the social theories of _______.

Core; periphery; Karl Marx

According to researches, identify the factor that explain dropping crime rate: better economic conditions, lower police presence in many communities, lower level of illegal drug use, and legalization of some drugs

Factors better economic conditions lower level of illegal drug use not lower police presence in many communities legalization of some drugs

Dependcy theory

Marxist theories of economic development that maintain that the poverty of low-income countries stems directly from their exploitation by wealth countries and the multinational corporations that are based in wealthy countries

In his book Punished:Policing the Lives of Black and Latino boys(2011), sociologist victor Rios questions whether

aggressive policing in inner-city neighborhoods actually decreases crime

Neoliberalism argues that

all government regulation of business is detrimental to economic growth

Match each statment to the correct theory of global inequality: NEOLIBERAL THEORIES, GLOBAL CAPITALISM, DEPENDENCY THEORIES, WORLD-SYSTEM THEORIES sees government regulations as impediment to a strong economy, blames the poverty of poor nations on traditional cultural values divides nation into core and periphery focuses on the transnational capitalist class whose business concerns are global, emphasizes the role of business decision over the role of workers or governments emphasizes how wealthy nations have exploited poor ones

Neoliberal theories-sees government regulations as impediment to a strong economy, blames the poverty of poor nations on traditional cultural values World-system theories-divides nations into core and periphery Global capitalism-focuses on the transnational capitalist class whose business concerns are global, emphasizes the role of business decision over the role of workers or governments Dependency theories-emphasizes how wealthy nations have exploited poor ones

according to the definition in your textbook, identify the scenarios that would be considered trolling

an anonymous user of a message board bumping old threads to the top of the list a visitor to a mac users online technical support forum intentional posting wrong answers to other users questions


any act that breaks laws established by a political authority

Identify the applications of the broken windows theory of social deviance: a crackdown on petty crime such as drinking in public long mandatory prison terms for violent felonies graffiti-proofing walls with a wash-off coating additional community center with activities for at-risk youth

application a crackdown on petty crime such as drinking in public graffiti-proofing walls with a wash-off coating not long mandatory prison terms for violent felonies additional community center with activities for at-risk youth

theory of global capitalism

argues that a transnational capitalist class is increasingly the major player in the global economy today rather than the nationally oriented capitalists of major countries

nonverbal communication

communication between individuals based on facial expression or bodily gesture rather than on language

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence: Low-income countries that have experienced rapid economic growth such as ______, are know as _______ economies

South Korea; emerging


The study of human behavior in contexts of face-to-face interaction.

what are the three forms of nonverbal communication

facial expressions eye contact gestures and movements of the body

True or False: A sociologist researches communication patterns in sub-saharan Africa. This is an example of regionalization


true or false: Approximately 50% of the world's population lives in middle-income countries


compare and contrast front and back regions

they both involve social roles we put on front region-social occasions or encounters in which individual portray formal roles=make ourselves look better then we are back regions-people relax and give into their feelings and styles of behavior they keep in check when on the front region

What, in broad terms, is the definition of social deviance?

modes of action that do not conform to the norm or values held by most members of the group or society

clock time

time as measured by the clock, in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds

Identify the possible goals of impression mangment

to preserve dignity by acting differently in various social roles to "save face" to protect oneself from unwanted emotions

True or False: In the United States the rate to violent crimes is now lower than at any point since reliable data has been kept


True or False: public punishments are effective deterrent to crime


true or false: out of Robert Merton list of five personality types-conformist, ritualist, innovator, retreatist, and rebel-all but one is a deviant by Merton's definition


Identify each instances of communication as either verbal or nonverbal

verbal a volleyball player shouts "I got it!" and her teammates allow her to spike the ball a teenager who dosen't understand the question respond with "Huh?" Nonverbal A woman alone at a restaurant makes a show of looking at her watch on the freeway a driver makes a rude gesture to another

can you identify any examples of cosmopolitan canopies in your neighborhood

vili/community gym community clubhouse park and pool Library football stadium


modes of action that do not conform to the norms or values held by most members of a group or society. What is regarded as deviant is a variable as the norms and values that distinguish different cultures and subculture from one another

Identify the research methods used in Anderson's The cosmopolitan canpoy

research methods ethnography qualitative

match each personality type to the corresponding respones to the gap between sociall acceptalbe goals and limited means: conformist, innovator, ritualist, retreatist, and rebel conforms to socially acceptable means but has lost site of the goals embraces socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve those goals rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals but works to substitute them with other goals and means embraces socially acceptable goals but uses illegitimate means to fulfill them rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals, abandoning the competitive outlook

ritualist-conforms to socially acceptable means but has lost site of the goals conformist-embraces socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve those goals rebel-rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals but works to substitute them with other goals and means innovator-embraces socially acceptable goals but uses illegitimate means to fulfill them retreatist- rejects both socially acceptable goals and the means to achieve the goals, abandoning the competitive outlook


rules of behavior established by a political authority and backed by state power


rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in a given range of social situations. A norm either prescribes a given type of behavior or forbids it. All human groups follow definite norms, which are always backed by sanctions of one kind or another-varying from informal disapproval to physical punishment

labeling theory asserts that deviance is a matter of

social context

Identify three roles you play in your social life

student pet sitter daughter

According to dependency theory, multinational corporations continue their exploitation of emerging economies by

supporting local authoritarian regimes


the social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society. Status group normally display distinct styles of life pattern of behavior that member of a group follow. Status privilege may be positive or negative.

social position

the social identity an individual has in a given group or society. Social positions may be general in nature (those associated with gender role) or may be more specific (occupational positions)


the study of the way people make sense of what others say and do in the course of day-to-day social interaction. Ethnomethodology is concerned with the "ethnomethodology" by which people sustain meaningful exchanges with one another

global inequality

the systematic differences in wealth and power between countries that have resulted from globalization

What is one shortcoming of all four theories (market-oriented, dependency, world-systems, and global commodity chains) of global inequality?

the theories underemphasize the role of woman in economic development

What is dependent development

the theory that poor countries can develop economically but only in ways shaped by their reliance on wealthier countries

The country with the highest rate of incarceration around the world is

the united states

There was an overall drop in crime rate in the 1990s in the United States. How might sociologists explain this change?

there is no single explanation that explains this change

on a college campus a dean approaches a group of freshmen and tell them their table and display cannot remain at the current location. What replay constitute interactional vandalism

"if you're not going to support students, like us, you shouldn't have taken the job as dean"

describe two forms of impression management

"save face"-seeking approval and respect people will work together to prevent embarrassment in the situation for each other "Audience segregation"-act differently in each environment that we are in with different people

According to the international Labour Organization (2017), there are more than _______ children between that ages of five and fourteen engaged in child labor worldwide, ______ of whom are engaged in hazardous work

14 million; 35 million

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about high-income countries High-income countries are home to ________% of the population, or about _______ people yet they lay claim to _____% of the world annual output

16;1.2 billion;63


A concept first brought into wide usage in sociology by Durkheim, referring to a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior. Anomie is characterized by a feeling of aimlessness or despair

Identify each of the following as fitting best with the concept of absolute poverty or relative poverty: Mean that a family cannot get enough to eat measures "poor" as compared with the standards of the majority in a given country or region Is more often found in the global south Counts more people as being poor within a wealthy nation

Absolute Mean that a family cannot get enough to eat Is more often found in the global south Relative Measures "poor" as compared with the standards of the majority in a given country or region Counts more people as being poor within a wealthy nation

secondary deviance

According to Edwin Lemert, following the act of primary deviance, secondary deviation occurs when an individual accepts the label of deviant and acts accordingly.

primary deviance

According to Edwin Lemert, the actions that cause others to label one as a deviant.

core countries

According to world systems theory, the most advanced industrial countries, which take the lion's share of profits in the world economic system.

Identify the sociolgical studies that follow Elijah Andersons's approach in streetwise: Race, class, and change in an urban communtiy

An analysis or regulars at a dinner in a rural part of Utah, questioning how federal economic policies impact rural communities a study of interactions between day laborers on a California farm, questioning how immigration policy impacts the farm work

labeling theory

An approach to the study of deviance that suggests that people become "deviant" because certain labels are attached to their behavior by political authorities and others.

differential association

An interpretation of the development of criminal behavior proposed by Edwin H. Sutherland, according to whom criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime

Identify each statement as fitting best with either the broken windows theory or with community policing: Any sign of social disorder in a community is an invitation for crime some police officers work with local associations and groups to prevent crime some policing strategies aggressively focus on minor crimes law enforcement and business should work together to promote local economies

Broken windows theory Any sign of social disorder in a community is an invitation for crime some policing strategies aggressively focus on minor crimes Community policing some police officers work with local associations and groups to prevent crime law enforcement and business should work together to promote local economies

organized crime

Criminal activities carried out by organizations established as businesses.

white collar crime

Criminal activities carried out by those in white-collar, or professional, jobs.

Identify the questions that would distinguish a person as a member of the transnationalist capitalist: Do you see yourself as a citizen of the world or of a particular country Are you concerned about poverty and hunger on a global level Are your economic interests global or national Are you a billionarie

Distinguish Do you see yourself as a citizen of the world or of a particular country Are your economic interests global or national not Are you concerned about poverty and hunger on a global level Are you a billionarie

Match the work to the social theorists: offered a functionalist theory of the usefulness of deviance in a society developed strain theory as a functionalist account of society deviance applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance occurs linked crime to differential association

Emile Durkheim-offered a functionalist theory of the usefulness of deviance in a society Robert Merton- developed strain theory as a functionalist account of society deviance Howard S. Becker- applied labeling theory to the question of how deviance occurs Edwin H. Sutherland- linked crime to differential association

Identify whether or not each question would be part of an ethnomethodology study

Ethnomethodology How do people interpret time that passes between a text and replay to it When do college students choose face-to-face interactions and when do they choose digital interaction

place the % of adult smart phone users on the corresponding countries

France-75% Japan-66% India-24% Uganda-4%

How would sociologist explain the street harassment that women often experience

Gardner linked the harassment of women to the larger system of gender inequality represented by male privilege in public spaces, women's physical vulnerability, and the omnipresent threat of rape

In the United States, the price of agricultural products is often managed by destroying crops that have been overproduced. What does such information suggest about global hunger problems

Hunger problems are more a result of unequal distribution of food than any overall food shortages

Match the example with its part of the global commodity chain: MOST PROFITABLE PART OF THE COMMODITY CHAIN LEAST PROFITABLE PART OF THE COMMODITY CHAIN In Namibia and Botswana, miners work underground to find diamonds In New York, Tiffany and Co. executives make branding decisions

In New York, Tiffany and Co. executives make branding decisions-Most profitable part of the commodity chain In Namibia and Botswana, miners work underground to find diamonds-least profitable part of the commodity chain

What is true about the relationship between the technology gap and global inequality

In a global system, the technology gap is both a result of and a further cause of disparities in wealth between nations

What are the four zones of personal space?

Intimate Distance: Up to 1 and a half feet, reserved for very few social contacts, such as a spouse or your children. Personal Distance: 1 and a half to 4 feet, normal spacing for encounters with friends and close acquaintances. Social Distance: 4 to 12 feet, usually maintained in formal settings such as interviews. Public Distance: Beyond 12 feet, preserved by those who are performing to an audience.

Apply the correct label to each zone of personal space, as described by Edward T. Hall.

Intimate distance-1.5 feet personal distance-1.5-4 feet social distance- 4-12 feet public distance- 12+feet

the high rate of gun-related violence in the united states is pervasive across all subcultures and minority populations. many states have open carry law that permit the individual to carry a weapon in public. Such approaches may not suffice however especially when we considered that in some countries such as Switzerland guns are easy to obtain but the rate of violent crime is significantly lower. What do sociologists see as the likely explanation for the high rate of gun violence in America?

It is the combination of ready availability of guns, the "frontier tradition" and subcultures of manliness and ritual violence in inner-city populations

Dependency theories are built on ideas formulated by which theorist

Karl Marx

Identify whether or not each sological observation points to the limitation of strictly economic measure of global inequality: The gap in GNI between low-income and high-income as drastic In addition to an economy, a country also needs education and health care Many people in low-income countries produce for themselves or barter Economies include work that is illegal, informal, or off the book

Limitations Many people in low-income countries produce for themselves or barter Economies include work that is illegal, informal, or off the book In addition to an economy a country also need education and health care

Identify each scenario as more or likely in low-income or high-income countries: A couple has two children, the parents provide financially for the children and the children do not earn income Like most in their country, a large family lives in a rural area A couple has ten children each of which provided farm labor to the family A child living in a country whose overall population is growing very rapidly

Low-income A child has ten children each of which provided farm labor to the family Like most in their country a large family lives in a rural area A couple has ten children each of which provided farm labor to the family High-income A couple has two children, the parents provide financially for the children and the children do not earn income

Identify whether or not sociologists leslie sklair would categorize the following people as belong to the transnationalist capitalist class The CEO of a transnational corporation colonialists of the eighteenth century The account for a transnational corporation the consumers of products made by transnational corporations

Member The CEO of a transnational corporation the account for a transnational corporation not a member colonialists of the eighteenth century the consumers of products made by transnational corporations

Victor Rios's study of the policing of Latino and African American boys and young men in Oakland, California, supports which of the following conclusions?

More intensive policing and police presence may create a culture of fear and mistrust rather than lowering crime rates


Norms that guide casual or everyday interactions. Violations are sanctioned subtly or not at all.

Which statement MOST accurately describes the general movement of countries across the four classes established by the world bank to measure global inequality

Overall the movement of countries across the board has been in an upward direction

Identify the example of civil inattention

People in an elevator star quietly up at changing floor number A man seated near a woman whom he finds attractive pretends to be absorbed in a book

World Systems Theory

Pioneered by Immanuel Wallerstein, this theory emphasizes the interconnections among countries based on the expansion of a capitalist world economy. This economy is made up of core, semiperiphery, and periphery countries.

The phrase "audience segregation" refers to what

Presenting different images of oneself to different groups of people

The _______ countries consist of former colonies that are making considerable headway in their attempts to industrialize and grow


Match each item to the correct corresponding definition or description: Primary deviance, Stigma, and Secondary deviance a label that alters self-concept deviance prompted by a label the first act of rule-breaking

Stigma-a label that alters self-concept Secondary deviance-deviance prompted by a label Primary deviance-the first act of rule-breaking

in the 80s and 90s the media covered crack cocaine use in a way that portrayed black inner-city youth in a bad light which may well have resulted in harsh and excessive penalties among a population that now is struggling to become a stable part of American life. In contrast use of the drug ecstasy which until recently has been associated with a more white middle-class population has not lead to a media frenzy. Both crack and ecstasy are illegal drugs with some negative side effects so why might the media focus on crack cocaine and not on ecstasy

The common perception is that most crime is committed by poor, urban, ethnic minorities


The development, cultural, political, and economic relationships stretching worldwide. In current times, we are all influenced by organizations and social networks located thousands of miles away. A key part of the study of Globalization is the emergence of a world system- for some purposes we need to regard the world as forming a single social order.

What explains why the term emerging economies might be applied to countries that are classified as middle-income countries as well as to those classified as high income countries

The term describes countries that over the past two or three decades have developed a strong industrial base

What is the facial action coding system developed by Paul Ekman and others designed to record

The various actions of people facial muscles

According to Elijah Anderson identify the factors that would classify Philadelphia's Ritten house square Park as a "Cosmopolitan Canopy"

Women looking after children people walking their dogs a man assisting and elderly women

Match each description to the correct global inequality theory: World system theory, Market-oriented theories, global capitalism theory, dependency theories Economic relations between high-income and low-income countries contribute to poverty in low-income nations. This poverty is particularly deep in nations without strong governments Governments in high-income countries protect pharmaceutical companies that charge high prices for medication and try to block attempts to sell generic drugs at a lower cost people in low-income countries do not value health and education as much as people in high-income countries do low wage workers in low-income countries do not have the money to invest in health, thus contributing to health inequality

World system theory-Economic relations between high-income and low-income countries contribute to poverty in low-income nations. This poverty is particularly deep in nations without strong governments. Dependency theories-governments in high-income countries protect pharmaceutical companies that charge high prices for medication and try to block attempts to sell generic drugs at a lower cost Market-oriented theories-people in low-income countries do not value health and education as much as people in high-income countries do Global capitalism theory-low wage workers in low-income countries do not have the money to invest in health, thus contributing to health inequality

What statement most accurately compares a crime to a deviant

a crime is a violation of a norm that is backed by law

Hate crimes

a criminal act by an offender who is motivated by some bias, such as racism, sexism, or homophobia

In the context of a theater-based view of social behavior match each term to the correct desciption

a doctor's profession is known or clearly visible to others and he or she is often addressed or referred to using the title doctor- social position a doctor is generally treated with respect and most parents are happy if their children aspires to become a doctor-status a doctor is expected to see a certain number of patients per day, to address them courteously and to treat them in a medically appropriate way-role

What is microsociology and how does it differ from earlier sociological work?

a field of study that focused on individual interaction and communication within small groups focused on small groups interaction rather than larger social groups interactions and societal-level behavior examined characteristics of small exchanges ex: conversation patterns and ways people develop shared understanding of social context


a meeting between two or more people in a situation of face-to-face interaction. our daily lives can be seen as a series of different encounters strung out across the course of the day. In modern societies many of the encounters are with strangers rather than people we know

which of the following is the Best example of deviant behavior

a middle-aged man wear jeans to a black-tie wedding


a mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior

transnational capitalists class

a social class whose economic interests are global rather than national, who share a globalizing perspective and similar lifestyle and who see themselves as cosmopolitan citizens of the world


a specific personality type; such individuals lack the moral sense and concern for others held by most normal people

absloute poverty

a state of poverty in which one lacks the minimal requirements necessary to sustain a healthy existence

deviant subculture

a subculture whose members hold values that differ substantially from those of the majority

Identify the scenario about age and crime that fits with the "age-crime curve"

a young adult commits crime in their late teens, with declining criminal activity throughout their twenties

In the New Jim Crow, legal scholar Michelle Alexander (2012) argues that mass incarnation has created a(n) _________ system in the United States


_____ refers to the control of developing societies by more developed, powerful societies


In December 2012, HSBC a European bank operating within the United states was found to be involved in money laundering and terrorist financing on a very large scale. The bank was charged fines amounting to approximately a month's worth of profits but not a single person in the organization served any time in prison. Meanwhile the prosecution of street crime has resulted in the highest per-capita incarnation in the world. What theory of deviance provides the best tools for understanding these facts

conflict theory

the overall rate of violent crime is _______ property crime

considerably lower than

The tobacco industry has been closely scrutinized in regard to its advertising practices which many critics claim are deceptive. The U.S. surgeon general published a report in 1964 that clearly outlined the health dangers, but despite this report the tobacco industry continues to market tobacco products. In 2014, fifty years after the report, the industry agreed to publicly state that the advertising campaigns had lied. Taken together, this could be understood as a protracted case of _______ crime


perpiheral countires

countries that have a marginal role in the world economy and are thus dependent on the core producing societies for their trading relationships

semiperipheral countries

countries that supply sources of labor and raw materials to the core industrial countries and the world economy but are not themselves fully industrialized societies

How has the theory, which posits that elevated crime rates are caused by poor economic conditions, been challenged in the context of declining crime rates in the twenty-first century

crime rates continued to decline even after the economic recession that began in 2008

the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) may inadvertently support the idea that

crimes is mostly an activity of ethnic minorities and the poor

How would Sociologist Elijan Anderson define streetwise

developed skills such as "the art of avoidance" to deal with the vulnerability they feel to violence and crime

Emergine Economies

developing countries that, over the past two or three decades, have begun to develop a strong industrial base, such as Singapore and Hong Kong

When Edgar was 12, his family moved to a new neighborhood, where he made new friends on his block. Edgar's new friends liked to meet up after school and go to an abandoned building in the neighborhood, where they broke bottles, made holes in the walls, and drew graffiti. Over time, Edgar became recognized among his friends as a talented graffiti artist and expanded his efforts to new areas, despite getting caught by the police twice. Sociologists might attribute Edgar's deviance to

differential association

Sociologists generally agree that a decline of daily civility in communities and neighborhoods can contribute to increased crime. Wilson & Kelling's broken windows theory attempts to offset this decline of civility by encouraging the policing of minor crimes, such as drinking in public, to help counteract signs of social disorder. One of the major flaws in the broken windows theory is that the police.

do not have any consistent definition of social disorder

Uniform Crime Report (UCR)

documents that contain official data on crime that is reported to law enforcement agencies who then provide the data to the FBI

Global inequality leads us to a comparison of rich and poor countries partly on the basis of the per person gross national income (GNI). Consider the classification of high-, middle-and low-income countries and now what two factor are thought of as advantageous. Two of the most important factors are

early industrialization and better education

what is the main challenge in programming computer to converse with human beings

equipping computers with the necessary shared understanding

Identify each social interaction as either focused or unfocused

focused a person leaving a company sits down with someone from HR for an exit interview someone repairing a machine give instructions to an assistant Unfocused a surfer riding a wave steers to avoid another surfer a seated bus rider moves his feet so a rider who is carrying luggage can pass

A _________ is a worldwide network of labor and production processes whose end result is a finished commodity

global commodity chain

Being a victim of crime is not always the result of chance or personal characteristics. Many times it has to do with where one lives. As the U.S. economy has changed in the past five years, a few large urban centers such as Detroit have undergone profound demographic changes. One might explain a higher crime rate in these areas being the result of

greater material deprivation

Emile Durkhiem concept of anomie refers to the loss of traditional norms and standards in modern society. According to Durkhiem, what is the main consequence of anomie

increased disposition toward suicide

focused interaction

interaction between individuals engaged in a common activity or in direct conversation with one another

unfocused interaction

interaction occurring among people present in a particular setting but not engaged in direct face-to-face communication

the very nature of police work has grown ever more challenging in the past decade, leading some to consider the police as

knowledge workers

According to ______ theory, global inequality results from various dysfunctional characteristics of poor societies themselves


The problem of trade imbalances, sometimes called the balance of trade, has been a constant challenge. One response was the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Enacted in 1994, this agreement changed the economic relationships of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The adoption of such agreements as NAFTA would be consistent with what theoretical approach to global theories of inequality


How is technology rearranging space

most interactions today can happen anywhere at any time with remote work, people are no longer expected to be in the office on weekdays and expected to be in communication at all times we can communicate with anyone in the world without having to leave home online platforms more accessible than public space The 90s and 80s went to shopping malls to hang out and gossip today teens have less free time and access to regulated spaces platforms allow them to interact

Fill in the blank to complete the passage about chronic hunger in the world: According to the UN food and agriculture organization (2019), about one in __ people in the world suffer from hunger. More than half the world's hungry are found in ________; approximately one-quater are found in ________.

nine; Asia and the Pacific; Sub-Saharan Africa


norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance. Violations are generally sanctioned strongly

Social deviance is a breach of ________; crime is a breach of ________.


the term age-crime refers to the

number of arrests of youth who are under the age of twenty-one

coporate crime

offense committed by large corporations in society, including pollution, false advertising, and violations of health and safety

What are the three reasons it is important to study social interactions

our ordinary routines give structure and formation to what we do-learn a great deal about ourselves as social beings and about social life by studying them study of everyday life reveals to us how humans can act creatively to shape reality studying social interaction in everyday life sheds light on large social structures, systems, and institutions

compulsion of proximity

people's need to interact with others in their presence

Which tier, according to world-systems theorists is a major source of raw materials and cheap labor

pheripheral countries

Black lives matter, a recent political movement that has drawn attention to a series of violent encounters between police and citizens of African American communities is a good example of a _________ subculture


The peripheral countries differ from the core countries with one exception

racial background

Identify the scenaiors in which dependent development would or would not be possible: Japan, whose business sector is strong and economy is growing Mexico, whose economy has grown despite continuing to relay on the United States for economic and trade support Nepal, whose economy is primarily agricultural India, whose population size and manufacturing industries represents strengths, despite widespread poverty and the controlling influence of western corporations over most manufacturing in the country

possible India, whose population size and manufacturing industries represents strengths, despite widespread poverty and the controlling influence of western corporations over most manufacturing in the country Mexico, whose economy has grown despite continuing to relay on the United States for economic and trade support Not possible Japan, whose business sector is strong and economy is growing Nepal, whose economy is primarily agricultural

relative poverty

poverty defined according to the living standards of the majority in any given society

impression management

preparing for the presentation of one's social role. This occurs through the concealment and revelation of information including information that we might "give off" unintentionally if we are not careful

according to labeling theory an individual who accepts the label of deviant and acts accordingly is performing

secondary devation

In labeling theory, what is the primary difference between primary and secondary deviance

secondary deviance is an eventual effect of primary deviance, where deviance begins

response cries

seemingly involuntary exclamations individuals make when, for example, they are taken by surprise, drop something inadvertently, or want to express pleasure

what is interactional vandalism

situations in the real world in which people make trouble through their conversation practices. Also, describes cases in a subordinate person break the tacit rules of everyday interaction that are of value to the more powerful

The Grameen Bank pioneered the idea of microfinance and microlending in the early 1980s. Many microlending operations today use cell phones as a method for both requesting and issuing a loan. Cell-phone use is prolific with India, Brazil, Nigeria, and Pakistan among the top-ten highest-percentage users of cell phones by country in the world. Countries where cell phones are used to mange micrloaners would be considered

technology adopters


the ability to think, act, and make choices independently

interactional vandalism

the deliberate subversion of the tacit rules of conversation


the division of social life into different regional settings or zones


the economic belief that free-market forces, achieved by minimizing government restrictions on business, provide the only route to economic growth

although recent studies have suggested that violence in crime is not exclusively a male characteristics it is generally agreed that women crime and are more prone to engage in less serious offenses such as shoplifting or prostitution. This can be understood as the result of

the fundamental differences in socialization between men and women

If you have a smartphone, it has parts and subassemblies that come from all over the world, including Mexico, Israel, Belgium, Hungary, Singapore, South Korea, and China. The demand for these devices fuels the need for the parts and subassemblies. This describes

the global commodity chain

In this chapter, the infographic on global inequality includes information about fertility rates and mortality rates. The fertility rate in a low-income country tends to be more than twice that in a high-income country, and the mortality rate in low-income country tends to be twenty times higher than that in a high-income country. Given the higher fertility rate in a low-income country, one major factor that might explain the dramatically higher mortality rate would be that

the lack of adequate medical and health resources in a low-income country is far greater than in high-income countries

personal space

the physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others

social interaction

the process by which we act and react to those around us

civil inattention

the process whereby individuals in the same physical setting demonstrate to one another that they are aware of each other's presence


the process whereby powerful nations established their rule in parts of the world away from their home territories

relative deprivation

the recognition that one has less than his or her peers


the recurrent patterned arrangements and hierarchies that influence or limit the choices and opportunities available to us

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