Sociology Final Exam

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According to the text, United states, the upper class is composed of the highest-earning:

5% of population

A man diagnosed with a sudden intense anxiety that his death will be causes by the recession of his sexual organ into his body id merely a delusional primitive


According to the text, most women have moved out of traditionally female occupations


According to the text, the rise of the "metrosexual" means that homosexuality will not be significant identity category in the future


All western countries have the death penalty


Class does not influence physical appearance


Ending world hunger is utterly unaffordable


Everyone was given equal help and care during and after Hurricane Katrine


No countries allow same-sex marriage


Only women are depicted unfairly in the media


Only young children and adolescents engage in rigid differentiation and categorization


Same sex marriage is legit in Nebraska


Slurs have static meanings, and do not change over time or social context


Socialization occurs in a social vacuum


Statistically, stereotypes are usually quite easy to change


Symbols are always embedded in the natural properties of what they symbolize


That race-bases crime statistics are so skewed simply means that blacks are more criminally inclined


Whether or not someone is ill is always the result of a purely objective biological determination


The fact that food shortages are a human and not a natural phenomena means that:

Food is always available to those who can afford it

Although U.S. culture dictates that the formation of relationships is based solely on the desires and attractions of the people involved, the law has historically restricted intimate contact based on sexuality, consanguinity, and:


The quotation from the text, "I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw along that hundred miles of horrible country," referred to which group in the 19th century?


The brakeman are an example of a group of people often discriminated against in what country?


What was the name of the NBA player who recently came out as homosexual that was in the clip shown in class?

Jason Collins

Name the star of Barbara Walters special we watched in class today


What U.S. Supreme court case put an end to anti-miscegenation laws in United States?

Loving vs. Virginia

The book describes current global ethnic violence in Eastern Europe against which group which are often described as "thieving subhumans with no respect for the law"


The fact that the Navaho recognize ladle as a third sex, the Tahitians recognize the mahu, the Lakota recognize the wink, and the Mohave recognize the Hwame and the alpha as a third and fourth sex, respectively, supports the perspective that sex is:

Socially constructed

Apartheid is generally associated with what country?

South Africa

Emily is a black woman with a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering with a high income but little personal or familial wealth; her social status is:

based on both achieved and ascribed criteria

According to the text, 1 in 3 black men can expect to spend time incarcerated at some point in their lives if the current trends continue


According to the text, both malnutrition and onsite are highly correlated with poverty


According to the text, historically working-class women have not been able to claim the same sick role as affluent women


According to the text, shortage of food today are the result of human, not natural, phenomena


According to the text, statistical research of actual searches show that whites are, in fact, more likely to be carrying illegal drugs, weapons, or other contraband


According to the text, the ability to ignore race reflects power and privilege


Ethnocentrism is the practice of judging another's culture using the standard of one's own culture


Heterosexism is highest among individuals who know no gays and lesbians personally


In developed nations, poor people die five to ten years sooner on average than wealthy people


More than two-thirds of low-income people work


Some gays and lesbians believe that discrimination increases as they climb the corporate ladder


The average American corporate chief executive now makes more in a single day than the average American worker makes in a typical year


The fastest-growing segment of the homeless population is family with children


The higher a groups political and economic position in society, the greater the likihood that its values and interests will be reflected in and protects by the law


The privilege of not having to think about race provides advantages to whites whether or not they approve of receiving such privileges


We all possess multiple identities


Wealth is different from income because it accumulates over generations


we can safely project that in ten, twenty, or fifty years from now, racial and ethnic identities and the color lines that divide us will not take the form they take today


The three things Newman identifies as making sure that illegal immigration continues are American employers needing cheap labor to maximize their profits, destitute foreigners seeing no occupational opportunities in their home countries, and:

U.S. immigration policy remaining restrictive

What african country passed an anti-gay bill this year that was recently overturned due to a technicality?


According to the test, lying on the could, eating from a tray, having someone to bring you things, and watching daytime television are common parts of:

being lazy

Movements for social change that tend to be most effective have the following characteristics: they must successfully frame the unfairness of particular social phenomena to gain support from various segments of the populations; they must be well organized; have a coherent set of beliefs, values, and ideas; make sure of current technologies to spread the word and mobilize resources, and:

bring together different groups in different structural positions

That the interests of powerful economic elites influence how seriously we take different types of crime is suggested by the fact that although minority street criminals are what we tend to fear the most:

burglary and robbery cost the United States $3.8 billion a year, while corporate crimes cost over $400 billion a year

According to the text, when parents share household and childcare responsibilities:

children thrive intellectually and emotionally and hold less-rigid gender stereotypes

According to the author, which of the following components of identity is lease likely to be attributed to innate biological or anatomical traits?


According to the text, the fact that "New Yorker" can mean Jew, and "urban" can mean black is a reflection of:

code words

The example of Gregory Williams's movement through racial categories as he moved from one state another is a reflection of the concept of:


institutional social problems are far too complex for an individual to have any effect on them whatsoever


Newman argues that ___ may replace genders most potent discriminating characteristic between workers in the future

family status

Poor women are often judged harshly for not living up to the ideology of what it means to be a good mother, yet at the same time the governmental programs that aid them:

force them to place their work roles above their parent roles

The fastest growing segment of the homeless population is:

former middle-class families living in motels

Referring to new-born daughters as tiny and soft, while referring to new-born sons as strong and hardy is an example of:


According to the text, the fact that many health forms follow up a question about whether or not a patient is sexually active with a question about the use of regular birth control is an example of:


Researchers do not devote time to ask why people become heterosexual because:

heterosexuality is normative

According to the text, what common article of clothing actually alters women's bodies?

high heels

In the U.S., the official poverty line is determined by:

the cost of a subsistence diet, multiplied by 3

Minner is a Black women who is working class and a lesbian; her experiences can best be represented if she is understood primarily as representing:

none of the above

In 2011 "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was:


According to the text, which group of women is most likely to pursue cosmetic surgery?

Asian Americans

According to the text, the three things O.J. Simpson has in his favor during his trail that Whites have historically had in their favor were the ability to buy a good defense, a face no stereotypically associated with crime, and:

a jury composed of members of one's own race

According to the text, the risk of developing an eating disorder among African-American women rises when such women have:

a strong desire to assimilate into the dominant White culture

Lynching was most of all:

a tool of psychological intimidation and terrorism

Of the changes since 1900 in the U.S., the text argues that the most significant in terms of identity has been the change in:

affiliation to the Christian religion

When interacting with a new contact person, Chris, Newman's job as an expediter was frustrated because:

all of the above

Educational attainment is usually described as:

an achieved status

According to Census Bureau estimates, ____ of Americans will continue to marry.

at least 90%

The average net worth of a US Senator is well over 10$ million and in the House of Representatives it is $5 million. These facts show that:

lawmakers tend to come from lives of privilege

According to the text, the "normal" American family consisting of two heterosexual parents: a breadwinner father and a stay-at-home mother and their children currently makes up ____ of the families in the United States

less than 25%

According to the text, the common usage of terms like "female engineer" and "male nurse" demonstrates that:

occupations take on the symbolic identity of those we expect to be in them

According to the text, discrepancies exist between punishments for the use of crack cocaine versus cocaine in powdered form because:

of discrepancies in who uses which form of the drug

Symbols are powerful social constructions because:

our lives and reality depend upon our knowledge of and agreement on them

Tobacco kills an estimated 443,000 people annually; one out of every five american deaths is smoking-related. More people die from tobaccos use that from the use of all illegal drugs combined, and aside from toxic poisons it is probably the single most lethal substance we can ingest. Yet it remains legal, with only age restrictions on its purchase and usage. According to the text, this is because:

politically powerful economic elites work against its criminalization

the fact that in the U.S. the Chinese were seen as "The yellow peril" in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and as a model minority by the 1980s, demonstrates that:

prejudice can rise and fall in response to threats to existing group hierarchies

According to the text, social movements have not completely altered the institutional landscape because:

social structures are highly complex and often operate through inertia

The concept that refers to the societal process that creates members whose values, behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions correspond to those deemed by the society as appropriate is called:


the statement "All students are partiers" is an example of a


The career model of 20 years of schooling followed by 40 years of work followed by recruitment is predicated upon:

the male career model

Whites may be described as "racially transparent" because:

their skin color is socially invisible

According to the text, women in sub0Saharan Africa engage in transactional sex because:

they are poor and need the money provided by their partners

The "post-ethnic" society means that:

traditional racial and ethnic definitions would become irrelevant

According to the text, upper- and middle-class women in the 19th century exhibited illnesses that women no longer exhibit because:

ut was an expected expression of their refinement and delicacy

According to the conflict perspective, stratification is best described as:

vertical differences arranged for the benefit of those already in power

In a stratified society, human difference is arranged:


The National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) passed a resolution that is still in effect today against the adoption of Black children by White parents. Among the reasons they did so was:

A black child growing up in a White family will never develop a positive racial identity

What University was recently embroiled in a scandal because they were not integrating their sororities and fraternities?



racially mixed people are always assigned the status of the subordinate group

According to the text, discrepancies between sentencing of users of crack versus powder cocaine are due to the discrepancies in the dangers of addiction to crack versus powder cocaine.


According to the text, heterosexual women have more heterosexist attitude that heterosexual men


According to the text, political correctness always reflects a shallow and meaningless attempt to sanitize language


According to the text, straightforward, direct sexual socialization is very common in the U.S.


According to the text, women are anatomically and hormonally predisposed to be better parents than men


All groups assign the same degree of importance to the role of race in the lives of their members


Assimilation into American culture has been equally easy for all groups


Class is not subject to the socialization process


Determining an individual's sex is always a strictly natural and straightforward process


Freedom of speech is absolute in the United States


Humans are the only species that have same sex pairings


Sexual orientation was included as a protected class in the 1964 Civil Rights Act


Sickle-cell anemia is found exclusively in one racial group


Since marriage is a legal contract, consenting adults are free to enter into any form of marriage they like in the United States


The justice system punishes all perpetrates of violence equally


The majority of American armed forces who fight on the front lines come from the upper class


The mass media have no influence on how we perceive crime and the legal system


The meanings of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality have always remained the same through time.


The poverty line is determined by what a family of four needs to feed, house, and clothe all its members adequately


Wage disparities between men and women are always simply a consequence of different levels of education and training


When president Obama was elected in 2008, racial prejudice ended


slurs are arbitrary and meaningless, only reflecting the ill-manners of those who use them


Newman realized his own cultural bias when was proud of his son for getting his first

Fat lip

20% of the world's population who live in developed nations consume 77% of the world's goods


According to the book, prejudice reflects relative group positions in society


According to the text, nowhere in the United States does one full time, minimum wage job provide enough income to afford adequate housing for a family of four


According to the text, people not easily categorized often make us uncomfortable


All states in the U.S. have stereotypes of their people


Some homosexuals are not in favor of same-sex marriage


An example of the process of assimilation would be:

a Mexican immigrant enrolling in English class

based on the discussion in the text, the most likely reason for the withdrawal of students of color into groups make up of other students of color is:

a desire to cut down on consistent experiences with the prejudice of Whites

According to the text, one reason why ethnoracial minorities are particularly vulnerable to economically motivated changes in businesses' locations is:

a lesser likeihood of securing new housing and transportation

Access to education is often derived from one's:

ascribed status

Applying slurs to those one knows are not members of the targeted group, such as calling boys and men "ladies" or any other feminine label, is an example of:

covering behavior through symbolic communication

According to the text, the work of anthropologist Margaret Mead suggested that:

definitions of "natural" gender tendencies are not universal

Among the factors focused on to explain homosexuality through the 1960s was:

domineering mothers

According to the text, the following is generally considered a dialect, not a language:


Newman's students did not understand the within-group diversity in the category "white" because they:

equated Whiteness with normality

The fact that a girl can be a tomboy and not have her entire sexual identity called into question, but a boy cannot likewise be a sissy and keep his sexual identity intact, reflects that:

in a society structured around and for the interests of men, stereotypically masculine traits are likely to be valued culturally and interpersonally

According to the text, broad conclusions drawn about how family influences gender development must be made with caution because:

most is it is based on samples of white, middle-class, and two-parent families

The POWER inherent in being racially transparent is described in the text as akin to:

psychological money in the bank

According to the text, that African-American families tend to emphasize the importance of hard work, indolence, and self-reliance equally among sons and daughters is a reflection of:

the historically high proportion of African-American women in the paid labor force

According to the text, among the institutional causes of homelessness in the United States are stagnant wages, changes in welfare programs, and:

the lack of affordable housing

According to the text, the treatment of immigrants most often fluctuates based on:

the level of economic prosperity in the county

According to structural-functionalism, a Starbucks barista would not need to be heavily rewarded, because even though there seems to be a high demand for take-out coffee:

the position of barista is easily filled

In the United States, although we recognize the existence of different erotically included categories, we only recognize two sexes. This is known as:

the sexual dichotomy

Examining social life and emphasizing the interplay between societal forces and personal characteristics in influencing peoples thought, actions, feelings, judgements, and interactions is known as:

the sociological perspective

Model minority stereotypes are not really complimentary because:

they can create damaging expectations

According to the conflict perspective, people become doctors primarily because:

they have access to training

The fact that red means danger in many cultures most likely demonstrates that:

those cultures have all learned and understood that red means danger

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