sociology exam #3

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how do for-profit college students and graduates compare to non-profit students and graduates?

96% for-profit students take out loans compared to 13-57% at non-profit schools

Which statement about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment is true?

If the patients had been wealthy, it is inconceivable that the doctors would have performed the experiment.

negative sanction

an expression of disapproval of breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a fine or a prison sentence

institutionalized means

approved ways of reaching cultural goals

result of non-profit organizations:

college is really expensive for students and their families

ray rist

concluded that each child's journey through school was determined by the eighth day of kindergarten

The __________ perspective stresses that the __________ of schools perpetuates social inequalities.

conflict; hidden curriculum

sociological definition of family

consists of people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption


consists of people who occupy the same housing unit

____ theory shows how internal and external perceptions may influence deviant behaviors


a functionalist would argue that school serves what purpose?

creates social integration

cooperate crime

crimes committed by executives in order to benefit their corporation

street crime

crimes such as mugging, raping, and burglary

conflict perspective of deviance

criminal justice system is a tool designed by the powerful to maintain power and prestige

Privileges, such as more highly educated parents, encouragement, pressure to bring home top grades, and the money to pay for college, are called __________ by sociologists.

cultural capital

What is the manifest function by which schools pass on a society's core values from one generation to the next?

cultural transmission of values


dealing with patients as though they are merely cases and diseases

capital punishment

death penalty

Ordering lab tests when the patient does not need them is part of __________.

defensive medicine

A shaman—a spiritual intermediary in some tribal societies of the world—would probably be ___________ in contemporary American society.

defined as insane

sources of childcare

depends on social class and wealth; ex. higher class hires nannies

referring to patients as "a 35 year old woman" and "a 60 year old man" is an example of what?


functionalist perspective of deviance

deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms, deviance promotes social unity, and promotes social change

strain theory supports the sociological view that:

deviance does not exist unless labeled as such

symbolic interactionist perspective of deviance

deviance does not exist unless labeled as such

strain theory supports the sociological view that

deviance results from bad role models

strain theory supports the sociological view that

deviance results from social pressure to conform to norms

medicalization of deviance

deviance that existed in a non-medical framework is placed in a medical framework (ex. pornography consumption)

The use of a smartphone for health care is an example of __________.

digital medicine

A(n) ___________ environment is one that is harmful to people's health.


According to Talcott Parsons, when you claim the sick role, you __________.

do not like the sick role

For adults,the gatekeepers to the sick role are __________.


intimate partner violence

domestic violence or battering between two people in a close relationship

The professionalization of medicine in response to the Flexner report occurred in the __________.

early 1900s

sudden epidemics

ebola; diseases crossing over borders and quickly spreading

Acculturation is an informal process of learning a culture, and ___________ is a formal system of teaching knowledge, values, and skills.


differencial association

edwin sutherland's term to indicate that people who associate w/ some groups learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant

community colleges

emerged in 1900s, opened higher education to students who otherwise would not have access

for-profit colleges

emerged in 1990s, high cost and low prestige but with loan options and flexible degree programs

functionalist perspective of medicine

emphasis on people needing to be healthy enough to perform their roles so that society functions well

If a school wants to promote capitalism, it will __________

encourage competition

A society that prohibits interracial marriage by law is:

enforcing endogamy


expectations of "right" behavior

functionalism approach to family

family is related to other parts of society and how families contribute to well-being of society (universality of family, functions of incest taboo, dark side of families)

which of the following is NOT a component of health?


Which of the following types of crimes is an example of a white collar crime?


defensive medicine

medical procedures performed by physicians to protect themselves in case they are sued for malpractice

before the 1960's doctors rarely prescribed hormones for menopause because menopause was considered a normal part of aging; menopause is an example of:


menopause is an example of which concept?


Most students who attend community college are __________.

nontraditional students

illegitimate opportunity structure

opportunities for crimes that are woven into the texture of life

self-fulfilling prophecy

original false assertion that becomes true simply because it was predicted

About how many Americans die from the effects of nicotine each year?

over 400,000


parents teaching their own children at home

Of the following factors, which one is most important in predicting which children will go to college?

parents' income

In Ray Rist's observation study of a kindergarten class, what was the basis for assigning students to the fast-learner, slow-learner, or average-learner tables?

social class

deviance is the result of society

social influences construct social norms and influence some people to break those norms

Schools bring about ___________ through the promotion of a national identity.

social integration

Which theory describes crime though a genetic predisposition to deviant acts?



sorting students into different educational programs on the basis of real or perceived abilites

differential association theory

states that people have a greater tendency to deviate from societal norms when they frequently associate with individuals who are more favorable toward deviance than conformity (ex. friends, family, peers)

because enzo's teacher has high expectations, she studies extra hard. what theory is this?

symbolic interactionism

ted talk by dr. rios

teachers need to listen to their students n stuff

cultural relativity

the "normality" of behavior is determined by the culture

Education reflects a nation's culture. Although their cultures differ in many ways, in both Soviet Russia and Japan, a great effort was put into enforcing __________.


Before industrialization, Thomas Jefferson proposed universal schooling as a way to __________ the national culture.


latent function of education

unintended beneficial consequences of people's actions

universal schooling

us leaders proposed common school, instill patriotism and teach principles of representation government

credential society

use of diplomas and degrees to determine eligibility for jobs even though the diploma or degree may be irrelevant to the job

Each day in the United States, there are about __________ wrong-patient, wrong-side, or wrong-procedure surgeries.


Personalized medicine includes prescribing medicines that match your__________.


white collar crime

Edwin Sutherland's term for crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations; for example, bribery of public officials, securities violations, embezzlement, false advertising, and price fixing

What effect does the low quality of education have on Egypt as a nation?

Egypt cannot compete in the global economy.

What did sociologist Randall Collins mean when he said industrialized nations have become credential societies?

Employers use diplomas and degrees as sorting devices to determine who is eligible for a job and to weed out the incapable.

__________ is the study of how medical problems are distributed throughout a population.


In the United States, medical care is ___________.

a commodity for sale


a formal system of teaching knowledge, values, and skills

social placement

a function of education-funneling people into a society's various positions

social control

a group's formal and informal means of enforcing its norms


a groups formal and informal means of inforcing norms

social order

a groups usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives


a human condition measured by four components: physical, mental, social, and spiritual

incest taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives

positive sanctions

a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material reward

increase in bureaucracy and lower teaching expectations lead to grade inflation of what group?

catholic school

As society changes, disease and death __________.


symbolic interactionist approach to family

how families negotiate roles and tasks


single husband with multiple wives


single wife with multiple husbands

One of the three components of health defined by international experts in 1941 was __________.



"blemishes" that discredit a person's claim to a "normal" identity

Afghanistan's infant mortality rate is __________ times higher than Japan's.


What does the correspondence principle mean?

A nation's schools reflect the characteristics of their society.

affordable care act

An expansion of medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition (obamacare)

Which racial or ethnic group has the most success in both education and attaining high incomes?

Asian Americans

Sociologist George Farkas found that even when test scores were the same, girls generally received higher course grades than boys. What did Farkas conclude from those findings?

Girls are better at signaling to teachers that they are good students.

Why did Horace Mann propose paying for education through taxation?

He thought average-income families should be able to afford to send their children to school.

__________ refers to the attitudes and unwritten rules of behavior that help perpetuate social inequalities and reproduce the social class structure.

Hidden curriculum

Why do home-schooled children tend to do better academically than public school counterparts?

Home schoolers receive intense, one-on-one teaching.

How does entry into college differ in the United States than in Japan?

In the United States, anyone who can afford college can go to college.

What was an effect of tracking?

It perpetuated social inequality.

How did the Russian educational system operate during the Soviet regime?

Students followed a state-prescribed curriculum.

What statement about sociology and medicine is true?

Many medical schools and hospitals have sociologists on their staffs.

__________ refers to the process of turning something that was not previously considered an issue for physicians into a medical matter.


What is the relationship between industrialization and access to education?

New machinery and jobs required workers to read, write, and work with numbers. This meant different members of society, other than the wealthy, had to be educated.

What is one reason that more people die of cancer today than in the past?

People live longer today, and most cancers strike older people.

What is a key reason that some people do not take steps toward preventing disease?

Prevention demands work.

What happened after doctors forcefully took over the delivery of babies from midwives?

Prices went up.

strain theory

Robert Merton's theory that deviance occurs when a society does not give all of its members equal ability to achieve socially acceptable goals

Which statement accurately reflects the current state of violence in our schools?

Schools are becoming safer.

What were the results when social psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson told teachers that they had developed a predictive test of children's abilities and that certain students should be expected to "spurt" ahead of their classmates?

The "spurters' " IQs increased by the end of the year.

The children attending a middle class, suburban elementary school scored far higher on their IQ test than the children from an urban school in an area of high poverty. What is the reason for this discrepancy?

The IQ tests were culturally biased against the urban-school students.

What were the long-term effects of the informal tracking done by the teacher in Ray Rist's participant observation study?

The children originally labeled as fast learners retained that reputation through the years and received more challenging work.

Ray Rist followed the children in his kindergarten study for a few years. What did he observe in second grade?

The children were grouped in the same basic arrangement as they had been in kindergarten.

Which of the following statements about HIV/AIDS is true?

The infection and death rates from HIV/AIDs are much lower in the United States today than in the past.

Why are MOOCs unlikely to replace traditional classrooms?

They are too impersonal.

infant mortality

US ranks high

Which statement about mental health is true?

We do not know how much mental illness there is today or how much there was in the past.

Which of the following statements about lifestyle is true?

Which of the following statements about lifestyle is true?

Tomas argues that the way medicine is practiced today is very much influenced by social class. Is Tomas right?

Yes, Tomas is right. Illness and health are much more than biological matters.

Gene, an enthusiastic, bright little boy, came from a background of poverty. He wore hand-me-downs, and often did not have the proper school supplies. Regardless of the fact that Gene showed ability and interest in reading, the teacher put him in the slow group based on where he came from. For the first few months of school, Gene repeatedly asked to read the more challenging books, but was told they were too difficult for him. By the end of the year, Gene no longer took much interest in reading at all. The next year he was again placed in the slow group and given the lowest-level readers. This continued for the next few years. By the end of elementary school, he barely read, even though his IQ was on the high side. What does this scenario exemplify?

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Mischa is a bright child and very well liked by her teachers. All of her teachers expected her to perform very well academically. At the end of the term, Mischa scored the highest in her class. Which of the following terms best describes Mischa's experience?

a self-fulfilling prophecy


a society's standard ways of dealing with illness and injury

two tier system of medical care

a system of medical care in which the wealthy receive superior medical care and the poor inferior medical care

two-tier system

a system of medical care in which the wealthy receive superior medical care and the poor inferior medical care


a system of reckoning descent that counts only the mother's side

degradation ceremony

a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to remake someone's self by stripping away that individual's self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

the innovative path to deviance means to ______ cultural goals and _____ institutional means

accept, reject

What race/ethnicity is the least likely to have families headed by both parents?

african americans


all public universities and most private

where do most alternative medicines originate?


sociobiological explanations of deviance

behavior is made up of inherited propensities and modified by the environment

Bob graduated from high school, but he has trouble filling out job applications and reading newspapers. Which term best describes Bob?

functionally illiterate

Brenda felt bad and wanted to stay home from second grade. Her mother took Brenda's temperature. She asked Brenda if anything hurt, and Brenda said no--she just did not feel well. Brenda's mother sent her off for a normal school day. For Brenda, her mother was the __________ the sick role.

gatekeeper to

gatekeepers of sick role

gatekeepers "guard the gate" so too many people cannot claim to be sick

Social placement is more commonly known as __________.


george farkas research

girls and asians more likely to get better grades

Medical care is one of a number of examples of __________.

global stratification

High school teachers used to give out more C's than A's, but now the opposite is true. What has caused this reversal?

grade inflation

why do teachers give more A's than C's today?

grade inflation

extended family

grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins

A human condition measured by these four components: physical, mental, social, and spiritual, is known as __________.


A leading cause of death today is __________.

heart disease

functionally illiterate

high school graduates who have difficulty with basic reading and math

grade inflation

higher grades given for same work

dr. salvador practices defensive medicine in order to protect who?


In Ray Rist's kindergarten observation, where did the teacher place the "slow learner" table?

in the back of the room, farthest from her

genetic predisposition

inborn tendencies

Which of the following statements about alternative medicine is true? Alternative medicine__________.

includes medical practices imported from Asian cultures

Interracial marriage between blacks and whites is


Which of the following functions of education surprised researchers?

increasing the length of life

deviant paths

innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion

the U.S. government had early schools develop:

instill patriotism, teach principles of representative government

social integration

integrading immigrants and people with disabilites

The positive things that people intend their actions to accomplish are known as __________, and the positive consequences they did not intend are called __________.

manifest functions; latent functions

functionalist perspective of health and illness

is society is to function well, it's people need to be healthy enough to perform their normal roles

who is an example of a gatekeeper?

kelly, levi's mom

What theory of deviance is guided by the stigma attached to criminal acts?


marriage and longevity

marriage rates are at a historic low

____ and _____ groups are more likely to follow family patterns from their country of origin

latinos and asian americans

mandatory education laws

laws that require all children to attend school until a specified age or until they complete a minimum grade in school

conflict perspective on health

least industrialized nations have shorter lifespans


living together without being married

Some people think the proliferation of video games is a reason for this aspect of high school seniors: ___________.

lower verbal SAT scores

the emphasis on male strength and dominance is defined as ____


____ is effective for students with physical disabilities who can keep up academically w/ others


What can we safely say about the future of medicine? It will __________.

make today's practice of medicine look old-fashioned

By 1918, all U.S. children were required to attend school until the eighth grade, or the age of 16. This was enforced by __________.

mandatory education laws

what is the only legal monopoly in the united states?


sociological perspective of medicine

medicine examines how illness and health are related to cultural beliefs, lifestyles, and social class

When a school lowers the passing score for a test, they are promoting __________.


conflict approach to family

men have more power than women in a household


men-as-a-group dominating women-as-a-group


mercy killing

inner controls

morals, conscience, ideas of right and wrong

The sick role is claimed __________.

more frequently by women

nuclear family

mother, father and children living as a unit

single father households are most likely for what race/ethnicity?

native americans

the 3 "r's"

need to read, need to write, need to do math

education in early U.S. had:

no comprehensive school system, no education was sinked to class status, high school was higher education

mass incarceration and the new "jim crow"

no longer sociology permissive to use roles explicity

education in early societies had:

no social institution called education, no schools, no teachers

fee for service

payment to a physician to diagnose and treat a patient's medical problems


people being discriminated against can develop long term health problems from constant anxiety

changes in death in united states

people died faster back then because of diseases, people live longer now; cancer is considered a luxury disease

sandwich generation

people who are caring for both their parents and their children

martial homogamy

people who have similar characteristics and marry one another

outer control

people, family, friends, and police

Major U.S. trends in marriage and family

postponment of first marriage, increase in cohabitation, delaying first child, sandwich generation

Although education in Egypt is free, there is little emphasis on formal education. This is largely due to __________.


global stratification

power, dominance, income


practice of placing children with special needs in regular classroom settings, with the support of professionals who provide special education services

cultural bias

preferring one culture over another

Abdul knew that half his patients would not have so many health problems if they listened to his suggestions for eating healthier, exercising, stopping smoking, moderating alcohol, and losing weight. Most patients, however, seemed to want to leave Abdul's office with a(n) __________.

prescription to treat symptoms

coleman and hoffer

private school students who are disadvantaged do better than in public schools (looking at differences between public and private education)

Jill can barely add and subtract, but each year she was passed on to the next grade and eventually graduated from high school. This is an example of social __________.


_____ theory refers to mental disorders that lead to crime


What is one way to attract the best college graduates to the teaching profession?

raise salaries

the push for universal education included:

religious and ethnic pluralism, u.s. leaders proposed "universal culture" or "common school"

romantic love

sexual attraction

symbolic interactionist of medicine

sickness and health are matters of cultural definition (ex. south american tribe)

Sondra was surrounded by people in hospital garb whom she did not know. One of them lifted the front of her robe to show her left thigh to the others, who studied it. Sondra felt she was the only one in the room not shown respect, and she was glad when they left and she could drift off to sleep. Sondra's treatment is an example of __________.

the depersonalization of medicine

professionalization of medicine

the development of medicine into a specialty that requires physicians to (1) obtain a rigorous education, (2) claim a theoretical understanding of illness, (3) take authority over clients, (4) regulate themselves, and (5) present themselves as doing a service to society (rather than just following self-interest)

family of procreation

the family formed when a couple's first child is born

family of orientation

the family in which an individual grows up


the healing specialist of a tribe who attempts to control the spirits thought to cause a disease or injury; commonly called a witch doctor

control theory

the idea that two control systems- inner controls and outer controls- work against our tendencies to deviate

widowhood effect

the impact of the death is so strong that surviving spouses tend to die earlier than expected

manifest function of education

the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions

In the United States, health care is __________.

the largest business


the need for more educated workers


the need for more educated workers

cultural goals

the objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a society to achieve


the percentage of released convicts who are rearrested

recidivism rate

the percentage of released convicts who are rearrested

criminal justice system

the police, courts, and prisons that deal with people who are accused of having committed crimes

criminal justice as a tool of oppression

the poor is an instrument of oppression


the practice of marrying outside one's own group


the practice of marrying within one's own group

police discretion

the practice of the police, in the normal case of their duties, to either arrest or ticket someone for an offense or to overlook the matter

emotional overload

the problem that single-parents face involving the stress of having to cope with the emotional needs of their children all by themselves

gendered division of labor

the process whereby productive tasks are separated on the basis of gender


the study of how medical problems and health are distributed throughout a population

hidden curriculum

the unwritten goals of schools, such as teaching obedience to authority and conformity to cultural norms

personality disorders

the view that a personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to violate social norms

psychological explanations of deviance

the view that personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to violate norms

labeling theory

the view that the labels are given affect their behavior either deviance or conformity


the violation of norms (or rules or expectations)


the violation of norms written into law

Nanobots are ___________.

tiny sensors placed in the bloodstream


tracing lineage through the father

Community colleges, sometimes still known as junior colleges, can have two distinct goals. What are these goals?

transferring students to four-year colleges, and vocational preparation

acculturation (education)

transmission of education from one generation to the next


transmission of education from one generation to the next; in early societies, education was the same as learning a culture, and there was no separate institution for education (now there is)

About __________ of all full-time college students have drunk alcohol in the past year.


Melvin Kohn and socialization

type of work that parents do has an impact on how they raise their children

sick role

way to control sickness and separate those who are sick from the rest of society

techniques of neutralization

ways of thinking or rationalizing that help people deflect society's norms


we think of ourselves as related to both our mothers and our fathers side

Both in the highly industrialized United States and in much less industrialized Egypt, a family's __________ provides children with greater/better access to education.


relativity of deviance

what is deviant to some is not deviant to others

Rosenthal and Jacobson study

when pupils were labelled as high ability, they achieved highest


woman trained to assist women in childbirth

gender differences in sick role

women are more likely to claim sick role than men

how norms of gender affect the sick role

women are more likely to claim the sick role

According to Talcott Parsons, part of the sick role is that __________.

you are not held responsible for being sick

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