Sociology Exam 2B

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Anita Hill's 1991 testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee during the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas's 1991 nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court has had what lasting influence?

more recognition of sexual harrassment and willingness to report

Feminists disagree with the notion that biology "wires" men and women for certain social roles. What is the basis of this feminist view?

much of human activity is the result of socialization

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.

Automation refers to the general process by which production processes are enacted by machines, whereas robots refer specifically to the machines performing functions that are ordinarily done by human workers.

Which U.S. employment sectors were hit hardest by the recession in 2008?

Correct Answer(s) real estate finance construction Incorrect Answer(s) health services public utilities

Which of the following types of rights are associated with being a citizen?

Correct Answer(s) political rights civil rights social rights Incorrect Answer(s) membership rights welfare rights

Identify whether the following groups have higher or lower voter turnout.

Higher Voter Turnout high-income (compared to low-income individuals) more highly educated (compared to less highly educated individuals) Lower Voter Turnout Hispanic (compared to black individuals) younger (compared to older individuals)

Identify each person as either homeless or not homeless.

Homeless Felipe is an unemployed veteran. He sleeps in a town park. The police know him and leave him alone. Annabella left her abusive boyfriend. She and her infant son stay at a free women's shelter. Not Homeless Because Chris likes solitude and the outdoors, he lives in a tent on a friend's ranch. Eriqua lost her job and couldn't keep up with her rent payments. She has moved in with her sister.

Match the sociological research question with the corresponding concept.

How are body size norms different for women in South America, Africa, and North America? Correct label: intersectionality How do little girls learn that pink is a "girl color"? Correct label: gender role socialization

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about gender and family.

In Sweden, new parents—both mothers and fathers—receive 480 days of paid parental leave. The United States is the only industrialized country without federally mandated paid parental leave.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

In Western societies, marriage is typically associated with monogamy, in which only two romantic partners are joined in marriage at one time. In other parts of the world, however, polygamy, where one partner can have multiple spouses, is sometimes the norm.

Classify each scenario as either part or not part of the informal economy.

Part of the Informal Economy making candles for one's own home selling drugs to acquaintances Not Part of the Informal Economy working as a nanny through an online service that handles booking and payment working at a small business that records and reports its earnings

Identify the following as describing either a participatory democracy or a direct democracy.

Participatory Democracy The people regularly assemble to make decisions about proposed policies. This system is ideal for a relatively small number of people. Direct Democracy This system is ideal for a relatively larger number of voters, or those scattered over a large region. Voters participate in decision making by voting for or against proposed policies, without meeting face-to-face with other voters.

The question of "Who fares worse, boys or girl, in education?" is a rich subject for sociological analysis. In general, most scholars agree that today's gender gap in education places girls ahead of boys.


According to John Bowlby's attachment theory, which variable leaves a child at greatest risk of social and psychological difficulties later in life?

absence of a mother

Place the professions in order from highest to lowest social prestige score.

architect veternarian firefighter farm manager

Which of the following is the best example of emotional intelligence?

A third grader is disappointed when he comes in second at the regional spelling bee, but he congratulates the winner with a smile.

What resources does the theory of structural strain suggest are important for organizing and sustaining a social movement?

Important Resource(s) regular communication funding leadership Not Important Resource(s) tacit government approval

Identify each feature of production systems as characteristic of Fordism or post-Fordism.

Fordism bureaucratic/vertical business structures job security most work done in-house (locally) Post-Fordism flexible/horizontal business structures most work outsourced (globally) job insecurity

On the graph, select the bars that represent the U.S. military budget and the Russian military budget.

left most one(longest one) and then two over

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about race and ethnicity.

If this person were described as "black" that would be a(n) racial category. If this person were described as "West Indian" that would be a(n) ethnic category.

Which of the following factors are related to an increased risk of divorce?

Related Factor(s) premarital cohabitation marrying at an early age Not Related Factor(s) having children high income

In the long run, a college education pays for itself.


Most children experience short-term negative emotions in response to their parents' divorce, but most recover over time and develop normally.


What does Max Weber mean by a "pariah group"?

a negative-status group that suffers from loss of social opprotunity

Amy Chua argues that there is a similar dynamic at play in ethnic conflicts such as Rwanda, Yugoslavia, and Indonesia. Identify the statement that describes this dynamic.

a small ethnic minority enjoys disproportionate econommic power

Identify the scenario that would be classified by a U.S. court as quid pro quo sexual harassment.

a supervisor demands sexual acts from a worker for a promotion

How does evidence about aggression and testosterone in males contradict the idea that biology alone defines the difference between male and female?

aggresive behavior increase tesetosterone levels

Since 1970, what has happened to the percentage of people on welfare in the United States?

it has dropped significantly

Which of the following was a consequence of the U.S. policy of forcing Japanese families into "relocation centers" during World War II?

the japanese families assimilation into the US society accelerated after the war

Identify each item as a sociological measure of income or wealth.

Income money received from an investment a weekly paycheck Wealth the value of a person's assets minus their debts net worth

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.

Interest groups are organizations that lobby elected officials to support the aims of each organization.

What change in investment strategies has contributed to our economic system evolving into institutional capitalism, according to some analysts?

Investors now bundle money into grouped accounts, and this money is then used to invest in several corporations.

Which topics primarily focus on feminist approaches to understanding family life?

Primary Topic(s) unequal power relationships domestic division of labor care activities Not Primary Topic(s) children's gender socialization sexual relationships

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about remarriage.

Prior to 1900, most remarriages included one widowed person. Now, fully 40 percent of marriages include one previously married person.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about poverty as a cultural phenomenon.

Sociological explanations of persistent poverty are of two broad types: those that cite structural forces and those that hold the poor themselves responsible. An example of the latter would be Oscar Lewis's description of a self-perpetuating cycle of hopelessness, which he calls the culture of poverty. Going further, Charles Murray proposes that some of the poor prefer welfare to gainful employment, a state of mind some call the dependency culture.

Which of the following best represents what sociological studies show about the children of same-sex parents?

The children of same-sex parents fare the same emotionally and academically as children of heterosexual parents.

The social causation explanation suggests that cohabitation is the kind of experience that erodes belief in marriage, thus increasing the likelihood of divorce.


Today, only a small percentage of couples marry quickly due to pregnancy (i.e., a "shotgun marriage").


Which of the following statements is true of a "knowledge economy"?

True Many workers are employed in research, technology, design, and marketing fields. The physical production of goods no longer plays a large part of a country's economy. The population is relatively highly educated. Not True Test scores and grades are essential criteria for employment.

Why do sociologists classify domestic labor, or housework, as work?

because it is human activity that ensures survival

Why do sociologists analyze and critique U.S. Census categories for race and ethnicity?

because they are official categories and counts used by the government

Sociological research has found that adults who live alone are less happy and fulfilled than those who live in family units.


What do the bacha posh in Afghanistan help sociologists better understand about gender?

how gender in various societies is socially constructed

Some men do better, financially, after divorce. Others do worse. Which variable predicts men's financial well-being after divorce?

how much the man contributed to family income before divorce

In Max Weber's theory, where does status (social honor or prestige) come from?

how other members of society esteem a group

Identify the sociology research topic that most centrally uses an intersectional approach

how to race gender and social class interplay

The rapid pace of technological changes contributes to what kind of deprivation?

information poverty

What must occur for a social movement to become a revolution?

it must overthrow the government in charge

How much higher is the average CEO's annual salary (CEOs of companies listed on the Standard & Poor's stock index) than the average worker's salary?

more than 300 times

Why did most developing nations go through a different process of nation formation than countries in the developed world?

Colonial powers imposed physical boundaries and state apparatuses on the countries they colonized.

According to functionalist thinking, which of the listed traits are representative of the "expressive" female?

Expressive Female Trait(s) nurturing emotions caregiving Not Expressive Female Trait(s)

Identify the following parent behaviors as fitting with Talcott Parson's categories of expressive roles or instrumental roles.

Expressive Role disciplining a child in the midst of a tantrum keeping track of upcoming medical appointments for all members of the household Instrumental Role working on a graduate degree in order to pursue a raise at work being employed as an accountant

Click on the family member expected to play an "instrumental role," according to the functionalist perspective.


As with earlier recessions, the recovery following the 2008 recession brought with it a drop in the child poverty rate.


Chinese American and Japanese American women have slightly higher rates of birth compared to whites.


Color-blind racism refers to the fact that people of any race can be racist


Differences between males and females are always determined by biology.


Intersectionality is a perspective that highlights how men and women intersect with one another in everyday life.


Peggy McIntosh's metaphor of the "invisible knapsack" refers to the burden of hate that intentionally racist white people carry.


According to Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, growth of inequality over time is the norm in capitalist societies and has been the pattern in most developed economies—with one exception. What is the one exception?

the mid-twentieth century (1930-1960)

What do unemployment statistics, such as the unemployment rate, measure?

the percentage of people out of a population who have no job and are looking

Sex segregation refers to the separation and concentration of genders in which social institution?

the workplace

Select the bolded phrases that describe how hidden curriculum is present in this photograph.

they are learning to be docile and cooperative, traits that will serve them well as workers. Regardless of the subject being taught, the body positions of students and teachers is a lesson in authority and obedience.

What is the role of interest groups, according to pluralist theories of modern democracy?

they limit the centrilaziation of power

What was the primary aim of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), signed into law by President Bush in 2002?

to close the achievement gap

What is the primary goal of scientific management (Taylorism)?

to maximize output

A failed state is a state in which the government no longer has sovereignty over its people


A positive stereotype can still be racist.


Herrnstein and Murray argued that IQ was primarily an inherited trait and therefore that some racial/ethnic groups had naturally higher IQs than others.


In biological terms, there are no clear-cut races.


Most rapes are committed by close relatives, intimate partners, or acquaintances


Research studying "between-school effects" look at the effect of attending different schools on students' outcomes.


In 2011, what was the most common status of recent high school graduates who did not go on to college?

unemployed and looking for work

Among the superrich, some people are considered "old money" and others are considered "new wealth." What is the difference?

who own wealth passed down to them by earlier family generations

Place each lobbying group on the bars in the graph that represent the type of lobbyist it is (business, labor, ideological, or other).

national association of realtors international brother national rifle association university of wisconsin

The English-language term two-spirit used by many Native American groups refers to what?

persons of integrated genders

In places such as Chad, Somalia, and Sudan, the central government has lost authority over large parts of its national territory and resorts to force in an effort to retain at least some degree of power. Which term best describes what failed states such as these have lost?


Which group fits the sociological definition of a minority group?

spanish speakers in the US

What was the major legal change that occurred in the 1960s to make divorce more widely available?

the implementation of the "no-fault divorce"

What does it mean when a mortgage loan is "subprime"?

the interest rate will be higher than usual

Identify the example that represents a portfolio worker.

Amy can write, edit, and design graphics. She uses these skills in four jobs, in her first decade after college.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately what percentage of women around the world have suffered from abuse by an intimate partner?

33 percent

The practice of unmarried couples living together without getting married, known as cohabitation, has increased in recent decades. In 2016, what percentage of women participated in this kind of union by age 30?


Fill in the blanks to complete the statement.

A democracy is a political system in which the people rule.

Match each type of single-parent household to the correct description.

A high proportion of this group is poor. Correct label: young, never-married mother (head of household) This group is expanding most rapidly among single-parent households. Correct label: older, never-married, and financially stable mother (head of household) They comprise a small proportion of single-parent households but are relatively economically stable; more than half of this group are homeowners. Correct label: widowed mother (head of household) They comprise more than 60 percent of single-parent households. Correct label: divorced mother (head of household)

Match each term to the correct example.

A large retail company responds to workers' demands by eliminating their hours and barring them from entry, effectively eliminating their wages until the employees capitulate to the new policies. Correct label: lockout In response to their employer cutting hours and benefits, workers at a local café begin following every direction in the handbook to the letter, which slows down work markedly. Correct label: work to rule Five hundred workers at a manufacturing plant refuse to come into work, sending a letter of their grievances about unpaid overtime to both their employer and the local newspaper. Correct label: strike Factory workers, angered by the poor working conditions, riot against their employers. Correct label: pre-modern labor conflict

Match each theoretical perspective to the appropriate research study.

A researcher randomly selects 30 schools, of which 15 are located in poor neighborhoods and 15 are located in wealthy neighborhoods, and compares both the curriculum of the schools and observes how teachers conduct their classrooms. Correct label: hidden curriculum A researcher selects two same-aged samples of equal intelligence and ability, one of which includes all high school graduates and one of which includes only young people who dropped out of school in the 11th grade and compares their labor market success over the past year. Correct label: credentialism A researcher surveys 7th grade students who have been in the United States for five to seven years and their immigrant parents to determine whether the children express greater affinity for and knowledge of American culture than their parents. Correct label: assimilation

Fill in the blanks to complete the statement.

According to Karl Marx, social movements arise in response to class struggle, which is brought about by a fundamental contradiction in society.

Which person exemplifies the experience of a "portfolio worker"?

Anne began her career as a paralegal working in a law firm. She later went on to receive a master's degree in psychology and worked as a jury consultant for the state. She is now considering an offer to work at a consulting firm specializing in legal consulting.

Match the example with the characteristic of work as a part of social value and personal worth.

As a part-time working dad, Bruce enjoys doing tasks at work that are different than childcare tasks. Correct label: variety When she was unemployed, Diane dreaded each day as a long, open-ended period of time. Correct label: structuring one's time Emily feels proud that she earned the title "Registered Nurse." Correct label: personal identity Karl likes the people he works with and looks forward to going to clubs or games with them on the weekends. Correct label: social contacts

How is party voting associated with income in the United States?

As income increases, voters are more likely to vote for Republicans.

Identify which of the following statements demonstrate a biological essentialist view.

Biological Essentialism Testosterone makes men aggressive, and sometimes violent. Because they carry babies in the womb, women should be primary caregivers of infants. Social Construction of Gender Ideal masculinity may be emotional or unemotional, depending on the culture. When women speak their minds, others often mistake them as angry or pushy.

Select the bolded terms that represent scapegoating.

Blaming black males for sexual violence blaming immigrants for downturns in the economy.

George Borjas argued that immigrants have a net negative effect on U.S. society, whereas Julian Simon saw either a positive effect or no effect from immigrants. Identify the statements that support either Borjas's or Simon's position

Borjas Correct label: Immigrants increase the number of workers in the labor market. Correct label: Recent immigrants to the United States have low levels of education and skill. Simon Correct label: Immigrant labor contributes to the gross domestic product. Correct label: Immigrant children benefit from the education system and then often go on to become productive workers.

What were some of the consequences of colonial-style education for developing nations?

Consequence(s) Educated indigenous people led revolts against colonizers. The system of higher education remains better developed than primary and secondary education. Not Consequence(s) Education was provided to young people more often in rural areas than in cities. The system of primary education is heavily influenced by religious traditions.

Why have employers in the United States been relying more and more on part-time and temporary workers?

Corporations save money by using part-time and temporary workers.

Identify the following examples as representing scientific racism, or not.

Correct Answer(s) Flawed or biased data is used in scientific studies to promote racism. Scientific research is used to support racist assumptions. Incorrect Answer(s) In his personal life, a scientist participates in white supremacist rallies. Racial minorities are underrepresented in occupations related to research and science.

Which of the following criticisms do some observers make about the "zero-tolerance" policy in schools?

Correct Answer(s) It is enacted differently, dependent on a student's race. It sets students on a trajectory toward criminality and the criminal justice system. It has unnecessarily increased the role of police in schools. Incorrect Answer(s) It is not fully enacted; many schools allow major incidents to occur without consequence.

Which U.S. government programs have been especially important in keeping elderly people out of poverty?

Correct Answer(s) Social Security Medicare Incorrect Answer(s) food stamps USDA housing assistance

A researcher wants to try "doing gender" as a way to investigate the social construction of gender. Which of the following might allow a researcher who was assigned male at birth and identifies as a man to "do gender" as a woman in U.S. society?

Correct Answer(s) get a manicure with painted nails use a higher vocal register learn body language of women Incorrect Answer(s) learn to flirt speak and act politely wear a scent

Which factors may make it harder for people with college degrees to find work in the future?

Correct Answer(s) increased competition from others with college degrees increased competition from overseas workers increased workplace automation Incorrect Answer(s) increased debt burden due to the rising cost of education increased number of college-major fields

Identify each statement about the middle class in the United States as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) Most U.S. households are middle class. The middle class represents a shrinking share of the total U.S. population. Incorrect Statement(s) The U.S. middle class is largely white. Most Americans think of themselves as middle class.

Identify the statements about how class systems differ from slavery and castes as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) The main basis of class is economic. Individuals have some ability to move between social classes. Incorrect Statement(s) Class is based on each person's unique individual combination of traits. Slavery and castes no longer exist.

Some sociologists speak of an "underclass." Identify each statement about this class as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) The underclass is in many ways disconnected from the rest of society. It is extremely difficult for a member of the underclass to move out of it. Incorrect Statement(s) Geographically, the underclass is found mostly in extremely rural areas. The underclass has shrunk in size over the last 25 years.

What does the "race to the bottom" refer to, according to Bonacich and Appelbaum?

Correct choicecorporations' efforts to manufacture goods in countries with the lowest wages, the fewest environmental restrictions, and the most lax governmental regulations

Which of the following criticisms have been directed toward the No Child Left Behind Act?

Criticism(s) It relies on a punitive model of school reform. It narrows the diversity of subjects covered by schools. Not Criticism(s) It discourages young people from becoming teachers. It has a more detrimental effect on poor kids than those in wealthy communities.

U.S. politics is dominated by two major parties. Match the group of voters to the candidate favored by the group.

Democratic candidate Clinton Correct label: black and Hispanic voters Correct label: younger voters Republican candidate Trump Correct label: older voters Correct label: voters from small towns and rural areas

Fill in the blanks to complete this passage about Keynsian economics.

Economist John Maynard Keynes recommended that governments intervene more in the economy in order to spark economic growth. According to his theory, people can expect full employment and continuous economic growth. Keynsianism has been mostly abandoned since the 1970s.

Identify the elements that Max Weber includes among the bases of class divisions

Element(s) one's control of the means of production one's control of intangible economic resources Not Element(s) one's source of income: wages or a share of profits one's lifestyle and quality of life

Place the following educational reforms in chronological order.

Elementary and Secondary Education ActGun-Free Zone ActNo Child Left BehindRace to the Top

Identify the features that sociologists use to define family. These features are true of all families.

Feature(s) of Family a group of people connected by kinship ties a group of people in which the adult members take responsibility for the children's upbringing a group of people who form an economic unit Not Feature(s) of Family a group of kin in which the adults are joined by marriage a group of people who love one another and live in the same household

Identify the following statements as fitting Susan Brownmiller's description of "rape culture," or not.

Feature(s) of Rape Culture a state of widespread and continual fear in women male socialization to a sense of sexual entitlement Not Feature(s) of Rape Culture Men outearn women. Over 70 percent of women experience rape.

What distinguishes the fields-of-action theory of social movements from the other theories of social movements in the textbook?

Fields-of-action theory draws more attention to the interaction between a social movement and other organizations, movements, and prior history.

Identify which professions would be considered "glass escalator" professions for men

Glass Escalator Profession(s) social worker nurse Not Glass Escalator Profession(s) computer programmer middle-management director

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about government.

Governments exercise authority, a form of power legitimized by a belief system that justifies its use. Those who are subject to a government's rule voluntarily consent to it.

According to Stephanie Coontz, why isn't the colonial family as idyllic as often portrayed?

High death rates meant there was a great deal of family instability.

Match each characteristic to the correct system.

High-Trust System Correct label: workers have autonomy over their work style and pace Correct label: characteristic of work at higher managerial levels Low-Trust System Correct label: numerous conflicts with management, such as strikes Correct label: high levels of worker dissatisfaction

Identify whether Native Americans have either higher or lower rates of the following compared to other racial/ethnic groups.

Higher Rates divorce teen births intermarriage by race births outside of marriage Lower Rates overall births

Match each model of ethnic integration to its description.

Immigrants adopt some of the dominant group's culture, while the dominant culture is also altered by immigrants' influence. Correct label: melting pot Immigrant and the dominant group's cultures exist separately, but both participate in society on an equal footing. Correct label: multiculturalism Immigrants come to adopt the attitudes and language of the dominant group. Correct label: assimilation Immigrant and the dominant group's cultures exist separately, but both participate in society. Correct label: pluralism

Identify the following statements as being associated with either James Coleman's or Jonathan Kozol's research.

James Coleman's Research Information was gathered on more than half a million students. This research was required under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Jonathan Kozol's Research This research offered passionate and persuasive stories of students and their families. Information was gathered from about 30 neighborhoods in the United States.

The occupation of clerk or office worker is a good demonstration of what sociologists call "occupational segregation." Place the steps illustrating this particular evolution in order from first to last.

Male clerks held responsible, often managerial, positions requiring accountancy skills. As the typewriter and other forms of mechanization appeared in the workplace, the job of clerk required new skills. Female clerks increasingly performed routine tasks, ensuring that the company and its managers operated smoothly. Pay and prestige of the female clerk declined as the job became routine.

The lower average IQ among the burakumin of Japan supports what argument about race and IQ?

Membership in a socially deprived social group lowers IQ.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about Hispanic and Latino immigrants in the United States.

Mexican Americans typically have lower levels of economic well-being and educational attainment than the U.S. population, while Cuban Americans are relatively advantaged immigrants.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

Mexican families often face unique challenges due to migration, where fathers will move to the United States first and send remittances back to their families, until eventually they can bring their families to the United States. After family members arrive, they face the risk of deportation, or forcible removal from the country.

According to the textbook, corporations in the early twenty-first century are very different from those of the mid-twentieth century. Match each characteristic to the correct time period

Mid-Twentieth Century Correct label: The corporation is highly bureaucratic and employs a large number of production workers and middle management. Correct label: The core corporation is located within the United States, from which some overseas manufacturing plants are controlled. Early Twenty-First Century Correct label: The corporation can be characterized as an "enterprise web" that links smaller businesses together. Correct label: Worker turnover—the percentage of workers who leave and are replaced each year—is high.

According to Max Weber, what conditions must be met in order for a democratic government to be effective?

Necessary Condition(s) There must be political leaders who can rise above governmental bureaucracy. There must be different political parties that represent different interests. Not Necessary Condition(s) Citizens must be able to vote directly for all proposed policies. Bureaucrats must play a limited role in running the government.

Identify each example as a conventional social movement, or a new social movement.

New Social Movement(s) the black lives matter the environmental movement Conventional Social Movement(s) the anti-abortion ("pro-life") movement the movement to raise the minimum wage

U.S. law and social policy toward same-sex marriage has changed markedly over the past two decades. Place the following three related landmark moments in order from earliest to most recent.

Passage of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Windsor v. United States of America Supreme Court decision Supreme Court ruling invalidating state same-sex marriage bans

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about how schools reward children.

Pierre Bourdieu was interested in the process of cultural reproduction, or the process by which schools reward the cultural capital of middle- and upper-class children.

What are the primary characteristics of a liberal democracy?

Primary Characteristic(s) The majority of adults in a liberal democracy have a right to vote. Voters choose among representatives of a small number of political parties. Not Primary Characteristic(s) The elected government in liberal democracies manages a free market economy. Liberal democracies ensure the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to vote.

Identify each trait as being characteristic of either the proletariat or the bourgeoisie in Marx's economic theory.

Proletariat earn money by selling their labor produce surplus value with their labor Bourgeoisie exploit others by benefiting from labor they did not perform. control the means of production own factories, investment capital, and other assets

Identify the following statements about the photograph as related to the concept of race, or ethnicity.

Race These boys represent a South African scale of black, Indian, half-caste, and white. These boys look different from one another because their genes fall into different genetic categories. Ethnicity Despite different appearances, these boys are all citizens of South Africa. These boys are school friends who speak the same language.

Identify the following negative statements as expressions of racism, or not.

Racism in apartheid South Africa, believing that black males were sexually dangerous to white women believing that white people are superior to other groups, but not acting on this belief Not Racism opposing immigration from Spanish-speaking nations due to a desire to retain English as the dominant U.S. language telling jokes about Polish Americans that present them as unintelligent

What reasons do researchers give for why the United States' unemployment levels have been rising during the past 60 years?

Reason(s) The rise of international competition has affected industries important to U.S. prosperity. The increasing use of microelectronics in industry has reduced the need for labor power. European countries provide a stronger social safety net, including unemployment benefits. The U.S. government continues to rely on Keynesianism to attempt to reduce unemployment.

Identify the reasons why many Americans are more affluent than any peoples have previously been in human history.

Reason(s) increased productivity due to technological advances access to cheap consumer goods made in countries where wages are low Not Reason(s) a steadily strengthening social safety net provided by government and informal support in local communities increasing socioeconomic equality stemming from market forces of globalization and regulatory forces of federal policy

According to the textbook, identify the reasons why more U.S. students should study abroad.

Reason(s) to Study Abroad to learn more about other cultures to gain foreign language skills Not Reason(s) to Study Abroad to save costs on schooling to advance math and science skills

What are the required elements of a workers' strike?

Required Element(s) A group of employees engages in the same action. Those involved in a strike make their grievances known. All work is suspended for an indefinite period. Not Required Element(s) Workers quit their jobs. Workers slow down their productivity.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about child abuse..

Researchers estimate that as many as 50 percent of child deaths from abuse and neglect are not recorded. Of child abuse that is reported, about 90 percent happens at the hands of a parent.

What roles do nation-states still play, even in the current era of globalization?

Role(s) of Nation-States Nation-states form alliances with one another. Nation-states enforce laws. Nation-states wage wars. Not Role(s) of Nation-States Nation-states effectively regulate globalization through national policies.

School funding can vary greatly, even within the same state or county. Why does per-student funding vary so much for different schools?

School funding usually comes from local property taxes, so wealthier areas generate more funding for schools.

Which of the following examples best supports a pluralist theory of democracy, as opposed to the theories of democratic elitism and the power elite?

State and national laws have been passed in response to efforts made by the group Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), with input from auto industry representatives and privacy advocates.

What functionalist explanation for social stratification do Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore offer?

Stratification has the benefit of matching the best qualified workers to the most important jobs

In a study of the admissions practices of an elite New England college with a stated commitment to diversity, which applicants tended to be targets for admission?

Target(s) for Admission upper-class African American students Not Target(s) for Admission working-class white students lower-middle-class Asian American students inner-city Latino students

What is one way that Christine's story, at the beginning of the chapter, exemplifies the concept of a hidden curriculum?

Teachers in Christine's low-performing school spent much of their time drilling students for state-mandated tests, rather than introducing new or diverse content.

What primary role does technology play in economic change and development?

Technological innovations help companies produce more goods and services at a cheaper cost.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about rape and sexual assault.

The Centers for Disease Control estimate that about 20 percent of women have been the victims of rape or attempted rape. This rate applies to women everywhere. The CDC estimates that about 16 percent of men have experienced sexual assault by age 18, often at the hands of a relative or acquaintance.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about majors chosen by male and female college students.

The discovery that more than 90 percent of engineering majors in college were men and over 90 percent of nursing majors were women reflects the cultural belief that men are rational and logical and women are nurturing and caring.

What is the main reason why children raised by one parent do not do as well as children raised by two parents, on average?

The drop in economic well-being following a divorce appears to explain the majority of the "effect" of divorce on child outcomes.

According to the textbook, what is the main reason for the increasing percentage of households headed by a female breadwinner partnered with a stay-at-home father?

The economic recession hit "male" jobs particularly hard.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

The global economy is increasingly dominated by oligopolies, which arise when corporations engage in mergers and acquisitions, allowing them to grow substantially in size. In doing so, the corporations aim to eliminate direct competition and reduce productive overcapacity.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about gender socialization.

The parent who scolds a young boy for playing with dolls (along with two girls) is giving a negative sanction for violating gender roles, while the other parent who praises the boy for winning a computer game is providing a positive sanction.

What did Paul Willis's ethnography show about the working-class young men he studied?

The young men were aware that schools were not set up to benefit them, and therefore rejected school in favor of other markers of success.

Why do researchers find it difficult to measure intelligence?

There are different forms of intelligence.

Match each term with the correct theoretical perspective.

There is no single social group called "woman"; all categories must be interrogated and deconstructed. Correct label: postmodern feminism Political reform is the best way to work toward gender equity. Correct label: liberal feminism White, privileged, U.S. feminism does not account for the experiences of women of other races. Correct label: black feminism The family is one of the primary social institutions that perpetuates patriarchy and oppression of women. Correct label: radical feminism

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about race and health in the United States.

There remains a black-white gap in life expectancy, and this gap has decreased in recent years. This is, in part, due to greater decreases in death rates for blacks for heart disease, cancer, and HIV.

What reason do most couples give for wanting to cohabit in recent years?

They love spending time together and want to share intimacy.

Which statement correctly uses the concept of affective individualism?

This belief in romantic attachment results in people wanting to choose marriage partners on the basis of personal choice and romantic love.

According to your text's definition, identify these people as transgender or not.

Transgender A biological male lives in society as a woman. A biological female uses medical assistance to physically transition to living as a man. Not Transgender A biological male identifies as "cisgender". A biological female identifies as lesbian.

A newly married wife can expect to do an additional seven hours of housework per week as a result of having a husband.


Betty Friedan argued that housewives trapped in a cycle of child care and housework was the "problem with no name."


Which of the following statements are true about the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act?

True Statement(s) It ended the practice of giving preference to immigrants from northern and western Europe. It was partially responsible for the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of immigrants in the United States. It gave preference to immigrants who sought entry into the United States for family reunification reasons. False Statement(s) It provided amnesty for illegal immigrants in the United States. It instituted a quota system specifying the number or percentage of immigrants hailing from different world regions.

How is unionization associated with average wages?

Unionized employees, on average, make more money than non-unionized employees within the same industry.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about volunteering.

Volunteer work is unpaid labor that serves an important social role. In 2015, about 63 million people—over one-fifth of American adults—contributed 8 billion hours of volunteer service, estimated as worth $193 billion.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about global migratory movements related to Western colonialism.

When people moved, mostly voluntarily, from Europe to North America, this established the colonial population, the descendants of whom still live in North America. In a similar movement, of mostly voluntary migration, Europeans also moved to Central and South America at the rate of about 50 million. When Europeans moved to Africa, most settled in South Africa. The greatest involuntary movement of migrants was from Africa to the Americas, which established New World slavery.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence about white privilege.

White privilege refers to the unacknowledged assets that benefit whites in everyday life.

Select the bolded terms that represent overt racism.

` referring to Mexican migrants as rapists and criminals. The "Unite the Right" rally promoted the superiority of whites.

In which scenario is a social movement most likely to occur, according to James Davies's theory of how relative deprivation motivates social action?

a country in which citizens have limited civil rights, but recent gains have been made in the right to free speech

What is the principal form of wealth for most Americans?

a family-owned home

Match each type of social mobility to the statement describing it.

a measure of social movement from one generation to the next Correct label: intergenerational social mobility an individual moving up (or down) the social scale in his or her own lifetime Correct label: intragenerational social mobility social mobility resulting from changes in the number and types of jobs available in society Correct label: structural social mobility talented people tend to move up the economic hierarchy, while less talented ones tend to move down Correct label: exchange mobility

When we speak of someone being a "non-cis" individual, what we are referring to?

a mismatch between their gender and their sex assigned at birth

What is a welfare state?

a state in which the government provides certain material or economic benefits for its citizens

How large is the American "upper class," as a percentage of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census?

about 5 percent

Among the following examples, who would not be considered kin?

an engaged couple who live together

What is the best example of the international division of labor?

choiceClothing produced in Bangladeshi factories is sold in U.S. retail stores by trained store staff.

Which industry has seen the fastest growth in employee unionization in recent years?

choicethe service sector

Which of the following is an example of the shift in emphasis from education to learning in the ethos of American schooling?

classes that incorporate internships or service learning in their curriculum

Which concept emerged from the work of sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva?

color blindness

Match the racial/ethnic group to the statement that describes it.

declining as a percentage of total population Correct label: White fairly steady in population from 1900 to 2050 Correct label: Black in the recent past and near future, not likely to constitute even 10 percent of the U.S. population Correct label: Native American growing significantly since a notable period of immigration in the 1970s Correct label: Asian most rapidly growing group, as a percentage of total population Correct label: Hispanic

What is one political implication of the prediction that the United States will be a majority-minority country by 2044, at which point non-Hispanic whites will comprise less than half (47 percent) of the population?

democrats will have an electoral advantage over republicans

Men and women tend to be concentrated in different occupations according to gender. Place the gender on the occupation in which it is the majority.

dental hygienist Correct label: women secretary Correct label: women machinist Correct label: men nurses Correct label: women pilot Correct label: men truck driver Correct label: men

According to many sociological studies of educational inequality, what else must occur in order for educational reforms to be successful?

economic reforms

Place the following majors that international students select in order from most to least popular.

engineering business and management math and computer sciences social sciences

A minority group is smaller in number than a majority group (e.g., Asians are a minority group in the United States, at about 5 percent of the population, compared to whites, who comprise about 63 percent of the population).


Although low-wage work does not offer workers the opportunity to save money or extensive benefits, these kinds of jobs often lead to higher paying, more stable employment.


Color-blind racism refers to the fact that people of any race can be racist.


Diane Vaughan's research on "uncoupling" focuses on how previously married individuals and their children are affected by divorce in the long run (10 or more years after divorce).


Emigration and immigration are synonyms (that is, they have the same meaning).


Emma Sulkowicz, a student at Columbia University, carried a mattress around campus as an expression of support for the rights of domestic workers.


Following a divorce, all members of the family experience a significant financial toll.


Historically, American society has been characterized by high social mobility.


In the United States, cohabitation is often seen as an alternative to marriage. Many single people say they would prefer to cohabit than marry.


International students cost U.S. taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars through the scholarships and subsidies they receive as college students.


Using the lettered list of descriptions, place each letter in the correct economic system: Fordism, Post-Fordism, or the Informal Economy. the use of scientific management vertical power structure in which companies control all parts of the production process workers have job security, but work in low-trust settings horizontal structures make corporations flexible and responsive to new conditions products are customized for niche markets work is often outsourced to lower income nations earnings are not taxed work is not regulated and workers are not protected by labor laws particularly dominated by women

fordism - ABC post-fordism - FED Informal Economy - HIG

The human capital theory suggests that we invest in our own "human capital"—education, training, and how long we commit to a job—to increase productivity and earnings. Accordingly, men choose careers that dovetail with their human capital, as do women. What strand of sociological theory would this argument support?


Which of the following describes Sarah Thebaud's research finding regarding barriers to women's entrepreneurship?

funders may view womens proposals as less compentent

Identify the following as a characteristic of either gender or sex.

gender aggression macho attitude Sex menstruation chromosomes

Which trend is displayed by this figure?

gender differences in pay are trending

The following boxes represent Barnet and Cavanagh's four webs of interconnecting commercial activity in the new world economy. Place each scenario in the appropriate box.

global cultural - the newest blockbuster global shopping mall - nike sells products global workplace - an item sold in retail shoes global finance network - exxon sells shares of its stock

Select the bolded phrases that accurately describe research findings about child-free women.

less stigmatized now than in the past. increased steadily through the 1980s and 1990s

Match each profession to the correct social class, as defined by annual income.

lower middle class ($40,000 to $100,000) Correct label: registered nurse upper class (> $200,000) Correct label: university president upper middle class ($100,000 to $200,000) Correct label: engineer working class ($20,000 to $40,000) Correct label: restaurant cook lower class (< $20,000) Correct label: part-time janitor

Which of the following household types is most common in the United States today?

married couples without children

Schools help to perpetuate gender differences in both outlook and behavior. Match the observed behavior of teachers in the classroom as it applies to either boys or girls

not engaged in discussions during a math class Correct label: what sociologists observed happening to girls interact a lot more with their teacher Correct label: what sociologists observed happening to boys given the correct answers more often Correct label: what sociologists observed happening to girls get more help working out the correct answers Correct label: what sociologists observed happening to boys

What is the term for a small number of firms that dominate the market in a given industry?


bell hooks argues that in naming the family as a core part of patriarchy, sociologists are overlooking what crucial idea?

oppresion of black women may be found in a different location

How has public opinion about the causes of poverty changed over the past two decades?

people are less likely to blame the poor for their situation

What is one employment area in which both men and women are disadvantaged in pay?

predominantly female occupations

According to economist Simon Kuznets, social inequality naturally rises and falls over the course of a society's development. Place each label in the correct position on the curve to illustrate this concept.

preindustrial - bottom left in transition - top left industrial - top right bottom right 1970

Which of the following refers to the family's role in raising a child, according to the functionalist perspective?

primary socialization

Choose the line that represents employment in the service sector.

red line going up

Select the bolded terms that represent overt racism

referring to Mexican migrants as rapists and criminals. The "Unite the Right" rally promoted the superiority of whites.

What do sociologists mean by the term "second shift"?

refers to women who work a paid job and also handle housework

A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process. What term would be used to characterize her argument?


Kelley Voelker sued Deutsche Bank for sex discrimination in 2003. Which of these possible motivations for illegally demoting Voelker is supported by a functionalist perspective on gender?

she was starting a family

What is the single biggest reason why an increasing proportion of those in poverty are women?

single women are more likely to be raising small children than men

Identify each of the following rights as either a civil, political, or social right.

social right Correct label: the right to earn a minimum wage political right Correct label: the right to run for public office civil right Correct label: the right to equal justice Correct label: the right to own property

According to Neil Smelser's theory of structural strain, place the first four stages of a social movement in chronological order from first to last

structural conducivenessstructural straingeneralized beliefsprecipitating factors

A black student who skips class, refuses to hand in work, and talks back to the teacher repeatedly in class in order to impress his same-race peers is an example of what theoretical perspective?

the "acting white" thesis

Match each term representing a form of racial bias to its definition.

the attribution of characteristics of superiority or inferiority to a population that shares inherited physical characteristics Correct label: racism holding preconceived ideas about an individual or group, ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new information Correct label: prejudice behavior that denies to the members of a particular group resources or rewards that can be obtained by others Correct label: discrimination thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories Correct label: stereotyping patterns of racial discrimination that have become structured into existing social institutions Correct label: institutional racism

Identify the person who, in Marx's theory, is a member of the bourgeoisie.

the factory owner

The twentieth century was a time of major change in race relations for black and white Americans. Based on your knowledge of civil rights history, place the following events in chronological order.

the founding of the NAACP Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansasthe Montgomery bus boycott Martin Luther King Jr. led the march on Washington the Civil Rights Act was signed into law

If American households are divided into five equal-sized groups based on income, which fifth has benefited the most from the increase in economic inequality over the last 40 years?

the highest fifth

Select the bolded phrases that represent accurate statements about technology and work.

Automation has contributed to "de-skilling" the industrial workforce

Based on the figure shown, place the four decades in order from the youngest to oldest average age at marriage for women.

1960 1920 1890 2000

According to the textbook, what was the approximate percentage of unmarried mothers with children under 18 in the paid workforce in 2013?

75 percent

Approximately what percentage of people are married, or have been married at one point, by their mid-fifties?


In general, women earn about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. How much do female social workers earn, with respect to every dollar earned by a male social worker?

91 cents

Identify the following statements as a common reason for cohabitating, or not.

A Common Reason "I just love spending time with him!" "We were spending most nights together, anyway." Not a Common Reason "I need to see whether he'll do any housework before I decide to marry him." "I need to test out my ability to be in a serious relationship."

Identify the following as major immigrant groups in the United States since 1965, or not.

A Major Group Latin America South/East Asia Not a Major Group Europe southern Africa

Identify the following statements as primary reasons why residents of Ferguson, MO protested in the streets, or not.

A Reason because of concern over institutional racism in the criminal justice system because black teenager Michael Brown had been fatally shot by a white police officer Not a Reason because of President Donald Trump's overtly racist statements because of the cumulative burden of microaggressions, white privilege, and stereotyping

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about femininity.

According to radical feminist thought, certain types of femininity are seen as the result of conceptions of beauty and sexuality controlled and produced by men.

Which of the following statements about the Tea Party are accurate?

Accurate Statement(s) The Tea Party advocates for a smaller role of government in the economy. The Tea Party is not actually a political party; it is a well-organized social movement. Not Accurate Statement(s) The Tea Party advocates for greater access to public programs such as unemployment benefits and social security. The Tea Party is growing in membership and influence.

Using the chart, indicate which statements accurately represent racial and ethnic differences in median household income over time.

Accurate Statement(s) The period of time with the strongest household income growth was 1995-2000. The racial/ethnic group with the lowest median household income has an income only slightly more than half of the group with the highest median household income. Inaccurate Statement(s) Hispanics experienced the highest rate of household income growth between the early 1970s and 2013. The Great Recession (2007-2009) had little impact on median household income.

Identify the statements that accurately describe feminist research findings regarding gender and housework for heterosexual couples.

Accurate Statement(s) When men do housework, they spend much less time on it. On a given day, the man is less likely to do housework. Not Accurate Statement(s) Heterosexual couples are nearly "symmetrical" in terms of housework labor, a dramatic shift over the last 30 years. Men more often do rational tasks, and women do affective tasks.

What scenario best exemplifies the concept of stereotype threat?

After overhearing her teacher say that "girls don't do as well in math" to a colleague, Samantha began to get anxious before taking math tests.

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.

Although interrelated terms, race refers to a classification system that ranks people according to physical characteristics, whereas ethnicity refers to an identity based on shared cultural values and norms.

According to sociologists, which are aspects of "lifestyle"?

Aspect(s) of Lifestyle one's clothing one's recreational activities one's diet Not Aspect(s) of Lifestyle one's occupation one's income

Select the bolded phrases that represent accurate statements about childhood poverty since the 2008 recession

CHILDHOOD poverty surged after the 2008 recession, erasing many of the gains in child-well-being made in the last 20 years. This is seen in nearly equal rates of childhood poverty for married couple families, male-headed families, and female-headed families. THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY since the recession has benefitted the superrich and their children, and these benefits have filtered down to the poor. In 2015, just 5 percent of children in the United States were living in poverty.

Identify each example as describing capitalism in particular, or economies in general.

Capitalism based on the private ownership of wealth economic behavior is incentivized by profit Economies in General economic behavior is incentivized by survival people exert themselves mentally and physically in order to produce goods and services

Identify the statements as characteristic of populist authoritarianism, or not.

Characteristic(s) of Populist Authoritarianism strong nationalism that is anti-immigrant and anti-globalization assertive leadership that values security over civil liberties Not Characteristic(s) of Populist Authoritarianism advocacy for a welfare state that provides benefits to its citizens support for social movements (with various political goals) as a mechanism for populist action

Which factors are the chief bases of class?

Chief Factor(s) wealth income occupation education lifestyle Not Chief Factor(s) region race

Match each term to the correct parenting practice.

Children are comfortable expressing themselves and questioning authority. Correct label: concerted cultivation Children are enrolled in numerous extracurricular activities. Correct label: concerted cultivation Children are independent in entertaining themselves and playing with friends. Correct label: accomplishment of natural growth Children are very close to extended kin. Correct label: accomplishment of natural growth Parents speak briefly to children and use command statements. Correct label: accomplishment of natural growth

According to Whalen's research, what is a common outcome for white working-class young adult opioid addicts with small children?

Children are raised by older adult relatives.

David Popenoe and Judith Stacey disagree on the question of whether changes in family forms in the United States are "bad" for adults and children. Match each sociologist to the correct argument. Labels can be used more than once.

Children need loving caretakers, regardless of their gender. Correct label: Stacey The increase in divorce, cohabitation, nonmarital births, and decrease in marriage are associated with social ills such as child poverty, substance abuse, and juvenile crime. Correct label: Popenoe Mothers and fathers play different and essential roles in socializing their children. Correct label: Popenoe In the postmodern economy, it is increasingly difficult for one spouse to earn enough to support a family. Correct label: Stacey

It is impossible to know the future, but research on stratification predicts certain scenarios as likely for today's college students. College graduates are likely to outearn those without college degrees. The main variable explaining upward mobility in the United States, however, is your parents' income, not your college degree. You may or may not outearn your parents—it might just be a coin toss. But surely you will compete with highly skilled workers from emerging economies such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan.

College graduates are likely to outearn those without college degrees. You may or may not outearn your parents

Which of the following were consequences of school busing practices?

Consequence(s) less segregation in U.S. public schools white families moving to the suburbs increased racial tensions Not Consequence(s) white and black families agreeing that integrated schools were better than the previous system

What do "critical," or Marxist, sociologists mean when they say that the hidden curriculum promotes social reproduction?

Contrary to the notion that schools are "great equalizers," schools actually perpetuate social inequalities across generations.

Which factors contribute to the increasing ability of corporations to dominate the market through merging with and acquiring other firms?

Contributing Factor(s) advanced technology fewer regulations for businesses efficient financing Not Contributing Factor(s) multilingual workers increased education across the globe

According to the textbook, which factors have contributed to the movement away from traditional family forms and toward nuclear family arrangements in many societies?

Contributing Factor(s) the development of centralized governments migration from rural to urban areas employment in institutions, rather than on the land Not Contributing Factor(s) widespread interest in retaining religious traditions the spread of ideas about the utility of marriage

What effect did the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission have on elections in the United States?

Corporations and unions now have a greater voice in elections than in the past.

By which criteria does Erik Olin Wright differentiate the class locations of the workers who must sell their labor power?

Correct Criteria the possession of skills or expertise the relationship to authority Incorrect Criteria the level of income the nature of the work: manual or intellectual

According to the textbook, which of the following factors contributed to the rise of racism?

Correct Factor(s) preexisting notions about the meaning of "white" and "black" as symbols of good and evil exploitive relations between Europeans and those whose lands they settled the invention of race as an inheritable and naturally hierarchical trait Incorrect Factor(s) stories passed down from generation to generation about the habits and beliefs of native people

According to the textbook, which of the following factors contributed to the rise of racism?

Correct Factor(s) preexisting notions about the meaning of "white" and "black" as symbols of good and evil the invention of race as an inheritable and naturally hierarchical trait exploitive relations between Europeans and those whose lands they settled Incorrect Factor(s) stories passed down from generation to generation about the habits and beliefs of native people

According to the textbook and the following chart, identify the two reasons for the stagnation in Hispanics' median household income in the 2000s.

Correct Reasons Hispanics are often stuck in low-level service jobs, which do not pay well. Poor immigrant families entering the country drove down the median household income. Incorrect Reasons Employers actively discriminate against Hispanic job applicants, partly out of fears about hiring undocumented immigrants. Hispanic youth who immigrated in earlier decades held low educational aspirations, leading to lower levels of attainment.

Identify each statement about homelessness in the United States as either correct or incorrect.

Correct Statement(s) A large majority of the homeless have a history of drug or alcohol abuse or mental health issues. One cause of homelessness today is the rising cost of housing. The number of homeless families with children has risen in recent years. Incorrect Statement(s) The number of homeless veterans has risen in recent years.

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which began in 1997, differs from earlier forms of welfare assistance for the poor. Identify each statement about the TANF program as either correct or incorrect

Correct Statement(s) Families can only receive five years' worth of assistance. Recipients must begin working after two years to continue benefits. Incorrect Statement(s) More state and federal money is made available. The program is expressly meant to help families with children.

Which of the following are examples of how families perform the role of personality stabilization, according to the functionalist perspective?

Example(s) Two adult brothers keep in touch with weekly phone calls from across the country. A husband comforts his wife after she loses her job. Not Example(s) A mother reminds her child to say "thank you" after receiving a present. A married partner is restrained from cheating on her spouse because of marriage vows.

According to Charles Tilly's analysis of revolutionary social change, identify each scenario as an example of collective action, or not.

Example(s) of Collective Action In the nineteenth century, the peasantry overthrew the monarchy in France. A painting of the Storming of the Bastille. On Jan. 21, 2017, hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Washington D.C. for the Women's March. A large crowd marching in front of the White House. Not Example(s) of Collective Action Millions of people vote in each election. A crowd cheers and waves signs at a political rally in a packed arena. Elected officials work together to pass policies. Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks at a committee meeting.

French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu emphasizes the importance of "cultural capital" in determining a child's later social class. Which are examples of cultural capital?

Example(s) of Cultural Capital attendance at elite private schools having parents who help with homework Not Example(s) of Cultural Capital adequate nutrition and rest safe transportation to and from school

According to sociologist Sean Reardon, which of the following are explanations for the achievement gap?

Explanation(s) Residential segregation related to income has increased in recent decades. Middle-class parents invest more heavily in their children's cognitive development. Not Explanation(s) School discipline often removes the most needy children from class, thus limiting their educational exposure. Families that value credentialism pass on this value to their children.

Which of the following are expressions of nationalism?

Expression(s) of Nationalism fans singing "The Star Spangled Banner" at a sporting event belief in the possibilities of the American Dream Not Expression(s) of Nationalism a citizen voting in a presidential election a "Don't Mess with Texas" bumper sticker

Match each term to the correct example

Factory workers, angered by the poor working conditions, riot against their employers. Correct label: pre-modern labor conflict A large retail company responds to workers' demands by eliminating their hours and barring them from entry, effectively eliminating their wages until the employees capitulate to the new policies. Correct label: lockout In response to their employer cutting hours and benefits, workers at a local café begin following every direction in the handbook to the letter, which slows down work markedly. Correct label: work to rule Five hundred workers at a manufacturing plant refuse to come into work, sending a letter of their grievances about unpaid overtime to both their employer and the local newspaper. Correct label: strike

Match each description of family life to its associated phase, according to historical sociologist Lawrence Stone.

First Phase Correct label: Parents or community members typically made marital matches for couples. Correct label: The nuclear family was deeply embedded in extended family and community ties. Second Phase Correct label: The nuclear family became distinct from extended family and community. Third Phase Correct label: Women were relegated to the domestic sphere, while men more often worked outside the home. Correct label: Marriage ties were based on individual choice and romantic love.

Identify the following economic practices as distinctive to flexible production systems, or true of capitalism in general.

Flexible Production Systems Companies "race to the bottom" searching around the world for the cheapest materials and labor. The various components of a product are made in different factories around the world. Capitalism in General Successful entrepreneurship is rewarded with great wealth and profit. Workers sense that their own abilities as human beings are taken over by others.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the achievement gap in standardized test scores.

For SAT scores in 2015, the average scores on the math section for blacks and Hispanics were significantly lower than the average score of whites.

There are many forms of masculinity in society. Why do sociologists label one type of masculinity "hegemonic"?

Hegemonic masculinity is dominant, and there are negative sanctions for those who do not live by these norms.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about education.

In contemporary society, the spread of information technology appears to be changing the nature of schooling. In particular, a parallel education industry linked to software development and large institutions are forming part of what is being called the edutainment industry.

Which of the following observations supports the sociological theory that education is a process of assimilation?

In public schools throughout the United States, students follow highly similar curricula in all major subjects (e.g., history, English) from kindergarten through the 8th grade.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

In the United States, many adults have occupations where they earn a regular wage or salary. Collectively, this work forms the basis of the economy.

Match each theory of modern democracy to the statement that best describes it.

Interest groups compete among themselves to have power over decision making, providing a balance of power within democracies. Correct label: pluralist theories A small and unrepresentative group of leaders hold enormous sway over governmental policy. Correct label: power elite Democratic governments rely on the expertise of bureaucrats, which are balanced by strong political leaders elected by a free citizenry. Correct label: democratic elitism

Why does Walmart define a full-time work week as comprising 32 hours?

It gives them greater flexibility and power.

What has happened to the achievement gap between rich and poor children between the 1970s and today?

It has grown by about 30-40 percent.

According to Roslyn Mickelson, students have abstract and concrete attitudes toward schooling. Match each attitude to the appropriate description.

It is important to go to college in order to go ahead. Correct label: abstract I can see myself succeeding in school. Correct label: concrete School is important to me. Correct label: abstract College will not be useful to me. Correct label: concrete

What did the 1995 Gun-Free School Zones Act change about school policy?

It mandated automatic suspension or expulsion of students possessing drugs or weapons in school.

How does the "marriageable men hypothesis" explain rates of marriage among African Americans?

the last one

What does Eric Klinenberg conclude from his research on people who live alone?

Living alone can be a positive experience for the young and old.

Which are main causes behind rising economic inequality in the United States over the past few decades?

Main Cause(s) economic globalization the declining role of governments Not Main Cause(s) increased international conflict high and rising inflation

What are the main features of global capitalism?

Main Feature(s) corporations conduct operations in more than one country shareholders, top management, and executive officers come from more than one country Not Main Feature(s) corporations are located within one country, but do business with other corporations around the world global corporations are not obligated to follow any federal level laws

Identify the following parents as more or less likely to homeschool their children, according to the survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education.

More Likely to Homeschool a stay-at-home mother who is concerned about negative moral influences in public school a two-parent family earning $65,000 Less Likely to Homeschool a single black mother concerned for her child's future a two-parent family with one parent working in the tech industry, which fosters a belief in cyberschooling

Match each term to the correct description of the family form. Labels can be used more than once.

Moynihan blamed the legacy of slavery, in which black families were often forcibly separated, for continuing "disorganization" among black families. Correct label: cultural Poor families have closer relationships to extended family because they tend to live close by and must rely on these kin for occasional financial or practical help. Correct label: structural An emerging family form among black middle-class young adults is the single-person household, due to the lack of employment opportunities for black men. Correct label: structural Hispanics are often described as adhering to strong "familism" norms, which suggest close ties to and obligations toward family members. Correct label: cultural

Select the bolded phrases that describe ways in which the Internet likely shaped the 2016 presidential election

One effective strategy was "twitterstorms" "Fake news" stemmed from individuals, U.S. groups, and Russia,

Identify the reasons why the achievement gap between poor and wealthy kids has grown over time.

Reason(s) Better-off families can afford to live in better neighborhoods with better schools. Better-off families tend to engage in more activities designed to improve their children's cognitive abilities. Income inequality has grown over time, too, and this increases the resources available to kids from better-off families. Poorer children are more likely to live in single-parent homes, and one parent may not have as much time to spend on them. Not Reason(s) Poor families do not place as much trust in schools as better-off families do.

Which reasons do Edin and Kefalas give for high rates of nonmarital birth among low-income women?

Reason(s) In poor communities, people often share a belief that remaining childless is a bad thing, and that children can bring happiness and order. Poor women often prefer nonmarital childbearing than marrying the wrong man. Poor men and women often stop using contraception when they are in a serious relationship, even when they don't want or plan to have children. Not Reason(s) Poor women often divorce their partners at some point during pregnancy, due to emotional and financial strains on the relationship. Poor men are not interested in marrying the mothers of their children and usually leave their partnerships while the women are pregnant.

Which of the following reasons have been proposed for the reversal of the gender gap in completing a college degree?

Reason(s) Opportunities in traditionally female-dominated industries have expanded, while male-dominated industries like manufacturing now have fewer opportunities. Teachers have recognized and addressed gender bias in the classroom. Not Reason(s) Natural differences in intelligence between boys and girls is clearer now that gender bias is less present in schools. Girls are increasingly flocking to science and math fields.

Identify the reasons why it is difficult to obtain accurate statistics on intimate partner violence.

Reason(s) Victims of severe abuse may not have the time and freedom to answer survey questions. Perpetrators of domestic abuse may underreport. There are different types of intimate partner violence, which may lead to confusion. Not Reason(s) Researchers are not allowed to interview women at shelters, due to privacy concerns. Surveys often mischaracterize violence when asking respondents questions.

How does this picture exemplify the kinds of problems that Jonathan Kozol saw in the schools he observed?

Schools in poor communities were in a state of disrepair.

Which of the following scenarios is the best example of worker alienation, according to Marx's view?

Sergio works in a warehouse pulling products people have ordered from an online merchant to be shipped to them the next day. His accuracy and speed are closely monitored by his immediate supervisor, which he resents.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

The Fordist period after World War II was characterized by a high degree of stability in labor relations and high rates of unionization. Workers and employers engaged in collective bargaining, which contributed to a range of worker benefits.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about social inequalities.

The phrase social stratification refers to inequalities arising not from local factors such as personality and small-group dynamics but from broad differences in race, gender, and religion. Inequalities based on how such differences locate people in a social system are called structured inequalities.

According to the textbook, identify the reasons why Americans are less likely to vote than citizens in many other countries.

The registration process is more complex in the United States than in other countries. Americans have the opportunity to vote more often and for more positions. The winner-take-all system discourages third parties that would give voters more viable choices. Not Reason Elections are less publicized in the United States compared to other countries.

Today, women account for about half of the workforce, a significant increase since 1950.


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the isolation of ethnic groups.

Two forms of group closure that have been used to isolate ethnic groups are ethnic cleansing, which spurs the mass exodus of a minority ethnic group through threats and violent intimidation, and segregation, a practice whereby racial and ethnic groups are kept physically separate by law.

Look at the Globalization by the Numbers interactive graphic here. Place the countries in order from the one that offers the least to most paid maternity leave.

United States India RussianFederation Norway

Test your knowledge of educational attainment using the Globalization by the Numbers interactive graphic here. Then place in order the following countries from highest to lowest average years of schooling.

United States Norway Japan Ghana Afghanistan

Using the Globalization by the Numbers infographic, place the following countries in order from lowest to highest voter turnout.

United StatesMexicoTurkeyRwanda

Identify each description as a member of either the upper middle class or the lower middle class.

Upper Middle Class owns a small business active in local politics owns a comfortable-sized home Lower Middle Class not politically active works for hourly wages

Match the concept with the sociological research question it best fits.

Why do white people mostly befriend other white people? Correct label: white privilege How do the routine practices of police departments produce unfair outcomes for blacks? Correct label: institutional racism What is it like for black people when whites ask to touch their hair? Correct label: racial microaggression

Classify each description as either a winner-take-all or proportional representation approach.

Winner-Take-All Approach Countries with this electoral system typically end up with two dominant political parties. This electoral system is prevalent in the United States. Proportional Representation Approach Elected representatives in countries with this electoral system often have to form coalitions in order to form a government. Countries with this electoral system typically end up with several political parties, representing divergent interests.

Which of the following examples most clearly displays prejudice?

a white person believes that hispanics are dangerous but doesnt act on this belief

Which of the following is an example of economic interdependence?

a woman buying meat from a butcher, clothing from a retailer, and working for a pet grooming service

Place the U.S. population groups in order from highest to lowest high school graduation rates.

asian whites hispanics american indians

Place each racial/ethnic group on the correct bar in the graph indicating the percentage of college degrees attained for each group.

asians whites blacks hispanics

Absolute poverty means, essentially, not having enough to eat. What does relative poverty mean?

being worse off than most people in ones society

Look at the Globalization by the Numbers interactive graphic here. Based on the racial categorizations of people living in these countries, which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic identification across countries?

countries base racial and ethnic categorization on different traits, including skin color

According to Marx, what are the essential characteristics of human nature?

creativity, control over one's activities, and cooperation with others

Which theory of education argues that a high school diploma or college degree becomes a signaling device that matters more for predicting later attainment than what the student learned in school?

credentialism theory

Based on the map, which color code is used for countries with the lowest literacy rate, and how low is that literacy rate?

dark orange, less than 50 percent literate

One benefit of the Internet is that it has minimized the importance of socioeconomic differences between people within the United States and abroad; everyone has access to the Internet, and therefore can take part in online activities


Residential segregation has declined considerably over the past 25 years


Social scientists have determined that there are two genders.


The intensity of negative effects related to dropping out of high school peaks between ages 18 and 25 and lessens after that.


The true problem of unemployment is less than this chart indicates, because unemployment rates count retired persons, children, and others who do not want or need to work.


To the detriment of his rivals, Ford raised the wages at his production facility to obtain the best workers.


Union memberships, and the associated strategy of striking, has increased throughout the last twenty-five years.


Match each statement about the photograph to the theory that best fits it.

feminist approaches Correct label: The woman appears happy, but she may be trapped, captive to her unpaid household labor. symbolic interactionism Correct label: The woman uses a hug, posture, and laundry to communicate a caring posture toward her son and household. functionalism Correct label: When men work from an instrumental role and women from an affective role, this rational household organization works well.

Which strategy do Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn advocate as a first essential step toward addressing general inequality as a whole, on a global level?

financial empowerment of women

What does the phrase "real income" refer to?

income that has been numerically adjusted to remove the affects of inflation

What were the "black codes"?

laws limiting the rights of blacks in the south after the civil war

Match each concept with the example it best fits.

refusing to hire an Irish American because she is likely to be an alcoholic Correct label: discrimination During Jim Crow segregation, it was legal to separate the races in schools. Correct label: institutional racism A white person purchases band-aids that match his skin color. Correct label: white privilege the belief that Jews are greedy and stingy with money Correct label: prejudice

Why does Amy Chua argue that democracy and a free market would not solve the problem of ethnic conflicts?

the introduction of democracy may trigger a backlash

Match each type of family to the correct description.

two adults living in a household with their own or adopted children Correct label: nuclear family the family in which one enters as an adult and may have one's own children Correct label: families of procreation a household comprised of close adult relatives, some of whom are not related by marriage Correct label: extended family the family in which one is brought up Correct label: families of orientation

Why is it important to consider the history of Western colonialism if we want to understand today's racial and ethnic divisions?

western colonialism created divisions between racial ethinc groups

Select the bolded phrases that are examples of division of labor.

women perform certain tasks and men perform other tasks Work is divided into many different occupations in which people specialize. Physical health, for example, may require attention from a doctor, a surgeon, an optometrist, and a dentist

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